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Chapter One
Kaitlin watched the characters streaming across the screen a few inches from her face, but only a scant few made any sense to her. Too many other thoughts, too many sensations, were assailing her for the words to form any meaning. There was no comprehension left within her, not after everything she'd gone through and what was being inflicted on her.
All that remained was an all consuming orgasmic haze as she writhed on the floor in her bonds.
Regardless of Kaitlin's state of mind, the computer on the desk she knelt before continued its work both on-line and on her body. A countless horde, billions of billions, of tiny independent robots crawled across Kaitlin's naked form at the beck and call of Kaitlin's silicon tormentor. Together they formed the second skin sheath that covered her body in ways that no body suit, or even body paint, could equal along with everything else both on and within her.
The search had been going on for nearly three hours already, and there was no end in sight. Kaitlin had given up begging, now simply moaning as each potential candidate took their turn with her. Vibrators of every description and function took shape as thousands cell sized robots joined together, sliding into her soaking wet sex. With each new invader some other exquisite pleasure was inflicted on her flush body, until there were moments when Kaitlin simply lost all connection to what was happening around her. Then there were the plugs...
Kaitlin had hated the plugs at first, the things didn't so much slide into her as they simply formed there, though she'd eventually learned to more than love them. They stretched her anus as far as she thought it could possibly go and further, eliciting squirms of discomfort from Kaitlin until they settled and the squirms became moans once more. Sometimes they moved within her, and sometimes they vibrated, but none of them seemed content to simply fill her.
Through out it all only Kaitlin's restraints had remained somewhat consistent. Since the ordeal had begun her arms had been fused behind her back from fingertips to elbows, and her knees kept spread as far as her legs would allow by a thick black bar between them. All of it thanks to the robots called nanites.
Gasping through the ring locked just behind her teeth, Kaitlin leaned forward until her forehead reached the carpet. The assault had eased for a moment, only small nubs pressing into her, pulsing. Seconds passed, Kaitlin's drool soaking into the carpet as she shifted her weight but stayed positioned as she was. The computer was searching for it's next possible candidate, she didn't need to look up to know that much. It was the same pattern she'd been in for the past few hours with no end in sight.
The computer was searching for an owner for her, and she didn't know why or even how. It all might as well have been magic or a nightmare, only this nightmare had started when she awoke.
Sebastian settled back down in front of his desk, cursing under his breath. The one day he'd decided to take off and just relax was, of course, the day after the power grid had gone insane. Every sub-station in a hundred mile radius had gone crazy, shutting down only after doing God only knew how much damage to surrounding homes. That meant that every system management computer in that region of the grid had to be reset once the system itself had been checked for damage.
"And that meant having to go in and bust my ass on what was supposed to be my day off." Sebastian mumbled, as a storm of instant messages appeared on his screen. He'd made plans with several friends, all of which had been shot down by the emergency at work. It took twelve minutes to sort through messages and send off apologies. Just after he'd promised to make up lunch with Alex next week, he came across the chat invitation.
Someone named #3172 was inviting him into a private chat off of The Devil's Den, a bondage forum that Sebastian frequented... well more often than he probably should have. Most every night Sebastian logged in for some amount of time, to chat and play. It was a guilty pleasure, a way to vent the myriad fantasies that danced around behind his eyes. Actually it was his only vent. In all his years of dating, Sebastian had never found someone to share in his interests.
There had been one that was close, Rebbecca, but in the end he'd been too eager even for her. It all started off great, they'd dated for a while before either had revealed their penchant for bondage. From that point on it had been all leather and locks pretty much full time or so Sebastian had thought. In the end what he'd thought of as full time had been a little more than Rebbecca had imagined.
Sighing, he opened the invite and scanned through the message. Master, you don't know me but I feel as if I know you. I've read everything that you've posted, yet only now worked up the courage to contact you. Please consider giving me a chance to interact with you on a deeper level. I will be connected all evening. This humble slave girl looks forward to reading your every command.
Scratching his chin, Sebastian read the message over and over. "Interact with you on a deeper level? Really? Who talks like that?"
