Part I
He hadn't really wanted to play this new game and anyway the two women were being very secretive as to what it really involved. Brad was sitting in the back of the car with Emma and Victoria in the front. Both women were in their mid-twenties, both slim and attractive and both in the aerobics class that Brad took each Friday evening. Victoria was wearing a pair of well fitting blue jeans and blouse; Emma was more casual in tight denim shorts and a t-shirt. Having had no plans for that evening, Brad agreed to spend the evening with them.
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The car drew up outside Victoria's house. The house was large and set in substantial grounds. Brad followed the two women inside into the lounge that overlooked the coastline in the distance.
"You'll like this game" Victoria reassured "providing you don't lose" she smiled.
This last comment did nothing to enthuse her guest. The game was laid out on the floor and Victoria started to explain the rules.
"Right, this is just like Trivial Pursuits ... with a bondage twist". The two girls smiled. Victoria continued, "If you answer a question correctly, you get the chance to lock up one of the other players with a restraint". She pointed to a large box full of chains, handcuff and padlocks.
"After each turn, there is the chance to trade keys with the other players in order to get yourself free. Right we'll explain the other rules to you as we go on, shall I start?" Victoria asked.
She rolled the dice, moved her counter and Emma read out a question that Victoria answered easily. Victoria then took the top card from the pack and turned it over to reveal a picture of a pair of handcuffs; she reached into the box and pulled out a pair of rigid cuffs. She looked over to Brad who had already guessed that they would be used to lock his wrists. He sat on the floor as Victoria stood over him and locked the cuffs tightly around his wrists. The cuffs locked with a cylinder lock, the only key to which Victoria stuffed in the back pocket of her jeans. "OK your turn" she announced to Emma.
Again, the question posed was easily answered and she smiled at Brad.
"This isn't fair, it's two against one," he complained as Emma turned over the next card to reveal a chain and padlock.
Emma walked over with the restraint and knelt beside the hapless guy.
"OK, now what shall I do with this?" she smiled as she considered how she might best restrain him. After a moments thought, she wrapped the chain tightly around both of his ankles and snapped closed the padlock. Once again his captor pocketed the key in the pocket of her denim shorts and returned to her place.
"OK, my turn" Brad stated, hoping to gain some revenge and some means of negotiating his way out of his restraints. He too was able to answer his question and proceeded to turn over the next card. "A ball gag, that could be useful" he smiled.
The look on the faces of the two women changed. They were both enjoying having fun at the expense of their fit gym instructor and neither wanted to be unable to speak. Brad looked from one women to the other enjoying the moment.
"Victoria, I think it's your turn" he smiled.
He eased his way around the board as best he could in his chains and with the help of a willing Emma buckled and locked the gag over his friend's head. He too pocketed the key to the small padlock.
Victoria pulled at the gag and the padlock, trying to remove the restraint, but soon gave up as she realised it was going nowhere until she negotiated the return of the key. Victoria cast a cross look at Emma, who was clearly enjoying her predicament.
Victoria then wrote on a piece of paper "Cuff key for gag key?" and handed it to Brad. He smiled and shook his head, enjoying the frustration on his hostess's face. She started to plead with Brad as best she could with the gag locked in place, to the delight of both Brad and Emma.
Victoria threw the dice for her second turn. Emma read out the question and gave her friend a piece of paper on which she could write the answer. Victoria scribbled her reply and passed it back. Emma shook her head and put the question card back on the pile. Victoria sat there in silence looking pleadingly towards Brad.
After a few moments, Brad conceded and threw the key for the gag over to his friend. She hurriedly unlocked the padlock and removed the gag.
"You're going to have to negotiate much harder than that", Emma observed, "That gag key could have bought you quite abit of freedom later on." "Hey at least I've got my hands free" he replied, looking over to Victoria who was just retrieving the key from her pocket.
Victoria threw the key over to him and he tried in vain to unlock the rigid cuffs by himself. "Can you help me?" he asked Victoria.
"That wasn't part of the deal" she smiled back. "Don't be so cruel" Emma joined in, as she took the key from Brad, inserted it into the lock and released the manacles from around his wrists.
"My turn", Emma announced as she threw the dice. Victoria asked the question, which Emma answered before turning over the next card.
