Author's Note: This is the third and last chapter (Three) of "He's No Dummy". My "one hit wonders" are funny and short (about three page) stories that I hope make you smile - "coffee break" stories, as one of the commenters aptly said. I strung three of them together here because, well, I loved the Su Lee character and felt she needed more explanation. I'll continue the saga in "She's No Dummy" as I try to get back to the One Hit format.
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Thanks for all the kind encouraging comments and even the not-so-kind but helpful comments you take the time to post. - One Hit
Chapter 1
Tim still couldn't believe he was seeing what he was seeing. The running path wasn't any nicer. Neither was the view of the ocean through the palm trees that lined the cliff - although the sinking sun did cause the sky to glow more wonderously.
Wonderously. Was that a word? What a wonderoulsy beautiful butt Su Lee covered with those pink running shorts. And those firm, muscular legs. And the way her shoulder length black hair bounced up and down with each step. Tim jogged this course hundreds of times, always alone. But today, miraculously, he had a jogging partner. And what an incredible partner she was.
The offer came innocently enough. Su Lee just casually walked up to Tim as he was on his way to his Physics class. "Hi Tim. Do you want to go jogging with me tonight?" Her exotic accent gave him goosebumps. Sure, it was a Chinese accent. But it was a British Chinese betraying Su Lee's Hong Kong roots.
Tim was no dummy. Stunning Asian girls did not walk up to nerds for no reason. "Why do you want me to run the beach trail with you?"
"Well, I hear that you run the beach trail quite often. Every day even. I hear it's beautiful but a bit desolate. I don't feel safe running alone." Su Lee smiled. Tim's jaw dropped.
But he was no dummy. Tim had been burned before. A girl who is a 10 does not ask a guy who is a 6 to go running for no real reason.
"Want to meet me at 5?" Tim finally replied against his better judgment.
"I'll see you at 5." Su Lee smiled.
And Tim was now totally enjoying the view.
"You lead" she said as she slowed to let Tim pass.
Tim nodded and took the lead, spying Su Lee's wonderously beautiful breasts as they bounced uninhibitedly beneath her loose white T-shirt. Tim was in great shape, having run this course daily for months. Su Lee had no problem holding her own so far. The hill would be the real test.
As they reached the foot of the hill, Tim had an inspiration. "Race you to the top!"
"You're on" replied Su Lee without hesitation as she sprinted past him.
After the initial shock at being quickly passed, Tim put it into overdrive. Su Lee was giving it her best, but there was no contest. Tim knew he could win. The gentleman in Tim lagged behind his competitor for 95% of the race. But then the macho chauvinist in him sprinted the last part of the race, handily beating his rival to the summit.
It took Su Lee a few minutes to catch her breath. "Nice race." She put her hands on her hips and looked out over the ocean. The wind blew her hair back over her shoulders. She waved. "Hi Mum. Hi Dad."
"Are they still in China?"
"Yes, they are. In Hong Kong." Su Lee took a deep breath. "Tim. May I call you Timothy?"
"Timothy? Could I interest you in a blow job?"
Tim put his finger in his ear and tried to clean it out. "Excuse me. I'm sorry. I don't think I heard what you said."
"You heard me. Would you like a blow job?" Su Lee was dead serious. "You did win after all. You deserve a prize."
No. This type of thing did not happen in real life. Tim was no dummy. He turned completely around and scanned the trees. "I know. There's a camera here, right? Someone's going to take a picture of me with my pants down to embarrass me." Tim frowned.
"Then they can take my picture, too." Su Lee deftly removed her white T-shirt and pink shorts - she wore no underwear. She folded her clothes neatly into a square which she laid on the ground before Tim. His running partner, now nude but for her socks and shoes, knelt in front of Tim on the folded clothes.
Tim's heart was beating rapidly. Su Lee was more gorgeous than he could have imagined. Her perfectly tanned skin made it obvious that she was no stranger to outdoor nudity. Tim's cock was rock hard and fighting to jump out of his shorts. Tim took a deep breath. This was a dream. He was no dummy! Dammit!