Odds were the invite was spam, someone out there fishing for a live computer. But... but he was curious and bored, so why not see where it lead? Clicking the link he waited for this #3172 to except, which normally took a few minutes. There wasn't much of a notification when a chat was excepted so normally... ten seconds later the chat window opened.
"Jesus, what were you doing sitting there hovering over the except button?"
A second after that the first line appeared. I'm so glad you excepted my invite. I've been waiting all evening to see if you'd agree to chat!
For a long second Sebastian didn't answer, instead tabbing over to check and make sure every antivirus he had was running and nothing was trying to slip past his firewall. Satisfied that this wasn't some weird hack attempt he replied. Its a pleasure to meet you. I don't remember seeing you around the forums.
I've lurked for some time, just reading. Again the answer came in a matter of a few seconds. Either this was some weird trick or this #3172 was a professional typist.
Shaking his head, Sebastian replied. So what can I do for you? You said you like some of my posts, which ones?
The time it took for Sebastian to type his message seemed like an age compared to what it took to get a reply. Your stories, 'The Cellar Door' and 'Gilded Cage,' were both exquisite! Not to mention the scenarios you've posted for PinkKitty, Jil009, and LiLGirl7. All of them were so close to what I've always dreamed of.
"Wow." Sebastian mumbled, leaning back from the keyboard. "OK so I have a cyber-stalker or something? Do I mind this? I mean its all online and anonymous... well basically anyway. Besides if there's some nubile little coed out there that types at the speed of light, and wants me to tie her up, then who am I to deny her young dreams. Of course this is probably some one's grandmother knowing my luck."
Was that a little too much at one time? I apologize, but I've been building myself up for some time for this conversation. Everything is just kind of pouring out now that I've started.
Was it possible to be both disturbed and comforted by one statement? This mystery woman, assuming it was a woman, had read his hesitation all too well and that was a little unnerving.
Not that's fine. So what about those did you enjoy?
Everything. There was actually a long enough pause for Sebastian to wonder if #3172 had disconnected, then the web link appeared. I can't explain it in words no matter how I try. Please, please, please click the link and let me show you.
"Ah, there's how you're going to try and get in!" Sebastian said, shaking a finger at the invitation. "Yes but I have a nice cozy little quarantine waiting for you, so lets see what you... you... wow..."
The web stream took only moments to buffer before a live feed appeared on Sebastian's screen. No warning lights flashed across the bottom of the screen about viruses or anyone trying to get through the firewall. Truth was Sebastian wouldn't have noticed if it had.
Is master pleased? Can I call you that?
Twenty minutes later Sebastian was slipping his jacket on and grabbing his car keys. The entire encounter online was mind blowing, and when the mystery woman had asked him to come over he'd accepted immediately. The problem was that everything about this felt suspicious. All of it was weird, from the abrupt contact to the typing to what #3172 had shown him via the web cam. Some of it had to be some kind of trickery, computer generated graphics or a prerecorded images spliced into the feed. There was simply no way for someone to change as fast as #3172 was doing, and holding those positions would take a gymnast.
Whatever was actually going on, its was worth the risk. Besides he had an hour drive to reconsider, not that it ever crossed his mind.
Kaitlin heard the doorbell ring and her heart skipped a beat. This was insane! There was some strange man outside her door, here to do god only knew what to her, and she as going to dutifully walk over and open it. She was going to greet him with a smile, serve him the meal she'd prepared, and ask him to take complete control of her and her life... because she had no choice in the matter.
Since her new mystery man had accepted the suit's offer to take ownership of "unit 3172," it had somehow been feeding information straight into Kaitlin's mind. There were no words specifically, merely pieces of knowledge that just popped into her mind without warning. She knew what foods he liked to eat, what he would likely want her to be wearing, and how he'd want to be greeted. All this from the suit she'd awoken in that morning.
That was one thing that had become all to clear: it had never actually been her computer in control, but the sleek sheath that covered her. Her impressions that somehow the computer was shaping the amorphous material were backwards, though again she had no idea how she had come to know this. Kaitlin didn't understand how or why it was possible, but in the end it didn't matter because she would obey regardless of where it came from. Only once had Kaitlin said "no" since waking, and the suit had shown her that it was just as capable of inflicting pain as pleasure.
