- Author - T.S. Fesseln
- Rating -
   [ 4.02 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1201 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, consensual, armbinder, bondage, toys
- Post Date - 1/13/2011

This story was submitted for the 2010 Winter Fetish Contest. Please be sure to rate read and rate each story. When you're finished, visit our sponsor by clicking the banner above. (They have lots of cool stuff!).
Author's Notes: If you enjoy this story and would like to see more of my writings, please e-mail me at FESSELN1@aol.com. , visit my weblog at http://fesselnsfiction.blogspot.com/ or follow my latest updates on Twitter. Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.
Cynthia was nervous as her and her husband drove out to the Embassy Suites downtown. There was a flurry of conflicting emotions whirling through her as she sat quietly holding the box they had received in the mail a few days ago. Arrangements had been made, however, and now one of their fantasies was about to come true.
The label on the box did not betray what lay inside. Ben, her husband, had gone online to Winter Fetish and had selected a few things that would help make this encounter complete. Cynthia was forbidden to open the box until they were comfortably in their room. Cynthia new about their other toys that Ben had packed, but she could only guess what was folded inside the box on her lap.
Cynthia bit her lip a bit as she thought about tonight.
She had always had an adventurous spirit in the bedroom and meeting her husband helped her develop those desires that she had kept to herself all those years. Her first love was bondage. Even the thought of being tied up and helpless would ignite a warm glow inside her. Right now, staring out at the snowy wet streets, that warm glow was as hot as a furnace.
Cynthia caught her husband looking at her and she gave him a nervous smile. She knew she was attractive and getting dates had never been an issue with her. Her long, coppery hair, cat-like green eyes and her generous boobs always seemed to attract male stares. She kept her body trim and she was rewarded with many offers during her high school and college years. She took up some of those offers, but they never lasted long. It was only after she had met Ben that everything seemed to fall into place.
The redhead couldn't stop thinking about tonight. Ever since they had agreed and acted upon this, it was as if her libido was a tightly-wound toy ready to spin out of control. All the lust and fear and jealousy and curiosity swirled around inside of her and fed a wanton desire that was engulfing her.
Cynthia went over the commands in her head. Ben had been introduced to them after they had agreed to act upon this fantasy. She was expected to memorize all of them. They were called the 'Laws of the crop' and they all came from some old book entitled 'The care and treatment of particularly fine women.' She didn't know who wrote them, but after reading them and knowing that they were going to be used on her, she knew they had been written expressly for her. . .or at least women like her.
The car pulled underneath the hotel's dripping canopy and pulled to a stop.
"Stay here while I go check in," Ben said as he climbed out of the car.
Cynthia gave a slight nod and smiled to her husband.
God, she was horny. She had gone to bed horny and she woke up horny. She was in a state of perpetual heat for the last several days and she was ordered not to do anything about it. Of course, Cynthia could have gotten out her toys when her husband wasn't around, but that would be cheating on both her husband and herself. Denying herself was just keeping those fires burning even stronger and she found herself squirming a bit in her seat.
It didn't take long for Ben to come back holding the key cards for their room.
"They've already checked in," Ben said as he slipped behind the wheel, "They're across the hall from us. As soon as we get settled and you ready, I'll give them a call."
The furnace inside of Cynthia flared.
After parking the car, Cynthia found she had to concentrate to even walk. She felt that every person there knew her lascivious secrets. The young brunette behind the counter knew that she loved leather cuffs encircling her wrists and ankles. The man in the dark blue suit could feel her desire to be spread-eagled on the bed and fucked and fucked hard. Even though there was no way for them to know, Cynthia felt exposed to them anyway.
For his part, Ben seemed to be the pillar of calm. He looked good in his gray suit and tie, his close-cropped blonde hair, his gray-blue eyes and his slight smile that gave him the look of the successful business man that he was. The small suitcase that he carried contained all the things that they would need tonight, including the crop.
The crop.
Cynthia's mind went back to the list of commands that she had memorized. The crop was going to be the only communication that she would have with the other man. She was not to say a word unless it was her safe word. He would have complete use of her for the night, just as her husband would have complete use of the man's wife the entire night as well.
