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Models needed to demonstrate new clothing line for large convention.
Mary fired off her application to the job posting, hoping as she always did that this would be her lucky break. Her lack of success thus far in the modeling business had been frustrating. She had the looks, her friends all agreed on that. At five-foot-eleven, her thin but curvy body and striking face never failed to turn heads wherever she went.
The problem seemed to be her shyness. She knew she wanted to be a model. She wanted her body to be splashed on billboards and magazine covers across the country. But somehow when she was actually in front of a camera or an audience, she felt exposed and silly. Director after director kept asking her for flirtatious or alluring or provocative, but told her that all she was giving them was embarrassed.
Mary had been rejected from so many gigs that she stopped caring which ones she applied to. She didn't check what kind of convention was looking for a model, even when she got called in for an audition. Whatever it was, she would be happy to get it, but she didn't want to get her hopes up just to have them dashed yet again.
The tall girl showed up at the back entrance to the convention center as requested and was ushered into a waiting room with six other girls. They were called in to an office one by one. When it was Mary's turn, she smoothed her skirt, tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach, and walked in.
An attractive middle-aged woman sitting behind a desk fixed Mary with a piercing gaze and asked, "Have you modeled for a convention like ours before?"
"Uhhh... no, I haven't," Mary stammered. It must have been true, since she'd never modeled for any convention before. But she was sure going to kick herself if she lost an opportunity because she was too lazy to do the most basic background check on the gig.
"Have you ever attended a convention like this?" asked the woman.
"I...umm... no, I haven't." Mary again went for a statement that had to be true, then decided to embellish a bit. "But I'm excited to help show off your exciting new clothing line to all of the connoisseurs that will be attending. I know they always watch with criticizing eyes, and I think I'm the right one to show off all of the fine... aspects... of the clothing that you've worked so hard to design."
Mary thought the woman hid a grin as she finished. All she said was, "Yes, yes, I fully agree. All right, you're hired. The demonstration starts in thirty minutes. Please sign these papers then go back to the dressing room that way."
Mary couldn't believe it. The made up crap she had told this gal had worked – she was hired! And the show was happening that very night, and soon! "Oh... great!" Mary said. "Thank you, thank you. You've made the right decision. I won't let you down."
"I'm sure you won't, honey. Now please hurry." hurry," she said, obviously impatient.
Mary signed the contract then hustled back to the dressing room. She was given a very cursory measuring then was handed a shiny, black PVC catsuit and matching black heels. The assistant who was helping get her ready explained that the suit would be skin tight and they didn't want to see any lines from underwear, so she should get in completely nude.
Mary squirmed her way into the suit, and found that the assistant hadn't been kidding when she said it would be form fitting. It was like wearing a second skin! It covered her arms all the way to her wrists, her legs all the way to her ankles, and her neck up to the bottom of her chin. She may have been fully covered, but all of her curves were on full display, glistening in the shiny black material of her suit. The suit even enhanced her natural curves in some areas, squeezing her waist and holding up her round butt cheeks.
She felt incredibly sexy, and also a little nervous about getting in front of an audience. But she quelled those fears as best she could, telling herself that she was far more covered-up than if she were modeling a swim suit or underwear.
After some very brief make-up work, Mary was ushered to the waiting area behind the stage. She was given a very quick description of what she should do on stage, then told she would be on in just a couple minutes. She never had time to dwell on her nervousness. She just couldn't believe that she was actually about to model an outfit in front of a live audience.
Before two minutes even went by, Mary was called on. She walked out onto the stage and strutted down the catwalk as she had been instructed. There was a bright spotlight on her, but she could still get a sense for how large the auditorium was. There must have been at least a thousand people watching her, possibly more. She did her best not to look nervous, spun around twice at the end of the catwalk, then walked as confidently as she could back to the center of the stage.
She had been told to walk back and join a woman in the center of the stage, then just to do whatever that woman said. Mary was somewhat surprised to see that the person waiting for her was the same woman who had done her interview. She was even wearing the same white dress shirt with her sleeves rolled up.
"Please give our beautiful model a round of applause," the woman announced. She wasn't wearing or holding a microphone, but her voice was picked up by what must have been a series of hanging microphones above the stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the host continued when the clapping died down. "As you know, my company has been designing quality clothing and toys since 1998. This innovative suit builds on our successful House of Gord Style Catsuit. It is built with the same quality and durability as the original, and also has some... special features added in. Now, Mary, please confirm that you have no knowledge of any of the special features of the suit you are wearing."
