Author's Note: The stories is fictional although parts are true. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it. It is the next in a series of the tale of Jack. He just can't seem to say out of trouble.
Chapter One - The Packages
It was first part of November and the fall seasons had ended in the Midwest. My wife Paula and I (Jack) started the process of winterizing the home and putting the outdoor furniture away one Saturday afternoon when our neighbor Jill stopped by. She was checking with Paula about our plans for the following day, wanting to get together to catch up after their travel over the last several days. Jill and her husband John had recently been traveling together out to California. He had been tasked with a taking a box trailer out to a San Francisco warehouse, he's a trucker by trade. Jill had taken time off from her catering company business to tag along for a few days. The trip for her was in two fold, part spend time with John to see the sights of the city by the bay and to shop at two BDSM specialties stores that catered to her special interest. The fact they'd be traveling back with a partially empty trailer on the return trip had additional appeal. John had picked up the boxes she had purchased from the store locations, but like Paula and I had no idea what exactly was inside them. Jill and John like us had been involved with BDSM scene for quite some time with her as dominant Mistress and him as slave most of the time.
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Jill's secondary business "Mature Women Domination Inc." began to take off of its own accord over the last several months. For those who don't know Jill, she is our neighbor and Mistress of our group of John, Paula and I within weeks of moving into the area. She has slim athletic figure with big 38D tits, cute firm ass, shoulder length natural wavy red hair and a flare temper to match. She'd had been the dominant of our small group for several months when decided to start inviting other women and couples over to their home to train in the art of female domination of their partner(s). To this goal Jill and Paula had finished development of the "Male BDSM Menu" that I'd written some time before to use as a primer for the women wanting to learn the art. The "Menu" as we call it is for beginner Mistresses to learn through choice selection. The selections have an illustrated pictures and brief description on each scene to guide them along; starting with easier appetizers options, continuing on to medium sandwich variety and then the more severe main courses, ending with many delicious desert options as rewards for the mistress and or the slave. Since Jill owns a catering service so the Menu idea just seems to fit right in. During its initial publication several personal invitations went out with the Menu to entice her some female friends. One of her college friends Kim made a visit to during a midsummer party at our home (reference: Belated Bondage Surprise) and has since become a regular slave client along with the new boyfriend. Several other mutual female acquaintances have also stopped by donating fresh meat and cash to Jill's cause of pleasure and pain. As Menu has become a success it has also helped to support the business.
Paula, my wife accepted the role of Jill's subordinate in training the unruly male slaves that occasionally shown up on the finer points of bondage while also needing/desiring occasionally training herself. Paula is the second mistress and occasional slave on when Jill had taken on both male and female slaves supplied by their significant others. She hasn't complained about the extra work as she can live out her fantasies while keeping men in line, including her favorite me.
Throughout all the activity over the last several months I had noticed Jill hasn't endured bondage and torture to the same degree as her regular slaves, although John assured us she has firsthand experience on almost all of the items in our mutual collection. I had began to desire an opportunity even the score with her over several rough sessions while being used for training some of her new female clients. One in particular, Lilly had appeared to learn very quickly, having both Paula and I begging for mercy within hours of her arrival at their home. I later learned through Paula that Lilly was a ringer as she owned a domination service several hours away. Jill and Lilly had apparently had gotten together to compare notes for later opportunities to collaborate. Jill was still learning additional skills from Lilly and used us, her personal subject to practice on. If the situation ever presented itself, I'd enjoy driving the point home both literally and figuratively to repay Jill's torment of the last months.
The home they purchased across the street from us is large and had a very large unfinished basement area. John and I had worked together at Jill's request over the months to transform it into what we believe to be a first class dungeon for its size. It's complete with two sound proof rooms containing a metal bed frame, mattress and special chair in each permanently affixed to the floor, a larger open commons area so several clients can be serviced at one time, a unique corner shower area and a small penalty box under the stairs (John's idea) that isolates and keeps the victim very uncomfortable in position while enduring torment. We have constructed many of the other furnishings or purchased specific toys as needed to keep Jill's subjects very available for service, which brings us around to why she asked us to stop by. They were going to need some help to unload the truck of her latest purchases.
John had backed the tractor trailer around to the back side of the home for access to the basement and was opening the trailer doors when we arrived the next afternoon. Jill was thoroughly excited by the idea of showing off the new items to their collection, telling John to be especially careful unloading the boxes and bring in the tool box in from the garage on the way. John just gave her the crooked smile he often uses when she said something really dumb as we walked into the trailer. He indicated several boxes as we talked that needed unloaded, so he and I worked together to unloaded them while Paula and Jill got doors open in the basement area to receive them. When all the boxes had been placed in the basement dungeon area Jill asked us to help in uncrate them, so... we proceeded to open the boxes up like kids opening Christmas presents, with Jill's guidance on which items for each to open.
The first crate box opened was lighter and easily moved by the pallet jack. The wood crate we discovered was really a removable padded cover that slid up off the top, it was held in place with 4 metal latches with lockable loops at the bottom. Once removed we found it was a bondage transport cage, complete with silver colored square bars on the sides and top, a metal plate floor and pallet holes underneath, able to fit one medium size person securely in place when folded into position. The cage had a lockable hinged lid that allowed entry. On each side toward the back it had removable wrist cuffs on short chains that locked into loops on the sides or top for the hands, forward from them was a padded round bar that traveled from side to side pinning the arms up at the elbows. The bottom had removable ankle cuffs on short chains that locked into loops on the sides. In the center floor area it had small Y chain that ran through a metal loop that traveled on to the back of the cage, there it slid into a metal catch for adjustment. On the back cage panel roughly centered one foot off the floor were two additional metal adjustable rods sticking in, neither had items attached but Jill had purchased a assortment of dildo's and butt plugs just for use with the cage. The round bars were both removable to add accessories as desired. On the floor, centered in front end was an adjustable L shaped rod protruding upward with a padded collar device attached, forward and aft on the floor were several holes for air flow Overall it looked like very devious device.
Jill explained that several requests were received from female customers asking about possible pickup and delivery services offered along with the training of the slaves so... after carefully considering cost and usage she contacted a store sales rep and described the cage she'd seen on the website Naked Gord. The company she dealt with made one similar and was happy to accommodate change requests for the right price. Since Jill and Paula were now dealing with both male and female slave subjects she was decided that the transport cage should accommodate both. The crate/cage should be able to loaded and moved from location to location without drawing unnecessary attention from the general public. The additional sound proofed crate with its identifying markings Vegetables - Perishable on all sides could be quickly loaded by a pallet jack into her catering van and moved without much concern other than for the slave comfort which would be minimal once packed. With some additional padding at the knees and lower legs a subject could be transported for several hours while securely confined till the next Mistress releases him or her. As it turns out thick leg and knee foam pad inserts were the in next package opened.
Being a little silly I asked "Jill, why there was a Y chain on the floor?"
Jill said "Well, Jack if you're interested why don't you strip down and let us try it out so you can see?"
"No, I'm not that interested, maybe Paula would like to demonstrate it for you now." I answered with a large smile on my face, turning towards her to see blush.
Paula looked at the remaining crates wistfully and said "You might get that opportunity later, right now I'd like to see what else Jill brought home."
Jill had me open two of the smaller packages first, this included a Humbler Deluxe (includes electrical connections at the base of the balls) and a metal Cock Stand with ankle shackles for the males. Then Jill had Paula open two packages next, which turned out to be a Dildo Stand with adjustable ankle shackles with a fat dildo supplied by Jill, then a wide wood Breast Clamp for the females. John opened the last two packages, a wrist and ankle box, this caused the victim to be bent over at the waist, opening it later I noticed adjustable bands fitted inside for different sizes of wrists and ankles, last was a pair of silver J hooks with round balls on the end.
We slaves were all both apprehensive and happy at the same time; Jill was truly getting into the role of Mistress now, now insuring any slave would suffer a cruel fate should she become upset as she already had a flare temper. I for one had hoped she would be directly involved in testing her new toys, mentioning it to John in conversation later in the evening.
Jill said "The last items will need some assembly and goes on the floor where John installed the mounting bolts that are protruding out of the concrete in the common area."
The second large crate John and I moved was heavy so we moved it close by pallet jack to position before opening. Opening it with crowbars we peered inside and saw it contained several sections, by reading the instruction manual we found it was a bondage wheel. The base and pivot sections needed to be assembled along with three panels that comprise the wheel itself. In another box labeled as 2 of 2 the girls found the additional hardware needed to mount the victim to the wheel. From the same box Jill produced a round metal bar that had a dildo attachment point on one end within the package, she showed it to Paula although I didn't get a chance to study and see how it fit in. John and I read through the instructions and started the assembly process; after some figuring and adjustment the wheel in place and functional within an hour. Bolting the unit to the floor made it very stable and strong. Behind, it was tied to a geared down electric motor that with the flick of a switch caused the wheel to rotate at a selectable pace of up to 6 revolutions per minute and a timer adjustable for up to one hour. Once the unit was assembled and tested without the victim hardware Jill and Paula shoed us away so that they could complete the remaining work by installing strapping and shackles themselves.