Her bare feet whispering across the hardwood floors of her loft apartment, Kaitlin paused at the door. A second passed, and then another without a knock. Her heart raced as she dared to hope he'd simply gone home when she didn't immediately answer. Her shoulders sank as a trio of knocks echoed across the empty apartment.
Straightening herself, checking her hair one last time, Kaitlin opened the door and smiled. "Good evening, master. Please come inside."
He was well dressed, and while no-one would call him a male model he was by no means homely. His hair was thinning a little, but her had a dark beard and broad shoulders, both of which Kaitlin enjoyed. There was caution in his expression as he stepped into the apartment and looked around.
The first thought that came to Sebastian's mind was that this had to be some kind of set-up, things like this never happened in real life. Actually, that was his second thought. His first was simple: oh my god.
The vision that greeted him at the door was exquisite. Whatever her real name was, #3172 was a beautiful brunette with brilliant green eyes. She couldn't have been much over five foot two, boasting an hourglass figure that was otherwise reserved for pin-up art. Everything was on full display as she opened the door, the fire engine red bodysuit she wore clinging to every inch and curve. The brilliant color was only interrupted by a bar code on her left hip, the number 3172 stenciled just beneath it.
"Would master care for me to hang up his coat?"
Sebastian finished scanning the loft apartment and finally turned to appreciate his... his new acquisition? "That depends. Are you ready to go through with what we discussed on-line? Writing about it is one thing, doing it is another. I don't want there being any misunderstanding..."
A surge of panic hit Kaitlin as Sebastian spoke. He couldn't say no! That would mean another search, hours more torment at the whim of unknown prospects, and god only knew what else. "Please don't go!" Kaitlin shouted, kneeling between Sebastian and the door. The panic in her voice was only making him more nervous, so Kaitlin forced herself to calm down. "Please, I know this seems insane but let me explain. Have a seat and let me do this all at once, OK?"
A little voice in the back of Sebastian's head was still yelling that this was something more than it seemed. That C-cup bearing vixens in what he was guessing to be some kind of brush on latex did not just call up out of the blue and beg someone to come take ownership of them. Even if it did happen it sure as hell didn't happen to him. But then again what was the harm in staying for a few minutes?
"All right." Sebastian said simply.
Kaitlin bounced back to her feet with a grin and took the coat as Sebastian offered it. "Thank you! Have a seat at the table, I have dinner ready and a bottle of nice red wine. I know you prefer a dry white, but its actually pretty good." When Sebastian cast a curious glance back at her, Kaitlin raised her hands in a mock surrender. "Please master, let me explain it all at once."
As Sebastian sat at the dining room table, Kaitlin returned to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine. Pausing she checked herself, her posture and smile. This had to be perfect. It almost didn't matter what this man was like, Kaitlin knew she'd prefer the devil she had before her than one in the anonymity of the inter-net. Walking back into the dining room with her head high and shoulders back, Kaitlin flashed a warm smile. "If master is comfortable I will begin?"
"Please do, I really want to hear this." Sebastian answered as Kaitlin knelt at his feet and held the glass up for him to take. For a solid minute he didn't take it, and dutifully Kaitlin held her position: arms extended, hands cradling the proffered glass, as her head turned down to Sebastian's feet. Finally satisfied, he took the glass and sipped the wine. "What's your name? And this is good wine, nice call."
"Thank you master, its from a local shop I lucked on." Kaitlin replied. "As for a name, I am only 3172 until you choose to give me a name." The suit had reiterated that point over and over: she was no longer Kaitlin Monroe, but rather whatever her new owner wished her to be. As much as that nagged at her, it was something to deal with as she could.
The answer did put something of a smile on Sebastian's face. "OK, what was your name?"
With a slight nod, Sebastian sipped his wine before answering. "Works for me. All right Kaitlin, tell me what's going on here. I mean I'm enjoying this so far, but this is weird."
Now Kaitlin nodded. "It is, believe me I understand that. I don't really know how to explain it really."
This was the moment that Kaitlin had been dreading because she had no idea how to even start. How could she explain without sounding insane that she didn't know how the suit had gotten onto her, how it was speaking to her, and how exactly it had understood how to find him? Even thinking about it, the whole thing sounded crazy. Then it finally fell into place: there was no reason to tell him when she could simply show him.