"Oh yes", Emma smiled, clearly pleased with her choice. "You weren't planning on leaving early?", she smiled at Brad as she picked up her chosen restraint.
"No, you're not putting that thing on me", he replied increasingly concerned about the amount of power these women were having over him.
"Fine, you can leave at any point" Emma replied, "although you should remember that your feet are still tightly chained together, and I have the only key", she tapped the back pocket of her shorts. Both girls smiled at each other as Brad pulled pathetically at the chain.
"I assume we can carry on," Emma asked.
Brad had no choice.
Emma walked up to Brad and smiled, "this is an all in one restraint, I like to call it the 'Emma Embrace' and there's not much you can do once you're in this thing". The restraint was about two feet long with steel hoops at both ends and in the middle. She took the steel hoop at one end and closed it tightly around Brad's neck. She then locked it in place with a big silver padlock.
With Brad sitting on the floor with his feet drawn towards him, she then proceeded to lock the two smaller hoops at the other end tightly around each of his ankles. She then locked both of these in place with an identical looking padlock. She finally took his wrists and fitted each one into smaller hoops attached to the middle of the restraint. Once more, she locked both tightly in place with a third silver padlock.
Emma then knelt down next to him to check everything was secure. "Now all of these padlocks are keyed alike" she smiled, "and this is the only key" she explained as she held up a complicated looking silver key.
"Look this is going too far" Brad complained, "I can barely move a muscle".
"I know" Emma smiled "Not without this key". She then returned to her place, throwing the padlock key to the floor before sitting down on top of it. She smiled as Brad struggled with his new bonds.
It was Brad's turn to answer a question. He guessed right but due to his incarceration, Emma turned over the card for him.
"Handcuffs again" Emma observed. "Who's going to be chained up this time?"
"Your turn I think" he replied, knowing that Emma now held the keys to both of his restraints and he that he desperately needed some leverage over her.
Brad watched as Victoria applied the rigid cuffs to Emma's wrists on his behalf. Victoria looked to be enjoying herself, as she closed the cuffs click by click before doubled locking the restraints tightly around her friend's wrists. She threw the key over to Brad who was of course unable to catch.
Victoria answered her question and turned over the card to reveal 'gag'.
She turned towards Emma. "OK Em, open up" "No not me!" Emma pleaded.
"OK, what about a deal" Victoria smiled, she had obviously played this game before. "I won't lock this gag on you, if you give me the keys to Brad's restraints" Emma was clearly disappointed, but had no choice; she certainly didn't want to be muted for perhaps the rest of the evening. She reluctantly agreed. Emma reached into her pocket for the key to the chain locked around Brad's ankles and then stood up to reveal the key to the 'Emma Embrace'.
Victoria quickly stuffed both keys into her jeans pocket. "OK, this gags for you then" Victoria smiled as she stood up and walked towards Brad. The guy sat there helplessly as Victoria locked yet another restraint to him. She buckled it tightly behind his head and locked it with a small padlock.
Emma and Brad then each took turns at answering questions, but each was wrong. Victoria took her turn again. She gave the right answer and smiled as she picked up the next card. "The trunk" she smiled as she jumped up and started to drag a heavy wooden box towards where they were playing.
"OK, one of you goes inside here" Victoria smiled as she lifted the lid. "And as Brad is already too chained up to move, then it looks like its going to be you honey" she said as she smiled at Emma. "Vicky, no!" Emma exclaimed, "I don't want to go in there".
"Sorry Em, inside or forfeit the game" Victoria smiled.
Reluctantly and very slowly, Emma kicked off her sandals and climbed into the trunk wearing only her tight denim shorts, t-shirt and the cuffs that Victoria had locked around her wrists. As soon as she was inside, Victoria closed the lid and sat down on top. Inside, Emma could be heard banging against the underside of the lid, but Victoria's jean-clad arse held it firmly closed.
"Well its just you and me now Baby" Victoria smiled to Brad. Being gagged, Brad had no response. Victoria turned the key, locking the trunk, before standing up and walking towards the heavily manacled guy. She smiled as she slowly checked that all of his restraints were as she wanted. One of the cuffs was evidently too loose as she undid the double-lock, tightened it further and reapplied the security lock. She then stood back to admire her work.
