Author's Note: This story follows on directly from where 'The First Live Show' ends, approximately 6-7 months after the day that D took her husbands freedom and turned him into her sissy slave. I hope people enjoy reading these stories - I'm really enjoying writing them and hope that the quality is getting better the more I write.
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Chapter 1 - Last night
D awoke on Saturday morning fresh from a deep nights sleep. The sun had long since been up and the clock told her that half the morning was all ready gone. She slowly got up out of bed and half asleep, she threw on her dressing gown and headed down stairs. She made her self a strong cup of coffee and then proceeded to the hallway where she pressed a small hidden button on the wall by the stairs. Unless you knew it was there, the hidden door could not be seen. She made her way down the stairs that the door hid and entered the dungeon she'd had purposefully built. In the middle of the room was her husband, still tightly bound on her greatest invention to date – the chair of torment.
He had no idea she was here, for the day before when she had placed him in the chair, she had taped headphones into his ears, fitted a latex mask over his head and followed that by a strict and thickly padded leather isolation hood. A small tube extended from the front of the hood which fed through the 6 inch long penis gag that had been rammed down his throat all night. He was bound tightly to the chair by dozens of straps, his arms out horizontally to his side as if bound to a cross, whilst his legs were spread painfully wide as if in a gynaecology chair. The sensory deprivation was made that much worse by the fact that she knew that load white noise had been relentlessly playing in his headphones all night – the hours would have seemed like days but this had only been the beginning of his torment.
The chair was used in a live webcast last night on a website she had set up to allow subscribers to follow his training. The chair was fitted with a sophisticated fucking machine as well as a top of the range male masturbator. It had fucked his arse for 4 hours last night – the viewers on the webcast able to select pre programmed modes that ranged from a gentle fucking to a brutal assault on his arse with a 12 inch monster dildo. Whilst this was going on the masturbator kept him on the verge of cumming the entire time. She had not allowed her slave to cum for six months now, instead opting to drain his balls of cum by milking his prostate, a technique that gives no pleasure to the person whilst causing the balls to empty their contents. Last night the public had voted unanimously not to let him cum this month, so she had used icepacks to shrink his throbbing hard cock back to flaccid so it could be locked back in its normal place inside the inescapable chastity cage. Even after all the fucking, he thrashed at his bonds upon hearing that he was not going to get to cum – he had been kept on the verge for hours by the infernal machine. Before going to bed last night, D had set up one final program on the fucking machine – an automated prostate milking program. She checked the cup under his cock cage and sure enough it was filled with partially dried cum that the machine had relentless drained from his balls without granting him any pleasure in the act.
Chapter 2 - The Aftermath
She picked up the headset, switched off the white noise and spoke to her slave gently – for she new he would be in a terrible state this morning after his ordeal. "Slave, this is Mistress. I'm going to release you now but I need you to be good for me, ok?"
Her slave barely managed a nod. She loosened the straps holding him in place, before taking off the isolation hood. Tears had soaked the insides and he cried out in pain as the huge penis gag was removed allowing his jaws to close for the firs time since the ordeal began the previous day.
"Pppplease.......nnnever ....again..... Mmmmistress......." He barely whispered to her before he passed out. She removed the other hood and headphones, before helping him upstairs to her bedroom. She locked his metal slave collar back on and tethered it to the top of the bed – mainly just to ensure he stayed in bed re cooperate. Then she tucked him into bed and kissed him gently on the forehead.
She was so proud of her slave – last nights ordeal had been the worse, yet most arousing thing she had done to him. When she logged onto the website she found nothing but praise for last nights show – and the money drawn in from it was also much higher than she expected. She spent the morning updating the site – editing the video into an extended highlights version that would be placed onto the website's member's area. A short teaser clip was then placed on the main page to entice people to pay for membership. She checked in on her slave a few times, he was fast asleep. In the afternoon she woke him up to give him water and some food.
"Slave, I want to tell you how proud I was of you last night – you have taken the worse of what I can currently dream up and endured it. The feedback on the website is amazing."
"..........so you weren't lying about the website Mistress?" he said softly after a long pause.
"No, everything I told you last night is real – there is a website, last night was being streamed live to hundreds of people and yes I am making money from it. Your life, your suffering as my slave, is recorded for the amusement of others." She let this sink in, waiting for him to response.
He started to cry again. "Please Mistress, please don't ever put me through that again - I don't think I could stand it. I thought I was going to loose my mind" He began to sob uncontrollably again
"Slave, I need to understand, what part of it was worst for you?"
"The........hood .......Mistress..........that........constant.......sound.........relentless" he sobbed
"Ah yes, I thought that was the case – sensory deprivation is a powerful tools my slave, and maybe last night was a little much for your first go. Unfortunately I cannot promise not to do that again – but I will say that I will only use that specific sound technique on you for punishment purposes only from now on – so as long as you're a good boy you'll be never need to hear it again, deal?" She smiled at him softly to calm his nerves.
"Thank you Mistress" he sobbed quietly, but a little smile escaped his lips. "I take it I am to get up and do my chores now mistress" he said after a while.
"No slave, you are having today off from your house hold chores- its nothing that cannot wait until Monday. Last night was intense for you, I understand that. I know what I put you though was hell but I do love you, and for you to allow me to do that was the greatest sign of devotion you could ever give me. It proved to me how much you love and trust me. I think you deserve a treat."
He looked up suddenly at her, hope in his eyes – "you mean?"
