Author's Note: Just a quickie story for Halloween - enjoy!
Barbara studied the pile of materials on the table suspiciously, arms crossed and a doubtful look on her pretty face. Tucking her blonde hair behind her left ear, she picked up one of the plastic/latex items and studied it even more closely, turning it this way and that, then finally put it down and addressed the man standing quietly on the opposite side of the table.
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"So, you want me to dress up as a doll this Halloween? And then stand in the window all evening. Seriously?", she asked.
"Absolutely! It will be a fantastic marketing gimmick to kick start our new toy store!", Kenneth replied. "Just think of the free publicity!"
"Yeah, I get that - but a doll! Come on! What kind of publicity are you shooting for, anyway?", she asked.
"As much publicity as I can get. Besides, you know what they say - there is no such thing as bad publicity!"
Kenneth studied his business partner closely, though he tried not to show it. He wasn't sure she would go for his idea, so he was on edge now and hoping he had not wasted his time.
"Say I was to do this - and I'm not saying I am, just saying suppose I was to do it - exactly how are you going to generate publicity? I don't want to stand in that window all evening for nothing! How do you plan to publicize this?"
Barbara looked at her business partner expectantly. She figured if he was serious he'd have a plan. If not, well, he'd just wasted a lot of company funds for nothing - and THAT was going to be a different conversation altogether! Still, she'd hear him out, or at least go through the motions of listening before going on one of her infamous rants.
The next half hour was spent with Kenneth going through a detailed plan that hinged on the publicity of a living doll in their store window. He had detailed plans for contacting local news organizations, newspapers, sending out fliers in the mail, and even email campaigns.
At the end, he paused, clearly out of material, and looked Barbara in the eye. "So, you in or out? I think this could make or break our business. I've got everything ready and the only thing you need to do is be ready for your role in a few days. Do we do it, or are you going to chicken out on me?"
At the aspersion being cast upon her courage, Barbara stiffened visibly, her expression ice cold.
"Well, if you have everything ready, then I guess I can be as well. But there's a price.", she said.
"Name it.", he responded.
"This is a lot of money. OUR money. If it fails to generate business within 2 weeks, you sign over 25% of your ownership to me to compensate for expending company resources without consulting me beforehand. Deal?", she asked.
"Only if I get 100% of the company if you back out at the last minute after I've made all of the arrangements."
"Done!", she said.
"Deal!", he responded immediately. "Now, get out of here, I've got a lot of phone calls to make and plans to implement." He smiled rather deliberately to put his partner at ease.
Barbara, not at ease at all, huffed a bit and uncrossed her arms to turn and walk from the almost empty warehouse. She was still fuming at her partner's idiocy, but at least she had him by the balls if he couldn't come through. The only reason she was going through with this lunacy anyway was because she DIDN'T think it would work - but at least she would end up with 75% of the company as a result so it was worth humoring the fool for a few days.
Kenneth, for his part, eased back into his seat and relaxed as he studied her ass on the way out the door. He had it all planned out to the last detail. Nothing could go wrong now!
The next few days were tense between them as neither really spoke again of the publicity gimmick. Barbara knew Kenneth was busy on it, and had no intention of helping him in any way. After all, if the stunt failed she would come out on top.
The only time it was brought up was on the day before when Kenneth suggested she cut back on her meals to limit body function issues the following evening. The look he got in return from Barbara was nothing less than withering.
Finally, the evening arrived and Barbara showed up, ready for her costuming. A thin line to go with her frown was the only evidence of her normally full lips as Kenneth motioned her towards the back warehouse.
"So, let's get this over with. Give me the costume and you can get out while I get dressed.", she said.
"Sorry Barb, but that isn't the way this works. The costume needs assistance to get into. You're going to have to let me help you into it.", he said.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Nope. Look for yourself. See these fasteners? They are in the back where they won't be seen. And the arm sections are too stiff for you to work yourself. I have to help you."
If the previous few days demeanor on the part of Barbara had been cold, the glare Kenneth received in return for this information was an arctic blast.
"I'm. Not. Letting. You. See. Me. In. My. Underwear!", she stated through gritted teeth.
"No problem, I figured you wouldn't so I made sure to include a bathing suit for you to wear underneath. Just go into the restroom and change into it, then we can get started."
"It's Halloween night! I'll freeze in that thing!", Barbara cried as she held the thong bikini bottom up in the dim light of the warehouse.
"No you won't, remember the doll costume? You'll be wearing that over the bathing suit. It's latex and plastic, so you will actually be holding in a lot of body heat inside the costume. You'll be fine! Or are you ready to give up your interests in the company?"
Making low noises to show her displeasure, Barbara snatched up the remainder of the bathing suit and marched to the restroom. Fifteen minutes later, a thoroughly self-conscious Barbara was tip toeing out of the restroom in bare feet and her arms clutched about her body, attempting feebly to hide her assets.
"I'm so getting even with you for this!", was all she could manage to say as she came back to the table.
Kenneth just ignored her threats, as he took in her figure. She was always uptight, and typically dressed down. Now, there was very little to hide her fantastic figure, and it was truly a figure to behold!
"Ah, whatever. Let's start with the arms."
