Author's Note: Have you ever been in the mood to play and could not decide what to use? This character could not choose either, and chose everything!
While writing, three endings came to mind. I'd like to know how you like the current one. With enough hints, I might rewrite the story for a different ending.
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As I returned to my hotel room, I felt my head singing, my stomach full of butterflies and my loins buzzing.
I had closed a major business deal, with the conditions even better then I had hoped for. This called for a celebration. I had already promised myself an evening to treat myself, and now it had to be really special.
Most business men travel home for the evening, but I usually take another night to assure I arrive home well rested. Well, that was the official story. The other side of the story was that this allowed me to indulge in my personal hobby: self-bondage. I just love being held tight, being helpless.
My wife tried to like and share my bondage fantasies, but at some point had to admit it was not her thing. When we played, there was a corset, a cuff perhaps, but that was about it. And to try more elaborate bondage with light sleeping kids somewhere in the house....well, you can guess for yourself. We had the occasional "normal sex", yet for me this missed that special spice.
She knew and accepted my desires, on the conditions that I played safe and alone. Well, fair enough. Other wives might have left.
So these nights in hotels I could freely indulge in trying lots of stuff I had bought over time, without fear of being interrupted. It was yet another reason why I travelled by car: It allowed me to take a large suitcase with me, much larger then something for 2-3 days. In fact, the actual fresh underwear took hardly any space, but my self bondage collection did. Initially I had taken lots of time to consider what to take with me for each trip, often to find out that my mood needed that one thing which I had left at home. So after a while I had bought a large suitcase that would fit all of my gear, so I could choose whatever I fancied when the evening arrived.
And this night, well, whatever I was going to do, it would have to be something special, something memorable.
But what? The disadvantage of self-bondage in hotel rooms is that you can't have any hooks to tie yourself to, nor are there any hooks for ice-timer release play. I started with laying out all of my gear on one of the double beds.
Aah, the agony of choice, where to begin? By now my collection included cuffs, wrapping foil, bondage rope, bondage tape, butt plug, etc. I looked at my newest addition: a steel cock-ring with a piece of steel going backwards and upwards into your ass, onto which a steel ball was screwed. The set had come with various sizes of steel ball, the smallest being 3cm in diameter, the largest a hefty 8 cm (and over 1kg in solid steel weight).
As my eyes gazed over the collection, I felt Willie hardening, he had been excited all the way back to the hotel. Suddenly, the idea struck me: today was something to celebrate, I would wear everything! First I'd put on as much as I could hide underneath clothing to go to dinner with, then I would put layer over layer to spend the night in.
Silly? Sure.
Crazy? Perhaps.
Over the top? Absolutely!!
I took some time to make a plan. No good having just put on various stuff, only to undo half of it when you find out something should have gone underneath.
I started undressing and took the stainless steel cock-ring. I played with it in my hand and decided to start small, the 3cm ball. When I looked down, I noticed already I was having a problem. Willie was way too hard to put the ring on. I smiled and gave myself another challenge on the spot. Apart from having to wear as much bondage gear as possible, I would have to come as often as I could. As my hand did its work, I wondered how often I would manage.
After grunting "ONE!" and taking some time to catch my breath, I applied some lubricant around Willie to slide the ring over him and over my balls. It surely was a solid ring, I guess 1cm thick steel hanging down and holding my balls forward.
I lubed the ball and the rear entry and tried to push the ball home. This wasn't as easy as I had thought. I had played with butt plugs before, but they have a pointier tip then a round ball has. It took some effort, some breathing to relax that muscle back there to allow it in. Just when I wondered if I was too tense, it popped in. It felt quite full, and when I moved my hips a little to accommodate the intruder, its connection to the ring up front gave little jerks to Willie. No surprise, he liked the attention and started to wake up again.
Next was a rope web over my body & torso, a karada I believe it is called in Shibari circles. I had pre-tied a red-rope harness with the knots on my body, so it was easy to put on. I always love putting it on, especially at the end, when the ropes start to tighten all around the chest and around your butt cheeks. Occasionally I have worn it underneath my clothes to business meetings, if I have to be extra sharp.
I stepped into the harness and started to loop the ropes from back to front and vice versa, tightening the ropes on my chest and back as I proceeded. When I reached my hips, the two crotch ropes had already parted to go alongside Willy and over my buttocks. I would feel the knots on my buttocks whenever I would sit down.
When making the plan, I had wondered what to put on my skin first. Well, it was the rope harness, and everything on top of that would press the rope into my skin. I planned to have visible rope marks tomorrow, perhaps even longer.