"Uhh," Mary stammered in confusion. She didn't know she was going to have to speak in front of this audience, and she was confused by the question. What did she mean by special features? "Ummm, no, I don't know about any special features," Mary practically whispered. Her voice was still picked up by the hanging mics, but the host asked her to repeat it more loudly anyway. "I don't know about any special features," Mary repeated louder.
"Thank you. And please confirm that you have never worked with my company before, or met any of us before you showed up to model for us about half an hour ago."
Once Mary confirmed, the host said: "Thank you. And please confirm that you have never worked with my company before, or met any of us before you showed up to model for us about half an hour ago."
"Right, yes, uhhh, that's correct," Mary stammered again, even more baffled by the reason for this question.
"Excellent." The host then turned her attention to the audience. "My friends, the suit that our lovely model is wearing was made from a new material that my company has recently patented. It can be quite flexible, as it is now, and feels like any other PVC suit. It can also become hard and super-strong. The transition is controlled by a web of micro-electronics that we have built into the suit, and operated via this remote control."
The host held up what looked like a TV remote. Mary was trying to figure out what was going on. Was the catsuit she was wearing really made of some new high-tech material? And what all could that remote control do?
The host tapped a button, then said, "Now, Mary, please try to bend your arms."
As soon as the button was pressed, the suit's sleeves had become quite stiff, forcing her arms to stay completely straight. Mary tried to bend her elbows, but found that it was completely impossible. "I, uhh, I can't," she said with a hint of concern in her voice.
"Very good. Now, please turn so your back is facing the audience. Good." The host addressed the audience again. "My fellow enthusiasts, I'm sure you are interested in seeing some of the restrictive positions that this suit can form. Without further ado, let me show you the reverse prayer position."
The host tapped another button on her remote. The material around Mary's shoulders tightened and stiffened. The sleeves then bent and pulled her arms, forcing them to bend behind her back so that her wrists were pressed together and pulled up towards the back of her neck. Her elbows were left nearly touching behind her.
Mary was a flexible girl, as she always stated on her modeling applications, but this position was extreme even for her. The suit had wrenched her arms around very quickly, then held them tightly in place. Her shoulders were screaming for release. Mary was taken completely by surprise. The position was rather painful, and it was shocking to be so suddenly and roughly manhandled. But she was still in front of that large audience and didn't want to make a scene or hurt her career by saying anything stupid.
"I, uhhh, this kinda hurts," she whispered to the host. Her whispers were soft, but were stilled picked up by the mics for everyone to hear. "Could you release my arms?"
The host simply patted her on the head and told her to be a good model. She then asked Mary to turn and face the audience, which the anxious model did reluctantly.
"As you can see, this position not only holds the suit-wearer's arms firmly out of the way behind her back, it also forces her to thrust out her breasts in a most appealing way."
The host was pointing at Mary's boobs, which she could see were indeed pushing out against the stretched material of her suit. She knew that everyone in the audience was staring at her boobs as well. Of course, as a female model with an ample bosom, she should have been comfortable with people admiring that part of her body. The truth, however, was that she wasn't comfortable with it. She especially wasn't comfortable given the unexpected and forced feeling of this demonstration. But she didn't know what else to do about any of that, so just stood there feeling exposed and uncomfortable.
"Now," the host continued. "I'd like to show you another extraordinary feature of our new material. At the press of a button, it can become completely transparent. I will demonstrate with the material covering our model's fine tits."
As Mary watched in horror, the chest of her catsuit did indeed become completely see-through. Her full boobs, nipples and all, were now on display in front of the whole audience! Mary hadn't been sure about what to do before, but she knew that revealing nipples shouldn't be allowed. She had certainly never agreed to that! After a brief moment in shock, she turned and ran towards the side of the stage.
Mary only took a couple steps before she started having difficulty bending her knees. The material of her suit had become tight around her legs, and over the course of three more steps it stiffened to a point where she couldn't bend her knees at all. Her feet were pulled together and she thought she was going to fall over. Instead, she felt something fold down from her calves. She looked and saw that four stiff bands had folded out from her suit and were holding her upright.
The host strolled towards the now trapped model and explained to the audience: "That was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the 'Stop Runaway' feature of our suit, which was designed to stop the wearer without making her fall over. The legs stiffen gradually, then fold out their own stabilizers, holding the wearer firmly in place."
