Part I
The ferry docked at the island and Emma and Kate took their bikes and started to wheel them off the ferry and on to the quayside. They had the whole weekend to cycle around the island, enjoy the beaches and generally get away from everything. The island was sparsely populated at the best of times, and this was out of season. They had hired a small beach hut to stay in, literally meters from the beach.
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Emma was first off the ferry. She was athletic, tanned and had long blonde hair. She was wearing a pair of short blue gym shorts, white t-shirt and sunglasses. She sat on her saddle and watched Kate disembark the ferry.
Kate was tall, slim with long dark hair and wore a short flowery summer dress. If Emma was the sporty one, she was the elegant one. She threw one leg over the saddle and started to peddle.
It didn't take long for them to reach their beach hut, drop off their bags and then cycle up the island away from the only village. They were soon on their own on the deserted track that led up the coast. It was a hot day and so the friends stopped at the first bay for a swim.
As they returned to their bikes, having cooled off, Kate smiled as she watched Emma unlock the bike chain that she'd used to secure her bike to the bike rack.
"No-one's going to take it, Em" she giggled, "We're all alone."
Kate then walked up and took the chain from her friend's hand.
"Maybe you're bike would be even safer if we chained you to it?" Kate giggled as she took Emma's keys and unlocked the two padlocks that were locked to the chain.
"Hey, what're you doing?" Emma smiled as Kate reached around her and proceeded to padlock one end of the chain around Emma's waist.
"You'll see" Kate replied as she motioned for Emma to get back on her bike.
Kate then took the free end of the chain, passed it down between her friend's legs and through the hole in Emma's sports saddle. She then wrapped the chain around the frame of the bike and back up through the hole in the saddle.
"OK, sit down on the saddle" Kate instructed as she pulled the chain tight and padlocked it on to the back of the waist chain.
"Hey, you've chained me to my saddle!" Emma exclaimed as she realized that her butt was held tightly against the seat.
"Perfect, no-one will steal it now" Kate giggled.
Emma looked down at her short blue shorts, which didn't cover much more than her butt, and the chains holding her tightly to her saddle.
"Hey, where are my keys!" Emma demanded.
"Here" Kate giggled waiving then just out of reach.
Emma tried to reach for them, but the bike came with her and she almost fell over. Kate cycled off and Emma followed her. At the first hill she tried to stand up on the pedals but soon realized she couldn't.
By the time Emma reached the next bay, Kate was already on the beach.
"Hey Katie, how can I get on to the beach, me and my bike are a bit inseparable now" Emma called.
Kate was already in the sea as Emma tried to cycle her bike on to the sand. The sun was hot and her t-shirt was sticking to her back. Half way down the beach she fell and just lay there on the sand still attached to her bike.
Kate walked over in her red bikini and stood above her.
"My, you are in a spot of bother there" she purred as she knelt down by the saddle to check on her chains and padlocks.
"Please unchain me," Emma begged.
"But those chains look so good on you, sweetie," Kate giggled as she helped Emma back to her feet.
"And I'm sure there'd be no shortage of guys that'd love to be your saddle right now," Kate purred.
They continued cycling until they reach a very secluded bay where they stopped for a drink. Emma had now cycled over five miles chained to her saddle and Kate finally took pity and unlocked her.
Emma reached over to Kate's bike and picked up her high security D-lock.
"Where are your keys?" Emma asked.
"Why?" Kate asked suspiciously.
"Give them to me!" Emma purred.
Kate reached into a pocket in her dress and handed Emma a small bunch of keys.
"I'm worried someone may steal you" Emma purred as she pushed Emma back towards the bike rack.
"Yes, we'd better take no chances" Emma insisted as she pushed Kate to the ground so that she was sitting with her neck resting against a horizontal metal bar two feet from the ground. The bar was part of the bike rack that was bolted to the ground.
Emma passed the D-lock around the bar and Kate's neck, locked it and slipped the keys into a pocket in her blue shorts.
"You're be safe now," she purred as walked past her so that her thighs brushed Kate's face.
"Where are you going?" Kate asked.
"For a ride" Emma smiled as she tapped the back of her shorts to remind Kate that she was truly stuck.
Emma then mounted her bike and cycled back up towards the main track that ran along the hill above the bay.
Kate looked up and down the bay to the South and the hills to the North. There was no one for as far as she could see, she was quite alone. She rattled the heavy lock around her neck and smiled as she found it locked securely in place. She shivered excitedly as she thought about how there was absolutely no way she could ever get free; if no-one came to rescue her, she would have a slow painful death chained up where she was.