We were hungry as it was after 6 pm when we stopped so when John and I went up to their kitchen and made supper while the girls finished their work on the wheel. By the time supper was ready the girls appeared from below all smiles so we ate supper while talking of their travels and the visit to the stores. After supper we convened to their living room with glasses of wine, talking and laughing for quite a while. Around nine we decided to part company and go home as the new work week would start again tomorrow. As Paula and I got ready for bed that evening we briefly discussed Jill's turn toward increased the torture of her would be slaves, wondering if she truly understood how it felt from that slave perspective. We both agreed Jill should test out the new equipment herself before trying it on anyone else. Going to bed we commenced in an enjoyable love making session without using any bondage equipment, by the end both of were drained and happy, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.
Chapter Two - Jill Predicament and My Error
The next day (Monday) Paula had requested I take a look at her car that hadn't been running quite right; she took my pickup to go on to work. I had taken a day off from work to catch up with her "Honey Do" list and get the vehicle repaired and ready for the holiday travel later in the month. Investigated the problem I decided after the better part of an hour it couldn't fix properly at home so called the local car shop to take a stab at it. They had an opening later in the day and asked if I could drop it by, so after driving the car over to shop the assistant brought me back to the house a little after Ten AM. Getting out of the car I noticed John's semi still parked around the side so thought I'd pop in and talk with him before returning to the house (also wanting to see the toys again, and yes I'm still a horny guy!). Going to the front door I knocked but received no answer, so going around to the garage side l noticed Jill's car was gone, but before giving up entirely I went back to the basement door and found it open. I yelled in for John but got no response, instead there was classical music playing very softly in the background so figured him to be inside (although it's not his choice in music), so I decided to check what he up to.
I walked through the hallway and into their dungeon area looking for John but he wasn't there, but Jill on the other hand... was very much on there. She was naked and strapped onto her newly acquired silver dildo pole in the commons room, looking very much like an erotic Barbie being held on display by its new metal stand. I viewed her from the backside on entering the room and was pleasantly surprised, thinking John had apparently had done an excellent job tying her up. She had a red full hood covering her head, apparently with a pump gag of some type in place as the bulb was hanging down her back along with her red hair. Her arms were pulled back into a red arm binder and laced tightly together. There was a black belt pulled tightly around her waist holding the arm binder tightly to her back, the legs were shacked to the pole at the ankle and with a wide belt wrapped just above the knees, the red four inch spike high heel shoes that were also locked onto her feet. From her rear lower rear were two pads with wires that ran down from to an ErosTec™, ET232 unit lying on the floor; looking closer at it I noticed it was set to audio loud. I now realized the classical music track playing softly in the hallway was louder in here and would eventually be building toward a crescendo at the ending. The CD had apparently already played many of its tracks. A was a second set of pads and wires were sitting in the unit case off to the side but had not been used. Walking around to the front side I saw the ribbed fat dildo she had purchased was indeed buried deep between her shaved pussy lips, it glistened with any movement with only the last few inches visible. This was indeed Jill as her green dragon tattoo was showing several inches above her pubic mound. Her clit head erect and poking out through the partial folds of her lips. Looking up, I noticed she also sported the new wood Breast Clamp on, as her tits were tightly compressed between the two boards, elongating them by being flattened and making her nipples stand out proudly. The leather belt strap holding the clamp in place was barely visible from the side as it disappeared behind the arm binder. Her head was entirely covered with the eye and mouth covers snapped in place, and the mouth appeared extended and truly filled.
I mentally review the situation wondering where John was and why Jill had been left in this position, but suspected he wouldn't be gone very long. I looked around for him in the basement but couldn't locate him, so returned to the dungeon. Realizing this type of opportunity wasn't going to occur again anytime soon I decided to indulge in the luxury of torturing her as well. Only a few things missing in my opinion, one was a set of clamps holding on to each of those extended tit buds, the second a set of pads, one on each side near the her clit opening. She was truly excited as seen by the nub of her clit poking out between the folds and juices dribbling down from the dildo. I contemplated placing a tweezers clamp on it as well but decided better of it as John might not approve but instead placed the pads in close proximity to the clit head on each side, rubbing it again in the process and enjoying her moan and struggle, possibly from looking for some more attention. Getting up I went over to the cabinet drawer locating a set of Clovis clamps, walking back I stopped by the CD player and put the music on pause. I then proceeded to hook the wires to the ET232 unit and the pads stroking the clit head with my index finger again, enjoying both the movements and sounds. Standing up again, I opened the Clovis clamps and slowly applied one to each nipple. When each was affixed she squealed like a stuck pig, moving in what way she could while being tightly strapped on the sturdy pole, only burying the dildo deeper up inside. Wanting to enjoy the full experience I left the room quickly grabbed a couple of beers from their refrigerator in the other side of their basement and returned back to the dungeon area sitting down in one of the comfortable leather chairs across the room in a place normally reserved for the Dom's.
Jill, the dominating woman who repeatedly tortured Paula, John and me was now very much out of control of the situation! She was being tormented both by the music and other devices recently acquired. I relished the thought that she was unable to change or control her situation; my cock became very stiff from the stimulus supplied. I turned the CD player back on, possibly a little louder that necessary and opened a beer beginning to watch and enjoy the erotic show in front of me, thinking John would show up eventually as he wouldn't allow her to be left in that position without a safety valve. The second beer retrieved was left in a cozy on the side table for John. I figured after some pleasant conversation he would be agreeable to allow help devised additional torments for her. Jill was like the hesitant new strip pole dancer, moving up and down but not getting nowhere fast, moaned loudly in time to the beat of the music playing. There were beads of sweat glistening from all part of her body as the music reached its crescendo and looked as though she'd be willing to jump right off the pole to get away from it. Her crotch, ass and tits must have all been on fire; much as mine had been several previous occasions. As the music had progressed her breathing had become heavy and labored while moving on the pole, suddenly she became ridged and still in what I believed must have been one major orgasm by the sighing moan that followed. Her juices flowed down the dildo and pole as the music selection ended; she ceased to really struggle as the next selection started.
Mesmerized now by Jill's show in front of me I hadn't paid attention as someone entering the room behind me placing a hand on my shoulder which made me jump. At the time my hands were otherwise occupied in rubbing my erect member now in my hands outside of my pants. Looking up and to the left I saw Paula standing there. The last time I saw her she had left for work earlier in the morning. I turned flush red, wondering how she was here now and where the hell was John? Those thoughts were quickly vanquished as Paula walked around in front of me. She was dressed in her jet black leather full cup corset, short black leather skirt and black high heal boots, at her waist hung a utility belt like those used by police officers holding several items including metal cuffs. In her hand she held a red riding crop, ready for use. She truly looked the role of a dominant woman that I always have found sensuous and erotic. Shutting off the CD player to my side she said in a commanding tone "SLAVE, Stay put and don't move!"
Paula went over to Jill, shut off the Tens unit, removed the nipple clamps, loosened the binds of breast clamp and arm binder but didn't release Jill of any trappings holding her to the dildo stand. Walking back in front of me she said "Strip off those cloths slave, then put on these cuffs...NOW!" I was taken back, the balance of the power that had changed in an instant; originally in control of the situation the control was taken away by of all people my wife. She apparently had seen my attempt at masturbating while viewing Jill and was now upset with me, I complied reluctantly with her command. She also tossed ankle cuffs at me as well moments later with a look insuring compliance. When I completed stripping down I looked up and noticed she was staring at me with something close to contempt, grabbed the crop she snapped it on my now exposed rear. "On your hands and knees, NOW SLAVE!" she demanded.
I complied by dropping to the floor, she then directed me over to the open shower area off to the side of the commons with her crop so...I slowly crawled over to it, hobbled by the cuff chains. She wasn't apparently happy with my speed, so caught the edge of the crop on my ass several times ensuring my attention to quickly completion of the task. Once there I was fastened by locks to clips embedded in the floor for both wrist and ankles (an idea I originally suggested when building the shower area). I tried to ask why she wasn't at work but she ignored my question, continuing with her preparations. Once fastened by padlocks securely into place she added a trainer ball gag to my ensemble from the wall, buckling it tightly in place and adding a lock. Satisfied I was no longer a considered a threat she filled the large red water bottle with warm water in the shower area, grabbing an inflatable enema nozzle tied to the bottle she started inserting it into my exposed ass using little or no lubrication, working it in and out till after several rotations it went past the sphincter muscles and sucked in the rest of the way. She inflated it further with several pumps of the bulb then turned on the valve allowing it to fill all voids within my lower bowels then walked away allowed it to do its work. What I didn't know at the time was that Paula had added Ivory soap to the water. Leaving me she walked towards Jill or so I thought as she disappeared behind me. For the next while I endured sever cramps from the enema, resulting in me whimpering like a little wet puppy trapped in a very small cage. I assumed after thinking that it was a tit for tat exchange on mistreating Jill but I was wrong, Mistress Paula was really pissed off!