The audience applauded loudly at that point, but Mary had had enough. She started screaming at the host to let her out. The audience quickly grew quiet. The host hit another button on her remote. Instead of releasing her, Mary felt the collar of her suit tighten around her neck, then felt a series of painful pin pricks poke into her from the stiffened collar. Those pins started delivering painful electric shocks that continued until she stopped yelling.
"I have activated the 'Silence' feature of the suit," the host described. "We built a vibration sensor into the collar, as well as a series of pins that can deliver electric shocks. It works just like a dog-bark collar, except that we made it considerably more painful, because we assumed that the human wearers would be more intelligent and could learn to be quiet faster."
Mary was furious. She was not a dog to be silenced! She started to yell again, but the pins instantly resumed their shock. It was too painful to ignore. Just as the host had said, she very quickly learned to be silent.
The host turned Mary's trapped body so that her visible boobs were again facing the audience. "Please notice that with just three quick buttons, I have completely immobilized and silenced our model. And I was able to do this with a suit that she thought was just normal PVC when she pulled it on. She had no idea that this was even a convention for bondage equipment, and she had never heard of our company, Winter Fetish, before. Our normal-feeling catsuit didn't tip her off in any way. Just imagine the fun you will be able to have with your subs when you surprise them after asking them to wear one of these harmless-looking suits!
"Now, I would like to stress that these suits should only be used with consensual partners. We used Mary here as a somewhat-non-consensual display model only because we had to prove to you that the suit starts off feeling completely normal, and that it can hold someone even if they are trying desperately to get away. I would also like to point out that we did have Mary sign a form in which she agreed to be bound and displayed naked... among other things. I can't say that Mary read that form terribly closely, but she did officially sign-up for all of this and she will be compensated nicely for it."
Mary had to listen to her host's little speech in forced silence. Shit! She was modeling for a bondage gear convention! And she was wearing something from some fetish company! And she had apparently signed a form that agreed to all of this! As she stood there, trapped in place with her arms wrenched behind her and her boobs on display, she felt incredibly vulnerable. What did the host mean by 'among other things'? What more was she going to do? Mary didn't have to wait long to find out.
"Now that we have all that explained, let's continue the demonstration. In addition to the transparent material, we have also designed the suit so that select portions can be opened for direct access. As you could probably guess, the chest is one of those portions."
The host pressed another button and previously invisible seems appeared around Mary's boobs. That portion of her suit then fell down, releasing her two globes of flesh to the open air. To Mary's horror, the material underneath her knockers then began to repeatedly tighten and loosen, causing her tits to bounce up and down. After a few bounces, the material beneath her boobs stopped but the material on either side of her boobs started flexing, causing her boobs to shake back and forth. After a few of these shakes her boobs were brought to rest again, only to be hit next with a combination of flexes from the sides and bottom. Her boobs were pushed up, then together, then released. The pattern caused her tits to spin in opposing circles, bouncing up and together then apart and down.
Mary looked down at her spinning flesh in disbelief. She tried to shake her chest to interrupt the obscene spinning, but her suit was holding her too tight. All she could do was watch, along with the host and the hundreds of people in the audience, as her body was manhandled so expertly by the suit. She had never felt so mortified.
"Okay, let's let those puppies continue to spin as we move down to one of the truly remarkable features of this suit. A lot of this is going to be hidden from your view, so please direct your attention to the screens on either side of the stage for an illustrated depiction of what is going on. You can see that the material over our model's crotch is hardening into two dildos. Those dildos are now being maneuvered over her pussy and ass, and are being pushed ever-so-slowly inside."
Mary couldn't believe this was all happening to her. She couldn't turn her head much due to the stiff collar of the suit, but she could see the screens out of the corner of her eye. Of course she could also feel perfectly well what was going on down in her crotch. She squirmed as much as she could, but there was no avoiding the double intrusion.
To make matters worse, the screens were also showing a close-up image of her face. The whole audience was treated to her cascade of emotions, from shock to irritation to arousal to embarrassment. She tried to put on a stoic grimace, to deny the laughing audience any more pleasure from her ordeal. But how was she supposed to maintain that expression while her boobs continued to be spun around and the two dildos kept pushing further into her holes?
The host used a laser pointer on the screens as she continued. "You can see in the depiction right here that the material of the suit's pussy-dildo has formed a separate branch that has pressed itself firmly over our model's clit. Can you feel that Mary?" the host asked playfully.