By now, Emma had stopped banging on the box and resigned herself to her confinement. Victoria took the trunk key from the keyhole, slipped it into the back pocket of her jeans and walked over to the balcony. Brad watched her cross the room, her tight jeans moving with each motion that she made.
A few minutes later she returned, "You OK in there Em?" she asked as she tapped the box with her boot. "Please let me out," Emma begged.
Victoria smiled and sat back down on the lid and started to talk to Brad. After a few minutes she relented, retrieved the key and unlocked the trunk. "Can you let me out of these as well" Emma asked, holding up her cuffed hands. Victoria picked up the key that was lying beside Brad and started to unlock her friend's wrists.
Just as she'd finished unlocking the cuffs, Emma grabbed Victoria's wrist and locked one of the cuffs around it. Victoria pulled away before Emma could lock the second cuff in place, but stumbled backwards as she moved and Emma jumped on top of her on the floor. The two women started to roll about trying to get the better of each other.
Emma then managed to pull Victoria's head backwards until it rested between her thighs. She hooked one of her feet behind her other knee to lock her legs together. Victoria struggled but could not release her head from between Emma's bare thighs. After five minutes of trying and still being no nearer to freeing herself, Victoria gave in.
"OK Em, you win", she conceded.
Emma then took the other side of the cuff and locked it to the iron handle at one end of the trunk. She then took a second pair of handcuffs to shackle Victoria's other hand to the handle at the other end of the trunk. Only then did she release her grip around Victoria's neck.
Victoria lay there on her back, her head lying next to the trunk, her wrists chained to each end of the box. Emma sat on the edge of the trunk and looked down at her friend beneath her.
"Sorry honey, you seem to be a little tied up there" Emma smiled. Victoria pulled at the cuffs as she continued to catch her breath from the fight. Emma then walked over to Brad who had watched the whole episode unfold.
"Well Vicky still has the keys to your restraints" Emma said, "but I'm sure they'll be safe enough in her pocket" she smiled.
"So maybe I should lock you up with something as well?" she purred as she picked up another pair of handcuffs.
"Have you seen these before" Emma asked as she walked around behind him and sat down on his shoulders, one leg either side of his head.
She slowly wrapped her thighs around his neck as she spoke. "These cuffs work on a timer and can't be unlocked until all the time has run out" she purred. She reached down and locked the cuffs tightly around his already manacled wrists.
"OK, how long shall we say? One hour?" she smiled as she set the timer.
"Or maybe longer" she continued as she increased the time, hour by hour.
Brad couldn't speak, but looked on as Emma increased the time.
"Perfect" she announced when the timer showed 48 hours, "all I have to do is to push this button and the cuffs are locked".
She tightened her grip around his neck and pressed. A click and a few beeps later and the cuff were set. She stood up and smiled at her two prisoners, "This should be an interesting night".
Part II
Emma changed in to a short summer skirt and top, poured herself a glass of wine and sat back down on the box. She looked down at Victoria and smiled, "Do you give up?" she asked. Victoria nodded, knowing that she could do nothing handcuffed to the trunk. Emma smiled to herself as she took the key and unlocked each of Vicky's wrists.
Emma then turned to Brad. "Do you give up too?" she asked. Unable to speak with the gag, Brad nodded immediately. Emma knelt next to him to inspect her 'Emma Embrace', the restraint rigidly locking his neck, wrists and ankles together. She ran her fingers over one of the padlocks. "Would you like me to unlock this?" she asked. He didn't answer, knowing that she was just playing with him.
"Do you have the keys to these locks?" Emma called to Victoria. "Aha" Vicky replied as she walked over to them. She ran her fingers through Brad's hair and walked off to the kitchen. She returned with a drink and sat down on the trunk. "Those keys really are quite important to you," she purred as she crossed her denim-covered legs. "Its too bad for you that they're in my jeans pocket and these jeans are so tight I really can't get them out" Vicky joked as she ran her hands around her waist and down her legs.
A few minutes later Vicky pulled the key to the gag padlock out of her pocket and threw it to Emma. Emma caught it and held it up above Brad's head. "Without this key you'll stay silent" she purred as she ran it up her bare legs and up under her skirt. "And I'm sure your jaw is starting to ache" she continued as she stood over him, her legs only inches away from his face.
