Author's Note: The sequel to 'Maid Service Requested'
This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.
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Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact him at FESSELN1@aol.com or visit his weblog at http://fesselnsfiction.blogspot.com/ . Any comments are gladly accepted and encouraged.
For Alexandra, it had been a very good meeting. She had finished up her presentation of the building's features and now it was in the hands of all the various contractors and workers to take it from paper to concrete, steel and glass.
Alexandra was very good at what she did. Not only was she a qualified architect, but she also was damn fine in the looks department. She kept her six-foot frame well toned and she always dressed to emphasize her curves, such as with the gray business suit she was wearing now. Alex had long, coppery hair she kept in flowing curls and deep green eyes that could disarm any man or woman when she wanted to. Today she had used all of her charms at the meeting and now she intended to use them for what was awaiting her in the hotel room.
The redhead knew that her blonde lover, Jennifer, would be hornier than hell and that was just fine by her. This is why she took Jennifer along on her short trips. They would usually spend a day or two extra just to play. Today was 'capture the maid' and she was sure that her maid was still tightly tied and wanting all sorts of relief.
When the architect got to her hotel room, she saw the 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging from the doorknob. She left it on there so that Alexandra and her personal maid wouldn't be interrupted.
With the swipe of her key, Alexandra opened the door and walked in.
The redhead nearly dropped her briefcase and froze in her tracks. Not only was her Jennifer laying there in the bondage she had left her in, there was also a pretty brunette stranger bound beside her, her legs bound wide open and her hands cuffed behind her back. The brunette's haunting grey eyes were wide open and she was frantically struggling in her bondage; squealing into her gag.
Alexandra gathered herself together and smiled her company smile. She was used to thinking on her feet and this unexpected situation was no exception. She made her way to the side of the bed and sat down beside her Jenny. The blonde's blue eyes followed her, grinning a mischievous grin.
"Okay, Jenny, I am only going to un-gag you so you can tell me what the hell is going on," Alexandra said in a sultry sing-song tone; a smile still frozen on her lips.
Carefully Alex brushed Jennifer's ash-blonde hair aside and unbuckled the ball gag. A string of drool clung to the gag as Alexandra set it aside.
"She is one of the maids here, Mistress," Jennifer explained, "She came to clean the room and, well, found me."
"And. . .," the redhead prompted, her eyes now looking at the struggling brunette beside Jenny.
"She wanted to feel what it was like, Mistress, to be tied up and taken advantage of by my man," Jennifer giggled a bit.
Looking down at her bound lover, Alex noticed that there were things that were different. The cups of Jenny's maid's costume had been pulled down, revealing her large, pale nipples still clamped by a pair of shiny chrome clamps. Her blindfold was gone and a lead dangled from her lover's black-leather collar.
"Have you been playing without my permission?" Alexandra asked sternly.
Jennifer hesitated before answering, "Yes, Mistress, but. . ."
"Shhhh," Alex warned.
The bound blonde became quiet.
"Did you cum?"
Jennifer nodded her head, "Yes, Mistress."
"I see," Alexandra said after a moment.
The redhead gathered-up the ball gag and held it before her Jenny, "Open wide."
Jennifer did as she was told, letting her lover ease the ball behind her teeth before tightening the straps. All the blonde could muster now was a muffled mush of noises and moans; nothing anyone could understand. It wasn't as if she had a choice and she so much wanted to tell Alex that. As helpless as Jenny was, Katrina could do anything she wanted to do with her and the maid had.
"I will deal with you later, my Jenny," Alexandra said, "but first I need to get to know our guest a little bit better."
Katrina was still struggling in her bonds, trying to find some sort of slack in them. This was not what she had planned. The brunette was so expecting Jenny's 'man' to walk through the door that the thought that her 'man' was a woman never even crossed her fantasies. Now that woman was walking over to her side of the bed, her green eyes locked onto Katrina's.
"You shouldn't have played with my toy without permission?"
Katrina tried to say something, but the penis-shaped gag she had buckled tightly made any words she said unintelligible. Her wrists her locked securely behind her back and the ropes holding her legs open did not give an inch. All she could do is watch and plead the best she could into her gag.
The redhead sat down on the edge of the bed and looked over her other hapless captive. The brunette was gorgeous.
Alexandra caressed the cheek of her olive-skinned captive with her finger and gently pulled her raven-curls away from her gray-hazel eyes. The brunette was still trying to say something, but the penis-gag was working its normal wonders.
Slowly, Alexandra traced her finger down Katrina's neck and down between her breasts. The maid's eyes were now glued to the woman's movements as she slowly circled around each breast and teased at her nipples with her long fingernails.
"I really don't like sharing," Alex said, gently pinching one nipple, "I am greedy that way. And Jenny here is my very favorite toy."
