Author's Note: Most of the dialogues are actually thoughts of the characters, and are in single quotes '. Actually spoken lines are in double quotes ".
The story should get new chapters soon. This is one of my first stories, don't hesitate to comment and point out the negative points, it'll help me improve.
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Please do not modify this story and do not publish it somewhere else without my consent. If you liked it and want to share it, just give a link to this page, it will be the only one I'll update. Thank You.
Chapter 0: Awakening
Feeling a touch on her arm, Sara slowly awakened, wondering how long she slept. As every morning, putting her thoughts in order, she remembered what happened on the previous evening, or at least she tried. She could not remember how she went to bed. It would not have been the first time, but she didn't remember drinking and she didn't have the characteristic headache of it anyway. Besides that, she would certainly not have drank too much the day before her birthday, she needed to be in shape to party the next evening.
Sara decided to get up, 'Well, let's get out of the bed, Elisa might know what happened', and then finally realized that she could not. Her arms and legs seemed to be tied to each corner of the bed. 'Calm down, something's not right' Now as awake as one could be, Sara tried to understand her situation, and realized a few other things: she could neither see nor speak, a blindfold covering her eyes and what seemed to be a gag preventing any attempt to speak or scream. She was also naked, she could feel a towel under her back and her blanket on her bare skin, as well as cuffs on her wrists and ankles. A mixed feeling of sexual arousal and panic began to grow into her.
Sara was actually into bondage, she spent a lot of time fantasizing over it with the help of the Internet, but it was a secret. She never had the courage to talk about it or to go beyond tying herself with belts or scarves that could easily be removed. The fear of being found out stuck being too strong, but now, there she was, tied spread eagled on her bed, gagged and blindfolded, without knowing how it could have happened.
The panic was still growing, now overwhelming the sexual arousal and Sara tried to scream, only to emit some muffled sounds, and to free herself, pulling on her bonds with all her strength, until she heard a voice: "Shhh, relax, everything is fine, relax...". The voice was soft, reassuring, nearly loving, and familiar: her roommate's! 'Elisa?! What the hell?!'
Chapter 1: A Crazy Idea
A few months earlier...
Sara was coming home from the gym. It was about 7pm, and as usual, her roommate was certainly already home. Sara was indeed living in a small flat with her university friend. They started living together when they entered university four years ago. Searching a cheap place to live, Sara found an ad from a girl searching for the same thing and asking for a roommate to rent a place to live.
Not knowing anybody around, she answered and that's how she met Elisa. Seeing that they were getting along pretty well during their first meeting, they started living together, quickly becoming best friends, doing everything together, and were still now, even though they both finished their studies.
Indeed, since none of them were in any serious relationship and since both had found a job in town, they didn't even think about moving. The situation was good, the rent still low, allowing them to save more money now that they were working than if they lived alone, and they were really getting along, so why would they change anything?
Their flat was a bit small but still comfy: too rather large bedrooms, a big bathroom and a last room that was both a kitchen and a living room. They both had enough private space and the common areas were large enough for both of them.
Opening the door, Sara heard her roommate shouting "Shit, fucking computer!". Sara smiled 'Yep, she's definitely here, and she still has computer problems' "Elisa, I'm home, something new happened today?". Elisa appeared in the frame of her bedroom's door.
Elisa was rather tall, 5'8" (~175 cm), with long legs, perfect waist and very nice B cup breasts. She was very proud of them, large enough to catch the eye, but small enough to stay firm and shaped. Her face was nice too, with her deep brown eyes framed by her waist long silky hairs of the same color.
Facing her, Sara was a bit smaller with her 5'5", but the rest of her body had nothing to be jealous of Elisa's. A routine of gym exercises was keeping it in perfect condition, her breasts were a bit bigger. She had silky black hairs she wore in a long braid, nearly as long as her friend, which were emphasizing the colors of her eyes. Indeed, Sara's left eye was of a deep blue while her right was of a light green. Those eyes only were able to attract any men, and Elisa, utterly jealous about them, would have fallen for them too if she wasn't a girl.
Elisa answered "Hi, welcome back. Yes, my computer is dead, otherwise not much, work is fine, and I'm totally hungry!" "I guess it finally died from your punches. I told you it was not a good idea... And me too, the gym really made me hungry today, so what are we eating?"
Later that evening, as Sara was going to sleep, worn out by her gym exercises, Elisa, not yet sleepy, asked her "Hey Sara, can I borrow your laptop for the night?", and Sara, without any other thoughts, answered "Sure". A single word that would have some unexpected consequences...