"No Slave, not that – at least not at the moment. Maybe if you continue to impress me then yes – I may allow you to cum soon. No, your treat is that tomorrow I have arranged for you to go out with Bob for a round of golf – you know get you out of the house and such. I know you miss playing and that I have not allowed you to play recently. Given your 'employment status' nowadays – if you continue to be good then maybe this will become a regular thing, besides it will do you the world of good to get out the house. My friend Maggie and I are going to do a little shopping as I've not seen her in an age and I thought you would appreciate getting out of the house. I'm might get you some gifts when I'm out as well considering how well you coped with last night.
"Thank you Mistress" he said with a smile on his face. She could see a sparkle in his eyes that had not been present for the last couple of weeks. She was beginning to worry that he was not enjoying himself in his role in life anymore, but then it occurred to he that he was probably getting a little bored in life. After all when all your housebound all day and only have the dishwasher and laundry machine for company – things can get a little repetitive. She had come up with a plan to reward his good behaviour with hobbies and outings from now on, where as bad behaviour would result in loosing hobbies, as well as time in isolation – a punishment she now knew he would hate given is reaction to last night.
"I may have let you off your housework chores today slave, but after that show last night I could not be hornier" and with that she pushed him back down flat on the bed and straddled his face. "Don't stop until I say so". She no longer had to command him to lick; he automatically knew what to do. Before long she was screaming out in pleasure as her first orgasm hit her – but his licking did not stop – the high from the first orgasm never leaving her as the second quickly built. By the time she had enough he had bought her off four times. When she dismounted his face it was covered with her pussy juice, and he was licking his lips vigorously with a large smile on his face. She knew he loved orally pleasing her, and she loved him doing it just as much.
She allowed him to shower and clean himself during which she checked over his body.
The only area to show signs of last night was his arse hole – which was still relatively red raw from the brutal fucking it received. She decided not to plug him with anything like he would normally be to let him recover more and then got him dressed into one of her old baby dolls that he would sleep in – a black lacy number that she had dressed him in the first weekend she took away his freedom. He had grown accustomed to his feminine clothes and it was now at the stage where she thought it was odd to see him out of them. That night they ordered take away as a treat and then settled down to watch a film of her choosing. He was still exhausted and she let him fall asleep at her feet, close to the roaring open fire he had lit in the lounge fireplace.
Chapter 3 - Golf and Shopping
The next day when she was awake she noticed that her slave wasn't in the room. Last night she hadn't bound him at all, and she was a little pissed that he'd taken advantage of that and left without permission. A couple of moments later thought he came back in the room – the tray filled with breakfast for her.
"I hope you don't mind Mistress, I took the opportunity to surprise you" he said as he placed the tray down on her lap and knelt at the side of the bed. There was freshly squeezed orange juice, a freshly brewed espresso, toast, a delicious looking fry up and yoghurt to finish.
"Very nice slave, I must admit I do like a nice surprise every now and again! I may have to forget to tie you up more often!" she laughed. She proceed to eat her breakfast, every now and again feeding him bits of bacon and toast like he was a dog
She took great entertainment from making him beg for scraps – even going as far as placing bits of food on the tip of is nose, and making him stay in that position for a while before she told him he could eat it.
When she was finally finished she told him to clear the plates and then get showered, for he was due to leave for golf in a while and she wanted to get ready for shopping.
When he stepped out of the shower she was standing therein the doorway, butt plug harness in place holding a long dildo with wires hanging from it that led to a small box.
"Guess where this is going...." she said with a laugh as his smile faded a little from her slaves face. She ordered him into the bedroom and as she lubed up the dildo, he bent over the end of the bed without being told. It wasn't as thick as some of the dildo's she'd plugged him with, but it still made her slave wince when it first slid into his arse. She slowly pushed it all the way into him, before pulling it gently back out. She slowly fucked his arse with it a few times, getting lost in her own little world before she remembered that they were not exactly flush for time. Bob was picking her slave up for golf in 30 mins and she was suppose to meet Maggie in the coffee shop soon after.
She slid the dildo all the way back in one last time and then proceeded to lock the butt plug harness in place. She made sure that the small box was properly attached to the harness as well before locking the padlocks into place. Once firmly locked in place, with the box attached to the belt, she set out some suspenders, stockings and a black lacy thong for him to wear. "Just because your going to play golf, doesn't mean you get off the hook mister!" She said when he looked funnily at the underwear. After that she got out the golf shirt he hated most of all – the pastel pink one. She threw it at him telling him to put it on before getting out some tan golf trousers. "There, won't we look pretty on the golf course" she giggled to herself. Just as he finished changing the doorbell rang – Bob was here. She met him at the door whilst her slave went to get his club, and giggled to herself when bob saw her slave and said – "Whats the matter Jim, had to borrow D's clothes?!"
"I think he looks very pretty" she smiled back, knowing the humiliation this was putting her slave through. She patted him on the bum where the dildo was impaled and wished him well for his round of golf. She caught the bus into town and met Maggie at the coffee shop. She had known Maggie for a few years now – they shared a couple of modules together at university in their first year and soon go on like a house on fire. D had to admit, Maggie was your typical drop dead gorgeous, but never have to go to the gym sort of woman. This annoyed D no end as she would have to regularly use the gym to stay in shape. Maggie had a beautiful figure, and long brown hair that went half way down her back. D had also come to find out that Maggie was a very head strong person – in work and in her love life.
