Blindfolded and hooded, Georgina could hear very little and see nothing, but she was convinced that she was now alone in the room, and had been for at least an hour. It had taken her that long to gather her wits and relate to the situation in which she found herself.
It was time to make her attempt at escape. She was sure that the key to the handcuffs had been left on a hook just in front of her. With her hands pinioned in front of her, she thought that although her wrists were attached to her waist, collar and ankle cuffs by chains, there should be enough slack to reach the key. Curious that her captor had apparently left the key within reach and had not locked her wrists behind her back; it was almost as if she intended her victim to manage her escape!
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Georgina carefully stretched her hands forward, feeling for the key. The sudden intense pain shot right through her. Her inadvertent scream was strangled at birth by the very efficient gag but perspiration broke out all over her body.
She HAD to get that key. She relaxed for a moment and then ,very carefully, tried again. Once more, the excruciating pain, even worse than before. Georgina knew she would not be able to bear it again and relaxed, insofar as she could - which was not very much since she was strapped firmly to a post at ankles, knees, thighs, waist, chest and neck.
She almost cried with frustration; so near to liberty and yet so far. And the day (was it still today?) had started so well!
Actually, it had all started for George some days earlier when he had spotted the advert. He had discovered the pleasure and excitement of crossdressing some years ago but was still very much in the closet. It had started with his wife's underwear and progressed in the oh so predictable way to shoes and dresses (bought furtively by mail order), then a wig and finally make-up. And it had been the make-up that had been his undoing. He could not get it right, however hard he tried. Then he had seen the advert "Makeover and dressing service for TVs, very discrete."
After several days of agonising, he had plucked up the courage to dial the number given. The lady on the other end of the 'phone sounded very pleasant and quickly put him at his ease and allayed his unspoken fears: detached house with its own drive and secluded grounds in a quiet lane, and just a comfortable distance away; not too close that he might bump into someone he knew but not so far as to involve a long drive. Large wardrobe of ladies' wear, wigs, shoes, accessories, the lot. It would be best if George brought his own underwear if he had any. He had and he would.
A date and time were agreed and George arrived outside the house. He could feel his nerve going and accelerated past. Further up the road, he pulled in and parked, pulse racing and heart thumping. Then he thought "what the hell", turned round, up the drive, walked up to the front door and rang the bell before his nerves caught up with him again. It was opened by a very attractive lady, well groomed and dressed, who introduced herself as Miriam and ushered him in.
Nice house, tastefully furnished. George began to feel better. Coffee was produced and Miriam set him gently at ease with small talk and getting him to chat about himself. He had no fem name? "Well, we must sort that out immediately."
"Georgina" was born.
Had Georgina brought a dress? No, Georgina was bored with her very limited wardrobe and wanted to try something different. Miriam explained that Georgina should choose her dress before the makeover because it would affect the choice of make-up. She led the way to a large outhouse and opened the door. Paradise!! Row upon row of skirts, blouses, frocks, suits, cocktail outfits, evening dresses, ballgowns and even wedding dresses. Wigs, shoes and all the accessories you could possibly wish for.
Georgina positively flew down the aisles, fingering this, touching that and stroking the materials. She was at a loss for choice when suddenly she spotted a full length wedding dress. Strapless, with a draped bodice, falling very straight in a sensuous column of heavy ivory satin from the fitted waist to the floor and complemented by a generous train falling from a bow at the waist. That was IT. No need to look further. Miriam quickly matched it with a pair of high-heeled ivory satin slippers, ivory silk stockings, earrings, necklace, tiara and multi-layered cathedral length veil in silk lace and they carried it all back to a room which was obviously where the makeover was to take place.
Georgina quickly slipped into satin panties and suspender belt and rolled on the stockings. She picked up her bra and looked at it. Then she turned to Miriam and said: "I can't use this with a strapless dress can I?"
"No problem", replied Miriam, producing a pair of self-adhesive breast forms and showing Georgina how to apply them. Georgina lovingly eased the dress off its hanger, caressing the satin, and started to pull it on. "Not yet!" cried Miriam "Put on this dressing gown first, while I do your make-up." Georgina reluctantly put the dress back.
The makeover was an eye-opener to Georgina. Cleansing, then foundation to match her natural colour; eye shadow, eyeliner, luscious false eyelashes, layers of mascara, blusher and lipstick. Eyebrows were trimmed and, rather to Georgina's horror - anticipating her wife's reaction - plucked, and fingernails painted. Finally, Miriam chose a long blonde wig and spent some time arranging it in a very sophisticated pile on Georgina's head. She stood back and said "Well, not bad at all; you look very good indeed, though I say it myself".
The time had come at last! Georgina slipped off the dressing gown and excitedly drew on the dress. Miriam zipped her in and it fitted perfectly; could have been made for her. She handed Georgina the satin shoes to slip on to her feet and a pair of short white satin gloves for her hands, and applied the finishing touches: multistrand pearl choker, delicate pearl drop earrings, pearl and crystal tiara and finally the veil, which swept the floor and which Miriam arranged to frame Georgina's face.