So Sara went to bed, and Elisa began one of her longest night. In bed too, she checked her emails and browsed the Internet, until her eyes caught the history button. 'I wonder which websites Sara is visiting... Mmh, I should not'. She knew she should not. 'Well, we already know all of each other's secrets'. At least she thought she did know all of Sara's secrets, she was bored, it was late, and nobody would know.
And so she looked, noticing nothing strange at first, some news website, some job related, some funny ones. Nothing extraordinary, until, on the bottom of the page, she noticed a website focusing on bondage. Well, nothing strange either, Sara broke with her last boyfriend two months ago, it would be expected to find a few adult websites in her history. The fact that it was related to bondage was not strange either, it was easy to reach kinky websites without noticing when browsing adult ones.
Even though she was beginning to feel sleepy a few minutes ago, she was now totally awake and began to search more thoroughly the history. Expecting to find only a few kinky websites among a mass of adult ones, she was surprised, nearly shocked, to realize that all of them were related to bondage, and that Sara seemed to regularly visit them.
They had lived together for four years, they were best friends, they talked about everything, including their respective sex lives, but Sara never talked about that. Elisa knew about bondage, of course, but never felt anything about it. She never understood how abusing a helpless person could feel pleasurable, for any of the persons taking part of it. Actually, she never tried to understand, but now that she discovered that her closest friend was so much into it, she wanted to, and then she read those websites, all night long, only to find herself, at 5am, more aroused than she had ever been in her life. Fortunately, it was now Saturday and she would be able to sleep all morning without attracting any attention.
Erasing every proof of her night activity, she decided she needed to cool down. Fortunately, Sara was a really heavy sleeper and would not wake from the noise of the shower. The neighbours might, but right now, Elisa didn't care, she needed a shower, she needed to cool down, and to think.
Elisa went in the bathroom and decided to actually take a bath, 'better for relaxing, I need it', and began to fill the bathtub while undressing. Waiting for the tub to be full, she admired herself in the mirror. Despite not going to the gym, she was beautiful, and Sara, who had to work out regularly to keep her body in perfect shape, was absolutely jealous that Elisa didn't need it.
and right now, her body was hot, her nipples were clearly erect and she could feel juices beginning to drool along her thighs. Seeing herself in this state only aroused her even more. Her body was screaming for orgasm, but her mind, still a bit confused by what she had seen and read the previous hours, managed to keep control. She needed to put her thoughts in order and understand why she was so turned on. She jumped in the now full tub and began to cool down a bit.
Up until now she had thought of bondage as a kind of master-slave relationship that only sadists and masochists could enjoy, but all the websites her friend visited were focused on another side of this fetish, where the submissive partner entrusts his freedom to the dominant one, which then take care of him, placing the submissive's feelings above his own. Everything was a matter of trust, and being the submissive didn't mean being a slave, but being the one receiving all the attention.
Elisa could now see how enjoyable it could be, imagining being brought to orgasm by her partner entirely devoted to her pleasure, while she had no control over the situation was turning her on, and imagining being the one in control, teasing her partner was definitely adding to her current sexual arousal.
As the image of a helpless Sara tied naked suddenly crossed her mind, she finally lost against her body, her right hand went directly to her crotch, inserting her middle finger and teasing her clitoris with her thumb while her left began to massage her breasts and pinch her still erect nipples. She came after only a few seconds, releasing five hours of excitement in an amazing orgasm, one of the most powerful she ever had.
During weeks, Elisa browsed as many bondage websites as she could, trying to learn more and more. She became addicted to this new fetish and wanted to try it. She did tie herself as good as she could with belts, but without any real equipment and no boyfriend, she could not really experience it.
Remembering how the mental image of her roommate tied up turned her on, she wondered if Sara ever experienced it herself. Since she obviously could not ask her directly, she tried to find any evidences of it. The first thing was to search Sara's room for ropes, cuffs or other bondage related items. Elisa proceeded carefully, searching Sara's room during her absence, bit by bit, making sure to leave no traces, but could not find anything.
She then proceeded to search Sara's computer, that she was still regularly borrowing, her own currently being repaired, for any message she could have sent describing her experiences. She felt really guilty about this intrusion into her friend's private life, but she had to know, she could not help it.
Elisa checked all the emails her friend had sent or received that she could find, read all forums she now knew her friend was visiting, for some hints, until she found one: On a forum, an account was still logged in. Her hand shaking, Elisa searched for the messages sent by this account, to find only one that she slowly read.