I took my heavy duty leather corset and wrapped it around my torso. I didn't like corsets for the hour glass figure (they don't with men anyway, only for women) but for the firm grip and firm figure it gave you. Mine was pre-laced in the back and buckled in front. This way I could put it on my self. Immediately I felt the ropes being pressed into my skin. I grunted and smiled as I closed and tightened all buckles to the usual notch. I loved the smell of leather, and my skin loved to feel it too. I could feel my back being "locked up", I would have to move carefully now.
All the time I had manoeuvred to apply the rope and corset, the steel ball had wiggled inside me and triggered Willie. I was about to put on a latex catsuit as my next thing, but the ring around the base of my cock & balls was beginning to hurt. My erection had become too big to ignore. So I put the catsuit to the side and un-ignored Willie.
"TWO" I grunted a little while later, a satisfied smile on my face.
I had to sit down on the side of the bed, as my legs had become weak with the lack of energy. Sitting down pushed the ball in well, bringing a smile to my lips once more.
It took quite some effort to put the catsuit on with the corset, but I managed. It was a suit with a zipper in the crotch, so I could still access my important parts. Once on, I felt the tight squeeze on my entire body, the latex stretching around it. I left the hood off for now, as I still had to go out.
As I looked over the collection on my bed, my eyes caught the steel balls. I grabbed a bigger one and gave myself a challenge: how big could I take? I pulled out the small ball and unscrewed it. It felt warm and I washed it carefully, the ring still in place. Then I screwed on the 5cm ball and lubed it up. Even though I was both excited and relaxed from coming twice already, my ass-muscle was not so wide. The balls were mounted on the upward curved piece of steel of 1cm thick which came from the ring up front. So my inner ass was used to accommodating a ball by now, but the entry was not. Some serious grunting and pushing was needed to squeeze the bugger through.
When it popped in, I could feel its coldness and its weight inside me. 5cm of solid steel is not quite fluffy, I can tell you!
All this "ball-work" had caused plenty of tugging and pulling up front, and Willie was awake again, but not yet painfully hard.
The cuffs were due. I had compiled a nice collection of leather cuffs: arms cuffs, ankle cuffs, thigh cuffs, elbow cuffs, all of them with various steel rings dangling from them. I always loved how the rings would tinkle when I moved. Not knowing how much I could move later, I applied the ankle cuffs first.
Which ones? All of them, of course! I started with the red 2" cuffs at the ankle, then the blue 3" cuffs above and topped off my "cuff harness" wit the red & white 4" double strap cuff, with 2 rows of rings. It was quite a pull to close the ankle cuff this high on my calves. I had to stretch my legs to stretch the muscles, only to struggle to reach that far with the corset on underneath my latex catsuit. I was panting and sweating when I had completed both lower legs. They were heavy with 6 cuffs and a bundle of rings dangling noisily. Doing a workout in a latex catsuit and corset did not help either of course, and doing so while being poked with a steel ball was a lovely distraction too.
By now my erection was pressing rock hard in between my legs, scratching in the open zipper of the suit, but I tormented myself by doing the thigh cuffs first. Yes, three on each. I had bought complete matching sets.
I made quite a noise as I walked through the room to get myself a drink, almost 50 steel rings dangling away. I smiled and admired myself in the mirror.
My latex clad legs were a tower of leather cuffs, my torso showed funny outlines underneath the latex, and even though after all this work the rope knots had faded to hurt, I could still my skin being pressed in a kaleidoscope of different ways and sensations. I took some deep breaths to experience the feelings and the sight in the mirror. And yes, a little while later "THREE" could be heard in the room. By now I had to steady myself, as my breath was getting harder and my legs had lots of things to do.
I looked at the time and noticed I had already spent well over an hour to get this far. If I took too long the restaurant would be closed!
I proceeded to supply my arms with the same array of cuffs as my legs: three below the elbow, three above. My waist was given the three matching waist belts. In all cases, the third one was quite a pull & stretch to close, as limbs get thicker as you go up. The waisbelts were easier, as the corset had slimmed my waistline.
I felt quite heavy by now with all that steel on my limbs. Playing three times with myself had taken some force too. At every movement, an orchestra of metallic clings and clangs of over 100 rings came from all over me.
Briefly I wondered if I was not overdoing it with this "over the top plan". But when I felt the weight of steel hanging from my Willy, I knew I was not finished yet.
I was hungry though, I had to get to dinner.
No way I could go to a restaurant with all this metal bashing about. Well, I could of course, but this was a hotel where I might come back to later.
This is where the foil wrap came in. As you have already seen, I really do carry quite a collection on my trips. A long roll of some 30cm wide, it allowed for thorough wrapping.
With great difficulty, I wrapped my legs and arms and torso in the black foil, silencing the rings and restricting my movement even more. I still had to get dressed too, somehow.