Paula didn't return to Jill after our encounter but instead walked over to one of the cabinets holding the many bondage items, selecting some supplies she put them into a canvas bag used for the bondage scenes then on to one of the rooms, entered it. She was in the room for several minutes before coming out and returning to Jill while I suffered in the commons area. She removed the blind on Jill's hood so she could now see if still mute and deaf facing roughly in my direction, seeing that I was anchored to the floor on all fours with an enema plug firmly stuck in place, a line going from it to the enema bag filled with liquid. Although no one could see the look of surprise in Jill's eyes, by her grunts you could tell this isn't what she expected to see. Jill had quickly figured out that Paula wasn't the only one to have tortured her; Paula's smile at her to acknowledge this thought.
Paula said "Jill, look who I found watching you? My husband apparently enjoys watching you while you're all trussed up, and adding to your torment. I came in the room to find him sitting in the chair stroking his cock, starting to masturbate to your situation, so... I've decided he needs some sever discipline for his bad behavior! What do you think? Did you like all of his work?"
Jill wasn't able to respond by words but nodded her head yes to the first questions. Her response to the second question was hesitant at first which Paula read as yes, although Jill eventually answered no not understanding Paula's meaning.
Reaching down she turned on the ET232 back on then continued my direction, stopping at my location she reached down and clamped the enema line closed on the plug side then removed the line attached to the water bottle letting its remaining contents drain away. She walked in front of me now holding the two inch leather paddle in her hands, ensuring I knew exactly what was to come then retreated behind. Jill was also able to see the event unfold before her. Paula started without ceremony wheeled the paddle till it hit my ass firmly in an explosion of pain both from the paddle and cramps of the pent up liquid still trapped inside by the plug. I howled loudly through the ball gag like a lone wolf baying at the full moon, followed by a response in kind from Jill trapped on the dildo pole. Paula continued the assault for ten swats covering all sides of my ass almost causing me to pass out. My wife can truly be a mean bitch on occasion.
I didn't see how Jill faired during the ordeal other than to know we suffered together. Paula stopped briefly to open the clamp allowing the pent up liquid to drain, she hosed off the floor of the remaining liquid. Grabbing the bulb tied to my plug she squeezed it several more times till I though it explode inside, using fresh warm water in the bottle she reinserted the hose to the plug, turning it back on and filling my ass again ensuring misery as she left. I watched from the distance as Paula lowered the dildo and rod pinning Jill, then the wires on front and back leaving the pads followed by shackles on the ankles belt at the thighs. Jill appeared worn out from the treatment but still able to walk with a wobble. Paula escorted her to the empty room disappearing inside; returning back to me after many minutes had gone by. I wondered what happened to Jill but really didn't care as the cramps of earlier had returned in force. My wife unhooked the hose again allowing it to drain then deflated the enema plug before removing it. While it was draining she went back to the cabinet looking for something, apparently happy once found she returned smiling, showing me a small metal cock cage I've worn on many occasions. I didn't find this encouraging as the punishment to this point might have fit the crime, but she was now adding on more! She rinsed me off then unlocking me from the clips in the floor she pulled me up to eventually a standing position, slipping the ring around the base and slid the cage in place putting a lock on preventing any possibility of an erection, then added two additional pads from the ET232 container at the base of my cock on either side. Once complete she led me to the middle of the room and had me stop.
Paula said from behind "Well husband it looks like you're in for a real treat, I've decided you'll get to try out the Wrist and Ankle box that Jill purchased, the first to take it for a test drive."
She had already retrieved the box from its newly stored location, setting it down in the center of the room she led me to the box which was now had open of the inside flaps. Stepping into the box my wife removed the metal ankle cuffs, adjusted the ankle straps located inside and adjusted them, and put the opposite plank in place sliding the lid locks home, repeating the process with the wrists. Since I hadn't put up resistance I was now bent over at the waist with my ass now very prominently displayed. I looked back to see that she now had Clovis clamps used earlier laid on the floor close by. Then she produced a small piece of nylon cord, reaching in from behind for my balls she started wrapping it around the base till they were extended into a very tight bulbous package well away from my trapped cock and body. She added the Clovis clamps to both of my nipples; I had a very bad feeling about what would happen next.
Walking away Paula left me like that, returning to Jill inside the room. Paula returned after many minutes with slave Jill now in tow. Jill no longer had the arm binder on but instead a three inch leather posture collar with chin cutout on and her wrists attached to a wide leather strap running down the back. The collar had a leash attached. She was able to see through the hood although still properly gagged and breasts now each bound tightly with many raps of nylon rope, stretching out her areolas larger than a silver dollar and nipples poking out, the remainder of the rope left was making a bra holding them up proudly. There were a few new additions to Jill's midsection as well; she now had on a black leather belt with many D loop attachment points at the waist and a large diameter black 6 inch strap on dildo held in place with a condom covering it at her crotch. It was flapping back and forth as she walked in a free flowing movement, unlike the ridged penis that a man would have; it was scary and erotic at the same time. The metal ankle shackles I had previously worn were now on hers. Paula ensured we had a good viewing of each other before lining Jill up the next activity she had planned. As Jill continued in a circle around me I saw the slight outline of a black butt plug planted between her cheeks of her ass. My cock began throbbing badly within its metal cage as Jill completed a full circuit around my position, Jill noted my accessories as well, when finished my wife stopped with Jill in front of me.
Paula gave us both an evil grin then said "Well husband, remember how we talked last night about Jill's lack of time spent on the slave side of the fence? This morning she gave me an emergency text message (Jill 911) on my cell phone a little before nine AM at work. The code is normally reserved for very unruly guest that needing to be dealt with swift and sternly in their home; it's one step below calling the police. I left work quickly knowing she in desperate need of my help, dropping everything and telling the boss it was a family emergency. So... guess what I found when I got here? Using my pass key I found John wasn't home but had left a note on the kitchen table about paperwork needing his attention at work; letting Jill know he borrowed her car at seven AM. On coming down into the dungeon area I found her impaled on the new dildo pole... just like someone had set her up! (She looked down sternly at me) Looking around the house I thought it empty; her cell phone still lying open on the floor behind to her. I had thought about checking in on you but eventually decided that Jill must have somehow set herself up, which wouldn't have been an easy task; so I decided to teach her a lesson. I finished tightening the lacing of her arm binder much tighter, added the belt at her waist, and then snapped closed the eye flap thinking she should suffer a while before proceeding. So while waiting I decided to go home and change into clothing that was more appropriate to the task, only to find you in sitting in the Dom's chair trying to masturbate to her well displayed form when I returned! So husband...when did you decide to take matters into your own hands?! Was it before or after we made love last night?"
It's funny that I now remembered seeing my truck parked in the usual place in our driveway, having totally forgotten that Paula used it to get to work (talking about the little head thinking for the big head). She must have parked it there when going in to change. I tried to respond to her accusations but she was truly pissed, disregarding any of my ball gagged responses.
Turning to Jill she said "Jill, you know my husband was right for once, he was thinking you needed to spend time trying out your new devices so you knew how it felt. You're always the one able to dish it out, now let's see how well you handle it!
Jill also tried to respond to her accusations, but being properly gagged could not answer on how she came to be in that position. She looked at me pleadingly for help then realized she was entirely at Paula's mercy.
With that Jill was marched behind me, Paula aligning her position until the dildo came close to my ass then guided the lubricated dildo into my waiting asshole. Once slowly pushed past the sphincter muscles Jill continued pushing forward, burying it deeper within. As this was happening Paula produced a thin leather strap she had been holding and ran it through the side loop on Jill's waist belt, around my waist and back to the opposite side of Jill's waist belt to another loop. Grabbing on both ends of the belt Paula pulled it loosely together and snapped it, thus holding Jill's hips next to mine and pinning the large dildo inside. I whimpered, as Paula now happy with her progress returned to the dildo pole; she recovered the ErosTec ™, ET232 unit lying on the floor along with several metal locks and another set of Clovis clamps. Returning to us she applied the second set of clamps to what was left of Jill's perky nipples then added the extra locks as weight to the chain dangled between them on both of us. Last she hooked the wires to from the ET232 unit to Jill's lower rear pads and those on close by to my now straining imprisoned cock.
Paula said "Well husband, it only makes sense that you suffer for your misdeeds. I think given the opportunity you probably would have fucked Jill's brains out, I think she should be given the same opportunity, don't you?"