In this message, Sara was telling her story, how she discovered that bondage was turning her on, how she tried to tie herself with belts, exactly as Elisa did, how she wanted to try it for real but never had the courage to ask any of her boyfriends or to buy any equipment, even online. And how she tried to talk about it with her best friend but always backed off, fearing that she would not understand and that it would destroy her friendship.
Elisa was a little relieved and a bit frustrated that Sara told this to strangers but not to her 'She should know that we can talk about everything. We talked about things far more embarrassing than that. But that's not the point, now we are the same, but I can't tell her that I spied on her and that I know everything, at least not like that. That could indeed ruin our relationship, and I don't want that either'.
Then again, the image of Sara moaning in pleasure while tied up crossed her mind, and Elisa, despite never having any lesbian thoughts until now, couldn't help but to think that she would love to tie up her friend or to be tied up by her.
Days flew by, Sara still not saying anything about her fetish, and Elisa still not knowing how to tell her friend that she knew, that they were the same, and that more than anything now, she wanted to help her experience it for real. And then, one month before Sara's birthday, she got an idea 'That's it, I'll give her her first experience as her birthday present!' That was a crazy idea, probably the craziest she ever had but Elisa was stubborn, and then she began to think of how to make it real.
The first thing was equipment. From what Elisa saw, Sara seemed to like gags, blindfolds, and light comfy bondage, nothing too complex, nothing painful. So Elisa ordered all she would need online: a blindfold, an inflatable ball gag, two pairs of leather cuffs, and some rope. Since it needed to be a surprise, and thinking that Sara would certainly refuse to be tied if asked, no matter how much she wanted to accept, she reluctantly decided to rely on sleeping pills.
She managed to retrieve all her orders without Sara noticing anything and eagerly waited for the day she would act, the day before Sara's birthday.
Chapter 2: Offering the Present
The day finally arrived, and Elisa had to use all her will to avoid showing how nervous she was. Even though she had planned everything, tested the equipment and studied Sara's habits, about which she in fact already knew everything about, she still feared that something could go wrong.
It was Friday, as usual, Elisa was back home from work before Sara, who was going for her hour of work out at the gym, as every Friday. They decided they would not go out this evening in order to be able to party as much as they wanted the next day. It was 6:30 pm, she would be back soon, they would talk, Sara would take a shower, then they would eat, and around 9pm, they would go on the couch and watch some idiotic show with a drink. That was the catch, Sara was always, no matter the day or what could have happen, drinking her big glass of apple juice when she was watching tv in the evening. That almost childish habit always made Elisa laugh, but today, she was thanking it.
Elisa always had box of sleeping pills ready, that she would sometimes use to take a quick nap before going to party. Tonight, she would use them for a different purpose, and had already put one pill in the bottle of juice. The best feature of those pills was that they were soluble, they didn't change the taste of juices and they would put someone to sleep in just minutes. Medicine can be scary sometimes...
Everything went fine, Elisa managed to make her nervousness looks like excitement due to the party the day after. They ate and talked, Sara trying to make Elisa tell her what was her present, only to hear Elisa saying that it would be very special and that she hoped Sara would like it.
And then as usual, Sara took the bottle of juice, filled her glass, sat on the couch next to Elisa and emptied her glass in less than ten minutes. It was 9:30 pm, everything was going according to the plan. "Yaaaaaawn, mmh, I'm beginning to feel sleepy, I guess I'll go to bed early today, I want to be ready for tomorrow." "Already? At least stay until the end of the show, I'll feel lonely otherwise." "mmh, okay."
Fifteen minutes later, Sara was sleeping on the couch, her head on Elisa's lap. Elisa decided to make sure Sara was asleep, she called her and poked her cheek, but as expected, got no reaction at all. 'Perfect, I should have around one hour and a half before she can wake up. Now it is time for the hard part!'
And indeed, it was hard: after checking that she would not awaken, Elisa began to carry Sara to her bed, which was a lot harder than expected, despite the short distance, but Elisa finally managed to do it without hurting her or breaking anything. 'Woah, she may be small, but she's still heavy, or am I just weak? Maybe I should work at the gym a bit too. Anyway, not the time to think about that, now focus!'
Fifteen minutes later, Sara was on her bed sleeping like a baby and Elisa, on her way to her own room, was catching her breath "Ok, Elisa, you're an idiot, why would you tell her not to go to bed again? That was stupid..."
After retrieving all her bondage equipment from its hiding spot and returning to Sara's room, Elisa began to strip Sara. It would not be the first time that she would see her naked, but this time she was asleep, and she was striping her. She hesitated for a moment, but she was already too far, she had to go until the end.