As I pondered how to do this, Willie sent a message. He felt rather naked dangling there unprotected while everything else of me was so well packed. I smiled and decide to help him a little. First I went to the bathroom again. My head was dizzy with all the excitement and my thinking was not very clear anymore. I pulled out the 5cm ball and replaced it with the 8cm one, the biggest one of the collection and a cool full kilogram in weight. I closed the toilet lid and slowly and carefully sat on it, thus pushing this giant intruder home. I needed quite some time and relaxing thoughts, and at one point I felt I was tearing myself apart. Somehow the grunted "FOUR" seemed to relax my ass just enough to sink my thoroughly packed body over this steel monster.
I just sat there, hardly able to move or breathe, my limbs heavy and my power almost gone.
And my plan was only halfway still.
I struggled to get up, I needed Willie to be limp to pack him up as well. I sat with one leg on the bed as I bolted a steel ring around my balls. I had seen pictures on the websites where they sold these "ball stretcher" rings, and I had seen pictures of men wearing three: one around the base, one around their balls and one around their Willie. So it had to fit somehow.
This was my first time I was doing two rings though, and my skin was not yet stretched enough to accommodate the ball ring easily. I managed to attach the ring, but the word "ball stretcher" really deserved its title when I was done. It hurt, but it felt like a good hurt.
Willie was too far gone to really complain.
With great difficulty I managed to put on my trousers (a wide Dockers squeezed over all the layers of cuffs and foil) and a sweater.
Slowly I managed to walk to the elevator and to the restaurant. At every step, I could feel the 8cm steel ball stretching my insides and weighing down my loins, while all the bondage gear was holding me ever so tight all over my skin.
My god, how was I ever going to eat anything, I thought as the restaurant came into view.
As I entered the restaurant, the waiter looked at me quizzingly, as I obviously had trouble walking.
"One workout too many" I smiled weakly which seemed to satisfy him. He showed me a table and I sat down.
Immediately I was struck by a major mistake I had made. The ball stretcher pushed my balls out and downwards. Normally if you sit down, they are free to move somewhere else. Now they were stuck in one position only and I was sitting on them.
I tried shifting my weight, only to find the steel ball being pushed further inside me. I was determined to endure my self inflicted predicament. Besides, my room was on the 18th floor so I could hardly go up quickly.
I sweated and struggled to keep a brave face. Well, self bondage is about hurting yourself sometimes, I thought. But this was taking that over the top as well.....
After some painful balancing, I discovered a sitting rhythm, shifting my weight from one leg, via my buttocks to the other leg, and back again.
At every movement, either something was pressing into me (cuffs, mostly), or the steel ball was tugging Willie, or my poor balls were being squeezed.
"What kind of nut cake would do this to himself, voluntarily", I asked my self, as I tried to get a salad into my corseted body. "Well, a bondage lover with something to celebrate" I answered myself with a wry smile.
I was already packed beyond common sense, and loved it to the point I had already come 4 times. And I knew there was more to come once I got back to my room.
I hope the story of "one workout too many" was accepted, otherwise there would be funny stories going round the hotel, given the way I slowly walked (being half mummified underneath my visible clothes) back to the elevator and my room.
Back in my room, I took stock of my situation after "undressing". Even though the steel ring around Willie had felt good to begin with, Willie was clearly showing signs he disagreed. I obviously should have bought a bigger diameter, Willie was red-blue-purple with throbbing veins. I had read of cock 'n ball play gone wrong with permanent damage, and I did have in mind to enjoy Willie quite some time longer.
The ball stretcher ring would have been OK, if it hadn't been for me sitting on it...my balls did not look happy either.
Hmmm, I might hold out a bit longer, but definitely not throughout the night like this. So with a bag of ice (yes, "yikes" is the word) I went to the bathroom to help Willie get out of this thing. The ball stretcher rings was easy to remove, with the two bolts. For one last time I sat down on the toilet lid, pushing the large ball inside even deeper, and tried to re-size Willie the old fashioned way. His mind and energy were clearly somewhere else, it took quite some work and effort before I could grunt "FIVE !".
Alas, it was not enough.
I'll spare you the details, but it took quite some effort to extract Willie from the steel ring, and the ball from my ass.
I was getting pretty tired too, having struggled with myself in a corset with loads of stuff on my arms and legs and body.
I would give it one last push before "lights out".
To give Willie his much deserved rest, I locked him into my stainless steel chastity belt. Before locking it shut at the back, the devil in me had inserted a 3cm wide butt plug to let my ass slowly come back to normal. It actually seemed small after the big shiny monster that had been in there before.
I collected the final stuff on the bed with me and prepared the final layout. Some things I would have to do blindfolded later.
I sat inside the body binder bag on my bed, with the other stuff around it.
Determined to use as much stuff as I could, I roped my legs together with long windings, followed by another layer of foil wrap. I then closed the lower half of the body bag, but not yet tight.
