Scott Wilson was startled by the doorbell. Fearing the worst, he got up out of his comfortable TV chair and rushed to the door to see who in the world would be visiting at 9PM on a Friday night - hopefully not the police. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see a very cute young Asian girl dressed properly in her high school uniform. Scott recognized her instantly as Yuki Tanaka, one of his daughter's closest friends.
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"Hi Yuki. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Maria Long's slumber party along with my daughter and the rest of your friends? Wait..." Scott's fear returned. "Is everything okay with Missy?"
"Oh sure! Don't worry about her, Mr. Wilson. I'm sure she's fine. That's not why I'm here."
"Then why aren't you at the slumber party with the other girls?"
"I told them I was sick."
"So why come here? I'm a contractor, not a doctor."
Yuki reached into the front pocket of her blouse and retrieved a card. She handed it to Scott.
"Why are you giving me your driver's license?" He studied it and turned it over in his hands. "Don't get me wrong, Yuki, it's a lovely picture."
"Mr. Wilson, remember the slumber party we had at your place two years ago? When you rescued me?"
Scott Wilson shrugged innocently, although he felt himself starting to blush. Yuki smiled knowingly.
"Well Mr. Wilson, I just think it's really cool how you've been taking care of Missy all by yourself all these years since her mom died. How you come to all her soccer games and how you're always at the parent-teacher meetings and how you're such a really big part of her life and all. The girls are all super jealous of her even though we don't admit it. We all think that you're like the best dad ever - well, at least I do."
Scott Wilson nodded his head. "Thank you, Yuki. That's very nice of you to say. Missy means the world to me. And as for rescuing you that night, I only did what any responsible parent would have done. I still think it was very mean of your friends to leave you tied to my daughter's bed while they left to frolic around in the pool. Any parent would have done the same." He handed the license back to Yuki, but she just stood there with her arms at her sides.
"I dared them to do that, to tie me to the bed and leave me. And I was hoping you would find me when they took off. That's why I made so much noise." Yuki folded her arms. "And you were the perfect gentleman. You rescued me. And you didn't even peek under the sheets."
"What was I supposed to do?"
"You should have peeked! Any other guy would have." Yuki frowned. "I was totally bummed."
Scott Wilson reflexively asked. "Why? Were you naked under there or something?"
"Now that's the million dollar question, isn't it?" She smiled coyly. "You know, I see the way you've been looking at me these past two years, ever since that night. I'm not blind. You wish you would have peeked, don't you?"
Scott stammered. "Look Yuki, I don't know what you're getting at, but all this is very improper. I'm very sorry if somehow I've given you the wrong idea about anything. Maybe you should be heading home."
"OH STOP! Look at it, Mr. Wilson!" Yuki pointed at the license. "Look it over closely."
Scott Wilson shrugged. "Okay. You live at 432 Mangrove Lane. Your hair is black. Your eyes are brown. You're five foot four inches tall. You're a very pretty girl, just like your picture. And... Oh wow," Scott Wilson said softly. "Happy birthday, Yuki. You're eighteen years old today."
"That's right, Mr. Wilson."
Yuki pushed her way past the stunned, docile man standing in the doorway. He closed the door and turned to follow her. But Yuki was already on her knees, working loose Scott's belt. She unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his knees. A speechless Scott offered no resistance.
"I'm glad to see we're finally on the same page" Yuki said as she took hold of Scott Wilson's huge erection. "Let's not waste any time then. This dick isn't going to suck itself."
Scott Wilson tied off the final knot in the ropes which tightly bound his young nude Japanese guest - his adult young nude Japanese guest - spread eagle to his daughter's bed.
"Were you naked that night?" he asked Yuki as he held her panties, wadded up into a ball, below her mouth. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Yuki laughed. "Nope. Don't you remember? I had socks on." She winked and opened her mouth wide to receive the gag.
After four Viagra, six coils of rope, three sets of handcuffs, two rolls of duct tape, one ball gag, and a full night of tying and fucking Yuki in every way he could imagine, Scott Wilson was spent. He removed the ball gag from the mouth of the attentive nude high school senior kneeling hogtied before him.
"I'm having so much fun" she said immediately. "Please don't let me go yet."
"But why? Why do you want to fool around with an old guy like me?"
"I have Daddy issues."
"But why me?"
"Because you have a fetish for Japanese schoolgirls."
"No. I mean why did you choose me?"
"Oh that. I guess you just won the lottery. Besides, Mr. Wilson, you're not that old. You're not even 40 yet. You're in great shape. You know, I think you're a really cool old guy, even for a dad."
"Are we going to do this again? Or was this just a one time birthday special?"
"I'm going to start my college courses at Harvard next fall. But you can have me all summer if you want." Yuki arched her back and wiggled her hips suggestively. "Do you want?"