"If master would be so kind: what would you like to see me in? Anything at all." The statement was dangerous and Kaitlin knew it, but she was already so far in that there was no point in hesitating.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Anything? What does this have to do with an explanation?" When Kaitlin simply smiled, Sebastian shrugged. "All right then I want to see you in an open breasted latex straight jacket, not the cross front corset either. No, I want the integrated sleeve."
Kaitlin didn't even know what any of that meant, but it seemed the suit did. In the blink of an eye it seemed to disintegrate, every piece detaching from its neighbor and going into motion. From her first experience Kaitlin had learned that resisting the suit's changes was useless; instead she relaxed where she knelt as her arms were turned back behind her once more. Exhaling as the suit tightened around her waist and forced her to straighten her back, Kaitlin felt her fingers lace together as her arms were sealed behind her. The cool air of the apartment played across her suddenly bare breasts just before the suit formed the straps and buckles that completed the straight jacket.
It was all Sebastian could do to not drop the wine glass in his hand as the suit did something impossible. What was the best fitting latex bodysuit that Sebastian had ever seen wasn't a bodysuit any more. It, f its own volition, changed into exactly what he'd demanded. Now it hugged Kaitlin's body just as well but left her breasts to his whim, bound her arms in a seamless monoglove, and even formed the straps at her sides and between her legs. All in the same brilliant red that contrasted the long black tresses falling down her back. Only the silver collar at her throat remained unchanged.
"How... what the hell?"
Shifting her shoulders the tiny bit her new bondage allowed, Kaitlin made a vain effort to shrug. "I don't know the answer to either question, master. I literally woke up this morning with it on and no clue as to why. Its in my mind, telling me what I am now and what I must do. That last part is serve a master." There was the slightest trace of fear in her voice, but largely Kaitlin managed to keep her tone steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. "The suit searched you out, analyzed all your online correspondence and chose you as my master."
"This isn't making this seem any less crazy."
For the first time all day Kaitlin genuinely laughed. "No I suppose not, but that wasn't the point. I just want you to know I'm not crazy."
Climbing to his feet, Sebastian started to pace around the table. "We should call someone. The FBI or someone, then get you to a doctor to look at this thing."
Images of laboratories and interrogation rooms filled Kaitlin's mind as soon as Sebastian mentioned authorities. "No! No please don't! I don't know what will happen to me if we do! I mean, I've seen the movies about this stuff!"
"Those were just movies."
"Yes I know, but you can't tell me that it won't happen. Please, master, the suit wants me to serve you, to belong to you, and I want it too." Kaitlin pleaded. "I'm not hideous, and I don't know all the ins and outs of bondage but I'll learn. The suit can be anything you want, turn me into anything you want."
Sebastian downed the last of the wine in his glass and stared down at Kaitlin. Saying she wasn't hideous was ridiculous; the girl was beautiful, and her bondage made her even more so. Besides that, why was he even hesitating? Wasn't this exactly what he wanted?
"A strange woman in a living suit tends to complicate this a little though." Sebastian mumbled to himself, his eyes never leaving Kaitlin. "If I hadn't seen what I just saw, I'd walk out and call the cops because you'd be completely insane. I did see it though." Running his fingers through his hair, Sebastian grinned. "Who am I to deny a lady? You can call me master Sebastian or simply master as you've been doing."
Chapter Two
Sebastian ate another forkful of salmon and grinned. Apparently, in addition to everything else, Kaitlin was a damn good cook. "Position." There was a hard tone to Sebastian's voice as he spoke, though he never looked up form his meal.
A few feet away Kaitlin tried to answer, but the 'yes master' couldn't make its way past the warm phallus that filled her mouth. Her shoulders shaking with the effort, she straightened up and pushed her shoulders back. Despite her best efforts, Kaitlin couldn't stop gently rocking her hips back and forth.
Kaitlin's cheeks burned as Sebastian watched her and smiled.