So she did it. Sara was only wearing an ample shirt and pants and some underwear as usual when she didn't plan to go outside after her shower. Elisa removed the shirt, revealing Sara's bare breasts "She was braless all this time and I didn't even noticed?!" Resisting the urge to play with those beautiful breasts, she quickly removed the pants, and then the black panties.
'That's it, now the main part.' Elisa then proceeded to tie Sara on her bed, but thought about another detail 'I should protect her sheets first, she will spend the night in them and what I planned may be messy.' And thus she went to the bathroom had took the fluffiest towel they had. 'Perfect, Lying on this would even feel better than on her sheets.'
Elisa laid the towel on Sara's bed and then carefully placed her friend in the right position, on her back in the center of the bed, with her head resting on her pillow. 'Even though you'll be restrained, I want you to feel as good as possible, that's the point after all'. Then the tying began, starting with the legs, Elisa put one cuff on each ankle, they were simple padded leather cuffs that locked using belt buckles, with two D rings sewed on opposite sides. Elisa locked them not too tight and then proceeded with Sara's wrists, locking them in similar cuffs.
Before that night, Elisa did try the cuffs on herself, and despite being really simple, once locked, it was impossible to unbuckle them with only one hand. Sara would definitely be unable to escape.
She finally tied one piece of rope to each bed post and began to actually secure her friend. Placing her hands in the correct position, she made each piece of rope go through both D rings of its corresponding cuff and tied the end back to its post. With her hands bound this way, Sara was finally helpless, but her legs were still free.
Elisa took the two remaining piece of rope and did the same thing as for the wrists, slowly opening Sara's legs. Elisa had a hard time to stop gazing at Sara's now exposed crotch but finally did it and tied the final knot. There she was, helpless and exposed, without any control over what would happen, but it was not finished: "That's it, finally, she's bound, now the final details"
The gag and the blindfold. Like the cuffs, Elisa tried both of them on herself the very day the received them. The blindfold was rather large and had a lot of padding that would not allow a single ray of light to go through, that was perfect. The gag was an inflatable one. A belt was used to secure it behind the head and a small removable pump was used to inflate it. The tricky part was to inflate it enough to silence herself but not too much in order for it not to be painful, especially since it would stay in place for probably a few hours. it took her a few tries but she found the setting that would prevent her to speak anything but unintelligible sounds while not hurting the jaw even after hours of wearing it.
Elisa started with the easy part, the blindfold, that she put over Sara's eyes, carefully raising her head to secure it. Then she went to her mouth. It was a bit tricky to open Sara's mouth and to put the gag in it. She even nearly got bitten, but she finally did it. She secured it behind her head the same way as the blindfold and proceeded to inflate it.
Everything was set, she put the blanket on Sara, covering her entirely except for her head and arms. It was 11pm, she would have to wait until midnight to be sure the pills' effect had ended, so she turned off the lights, sat on Sara's desk chair and waited, admiring the blindfolded and gagged face of her friend, lit only by the light of the rising moon, wishing from all her heart that Sara would like her birthday present..
At midnight precisely, Elisa decided to awaken her friend, noticing something unexpected: the moon was full on this evening and was now directly bathing the bed in its spectral light. "The setting is just perfect! That's a sign!" Rushing to her bedroom, she retrieved her camera and took a few pictures of her friend. 'She's just perfect, I want her to see herself as well like that.'
Gathering all of her thoughts and resolve, she began to whisper in Sara's ear while gently touching her arm, and Sara slowly awakened.
"Shhh, relax, everything is fine, relax..." Hearing her friend, Sara's fear withdrew a little, letting her aroused, scared and confused. She stopped moving, waiting. "It's midnight, happy birthday Sara, this my present to you. I know you wanted to try it, I will take good care of you, so please enjoy it, okay?"
The voice was reassuring but Sara was still a bit scared, her thoughts racing, trying to understand how this could have happen while trying to focus on the situation and on how to escape it. Despite really wanting to try some bondage, right now, Sara wanted to be released, and she began to pull on her bonds once more.
Seeing the panic of her friend, Elisa continued to try to calm her. She knew that Sara would panic, who would not in this situation? And she knew she had to calm her down and make her agree on this, otherwise Sara would not enjoy it and everything would have been for nothing. She had to gain her trust. Putting her left hand in Sara's right hand, she continued to whisper. "Please calm down, I'm here, I understand you."
Once again, Sara stopped pulling on her bonds but grabbed Elisa's hand as if her life depended on it. "You see, I'm here, it's only us. I like that too, we are the same, I want to try it too". And then Sara understood 'My computer! The websites I'm visiting! She saw them! She knows everything! She's crazy! She has to stop!' She tried to scream for help but nearly no sound came out of her mouth, except some sobbing, and tears began to appear under the blindfold.