She then turned her back on him and lifted her skirt to reveal a tight pair of white cotton knickers. She ran the key back up her thigh again before tucking it into her knickers. Her underwear was so tight that the key was held in place between her arse and the material. "Oh my!" Emma joked, "The only key to your gag is now tucked in my panties". She dropped her skirt and turned around to face him. "Umm, that key feels nice in my underwear, I think that maybe it should stay there".
Emma then walked towards him and sat down on his shoulders, one leg either side of his head so that his face was facing into her. She put her skirt over Brad's head and slid forward until his face was pushed up against her knickers. She slowly closed her legs and crossed her feet. "Maybe it is a shame that you are gagged" Emma mused as she rubbed herself against the gag.
Victoria was watching from the trunk. "When you finally let him out of your skirt, perhaps we should show him where he will be spending the night" she said. Emma reluctantly released her grip around his neck and stood up.
Vicky smiled at her captive, "before we release you from some of those restraints, we had better make sure you don't make a bid for freedom". She took a pair of foot cuffs and locked Brad's ankles together. She then locked a chain around his waist and locked the spare end to the timed handcuffs that Emma had cruelly set for 48 hours.
"Now at least my keys aren't quite as inaccessible as Emma's" Vicky joked as she took her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the 'Emma Embrace' and the chain around Brad's ankles. Brad was now free except the handcuffs locked to the waist chain, the foot cuffs and of course the gag.
Brad was wondering whether this was his chance to escape, this was relative freedom for him. However when he looked at the number of potential restraints at the girl's disposal he decided he had better comply.
Victoria led him to a built-in cupboard just off the lounge that she opened to reveal a barred door. "I've wanted to try this for a while" she smiled as she selected the right key and opened the cell door. The space inside was full height but only 4 foot wide and 5 foot deep.
"Inside!" Vicky instructed to her guest. No sooner had he hobbled in than she slammed the cell door shut. It clicked and locked instantly. He pushed it with his cuffed hands just to check what he already knew. "Solid concrete all round" Vicky purred as she watched him explore his new home. She beckoned him forward and then unlocked his foot cuffs and waist chain.
With his chained hands he pointed to his gag. "Sorry I don't have the key for that" Vicky smiled as she walked back out to the kitchen. Emma walked up to the bars. "What's that key worth to you?" she smiled. "On your knees" she ordered. He complied kneeling down slowly until his face was inches from her skirt. "Lower" she ordered. His face was now level with her bare thighs, just the bars separating them.
She reached for a rigid 'U' shaped bicycle lock and reached it through the bars and around his neck. She pulled him forward and closed the lock around his neck and one of the steel bars. She turned the key and withdrew it from the lock. Emma then reached under her skirt and removed the gag key from her knickers. She reached in and unlocked the gag.
"Thank you" Brad said clearly pleased to be able to move his jaw again. She smiled, they had unlawfully imprisoned him in a small cell and he was thanking them. Emma took the key for the high security bicycle lock and slipped it into knickers.
Victoria smiled as she watched her hide the key. "That's a safe place to keep it" she smiled. "You should try it" Emma smiled. With that Victoria took the key to the cell and reached down inside the front of her jeans and her knickers and dropped the key into the crotch of her panties. "Nothing comes out of there in a hurry" Victoria purred as she closed the cupboard door concealing the cell and locked it with a seven-lever deadlock.
Later that night the girls unlocked the cupboard door to check on their detainee. Brad was asleep in the bottom of the cage with his head still chained to the bars and his hands still cuffed in front of him. "Do you want to join him?" Victoria asked. Emma smiled.
Vicky unbuttoned her jeans enough for her to get her hand in to retrieve the key. As soon as she had unlocked the barred door she returned the key to its home. Brad woke as Vicky opened the cell door a little dragging his neck with it. Emma slipped inside and pulled the door closed behind her. Emma shivered as it clicked and locked.
In the small space, Emma crouched down over Brad, took the key from her panties and unlocked him from the bars. "Hey give me your foot " Vicky said as she reached in and padlocked one end of a chain around Emma's right ankle. Vicky then locked the other end closely around Brad's neck so that the two were almost touching. "Thought this might be interesting" Vicky smiled as she stood up with the keys in hand.
