- Author - halby
- Rating -
    [ 4.29 actual ]
- Site Rank - 449 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, consensual, bondage
- Post Date - 1/13/2011

This story was submitted for the 2010 Winter Fetish Contest. Please be sure to rate read and rate each story. When you're finished, visit our sponsor by clicking the banner above. (They have lots of cool stuff!).
Author's Note: This story is submitted for the Winterfetish contest. I'll be continuing it further even after the contest.
Chapter 1
"Wait, what?" Bonny wasn't sure she had heard Ellie right.
"I said, I want to buy you, Bonny," Ellie said matter-of-factly, leaning back into her plush sofa. She crossed her stockinged legs for Bonny to see, and hoped her placid face would not betray the thundering beat of her heart in her chest. Sitting in Ellie's beautiful family room with Bonny across from her, Ellie felt like she was floating. She had said it, which was most of the battle, in her mind. It was an amazing thing to do, and Ellie felt a rush of sexual energy course through her. She just prayed her long history with Bonny would save their friendship if Bonny didn't like the question.
Ellie and Bonny had been friends from their earliest days, meeting as toddlers and growing up in a quiet suburb of Cincinnati. They were close from the start and never left each other's side through high school and college. It was to Ellie that Bonny revealed her life-long fetish for pantyhose and stockings. And it was Bonny who heard Ellie's confession of her love for bondage. The deep trust they had in each other led to intimate play and experimentation. Though neither girl was gay, their love for each other seemed beyond friendship.
In college, Ellie met Mark, who was truly the perfect catch. Mark was gorgeous, tall, smart and kind. He loved Ellie from the start and treated her accordingly. It was a lucky bonus that he had inherited an obscene fortune in his teens.
Ellie and Mark fell in true love and even though Bonny was happy for them, she felt a sense of loss when she watched them exchange vows in their senior year of college. Bonny had her own share of boyfriends through the years, and fell in love more than once. But once Mark entered their lives, she found that other guys came up short. She crushed on Mark and missed Ellie and stayed silent about it all.
As college ended, Mark and Ellie moved into a large, beautiful old home and went to work using Mark's fortune to make a difference in the world. Bonny finished her English degree with high honors, but found work very hard to come by. She struggled to make rent and stay ahead of school loans, working long hours in jobs unrelated to her degree. Ellie had offered once to loan Bonny some money, but Bonny's strong reaction made it the last time as well. The girls stayed close, but the economic realities of their loves was pulling them apart.
"What are you talking about, Ellie?" Bonny let her eyes stray to Ellie's gorgeous legs, and she strained her ears to hear the swish of the stockings rubbing together. There it was, like a symphony written for Bonny alone. Bonny felt herself flush and wiggled her toes. Though she was wearing an ordinary pairing of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, Bonny's legs were, as always, encased in expensive, silky pantyhose. This particular pair was a gift from Ellie, in fact. Donna Karan's The Nudes, sheer to waist. Bonny loved the feeling of her toes in stockings.
"OK, so Christmas is just a couple weeks away, and I've finally thought of the perfect present for Mark... and me," Ellie said, smiling. "That present would be you." Ellie was fully into the moment now. The fact that Bonny had not stood up and stormed out of the room was a positive sign. Her heart raced but it drove her focus.
"Explain that, Ellie," Bonny said, with a hint of anger in her voice.
"OK, Bonny, first of all, just know that more than anything, I love you, OK?" Ellie was a little worried by Bonny's tone and was eager to make sure that any damage done with this request was minimal. "I love you and would never, ever hurt you. You know that, right? I would die for you, Bonny."
"I know," Bonny said, and her tone was softer. The quizzical look remained on her face, though.
"OK, so that's the most important thing," Ellie continued, slipping her feet out of her shoes and feeling the cool air rush through her stockinged toes. She caught Bonny noticing her feet in the pantyhose and made sure to wiggle them a little, just to help with the sale. "So if you don't like what I'm offering, just know it comes from a good place, Bonny."