'Not good, not good at all, she's panicking, I need to reassure her as fast as possible.' Elisa's hand was nearly hurting from the pressure of Sara's grip, but she didn't care, she climbed on the bed, lying next to Sara, head against head, body against body, only separated by the blanket and Elisa's clothes. "I won't leave you alone, you're safe, you know I won't ever do anything bad to you, I know I can trust you with my life and you know you can trust me too, don't you?"
The sobbing stopped suddenly, Sara understood that refusing to trust Elisa now was like telling Elisa that she couldn't trust her, that their friendship was a lie, and this friendship was one of her most precious thing. Her mind couldn't trust her yet, but after Elisa's last words, she could not say she did not.
It was time to settle this: "So Sara, do you trust me?"... "If you don't want to continue, just say no, we'll stop immediately. If you want to, you know you can trust me like I know can trust you."
Sara's fear had nearly entirely disappeared, she had calmed down. 'She's crazy! She discovered my fetish and just decided to make me experience it. I can't say that I don't want to do it, but like that so suddenly, and we're both girls. But if I say no, this won't happen ever again, and she might even leave. She's driving me crazy! She is crazy!'
Sara then slowly let go of Elisa's hand and with a mix of fear, expectation, shame and arousal, nodded very sightly, nearly without moving her head.
'I did it, I accepted, I'm crazy...' 'I did it, trust me, that will be your greatest night!'
Sara could feel the blanket pushing her into her bed encasing her chest and waist. She guessed that Elisa was now kneeling over her waist, one leg on each side, effectively trapping her even more, and she suddenly felt Elisa's hands massaging her forearms, slowly moving towards her shoulders..
A whisper reached her ear "You're still tense, relax, isn't it nice?" The massage had the desired effect, Sara was beginning to relax 'She's right, it's nice. So that's what she planned? A massage while I'm being tied up? Indeed I can enjoy this. For a moment there I thought she would go a lot farther than that, silly me, she wouldn't, right?' She would not admit it, but Sara was actually a bit disappointed now that she was only receiving a massage.
Then Sara felt Elisa's weight moving again, now right over her crotch, her hands on her chest right below her neck began to move down, slowly massaging her chest and peeling the blanket. 'What?! I'm naked under that. Not that I mind, but what is she going to do?' She felt the hand slowly reaching her breasts, still well formed even when lying on her back.
Understanding what was going to happen, Sara moved her head from side to side, trying to make her friend understand that it was going to far. 'Nonono, stop that, the massage was okay, this is too...' "Mmmmmmmmmh". Her thoughts were stopped instantly by her own involuntary moan. 'She did that on purpose! I'm sure of it!'
And indeed she did: while peeling the blanket, Elisa made sure to keep Sara's nipples under it for as long as possible and placed her hands so that they would bump in every finger the moment they jumped out. She knew Sara was very sensitive from her breasts and especially her nipples, which were now fully erect, and that the blindfold would certainly heighten it even more. From Sara's moan, she knew she was right and was beginning to feel less nervous and more horny herself.
Breathing heavily through her nose, Sara heard Elisa's whisper once again: "You like that, don't you? I know you do, just relax, this is your present, your night. I'll make sure you'll enjoy it as much as possible." Sara didn't want to admit that she was beginning to enjoy it, but could not deny it either. She just laid still, not moving, half expecting half fearing what she knew was coming.
And it came, Elisa's loving hands were massaging her breasts like never, often touching her nipples. 'It's good... Too good... Why is it so much better than when a guy is doing it?' Sara had had a bunch of boyfriends, she had her breasts massaged before, but it never felt as good as right now. 'It's almost too good, and it's only Elisa's hand.' As she was thinking about that, Elisa decided to go even farther. 'Her tongue?! She's licking me?!'
As Elisa was carefully licking every part of Sara's breasts, purposefully covering them in saliva while still massaging them, Sara's moans grew louder and louder through the gag as each of Elisa's movement was sending a new wave of pleasure directly from her chest to her brain. It was too good, Sara could not stand it anymore, she tried to sink in her bed to escape from those expertly moving fingers and tongue, she pulled on her bonds, struggling to get free from the restraints immobilizing her limbs and the blanket encasing her waist, she shook her head, moaning louder and louder, breathing as fast as she could through her nose.
'No way, is she approaching orgasm? Just from her breasts? I thought it was a myth! Well, time to check if the myth is real!' And then she doubled her efforts on Sara's chest, sucking hard on a nipple while twisting the other, lightly bitting one while massaging the other breast, never stopping, always changing, trying to push her friend over the edge.