On nights out in the past Maggie would be extremely upfront and forceful with men – never letting them take charge. D on the other hand back when she was dating was the opposite – quite and happy to let the man do the work. In fact her and Maggie had done some crazy stuff together – indeed Maggie is the only woman that D had been with intimately. It was just one of those things that happen at university, it used to drive the boys wild when the two of them would start snogging on the dance floor – a little show they both loved to do after a few drinks! In fact Maggie and D had been as close as two people could get by the end of their University courses.
They shared a flat in the final year and became as close as sisters – well not that close as they ended up on numerous occasions doing things that sisters should never do! D knew she wasn't gay, other women didn't interest her – but Maggie was different. Something about her made her feel like no other had until that time, man or women. She was her best friend; they shared everything and loved each other deeply.
Both Maggie and she agreed that although they did love each other – they didn't think that they would be able to stay like they were forever. They promised to never forget their time at University and to stay in touch wherever they ended up in life. Of course since her husband came into her life things had changed. D had grown as a person and thanks a lot to Maggie, had discovered that she too like too take charge. They still kept in touch and saw each other from time to time but as with most things, this got less frequent as time went by.
She couldn't quite make it out what it was today, but Maggie was acting extremely funny towards her. Maybe it was because they hadn't seen each other since D moved, after all work and the website were keeping her extremely busy, or maybe she noticed that D kept getting her phone out, trying to hide the thing under the table or wait for her to be trying something on whilst shopping. Eventually at lunch, after Maggie had downed most a glass of wine she'd had enough.
Chapter 4 – Maggie's Secret
"Ok Mags, what's up? You have been acting weird with me all day." She said to her friend.
"Umm, well I don't really know how to say this – its rather embarrassing actually, especially if I'm wrong" Maggie said, once again taking a large gulp of wine.
"Just spit it out woman, how long have we known each other for anyway!" D said giving Maggie a stern look
"Oh ok – its just that – well I stumbled across this website, and adult website to be exact, the other day and I'm positive I recognise the two people in it."Maggie gave D a long penetrating stare.
D's heart stopped, and the wine glass she was about to take a sip from stopped in mid air – her hand frozen – she couldn't be talking about her website, could she?
The hesitation was all Maggie needed "I knew it!" she shouted a little too loudly so some of the people in the restaurant turned and scowled at them.
"I just knew I recognised that cute little butt in that black PCV catsuit Friday night – why didn't you tell me about this?" Maggie was almost jumping out of her chair in excitement whilst trying to keep her voice down to a reasonable level.
D's mind had finally caught up "Well its not something I really want to band about to everyone as you can imagine Mags– you mean you don't think its weird?"
"It's completely fucked up babe!" Maggie laughed loudly "but I love it. That show on Friday night got me so hot, oh yes I was watching." Maggie said when D looked at her bemused. "He must have been a complete wreck the next day!"
"He was – you should have seen him Maggie" D said in a slightly serious voice. "I was worried I'd gone too far at one point but he's fine. He hated the hood most of all, apparently the noise nearly drove him insane – can't say I blamed him; it was like drilling teeth when I listened to it! He was stupid to tell me that of course, just mean's I have another weapon to use against him now!"
Maggie just laughed – "Brilliant D, I knew you were developing a more dominant streak but I didn't realise you would turn into this much of a mean bitch! You have to have me round to see your dungeon some time"
D starred at Maggie, wondering if she should say what she was about to – but before she could stop herself: "Oh I think we can do better than that – how about helping me out on the next live show?"
"Really? You and your husband would let me do that?" Maggie said, a little shocked but deeply excited.
"Well as you can imagine he has no say in the matter." D paused to think. "Yes, I'd really appreciate the help, plus it would bring something a little different to the mix. I'd be prepared to offer you a cut of the profits as well. I have nearly 4 weeks until the next live show so why not come round for dinner tonight and I'll fill you in on everything?"
"Ok" Maggie said excitedly
For the rest of the day they shopped and joked around like old times. They spent a good long while in the lingerie show picking out clothes – they both knew who they were for and spent ages giggling like school girls picking up bright pink thongs, corsets and nightwear. When D continued to get her phone out every 10 mins or so Maggie threatened to throw it in the river, so D reluctantly put it away. Eventually loaded down with bags the got in a cab and headed back to D's.
When D got home her husband was all ready in and cooking dinner. He walked into the hallway to greet her as normal and froze at the sight of the two women in the door way. He went to run off and hide but D shouted at him.
"Where the hell are you going slave, come here and greet Your Mistress and her guest properly." She winked at Maggie, who was staring wide eyed in disbelief as the grown man came round the corner.
She had never seen anything like it, apart from on her friend's website but seeing it for real was totally different. He was dressed as a French maid – complete with black shiny 5 inch high heals that were locked around his ankles by two shiny brass padlocks. His legs were covered in black fishnets that were held up by a suspender belt. Locked around his ankles and thighs were cuffs that were joined in the middle by short hobble chains, making his steps seem small and unbalanced looking. The French maids dress did little to hide his chastity cage and the leather straps of the butt plug harness was clear to see. Attached to his wrists were cuffs that matched the ankle and thigh cuffs, whilst the thick steel collar hung around his neck.
"Well I'll be damned, it's not just an act! I can't believe you get him to wear all that!" she said in awe looking at D.
"He learnt the hard way the first week what happens if he doesn't wear his uniform – caned him so hard he couldn't sit for nearly a week!"