The brunette just looked at her, moaning into her gag.
Alex continued to trace her fingernail over the flat of Katrina's stomach to the thin strip of curls above her puss. The woman stopped and began petting the soft tuft as if it were a small kitten. Katrina closed her eyes. The woman's gentle touch was beginning to have an effect on her. She felt the woman's finger begin to slip into her moistened lips. Slowly, the woman's finger stroked her, sending a warm breath of bliss through her. The woman was careful, taking care not to touch her swollen clit. Katrina lifted herself up to match her strokes, but the woman pulled away.
As soon as the bound brunette settled back down, Alex began to slowly caress her again. Katrina rocked her hips and pushed herself up, offering her sex to the redhead. However, each time the woman ceased touching her.
"My name is Alexandra," the woman said, "And you, sweet, are my new toy. Like all little girls, I like to give my playthings names. So, sweet, from now on, your name is 'Boots'. You have such a nice, purring puss, right?"
Katrina nodded slightly.
"So, Boots, I have another gag I want you to wear. However, from your whimperings behind your gag, I know you have a lot you want to say. I do not want to hear it. Boots will be quiet or Boots will find out what a riding crop really feels like. Do you understand me, Boots?"
Again, the brunette nodded her head.
"Not a word, Boots," Alexandra said sternly before she began to unbuckle the gag.
A string of drool hung off the penis-shaped gag as Alex pulled it from Boots' lips. Katrina closed her mouth and bit her lip, trying to keep silent. She didn't know what the sting of a riding crop would feel like and she really didn't want to find out.
Alexandra got up and went over to the box of bondage gear that she had sent there. Taking one look, it was obvious that someone other than herself had rummaged through it. However, she found the gag she was looking for, a chrome and red-leather ring gag. Dangling it in front of her like some kitty's toy, Alex brought it over to her waiting captive.
"Open wide, Boots."
Katrina opened her mouth silently. The woman eased the leather-wrapped ring behind Katrina's teeth and buckled it tight behind her head, being careful not to catch any of the brunette's long, curled tresses. The straps bit into the side of her mouth and the ring was uncomfortably wedged behind her teeth, but there was little Katrina could do about it.
"I see Boots has been a bad toy and gotten into the play box," Alexandra said as she hovered over the brunette.
"Boots will have to be trained better, huh Jenny?"
Jennifer nodded, grunting into her gag. Even though the maid had gotten her off, she still was hungry for her lover's touch. She had a hard time watching Alex play with the maid even though she knew that Alex had other 'toys' she played with. She never had to watch them. With Katrina, she had a front row seat to a show she didn't care to see.
After making sure the gag was in place, Alex went over to her other 'captured' maid and took a hold of the chain lead still hanging from her collar.
"Come," she said.
Jennifer squirmed off the bed and carefully stood up. She still had leather straps encircling her ankles and knees and the high heels she was wearing made even standing still a balancing act. Alex gave her a slight tug and the blonde hopped up beside her lover.
Their hotel room had two queen-sized beds and Alex guided her Jenny to the one without a bound brunette occupying it.
"Sit," Alex commanded and Jennifer sat down.
"Roll over onto your stomach."
The bound blonde did so, scooting to the middle of the bed. As she turned her head, she noticed Alex taking out of the box a small length of chain. Alex then sat down beside her and threaded the chain between her ankles just above the belt binding them together. Pulling both ends, Alex pulled Jennifer's ankles up towards her wrists. Looping one end around the chain to the cuffs, she locked the two ends together, forcing the blonde into a neat hogtie.
Alex knelt down and looked into the blonde's green eyes.
Turning with her hands on her hips, Alex looked down at Boots. The woman was indeed gorgeous as she lay on the bed, her hands behind her back and her legs spread wide. Alex went over to her briefcase and took out the small digital camera that she used to make memories of all her little trips.
"Smile, Boots."
Of course, Katrina couldn't really smile; not with that ring-gag tightly fastened behind her teeth. Nor did she want to. She tried to yell at Alex and she shook her head. She did not want her picture taken; not like this.
The camera's flash went off.
"Stop moving, Boots, your ruining your pictures."
Katrina continued to struggle, sitting up and trying to get her hands out of her cuffs.
Katrina jumped as Alex brought the riding crop down on the mattress beside her.
"Enough, Boots!" she said, holding the riding crop high, "Sit still!"
The brunette froze.
"Good Boots, now smile."
Katrina lay still as several photos were taken of her. There were some close-ups of her face and of her glistening sex and there were some that captured the whole scene with both women bound on their beds. After she was satisfied, she sat down beside the brunette and showed her one of the pictures on the camera's digital screen.
"Don't you look nice, Boots?" Alex purred, "It would be a shame not to share these with everyone, don't you think?"