"I'm listening"
Ellie took a deep breath and leaned forward. "You know how much I like bondage, obviously. Well, it turns out that the only person who's ever tied me up... is you."
"Seriously?" Bonny asked. She couldn't believe this. She had assumed that Ellie had told Mark of her bondage fantasies, and that Ellie had spent their wedding night tied to the bed, experiencing her most powerful orgasm ever. "Didn't you ever tell Mark?"
"I did," Ellie said, casting her eyes down in embarrassment. "And he supports me, you know that. He loves me so much. But it's something he has real trouble with. I guess he's just not ready for it. I think, deep down, he's afraid of hurting me somehow. He just doesn't get it, yet, you know?"
"Yeah, I get it." Bonny totally understood. The first time she tied Ellie up, Bonny figured she was twice as nervous as Ellie. It's a tremendous responsibility to bind someone and take control of her wellbeing for as long as she's yours. It's frightening... and wonderful.
"So now I'm not comfortable with the idea of him tying me up," Ellie said with exasperation. "It's becoming a real problem for us. I need this part of my life."
Ellie ran her hands up and down her shins, enjoying the feel of the silky pantyhose. She was glad Bonny had turned her on to this fetish. It went so well with bondage. The encasement, the tight fit of pantyhose. Ellie pulled her eyes back up to Bonny and went on, "you're also the only person I've ever tied up, and I loved that, too. So I was thinking the other day, about everything.
"I know you're not working right now. And I know money is really tight." Bonny blinked at this. Ellie rushed on, "Please don't be mad, I'm not saying that to be an asshole. I'm just saying that I know you have some time on your hands for a while, and that you'd never take a loan or anything like that from us, even though we'd give you anything you ever wanted." Ellie blurted this all out so quickly she wasn't sure Bonny heard it. But Bonny looked softly back at Ellie and didn't appear offended.
"No, it's true, I can't find anything right now," Bonny admitted. "And I know you'd give me anything. I just can't take that kind of charity."
"No, exactly," Ellie said quickly, "That's just what I'm talking about. But maybe we can help each other out. Listen to this proposal, OK? It's like the gift of the magi, only better. It's perfect for both of us!"
"OK, go ahead," Bonny said, feeling herself start to get hot.
"I want to buy you for Mark, and me, and give you to him, to us, on Christmas morning," Ellie said, and just the picture of it in her mind made her so wet she was sure she was ruining her couch cushions. "I will pay you $100,000 for one month of total ownership of you, Bonny. Total and complete, every second of every minute of every hour, until January 25th. It would be no charity, no loans. We'd be giving something of ours for something wonderful in return."
Bonny was breathing quickly now, the dollar figures rushing about in her head, mixing with pictures of her tied up, in Mark's arms. This was insane. "Are you really serious about this?" she asked Ellie.
"Totally, Bonny. I love you, and Mark loves you. You know he does. And I know how much you love him..." Ellie let this hang in the air between them, looking directly at Bonny, but being careful not to stare. "I'm not mad at you. In fact, I love you even more. You love him, but have always kept quiet and never done anything, anything, to mess us up. It would have been so easy, and you could have had him all to yourself. You can't know how much that means to me, Bonny."
Bonny didn't know what to say, so she sat speechless. She always thought she had them fooled. She'd decided early on, once she knew how strongly she felt about Mark, to be a complete nun when he was around. Was she really that transparent? Bonny felt tears well up in her eyes. "Ellie," she started.
"No listen," Ellie stopped her. "Think about what we could have. For one month, you would be ours. Mark could do whatever he wants with you, and I wouldn't care. In fact, I'd love it! Because you'd be mine, too. So it would be like an extension of me. And we could work Mark into the bondage."
Bonny was reeling. First of all, the money was outrageous. She needed it so bad, and what Ellie was offering would blow away all her debts from school, from credit cards, her car. It would give her something to live on while she went after an actual teaching job. It would be like hitting the Ohio lottery for Bonny. Add on top of that, the chance to be with Mark, and with no guilt. Well, that was like hitting the Powerball.