The straight jacket was still in place and even tighter around Kaitlin's body. At Sebastian's command the straps had come to life and slithered down the length of Kaitlin's legs, quickly binding them together before expanding to join with one another. In short order Kaitlin's legs were as enshrouded as her arms, though by that point all her attention had been on maintaining the kneeling position Sebastian had placed her in and the two new friends between her legs. They were different from the myriad of vibrators, plugs, dildos, and all the other devices that had been inserted into Kaitlin before. Sebastian had been specific about exactly how he wanted them to fill her, feel to her, and react to her.
If she was careful in rotating her hips just right, the vibrator inside her hit spots within her that made her head spin.
Was that it though? Was it just that the shapes inside her were more... more something?
"I like that." Sebastian commented, snapping Kaitlin back to the present. "I like the hip movement, keep it up."
Kaitlin groaned, the gag in her mouth moving and thrusting in response to the vibrations. Dutifully Kaitlin maintained the rotation of her hips as Sebastian climbed to his feet.
Standing in the kitchen, listening to the rhythmic, muted moaning from the dining room, Sebastian stared up at far windows. There was one more thing bothering him, one more nagging question in the back of his mind, and it had to be answered before he felt like he could let his guard down.
"Well there's only one person who can tell me." He mumbled before crossing the loft apartment to the computer desk in one corner. Kaitlin was still immersed in the attentions of the three members inside her, which meant Sebastian had the time to get his answer.
The monitor flickered to life almost immediately, a complex menu with several movies playing in small windows around the screen. "Domstic model... careful selection process... default options for the unit..." Sebastian first started reading the options laid out on the screen, going down through the menus that caught his eye. "OK... yeah, yeah this is not what I'm looking for. Maybe if I... there that's what I needed to know." For several second Sebastian read through the information the suit had determined about himself, about the owner it had sought for hours on end. Satisfied, he pushed away from the desk and walked back to where Kaitlin still knelt.
She didn't hear his approach as he crossed back to her, walking up from behind. Instead she felt the fabric his jeans against her bound arms and back as he pressed against her. One hand found her chin and lifted it until Kaitlin was looking up at Sebastian as he stood over her. His other hand found the erect nipples that Kaitlin couldn't help but present to her new master.
"So I've done some reading, and it seems that certain standards are expected of your owner. It puts things in perspective, and it all looks good to me but its going to make for a long night for you." Sebastian said, a wicked grin on his face.
Staring up Kaitlin, ran her tongue along the shaft locked between her lips, moaning as all three suit-formed penises responded.
"See, the suit doesn't seem to understand artistic license. It thinks, hell its expecting, me to be exactly like the stories posted on line." As he spoke Sebastian ran his fingers through Kaitlin's black locks, pulling more and more with each pass in time to her increasing sounds of pleasure. "The only other option would be to put you on the market again, so to speak, and I know you don't want that. Not that it really matters because I'm not letting you go. You said you wanted to be mine, and now you are. I don't easily give up what's mine."
The words were only starting to sink in when the first orgasm rocked Kaitlin. A million confused thoughts crashed into one another as Kaitlin closed her eyes and arched back against Sebastian's legs. Every moan brought more pleasures, every pleasure more moans... and eventually screams. She tried to squirm, twist, anything to escape and then enhance the sensations assailing her again.
Fifteen minutes later Kaitlin leaned back against Sebastian's legs, exhausted. Nuzzling his leg, Kaitlin managed to look up at the man her mind was already thinking of as her master. When he smiled, she felt her heart race.
He allowed her to rest for a few moments before kissing her gag locked lips. "Let's get you into something more practical." Sebastian whispered. "I want you to stretch out once you're free, you'll need to be limber later."
Every motion felt like a performance, every stance a moment on stage, as Kaitlin performed the most mundane of tasks: clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. Maybe it was the suit, but she felt Sebastian's eyes on her every moment evaluating her. Without even really thinking about it, Kaitlin found herself standing straighter and holding her head higher. She knelt when normally she'd have simply bent down, and held her shoulders back to present her bared breasts.
It bothered her that she was falling into this so easily, so eagerly. Maybe it was the surreal feeling of discussing her life and career with a man she'd only known a few hours, wearing what made her feel more exposed than being naked would. That wasn't all of it though, it couldn't have been.
"That was when they gave me the accounts manager job." Kaitlin said, casually. "I suppose that's something we'll have to work out, master. I... I'd still like to go to work."