The "arms" were basically doll arms, life sized, and with limited flexibility at the elbows. The hands were molded in one piece and completely immovable, and once Barbara's hands were fully inside she couldn't even flex her fingers. Again, Barbara just scowled more deeply at the discomfort as first the left arm, and then the right arm, were slid up over her own limbs. Once the arms were on, she realized just how helpless she had suddenly become and that Kenneth could view her body at his leisure as he continued to apply the remainder of the body parts. Her cheeks grew rosy red at embarrassment and she stopped talking altogether.
Kenneth eagerly moved onto the next stage. Turning his business partner around, he backed her up to the table and unexpectedly placed his hands on either hip and lifted her abruptly until she was sitting on the table edge.
"What...!!?!" was all she got out before he interrupted her.
"Just gotta put the legs on now, figured you would want to be comfortable for that step. Besides, it takes the weight off of your feet for a few minutes. You may appreciate that over the evening."
Again, Barbara just sat there stoically as Kenneth struggled first one leg, then the other, up her lower limbs. She became even more acutely embarrassed as he worked the tops of the slightly flexible, rubbery feeling, costume up her thighs until it was at her pubic area.
"Hey, that's high enough Kenneth!", she exclaimed.
"Oh, sorry. I was so fixated on getting the legs on right I wasn't actually paying attention. Don't worry though, I've got both legs adjusted now." He smiled again, but now Barbara was not reassured - rather the opposite. However, to back out now would be to lose her interest in the business and that was not an option.
Barbara looked down her body at her new "legs". They were very pointed at the toes, and she could feel her feet painfully conforming to the extreme stance the doll costume legs were forcing her into.
"This feels very uncomfortable, Kenneth. How about we forego the legs?"
"Sorry Barb, you agreed and it's time to live up to your obligations. Can you imagine the bad publicity we'd get if we bailed on this show now?", he said.
"Hey, I thought you said there was no such thing as bad publicity!"
"I was wrong. We'll get a reputation for not following through, and that would be fatal for this startup business. Now, here's the midsection." Kenneth was now coming towards her with an upper body section, made in two halves.
Sighing, Barbara held her arms up, only to have Kenneth carefully pull her to her feet. "I really need you to suck your tummy in while I squeeze this on, Barb."
After several minutes, Barbara finally said, "Look, it won't fit. Give it up. This won't work and you may as well sign over your part of the business and we can be done with this nonsense!"
"No way! Stand still a minute." Kenneth walked quickly to the far end of the warehouse and Barbara heard the ceiling mounted winch being pulled on it's rails overhead as Kenneth returned.
"What's that for?"
"Simple, we hoist you up a bit, that will slim down your waist just enough, and I can get the body section on."
A few more minutes of complaints, and a final threat of giving up her business interests, and Barbara was standing with her arms overhead, hoisted by some rope wrapped around the doll arm wrists.
Kenneth admired his partner once again, noticing how her breasts were standing out spectacularly at this point as well as the curvature of her ass. He also noticed the thin straps of the bikini biting deeply into her shoulders.
"Here, let me take care of this.", he said a moment before pulling the knot loose at the back of Barbara's neck. The knot at her back followed shortly afterwards and Barbara was swearing a blue streak as her magnificent 39 inch bustline jiggled freely as she instinctively struggled. When she finally caught her breath, Kenneth stood quietly in front of her.
"Look, I've seen titties before. You've got nice once, but this is business. I'm about to cover them back up anyway, so just calm down!"
Ignoring the continued cursing, Kenneth slipped the upper body section around Barbara. He had to take special care to make sure her breasts were firmly ensconced in the cavities for them before proceeding. The body section had something of a waist cincher built into it, and Kenneth struggled to pull the ends together to meet.
"Suck your breath in, dammit!"
Barbara, for once wordless as she tried to breathe, did as directed and heard the clicks as the body section snapped into place. The body section fit her like a glove and she felt her breasts squeezed into the rubbery costume. It continued up her shoulders and fit tightly around her neck, forcing her head to be held up high.
The next stage was a shock, as she felt her head pulled back and everything went black for a moment as Kenneth pulled a doll head over her face!
Blinded, she started to open her mouth to scream as she felt the inner contours of the face come into claustrophobic contact with her own face. This attempted scream only allowed a strange extension in the mouth area to slip between her parted lips, effectively gagging her. A second later she realized it was in the shape of a penis!
There was a moment of terror as she couldn't breathe until Kenneth had the nostrils lined up, then her blue eyes were staring out - in a mixture of terror and fury, at a smiling Kenneth.
"That's perfect! Now I just lock this into a groove on the neck piece."
She felt him fumble, and then the head became just a bit tighter as he locked it into the upper body section. She found she could move her head only a fraction of an inch either way now.
"Ok, only one part left. I know I've been a prick about things, but this will really turn the business around. In appreciation, I've decided to at least try to make your part a bit more pleasurable. Hope you don't mind, as my intentions are truly coming from a good heart!"
Kenneth laughed as he said this last part, and Barbara just stared as best she could as he moved out of her sight now. She couldn't really move her head enough to see what was going on, but she certainly felt it as her thong bikini bottom was removed.