It must have been and interesting sight for Paula, seeing the dominate busty Jill hooded, gagged, looking straight ahead, her breasts again tightly squeezed by the nylon rope with a slight blue cast, tits poking out and pinched by the weighted Clovis clamps, hands locked securely behind her back, butt plugged now humping her bent over slave. The slave, (me) still ball gagged and unable to move from the bent over perch, nipples pinched and weighted, cock now uselessly trapped in a metal prison, balls tightly being squeezed and turning a lovely shade of blue, now being impaled from behind with the large black dildo. Both of us stood stock still; that is until Paula decided the player's movements need to be set to motion.
She looked at us and smiling an evil smile for several moments then walked over and retrieved a riding crop from the items hanging on the wall, stroking it gently as she walked around us, letting the next action sink in. In my mind it's like the fear or dread a young child would feel after being very bad, waiting for the parent use the paddle. No words were spoken but Paula proceeded with the viewing till I heard a snap of the crop, followed closely by Jill's movement forward impaling the shaft of the dildo all the way in (my thinking). Paula continued the assault snapping the crop many times on both sides of Jill's ass ensuring we were both suffering. Reaching between our legs with the crop she hit my balls and Jill's pussy lips and her tied breast several times making us dance and giving off screams of pain. She played with the dangling nipple clamp chains making them swing wildly. Her verbal assaults were used in good measure showing that she could be as ruthless as Jill when needed. When Paula finally tired of the activity we both sore and had red welts in many areas.
Paula said "I don't know about you two but I am starting feeling a little better. You shouldn't hold those angry feeling in but express them, right Jill?" Not really looking for any response from Jill.
Reaching down Paula turned on and adjusting the output intensity settings from the ET232 but leaving it on Audio Loud. Walking back to the chair that I had occupied just an hour before she pulled a Rolling Stones CDs from the rack, after inserting in the player the previewed the selections, she selected the song "I can't get no satisfaction". Opening the semi cold beer she sat back and pressed play, enjoyed the erotic spectacle again set to motion before her while Mick Jagger was singing. Her horny husband who had set Jill up was now being auto fucked by her. Jill was having uncontrolled spasms at her hips causing them to push forward, Jack in turn having spasms around his trapped cock trying to back away, neither able to gain orgasmic satisfaction but both humping like you wouldn't believe. The nipple clamps swinging back and forth in time to the music. Several more songs played before Paula decided that we had enough torment, the sweat was pouring from both of us in the process, grunting and squealing like feeder pigs eagerly anticipating the next meal.
John walked into the dungeon as the second scene was playing out close to noon; he was both amused and concerned by the erotic view. Walking over to Paula he asked "What going on?"
Paula answered "Our spouses are getting their just deserts; both are just too horny for their own good."
John sat and listened as Paula explained the events of the morning including the emergency text from Jill, finding his wife riding the dildo pole and my attempt at masturbating to his wife's bound frame. John his face widening into a smile as he listened, then walked around and looked Paula's handiwork studying all the devices and connections, a large bulge beginning to show from the front of his pants. While John couldn't see Jill's facial expression he knew she was both upset and hurting; still he wasn't willing to change a thing. He turned back to Paula after thinking about the situation and said "Jill is always telling me that bondage and discipline are good things to help to build ones character and patients. It looks like my wife got a good spanking for playing with the toys unaccompanied and for taking you away from your work. As for Jack, he shouldn't be playing with my wife without my permission. Since we have a new metal Cock Stand I think you would do good to lock him to it and whip the offending cock and balls, to reminding him who's in charge. What do you think?"
Paula thought about for several seconds before answering "I'd be willing to deal severely them both for a while longer if you'd help? I'll need to phone my boss and let her know I'll be gone for the rest of the day."
Jack smiled again and said "Paula, you got yourself a deal! I really do think my wife should feel the whole affect of being a slave!"
Paula said "Maybe your right. My horny husband really should be taught a lesson about leaving other women alone so... but before we get start let's go out and have a private conversation. There are a couple things we should discuss and a few ideas that might be interesting to try; seeing that we have our horny spouses as the captive participants."
Both Jill and I wanted to argue the points thrown out but could not properly respond to their conversation.
They looked back at us with their conversation at an end, Paula shut off the Ten's unit, and removed my Clovis clamps and weights, rubbing them briskly, causing me to scream and inflict more pain as circulation returned. Then she grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard making me moan loudly before removed the cord to allow circulation again. When she finished with me John removed Jill's Clovis clamps, rubbing them, causing her to scream as circulation returned. He then loosened the rope allowing blood flow back in her breast (she told me later it felt like a million little needles being applied all around them at one time). He also let a little of the air from her gag although still sealed beneath the hood. They finished allowing us to catch our breath although we both were still very sore. My ass felt like it had been reamed 3 sizes larger. They left the room to have their conversation that I was sure would only lead to more misery. My wife still didn't understand I was innocent of trapping Jill on the stand, but I was now going to pay the price. In my mind Jill somehow had the misfortune of getting stuck after getting on the pole and needed help to get off. Unable to stand still after our current ordeal Jill was continuing to torment my ass, my cock again straining against its metal prison was thumping hard.
It was a full twenty minutes later when they returned, with John was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Paula must have had imparted several ideas that would now be implemented after lunch, which they brought down. They removed some of our bonds and added others before escorting us to the small rooms, deciding to separate us during the lunch break. They ensured John was with Jill and I was with Paula. Entering the room before Paula she had me bend down and hold onto the bed frame rail, once I did she pulled out an inflatable vibrating butt plug from the bag, lubricated it and pushed it into my waiting asshole, easily seating it then inflated till she was satisfied it couldn't be removed, although I thought it might burst inside from the pressure. She ushered me to over to the chair and once seated began strapping me into place.
Something I hadn't mention about the metal chair mounted to the floor in each of the rooms was that had several options, in its current configuration with the seat removed it supported the subjects weight by the metal frame that angled in on top toward the crotch from the front legs. This supported the thighs but left the butt cheeks of the ass wide open along with the crotch area. There was also a ring in the floor below the seat for tying objects to (like men's balls). If the seat was clipped into place there was the ability to add options to it like dildos to it. The arms and back were a separate removable unit open below the mid back but tapered together above so that the subject couldn't move the head or torso if properly strapped to it in as I now was.
Paula said "You're not to talk to me slave! If you do I'll ensure you're unable to sit for a week." She ensured my compliance by setting down the Enforcer paddle we owned by the side of the bed. Then unlocked and removed the trainer gag that I'd worn during the last two hours, allowing for a very quiet lunch which she intended to feed me.
Lunch as it turns out was cold sandwiches and Gatorade along with a pill I thought was ibuprofen. After lunch she produced the canvas bag previously used, removing a black full face hood I had purchased months before and brought it around to my face.
Eager to explain I said "Jill was already on the dildo pole when I got here." in my very brief defense
Paula responded "Yes, I know that now but you had your cock out, masturbating to her situation didn't you."
I didn't have an answer other than "yes"
Paula said "Then you'll suffer the same fate as Jill." With that she slipped the hood over my head and laced it down the back, closing the strap and added a small padlock. Next came a inflatable penis gag, snapped in place and pumped up but she didn't put the eye piece on, instead she produced the enforce from the bed frame and gave me a view before disappearing behind and leveling several underhand shots at my exposed ass, hitting on all sides till I was very sore. I let out muffled screams but was helpless to stop the barrage. When she finished she said "I told you not to talk to me slave, you knew the consequences of your action." With that she added the eye piece snapping it in place then walked out the door, leaving me strapped to the chair in the dark waiting for the next torment.
Chapter Three - Mistress Paula in Control
I struggling initially knowing there was no possibility escape so eventually sat and waited, still thinking delicious thoughts of Jill still riding the dildo pole bound and gagged when she finally came, it was a beautiful sight. My cock was throbbing hard in no time, bound inside its metal prison. What I didn't know was the vibrating butt plug set in my ass was put on a timer, until it went off. My cock already throbbing now kept time to the vibrator stuck in my ass, unable to think of something else I was in real misery, desperately wanted the cock cage off and the ability to stick it where it would do some good and come. After several minutes the vibrator shut off only to come on again minutes later, rerunning the torture over again. It seemed like hours later when someone finally released me from the chair but didn't remove the hood; instead I was lead out into the main room blind, almost deaf and mute. My wrists were cuffed together in front of me. The metal cock cage was eventually removed (for which I was very thankful as it had throbbed badly) and I heard Paula talking with someone else but didn't understand their conversation as the hood muffles sounds.
Then Paula said louder to me: "On your hands and knees slave NOW!"
I did understand that command and also felt the riding crop on my ass so... I got down as best I could without the ability to see. It took several seconds but I finally made it.
"Now plant your face on the floor before I whip you!" she added
There was little else to do, dropping first to the elbows then eventually lowering my hooded face down to the floor.