Sara's mind was going blank, overwhelmed by the never-ending pleasure, half cursing her friend, half blessing her. She was now shouting in her mind 'Elisa! Stop that right now! That's too good! If you continue, I'll lose my mind, please stop, stop that! I'll...' "MMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". The loudest moan echoed in the room as Sara's body suddenly stopped moving, all her muscles tensed, pulling on the bonds, her fists clenched, her body pushing against Elisa's one through the blanket in the most powerful orgasm she ever had.
After a few minutes of recovering, Sara was able to think again 'I can't believe it, I did it, I orgasmed by only having my breasts teased, by my roommate, a girl who tied me on my bed against my will and just gave me my best orgasm ever. Elisa, I... I... just want to lie there like that forever...' Now totally relaxed, she was feeling good and just wanted to lie there in this state of pure happiness.
Elisa, still kneeling over fer friend's crotch, was absolutely amazed 'So it's true, breasts orgasms exist, and from what I just saw, they are powerful... But now I'll have to compare that to regular one, the night is still young and I have a lot more parts to explore on that body.' With a large smile on her face, Elisa got off the bed and took a few pictures of her friend in this new state.
Elisa was now absolutely aroused, and she loved this. Sara just had an amazing orgasm, but Elisa herself could probably reach one in a few seconds if she wanted too. But right now was not the time, all her attention was directed to Sara, and the night was far from over.
'It's time for the second act, ready or not, Sara, here I come!' Elisa stripped down in a few seconds and headed back to the bed. Then she slowly pulled on the blanket, revealing more and more of her friend's body. Sara, who was ready to fall asleep, only realized the blanket was moving the moment its edge reached her crotch.
She knew that the night was not over and that Elisa would not stop after just teasing her breasts. She knew what was her next target and was both expecting and afraid of what was coming. Even though there was no good reason to feel ashamed anymore after everything that just happened, the thought of being seen naked like that was still a bit embarrassing.
Sara was now completely exposed, the sudden cold air against her bare skin made her body shudder for an instant. Elisa couldn't stop looking at her friend's perfect body which was even more beautiful under the bright moonlight. Her breasts were still glistening from Elisa's saliva, but it wasn't the only place: the orgasm apparently did leave some juices on her crocth too. A few more pictures were taken and the second act could now begin.
Elisa slowly climbed on the bed and knelt between Sara's legs, she put her hands on her ankles and slowly moved them up along her legs. Sara's body shuddered from the gentle caress. 'Don't worry, I'll heat your body soon.' Elisa continued her massage, moving her hand along her thighs, then her ass, where she lingered a bit.
Sara was getting aroused again, her breath was getting heavy, and her entire mind was focused on the parts of her body that Elisa was expertly massaging, waiting for more, wanting more.
Elisa's hands finally let go of Sara's ass and went up again, to her waist, around her breasts and at last reached for her shoulders. 'Eh? What's that?' At that point, Sara felt something else on her belly, it did not take her too long to figure that from her position between her legs, Elisa had to bend over her to be able to reach so far. 'Her breasts... Wait, her bare breasts! She's naked t...' "Mmmmmmmmmh".
Once again her thoughts stopped when she felt a tongue on her left nipple, licking and sucking on it until it was fully erect. It then moved to her right, doing the same and finally went between her breasts. Elisa's hands took its place on each breast, massaging them, often teasing her nipples, making sure they would stay erect, while her tongue began to move down across her belly. Sara couldn't deny her pleasure anymore 'Yes, give me more!'
The situation was different from before, where Sara was trying to resist the pleasure, wriggling in vain to escape her roommate. She was now accepting it, she even wanted more. Elisa did not miss that change and felt the urge to tease her friend even more, by bringing her to another orgasm, but this time as slowly as possible.
Elisa continued her slow assault on her friend, gently teasing her nipples and breasts and tickling her bellybutton with her tongue. 'Elisa! You... Stop that, you know I'm ticklish! Get down there faster!' Sara could feel Elisa's breasts now on her thighs and got an idea. With the small freedom of movement her legs had, she started rubbing her thighs on Elisa's nipples, until "Mmmmmmmmmh".
A quick pinch on her own nipples stopped her right away, reminding her of her current position: gagged, blindfolded, tied up. She was absolutely helpless, on the receiving end, and Elisa had full power over her. Elisa was also perfectly aware of that fact now, she could do whatever she wanted to her friend, she could feel her chest rise and fall under her hands, she could hear her heart beating faster than ever. And she knew that right now, the only thing Sara wanted was another orgasm. She could bring her to it in moments, or she could make it excruciatingly slow. With the largest smile on her face, she chose the latter option.