She was as turned on as hell and was enjoying the moment. However more time passed, although with no watch she had no idea how long she'd been there. She started to get frustrated and pathetically pulled at the lock. When was Emma coming back? She started to feel a little scared, what if Emma didn't return, she'd have to spend the night there, all alone.
"Emma" she called out but there was no reply. She pictured her friend cycling, the key in her shorts, squashed beneath her butt. The thought turned her on again. She was in the middle of nowhere, locked up with her own bike lock. She was totally at Emma's mercy; she hoped she had some!
It was over two hours later when Emma returned. Kate watched her climb off her bike, walk over to her and sit down on the bar next to her head.
"You still here?" she joked as she stood up and then sat back down with one leg either side of the back of Kate's head.
Kate started to rub her face along the inside of the blonde's thigh. "You cruel bitch" she whispered.
Emma giggled, stood up and sat down the other way round such that Kate's face was pushed into the front of her shorts. She tightened her thighs around Kate's neck to hold herself in place. She then slowly retrieved the keys from her back pocket and released her friend from her incarceration.
It was Friday evening Emma and Kate had showered and were drinking wine at their beach hut, overlooking the beach.
"You did look cute in chains" Kate smiled at her friend.
"Umm, my bike and I were getting a little too intimate" Emma giggled.
Kate picked up the long bike chain and padlocks again.
"Stand up" she ordered.
"I guess it's my turn" Emma replied as she did as she was told.
Following more orders, Emma pulled up her short flowery dress to reveal a pair of white cotton underwear. Kate knelt down and started to padlock one end of the chain around the blonde's waist.
Emma playfully pulled her dress back down enclosing Kate's head tightly inside and it took Kate a few seconds to wriggle out. But Kate continued, padlocking the waist chain at the back and then passing the chain down Emma's butt, through her legs and back up and padlocked it on to the waist chain at the front.
"Suits you" Kate giggled as she walked out towards the beach and then started running towards the sea. Emma guessed what she was going to do and ran after her, but she was to too late to stop Kate throwing the keys as far as she could out to sea.
"How do I get these chains off now!" Emma exclaimed as she pulled Kate down on to the sand and sat astride her.
"You don't" Kate laughed, "not until the next ferry takes us back to the mainland on Monday morning.
"You little bitch!" Emma shouted, half crying, half laughing.
Later that evening, Kate was lying on the bed stretching, wearing only knickers and a tight t-shirt. Emma watched her touching her toes and that gave her an idea. She went over to the bikes to get Kate's D-lock.
"Can you stretch your head between your thighs?" Emma asked as she leaned against the bedroom door in a short black dress. Kate tried.
"Easy" she smiled.
"Now keep it there" Emma giggled as she walked over and started to thread the lock around one of Kate's thighs.
"Hey what're doing?" Kate asked.
"Just stay there, this'll be fun" Emma purred.
It was a tight fit, but with Kate's head between her own legs, Emma managed to pass the lock around both of her friend's thighs and her friends neck. She quickly turned the key before Kate could protest. Not only was the lock around one thigh, her neck and then the other thigh, which in itself locked Kate's head to her thighs, but the lock also held Kate's thighs so closely together that there was also no possible way that her head could be pulled back through.
"Oh that is beautiful!" Emma exclaimed as she watched her friend try in vain to free her head.
"Em unlock me now!" Kate cried as it began to dawn on her quite how stuck she was.
"Chained between your own thighs" Emma giggled as she sat down on the bed to admire her ingenuity. Kate rattled the lock and rolled from side to side desperate to avoid the embarrassment of her situation.
"There's no way out of there," Emma concluded as she walked out to fill their wine glasses.
Kate was starting to get frustrated, embarrassed and annoyed. "Emma, I'm not spending all evening like this looking at my own butt!" she announced.
Emma took a sip of wine, "Oh but maybe you are, honey" the blonde woman purred. Emma knew it was cruel, but she loved watching Kate struggle around in a futile hope of getting free. And so she left her locked up until she thought of an even more cruel idea.
Emma then picked up a couple of belts, pulled her dress up and lay down next to Kate with the back of her thighs resting against the back of Kate's thighs and with Kate's face pushed against the top of her thighs. Like this Kate's head was surrounded by on all sides by butt and thighs.
Emma then wrapped the belts around all four legs and started to tighten the buckles. As she did so, her thighs and Kate's thighs were pulled closer and closer together until they touched and became totally airtight. A few seconds later Kate was desperately pulling Emma's legs apart in order to get some air.
"I can't breath in here!" Kate exclaimed as Emma unbuckled one of the belts to open the smallest crack of light and air in between her thighs.
"Well then take a deep breath before I seal you up again" Emma purred as she retightened the belt, bringing her thighs together and cutting off Emma tiny air supply.