The Humbler Deluxe that was recently purchased opened with the key allowing it to hinge like a clam shell. Reaching under Paula captured my loose balls in her hand pulled them through the opening, holding them against one side of the devise till she was able to pull it closed; adjusting for loose skin till it was latched in place. They were now trapped and locked behind me so that by movement there was a constant tug backwards (I quickly understood this), a belt was also added to my waist but didn't know why. I felt some wiring had been added around my crotch, this wiring apparently went to the humbler. The belt must have a pouch on the back side as something had been added to it. The posture collar was again added to my neck, the pair of leather cuffs on my wrists locked together behind my back by a leather belt. Grabbing my shoulder someone guided me back to a semi standing position, my balls now firmly being tugged with each movement. I was guided forward many paces with tugs from the collar with my balls beginning pulled with each movement till they ached from the constant backward pull, till finally stopped. While still unable to see I now began to smell the fragrance musk of a woman's exposed pussy.
Paula said loud enough for me to hear "It's time to service slave Jill's pussy, you wanted to enjoy it earlier, now you have that chance to but there is a catch. You'll need to find it, and then do a good job licking it out or you'll be punished."
With that the penis gag I had worn was deflated and removed, still being unable to see I knew it was close by smell. I moved forward bumping into her hips. By using smell I felt that I'd gotten closer to her nether region and finally more centered at her waist but nothing was where it was supposed to be. Squatting down I found her belly button which was lower, which meant she was upside down. Centering myself again I went up till I found the beginning of a dip forward. This is where things got bad. I had to raise my body slightly higher up due to the stiff collar being worn, as my head could not fully follow the curve. So as I tried to rise up it pulled hard on my already stretched balls. When I could stretch no further up I finally found the top of her slot, to lick the nub of her clit poking between the folds. I heard her moaning as it was licked but could only hold that position for moments before needing to stop from the pain inflicted on my now stretched balls, lowering myself again to gain relief. After several moments I felt the riding crop on my ass snapping hard against my butt cheeks till I stretched back to the position and started licking her clit again. My balls were on fire as I tried to accomplish the task before me which was just beyond my grasp. This repetition went on for multiple cycles, driving Jill up a wall by the sounds of her deep moans and keeping me in pain from the constant pull on my balls. That was till someone decided to turn on the ET232.
The ET232 apparently was set for wave this time, gaining my attention fully as it reached the apex. My balls, already on fire was now were now feeling as though someone was sticking large sharp pins into and through each of them. As this was all happening the butt plug worn also came back on distracting me as well. Any focus I previously had was lost and I found myself going into a total melt down with no way to shut things off. I must have jerked hard on my balls several more times before eventually reaching the floor. That was real pain, as I laid there for several moments before someone finally had pity and finally shut things off. I lay there in a meltdown puddle for a while as the pain subsided, listening to Jill's continued moaning from an unknown source. When at last I recovered the Humbler Deluxe and my eye covering had been removed, I was now on lying on my back. My wife was now looking at me with some distress, asking if all was ok. I don't remember if I answered but just laid there for quite, fully stretched out allowing the feeling to come back to my manhood, with my eyes closed, hands still trapped behind my back. She reached down, rubbed on my aching balls to bring back the circulation, which after several moments surprisingly in turn caused my cock to revive as well.
When I finally opened my eyes I was looking up at an angle at Jill, now in an upright position strapped to the bondage wheel beside me. She was tightly strapped onto the wheel, arms and legs splayed out, now with a pump gag strapped into her mouth. She was looking down at us, witnessing as Paula out of pity of remorse began sucking me off while she remained trapped and unsatisfied on the wheel. This in my mind seemed like the perfect reward to Jill's past abuse of me. Paula continued on in a slow and deliberate way till I gave warning that I wanted to come; she stopped, then standing removed her panties. She straddled my waist, slipped down over my waiting cock and started to ride me hard till I came in an explosion, gaining some release from the pent up strains of the day. The pill I had been given earlier wasn't Ibuprofen but instead was Viagra as I continued to remain hard while she rode me till she was also well satisfied. Once she completed our foray Paula pulled me back up to me feet and walked me over to a concrete wall that has many eye hooks, snapping the chain of my collar onto one thus holding me until needed again, adding the penis gag and inflated it. She smiled at me then told me to stay quiet and enjoy the show while she left to clean up. This gave me some much needed time to recuperate from the ordeal.
While Paula was gone to clean up I spotted John, now wearing a black pair of leather shorts and a utility belt similar to Paula's. He was working with some items from the table where we assembled parts of the bondage wheel the previous night. When he returned he had a black ribbed dildo attached to metal pole about two feet long. I had seen this the day before from the 2nd crate that the girls opened. He walked with it over to Jill's location. Jill was held by the bondage wheel as John rotated it around again till she was upside down and stopped; he then slid a condom onto a ribbed dildo attached to metal pole. He lubricated the condom with some KY for Her ® ensuring that would slide in easily. The long smooth rod has two plastic square blocks on it that allowed it to slide lengthwise; these blocks as I learned attached to the notched track located on the wheel between the victim's feet and aimed at the crotch opening. One of the blocks was set out about sixteen inches and the other within six inches of the crotch. By slipping the well lubricated dildo into her wide open pussy he was able to clip both blocks onto the tracks supplied and latch them into the position, the weight of the steel rod itself acted to push the dildo in deep within her. At the top and base of the rod are metal stop rings with rubber bushings that hit against the white blocks on each end, currently allowing about five inches of unimpeded travel thus preventing permanent damage to the victim.
John then turned the wheel rotation and slowly adjusted speed up till Jill was rotated through one cycle. The ribbed dildo was able to slide almost entirely out of her pussy as she rotated head up, then started to travel back in by weight as she rotated past 90 degrees, burying almost to the hilt when she was upside down. She moaned as it penetrated, it glistening as it made its exit only to disappear again as Jill rotated around. John watched as she rotated once then decided to add to the predicament by adding Clovis clamps and two padlock weights to the chain between the nipple clamps. I noticed she also had a butt plug inserted as could be seen by the base outline and tape holding it in place. He then slowly increased the revolutions till it was turning at two per minute. Jill was becoming very frustrated due to the slow and deliberate speed at which the ribbed dildo penetrated and weighted chain yanking at her nipples on each cycle which is right where John wanted her to be. He then set a timer associated with the wheel and stepped back to watch as she completed several cycles. Paula had returned and was now standing close by watching.
John said "I know my wife wanted to try out this wheel and see if it worked as advertized, what better way than firsthand experience. She gets to experience the "Rotary Fucker" as she called it." He and Paula both chuckled at the comment.
Paula thought and then responded "I was reading last night in the owner's manual that the plastic blocks on wheel each have two holes so... it could be setup to service either hole on a woman or the rear on a man depending on which the shaft run through. Now I think the males will enjoy that!" John didn't laugh at that comment (I suspect he knew Jill would want to even the score later on). "I also read that a second bar could be added if purchased to fill both at the same time." This made him smile again thinking of that possibility.
I could see Jill glare at them between cycles of her torment, if nothing else her temper would eventually flair when given the opportunity. Once things were in motion he and Paula went back to the chairs, sitting back with a cold beer they discussed their plans and watched Jill being tortured. I wasn't able to hear their discussion afterward both from having the hood on and Jill's moans close by.
Paula left John after a while to find something in the cabinet. Finding the item she came back to me, showing a large black penis sheath/extender that slips over the cock and allows the balls poke through a small hole in back, thus holding the sheath in place. Since my cock was stiff she added a small amount of lube to it, flattened the unit expelling the air inside. It quickly sucked on to my erect member, and after some additional work she put my tortured ball sack and balls slid through the little hole behind it, trapping them by the strap behind. She gave my nipples and balls a good tweak before leaving to return to the chairs. John was mesmerized by the sight of Jill riding her Rotary Fucking Wheel and hadn't really notice what Paula was up to.
John continued to watch Jill through the cycles and was now clearly sporting an erection through his shorts. After fifteen minutes the timer finally went off with her upside down fully penetrated, that erotic sight must have finally got the better of him. He got up and removed the leather shorts and set them off to the side showing off his erection while walking up to the wheel. He started the wheel rotating again till it made a half cycle so that she was again upright and stopped it.
John smiled broadly at Jill then said "Jack is right, you need to take your medicine like a big girl. You've been mistreating both Jack and I so now you need to suffer the consequences. You know that I've been requesting good head job from you for several days but you've been refusing me. So how do we make things right!?" (I suspect she already knew the answer.)
He removed Jill's gag for the first time in what I thought had been several hours. Jill was first quiet for a moment, possible due to her jaws being sore or stuck from being held in one position. She did eventually yell some superlatives at John as he reached around turning on the wheel. He listened and watched as she rotated to a point roughly even with his cock, this meant Jill was almost partway upside down again, the metal rod and dildo started to slide down again eventually penetrate her fully as she stopped. He grabbed her nose and pinched till she finally had to take a breath then inserted his cock into her waiting mouth. He proceeded to ensure she would choke several times before completing the task. By the slurping sounds she made during the process I suspect she finally enjoyed it after the initial shock wore off. This went on for several minutes before he finally pulled away from her, both breathing hard. Paula and I watched. I could tell Paula wasn't pleased with John as he must have deviated from their original plans but she said nothing.