Some earplugs took away the last sound I was hearing, and the world became wonderfully quiet.
Then I pulled the hood of the latex catsuit, which seemed like ages ago when I put that on, over my head. It was an open face type, so I could still use other "facial toys".
My sets of matching cuffs also had neck cuffs. I put one of them on around my neck to fix that movement as well. I could rotate my head left or right, but not much.
Next was the ring gag trainer, which I strapped to my head. My body was already used to being packed in all sorts of ways, but for the skin on my head it was new.
If you have read carefully thus far, you'd have guessed correctly that I wouldn't keep an open mouth of course. I put an inflatable gag with breather tube through the ring into my mouth and pumped it up. No need for straps, it would not get out. So much for speech. I tried my breathing, both nostrils and the tube were fine.
To finish off packing my head, I took the heavy duty leather hood and pulled it over my head. It was a bit tricky to get the breather tube properly through the mouth opening, but I managed (hey, practice!) and I sealed away my eyesight when I buckled the hood shut.
No more hearing, no more sight, no more speech, almost no more feeling.... I was getting close to being self mummified.
I laid myself down into the body bag. It had been custom made to my own design, so I could tie myself up by lacing it shut "from a distance": once I had loosely closed it with both free arms and a bit of remaining movement, I could pull various laces within arms reach and thus tighten up various parts of the bag.
Normally this went fine, but packed as I was this time, it was quite some work to get it even loosely closed in the first place.
I could feel myself sweating under all those layers, as I worked the laces with my laden arms. My arms peeked through two holes, so by the time I was done, my entire body was laced into a rigid form of strong leather. I always loved the smell of leather, another reason why I never plugged my nose (apart from breathing safety).
I put my left arm into a sleeve at the side, which I could then tighten in a similar way with my right arm.
Almost done, I felt exhausted from all the excitement and struggle and hard work.
I put my right arm in a similar but smaller & shorter sleeve, with my hand peeking out. I used my fingers to tighten the right arm too until those fingers were the only movement I had left. They had to free me later as well.
Finally, I could relax. Even if it was impossible, it felt as if I leaned back into my confines as I realised nothing more could be done. I could see nothing, I could hear nothing but my own steady breathing, I could taste nothing, I could say nothing. Everything was dead quiet and utterly dark.
Before shutting my eyes to the leather hood, I had glimpsed over the bed with stuff and had seen that I had nearly used everything.
Of course you can only use one butt plug at the same time, just like neck cuffs or hoods. But other then that, I felt I truly had packed myself in virtually my entire collection of travel bondage gear.
If my lips could have smiled around the ring and pump-gag, I guess they would have.
Briefly I tried to recollect what I had worn that evening: the rope harness, the corset, the cat suit, cuffs, (tons of cuffs it felt like), foil, rope, more foil, hoods, gags, butt plugs and balls stretchers.....I drifted off to sleep like a satisfied mummy.
It was a strange night.
I guess I woke up a few times, but as I was too exhausted, drifted off again. All I remember was the feeling of having been poured into cement, so rigid was my packing.
When I finally came to my senses and I remembered where I was and "how I was", I struggled to get my sleeping fingers back to life, in order to use the quick-release for my arms on my body bag.
I haven't got a clue what time I woke up, but I needed a lot of time unpacking, my arms were just limb.
When my skin started to appear again from underneath all the stuff that had covered it, I saw I would be remembering this adventure for some time: my skin not only had ropemarks from the rope harness (especially where the corset had pressed it into my skin), but also many others form the cuffs.
When I finally made it to the shower, I felt eerily naked and very small. It wasn't like a normal shower when you just drop your clothes, but rather I felt like I had shed several layers of skin.
It was well past lunch before I finally drove off back home, my toys & stuff cleaned and packed, my body refreshed with a good meal of double portions.
Willie was still lying low though, and I had rested him for the trip in the chastity belt. If he hadn't been sleeping, he might have felt the small vibrating butt plug closet o him which I had locked inside the belt as well. The remote control had been put to random, and the combination of a long and winding bumpy road with a long battery was going to make the ride home very pleasant indeed.
I wondered how my wife would react when she'd see the markings on my body. Normally she'd be excited when I came back, knowing I was in an excellent mood. I'd have to pleasure her manually tonight, I was not sure if Willie would wake up in time. Ah well, that shouldn't be a problem either!
The only worry I had was: how on earth was I ever going to top this if I made another good sale?
Alternative endings
* our chap is found by cleaning lady; she helps him unpack, but he must satisfy her for her silence; they exchange numbers for his next visit.
* our hero wakes up in hospital ("you were found unconscious, sir")a and is kept immobilized by BD-loving nurses with his own gear; during his stay he is played with by entire staff;