The redhead's was startled when they arrived at their room, her thoughts elsewhere in Subbiland. With a quick click they were in and behind closed doors. Without a word, her husband embraced her and gave her a long, deep kiss. Their tongues danced around each other's hungrily until he gently pushed her away.
"It's time for you to open your package," he smiled as he sat himself on the edge of the bed.
Cynthia set the package from Winter Fetish down on the table and opened it carefully. Inside were several carefully wrapped were items. The first one she pulled out was a black mesh catsuit that covered everything but hid nothing. She could imagine its compressing embrace hugging her entire body. Next was a white hood of Darlex, a material much more confining than spandex but just as comfortable. The hood would cover her eyes but left around her mouth open. She had a black one like it at home and she adored it.
The last item in the box was a white armbinder that was made out of the same Darlex material. The black straps contrasted wonderfully with the white. They had a leather one at home but the straps crisscrossed her chest. This one had a 'Y' yoke in back and she imagined that it would look much 'cleaner' on her.
"You like?" Ben asked.
Cynthia nodded her head and gave her husband a quick kiss, "I like very much."
"Why don't you go get your body stocking on and I will unpack the other things to get you ready."
Cynthia picked-up the black mesh catsuit and made her way into the bathroom. Laying the suit on the counter, she began to undress, carefully hanging up her dress and peeling off her panties and hose. After unhooking her bra, she gathered all her clothes into a neat stack before holding up the mesh garment.
Unzipping the back, she carefully stepped into it and pulled it on. The mesh hugged her body like a second skin. There was some elastic that helped cup her breasts, making them look fuller as well as making her feel more confined. Her pale pink nipples were already stiff and the mesh rubbing against them when she moved sent little sparks of pleasure through her. She also noticed that there was a zippered crotch to the suit. She pulled the back zipper up as high as she could, but she needed her husband to finish it up.
When the bathroom door opened, Ben stopped unpacking and admired his wife as she modeled the body stocking. Cynthia was stunning. The suit clung to her like a second skin; up her slender legs and over her hips, the zipper barely covering her lush nest of curls. Her breasts pushed out against the material as she held her hands behind her.
"You like?" she grinned.
"Damn straight I like," Ben replied.
"I need your help zipping it up in back."
Ben went over to his wife and pulled the zipper the rest of the way up. She closed her eyes as she felt him embrace her, his arms enveloping her as he kissed her neck.
"Time to get you ready," he whispered into her ear.
A warm shiver ran through Cynthia.
"If you don't want to do this. . ." Ben trailed off.
"No, I do sweetheart, I really do," she said.
"Last chance," he said.
"I want this, sweetheart. Please tie me up before I claw the clothes off of you."
Ben looked into her eyes, "Then let's get this started."
First he selected a pair of black leather cuffs and knelt down before her, fastening each around an ankle before locking them together with a small lock. A black leather strap was next, which he buckled around her legs just above her knees.
Cynthia closed her eyes to relish the feeling as the belt welded her legs together. Ben gently turned her around and she felt her arms being guided into the single sleeve of her new Winter Fetish arm binder. The Darlex helped squeeze her arms together as he fastened the straps behind her arms and around her wrists. Ben cinched the last strap around her elbows and made sure everything was secure.
He stepped away to watch his with test the binder. She struggled a bit, pulling her enclosed hands first around to her left, and then the right. The binder wasn't coming off no matter what she did.
The redhead still had her eyes shut when she felt the white hood being pulled over her head. Ben was always careful about her hair, pulling it around so it wouldn't be caught in the zipper. It felt as delicious as she imagined it looked.
Cynthia felt something press against her lips and she opened her mouth without a word. She could tell it was one of her favorite gags as she felt the leather encased metal ring being fitted behind her teeth. A black rubber dildo had already been fitted inside the ring, filling her mouth with its head. There was a chrome ring on the base of the dildo that would allow it to be pulled out without removing the ring gag itself, allowing Cynthia to do things with her tongue. . .
She felt a collar being fastened around her neck. She knew it was one of their black leather ones she had seen on the bed as Ben unpacked. Again, he lifted her long, reddish hair out of the way to buckle it. It was always the last thing her husband would lock onto her and she always delighted in its fastening. It meant much more intimate things were about to happen.