Her muffled screams were ignored as she felt him probe her. To her astonishment, she suddenly realized her pussy was actually soaking wet! She felt his fingers work their way into her, and then were removed only to be replaced by something else.
This something else turned out to be very ....very....big. And long. She grunted as inch by inch it was forced up into her. She had never had anything so big inside of her, and it felt like it was splitting her open!
As if that weren't enough, the next assault was to the only other body orifice available. Squirming as best she could, she tried to avoid the well lubricated intruder slowly being inserted into her nether region. Just as she thought she couldn't take any more, she felt it slip abruptly and a wide base made itself felt at the crack of her ass.
Proceeding as if his business partner wasn't screaming her head off inside the costume, Kenneth then snapped on the lower body section, matching it up neatly with grooves in the upper body section as well as the legs. As it snapped into place, Barbara felt the toys Kenneth had placed inside of her shift ever so slightly, penetrating her even more deeply.
All she could do was groan - and make plans to kill Kenneth when this was over!
"Well, that's it for the body parts. Now for the clothing. Here, let me slide the mirror over so you can see how you look!"
Barbara heard more shuffling, then a full length mirror was in front of her. Barbara's eyes widened at the sight. She was a life size doll alright! She looked just like a doll they carried in their merchandise (and that had been available for generations), with the exception that her doll costume face had obviously been modeled to look like her own actual face.
She would be recognizable.
"In case you were wondering, your measurements in that costume are 39 inches at the bust, 18 inches at the waist, and 33 inches at the hips. About the only difference between your own natural dimensions, I suspect, and what you are now is the waist is cinched up. I'm guessing you're normally a 22 inch waist? Standing on your toes like that, you're a full six feet tall to the top of that fake blonde hair, and you're about a size 4 dress. Now, let's get you into your clothes."
The "clothes" were an abbreviated maid's dress. The cleavage reached down low - so low that Barbara was even more embarrassed even though a layer of doll body part was between her and the world! The fake body part actually heaved with each breath!
Kenneth seemed to take his own sweet time sliding fishnet stockings up her body, then fastening them with a garter belt around her waist. Next up were abbreviated thong panties. Black stiletto shoes reinforced her posture.
The maid's dress absolutely was short enough to reveal every detail of the undergarments.
Mortified now, Barbara tried to move as Kenneth lowered from the winch. What little mobility she had in her arms was quickly eliminated as Kenneth worked the seams between arm and body into the grooves. Now, she couldn't move, but Kenneth cold pose her as he wished.
She felt herself about to fall, but Kenneth caught her in time and gently posed her so her balance kept her upright.
Wide eyed, Barbara saw, in the mirror, Kenneth begin applying a slave collar around her neck, wrist cuffs at wrists and ankles, all attached with chains and a long black leather leash attached to the collar.
"Well Barb, now it's to the showroom window. Only thing is, it's not this toy store I had in mind. I have another store across town. It's an adult toy store, actually, and you are the prize display tonight! The marketing campaign was actually for that store. I'm closing this one. I intend for you to be something of a permanent display there!" This last statement was followed by a rather evil laugh.
Barbara couldn't believe what she was hearing. She struggled, but was completely incapable of movement as Kenneth picked her up and sat her inside the company cargo van. Idly, she realized she was already sweating profusely. Kenneth hadn't been kidding about not worrying about getting cold.
An hour's ride later, and she was being propped up in the store window of an adult toy store. Her wide blue eyes rolled about frantically as passersby stopped to gawk and point, a few of them even snapped pictures! Her muffled groans and screams were ignored as Kenneth posed her in a provocative manner, then placed a maid's hat on top of her fake hair.
"Oh, I promised to try to make this a little more bearable, so here you go." At this last statement, Kenneth hit the buttons of a remote control and the vibrators nestled within her bounded to life. The long drawn out, but muffled, scream was reward enough for Kenneth as he chuckled and stepped down out of the display window.
Barbara clamped her eyes closed, willing herself back to sanity as the vibrators continued to relentlessly work her over. Opening her eyes again, she batted her long eye lashes against tears and sweat as she could only stare forward at the other doll in the window. A doll dressed in latex as a dominatrix, on her back, her hand holding the end of Barbara's leash and her legs spread wide.
A doll with green, blinking, tear filled eyes, staring back at her as she endured her own captivity.
Kenneth accepted congratulations from his clients as to a well planned display as the money rolled into the cash register. One couple after another came in to pick up somewhat kinkier outfits for later adult play at home between consenting adults. All noticed the display and remarked upon it.
What Barbara didn't know about yet, was an old unused boiler room in the store basement, with a heavy 2 inch thick steel door, had been modified to suit Kenneth's own tastes. Both dolls would spend endless years within the confines of that room. Their only reprieve from that isolation being their stints as living dolls in the display window.
Prior to that, Barbara would spend hours painfully propped up on her toes, vibrators working her to the point of incoherence, sweating uncontrollably, completely immovable, staring at her fellow captive.
After the store closed that evening, Kenneth would remove his two living dolls from the window and carry them downstairs for more private recreation.
He always did like playing with dolls......