The host tapped the material that had indeed pressed itself over her clit. Mary didn't want to react, but the helpless look that she gave the host was clearly shown on the screens, and the audience had a good laugh at her expense.
"I'll take that as a yes," the host said with a big smile, stroking Mary's hair as she continued. Now, I think you'll enjoy this next part very much. With a spin of this dial, both of your dildos will begin to vibrate. Are you ready?"
Mary tried to shake her head no, but of course the question had been rhetorical anyway. All at once, her ass, pussy and clit were hit with intense vibrations from the hardened material of her suit. Her eyes shot wide open. The vibrations from the two dildos would have been intense all on their own. The additional vibrations that were directed perfectly onto her love bud drove the whole experience to an entirely different level.
The audience watched in hushed silence as Mary fought a rapidly losing battle to control her own arousal. She was mortified at the thought of having her body played like this in front of hundreds of people. She closed her eyes to try to shut them out, but that only focused her attention on the vibrations that were driving her higher and higher. She opened her eyes again and caught sight of the illustrated animation on the screens, showing what was being done to her. The vibrations on the screens looked gentle compared to what she was feeling down below. She also noticed that the illustrated pussy had become wet and was starting to drip. Damn if that wasn't all too accurate!
Mary's attention was drawn to the image of her own face on the large screens. She was horrified to see the clear wanton desire showing in her expression. She could see a look of embarrassment pass across her face. That look was again replaced by sheer lust as she felt the vibrators kick up a notch. With the increased intensity, she knew there was no way she could avoid her building orgasm. Her eyes, like the eyes of the whole audience, were locked on the screen as her face passed through one expression of pleasure after another.
The host whispered in Mary's ear that the shock collar had been disabled. Mary had barely been able to keep silent up to that point. The host's permission acted like the opening of a flood gate to all the pent up moans and grunts that she had been forced to keep inside. The auditorium rang with the sounds of her pleasure.
Hearing her own moans pushed Mary over the edge. Those moans turned to screams of delight as her orgasm crested. She shook violently within her suit, which was surely the only thing that kept her standing upright. The vibrators continued throughout the orgasm, driving her to a higher level and extending the orgasm on and on.
When her screams finally died down the audience erupted into a thunderous applause. The sound brought Mary back down to earth, and brought her humiliation back into full force. Everyone in that room had just watched and listened as she shook and screamed like a total slut! And they had loved it! She wanted to be alone to sort out the flood of emotions that she was experiencing, but though the vibrations and boob swinging had stopped, the suit still held her tightly in place.
"Please..." she started to say, only to get hit by a painful shock to her throat.
"Sorry, dear," the host said with a smile. "That was a fantastic performance, but we're not quite done yet. We are done with your vocals, though, so I've reactivated your collar."
Mary was glad that the host's next move was to turn her stiffened body so that she was facing away from the audience. But once she was facing backwards, she saw that there was a third screen, larger than the ones on the sides, that now showed a split image of her front and back. She had a close-up view of the larger-than-life image of herself and the audience behind her.
"We at Winter Fetish understand that while our users will enjoy remotely stimulating their subs, they will also want direct access. We have built another panel into the crotch of the suit, and have programmed in a number of preset positions. This one is called Strappado."
Mary's suit held her legs straight as it pushed them away from each other until her feet were a full three-and-a-half feet apart. Her torso was bent down until it was parallel to the floor, with her still-naked boobs hanging down beneath her. Her elbows were then pulled slightly upward, making the already painful reverse-prayer position even more difficult. Finally, her collar angled her neck upwards, forcing her to look straight ahead at the large screen in front of her. Mary tried to resist all of this, but the suit was far stronger than she was and easily held her in the new position.
The obscenely-displayed girl felt a breeze of air brush her private parts as she watched the material that had been covering her ass drop away. The camera behind her captured a close-up view of her still-dripping pussy. The camera in front of her captured her shocked and mortified expression at being displayed so perversely. Just how far would this host go?
"To demonstrate the ease of access that this position provides, I'd like to call on another one of our models. Lydia, please come join us on stage, the host called.
Mary watched as the camera that had been on her own face followed the new model who joined the host. Lydia was wearing a tight black corset that left her ample boobs completely bare. Long auburn hair spilled over her bare shoulders. She wore black thigh high boots, with fishnet stockings covering her thighs. She looked to be considerably shorter than Mary, but everything about the way she moved and held herself simply oozed power and control. Her look of power was amplified by the massive strap-on dildo that waggled in front of her as she walked. Mary wished she could believe that these people wouldn't dare use a thing like that on her, but recent experience suggested otherwise.