There was a full length mirror at the far end of the room. Georgina stood and swayed over to it, getting used to the heels. The transformation was beyond her wildest dreams. She was looking at an attractive sophisticated woman dressed - no, poured - into a very sexy dress. And the silky susseration of the satin as she moved produced a sensation, reflected in a growing pressure in her satin panties, that she did not want to stop. She walked up and down the room, swinging her hips to sweep the train round as she turned at each end. The effect was wonderful and she dreaded the time when she would have to revert to drab old George.
Miriam produced a bottle of wine and they sat down together and toasted the birth of Georgina. After a bit more chat about George's background and how he had got into crossdressing, Miriam asked whether Georgina liked to do anything in particular when dressed. There was an embarrassed silence and then George whispered rather shyly:
"I rather like the feeling of being tied up.
"Really?" said Miriam, " Now that is very interesting; do you mind if I make a few notes? I will just go and get my pad." With that, she got up and walked over to the door behind where Georgina was sitting.
Georgina did not hear Miriam return. The next she knew, a hood of some soft material was slipped over her head and before she could move, it was followed by a noose by which she was jerked upright so hard she had to stand on tiptoe to relieve the pressure on her throat.
"What's going on?" she choked.
"Shut up and do exactly as you are told. If you don't, the noose will tighten a bit every time you disobey me." said the voice. It still sounded like Miriam's but now had a harsh brutal tone. "Put your hands together in front of you."
Georgina hesitated, the noose tightened a bit and hauled her even higher on her toes. She obeyed and felt the handcuffs as they were clipped over her wrists. Her ankles were then shackled together in a hobble and the noose relaxed a bit. But she still dare not move.
All went very quiet. After a bit, she tried moving but the noose immediately tightened. Dead silence. She was getting uncomfortable but still could not hear any movement. After what seemed like hours, she felt the hood and noose being removed. But she still could not see anything as the room was now pitch dark. Even as she tried to adapt herself to this, she felt the veil and tiara being lifted off her head and a blindfold was quickly bound over her eyes.
"Why are you doing this?" she cried.
"Because you are a pervert." said the voice "All TVs are perverts and have to be punished. Those that enjoy bondage are the worst and deserve a very special punishment."
Georgina started to protest but her mouth was forced open by a gag which was swiftly and efficiently clamped between her teeth. She felt the hood being slipped back over her head and a collar being buckled round her neck over the hood. Her arms were suddenly jerked out in front of her as she was dragged forward by what sounded like a chain attached to the handcuffs. Nearly losing her balance because of the hobble, she tottered forward. She concentrated desperately on staying on her feet but even in her terrifying situation she could not ignore the effect of the feel of the rhythmical movement of her skin against the satin. She realised she was both very frightened and excited!
On she stumbled; her feet felt carpet, then a wooden floor and then - oh god,no! - gravel! She was outside! The gravel was followed by grass and then she was pulled to a halt. She could hear the trickle of water in front of her.
"Kneel" said the voice.
Georgina was not about to give in tamely. She remained standing. There was a swish and a crack - and an agonising pain on her backside. She would have yelped but for the gag. "Kneel" said the voice again, and Georgina collapsed to the ground as she received a none too gentle blow behind the knees. She felt the collar being undone and the hood and gag were then removed. She gratefully gulped in some fresh air.
"Confess your sin." whispered the voice. There is a river in front of you and if you don't, I will push you in. You will float for a bit but then you will go under. You will drown eventually but it will be slow and very painful. Confess now."
Georgina hesitated and before she knew what was happening, a strong shove tipped her forward and her head went under. Choking and spluttering, she was hauled back on to her knees and the gag, hood and collar replaced.
"That was just a taster. Next time will be for real. Now get up" came the voice as Georgina was yanked roughly to her feet. "Move, bitch" grated the voice and Georgina was again jerked forward by a pull on the collar. She staggered forward a couple of steps but the hobble and high heels caught her out and she tripped and fell. Again the swish and crack, and a shaft of pain shot through her thighs, and then again, this time across her bare shoulders. "Sort yourself out, you pathetic cow." the voice snarled as she struggled to a kneeling position and was jerked roughly to her feet.
Teetering forward again, the grass under her unsteady footsteps changed to gravel and then to concrete where she was brought to a halt. A car door opened. "Turn round" ordered the lady who called herself Miriam, "and duck your head". As Georgina obeyed, she was pushed off balance by a forceful shove in the stomach and collapsed backwards through the door into an ungainly heap of satin and chains on the floor. None too gently, she was manoevred into a sitting position on the seat and she felt her ankle cuffs being attached to anchor points on the floor. Her wrists were pushed firmly on to the bulge she could feel in her lap and locked there by chains to the same anchor points.
"Well, my pretty one" mocked Miriam "You are going for a nice drive. And don't think that anyone will see your predicament. Here is a nice bouquet to cover your lap, just what a bride will carry on the way to her wedding, and I am now going to take off your hood and collar but don't get excited, it is just so that I can put on your silly little head the tiara and veil that are the finishing touches for the blushing bride. No-one will see the blindfold and gag through the layers of that! So sit still and enjoy the ride. Pretend you are on the way to your wedding, you contemptible animal."
