- Author - Bootboydco
- Rating -
   [ 3.72 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1183 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, bondage, humiliation, predicament
- Post Date - 12/22/2010
About a year ago I took a job five hours away from where my girlfriend and I had lived. I was off every weekend so I would come home every other weekend for the first few months. I became concerned for our relationship so I started to come home almost every weekend. We had our ups and downs but now a year later we are still together. One of my biggest concerns was that she would find someone else and leave me.
She worked in an office with more guys that girls and they all went out as a group at least one night a week after work. One night last month she was out all afternoon and into the evening with one of her "guy' friends from work. She would not answer my calls or e-mails until around 1030 at night. We argued about that and eventually made up the following weekend. She was there every weekend for me with out fail.
About two months ago I nervously told my girlfriend of over three years about my bondage fetish. She knew I was into high heel boots and kissing and licking her feet. Over time she also warmed up to the idea of me kissing and licking her pussy as soon as she got home from work, when it smelled amazing. She always wanted to clean herself up first.
When I told her about my desire for her to tie me up and make/let me worship her feet and pussy she was game. Although she did think it was a bit strange for me to want to wear thigh high boots and my bondage outfit when she tied me up. But thankfully she was OK with that too.
This last two weeks I had to stay at work for both weekends so I missed coming home. But come Friday I left early and headed that way. I was almost home when I got a text message from my girlfriend instructing me to me dressed in my "outfit" and ready for her when she got home from work.
I hurried the last leg of my trip and got home with enough time to get dressed. My bondage outfit consists of a white spandex catsuit that zips up the back to turtle neck like collar, a black leather corset, black leather 5" heel thigh high boots and custom made bondage mitts that zip up well past my elbows. The bondage mitts were my newest addition to my collection of bondage toys. I was able to get in the right mitt and then use my teeth to pull the zipper up in the left one. They forced my hands into tight fists inside the mitts and made any hope of escape, even from light bondage impossible.
Over the last few weeks my girlfriend had been getting much better at rope bondage and had been making me wear my heavy bondage helmet a little longer each time. As much I loved the idea of wearing the helmet, actually wearing it scared the hell out of me. It was heavy leather with two nose holes for breathing. It had a locking posture collar attached and when it was laced tight and locked on there was absolutely no light and no way to see. When I was in it there was no question I was at my woman's mercy.
20 minutes seemed like 20 hours. Then finally I heard the lock on the apartment door turn. After three weeks I finally could hold my beautiful girlfriend. She hugged me tightly and gave me a passionate kiss. Then she stepped back to inspect my outfit. She caressed my balls and then gave my erection a nice squeeze. There was no hiding my excitement through the silky white spandex.
She told me to sit and wait while she change out of her work clothes. When she returned from the bedroom a few minutes later she was wearing a black patent leather dress, black tights and black patent leather thigh high boots with 7" platform heels. She told me she really wanted to get me tied up and helpless.
We went into the bedroom where she began to tie me up. First my wrists were tied behind my back. Even if I wasn't wearing bondage mitts there was no way to reach the knot so I was completely helpless. Then she ties my bound wrists to my lower back by running a rope around my bound wrists and around my waist. She then put the knot in front so there was no way to mess with it.
Then she went about tying my ankles together. I just loved the way my ankles looked in high heel boots with rope binding them together. Last she tied my knees together both above and below my knees. I was completely tied up and helpless. I was so excited at the though of being so completely helpless with no hope of escape.
My girlfriend kissed me on the lips and then secured a large ball gag in my mouth that was attached to a head harness. I watched her walk away down the hall towards the closet. She then stripped naked and looked at me on the bed. I was so excited I almost came right there. She smiles at me and walked away towards the bathroom.
About five minutes late she returned to the closet only now she had fresh makeup on and red lipstick. She slipped on a pair of skimpy panties and a sexy low cut black bra. Then she stepped into her black skirt and picked out a see through button up blouse. This blouse was so small she couldn't completely button the top two buttons because her tits were so big. She picked out a pair of thigh high black stockings and her brand new black leather thigh high boots.
She sat in a chair at the foot of the bed and put on the stocking and boots. She asked me if I liked the way she was dressed. All I could do was nod my head yes. She told me that she had been working on a special surprise for me all week. Since I loved the scent of her pussy she decided not to wash her pussy for the entire week. Now it smelled overwhelmingly amazing and she was going to let me lick it all night. The only problem was that something had come up at work.
She said that a few hours ago her boss had asked her to attend a party this evening in his place. The party was with people from the corporate office and he needed somebody there to represent him. She said there was no way she could turn down the request. As soon as some of the guys in the office found out that she was going to the party they insisted that she ride with them since it was over an hour away.
I tried to talk but all the ball gag would let me do was make audible grunts, which Becky just smiled at. She said that she was sorry but had no choice but to attend the party. She pulled up her skirt to show me how sexy she looked in the new thigh boots. I had not even had the chance to go out with her new boots. I thought I could smell her pussy from a few feet away. I could not believe what I was hearing. We had been apart for three weeks and now she was going out to a party with four guys from work.
As I lay there looking up at her she smiled a sort of evil grin and slipped the helmet over my head. Everything went dark as she lased the back of the helmet. Then the posture collar tightened around my and I felt the click of the lock on the back of the collar.