He gingerly approached the ladies – his face a burning red with embarrassment before kneeling down at D's feet. He kissed them as normal – "Welcome home Mistress" he mumbled at the floor, before kneeling back staring at the carpet.
"And what about our guest – Surely you remember Mistress Maggie" D said to her slave.
"Oh I like that – Mistress Maggie" Maggie said with a wide smile on her face.
The slave bent over and kissed Maggie's feet. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to our home Mistress Maggie."
"Our home is it now?" Mistress D said "I see you still need to be put in your place." She got out her PDA and pressed a button – and her slave squirmed around on the floor as the dildo locked up his arse erupted into life. After 30 seconds it stopped, and he slowly sat back up. Don't think I forgot about this slave, I hope it didn't distract you too much today during golf!" She laughed as she waved the PDA in his face.
"That's why you had your phone out so much today!" Maggie explained – "you are a right piece of work D – I love it! You should have said, I wouldn't have made you put it away if I'd known!"
Slave knelt back on his knees. "Thank You Mistress" he murmured. "It was a shock at first, I was teeing off from the 5th and completely fluffed the shot, lost my ball in the lake. Bob thought I was having a fit but I told him a fly or something must have flown down my top."
With that she pressed the button again and the slave once again writhed around as the monster was switched on. "That's for loosing a ball" D laughed "be grateful that for most of today it's only been set on 25% power, except the last two, they have been set on 50%. I'm interested to see what 100% is like!" Both the girls laughed
"Follow us into the lounge slave and bring the shopping bags. Oh, and we would like some wine please slave – two glasses of the Pinot Grigio will suffice" With that she walked off with her friend into the lounge.
They sat down in the warm lounge and soon had a cold glass of white wine in their hands. For the next 15 minutes D explained to slave how Maggie had come to know of their situation – and that she had asked Maggie for her help in future shows. D noticed how slave did not seem entirely disappointed by this matter – she always knew that he found Maggie attractive and his cock was struggling in its cage and slightly dripping pre cum.
"Doesn't that get on your nerves D, its like a dog that dribbles everywhere!" Maggie laughed as she pointed at the slave's cock, the wine helping to lower her nerves.
"I have to admit it's a little disgusting, but there is not much I can do about it. Anyway, he is the one who has to clean it up." Maggie didn't say anymore about it, and they soon moved onto the shopping. To the slaves shock and embarrassment D and Maggie made him get out of the bag all the new bits of lingerie that had bought for him – some brightly colour thongs and a few more baby dolls. They even visited to local BDSM store for a look and picked out a rather strict looking steel boned leather corset that had thick straps to tighten it up along with the laces at the back.
"Maggie picked that one for you slave – say thank you"
"Thank you Mistress Maggie" he said still flushed with embarrassment.
After that D sent him back to the kitchen to get on with dinner, not telling him that Maggie was staying to eat as well. D then showed Maggie around the house starting with the upstairs. This tour was different to normal ones D had given other friends, D was careful to point out all the special features of the house that aided in their BDSM lifestyle – the locked trunk with her slaves 'man clothes' for those odd occasions, the selection of restraints and sex toys in the Mistress bedroom etc. Finally they got to the bottom of the stairs and then made there way down to the dungeon. Maggie gasped at the sight when she got down there
"My god, it's much bigger than it looks online – and that's....." her voice peeled off as she wandered over to the chair and examined it. "Wow D, this is one hell of an invention – if it wasn't for the hood and such I wish I was a man so I could have a ride."
"Oh it doesn't just do blokes Mags, the male masturbator can be switched for a magic wand vibrator. All the programming is all ready in there. The programmer claims it can keep a woman on the edge of cumming longer than a bloke, or it can be set to make you orgasm until you pass out from pleasure! If you ever want a go just say – I'll promise to not use his isolation hood on you!" she joked, but Maggie gave her a long thoughtful look as if she was weighing her up on that offer.
Maggie spent the next 15 mins investigating all the rest of the equipment, picking up the canes and other implements and practicing swishing them through the air. She spent an age looking at the wall on which the dildo's butt plugs and bondage restraints hung. Eventually D suggested the go back upstairs and Maggie disappointedly agreed. "Don't worry Mags, we'll come back!"
"God D, no wonder you're always smiling of late – I'm horny just being in that room let along having a body to practice it on." Maggie said as they sat back down in the lounge. Her hand instinctively crept over her crotch until she realised where she was, but D had all ready seen it.
"If you're horny Mags, just say the word. After all, what's the saying? Why have a dog and bark yourself?"
"You mean you'd let your husband..."
"My slave hun, address him as he is. He will obey your commands as if they were my own if he knows what's good for him. Plus, I try not to tell him this to his face as I don't want him to get cocky, but he's fucking fantastic at giving oral!"
"Errrr, ok – I'm not one to turn an opportunity like this down." Maggie said with a grin on her face.
D touched the intercom button that was on the coffee table that would make her voice sound in the kitchen. "Slave, make sure dinner is ready to serve but can be kept hot and meet us in my bedroom." With that she lifted her finger from the intercom and beckoned for Maggie to join her.
A few minutes later slave came into the Mistress bedroom to find Maggie sat on the bed. D stood by the doorway and told said "Slave, you are to pleasure Mistress Maggie orally as much as she desires - and she's better tell me your the best she's ever had otherwise there will be hell to pay". With that D headed off and shut the bedroom door. She waited for a moment, listening for a minute or two at the door until she heard Maggie yell out in pleasure "fuck me that feels good - that's it, get your tongue right in there!" D walked off smiling knowing that Maggie was going to fit right in.