He asked Paula to bring over vet tape and the stepstool, which she did. While she brought the items Jack removed the dildo that had been penetrating Jill releasing the clips and sliding the blocks off the track, setting it off to the side. He then removed the Clovis clamps from her nipples, vigorously rubbing her hurting nipples causing her to scream out in pain. Jill again started yelling superlatives which apparently John didn't take to kindly so he retrieved her pump gag and after pinching her nose again inserted and buckled it in place, giving several pumps to quiet her complaints. He reused the clamps on the upper side of Jill's pussy lips exposing her engorged clit head; then taped them to her legs with the vet rap. She continued to scream through the gag. Last he put the wide, one step stool at the wheel base. Jill was arguing in what way she could about these intrusion to her body with the gag in place to no effect.
Paula quickly figured out what he was going to do next, so she pulled out both wrist and ankle cuff and the trainer gag I wore earlier from the duffle bag and stuck them back on her tool belt unobserved, then brought a second three step stool close by while John was completing his job with the tape on the Clovis clamps.
Once John finished he stepped around and flipped the switch turned the wheel around again, when Jill was upright again he stopped it and stepped on the stool, quickly inserting his cock into already Jill's already well lubricated pussy. John intended to enjoy this particular foray, as he had on many occasions been on the receiving end of harsh punishment from Jill. He impaled her with his cock rubbing against the exposed clit with his body, his hands placed above Jill's head for balance. He then started to stroke her in and out enjoying the feeling of her being well bound and relatively quiet for once. Paula quickly decided to add to Jill's torment in one way and take care of John's issue well.
As John had stepped up and mounted her Paula slipped in behind and waited. While he was distracted by beginning to service Jill she stepped up and reached in with a set of hand cuffs from behind catching John's right wrist with one cuff, the hook on the top of the wheel and his left wrist within seconds. John was very surprised to say the least! Once in place she came down and added the metal ankle cuffs while he swore at her, then she added the trainer gag that I had worn, she pinching his nose to add it then buckled and added a lock to complete the scene. She stepped back down admiring the erotic view for several moments before going over and grabbed the riding crop by left beside the wheel. Paula proceeded to use it on him as he was making an inward thrust, he responded by driving in deeper causing yells and moans by both of the captives. John looked back to see Paula readying for another swat as he was pulling out, as he reached the apex she made contact, driving back. It was truly a kinky scene as John tried to comprehend what was going to happen next. Paula went on to pursue that now well exposed ass (in more than one way) making sure it was covered with many welts on all sides. He screamed through his gag as Jill's moaned. She used her verbal abilities to further torture both. If I had the ability to applaud I would have, my wife had really showed an ability to totally dominate the scene when needed. John should have left Jill suffer on the wheel alone now they both were suffering together. Jill contributed to the scene by having another powerful orgasm. I don't know if John made his delivery, but there was plenty of stimulating motion involved.
When Paula finally finished she allowed John to hang there like a limp rag for several moments while she looked for something in the duffle bag, grabbing leather wrist and ankle cuffs and locks and a short chain, she applied them to John still trapped on the wheel (I suspect his arms were numb by this point). Once in place she released his arms from the metal cuffs and quickly had them behind his back locked together. She allowed him to come off the stool and stand, removing the tool belt, keys and metal ankle cuffs she added the short chain as a hobble between the ankles and locked them on, dropping the items not needed back onto her tool belt. He was ushered red assed to the wall close by me and locked to a ring as well. While John continued to protest through the gag Paula first cleaned and added a metal cock cage to his now limp cock that I had worn previously ensuring John could no longer be a viable threat. Paula then walked over to Jill, seeing she was still hurting from the Clovis clamps, she pulled on the chain and started stroking the exposed clit several more times to excite Jill again, she struggled to move away unsuccessfully.
Paula said "Jill, I know that you can't be completely satisfied. Your husband did the best he could so with that wimpy little cock he was strutting around so... I'm going to make sure you are; my husband is next."
Giving Jill an evil smile Paula finally removed the clamps, this caused Jill scream in pain but Paula did nothing else to help her. Instead she retrieved me from the wall, bending me over she deflated and removed the vibrating butt plug then inserted a bulbous Tens style type in its place, hooking the lines from the ET232 still on the belt I wore back to the connections at base of the plug before allowing me to stand again. She retrieved a second set of Clovis clamps from the duffle bag and added them to my erect nipples, giving both a twist and taping them to my chest, then walked me over to where John had been previously been standing and helped me onto the stool. Jill's eyes gave the wide look of surprise at the girth and depth of the penis sheath, then an impassioned look or plea for Paula to stop. Paula reached in and added wires to Jill's earlier butt pads then guided my lubricated sheathed dick slowly into Jill's now red, swollen and juicy pussy, the girth and ribbing of the sheath must have felt awesome for she was totally filled in both holes, letting out a primal scream as it penetrated. To me the sheath gave very little feeling which is just how Paula had planned it. Paula added a leather belt loosely around our waists to hold us in position. Jill was unable to take in the whole penis sheath leaving us some distance apart at the waist but she was moaning.
This was an interesting sight to see, Jill close up again without a word to say. I knew she would have a very sore pussy tomorrow after all the fucking done to her today; her breast and nipples would in about the same shape. Paula decide to make it more our predicament more interesting by using several belts to pull our shoulders together, the net effect being that her sore breast and nipples were now tightly compressed against my chest in a embrace, flatting them and rubbing our tender nipples against another surface. After completing the task she stepped off the stool looking over her handy work.
Paula said "Jack last night you said Jill needs to suffered the fate of a slave, and from this morning you were ready to fuck her well as well, now you can! I only hope you can enjoy the experience as well."
There was one piece of the puzzle left to take care of, she set the levels for the unit a little less than earlier in the morning then turned the unit from Off to Random function attached to the Tens butt plug in me and Jill's pads.
You could feel the muscles contract on both of us as the unit came to life. Paula just smiled as we bumped together. Jill and I were in for a wild ride. She walked over and sat down, leafing through a magazine while we suffered. The bump and grind would be the best way to describe our actions as Jill moaned loudly in my ear. The butt plug was oscillating in and out or fucking me in a random fashion as Jill thrust herself forward in time to the action. We both began to sweat as the action continued. I couldn't get simulation from the movement; it was like fucking her with a thick rain coat on. It was just as Paula planned it; we stayed in that position for every bit of fifteen minutes. I didn't know Jill could be so vocal while being gagged; she had multiple orgasms while I remained unsatisfied. My nipples were in pain as were hers rubbing against the clamps. John watched and listened as his wife was getting reamed, obvious hurting from the hue of his imprisoned cock inside the metal cock cage and unable to change anything about the situation. By the end sweat poured from both of us for very different reasons. Paula taunted John from her chair as the scene played out over breaking the rules of having intercourse during a session (even though she had done the same thing with me),
When enough time had passes Paula got up and shut off the unit, unhooking me from the perch. I was frustrated and sore, but Jill still had one last humiliation to endure. Paula took the belt off holding us together along with her wiring then allowed me to get off the stool. She removed the Clovis clamps from Jill's tender lips. Then she told me lay down on the floor, which with her help I did. Paula removed her panties again as Jill watched, having an unusual good viewing angle as my wife straddled my face and lowered till she was covering my mouth with her pussy lips, out of instinct I lapped at the offered clit and hole till she moaned satisfaction. She then moved locations to my penis sheathed cock and took in most of the shaft, riding me for a second time till she came several times in succession while I was still unable to enjoy full the experience
Paula said: "I think a good fat cock always feels so good! Don't you think so Jill?" I suspect she did this to taunt both John and I as well.
After Paula finally had an opportunity to compose herself and clean up in the bathroom she returned and got me back off the floor to a standing position. Paula reached over and turned on the wheel till Jill tilted again and was at cock level. Once I was in position she removed the pump gag from Jill's head. Jill started to protest but didn't get much of a chance before Paula said "You will lick that tool clean slave or get fucked by it again! Which will it be? I want you to lick every part of it clean, understand!"
Jill looked at Paula then the tool for several seconds to decide before she started the task, but eventually did the job (probably wondering how she/they took it all in) Paula stood there and watched as Jill completed the task ensuring no part was left un-licked, fingering Jill's sore pussy in the process which was an obvious distraction as it started building Jill up to another orgasm. Jill came again before completing the task. Once Paula was happy with Jill's licking job she moved me back to the wall and took off the sheath. Now both my cock and balls hurt but I was happy she didn't use the riding crop again. John was in still pain from the metal cock cage and a sore ass but otherwise ok.
Paula finally released Jill from the "Rotary Fucking Wheel" after having ridded it three hours, one way or another in my estimation. Jill was totally exhausted and quickly was ushered to the bathroom to clean up after her ordeal. After Jill was gone, Jack and I were release by Paula from the trappings of the dungeon holding us to the wall and allowed to clean up as well.