Elisa's attack on Sara's bellybutton continued for what looked like an eternity, until Sara could not refrain to wriggle and moan. Elisa finally moved down toward what both of them wanted. Leaving a trail of saliva and kisses on her belly, Elisa's tongue finally reached Sara's crotch. Ever so slowly, she opened her lips and began to lick, carefully avoiding Sara's clitoris for now.
Moans of pleasure echoed again in the room. Sara was still far from climax but the gentle and relentless stimulation on her breasts and her crotch was just amazing. She both hoped that she could achieve a quick orgasm and that she could stay in that state forever. Elisa noticed that Sara was getting used to the current stimulation. 'Sara, I won't let you get bored, trust me!' With that thought, she simultaneously pinched, twisted and pulled Sara's nipples harder than she ever did before and licked and sucked with all her might on her previously untouched clitoris.
The reaction was immediate: with the longest and loudest moan of the night so far, Sara's whole body arched up toward Elisa's mouth. Contrary to the first time, she wished for Elisa to continue her assault until what would be an amazing orgasm. But that wasn't Elisa's plan.
Sara let out another moan, but this time it was more like a wail 'Elisa, you... Why did you stop now? That was good, I was about... Let me finish...' That was something Elisa always wanted to do: delay the orgasm as much as possible, she knew that the more it was delayed, the better it felt but every time she masturbated, the urge to finish prevented her to delay it more than a few minutes. She suspected it was probably the same for Sara, so now that she was in complete control, she would delay it as much as she could for her.
And so, just before Sara could finish, Elisa went back to gently teasing her clitoris, being careful not to push her friend over the edge, she let go of her nipples and slowly brought her right hand toward Sara's crotch while her left continued to gently massage her chest 'It's time for even more fun, I hope you'll handle it'. With that thought, Elisa gently inserted her middle finger inside Sara's soaked vagina.
Despite being in that situation, Sara was still a bit ashamed, and that was preventing her to let out too much moans of pleasure. That fact changed the moment Elisa found her G-spot. That was just too much, after having been brought to the edge of orgasm and denied a few minutes before, she was now teased on all her most sensitive places at the same time: Elisa was massaging her nipples and breasts, sucking and licking her clitoris and rubbing her G-spot. Nobody would be able to delay one's release after this kind of stimulation, but she was not the one in control, and Elisa was making sure not to allow that.
More than forty minutes had passed since the second act began, both girls were sweating now, and Sara was letting out continuous moans of pleasure, moans that were music to Elisa's ear. She was intoxicated by it, she could not have imagined how good it felt to be in her position, and she was wondering how much better it would feel to be in her friend's place. What Sara was experiencing was also beyond anything she dreamed of. She fantasized a lot about being in her current position, but now that she was actually there, it was completely different.
She was experiencing a mix of two feelings: pure ecstasy and the urge to orgasm. Both feelings were growing more and more powerful every second, up to the point where she could not focus her mind on anything else. Having lost any notion of time, her whole world was reduced to those two feelings and the parts of her body Elisa was expertly teasing. Before long, Sara began to squirm, sometimes trying to escape, sometimes pushing herself against Elisa, but whatever her movements, Elisa was just sticking to her, never stopping.
After thirty more minutes of being kept right on the edge, Sara's moans were a mix of moans of pleasure and pleas for release, and she was simply trashing in vain against her bonds, pulling on them with all her might in hope of getting free and finishing herself off. Elisa then finally decided it was time to release her friend from that amazing torment.
Without changing her position, Elisa simply started to tease Sara with all her might. Strong yet gentle pinches of her nipples, quick cycles of sucking and licking her clitoris and a constant rubbing of her G-spot with now two fingers. With the last bit sanity she could still retain, Sara immediately noticed the change of pace and understood what was coming, and stopped moving and moaning.
'Yes! That's it! More! Continue! Don't you dare stop now!' and Elisa didn't stop. Entirely focused on her friend's body, she could feel it getting more and more tense by the second. The orgasm was building, she could nearly feel it herself in the now silent room, until the first contraction that nearly threw her off and the loudest moan one could ever utter through a gag, a moan of pure ecstasy. Sara's whole body was simply made of pleasure, from the tip of her toes to the tip of her fingers. Her mind that was experiencing two feelings until a few seconds before was now freed from the urge to orgasm, letting the pleasure alone overwhelm her whole mind and body, every new contraction sending a new wave more powerful than the previous one.