"You're going to bite me, arent' you? And then you're going to run."
Su Lee giggled. "Timothy. You are one very odd fellow. I don't believe I've ever had to work this hard to blow a bloke." She turned and sat her perfect bare bottom on top of her folded clothes. She reached forward to her shoes and methodically removed the shoe laces from her running shoes. Once the laces were free, she stood up and handed them to Tim. "Tie me up then."
Timothy tried to return the naked girls' laces, still not believing his eyes.
Su Lee put up her hand. "No I insist. Besides, I do some of my best work this way." She turned and crossed her wrists behind her back.
Tim's hand shook as he wrapped the shoe lace around her wrists.
"Make it tight now!" Su Lee wiggled her bottom. "If I escape, the deal's off."
Tim complied and stepped back. Su Lee turned to face him and twisted her arms in an attempt to free herself. "That will do." She nodded at the other lace Tim held in his hands. "Now tie my ankles together. You can't have me running away now can you?"
TIm knelt before Su Lee and did as he was instructed.
Sul Lee jumped up and down. Tim's eyes were fixated on her perfect bouncing breasts. "That will also do quite nicely. Are you satisfied that I will not run off?"
Still in awe, Tim nodded silently.
Su Lee smiled. "Now please be a gentleman and help me onto my knees." Tim helped the nude girl into position. Su Lee looked up, opened her mouth, and winked.
Tim dropped his shorts instantly. He guided his engorged cock into Su Lee's receptive mouth. He moaned loudly as Su Lee calmly and skillfully caressed Tim's manhood with her lips and tongue. Her caresses increased in intensity as she sensed Tim's rising level of tension.
Tim felt as if he were experiencing an altered state, part of him still unable to accept the fact that this gorgeous, helpless beauty was sucking on his cock. And doing so very, very competently.
Su Lee did not look up as she pleasured Tim. She was fully focused on the task at hand - being bound hand and foot limited her options. She sensed that Tim was close to coming and increased the fervency of her bobbing.
Su Lee let out a satisfied moan as Tim's cock exploded inside of her mouth. His legs buckled at the intensity of the release. Su Lee lightly sucked in and swallowed his offering completely.
Tim fell back and landed on his butt. Su Lee laughed. "Was that acceptable?"
"Hell YES!" replied her panting partner, his cock still dripping between his legs.
The helpless Chinese girl waited a few minutes for Tim to catch his breath. "Would you be so kind as to release me now?" Su Lee shifted her body sideways, displaying her bound wrists.
"Oh sure. Oh sure. Oh I'm so sorry." Tim crawled toward her but fell on his face as his legs got tangled in the shorts wrapped about his ankles. He pulled them up and again crawled toward her, this time with more success.
Su Lee giggled at Tim's comical response. "You're funny." She sat on her bound ankles and looked out over the ocean. "Let's watch the sunset together first."
Tim smiled. He helped Su Lee into a sitting position beside him, her legs extended, her bottom on her clothes, her bound hands steadying herself from behind. Tim was again in awe at his nude guest. Her slim waist, her shapely legs, how perfectly her full breasts hung from her chest.
"Go ahead" Su Lee said. "You can touch them. I can't stop you now can I?"
Tim cautiously moved his hands over Su Lee's chest. Her breasts felt amazing.
"You know, Su Lee. Doesn't all this seem a little weird? Here you are, naked. Outside. Tied hand and foot. With this totally astonished horny guy feeling you up any way he wants."
"That's a fair question. But let me ask you a question, Mr. Timothy. Are you enjoying this?"
"Oh yes. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life." He ran his hands over her breasts, then over her thighs. "And having you so helpless and vulnerable like this multiplies your beauty so much to me that I can't even describe it."
"And will you remember this day?"
"For the rest of my life. I know it."