That evening after we all rested for a while Paula prepared supper for the rest of us in Jill's kitchen while we recovered. For some reason no one but Paula was eager to sit down for the meal. Jill looked to have ridden a wide horse all day long as she walked bowlegged. While we were famished and needed rest there was still questions so after supper we went to their living room with some wine and talked about the day.
We found out that Jill had indeed been playing with the dildo pole in the morning to see how it worked. She flushed as she admitted it. John came home after running into work on a paperwork errand at seven (having left the note) to find her experimenting in the dungeon with her new toy around eight. She already had herself impaled on the pole after first adding wrist cuffs, a red hood and pump gag on, attaching the cuffs loosely together with snap hooks. Not one to miss an opportunity John had added the Breast Clamps, the arm binder, and ET232 to her ensemble then turned on some classical music she enjoys before leaving again. This time to fill in as a yard driver till the sub showed up. He left the house just after nine. He put the cell phone in her hand to use in case of an emergency while he was gone. It was programmed for a single button push to call his number but somehow Paula got the "Jill911" text instead. By looking at her phone Jill figured out that by rolling her thumb across the pad at an angle she could recreate the situation to get the text because it was a stored, unsent message, hitting a second key sent the message (she didn't say as much but I assumed it was after an orgasm). This got me to thinking about time when another gal called me while tightly bound and gagged; she was also eventually satisfied after enduring hours of torment; Paula flushed then. Paula arrived at nine thirty and tightened the arm binder, Breast Clamps and added the two belts (one at the knees and waist) and eye covering; then I came in a little after ten adding the second set of pads and nipple clamps.
Jill commented: "With friends like you who needs enemies."
All of us gave her a razzing about only trying to help her out.
Paula said: "After learning John had left her stuck on the pole unattended I wanted to ensure he got a beating with the riding crop too."
John had been fairly quiet during our conversations, he finally asked: "Paula, How did you come up with the idea of Jill fucking Jack with that dildo, bound as she was?"
Paula said: "I had two ideas running around in my head and decided to combine them together. The outcome was much better than if done separately, don't you think?"
John was quick to agree and said: "We'll need to do that again to include it in the revised version of the Menu in the Main Course section."
Jill said: "Speak for yourself! Paula really gave my ass a whipping in the process! I was horny as hell after that and had to hump Jack to "I can't get no Satisfaction""
Paula said: "That was the point!" smiling It got you warmed up for later.
Jill said: "I agree!"
I asked: Jill, what happened with you after lunch, before getting onto the wheel?
She responded: "Oh, John put me in a hogtie lying on a table. He used one of those J hooks to pull my head up, and then proceeded to get a blow job!"
I didn't believe it, but neither she nor John said anything else, keeping their poker faces.
Paula finally broke and said: Jack, John and I got lunch ourselves! You and Jill were the first to be feed.
John and Jill busted out laughing. I really hadn't thought about it but they were right.
Jill added: "John tied me to the chair in the room, telling me I would be suffering again later and to rest up. My day started at eight on the dildo pole, remember? You apparently talked with Paula and John that I needed some well deserved firsthand experience with the new equipment and being a slave in general. He seemed to think the same thing! So...I'll be walking around very sore for a week!"
Paula, trying to avoid stirring the pot further said: Well, it's back to work tomorrow; we better get home and rest. With that we started getting ready to leave.
Jill stood up with us still thinking about the conversation, and then said: "Paula, how would you like to take a trip with me to Mistress Lilly's establishment next weekend? She's teaching a two day class on additional techniques in dealing with challenging male slaves. I was planning to attend (I looked over to John and could see he hadn't heard about her plans to this point).
Paula though about it for several seconds, apparently remembering our time with Mistress Lilly, I'm sure before responding: "Yes. Where and when?"
I was beyond ear shot when Jill responded. As I wasn't directly involved in their plans it didn't make a lot of difference to me. There were several things I had planned for the next weekend including some woodworking.
Chapter 4 - Settling the score with Paula
I came home late Thursday evening after a success with a customer issue; originally it was planned to be late Friday afternoon. It was after seven pm when I walked in the door, there was a typed note lying on the kitchen table from Paula that supper was in the fridge and that she and Jill would be home later in the evening, they were going to do some shopping. I was in a good mood from the events of day so decided to eat supper and relax for a while. I figured that my wife would eventually make it home. At nine pm she still wasn't around so I decided to walk over and see if they had made it back to Jill's. I knew John was still on the road and would be back on Friday afternoon. When I walked in they were nowhere around, so I continued to look as both vehicles were parked in the garage, eventually making my way down into the dungeon area. I hadn't thought to check the security cameras while in the kitchen but was glad I hadn't. As I walked in Paula was beginning to be placed into the bondage transport cage. She apparently had been involved in several bondage scenes before I got there as her ass was cherry red from a cane or crop, her breast had rope and cane marks from where they had been tied separately and abused, her pussy lips and surrounding areas were red and swollen. Jill had added a red hood, pump gag and eye cover before getting her into the box. I had guessed that Paula didn't have a clue what was going to be happening next.
Jill smiled at me when I arrived as there was no way to explain this one away. She ushered me quickly away from the area with a finger placed over her mouth to be quiet, then said: "Paula had really felt bad about our last session and asked that I discipline her properly to make up for it, thus her condition. Since I have already tested the transport cage myself with John's help on Wednesday afternoon I wanted to ensure Paula also could also say she had as well. Since you're here now I'd like your help. She then very quickly summarized her thoughts and asked my opinion before going back to finish the project. I reluctantly agreed to Jill's plans, knowing she has a very devious mind. She normally plans things out in advance quite well, which is a must for her catering business. Paula must have known I would be home early because of the note on out kitchen table, so why would she ask Jill for an apology session with Jill knowing that? Maybe I'm paranoid but don't believe she would have done that intentionally. What more has Jill really got in mind?
Paula was squatted down when I came into the room; Jill was working with the knee/leg pads to place them as Paula moved into place. I continued to watch without comment as Paula continued to become more confined. Jill then pushed Paula forward till she came in contact with the padded collar harness adjusting it for fit. Once in place Jill slipped over the collar and locked it in place. Jill then lifted Paula's arms till they were past the point where the bar could slip through, passing it to the other side and sliding the latch down into its home position. Then she added both wrist and ankle cuffs locking them onto the chains, all done without much protest from Paula. When in position Jill lowered the lid and added the last two locks, Paula was now securely confined in the transport cage. She must have known what was happening but hadn't complained (as if she could). Jill then added the last few touches by aligning the rear devices with condoms then slowly worked them back and forth into place using a supplied handle tool till both were well seated, this wasn't hard as Paula was well lubricated from her previous activities. I heard Paula grunt as the butt plug slipped past her sphincter muscles as sucked in, followed by a long moan as the ribbed dildo Jill selected poked into her pussy. Once in place Jill tightened the set screws and moved the tool to its home; they weren't going to be coming out anytime soon. Jill was smiling for now Paula saw truly a captive of the transport cage. She did squirm once locked in place, possibly from being well filled. My cock was bulging from the front of my pants as Jill noted by walking back to me and grabbing my balls and squeezing to gain my attention, reminding me she is still the dominant in control here and to listen.
Jill said loudly: "Once the transport cover is on she is yours to take, but remember the instructions and let her out in 2 hours. Here are the keys."
I answered quietly in my best female voice: "Thanks Mistress Jill, I'll take good care of her!"
With that we grabbed the cover and slid it down over the cage and latched the lid in place. I was happy for the moment, knowing my wife would desire a nice warm cock after finally getting out of her shipping container. Looking back now I realized that I'd played directly into Mistress Jill's hands in several different ways. Using the pallet jack I ran in through under the container and lifted. Jill helped me through the basement doors to their back yard patio; Jill's catering van was sitting there in the driveway. Jill opened the back doors and dropped down the ramps (normally used to move the warmer boxes for food). With her help we easily pushed the crate up the ramps and into the van, stowing it against the wall. Then per Jill's instructions I then transported my wife through town and down a few back roads then eventually back to our home, parking partially in the garage to unload the crate after moving Paula's car out of the way. Jill stopped by to help unload the crate then returned the catering van back to her place. I rolled the transport cage around again and into what is now a guest bedroom before setting in down with some room to work. During this time I didn't hear Paula, her calls for help if any had been buffered by the sound proofing of the box. I was both eager to open the box and apprehensive knowing Jill had some specific reasons for the instructions she gave. She had instructed me not to talk with Paula until after she was fully released.