"Hell, yes."
Yuki smiled. "Then consider me your play toy for the summer."
"What about Missy?"
"She won't be eighteen for another month yet. But I guess we can work her in after that."
"No. That's not what I meant. She's my daughter, dammit!"
"I know. Just pulling your chain. I won't tell her if you don't. It can be just our secret if you want it to be."
Yuki's naked body was bent over the circular glass dinner table. Two lengths of rope binding her ankles to the table's legs kept her legs spread and her feet on the floor. Another two ropes ran from her wrists to the table's other two legs and kept her in a reaching position with her torso resting on the table's cool glass surface.
"Missy tells me that you're going to be this year's valedictorian" said Scott Wilson as he rhythmically thrust his cock in and out of Yuki's gloriously tight pussy from behind.
"Hmmmnnngggffff" Yuki said into her gag as she nodded affirmatively.
"What are you studying?"
"Hmmmmnnngggggppppt" replied Yuki between moans of pleasure - moans which grew in intensity and frequency as time passed.
Scott Wilson knew he was about to come. Yuki didn't mind that he used casual conversation as a way to distract himself while she caught up.
"So how are you able to get away all these Friday nights with nobody suspecting?"
Yuki began straining against the ropes. She nodded her head urgently. "Mmmmnnnnnn! Mnnnngggggg! Mnnnggggggfffff!"
As he watched the muscles in Yuki's arms and shoulders flex, Scott increased the intensity of his thrusts. It was time.
Yuki's pussy gripped Scott's cock as he emptied himself into her. After a prolonged orgasm, an exhausted Yuki collapsed on the table top.
"Wow! That was incredible" said an equally exhausted Scott Wilson. "I wouldn't trade the lottery for sex this good. You're making feel like a kid again."
Yuki chuckled. "Hmmm nnnnfggrr wiffffllllll woofffff."
Scott pulled his cock out of Yuki, pulled up his shorts, and walked to the other end of the table. He loosened the straps of the ball gag and pulled it from the helpless girl's mouth. Yuki turned her head as far to the side as she could in an attempt to face him. "Thanks, Mr. Wilson."
"Don't strain your neck. Here, wait." Scott got down on the ground and laid on his back underneath the table. He looked up at Yuki through the glass and waved.
Yuki looked down at Scott through the glass table top. She opened the palms of her bound hands, patted them on the table, and smiled. "Hi Mr. Wilson. How's the view from down there?"
"It's different. Your breasts look really cool the way they're pressing down into the glass." He reached forward and pretended to pinch her nipples.
"Ouch." Yuki played along.
Scott tapped the glass. "Check out that puddle of drool by your mouth." Scott pointed toward her hips. "And I can see some cum dripping from your pussy on to the table."
"By the way, since you asked, I'm studying Psychology. And don't feel that you have to repeat the stereotype that only people with mental disorders go into Psychology. It's probably true."
"But Yuki, you're so smart."
"That just makes it worse. It just makes me that much more aware of how screwed up I am." Yuki took care of an itch in her nose by pressing it into the table. "My parents think I'm with the girls,tonight - not that they really care anyway. They live for their stupid restaurant, not me." Yuki stopped and took a deep breath before continuing. "Sorry... And the girls think I'm with my new boyfriend who goes to another school. No one in the world suspects that I'm tied butt naked to a glass dinner table with one of my best friend's dad's cum dripping out of me."
Scott chuckled. "I guess I understand. I really loved my parents but I miss my wife terribly. I guess I'm pretty screwed up, too. To be honest, I don't like the idea that I might be using you, you know, to replace her."
"Don't sweat it Mr. Wilson. Maybe we're both using each other." She kissed the table, leaving a lip print. "You're a really sweet guy." She winked. "And I'm a really, really bad girl, okay?"
"Thanks, Yuki." Scott wasn't sure if she had given him the cue or not. He whispered, "Does that mean that I should spank you now?"
"Would you please? That would really hit the spot right now, if you'll pardon the pun. Bad girls need to be punished."
Scott got up from under the table and retrieved the ball gag. "Open wide" he said as he held it beneath Yuki's lips.
"Thank yoommmngggggfffffff" replied Yuki.
Scott lifted the paddle off of the chair. He ran his hand over Yuki's firm round bottom. "I'm really going to miss you when you go to Harvard."
It was his daughter's birthday, yet Scott Wilson was feeling down. His daughter, Missy, and her friends were celebrating the happy event at his home. And that was great, because he loved his daughter. But why did it have to happen on a Friday? That was his day with Yuki. Fridays were turning into the only day he lived for anymore.