"Well it may seem a little strange to you, but the pleasure I get from being helpless, and creating that feeling you feel, is also quite heady - and difficult to describe."
They sat quietly for several minutes. Finally Su Lee arched her back and bent her legs, shifting sideways on to her hip. She looked down at the bulge once again growing in Tim's shorts. "Ready for round two?"
"No way!"
Su Lee giggled. "Way."
Tim moaned gratefully and Su Lee sighed contentedly as round two got underway. Tim's second explosion nearly matched his first. Su Lee swallowed it happily.
At Su Lee's request Tim bound Su Lee's wrists to her ankles, placing her in a kneeling hogtied. Tim knelt behind her. While one hand fondled her breasts, the other massaged her clitoris and pussy. The bound, nude, Asian girl came powerfully before collapsing in Tim's arms, just as the sun set beneath the horizon.
As the sky darkened, Tim untied his running partner. After re-lacing her shoes, Su Lee stepped back into her pink running shorts. She pulled the white T-shirt back over her body. Silently they jogged back to the trail head at a slow, relaxed pace.
"Why me?" Tim asked - now that the two were back in the real world.
Su Lee smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I just had a feeling about you. That's all. I went with my gut."
Tim's head was still swimming with questions. "Can we do it again?"
"You're no dummy. What do you think?"
Tim looked deep into her eyes. They betrayed no answer. So Tim took a deep breath and thought. After all, it was true. He was no dummy.
"No. It's got to be spontaneous. It's got to be different." Tim sighed. "Today was a one in a million. Okay, I know that. But can I see you again?"
"Of course" replied Su Lee. "This isn't our last adventure. Now goodnight, Mr. Timothy. And thanks for the run." She turned and walked away.
"Good night Miss Su Lee" he said after her.
Chapter 2 - "Il N'est Pas Bête" (added: 03/04/2011)
Tim carefully nudged the cashew with his fork. Slowly it scaled the white mountain of rice at the center of his plate and rested at its summit.
"Do you always play with your food?" asked Su Lee. Her chopsticks expertly snatched up a piece of sweet and sour chicken and popped it into her mouth.
"Only when I'm thinking." Tim was still a bit amazed that he could be sitting across the table from such a beautiful girl. "I'm trying to figure you out."
Su Lee smiled. "I'm just a regular girl - really not all that complicated. Go on. Ask me something."
"Okay, where did you get your cool accent?"
"My parents own a manufacturing concern in Hong Kong with an office in London. I was born in China but did most of my schooling in England. I throw in a bit of American now and then because, well, this is where I'm living now."
"Why did you decide to come here, to the states?"
"I just needed a change of pace. Thought a large university town might be the ticket. And the Marketing curriculum is quite good." Su Lee sighed. She set down her chopsticks, folded her arms, and looked into Tim's eyes. "Look Tim. I want to be honest with you. I'm not very good with relationships. I don't want you to get your hopes up."
"You gave me your phone number. You're having dinner with me."
"You're a nice fellow. And like most mortals, I do have to eat."
"Would you like to go see a movie with me?"
Su Lee thought about it for a minute. "Look Timothy. I'm not a big fan of the cinema. I think I might be bored." Noting Tim's hurt expression, she sighed again. "It's not about you. It's about how I live my life. My code."
"What's your code?"
"Life is precious. I don't want to waste a single minute. That's my code."
Tim was perplexed. "I guess I don't understand. Two days ago I was holding your trembling bound naked body in my arms. Is that part of your code?"
Su Lee's eyes became a bit glassy as she recollected the moment. "With your strong fingers between my legs, your soft hand holding and squeezing my breast. I shouted with joy at the setting sun." Su Lee smiled warmly. "You're a very loving, gentle man, Tim." Su Lee removed her cell phone from her purse and checked the time. "Okay then, let's go to a movie."
"Right now?"
"Right now. But I need to stop by my flat first."