"Lydia dear, please start by showing our audience how well this position works for spanking," the host said.
Mary could see on the screen that Lydia stood to one side so that that camera would have a clear view of her backside. The trapped girl could only watch in nervous anticipation as Lydia drew her hand back then brought it down with a loud SMACK that was picked up clearly by the microphones.
Lydia was clearly experienced at spanking. Mary couldn't help but let out a yelp of pain, which in turn caused more pain in the form of a shock from her collar. She wanted to yell that this wasn't fair, but all she could do was try her best to take the spanking in silence as the blows continued to rain down. She felt like a child getting punished, though she knew she had done nothing wrong. She watched the screen as her face turned red with anger and embarrassment at the same time that her ass turned red from Lydia's abuse.
"As you can see," the host boasted, this is an excellent way to train your sub to take their punishments in silence. It is also makes it simple to hold their ass in the perfect position and keep them from dodging your blows, saving you from wasting energy that could be expended elsewhere." The host turned from the audience back to Lydia. "Now, Lydia, I think she has had enough. Please demonstrate how easy it is to fuck a sub in this position."
Without any hesitation, Lydia stepped behind the bent girl and plunged the massive dildo deep into Mary's recently worked pussy. Even after everything that had happened, Mary still couldn't believe that she was actually being fucked on stage in front of a big audience. Though it was by a woman and a fake dick, it was all the same to her on the receiving end. Had she really agreed to all of this in that stupid contract, and could it possibly be legal even so?
The host continued her narrative as Mary continued to get pounded. "Many tops enjoy this position because it gives you a commanding position over your sub's entire body. From there, you can pull your sub's hair... fondle her breasts... pinch her nipples... stimulate her clit... or continue your spanking, all while her pussy is held at the perfect angle and height for convenient thrusting."
As the host paused between each option, Lydia demonstrated that option with practiced skill. Mary's hair was yanked back hard, causing added strain on her neck. She wanted to ask why it was necessary to pull so hard just for the demonstration. She couldn't actually ask, but she got her answer anyway by watching Lydia's face on the screen. The model dom was watching Mary's own expression and grinning at the pain she was causing. A look of fear passed over Mary's face as she realized that she was being fucked and handled by a truly sadistic bitch.
As she continued thrusting, Lydia's hands moved down to Mary's breasts. The 'fondling' turned into a pretty serious mauling, and the nipple pinching had some added twisting and pulling. Lydia's clit stimulation started off soothing; just enough to get Mary's breathing going heavy, then turned into an excruciating pinch and roll. Mary couldn't help but let out a scream, which was punished by her collar and then by Lydia's hands as they returned to spanking her ass.
Throughout this treatment, Lydia had been pounding her massive strap-on hard into Mary's sore pussy. As she finished the spanking, she turned her full attention to that pounding, grabbing Mary's hips for additional leverage as she pushed harder and faster. Despite herself, Mary felt her arousal rising again, and it was clear from the picture on the screen that Lydia was getting close to an orgasm as well. To push them both over the edge, Lydia used one hand to stimulate her own clit while the other hand went back to Mary's clit. The bitch sure had talent, Mary had to admit, as both girls flew over the orgasmic edge simultaneously.
The audience again cheered the orgasms. Mary thought that she must surely be done, but when the clapping stopped, the host continued. "Now, I don't want you to think of this suit as a one-trick pony. We have programmed in a variety of positions to satisfy your full range of desires. I will demonstrate a few, starting with a subservient kneel."
Mary's arms were released from behind her back, but the relief was far from complete. The suit bent and folded, bringing her down to all-fours. Her forearms were pressed to the floor, palms up, and her face was pushed down between them. The position became painful due to the position that her ass and back were forced to maintain. Her ass was shoved upwards at the same time that her lower back was pulled down, creating a strict arc.
"This position is ideal for ass fucking. Lydia, if you will?" the host requested.
Mary couldn't see the screen, but she knew what was coming. Her ass was held firmly in place as the dildo, lubricated with her own juices, was plunged deep into her helpless rear end. She was thankful that this portion of the demonstration only lasted for a few thrusts, but then the host moved straight on to another position.
"Some will enjoy a simple missionary fuck." The host helped flip Mary's body over as her suit flattened her out and stretched her arms and legs wide. When Lydia had delivered a couple demonstration thrusts, the host continued. "Others prefer things a bit more contorted."