Nearly an hour later a slightly dishevelled looking Maggie walked into the kitchen followed by slave who had the biggest grin on his face that D had seen in a while. The hair on Maggie's forehead was slightly stuck down due to the sweat and Maggie flopped into on of the two places set at the table and just let out a massive contented sigh.
"Well?" D inquired, how you feeling?
"Fuck me D that was amazing – I've never had anyone go down on me for that long and be that good at it! I'm coming round for dinner every night!" Maggie took a gulp of her wine, her table having made its way into the dining room.
"Hang on a minute, there are only two places set at the table D, there are three of us eating." she said looking at D confused.
"No, there are two of us eating on one of us will be serving." She said looking at slave.
Maggie laughed "Girl you have the perfect set up here!"
As dinner progressed slave served them both up the meal he had intended for his Mistress and himself – at the end of the meal D made him kneel on the floor, she bound his hands behind his back and then proceeded to pile all the leftovers onto one plate. It was put down in front of him and the girls left the room laughing. For the rest of the evening the girls sat in the lounge drinking wine talking about all the things that D had done to slave, and coming up with ideas for future events and shows. "Hang on, I need to write some of this down – its great having someone to discuss ideas with" D said and sent slave to get her notebook. That night Mistress used her slave to orally pleasure her for well over an hour, and even after that she then bound him up and fucked his arse with her largest strap on. The discussion of the evening had left her extremely horny and she took great pleasure in using her slave to relieve her pent up emotions. Eventually she was finished and left her slave tied to the side of the bed as normal – ready to wake her up with further oral servitude of her pussy.
Chapter5 – Maggie's initiation
For the next few days of the week things got back to normal for D and her sissy slave, and by the time it reached Friday D was ready to test out more of her dungeon equipment. She phoned up Maggie to invite her round and was surprised when Maggie declined saying she had dinner plans.
"What time does diner finish hun" D said as her friend sounded thoroughly disappointed.
"9, it's a works do with the new boss and I can't really get out of it".
"Well that's fine, come round after if you want, it is only a Friday night so neither of us have to get up for work!" D said.
Maggie cheered up immensely and agreed to be there 9pm on the dot. "Don't start without me!" she joked as the girls hung up.
Upon returning home from work she made slave throw diner together quickly as she wanted to make sure that they were both dressed to impress for later. She sent him to the bathroom to shower and shave – making him know that all hair should be gone except that on his head. Whilst he was in the shower she laid out everything she would need for dress him. When he got out she allowed him to dry himself properly before saying.
"Now slave, I want tonight to be special for all of us, but especially Mistress Maggie as it's her first time with us properly, so I expect you to behave ok?"
"Yes Mistress, I'm looking forward to it!"
"We'll see if that's the case in an hour or so" she joked.
Now that he was dried off she started on his outfit for this evening. First up was the leather corset Maggie and her had purchased the week before. She barely managed to buckle it up to its loosest setting at first, but once it was on she was able to put a bit more weight into it. Placing one hand on the flat of his back she pulled tightly on the strings of the corset, causing her slave to grunt as the thing tightened. Every time she repeated this his waist was squeezed thinner and thinner. Eventually despite his begging not to go any tighter she was using her foot to push at his back and both hands to pull the final slack out of the corset strings as he knelt on the floor at her feet. She tied off the strings in a double bow then proceeded to tighten the three locking straps that ran around the waist of the corset. Three gleaming silver padlocks were used to secure the bindings.
"How's that?" she asked
"Its so tight Mistress – it's difficult to breath" he said in between short, shallow breaths.
"Good – then its working!"
Black seamed stockings were pulled up his legs and attached to suspender clips from the base of the corset. She ordered him to put his arms behind him, palms together and slid the leather armbinder over him. Once again, she pulled every last millimetre of slack out of the strings on the binder, before securing the leather straps that went around his shoulders holding the binder firmly in place.
She lubed up one of her largest dildo's and slid it into the slaves arse, his low moans giving her reason to smile. A strap was attached to the front of the corsets lowest belt then run on side of his cock in between his legs before it was used to shove the dildo deeper into his arse. She looped the end of the strap through the ring on the arm binder and then pulled the strap back in between his legs the other side of his caged cock. She pulled back and down on his armbinder causing his back to arch what little it could in the corset before securing the end of the strap tot he corset holding the dildo firmly in place. Now every time he would try to straighten up the dildo would be shoved further into his arse. Her slave moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain – his cock responding to the treatment by filling the chastity cage in its attempts to get hard. This only further added to his moans as the pain built, his cock dripped precum and D bent down.
"Hmmmm, delicious" she said as she licked at the cage – her tongue darting between the tiny air holes on the plastic prison reaching some parts of the sensitive skin of his cock. She then licked at his balls causing her slave to moan in pleasure and pain as his cock continued in its futile attempts to get harder. Eventually she stood up and grabbed his hair, before straddling his face and shoving his lips to her pussy. He worked his magic tongue and before long D was cumming hard over his face, coating his lips and face with pussy juice. She smiled at him and her slave smiled back, licking his lips to get more taste of her. She bent down, kissed him hard before covering his head with a latex hood that had holes around the eyes and mouth.