Scott shook his head. "She's my daughter. And I love her. And this is going to be greatest birthday party ever because she's becoming a woman" he told himself. He stood in the kitchen nursing his beer. Yuki, in order to be consistent - and because she knew they would screw up if they were seen together - decided to spend the night with her imaginary boyfriend. It made sense. Scott knew he wasn't a very good actor. If Yuki were around, his daughter would pick up on their vibes instantly. No, it was better to play it safe.
The girls, and an equal number of guys, were having fun out in the back yard and by the pool. The music was blaring. There was conversation, laughter, and even a big birthday cake. No alcohol for minors, though. Scott Wilson wasn't one to compromise there. Other places maybe...
He couldn't keep his thoughts off of Yuki. Scott finished his beer and set it down on the counter. "They'll be safe for a few minutes." He walked up the stairs to his daughter's room, to her bed. He knew Yuki wouldn't be there. But for some reason he liked the thought of being near the place where it all started.
"That's strange." The door to his daughter's bedroom was locked. And he knew that Missy was downstairs by the pool. He could hear some soft unintelligible vocal sounds. Hormonal kids being kids. Scott realized it was time to be a responsible parent once again. "I hate to ruin their fun but..." The other parents counted on it. "I'm such a hypocrite" he said as he knocked on the door and carefully unlocked it with the master key on his key chain.
"Hello!" The noise stopped. Scott decided to give the kids about a minute to get proper.
"I'm coming in now." When he opened the door, Scott was shocked to see a pretty young Japanese girl once again tied spread eagle to his daughter's bed. She was cleave gagged with a strip of cloth, which firmly held a larger wad of fabric her mouth.
"Yuki! What the hell? What are you doing here?"
Without thinking, an excited Scott rushed into his daughter's bedroom and jumped onto the bed straddling the helpless girl. "What a fantastic surprise." He reflexively reached down and cupped her breasts through the sheets. "Are you wearing socks?"
A wide-eyed Yuki started to furiously shake her head from side to side. She nodded her head toward the door.
"What? Wait." Scott reached forward to untie the cloth strip. "Just a sec." As he pulled Yuki's panties from her mouth, a loud voice from behind startled him.
Scott turned to see his daughter standing at the door with a shocked expression. She looked at Yuki. She looked at her father. She looked very confused.
Scott froze. His jaw moved but no words came out of his mouth.
Yuki intervened.
"Please don't punish Missy, Mr. Wilson. I wasn't choking, I was just scared. We're just playing around."
Missy turned pale. "I'm so sorry Daddy. We were just playing a kidnapping game with Yuki. We almost never get to hang out with her anymore since she's got this new boyfriend. And we couldn't let her miss my birthday party. So we kidnapped her after school. We're just having fun. It's just a game."
Scott Wilson quickly got up off of Yuki. "Well, okay." He turned to the bed. "I'm very sorry Yuki. I didn't know you girls were just playing around. I thought you were in trouble."
"No, Mr. Wilson, I'm okay. Really I am. Please don't be angry with us."
"Missy, please untie your friend immediately and let her join your friends downstairs."
"Yes, Daddy."
After Scott closed the door, he could hear both girls giggling loudly. A few minutes later he watched Yuki, unbound and dressed in her school uniform, mingling with her friends in the back yard.
"Don't you feel bad about missing your prom?" asked Scott as he tied the last knot in the rope harness welding Yuki's arms to her body. Yuki studied herself in the mirror approvingly. Her arms were folded under her shoulder blades. Shrugging her shoulders caused the ropes to pull her breasts up a bit. When she extended her fingers they were visible on each side of her body.
"Nope. I can't think of anyplace else I'd rather be right now."
Scott got on his knees. He bound his nude guest's ankles together with a short hobble rope. It gave Yuki about 12 inches of freedom. Yuki stood quietly in the living room as Scott walked over toward the sound system. He inserted a CD into the player and pushed Play. A slow, romantic song emerged from the speakers.
A helpless Yuki shifted uncomfortably in her bonds. "What are you thinking, Mr. Wilson?"
"Dance with me, Yuki."
Scott walked over to Yuki, placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her close. They began swaying and slowly turning to the music as one. Though nervous at first, soon Yuki buried her head in Scott's chest, pushing her breasts into his shirt. Scott lifted his hands off of her hips and reached back for her hands. Their fingers intertwined and he pulled her closer.
They slow danced silently as the song played on. When it ended, he released Yuki. His shirt was wet from her tears.
Yuki shrieked into her red ball gag as another stream of water arched down toward her. She gave Scott the evil eye. There was little more she could do in her current state. Scott had skillfully tied her to his pool's diving board. Yuki was nude, on her belly, with her legs tightly bound at four points to the flexible board. Her arms were tied behind her back at the wrists and elbows. The board supported up to her belly, leaving her breasts dangling invitingly above the water.