I layed there helpless, scared and very frustrated. I herd the front door shut and lock. Then the only thing I could hear was my heavy breathing. I squirmed around on the bed for a while, trying to figure if there was any way out of my bond. The idea of truly inescapable bondage had always been my ultimate fantasy. Now that I was there, all I wanted was out.
I don't know how long it had been since Becky had left me but it seemed like forever. Then the phone on the nightstand started to ring. I worked my way around in bed to where my head was on the pillow right next to the phone. We had a landline in addition to our cell phones. After the usual 5 or 6 rings the voice mail message told the caller to leave a message.
I hear my girlfriend's voice, she said, "Hi sweetie, I am down stairs waiting for the guys to pick me up. I'll be home late. Hope you enjoy your bondage." I thought about trying to use the phone to call for help. But whom would I call. If the cops came my girlfriend might get in trouble, and I did not want that. Maybe I could make my way into the kitchen and get a knife and cut the ropes. The only problem was my custom-made bondage mitts would prevent me from holding a knife.
I came to the conclusion that there was not going to be any way out of my bondage. All I could do was layback and try to relax. That was easier said than done though. Now my mind began to play tricks on me. My girlfriend got dressed up sexy and went out with four guys. Who know if there really was even a work party? Then I thought about the fact that she said she had not washed her pussy in days. If her scent turns me on, what would it do to four guys in a warm car?
The sensory depravation that came from being locked inside this helmet made me lose all tract of time. I almost felt like I was in a trance, overcome with fear, jealousy and anger. Then the phone rang and the message told the caller to leave a message. My heart skipped a beat to hear her voice again. Becky said, " Hi sweetie, we are stuck in traffic. I am crammed in the back seat between Robert and Dave. I told the guys you were tied up this evening and they would have to keep me company. They also said they thought I was dressed nicely and they love my boots. " That was it, the voice mail shut off.
The phone rang again, and Becky said, " Sorry sweetie, I dropped the phone on the floor, Robert had his hand on my left leg and began tickling me and I dropped the phone. I will call when we get there, maybe you will be free to talk then. Bye." Who the hell is Robert and why is he tickling my girlfriend. I thought I was going to cry. I pulled against my ropes to no avail. I laid there on the verge of tears for what seemed like hours.
When the phone rang again my first thought was to try and slide off the bed and work my way into the living room so I did not have to hear about what my girlfriend was doing with four guys. Then I heard her voice again, " Hi sweetie, we got here to the hotel and I am headed to the bathroom. I did not know if I was going to make it here with out peeing on myself. Robert's not even drunk yet and he could not keep his hands off me. He even offered to give me a foot massage if my boots began to hurt my feet. They guys cant take their eyes off my boots. That makes me feel very sexy." Then the line went silent.
The next call came some time later. Becky said, "Hey honnneyy." Her speech was a bit slurred. "We are having a great time, there is an open bar and great food. I have been dancing for most of the time we have been here. Oh yea, except for when we are drinking. I love the thought of you tied up on our bed waiting for me to get home." She hung up.
She called right back, "Sweetie, I just found out that Mark, our designated driver is now pretty drunk. Apparently the guys had rented a room and had planed to all crash there tonight. Since I cant find anyone else headed my way it looks like I will have to stay here. I wish I brought some clothes to sleep in. I will call a little later.
All I could think about was her spending the night with four drunken guys. And all she had on was those skimpy panties and that sexy bra. Then the thought of spending the rest of the night tied up like this. It scared the hell out of me.
The phone rang again and again I heard her sweet voice. She said, "Hey Baby, I felt so guilty about what I have done to you I. I told the guys about tying you up and leaving you at home while I went out. They all thought it was pretty funny. Then they said since I tied you up, they were going to tie me up. I am in the bathroom of our hotel room. They made me give them my dress and my blouse. They said I should pee before they tie me up. All I have on is my panties, bra and boots and Robert is at the door and he wants my phone. I am so scared. I love you." The line went dead.
I started to cry. All I wanted at this moment was my beautiful girlfriend. I did not know where she was. She was alone, scared and half naked. I figured four drunken guys would not go easy on her. I imagined her tied up and helpless. Strangers touching and rubbing her body, fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples.
I was completely in my own world, in my own nightmare. In my helmet all I could hear my own sobs. It took a minute to realize there was a lot of pressure on my erection. Then a rhythmic stroking, I could not control myself and I came hard. My crotch was now warm and wet as I lay on my back. It became harder to breathe through my nose holes but the intoxicating scent of a woman was all I could smell. I did not know if I was dreaming, it was impossible to tell what had happened but I thought I might pass out.
The light was extremely painful to my eyes and it was hard to focus on the face looming above me. I did not believe what was going on around me. Every muscle in my body was sore and did not seem to respond to my wishes. I drifted off while my beautiful girlfriend slowly removed the ropes from my body. All I could think is that it must be the next day. I must have passed out and woke up the next day.
When I finally woke, the sun was out and my beautiful girlfriend was curled up against me in our bed. It was hard to move but I was able to reach my phone, it said that it was Saturday morning.
The End
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