"I'm not saying yes," Bonny said carefully, trying to maintain her composure, "but let's just act as if I had. What would I have to do for this month we're talking about?"
Ellie almost came right there on the couch. "OK, it's pretty simple, really," Ellie said, unable to stop the grin spreading on her face. "There are four main things and everything else follows from that, OK?" Bonny nodded and Ellie continued. "First, if you agree to the sale, you'd become ours for one month. The money would be put into your bank on December 24th. You would report here at midnight, after Mark has gone to bed. You would become our toy at that moment, and you could not leave. That's very important, you cannot leave after that, Bonny, even if you wanted to, even if you get sick of it or decide you don't like it or change your mind for any reason. We absolutely won't let you go. And you will do anything we want you to. This is a real and complete commitment, do you understand?"
Bonny swallowed with some difficulty and let this point sink in. She knew she could trust Ellie, and even Mark, with her life. But what if, one week in, she decided she hated real captivity, really being owned by another? If she walked out the door, would they tackle her and drag her back inside? It seemed like a difficult proposition. "I'm guessing I'd be tied up a lot," Bonny said.
Ellie nodded, "That's actually the second part, and it's related to the first. You will be bound or restrained in some way the entire time. The entire time, Bonny. When you sleep, when you bathe, when you eat or even go to the bathroom, you'll be tied up to some degree. First, this will ensure you don't escape. Not that I think you'd try, but if you really did start to hate this, you couldn't even begin to get away. It makes it so much more complete. And second, seeing you tied by Mark, and tying you myself, will help me get comfortable with him tying me. And it should help him, too, you know?"
Bonny understood, but was a little daunted by the idea of being restrained for a solid month. The longest she'd been tied before was about eight hours, when she fell asleep after making love to an old boyfriend with her hands tied in front and her ankles cinched together. It was actually one of the best sleeps she'd ever had. "I'll need to exercise and stuff, though, " she pointed out. "How will I do that?"
Ellie was sharp enough to notice that Bonny said "will" and not "would" in this last exchange. Did that mean she was going for it? Ellie's excitement grew. "I promise," she said, being completely sincere, "to see that you get all the exercise you feel you need."
This seemed to placate Bonny, so Ellie made her next point. "Third, you will wear pantyhose, stockings, or tights the entire length of your slavery to us. I know you love them anyway, and you've made me love them, too. And Mark can't get enough of them, so this shouldn't be too big a deal, but you have to understand. In bed, in the bath, everywhere and all the time, Bonny, you will wear nylons."
This made Bonny as moist as she'd been since they began this amazing conversation. "OK," she said quickly, "I have no problem with that."
"And finally," Ellie said, a little nervous now, "you will have sex with Mark whenever he demands it. As often and as long as he wants, wherever he wants." Ellie eyed Bonny and continued, "This same also applies to me, Bonny. I know, we're not gay, and you weren't ever even able to go down on me. But let me be clear. If I say so, you will go down on me. If I want to take you with a strapon, you will let me. You will never be required to sleep with any other man, but absolutely will be required to sleep with any woman we might bring. OK?"
Bonny's head was swimming. It was all becoming a little overwhelming. Was she really considering selling herself into slavery? Was she going to force herself into lesbian servitude? Was she going to be tied for a month straight , unable to change her mind or leave? The only answer coming to her mind was a resounding 'YES.' That freaked her out more than anything. She wanted this. Bad. She sat, looking at the floor, thinking.
Ellie went on, "We'll also promise some things. First, we will never hurt you in any way. No hitting of any kind. No cutting or pain. The only physical discomfort will be whatever pain you experience from intense and prolonged bondage. But that's it. Second, I'll submit to the pantyhose rule, too, Bonny. I know you'll like it, so I will wear pantyhose the entire time. Just imagine us snuggling in bed together, rubbing our feet in our stockings!"
That single point would have been enough to sell Bonny on the entire idea. "I definitely like that, Ellie!"