Katrina did not think so and she moaned her concern.
"Well then, Boots, I suggest you behave. If you don't, I am sure that some of these pictures may end up at your corporate offices and down in your break room."
Katrina's eyes widened as a molten fear churned through her stomach.
"Is Boots going to behave?" Alex asked.
The brunette nodded.
"Good toy, now let's see about changing those bindings of yours."
Alexandra went over to her box and pulled out a few things. Katrina couldn't see all of what she pulled out, but one of them was a large polished black vibrator that she had noticed earlier. Alex piled the stuff beside her and picked up the vibe.
"Open wide, Boots," Alex smiled.
Gently spreading her lips, the redhead firmly eased the phallus into Katrina. She moaned as the gel vibe slipped inside of her, filling her more completely than she had ever had been filled before. When it was obvious that she couldn't take any more inside her, Alex looped a rope around Katrina's waist and between her legs, knotting it tightly into a crupper that would hold device inside her.
The brunette opened her eyes when she felt one of her ankles being untied. Her relief was brief, however, as Alex tied her ankles together before loosening the other ankle from the bed. Alex then tightened two leather straps around her legs; one above her knees and one below. When Alex got off of the bed, Katrina tried to move her legs, but now they seemed welded together.
"Up Boots."
Katrina struggled to set herself up, using her cuffed hands. The vibe inside seemed to push into her further, almost painfully.
Katrina squirmed again, bringing her bound legs around and under her. Gingerly, she lifted herself up until she was kneeling on the bed.
"Good toy," Alex grinned as she stood up, looking Katrina in the eye.
"Now lay down on your stomach, Boots."
Katrina carefully fell forward, her head now hanging off the foot of the bed. She felt Alex's warm hands on her again as the redhead rolled her over onto her back and pulled her up until she was in the center of the bed.
A few more photos were taken and Alex made sure to show some of them to her captives.
Holding a little key, Alex unlocked the lock holding Jennifer in her hogtie. After pulling the chain away, she gathered up Jennifer's leash and gave it a slight tug.
The blonde struggled to stand as she had before. After finally getting her balance, Alex knelt down and undid the straps to both her legs and her ankles. Alex then hooked her fingers into the costume's black g-string and pulled it down over her stocking-clad legs. Jennifer gracefully stepped out of them as she followed Alex on her leash. She noticed that Jenny was clean shaven between her legs as Alex brought her up to the edge of the bed.
Katrina watched as Alex brushed back the blonde's hair and whispered something into her ear. Katrina couldn't make out what she said, but Jennifer nodded and began to crawl into bed with her and was soon straddling her. Slowly the blonde made her way up until she was kneeling over Katrina's head, her moist sex inches from the brunette's face.
"Boots, lick," Alex commanded.
Jennifer slowly eased herself down. The brunette could easily smell her incense as Jennifer's swollen petals came closer and closer to her gagged mouth.
"Boot's lick!"
Jennifer felt the tentative touch of the tip of Boot's tongue. She shivered as Boots slowly licked her sex, the tip of her tongue lapping at her swollen clit. The blonde moaned into her gag as she tried to ride the brunette's stiffened tongue. However, all it was doing was teasing her; sending little flashes of pleasure.
Katrina jumped a bit when the vibrator inside hummed to life, sending a torrent of bliss through her. She moaned loudly as she rocked her hips.
"Boot's lick," Alex yelled into her ear.
The brunette tried to focus on her task, her tongue exploring the fold's of the other woman's sex. She found her swollen clit and tried to flick at it the best she could. She could hear Jenny moaning above her and pressing herself down onto Katrina's face. However, the buzzing of the vibrator against her own clit was sending waves of burning pleasure so intense that she could stave off her orgasm any longer.
Her whole body shook as Katrina was engulfed in a torrent of ecstasy. Wave after wave seethed through her as she bucked and writhed in her bonds. Looking up, she could see Alex's fingers roughly stroking Jennifer's puss as she too squirmed above her until Alex let her go and Jenny collapsed on top of Katrina.
Katrina didn't know how long she laid there after Alex pulled Jennifer off of her. She could hear the shower running and the faint laughter of the two women. When they emerged from the bathroom, both were dressed casually; Jennifer in a tight pair of Jeans and blouse and Alex sporting a blue dress. Jennifer scooped up her purse and opened the door, pulling the 'Do Not Disturb' sign off.
"I think we should get the room made up," Jennifer said, smiling.
"I agree," Alex replied.
Katrina watched in horror as they flipped the hanger to "Maid Service Requested" before they shut the door behind them.
As soon as the door was shut, Alex flipped the sign back over to 'Do Not Disturb'. She wanted to play with her toy some more after they grabbed a quick snack. Perhaps later they would order some room service for all of them as a treat.