- Author - Jessie P
- Rating -
    [ 4.32 actual ]
- Site Rank - 673 of 2955
- Story Codes - m-self, consensual, chastity, self-bondage
- Post Date - 2/19/2011
Author's Note:This is my first story submitted to Utopia Stories. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to future updates and twists!
Chapter 1
Well, it had finally arrived. After a week of anxiously waiting my first sex toy had arrived in the mail! This came as quite the relief as my entire family including myself were to leave on a vacation the following day. I quickly picked up my box and headed towards my bedroom to examine my newly arrived toy.
"Hey there big brother! What's in the box?" My sister Sarah inquired. Shaken, I replied "Mind your own fucking business you blonde brat!" and proceeded to my room. Once in my room I locked the door and placed the box on my bed. I threw myself onto the bed and without another moments notice I began to unwrap the box. I felt a sudden onset of horniness, my stomach started to fill with butterflies eager with anticipation.
There it was, my first sex toy right in front of my eyes. A chastity belt, in particular it was a CB 6000. My hands started trembling and my cock started to grow rock hard as I held my own chastity device. For the longest time I've had a crazy fetish for being held in such a device. The thought of denying myself such a pleasure sent waves of horniness over me. However my thoughts were short lived, as someone came knocking on my door. "Brothhhherrr" My sister said taunting me. "What's in the box?" I shouted through the door "If you must know It's a TV series I purchased online, now leave me the fuck alone!". "Such a tongue on you..." She said as she walked away.
"I'm not going to be able to try this on here" I thought to myself. I made my way to the bathroom where I would pretend to have a shower. I hid my newly received chastity belt in my pocket. I turned on the shower and began to inspect my new toy. My cock yet again started to grow. "I need to calm myself down". After a while of thinking of other thoughts my cock had returned back to its flaccid state. Seizing the moment, I grabbed my hidden KY from the bathroom draw and lubed up my cock and chastity device. I sized up the device, and made the appropriate adjustments then fitted it onto my cock. It was now all in place except for the lock. My entire body was feeling uncontrollable amounts of horniest at this point, all I wanted to do was take it off and rub my hard cock until I came. Much to my displeasure I resisted the urge and grew the courage to put the lock through the hole on the device. I committed myself to the final step and locked myself into chastity.
The sound of the lock clicking sent waves of pleasure over me. I had to sit down on the bathroom bench to assess myself. The feeling of my throbbing cock was overwhelming. Never before had I experienced such a thing, I was truly in heaven! I wanted to make full use of my new chastity device before the vacation tomorrow. I planned on trapping myself in the device for the full night and take it off in the morning when we're all ready to go. I got dressed and turned off the shower and headed back into my room. I had researched this program called Timelock, it offered a user input time delay release. Exactly what I was looking for.
For the second part of my plan, I had a steel toolbox with a changeable combination lock. I changed the combination without looking and took a picture of it. I uploaded the picture to my computer and deleted the photo from my camera to prevent any cheating on my part. My hands yet again began to tremble with anticipation as my plan began to unfold. I set Timelock to unlock the picture in 7 hours, giving myself plenty of time before we had to depart tomorrow. I then clicked ok and the program started to count down from 7 hours... My need to cum had never been higher. I continued with my plan, placing the chastity keys within the toolbox. I then placed the padlock onto the box. "Well this is it..." I thought to myself. I clicked down the lock. A fresh wave of horniness came down upon me. I laid down upon my bed and stripped naked and got under my sheets. I immediately started to try and touch myself. All I could feel was the unbreakable hold that this device had over me.
I started to wonder if this was such a good idea. I had no way of getting out of this thing until the timer ran out which wouldn't be until early morning. I threw the thoughts out of my head and began to focus on my current predicament. My cock continued to try and grow and it was beginning to make my balls hurt. I didn't anticipate this happening, it was really aching and there was nothing I could do about it. I decided it would be best to focus on something else and allow my cock to shrink back down.
After what seemed like hours my cock finally shrank down and the pain in my balls had subsided. I try and control my cock as my mind slowly drifts to sleep. It was a long and sleepless night. Once it was morning I woke up to discover the device was indeed still locked onto my cock, as I slowly began to wake up I became more and more horny. My cock started to grow and I tried to rub myself, but to no avail. "Not to worry I'll be able to cum as soon as I get this thing off me." I got dressed and made my way to my desk. I turned on my monitor and noticed that my PC was switched off. "God dammit, there must have been a power surge last night". I thought nothing of it and proceeded to switch on my PC.
I anxiously logged in and loaded up the Timelock program. My face turned pale. Time Remaining: 5Hrs 23Mins. I looked at the screeen in horror. "HOLY SHIT!" I said out loud. My feelings of horniness had all but dispersed. I looked at the time, 6:11 am. "We're leaving in 40 minutes!" I said to myself. My terrifying dilemma was interrupted by knocks on my door. "Breakfast is ready!" My mom said. "Shit, shit, shit!" There was little I could do. "Alright, coming!" I answered back. I made my way into the kitchen where I began to eat my breakfast while thinking about my situation...
No matter what I could think of, the only way to get this thing off me was to endure a full two weeks of this device locked on my cock, preventing me from cumming. Denying me of something I've taken for granted my entire life. The thought of this made my cock start to grow. I tried to distract myself from this but it didn't work. My cock continued to grow inside the locked device. "Oh god, my cock feels so good. I just wish I could touch it!" I finished up my breakfast and accepted my fate. I packed my bag, feeling the bulge in my pants the entire way. "Everyone ready?" My dad said. We all got into the car began the drive to our vacation apartment. "Hey big brother, are you going to be ready to sleep in the same room as me? The apartment has two rooms, 1 bed for mom and dad, and two beds for me and you!"
"This is going to be torture" I dreaded.