Vicky closed the outer door and turned the key in the lock. Inside was almost pitch black. Vicky bought her feet up to her bum so that Brad's face was resting against her white cotton panties and then closed her thighs around his head. Emma smiled, "Given that you're handcuffed and locked in a tiny maximum security cell whose only key is very much out of reach and given that you are chained to my ankle and given that you are enclosed between my thighs, I'm sure you'll do exactly as I say". Emma sat back and closed her eyes.
Part III
The next morning Victoria, dressed in tight denim shorts and t-shirt, unlocked the cupboard door and swung it open to reveal her two captives. Both Brad and Emma shielded their eyes from the unaccustomed light. The heavy barred door was still locked between them.
Emma sat in the cell with a smile on her face, "That was a fun night," she purred looking down at the guy still chained to her ankle. Brad looked up at Victoria's long tanned legs, wondering where she had concealed her keys and wondering when she might release them. His cellmate certainly didn't seem to be in any rush to be released.
"I've got a new toy that I want to try out," Victoria said as she beckoned Brad to move to the front of the cage. Brad complied and soon found his ankles chained together with a pair of cuffs. His wrists were still locked with the timer still reading 35 hours. Victoria reached through the cell bars and unlocked the chain locking Brad's neck to Emma's ankle. She then pulled the key to the cell from her pocket and unlocked the door before re-pocketing the key.
Brad struggled to his feet and hobbled out of the cell. Without releasing Brad from his cuffs, Victoria let him shower and freshen up. As soon as he came out of the bathroom, she walked up to him and locked a chain tightly around his waist and padlocked the handcuffs to the chain. She then led him over to the metal staircase and padlocked the spare end of the waist chain around one of the steel supports.
"Just wait here," Vicky purred as she checked his restraints and then walked back into the kitchen. Brad stood there wondering how these women could have so much power over him. The fact that he was much stronger than them meant nothing when he was chained up so securely.
Emma came out of the shower and came over to him, looking innocent wearing only white knickers and white t-shirt. "Chained up like a dog, just the way men should be," she purred as she ran her fingers around his arms and shoulders. "Thank you for last night by the way" she continued as she gave him a long kiss on his lips. She knew that with his hands chained to his waist she could pretty much do what she wanted with him. He watched her arse move as she walked back out to the kitchen, the tight cotton knickers moving from side to side as she moved.
The girls reappeared and Victoria unlocked Brad from the stairs and led him over to a heavy wooden trunk. A section had been cut out of the front of the lid and as a result there were two locks, one on either side of the cutout. "Another restraint for you to try" Victoria purred as she lifted the lid and Emma helped Brad into the trunk so that he was sitting inside with his back against the front of the trunk.
As Victoria closed the lid Emma slid Brad's neck into the cutout so that once the lid was shut his head was outside and the rest of his body inside the trunk. The cutout was just the right size for Brad's neck and was so narrow that he couldn't pull his head back inside. "Em can you keep him here while I find the keys for the trunk" Vicky said as she walked off. Emma sat down on the lid, her knicker-covered arse just an inch from Brad's head.
Brad was feeling very vulnerable in the trunk, like this the girls could make him do whatever they wanted. Emma could see his concern, "You know Vicky intends to keep you in there the whole day" she teased, "and that she is inviting your friend Chantelle from the gym to join the fun". Brad started to panic and tried to get out of the trunk. He pushed up on the lid with his shoulders desperately struggling to get to his feet. Emma watched his amusement knowing that with her sitting on top he was going nowhere.
"Please get off the trunk," Brad pleaded realising that he was stuck. Emma smiled, "Surely my little panty-covered arse can't be enough to imprison you inside, try harder". Brad tried again although he knew she as just teasing him. Emma swung one leg over so that his head was between her thighs. She slid forward so that his face was only an inch from her knickers. "Try again" she purred.
Victoria returned and sat down next to Emma on the trunk. "Why whenever I leave you alone with this guy he ends up with his head between your thighs?" Vicky joked. "Jealous?" Emma replied. Vicky then took a key and turned it in each of the locks. "Perfect" she smiled, "I can guarantee there is no way out of there".