As the car drew away on to the street, Georgina struggled against her restraints but it was no good, she could move neither hands nor feet . The only noticeable result was an increase , which she had to admit to herself was not unpleasurable, in the pressure in her panties. She tried shaking the veil away from her face but to no avail. Perhaps even through the gag, she could make enough noise to attract attention but all that came out was a small squeak. Miriam laughed. "Don't waste your time, you pathetic pervert. Waive to the nice people."
lt was some time later that the car drew to a halt. The door opened and Georgina felt the chains locking her her wrists and ankles to the floor being released. Then the veil was lifted off and the hood and collar came back on.
"Swing your legs to the left" Miriam ordered ,"and get out". As Georgina tried to obey, she was pulled violently upright and her feet felt grass. "Walk" came the command, accompanied by a yank on the collar. Georgina stumbled awkwardly over the uneven ground until:
"Stop" said Miriam,"You will be glad to know that your ordeal is nearly over. Walk one step forward. Just one careful step."
Georgina slid her right foot slowly forward to the extent of the hobble and felt......nothing! The ground was not there. As she realised this, and at the same time suddenly registered that she was hearing the crash of wave on rocks a long way below, a pull on the collar brought her back to terra firma.
"I will ask you just this once again, you disgusting deviant. " breathed Miriam "Do you repent and promise never again to put on pretty clothes? Just nod your head. You have 10 seconds."
Georgina realised she had no alternative but to give in if she valued her life but as she started to nod her head, Miriam laughed out loud and screeched: "It does not matter, you pitiful creature; death to all perverts anyway." and with that Georgina felt herself plummeting forward".
Then she fainted away.
And that is how, after regaining consciousness some time later, she found herself fettered hand and foot, gagged, hooded , strapped to a post and thinking of escape.
She was not prepared to risk that agonising pain again so the first question was: what was causing it? she decided to see if she could gain any clues by moving her body as much as her fetters would allow. She wriggled about a bit and suddenly, she felt very faint pulls on her nipples. Wires!! That would explain it: electric shock. But as hard as she struggled, she could not get her hands anywhere near her breasts; the chain connecting her wrists to her ankles was too short.
Georgina thought again. If the current passed between her breasts, surely it would just be her upper body that would be shocked but she was sure that it travelled down her torso. Therefore there must be another wire completing the circuit. But where??. She started her wiggling again, concentrating on her lower body. Nothing at first, so she rested. When she felt a bit better, she tried again and this time, the faintest of tugs.....Of course, the genitalia.
So how to get the wire off without getting another shock? Very carefully, she stretched her hands downwards. Nearly there but constrained by the chain linking wrists to collar. Perhaps the answer was to try and raise her crutch towards her hands. She tried bending her knees but was restrained by the strap across her thighs. Still, she thought, this is the only chance I have. So she tried again but harder this time. A little bit nearer. Once more, while at the same time forcing her wrists downwards and repeating the action again.... and again... and again; faster and faster and harder and harder. She felt the fabric of the the dress caressing her skin.
No electric shock but a very different sensation. "Bugger", thought Georgina, "I could do without that. Concentrate on getting the wire, idiot."
She took a deep breath and put all her effort into trying the same movement afresh. Success! she touched the wire, managed to grab it and pulled. No electric shock but an explosion in her groin! Wow!!! That was something else.
Georgina felt the need to rest and sagged against her bonds. After a bit, she felt her strength returning and very gingerly stretched her hands forward. No shock. She stretched further; still no shock. She pulled hard against the chains and found herself nearly choking - and again the pressure building in her panties - but at last she could feel what seemed to be keys.
If she dropped them, she had had it. Very carefully she stretched forward until she could barely breath. Dammit; not far enough. Relax and try again...and again. Another explosion down below! She relaxed once more and waited for the sensation to pass.
One more try and she had the keys in her fingers. Very carefully but as quickly as possible as the pressure of the collar on her throat made it impossible to breath, she eased the keys off the hook and collapsed back against the pillar.
It took some time to get the right key into the padlock on her handcuffs but at last it was done and her hands were free. Quickly she removed the collar, hood, blindfold and gag. She was in pitch darkness again but it was not difficult to undo the ropes binding her to the pillar and to release her ankles from the hobble. The strain had been too much and she collapsed into a heap on the floor.
A little later, she got to her feet and started to feel her way round the room. She soon found a light switch and switched it on. The room was bare except for the pillar she had been strapped to. No, not quite. Hanging from pegs on the wall were the tiara and veil.
Georgina found and opened the door. Silence. Quietly, she slipped out of the room. A quick exploration of the house confirmed it was empty: nothing, nobody and no furniture. Not even her clothes.The place was bare.
She looked outside. Again, nothing. Even her own car had gone. George was alone, in a strange place, miles from home, without his own transport or any money; in full make-up and wig and dressed in a satin wedding gown and satin high heel slippers.
The lady calling herself Miriam had had the last laugh.