At midnight I finally open my package, releasing the clips and lifting off the cover off. I placed the cover off to the side. Paula was an enjoyable site to see trussed as she was, her breast hung down begging for some much needed attention. I reached in from the sides and caressed one breast, using a swirling motion but not touching the nipple till actually reaching it, at the end only to pinch and twist it, then proceeded to flick it several times. After playing with both dangling breast for some time I decided to release her. It was interesting to see how she moved as I pulled the dildo from its home, she moaned loudly so I reinserted it, using my other hand to reach in and caress her clit head in the process. This play went on for some time till she gave a loud moan and groan, possibly having an orgasm while tightly bound in the cage. I finally removed both plugs and began the process in earnest to release her. When getting her from the cage I had to help her up out as her arms were both asleep. I rubbed them until she started to move them again of her own will. Setting the keys down on the dresser I started to remove Paula's gag and eye piece but she shook her head no, instead put her arms behind her back and began to turn around. I quickly interpreted this to mean she still wanted to be left bound a while longer. I located a spring clip related to wrist cuffs from the transport cage and fastened her hands behind her. I lead her from the guest bedroom back to our master bedroom. Laying out a towel on the bed I then set her on the side and eventually laid her on the center of it. Going to the closet I located our bondage duffle she had stored and brought it over to the bed. Working quickly I tied her ankles to the corners of the four poster bed.
While she laid there I stripped of my remaining cloths and proceed to ravish her, making her come several times till finally planting my cock deep into her warm pussy. We came together one last time and laid there for quite a while.
Later I release her again, this time removing all the trappings including the hood gag and eye cover. Paula looked around at the room recognizing both it and at me, then smiled at me and said: "Thank God it's you! When did you make it home?"
I learned later that Paula had been told by Jill a new Master and Mistress would be taking her home for a test drive; she would be returned on Friday morning to Jill's house for a review. This was a part of the plan that Jill mentioned.
Needless to say Paula was late for work the next morning but her boss understood that flat tires do sometimes happen.
Chapter 5 - The End Results of Disparaging Comments
On Friday after getting up later in the morning I tinkered around in the garage during the afternoon hours completing some Christmas gifts made from oak lumber for our kids, by suppertime I was famished having not eaten lunch. Coming into the house from work in the afternoon Paula said she had invited Jill and Jack over for a chef salad at supper, reminding me that "we" are on a diet. While I haven't had problems with weight she does so I abide by her rules, thus what is good for her is good for me too.
Jill and John arrived around five thirty all smiles; in fact Jill was very pleasant during supper. The supper itself was not very filling so a few glasses of wine made up the difference, both John and I were both feeling the effects in short order. The girls did very little drinking but instead stayed in the kitchen and conspired together as they cleaned up. When they did eventually come into the living room Jill started talking about the events of the previous day, teasing Paula about her new mistress and how she had grown balls and a penis. Paula was still able to blush red as this was said. Jill proceeded telling Paula that I had witnessed most of her apology session the evening before (planting a seed of discontent in Paula's mind I'm sure). I tried to correct her by tell my wife that she was already in the transport cage when I got there. Paula just looked at me with a dour expression; she didn't really believe my answer anyway. Jill, seeing that the conversation may turn a little intense decided it was time for them to go home as tomorrow would be a long day for both of them. John hadn't mentioned his plans to me when we talked so I assumed he was back on the road again working for the trucking firm.
After they left Paula went into the bedroom to pack for their trip. Most of the cloths were domination outfits which she showed me trying to decide which to wear. I of course picked two of my favorites from the collection which she set on the bed. One was of the half cup corset variety; the second was one she had worn earlier in the week. We talked for several minutes about her ride in the transport cage and what she liked most and least. After she responded to a few questions she said that I ought to try it out and see how it feels. Figuring the girls wouldn't leave early Saturday morning for their trip I though hell why not. I had planned to ask her about the typed note from the previous evening but forgot as the little head thinking for the big one again. Before starting I decided to use the bathroom because it might be a while before she'd release me, knowing turnabout is fair play.
Paula said: "If you want to try the cage you should be properly attired, which means losing your cloths."
I did this in quick order, being driven by horny desire and wine.
She went to the closet and retrieved our bondage duffle and removed the metal cock cage we owned, promptly putting on my cock before an erection could happen then locking it in place. Next she removed a small steel 12 oz weight ring from the duffle and fastened it around my balls; she used an Allen wrench to screw it in place, ensuring no skin got caught in the process. This separated my balls from the cage them pulling down on them slightly; I also noticed that the weight also had two eyehooks, one on either side; since they hadn't previously been used I wondered how they fit in but didn't question it. Next were wrist and ankle cuffs from the crate, followed by ear plugs and the black hood I'd worn before. She laced it up and added the padlock. I was now partially deaf.
She asked a little louder: "Are you ready for the rest of your attire?"
I told her truthfully: "I'm yours to control for the next several hours." I didn't know the full truth of that statement till much later.
She said: "Be careful what you ask for slave."
She then added the butterfly gag to my mouth, tucking it in on both sides then inflated it enough that I was now unable to close my jaws making me effectively mute. Then we walked over to the transport cage still in the guest bedroom and I got in willingly, all the hardware was still there from the previously night. She removed the dildo from the back and added the Y chain that came with the unit. She proceeded to have me kneel; moving the knee/leg pads to place as I moved into place. I continued to watch without possibly to comment as Paula attached the Y chain to the weight attached to my balls with padlocks on each side adding additional weight to them; next she pushed me forward till I came in contact with the padded collar harness adjusting it to my frame. Once in place Paula closed the collar and locked it in place. Paula lifted my arms till it was past the point where the bar could slip through, passing it to the other side and sliding the latch down into its home position holding my arms above my back. She locked the wrist and ankle cuffs onto the chains, all done without protest from me (like I really could). When set in position Paula lowered the lid and added the last two locks, I was now confined in the transport cage just as she had been, but I could still see. Paula went to the back and replaced the condom for the butt plug then used some lubrication to my asshole, aligning the plug then slowly worked in using the supplied handle tool till it was well seated. Grabbing the Y chain on the back she pulled on it, my balls stretched downward applying some additional pressure (still bearable at the moment) and locked it in place. Now if I tried to rise up and adjust I'd pay for it by a yank to the balls. I thought about it after having the Y chain attached that could be used pussy lips too. Walking around to the side she knelt down and tickled me, forcing the plug still further in then smiled at me, I now saw that she now had all the keys hung around her neck.
I was almost just as she had been last night, looking over at the clock on the dresser it was a little before eight. She walked out of the room for a moment, returning with her cell phone. Calling Jill, she said: "He's ready for transport, how are you coming with John? Ok...Yes it was that easy, I just mentioned the cage and he lost his cloths." She smiled at me. Paula listened for several moments then walked out of the room
I had a very bad feeling that I had just been committed to something that I hadn't agreed to. My breathing became faster and labored, trying hard to escape but knew it was useless endeavor. Returning she had her packed bag and bondage duffle setting on top of my cage. She left again and was gone for several more minutes returning with pallet jack, running it under me she lifted it up and proceeded to roll me out into the garage area. Her car was no longer in the garage bay. She left again and was gone for several minutes, when she returned the garage door opened and Jill's catering van was being backed partially into it. Jill appeared from the driver's side and looked me over with an evil smile, then opened the back and set down the ramps. Looking in the back end of the van I now saw John was laying on his stomach helplessly frog tied. All I could really see of him was his knees, legs, metal cock cage, balls and ball weight and part of a butt plug covered by a strap holding it in. His legs were splayed apart and tied at the corners, his arms tied behind his back and torso anchored to the pallet with rope.
Jill said: "I do love when our male slaves are properly bound. All we need now are the crate covers and were ready to go, right?" She and Paula went in and lifted the one setting beside John and slid the cover over him and latched both sides, then slid the crate off to one side. I could see it was marked Potatoes – Perishable, on the rough oak lumber exterior of the back side.
As they got out of the van Paula ask: "Did you remember the metal cock stand? Mistress Lilly asked that we bring it along for the class.
Jill answered: "It's just ahead of John, ready for use during the session. Lilly said we only needed one; she had a second on hand. She said she could teach us on how to best address those arrant cocks and balls, that should keep them both in misery for quite a while.
I thought "What had I gotten myself into? I should learn to keep my comments to myself."
Paula walked back into the house with a two wheel dolly from the garage and returned with the crate cover for my transport cage.
Paula looked down at me and said: "I hope you have a good ride dear, it'll only be three hours, you can handle that, right? You did it to me last night! I might have forgotten to mention that we needed to supply our own slave meat for class." She smiled widely at me then stooping down reached in and snapped on the eye cover shut. I struggled against the butt plug as she tweaked my nipple and Jill yanked the chain squeezed my balls. Then Jill helped her slip the crate cover over the cage and I heard the latches click shut.
Jill asked loudly: "Paula, are you ready to get cooking on this road trip?" as they pushed me up the ramp and into the van.
Paula answered just as loud: "I think so, now that we have all the ingredients boxed up. Although I'm still unsure how well Mistress Lilly and I will get along after our last encounter."
On Jill's catering bulletin board at the shop in town was a posted note: "Gone to workshop at Miss Lilly's on how to best prepare Rocky Mountain Oysters", back on Monday"