Emma sat back on her side of the trunk and started to read her magazine. Victoria was on the other side teasing Brad with a feather boa that she wrapped around his head. Emma looked down at Brad's feather covered head, "Perhaps he would prefer your panties over his head instead".
Victoria smiled, jumped up and went up to her bedroom. She returned a few minutes later wearing a summer dress, holding her previous outfit in her hand. She sat on the box like Emma had done earlier, with one leg either side of Brad's head. She first took her black silk knickers and wrapped them tightly around Brad's head. She then took her denim shorts and also fitted them over his head. She then tightened the belt twice around his head and buckled it in place.
Emma smiled, "Nicely done, and I think it improves his looks". The girls laughed. "So what's it like inside my panties?" Vicky asked her captive. "Smelly" came the short reply. The girls laughed again.
Emma looked across at Victoria, her long dark hair falling across her face. "Do you want to toss a coin, the loser gets locked in the cell, the winner gets to have some fun with Brad?" Vicky thought for a moment before agreeing. Emma spun the coin as Vicky called tails. Tails it was. "Oh shit!" Emma replied before she slowly stood up and walked into the cell. Vicky slowly swung the door shut until it clicked and locked. Emma looked sadly at her captress through the bars, "I'm in here for a while aren't I?" she said. "Yep" Vicky replied before also shutting and locking the cupboard door.
Vicky returned to brad and once again sat down with one leg either side of his head. She unbelted her shorts from around his head and removed her knickers which were now sticking to his face. "My turn" she smiled as she lifted her skirt and wrapped it over his head. She slid forward as far as she could go and he could see first hand that she had removed her knickers. "Go ahead" she purred.
It was a whole hour later before Vicky opened her legs and let him out of her crotch. "Wow!" she smiled as she stood up and walked over to the bathroom. Brad sat there still locked in the trunk, grateful for fresh air. Vicky retuned and let Brad out of the trunk so he too could use the bathroom. Within ten minutes however, he was locked back inside.
Vicky went over to the cupboard and unlocked the outer door. "Hi Em" she smiled at Emma who was sitting with her knees pulled up in front of her in the bottom of the cell. "Do you want some food?" Victoria asked. Emma nodded. "I suppose my freedom is too much to ask for?" she enquired. "Aha" Victoria smiled back, "I'm keeping you behind bars for a while yet".
Victoria passed the modest meal through the bars and then relocked the outer door. She turned on the television, picked up a bottle of wine and went back to the trunk. She lifted her skirt to reveal a chain padlocked around her waist with the spare end passed down between her legs and back on to the waist chain. "I love these timed games" she smiled as she climbed a ladder and fixed a piece of string and a block of ice to the ceiling above the trunk. She removed the ladder and walked up to Brad with some more chains and padlocks in hand.
"All my other keys are out of reach and the key to these padlocks are fixed to the ceiling," she explained. She sat down as before with one leg either side of Brad's head, with his face resting up against her knickers. She took the first chain and wrapped it around the back of his neck and locked both ends together at the front and on to her crotch chain. "OK honey, we're now linked. No way we can free ourselves until the ice melts and the keys fall" she said.
"But just to seal you in completely" she continued as she pulled her short denim skirt down almost to her knees. "As you can see I have cut out a circle of material at the back of the skirt which exactly fits your neck. And I can simply lock the skirt back together at the hem by slipping a padlock through these two holes" she said as she proceeded to lock his neck into the back of her skirt.
"And then by threading this chain through the belt hoops that I have sewn at close centers all the way round the hem of the skirt, I can close the last remaining opening" she purred while as promised, she squeezed her thighs tightly together and locked the chain around her legs using a third padlock. "Oh and by the way" she smiled, "I've padlocked the top of by skirt around my waist too, so there is no possible way out".
Vicky was pleased with her new trap. From outside it looked as though she was just sitting on the trunk. No one would have known that there was in fact a guy manacled and locked in the trunk beneath her and that his head was totally sealed inside her denim skirt. In addition, not even Vicky could release him from bondage until the ice melted.
Inside was pitch black. Brad's head was held firmly on either side my Vicky's thighs and his face was pushed up tight against her knickers and everything was held in place by the thick denim. "How long will the ice take?" he asked as best he could from inside. "At least three hours" she purred as she turned her attention to the TV and what she might christen her new method of restraint.