"Getting you dressed could take some time at this rate – best do something about that." She grabbed the large red ball gag harness from the bed, and turned towards her slave. He opened his mouth to accept but she just looked at him.
"My my, what an eager little boy. Maybe I should treat you a bit" and with that she reached down and started rubbing the ball gag all over her wet pussy, coating it with cum. Only then did she move forward and shove the ball into his mouth. It barely fit but eventually the ball popped in behind his teeth and she went about tightening the leather straps that made up the head harness. Every pull of the straps caused the ball to be pulled further into his mouth. A thick leather posture collar was a little difficult to fit on given the other items in place but eventually she heard the click of the lock as it snapped shut.
She told him to get up and follow her downstairs. Once in the kitchen she told him to kneel once again, and from behind him she laced shiny black ankle length ballet boots to his feet. Before locking them on she attached a short hobble chain between the two. She helped him to his feet and lent him up against the counter. Black thigh cuffs were added that also were joined by a hobble chain before finally she hung a small wooden tray off his collar that clipped to one of the belts on his corset.
"There – all ready for our guest and don't you look picture perfect! Speaking of which..." She left the room to retrieve her camera and started taking numerous pictures of him from different angles; after all she no longer had to hide the fact that she was taking them so her slave had to get used to posing for her.
D left her slave in the kitchen moaning into his ball gag – she wasn't sure if he was getting more pain or pleasure out of the outfit. His cock was still trying in its futile attempts to get hard and pre cum was coming off the cage in a small but constant string. She went upstairs and dressed herself, a short black latex skirt went perfectly with her red and black latex vixen corset and black cross over buckle latex bra that she had ordered that week. She completed the look with a set of shoulder length black latex gloves, some seamed hold ups and a pair of shiny black high heals.
Five minutes before Maggie was due to arrive she checked on her slave in the kitchen and his eyes lit up when he saw her. She thanked him for his muffled praise and set about loaded up his tray with two glasses of wine, and a couple of bowels of nibbles.
She left him in the kitchen telling him to wait to be called before putting the remained of the bottle of wine into a wine cooler in the lounge. Bang on 9pm the doorbell went and D went to greet her friend. Maggie looked stunning in a short black dress that barely covered her arse, she was clearly excited about the evening ahead and had dressed up to impress. She looked D up and down "Blimey girl – you look fucking hot!"
"Don't look to shabby yourself" D said giving her friend a hug "why don't you come on in?"
She led her friend into the lounge and invited her to sit. "So had a chance to digest everything yet from last Sunday?" D asked.
"God I've been unable to think of anything else all week! Speaking of which, where is he tonight? I expected him to answer the door. I bought you both a gift you see – to say thanks for letting me into your little secret world!"
"Ohhh a gift, I can't wait to see what it is! Let me get slave in here first. SLAVE, DRINKS - NOW!" She yelled in the direction of the kitchen. The small click click of his heals could be heard and Maggie laughed when he hobbled round the corner. As the slave slowly made his way across the room to Maggie she clapped. "D how wonderful – is that the corset I picked out last week?"
"Yes it is and I think he looks very snug in it, don't you?" D said as she picked up the camera once more and took more snaps. "By the way, feel free to take pictures if I'm busy, it will be good to have as many as possible for the website."
"Ok no problem. And yes, he looks very snug indeed – I love what you've done with the rest of him or should I say her!" Maggie laughed once more. "Bet that's bloody difficult to walk in isn't it slave?"
He nodded gently and came to a halt in front of Maggie. She took a glass of wine and he hobbled round to give D her glass. He then positioned himself besides the sofas so both women could reach the snacks on his tray.
"He's so well trained D, it's amazing what you've done with him." Maggie said grabbing some crisps from the tray.
"It's just a case of knowing how to control him, and the key to that is here." She pointed to the necklace and the small key hanging from it.
"Oh yes, that reminds me, my gift. Open it, I hope you like it." Maggie handed her a small present and D unwrapped it.
"Oh Maggie this is wonderful, I love the thought you have put into it – you commented on his leakage issue last week – I didn't realise you could get them like this."
D held up the shiny device for slave to see. It was a new chastity device, made entirely from stainless steel. The ring at the back looked much like a single handcuff and the cock tube was long, shiny and welded to the cuff. The key hole at the top was a long bolt type lock that looked much sturdier then the current small padlock. Unlike his current curve device there was no holes whatsoever in the cock cage, and on the inside of the cage D could see hundreds of very small but very sharp looking needles. Once on her slave not only would this stop the 'dripping issue' but the torment caused would be unfathomable when he got aroused.
"Oh this is just divine hun, if he gets aroused not only will his pre cum not drip everywhere but the pins will cause him considerable pain – I love it!" She held up the device so slave could clearly see it.
"I'm glad you like it D, it took me ages to work up the courage to buy it! It uses a different key but I figured that would be a problem." Maggie said relived that her gift was liked
"I'm sure it won't, he won't be able to wear it long term you understand, but it will be great for sessions such as tonight and the live shows. Just let me get the ice packs."
This was apparently all too much for slave, he struggled against his bonds and moaned through the gag - but only muffles escaped. "oooooooooo .....eeeesssseeee .....ooooooo." With this struggling a bowl fell off the tray, knocked Maggie's wineglass over and smashed on the floor sending wine and crisp everywhere.