Mary's legs were brought up and behind her head, leaving her pussy even more exposed to Lydia's next thrusts.
The trapped model was bent into position after position, each more humiliating than the last, and each leaving her open to be fucked by Lydia's dildo in one way or another. Her pussy and ass received most of the attention, but other options were demonstrated as well. On her knees and leaning back, her suit pushed her boobs together as Lydia slid the dildo between them. Mary was then held on her back with her legs up and her thighs pressed together so that Lydia could squeeze her rod through them as well.
And, of course, there were a number of positions designed for oral sex. Sitting on her feet, with her hands behind her head, Mary adamantly refused to open her mouth. Lydia had wiped the dildo clean, but still, it had been inside her pussy and her ass, and god-knows-where before that. There was no way that she was going to allow it to pass between her lips. Unfortunately for her, the suit had a built-in way to deal with this. Her collar simply tightened down around her throat, choking off her air supply, until she opened her mouth wide.
The positions were all done in a whirlwind, with only a couple thrusts apiece and no time in between. Mary was exhausted, and after the two shattering orgasms she'd already had, every new stimulation felt like a lightning strike. But she had no choice other than to be dragged along from one position to the next, getting fucked by the tireless Lydia every time.
Finally, the host asked for one final round of applause for the two models, then hit a button on his remote that put her in the 'luggage' position. Her knees were brought up to her chest and her arms were wrapped around them. She felt something funny take place underneath her butt, and found out with the rest of the audience that her suit had sprouted a set of wheels.
"Thanks for the great show Mary. You were fantastic. Lydia, go ahead and roll her away," the host sent them off with big smile.
To the bemusement of the audience, Lydia grabbed Mary's hair and pulled her off stage as if she were rolling suitcase. The pulling on her scalp was painful, but Mary was mostly just relieved that the ordeal was finally over. Lydia rolled her all the way back to one of the dressing rooms and closed the door behind them. Mary was alone with the crazy bitch and was still trapped in the suit. Her sense of relief vanished.
"Don't be afraid, my pet," Lydia purred into her ear. "I just want to thank you for coming along when you did. You see, if we hadn't found a suitably ignorant model, then I would have been the one wearing the suit out there on stage. And really, I much prefer to be the one in control."
While she was talking, Lydia pulled out another remote control to the suit and placed Mary back into the feet-behind-the-head position. She knelt in front of the contorted girl, stroked her thighs, and said: "The last orgasm I gave you was pretty harsh. I think you'll enjoy this one more."
With that, Lydia went to work on Mary's pussy using her very experienced tongue. Mary thought that this was the last thing that she needed or wanted at that point, but her body seemed to think otherwise. Lydia's tongue elicited sensations that Mary had never felt before, and she was soon panting so hard that she got periodic shocks from her collar. Her state of arousal quickly elevated so high that she could barely feel the shocks as she let slip a few unstoppable moans, then some ear-splitting screams as Lydia drove her one more time over the edge.
"You innocent-types really do make the best toys," Lydia laughed when she was finished. "I hope you'll at least be able to admit that you enjoyed yourself here. Feel free to use that back door after you've changed."
With that, Lydia swept out of the room. A moment later, the suit released Mary from her contorted position. The dog-tired girl pulled the thing off as fast as she could manage. She found her clothes on a table, along with a check made out to her and a copy of the contract she had signed. Part of her wanted to run back into the convention hall and give everyone there a piece of her mind. But that part of her turned out to be just as exhausted as the rest of her. Instead, she took her check and the contract and slunk out the back door as her tormentor had advised.
The next morning, Mary thoroughly read the contract she had signed. She found that it described in detail every little thing that had been done to her. If she had done even a quick skim of the document beforehand, she never would have signed it! She worried that she'd be laughed out of court if she tried to sue.
Mary also got another reason not to take up the cause with the law. That very morning, she received four offers from different companies for her to model their products. There were apparently lots of other manufacturers of bondage equipment in the audience, and they thought she would be great to show off their gear. Mary initially threw the offers away in disgust. A kinky slut was not what she had in mind when she decided to become a model!
But then Mary thought about her previous lack of success. Her shyness certainly hadn't been a problem for the bondage company. She pulled the offers out of her recycling bin to check how much they would pay her. There seemed to be plenty of money in the bondage industry. Mary also couldn't help but think about all of those orgasms she had the day before... Maybe, just maybe, bondage modeling wasn't such a crazy idea.