The redhead then felt to firm taps on her rear from Bens crop. She hopped forward cautiously until she felt the edge of the bed on her shins. There were two more insistent taps and she moaned her confusion. She screamed into her gag a Ben gave her a firm push and she fell face first on the bed. She was still trying to recover her bearing when she felt him grab her ankles and spin her around on the bed until her feet pointed towards the head board and her head hung off the edge.
Ben was almost done. There was just one last thing he wanted to do before calling the other couple. Taking a black piece of rope, he looped in through her ankle cuffs and tied it off to her arm binder, tying her in a taut hogtie. There was no way she could escape until someone unbound her. He watched her wriggle around and grind her hips into the bed. She was so hot right now and there was nothing she could do about it.
Rolling her over on her side, Ben undid the zipper over her crotch. Opening it, he slipped his finger inside and tickled at her swollen clit. She moaned loudly into her gag as she thrust herself out to him. Taking his crop, he traced a line above her mons; a signal to her that she wasn't supposed to cum.
Cynthia moaned in frustration.
Ben tickled her a bit more before zipping her back up. It was time for her fantasy to begin.
Ben had always been the only one to tie her up and play with her and his wife always wondered what it would be like with another 'master.' They had discussed it at length and finally he relented and started to look for another couple in their area that had similar tastes. After several 'interviews', Ben finally found a like-minded couple that had a similar fantasy and an evening was set up where Ben would enjoy the other man's wife and Cynthia would be placed in the other man's hands.
Cynthia could hear him talking on the phone but she couldn't make out what he was saying. The conversation didn't last long however and soon she heard Ben rustling around the room a bit. Finally, she heard the door swing open then, after a pause, swing shut.
Moments passed and Cynthia didn't hear a thing. The erotic furnace inside of her was molten and she knew it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.
She jumped when she felt his touch. She would only know him as 'Master', though her husband knew his real name. To him, she was just a slave to be used in any way that he pleased. He roughly rolled her over onto her side and she squirmed what little she could to try to entice him.
The man rolled her over still more until she was on her back. She was still hogtied and it was a bit uncomfortable on her arms. She felt him straddle her, kneeling above her as he began to massage her breasts through the mesh. His hands were warm as he pinched and kneaded her nipples, sending a fresh whoosh of pleasure roaring through her. Cynthia loved his roughness. It was something that her husband was a bit timid in doing. She moaned into her gag and arched her back, hoping her would explore lower.
Cynthia felt him quickly unbuckle the belt holding her legs together and throwing it to the side. Getting off of her, the man taped her inner thigh with the crop and she opened her legs for him. She felt another tap above her sex and she thrust herself up the best that she could. His fingers found the zipper and opened the crotch to her catsuit.
Two of the man's fingers spread her lust moistened lips as he nudged a large gel vibrator into her. The vibe slipped easily in before he zipped her back up most of the way and then turned on the controls.
A white-hot rush of bliss coursed through her, building the flames inside. The vibe hummed as he pushed it into her further through the fabric. The rhythm of the pushes continued as Cynthia bucked in her bonds; the pyre within her building. He then roughly rolled her back over and pulled the rubber dildo out of her mouth.
Within an instant, his hot, salty cock replaced the phallus. She licked around its head as he held her hooded head. Slowly, he began too thrust himself into her mouth, forcing her head to match the rhythm. The vibrator within her was doing its job, making it hard for Cynthia to do hers. Finally she felt a line traced above her ass followed by a tap, letting her know she had permission to cum.
Cynthia heard the man groan as he held himself inside her mouth. His hot cum hit the back of her throat and caused her to gag a bit. He pulled out of her mouth, just enough to let her swallow. The salty taste of his seed coupled with the ministrations of the vibrator fueled the flames building inside of her until they completely engulfed her in a blistering ecstasy. She thrashed and moaned and writhed until her body wore itself out, leaving her panting through her gag; drool running out of the sides of her mouth.
The rubber penis filled her mouth again as he fastened it back into place. The man rolled her back over, once again unzipped her and removed her buzzing friend. The embers of her orgasm still glowed as she rested in her bonds. The man sat beside her, stroking her hair that trailed out from under the hood. He leaned down over her, close to her ear.
"I love you, honey," her husband said, "I couldn't resist."
He then picked up the phone a really called the couple across the hall.
The End
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