Yuki arched her back and growled defiantly as her naked male tormentor swam toward her menacingly, his high capacity water gun filled to capacity. Yuki bounced and twisted with agonizing glee as the next stream assaulted her breasts.
"Give up?"
Yuki's nod told Scott "No way!".
"Oh really?"
Scott swam over to the side of the pool to retrieve a small plastic bucket. He swam over to Yuki with it. Yuki closed her eyes as Scott attached two clamps to the helpless Japanese girl's erect nipples. When she opened her eyes, Yuki was horrified to see a small plastic bucket dangling from a chain that connected the two nipple clamps. The pain was manageable - with the bucket empty.
Scott swam back to the other side of the pool to retrieve his water gun. Knowing what was about to come, Yuki shook her head from side to side, beseeching Scott for mercy. A tiny stream from the water gun slowly started filling the bucket with water. Yuki again shrieked as the added weight increased the tension in the chain, pulling her breasts downward. She remained as still as she could in an effort to minimize the discomfort.
"Give up now?"
Yuki said "No" with the slightest nod of her head. More water came.
The bucket was nearly three-quarters of the way full when Yuki finally surrendered.
Scott untied Yuki's legs from the board, removed her gag, and rolled her over. She plunged into the water with a resounding splash. He dove off the board and swam to the far side of the pool Yuki, her arms still bound, adeptly swam behind him. They met up near the five foot depth marker.
She stood before him, her head just peeking out of the water. "Thanks Mr. Wilson. This has been the best summer ever."
Scott held her waist. "Only three weeks till you leave for Boston."
"Life goes on."
"I don't know how to thank you, Yuki. These past few months have been incredible. I didn't think I could ever be this happy again."
"We knew this day was coming."
"I just wanted to say..." Scott started stammering. "This is difficult for me. But... I was thinking."
"Oh look!" Yuki quickly changed the subject. "There's a snake in the pool! I better go catch it before somebody gets hurt!." Yuki took in a big gulp of air before ducking under the water. Her lips soon captured Scott's "snake".
After about a minute of snake charming Yuki came up for air. Scott backed up toward the wall.
"Uh oh! It's moving."
After taking in another large gulp of air, Yuki again ducked down into the water to chase the snake. She finally caught up to it near the four foot depth marker. Scott sat forward on the wall and spread his legs. Yuki positioned herself between his knees.
"There's that rascally snake" she said as she took Scott into her mouth for the second time. Scott leaned back contentedly and looked up at the sky, as Yuki skillfully pleasured him.
It was at that moment that Scott decided it might be wise of him to just remain silent - and let the future unfold on its own.
"I'm afraid time is up for this session, Mrs. Kline."
"I understand. Thank you so much, doctor." Mrs. Kline rose from the couch. "It's such a pleasure working with you. You're the only psychologist I've spoken to that really seems to understand me."
"Thank you, Mrs. Kline. I enjoy working with you, too. I've got you scheduled for next week at the same time. Will that work for you?"
"That's fine. Have a nice weekend." Mrs. Kline left through the office door.
Yuki leaned forward and reached across her desk for the first item on her reading stack. She was studying a fascinating journal article when Missy popped her head through the office door.
"Hey Mom. It's getting late. Are you done for the day?"
Yuki laughed. "You know I hate it when you call me that. I'm only a month older than you."
"Just messing with ya. You know this office that Daddy built for you is really nice. You're so lucky that you get to work from home."
"I guess that's one of the benefits of marrying a contractor. How are your kids doing?"
"They're great. But if somebody had told me that I'd be this wiped out all the time I wouldn't have believed it. I'm only 27 years old but I feel like I'm 80. Are you and dad going out to celebrate tonight?"
"No. We have a special night planned here at home."
"Well, have fun! I've gotta go pick up Annie from day care. See you soon."
After Missy closed the door, Yuki locked it. She got up to retrieve an old dress from a nearby closet. After putting it on, she studied herself in the mirror. Her old high school uniform fit surprisingly well.
Dr. Yuki Wilson turned off the lights, stepped out the office door, and turned the knob to make sure it was properly locked. She walked out on to the driveway, and toward the house.
Yuki giggled as she scaled the steps that led to the front door. She couldn't believe she was doing this. Wearing her old uniform. Re-enacting one of the craziest stunts in her life. Yuki stared at the doorbell for several minutes. She was surprised at how nervous she felt as her index finger finally reached for that glowing orange button. She hadn't remembered feeling this nervous ten years ago.
Within minutes a startled but very pleased Scott Wilson answered the door.
"Hi Mr. Wilson."
"Hi Yuki."
She held out her hand and handed him an old expired driver's license. Scott took it and laughed. He studied it closely.
"Black hair. Brown eyes. Five foot four" Scott paused. "Happy 28th birthday, my love" he said as he pulled Yuki close and tenderly kissed her.