Tim waited at the entrance to her apartment building as instructed. To his surprise, Su Lee's "flat stop" took less than two minutes. She had only gotten a jacket.
At the multiplex theater ticket booth Tim asked his stunning date, "Any preference?"
Su Lee shrugged. She seemed strangely pleased when Tim, without any further conversation, turned to the ticket seller and said "Two tickets for 'Il N'est Pas Bête', please." He turned to his date. "French flick. The previews looked pretty good."
"Do you speak French?" Su Lee queried.
"Two years in high school", Tim replied. "So... not really."
The coming attractions reel was rolling when they entered the stadium-style theater. Su Lee took Tim's hand and led him up the steps to the back row. Less popular foreign fare usually played in the multiplex's smaller halls. The theater was surprisingly well attended, though. Half the seats were filled, with most of the attendees flocking to the choice middle-center seats.
Tim and Su Lee shared the back row with two other couples. Su Lee sat down first, leaving several seats space between herself and their neighbors. Tim sat to her left. Once they were seated, Su Lee reached into her jacket pocket. She retrieved a half-used roll of ¾ inch fiber reinforced packing tape and a small pair of scissors.
"Here" she whispered. "Tape your left arm to the armrest. One loop at the wrist and another near your elbow. Good and tight."
Su Lee ignored his response. Tim shrugged and did as instructed, calmly snipping off two lengths of the extra strength packing tape. He taped his left arm to the armrest. He handed the roll and scissors back to Su Lee with his free hand. Su Lee guided Tim's right arm onto the armrest and repeated the process.
"I don't know if I like where this is going", Tim whispered nervously. "You're not going to leave me here are you?"
Su Lee winked. When she was satisfied that Tim was properly fastened to the theater seat, she said "Relax and enjoy the show."
Tim tried his best to do that but found himself strangely distracted. He turned to his date.
So he quietly watched the movie. He had the urge to scratch his nose but thought better of it. The movie wasn't half bad. Funny actually. After a few minutes Tim nearly forgot that he was tied to the seat. They both laughed loudly along with the rest of the audience.
Su Lee leaned over and whispered into Tim's ear, "You know, the translations are quite poor. That last line was much funnier in the French." She extended her tongue and ran it along the circumference of his ear. Tim shivered. Su Lee reached her left hand down between Tim's legs and started massaging his bulge. It grew rapidly in response.
Tim looked around quickly to see if anybody was watching. Everyone's eyes seemed to be fixated on the movie screen - except for the couple making out three rows forward and to the right. He looked over at his date. Su Lee also seemed to be fixated on the screen.
Tim tried his best to relax. But for obvious reasons his focus was elsewhere. He turned and whispered. "This is fun. But I'm getting kind of uncomfortable... if you know what I mean?"
"Oh! I'm so sorry." Su Lee quickly retrieved her hand.
They watched the movie for a few more minutes. Tim's bulge receded. He squirmed around a bit in his seat, testing the strength of his bonds. He wasn't going anywhere without help.
Su Lee leaned over and whispered into his ear again. "I love the lead actor in this film. He's quite a hand full." And with that she reached her right hand down, lowered Tim's zipper, and retrieved a hand full of Tim through the slit in the front of his boxer shorts. His cock, now free of the constricting underpants, sprang instantly to attention in the open air. Su Lee leaned back into her seat and started gently stroking Tim's rigid member with her left hand.
Tim was startled, a little embarrassed, but not completely disappointed at the turn of events. Once again he looked from side to side. No one had noticed. Oh well.
Su Lee reached into her jacket pocket again and retrieved a small plastic bottle. It reminded Tim of one of those tiny hotel room shampoo bottles. However, the odor that emanated from the liquid Su Lee poured into her hand reminded him of strawberries. Su Lee wrapped her oil coated palm around Tim's cock. With the added lubrication, Su Lee was able to more aggressively squeeze, tease and pump.