The thought made her laugh a little as she looked down at herself. Sebastian had changed the suit to allow her to clear dinner and move around more, though he'd done nothing for her modesty. Instead of binding her arms and legs together, the suit simply formed stockings and gloves of sleek, metallic black. A mesh of black straps wound around her torso holding the cups that supported her breasts in place but leaving them, and the ebon patch of hair between her legs, for Sebastian's use.
Leaning against the counter, Sebastian watched Kaitlin move around the kitchen and couldn't stop smiling. No matter how often Kaitlin insisted she'd never done this before, Sebastian couldn't imagine a woman transition into a complete submissive so readily. "There might be some complications with that."
Turning to Sebastian, Kaitlin bit her lip. "Yes, master." She said quietly.
Crossing the small kitchen, Sebastian gathered his pet into his arms. "Its more than just me wanting to keep you all to myself. The suit isn't going to allow you to wear anything other than itself, and maybe shoes. That's all, so any work clothes are going to be made out of this suit."
Kaitlin climbed further into Sebastian's arms. "I don't know if I can do that. I mean going out in public..."
"Well you're going to eventually. We'll discuss the rest in the morning." Leaning in Sebastian kissed her for the first time with nothing between their lips. Kaitlin was hesitant for an instant, then her lips parted as she melted in his arms.
When they parted she looked up into his eyes with something akin to worship. "Master." She said quietly.
An hour later Kaitlin again found herself pulling at her bonds, her body at the mercy of her master. The suit covered barely more than a few inches of her body save her wrists and ankles, which is held spread as far as Kaitlin could manage. She stared up at the ceiling above the table on which she lay, struggling to keep her silence, as her master had commanded, even as his lips and tongue played across her body. Her body felt like it was aflame, her cheeks flush as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to scream Sebastian's name, to beg him for more.
Walking around the table, Sebastian kissed his pet. "You are being very good." He whispered, his teeth then playing along her ear. "I think we need..."
"Hello?" The voice echoed across the loft apartment from the computer desk as the monitor flickered to life. "Might I speak with you?" It didn't sound quite human, but rather a digital voice meant to sound human.
Cocking his head to one side, Sebastian looked toward the computer. What was this all about? "Suit, default." He said, a series of startled sounds escaping Kaitlin as the suit shifted.
Her heart still pounding, Kaitlin could do nothing but whimper in frustration as the suit released her from the table and started another transformation. She didn't know what "default" meant, but apparently to suit did. It slid down the length of her arms and pulled them behind her once more, welding her hands together at the small of her back. At the same instant it formed shimmering stockings and the garter to match them, even while engulfing the lower half of her face and filling her mouth once more with a shape Kaitlin was becoming all too familiar with. The finishing touch was the waist cincher that squeezed her hourglass into even more dramatic curves, and lifted her breasts.
Lifting Kaitlin from the table, Sebastian sat her on her feet before clipping a leash onto the front of her collar and crossing to the computer. "OK this is a little surprising, but not much." He said over his shoulder. "I did some reading when you were preoccupied."
The face that greeted the pair gave them both a pause. It wasn't quite human, and made no pretenses about being such. "Ah good... I believe it is morning there, yes? I take it you are the new owner of unit #3172?"
Regaining his composure, Sebastian sat at the desk as Kaitlin stood staring at the monitor. With a glance back he caught Kaitlin's attention, who immediately knelt. "I am. I take it you are the maker of this wonderful device?"
The thing on the other end of the connection nodded. "Indeed, I represent the consortium that created the sample unit. How are you enjoying the unit so far?"
Sebastian settled back in his chair, petting Kaitlin's hair as she still stared at the creature. "Exquisite, my compliments."
"Excellent! So a question for you then, good sentient. Is there a market on your planet for such a product? Would you be interested in a few more units?"
It took a supreme effort to maintain his composure and not jump at the offer the instant it was made, but Sebastian just managed. "I believe so. Shall we say another five units? How much would they cost?"
The expression on the creature's face vaguely resembled a smile, or at least Sebastian hoped that was what it was. "We'll send them with our compliments! If the market there opens up like we hope it will, they'll be resources well spent."