Emma repeated this several more times before walking over to the kitchen to fetch some drinking straws. She re-buckled their legs together, but this time Kate had some straws in her mouth the other end of which poked out between Emma's otherwise sealed thighs.
Given that Kate was no longer thrashing around to trying to breath, Emma assumed some air must be getting in. She felt Kate's fingertips running up the back of her thighs and it felt nice. Kate's head was now completely enclosed by flesh. Emma imagined what it would be like inside, completely black, silent, thighs crushing her head from all sides and probably very hot by now. She could feel her thighs starting to slide against Kate's face; yes it was certainly hot in there.
Fifteen minutes passed before Emma unbuckled the belts and revealed a red faced, panting brunette hidden inside.
"You're looking good" Emma giggled as she reached over for her wine glass.
Kate rattled the lock with her hand, "Please let me out of this bloody thing!" she begged.
"Tut, tut" Emma smiled, "Anymore language like that and I'll leave you locked up until morning."
"Arh, let me out of my thighs!" Kate cried and then laughed at her bizarre statement.
Twenty minutes and much teasingly later Kate was free and she had probably never happier to get out of a restraint.
Saturday morning was again sunny and warm. Emma still had the chain locked around her waist and between her legs and was wearing a short summery dress to hide it. The friends cycled back up the island, although this time there were a few other cyclists on the paths.
They arrived at a secluded beach only to find another couple just leaving.
"We don't have the place to ourselves today" Kate observed as she watched an attractive guy cycle off.
Emma though for a moment, "Maybe we can use this to our advantage."
They devised another game. Kate was sitting on the ground next to the cycle rack as she's done the day before, but this time the D-lock went around not only her neck and the bike rack, but also Emma's crotch chain. This meant that they were both secured to the solid bike rack.
They waited until they saw another cyclist about five minutes away up the bay and then Emma threw the keys over to the other cycle rack and far of the girl's reach.
"This is it, I hope someone comes to this bay today" Emma smiled as she looked down at Emma's smiling face poking out from underneath her dress.
"Quick get ready" Emma called as she pulled her dress over Kate's face and wrapped a large beach towel around her. With the bikes and bags strategically positioned, Kate was now almost hidden.
A couple cycled down on the bay and parked their bikes at the other bike rack by the keys.
"Hi guys, I've lost my keys, you haven't seen them over there have you?" Emma called out.
The guy quickly found them and threw them back over to Emma. "Thanks" she shouted.
The couple walked down on the beach and Emma quickly unlocked her crotch chain and Kate's neck from the rack.
"That was easy" Kate giggled.
"Maybe next time we'll wait until no-one's in sight"
"Cool" Kate purred.
The couple cycled off and Emma relocked her crotch chain and Emma's neck to the bar and again threw the keys out of reach.
"What if no-one comes?" Emma immediately asked.
"I know" Kate purred, "We'd stay incarcerated all night."
"And I love the way we can see the keys but can't get them."
They waited and talked some more about how some cute guy would rescue them, but it was two hours before someone actually approached and it was a woman with dark hair, wearing denim shorts and top. Emma again asked for the keys, but this time the woman was listening to her Ipod. When she turned it off they realized that she was Italian didn't speak any English.
Emma tried to mimic using a key and pointing to where the keys were lying. Finally the Italian woman got the idea, or so they thought. She picked up the keys and put them in her pocket.
"I think she thinks we were saying that someone must have lost the keys and so she'd taking them back to the village" Emma giggled.
She called over to the woman, "No we need them over here! Over here!"
But to her horror she saw that the Italian had turned on her Ipod and couldn't hear them.
"Shit" Emma shouted as she beckoned madly to the woman.
Kate pulled away the towel and pulled up Emma's dress and they both watched the woman cycle away with the keys in her pocket.
"Don't worry, they'll be someone along shortly" Emma said.
"Yes but no keys to unlock us" Kate replied.
They slid the lock along the bar until they could both lie down on their towels.
"Isn't this what we wanted anyway" Emma purred as she watched the sun set over the sea.
"It is quite sexy" Kate purred as she ran her tongue up the inside of Emma's thigh.
"Umm, I hope you're going to do that all night" Emma breathed.
"Looks like I'm your personal crotch slave tonight" Kate whispered.
"Umm, you're not going anywhere" Emma moaned already feeling very turned on.
Emma's thighs felt unbelievably strong as they tighten around her head.
"I have no choice but to do whatever you want."
Once they had both had their fun, Kate rested her head on Emma's inner thigh.
"Closer," Emma smiled as she eased Kate head further into her crotch until her nose was resting between her butt cheeks. She then lowered her top thigh to lock Kate's head in place.
"Perfect" the blonde woman purred, as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.