Tim gasped. "Oh my." He grabbed the armrests and pushed his back into the seat cushion for support. Tim soon learned that Su Lee's hands were nearly as magical as her tongue. But this wasn't going to end well. He looked over at Su Lee with a panicked expression. "I'm really gonna make a big mess."
Su Lee giggled. "You just hold off as long as you can, Timothy. Mind over matter, okay?"
Tim's eyes bulged. He struggled to control the pressure that was building up inside of him. He looked forward. Although there wasn't' anyone sitting directly in front of him, there was a good chance he would soon be ruining the day of the folks seated two rows ahead.
"Let's see if we can hit the screen" Su Lee whispered.
Tim looked over in horror.
"Just kidding. When she's ready to blow, just say 'Now'".
Tim nodded. Su Lee expertly primed Tim's pump for several more minutes. Tim was near tears. Finally he could hold out no longer. He turned to Su Lee in agony. "Now" he whimpered.
Immediately Su Lee turned in her seat, dropped to one knee in front of him, and dove onto his cock with her mouth, covering it mere milliseconds before Tim exploded. Rather than soiling the movie screen, Tim expelled his load into his date's soft warm mouth.
"Aaaahhhhhhhhh!" Tim said loudly as his cock pulsated and sputtered for what seemed like an eternity. Su Lee's tongue expertly massaged the head of his cock, coaxing out every last drop. He had no idea he could come this much. Su Lee gently sucked it all up with style.
Once he was fully spent, Tim collapsed back into his seat. Su Lee managed the cleanup like a pro. His shaft was soon sparkling clean. Again Tim groaned loudly. Then, it suddenly dawned on him that they weren't alone. Tim again looked from side to side. Half the audience was staring back at him.
"All right!" hooted one guy a few rows down. "That's what I'm talkin' about!"
"No way! Not me." The girl five seats over smacked her disappointed date on the arm.
Tim smiled at the gorgeous Asian girl looking up at him from his lap. She gently returned Tim's softening cock back to its home in his pants. After zipping him up, Su Lee quickly snipped the four loops of tape holding Tim's arms to the chair.
"Shall we go?"
As they walked down the steps, Su Lee cleaned her hand and the corners of her mouth with a crisp white handkerchief. Several of the patrons applauded.
Chapter Three - Hot Tub Vengeance (added: 03/27/2011)
Su Lee looked up into the night sky. "I love this hot tub. I like imagining that I've been captured by cannibals and they're boiling me up for supper." She sat back, lifted her legs out of the warm bubbling water, and offered her feet to Tim.
"Okay, I think I'm starting to get the picture. You just like to do crazy stuff. Am I right?" Tim wrapped the soft white leather belt around Su Lee's ankles and tightened it off.
Su Lee smiled. "No, I wouldn't say that's exactly right. I like to do things that are memorable." She hopped over toward him through the churning water and turned her back. Tim took another belt out of Su Lee's black canvas bag and wrapped it about her wrists.
"This is a beautiful complex", Tim remarked. "I've never been in here before. The pool is fantastic."
Su Lee shrugged. "What can I say. My parents have money. Elbows too, please."
Tim retrieved a third belt and wrapped it about Su Lee's elbows. "This doesn't hurt, does it?" Tim tightened the belt.
"Oh heavens no. Make it nice and tight, Timothy. I'm quite flexible." Tim did as instructed.
"It may be late at night, but this is still a public place. Aren't you afraid someone will join us?"
Su Lee gave Tim a perplexed look. "Are you serious?"
Tim shook his head. He was no dummy. She was counting on it. And since nobody could see through the white foamy surface of the bubbling water - especially at night - it offered her just the right level of risk. Tim slapped the water with his open palm. "Sorry. It was a dumb question."
Su Lee leaned against Tim's shoulder. She kissed him on the cheek. "I'm so glad I have a big strong fellow here to protect me." She turned her back again. "Bikini please."