"I knew you would! Finally, we swear, we swear, to take good care of you. If you let me buy you, you will lose every choice and freedom, and I know that's scary. I will make sure you're safe, happy and loved. I will take care of you, and dote on you and love you, as you already know I do, Bonny."
Bonny felt a tear well up in her eye and she nodded. " I know you do, Ellie. I love you, too. I'm a little overwhelmed here. I just need to think for a minute, OK?"
"Of course, honey. I'll never rush you. This is huge, but just know that I want you to be a part of us. I'm so dying to hear you say yes."
Bonny looked Ellie in the eye and saw nothing but love there. Her decision was made. "Yes, Ellie. I'll be yours. Oh my god, I can't wait!"
Chapter 2
The next couple of weeks seemed to fly by. Bonny and Ellie worked out the final details. Bonny made arrangements with her apartment complex, and with her friends and family, telling everyone she was going to go on sabbatical for a month to Europe.
Ellie took Bonny to her favorite lingerie boutique, which stocked all the finest stockings and pantyhose. Fogal and Wolford, Donna Karan and Givenchy. Ellie decided that Bonny's everyday pantyhose "uniform" would be some silky, black seamless Wolford pantyhose and bought a dozen pairs, over $600, that day.
They also took Bonny's measurements and went to a bondage shop, getting Bonny all manner of gags, armbinders, cuffs and chains. The beautiful female clerk seemed particularly happy to help Ellie procure the instruments of Bonny's slavery. She even suggested various shackles that Ellie could use to chain Bonny to herself.
"Just think, Bonny," she said with a wink, "we'll be sleeping naked together in our pantyhose, with you chained to me!"
"Am I a total freak if I say I can't WAIT for that?" Bonny asked.
"Yes!" Ellie exclaimed. "But that's why I love you!"
On the night of the 24th, Bonny, as nervous as she'd ever been in her life, locked her apartment door and got in her car. She drove over to the nicer side of town and pulled her car into Mark and Ellie's huge garage. The house was dark except for a light in the study. As Bonny got out of the car, she heard the door open from the house and saw Ellie walk toward her. As the garage door closed, the chill of the December air was cut off and the warmth enveloped Bonny.
"Merry Christmas, Bonny," Ellie said softly and hugged her best friend. She was as nervous as Bonny.
"Merry Christmas, Ellie," Bonny returned the greeting. "Are we ready?"
"Yeah, totally," Ellie said and led Bonny from the garage into the kitchen. "Mark's been asleep for a while now, so we have time to get you ready. I've drawn up the contract and have the bank order ready to go. I just have to hit send."
Bonny took the contract and read it through. It contained all the points they'd discussed. It was strange, Bonny thought. She was about to sign a contract no court would ever uphold. But she knew very well that breaking it would destroy her in a way no legal proceeding could approach. And really, she knew well that the level of bondage she was about to endure would make breaking it a moot point. She signed it quickly and handed it back to Ellie.
"Oh my god, I love you so much right now, honey, " Ellie said and hugged Bonny. She immediately pulled out a pair of handcuffs and looked Bonny in the eye. "Strip down to your nylons, honey."
Bonny did so with a nervous giggle, feeling more exposed now than she had ever felt with Ellie. She felt Ellie pull her arms behind her and felt the cool steel on her wrists as the cuffs latched on to her. And that was it, she was sold. She was captive. She had no choice from here on out. No worries, no concerns. She felt like she was flying. Ellie presented a beautiful, soft leather collar, placed it around Bonny's neck and clicked the locking mechanism shut, securing it until it was unlocked. Ellie then ran her hands slowly, hungrily all over Bonny's body. She caressed Bonny's breasts and torso. She felt Bonny's ass in the pantyhose and ran her finger up and down Bonny's silky legs. Ellie was in heaven.
Ellie opened the laptop computer on the table and hit a few buttons, smiling at Bonny. "It's in your account now, babe!"
Bonny could not believe she was now $100,000 richer. She felt a wave of relief crash over her in a way she had never felt before.