"Look what you've done you useless slave" Mistress D yelled in anger, grabbing the remaining bowl and putting it on the table. "You show me up in front of another Mistress, disrespect me and her by showing disobedience to us – you wait, this means punishment. We have only just said how good you were being and you show me up like that" with that D stormed out the room.
Maggie got up and stood in front of slave. "Oh dear slave, you're in for a rough night by the looks of things." Maggie said to him in a confident evil tone, a large grin on her face as she reached out and stroked his balls. He moaned in a mix of fear and excitement. "I'll make sure of that" she then whispered into his ear.
D returned with the icepacks and some other items that slave could not see – but he knew he was in trouble. D took the tray off and forcefully pushed slave down onto the ground, is bound arms causing his back to arch up off the ground. The strap between his legs was pulled tighter than ever forcing the entire dildo up of arse. "Mags hun, can you restrain that end of him for me?" She pointed at his head and shoulders.
"Sure" Maggie said, and she hitched her skirt up a little and straddled the slaves face, making sure her panty covered moist pussy lips were directly over the slave's nose so he could get the full scent of her growing arousal. The ball gag nestled up to her clit area as she gentle rubbed he crotch around his face.
D laughed, "not quite what I meant love, but it works!" And she then went about removing his curve chastity cage. His cock sprang to life immediately. "Oh no you don't" she said shoving the icepacks onto his cock. The slave's screams could be heard even with Maggie straddling his face
"Oh, make him scream some more" she joked. "The vibrations from the ball gag are feeling great!"
Once his cock was flaccid from the cold D placed the other cage onto his cock, padlocking it shut and trapping the slaves cock in its new, torturous chamber. "Screaming you say, I think can manage that" and she the proceeded to suck and lick on the slaves balls. He was soon moaning in pleasure, but his moans slowly changed into pain as his penis started to become erect and the pins started digging in. His screams got loader and loader as the sucking and licking continued, plus the smell of Maggie's pussy on his nose also didn't help. Eventually D stopped.
"Time to get this evening started Mistress Maggie, would you care to join me in the dungeon?"
"Why I'd love to Mistress D". Both girls laughed.
They got up and dragged the slave to his feet. He could barely walk with his boots on so the girls almost dragged him down the stairs and into the basement.
"What first up Maggie, as guest it's your choice."
"Oooohhh, how exciting. Not the chair, I've seen that. What's that for?" Maggie said pointing to a box that looked like a vaulting horse from a gym club.
"Ah, that's the whipping bench. The subject is locked in bent over it and is completely helpless against any form of corporal punishment we wish to give him."
"Well that sounds perfect then, I've always wanted to cane someone and he's been a naughty boy hasn't he!" Maggie said in excitement.
They led the slave over to the bench and the combination of the two of them soon had the slave bound helplessly over it, his arse high and exposed, his arms tied to a rope from the ceiling pulling the arm binder away from his body. The dildo was removed and his legs were strapped far apart and bound to the whipping bench in numerous places. The slave could only be heard whimpering, the crushing bindings on his body the worse for being bent over.
"Care to go first Mistress Maggie?" D said offering the thin vicious looking cane.
"Oh I don't know, I've never don't it before, what if I hurt him?" Maggie said in a concerned voice.
"Then you're doing it right." D said in a matter of fact tone. "Don't worry, have a swing and I'll correct you as we go."
Maggie swung the cane lightly and a small thwack sounded in the dungeon.
"No,no, no – not nearly hard enough. Try again." D said
Another swing, slightly harder but still not enough to even leave a mark or make the slave jump.
"Still not hard enough, if I may?" D said holding her hand out for the cane.
"Oh, I didn't think I'd be good at it, sorry" Maggie said deflated, handing the cane over.
"You misunderstand hun, I only wish to demonstrate. Remember that this is the person that disrespected you upstairs by knocking over your glass of wine. Indeed, what if it had gone over that lovely dress and ruined it." With that Mistress D swung the cane hard – the sound of the cane hit flesh at followed immediately by the muffled scream of the slave. "He needs to be disciplined, remember that." D said as she handed the cane back.
"Slave, this is for spilling my wine" Maggie stated as she psyched herself up, and then she swung. The thwack filled the room as the cane landed and the slave screamed even loader into his gag.
"Wonderful" D stated and clapped in approval "See how the red mark comes up almost immediately as well, that ones going to hurt for a while! I would say that he deserves 20 swats as punishment".
With that the slave screamed into his gag and thrashed at his bonds.
"EACH CHEEK" she shouted – "I can't believe you tonight slave, you'll pay for playing up in front of Mistress Maggie and I."
As the caning continued D had to admit Maggie did great work. Each blow was the same sickening strength from the first to the last, and her placement left her slaves arse looking like a set of perfectly parallel angry red stripes. Mistress spent the time taking photos of the caning, capturing the torment for every angle. By the end of it Maggie was panting – overcome by the power and the erotic energy filling the room. Slave was merely whimpering into his gag in pain, tears running off the top of his latex hood where he was bent over.
"Well done Maggie, that was most impressive, better than even I could have done it myself."
"My god, I've never though inflicting pain would be so exhilarating." She panted.
"Well I think you've earned this." D said and held up two massive strap-ons behind the slaves back. Maggie notices that they both had small internal dildos as well.
"Wicked!" Maggie said taking the strap on. She stripped off her dress and bucked it up whilst D moved the slave to another device that he was locked into. The device left the slave bound over it in a doggy style position, with his head held facing forward at waist height and his arse sticking out at the back also at waist height. His arms, still encased in the armbinder where once again attached to a rope that hung from the ceiling, holding them up and helplessly out of the way.