"Please undo my bikini and put it in the bag. It's a string bikini so you just pull the strings. Like shoe laces", Su Lee said playfully. "Remember?"
Tim felt his cock stiffen as he pulled loose the four bow knots holding Su Lee's bikini to her body. He pulled the fabric away and stuffed the wet garments into her canvas bag.
"You too, my dear."
Tim pushed his swim trunks down past his ankles. They joined Su Lee's swimwear in the canvas bag.
"I have another question for you."
"Fire away" replied Tim's well bound nude tub mate.
Tim reached over and started fondling Su Lee's perfect breasts beneath the water's bubbling surface. Su Lee sighed agreeably. "I've never, um, experienced such perfect breasts - except maybe online, you know. But that doesn't really count. What I mean is... are these real?"
Su Lee pulled away, took in a mouth full of hot tub water, and spit it into Tim's face. Tim was startled.
"How dare you ask such a question?"
Tim was shocked. He tried to compose himself, blurting "Well, because you said I could ask you anything and..."
Su Lee winked and shot him a sly smile.
"Hello! Mind if we join you?" An appropriately clad middle-aged couple slowly lowered their bodies into the tub opposite Su Lee and Tim.
"Of course we don't mind" replied Su Lee graciously. "We welcome the company. I'm Su Lee Chen from the second floor and this is my friend Timothy Watson."
"We're Bob and Dorothy Brooks. We live on the fourth floor." Bob and Dorothy extended their hands. Tim shook them both.
Su Lee leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath. "This is so relaxing." Bob and Dorothy withdrew their hands without a second thought.
"We love this tub, too" added Bob. "We wanted to get in some hot tub time before the thing shuts off."
"It really helps me sleep", added Dorothy.
"What do you mean, 'it shuts off'?" asked Tim.
"Yes. At 2 AM the timer shuts everything down. So we've got about a half hour."
Naked Tim looked over at his equally nude and far less mobile partner. She smiled and shrugged.
Tim kept an eye on the clock as the conversation continued. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, with his gorgeous friend under these conditions was exhilarating. Speaking with perfect strangers, while warm water swirled about his unencumbered rigid cock... Damn. Could this evening get any more... fantastic?
He stealthily stroked himself as he ran his free hand over Su Lee's smooth soft thighs. She pretended not to notice.
Part of Tim wanted to concentrate on what these people were telling him. It was the polite thing to do, after all. So far he had gleaned that Bob and Dorothy owned a car detailing shop on the north side of town. They did well and had lived in the complex for several years. There was something about kids in school. Tim continued exploring the silky smooth legs of the well bound nude goddess seated next to him... Oh fuck it.
Tim slowly slid his hand between Su Lee's closed thighs and gently nudged them apart. She looked over at him with raised eyebrows. Tim shrugged.
Su Lee attempted to hold her legs together. But when she did, Tim redirected his attention to Su Lee's submerged breasts, playfully pinching her nipples. She tried to kick him, but her bound ankles made that difficult. Tim was amazed at how well Su Lee managed to maintain her end of the conversation with the couple, even while her helpless, vulnerable body was being so cruelly abused beneath the noisy cloak of the dark bubbling water.
"My parents live in Hong Kong. I'm here to study Marketing." She went on, suppressing her desire to yelp. Finally Su Lee relented and spread her knees. Tim's fingers got busy. As they worked their magic - moving in and out of Su Lee's moist pussy and over her very sensitive clit - she began to stumble on her words.
"I grew up in... oh... I grew up in... ahhhhh... I grew up..."
"Are you okay" asked Dorothy, as Su Lee's face began to contort with pleasure.
"Quite fine" she replied. "Just feel, ummm... ahhhh..., a bit of a sneeze coming on." Su Lee's breathing rate increased. She started to squirm. She looked over to Tim pleadingly. He pretended not to notice.
"I'm studying science", Tim said, picking up the conversation. He could see that his partner was about to loose it. Su Lee could no longer speak. Her strained expression betrayed a crushing orgasm that had begun to take hold.