"Let's wrap you up!" Ellie bounded up, tugging at the D-ring on the front of Bonny's collar. Bonny shuffled forward, feeling her stockinged feet slipping and gliding over the hard floors until they reached the carpeted living room. It was huge and Bonny always thought it was the grandest place in the house. The Christmas tree in the corner was magnificent. Well over ten feet tall, with hundreds and hundreds of brilliant little lights. It was the only light in the room, but bathed everything in a soft, cheerful glow.
Ellie led Bonny over to the tree. Bonny saw a shiny, black object lying where presents should be. She realized she was the present that would be lying here.
"It's called a sleepsack, from Winterfetish" Ellie said, excitedly. "It's made of spandex, and even has a hood that covers your whole face and head. Mark won't know who he got for Christmas until he opens you!" Ellie reached down and grabbed her crotch, rubbing it happily at the thought. She didn't worry about Bonny seeing this. In fact, she loved the idea of masturbating in front of Bonny now. Now that Bonny was her own.
"OK," Ellie said, "I'm not going to gag you tonight while you wait to be opened. But I'm still going to tie you tight, even though you'll be in the sleepsack."
"OK," Bonny said, and loved the idea of never refusing Ellie again. Ellie smiled and took some lengths of rope from underneath the spandex sack. She wrapped the rope tightly above Bonny's knees, cinching it off for a secure tie. Then another length below Bonny's knees. Then another around her ankles, cinching them securely. Ellie made sure to grope Bonny as much as humanly possible while tying her.
"Your arms will fit into sleeves in the sack so you can't move them, but then I'm going to tie the whole thing pretty tight with Christmas ribbon." Ellie smiled wide. She gently laid Bonny down on her back, making sure Bonny wasn't too uncomfortable lying on her cuffed wrists. "But first, I'm going to give you a little Christmas present."
Ellie leaned forward on her knees and kissed Bonny deeply. Letting her lips part Bonny's mouth, feeling the hot breath escape. She gently pushed her tongue into Bonny's mouth and found Bonny's tongue waiting eagerly to meet hers. The two girls brushed their tongues together in a light, playful dance for a few moments, until Bonny took a great gulp of Ellie's mouth, sucking and gulping as best she could from her bound position.
Bonny thrashed her tied, stockinged legs, feeling them rub against the slick spandex of what would be her home for the night. Her foot brushed against Ellie's pantyhose and Bonny felt a surge of electric energy. She loved the feel of nylons. She loved when her stockings met Ellie's. She loved that her lips were still caressing Ellie's mouth.
Ellie reached her left hand down and underneath Bonny's pantyhose, feeling for her sex. She found Bonny's lips and felt their fullness, their moistness. Ellie plunged her middle finger into Bonny's pussy, stifling Bonny's scream with her kisses. When Bonny yelped, Ellie plunged her tongue ever deeper. Bonny's screams became moans. Ellie fingered Bonny's clitoris and continued to work her way into Bonny's vagina. She stroked Bonny with a deep, gentle rhythm, going faster, then slower, then faster again. In short time, Bonny exploded in orgasm, and Ellie kept her mouth on Bonny, making sure there was not too much noise.
As Bonny fell into glowing relaxation, Ellie removed her hand, and her mouth, from her friend, her property. She uncuffed Bonny and began working her spent body into the spandex sleepsack. Ellie covered Bonny's head in the hood and helped Bonny get her arms into the sleeves. Then the tied, stockinged legs went into the sack and Ellie started zipping.
Bonny saw nothing now that the hood covered her whole face. It was a very strong feeling of encasement, and she loved the sensation. She heard Ellie start zipping and felt the sack envelop her tightly. After she was fully encased, Bonny felt Ellie wrapping her even tighter in the Christmas ribbon. A strong, secure tie around her midsection.
Ellie finished her work and was exhausted. She couldn't wait to sleep next to Mark, and couldn't wait for him to open this present, the best one she had ever, would ever get him.
Ellie leaned down and kissed Bonny's lips through the spandex hood. "Get a good sleep, sweetheart. And Merry Christmas. I love you!"