Elisa only stopped her stimulation when Sara fell silent again and the intensity of her orgasm started to decrease. But Elisa didn't want to finish like that. Girls have the advantage of not having a refractory period, and she planned to use it fully. 'And here we go again, it's not over yet!' And at the very moment Sara's orgasm finished, her ordeal resumed.
Thinking it was over, Sara was caught short of breath and didn't realize immediately that Elisa planned to give her a second orgasm, just after the most amazing and exhausting she ever had. 'No! Nononononoooooo! Noooooo!' Her mind was struggling like crazy in fear of definitely losing sanity but her body simply had no strength left to do anything anymore, and the second orgasm, even stronger than the first, sent her to a land of pleasure once again, wiping all thought of resisting it the moment it exploded in her body.
Both girls were exhausted and covered in sweat, and none of them moved for a few minutes. Elisa even dozed off the way she was, between Sara's legs. When she woke up fifteen minutes later, Sara was sound asleep. She got off the bed and sat on the chair, contemplating her friend, taking some final pictures, wondering how good it felt, and remembering she was aroused too, wetter than ever, and that she didn't get to orgasm a single time that night. A few seconds later, she did.
Elisa had tried to anticipate everything that could happen, but now she faced a problem she did not consider: that night had been messy, and if she would go take a shower, there was absolutely no way she could face Sara now. She could not wake her up to tell her to clean herself, but at the same time, she could not let her friend spend the night covered by sweat, saliva and juices. "No choice then, I'm responsible for that mess, I'll have to clean you up". She went into the bathroom to get a washcloth and quickly back in the room. 'Aww, that's awkward, I'll leave her tied up until I finish, in case she wakes up'.
To Elisa's relief, Sara did not wake up and she could clean her up as much as one could, and it was finally time to set her free. She started by deflating the gag, then she carefully raised her head to unbuckle it and the blindfold. For a moment, she considered letting her bound to the bed 'That could be fun, but she would probably kill me the moment I release her.' So Elisa finally removed the cuffs from Sara's wrists and ankles and covered her with the blanket. There was one final thing to do, leaving a note, and then she could take a shower and fall asleep too.
Chapter 3: The Day After (added: 2012/06/06)
When Sara woke up the next morning, she couldn't recall anything unusual from the night, as usual she tried to put her thoughts in order, but exactly like when she woke up before, she could not remember how she went to bed and once again thought of asking Elisa. She stepped out of her bed and walked toward the door when she noticed something unusual: her computer was on, even though she would always shut it down before sleeping. It was now bothering her, so she went to her desk, moved the mouse and discovered an open text file with a note from Elisa:
"Hi Sara!
I already told you, but happy birthday once again!
I simply hope that you enjoyed receiving my present as much as I enjoyed giving it to you. You actually really seemed to enjoy it!
In the case you did not, then I am deeply sorry, and if that is your wish to forget it then I shall never mention it again, and I hope it will not affect our friendship.
By the way, the second part of your present is on that memory card plugged in your computer, check it. But be careful, there are no backups of those pictures, they are all yours to do what you want.
"What?" Even after reading the note, Sara could note recall what happened, she could just feel that something did happen, so she checked the contents of the memory card. The moment she saw the first picture of herself tied up, gagged and blindfolded, she remembered. Her memory was now as clear as crystal, and by the time she browsed through all the picture, she could remember everything she felt, she could nearly feel Elisa's hands and tongue on her body right now. She remembered how good it was, and how angry she was right now!
In the other room, Elisa just woke up too, and was wondering if Sara was still asleep when she heard her. "EEEEEEEEELIIIIIIIIISAAAAAAAAA!" 'Ok, she's definitely awake, I'd better put something on before she tries to break down my door'. Before she could even put her panties on, the door flung open, revealing a naked Sara in the frame. 'Oh crap, I expected the "Angry Sara kicking on my door", but I did not expect the "Angry naked Sara barging into my room because I forgot to lock the door, when I am myself still naked..."'
Sara stopped at the sight of her friend, completely naked except from the panties in her hands. Elisa was the first to try to break the akward silence "Well... Eeeh... hi?... Happy Bi..." but before she could finish, Sara, still overwhelmed by her memories of the night, finally realized that she was naked too, and lost all her thinking capabilities. She turned red, stepped outside, slammed the door behind her and shouted through the door "Elisa! You are the biggest! Stupid! Idiot! Ever!" Elisa took a few minutes to understand what just happened 'Well, I definitely did not expect that from her... I guess it could have been a lot worse'. On her way back to her room, Sara whispered to herself "If you really think I'd want to forget that, then you really are an idiot..."