"Woah! What is that animal back there?" Tim yelled, pointing behind Bob and Dorothy. As they turned to look, Su Lee slid beneath the water. Tim's relentless ministrations intensified. He could feel her bucking and faintly heard her muffled screams from beneath the bubbles.
"Possums sneak through here now and then" replied Bob as he and his wife looked in vain for the animal. "But they're harmless."
When Bob and Dorothy turned back, they were surprised to find Su Lee missing. They looked at each other quizzically.
Su Lee's head popped up quickly for a gulp of air before returning to her underwater bliss. Tim could still feel the helpless girl bucking, but not quite as powerfully now, as the orgasm subsided. He pulled his hand away. After a few seconds, a more composed Su Lee popped her head up above the water.
"Oh I'm sorry." She said. Strands of jet black hair covered her face. "I'm sure that seemed a bit queer. Sometimes a quick dunk helps with my allergies."
Dorothy laughed. "For a second there we thought you'd vanished!" Dorothy noticed Su Lee made no attempt to move the hair from her face. Then she noticed the tension in the muscles of Su Lee's bare shoulders. Slowly Dorothy's confused expression morphed into a knowing smile. She turned to her oblivious husband. "Come on Bob. I'm ready to doze off. The tub has worked its magic again. Let's let these young people enjoy these last few minutes alone."
"Sure thing", Bob replied. "Nice meeting you two." The couple walked away hand in hand toward the elevator.
The elevator door closed. "You evil man!", Su Lee spurted. She slouched back underneath the water. She came out straight up with her head back and her back arched, washing the hair from her face. Tim watched as Su Lee's perfect breasts popped out of the water, like two islands in the ocean.
Su Lee smiled at the attention they garnered. She glanced at the clock. "We still have a few minutes." She floated her body toward Tim's.
"Do you want me to untie you? At least your ankles?"
"No. We can do this."
And they could. Su Lee's natural buoyancy made it almost effortless. With her ankles crossed, knees open, Tim moved his legs into the circle it created. He easily guided her forward and down onto his rigid shaft. Soon the waves in the tub synchronized with the rhythm of their lovemaking.
Tim squeezed his partners full natural breasts as the waves grew larger and larger. Su Lee screamed with pleasure as another orgasm shook her helpless body. Tim's orgasm was equally intense, though far more muted. He held Su Lee tight as she collapsed on him ---
The water jets stopped and the lights went dark.
"You broke it", quipped Tim.
Su Lee burst out in laughter. After catching her breath, she whispered, "I may have woken up the whole building, too. Shall we go before we're found out?"
They walked to the front gate in silence - Tim in his trunks and a t-shirt, Su Lee in a white cotton robe. Now that the excitement of the moment had passed, Su Lee seemed preoccupied. She wasn't talking. When Tim looked over, Su Lee did her best to avert his gaze. She wasn't quite herself now.
"What's wrong?"
"Can I come up to change?" he asked humbly as they stopped in front of the gate.
"I'm sorry, Tim. You have to go now." After the security gate clicked shut, she started to cry. "I think I may have made a terrible mistake." She ran off to the staircase without turning back.
Tim was unable to reach Su Lee after their hot tub adventure. She did not return his calls or reply to his emails. He did not see her on campus. Tim considered camping out at the front door of her complex but thought better of it. He was still no dummy. Deep down he knew this dream relationship probably wasn't going to last - although he was determined to ride it out as long as he possibly could. But Su Lee was ultimately in control, not Tim.
So after a week of silence, Tim stepped back. No more calls. No more emails. Though his heart ached to see her, he resolved that the next communication had to come from Su Lee - and he knew it probably would not come. He tried his best to focus on his studies, but found himself mentally reliving the moments they shared instead.
Then, out of the blue, three long weeks later, Tim received an email from Su Lee. She wanted to meet him at the restaurant.
(To be continued in "She's No Dummy")