D took off the slave's ball gag harness but before he could protest about what was to come a massive steel ring gag was secured in its place, forcing his jaws open even further than before. He started to drool straight away from his mouth, helpless to stop it.
"I'm ready, I hope you are slave." Maggie stated simply from behind him, and she proceeded to penetrate the slaves arse with the huge dildo. He groaned as the dildo slid further and further into his insides, but soon noticed D lining up the other dildo in his face, having also stripped off her skirt and knickers. He tried to move away but she grabbed his hair and shoved the dildo into his open mouth, the ring gag meaning he had no way of stopping her. Once Maggie was all the way in they nodded to each other and in silence started to fuck their respective ends of the slave. Slave choked on the monster that was being shoved deep into his month and down his throat, whilst Mistress Maggie was soon fucking his arse at a frantic pace. The fucking went of for an eternity; Maggie was pounding as hard as she could, hanging on to the rope that held the slaves arms up for balance. D was also hard at work, thrusting the dildo deeply into the slave's helpless mouth. All of a sudden Maggie let out an animalistic roar as her orgasm hit. D was not far behind as was soon crying out in pleasure as well. With both girls coming down from their respective highs, D got up. Maggie pulled the cock out of the slave's arse and looked at D. "May I? I've always wanted to do it to a man ever since my shit of an ex tried to make me do it to them."
"Sure, he's there to be used" D stated slightly confused. But its soon became clear. Maggie wandered round to the front of slave, grabbed his hood and said "As a man, your getting punished for other men's past demeanours – sorry about that – Now you can taste your own ass" and with that she shoved the cock she had been fucking his arse with deep into his throat, took off the strap on and tied it behind his head, keeping the dildo deep in his mouth.
"And you said I was a bitch" D laughed as Maggie stood there smiling at her work. "I think its time to put slave to bed for the night, that's not to say we can't carry on the fun upstairs." she said quickly at the disappointed look on Maggie's face
"Hmmm – back to the good old uni days hey! I can't wait – I'm going to pick out some toys to take with us." And with that she went over to the wall and started examining the dildos.
D walked back over to slave. "You hear that slave, I'm going upstairs with Maggie now to our bed – I'm going to let her fuck me all night long with a strap on, and I'll fuck her back. You remember how I told you about our wild nights back in Uni, well they are going to pale into insignificance next to this. Don't worry though you'll be kept in touch with what's going on. With that she walked over and pick up the headphones and hoods she used last time in his sensory isolation. She ripped off the latex hood and taped the headphones in place despite the slave plea's through his ring gag.
"If only you had behaved slave, you could have been coming with us" she said as she quickly removed the ring gag.
"You would have been able to eat both our pussy's out for the night, maybe even fuck us both with the strap ons we will now have to use on each other" Maggie joined in hold up a strap on harness and array of dildos in her hand.
D shoved the latex hood back over his head before grabbing the large red ball gag once more. The slave shut his mouth tight but D nodded to Maggie who slapped his sore arse hard causing him to yell out. D seized the change and roughly shoved the ball gag into his mouth before tightening up the straps for the second time that evening. She stood in front of him and gave him one final stern look before putting on the isolation hood. All the slave could do was sob as first his hearing was taken away and then his sight once more. She plugged the headphones in to the wireless receiver and picked up the headset and control unit.
She beckoned for Maggie to help her and they man handed him into a small metal puppy cage, the end of the arm binder that his arms were still tied in was padlocked to the top of the cage. Before the door was locked Maggie shouted to D "Oh, just one final thing." She ran back and D watch as Maggie picked the largest butt plug she had in the dungeon and shoved into her sissy husbands arse. Then the door to the cage was locked shut.
"Hell, if you were good I was thinking of letting you cum tonight." D said into the microphone to wind him up, she knew full well she had no intention of this. "Instead you'll just have to stay here and think about your behaviour tonight." She switched the sound onto the feed from the Mistress bedroom and herself and Maggie left.
She led Maggie upstairs to the bedroom and before Maggie had a chance to say anything she had pushed her on top of the bed. She swung round the other side of the bed, straddled Maggie's head and buried her own face in her friends soaked pussy lips. Maggie returned in kind and they both moaned loudly as their pleasure grew. The first orgasms did not take long, and soon the screams of the girl's pleasure were not only filling the room, but the ears of the slave as he was held helplessly bound in the metal cage. D soon had Maggie laid out on the bed and took great pleasure in shoving the strap on dildo deep into her friends pussy, the screams of delight causing her to thrust harder and harder. For the next 2 hours the girls made passionate and extremely noisy love to each other, taking it in turns to use the strap-on to fuck one another.
Before they fell asleep D picked up her headset and PDA. Hope you enjoyed that slave but its now time for you to go to sleep. Its...." She looked at the clock "12:05am now, if your lucky I'll let you out before midnight comes around again." And with that she turned on the white noise that tormented her slave last week and set the special program timer for 2 hours. She rolled over to her friend who was lying in bed who just looked at her in disbelief.
"What?" she said in response to Maggie's look. "He needs to learn his place!" and with that they both laughed as they rolled over for one last kiss before falling to sleep.
D laid there wishing to her husband downstairs – Hang on baby, its only two hours to suffer the noise then i'll let you sleep....