Author's Note: All the packaging stories here recently inspired me with a new idea, I hope you enjoy it. All criticism is appreciated, whether positive, negative, or constructive!
Jenny wasn't sure what to make of the ad which read only, "Water Tank Bikini Model Needed", but she needed a little extra spending money and she thought it couldn't hurt to ask. She called the phone number and quickly ended up talking to Dave who asked her if she could come by tonight for measurements. She didn't have anything going on that evening, so she and her friend, Angie, went down to the studio on the second floor of a non-descript building in the theater district.
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When they got there, Dave immediately stuck out his hand to shake Jenny's, and then turned to Angie, "And you are?"
"Oh, I'm just a friend."
"Did you want to model too?"
"No, just along for the ride."
"Fine," then turning back to the pretty blonde with ample cleavage and wearing a tight mini-skirt showing off her long legs, "Good. I think you're perfect for our show. Let me show you the stage."
He took the girls into a larger room with a clear, empty acrylic box raised in the middle of the floor, with a few rows of seats rising up steeply around three sides. "So this is the tank," he said, "and it's really simple. You come out, get in the box, we fill it up with water, you use this tube," indicating a clear plastic tube extending through the lid of the box, "to breathe. You stay in there for an hour, and then you're done."
"Won't the water get cold?" asked Jenny.
"No, this part here," indicating pipes leading from the bottom of the box into the floor, "heats the water up so it's comfortable for the model the whole time. Nobody has complained so far."
"Other girls do this?"
"Oh sure, all the time. We've been doing this, the 'Mermaid Show', for several months now."
"You mean I have to wear a fish tail?
"No no, turns out the guys would rather see the girls' legs than have them covered up, and we aim to please."
"The guys?"
"Well yeah, our audience is mostly horny college kids with a couple of lesbians thrown in. We aren't exactly mainstream here. So, what do you think?"
She considered it for a bit, but it really did seem like good money, and it wasn't even as bad as stripping or anything – she got to wear a swimsuit and didn't dance or anything. She could almost imagine it being as relaxing as an hour at the spa. "I'll do it."
"Great! Then let me take you to Marcia who will take your measurements."
With that he led the girls to a dressing room with a desk and a middle aged woman in it. "So these are our new victims, eh?" remarked Marcia.
"Victim," corrected Dave, "Jenny here is the only one interested. Anyway, Jenny, Marcia will take care of you. I'll write you down to be here at 7 on Friday for our 8 o'clock show?"
Dave left, closing the door, and Marcia said, "Okay, I need to measure you now. Please take off your clothes."
Jenny hesitated for a moment, but just a moment. Angie was there, and it was just the three women. Marcia began taking what seemed like dozens of different measurements of Jenny's body. "This seems like a lot of measurements for a bikini!" she thought out loud.
"Dave always wants total measurements on his models so he can invite them for later sessions, if they do well in the water tank."
"But don't all you do in the water tank is just lie there?"
"Well, sort of," said Marcia as she finished up. Jenny got dressed, and went back home.
Friday night arrived, and Jenny nervously knocked at the studio again, where she was greeted by Marcia, who led her back to the same dressing room, which had been cleaned up. The only thing in the room was a Jenny-sized mannequin with a low-cut red bikini and a matching set of red high-heels. "Why don't you get changed," suggested Marcia, "there's a robe here you can wear until show time."
Jenny took off her clothes and put them on the table, not seeing anywhere else to hang them, and turned to put on the bikini. It was a string bikini, complete with easily untied butterfly knots at the sides and front, but at least the fabric did a good job of covering the important areas. Still, she was glad she'd remembered to trim down there last night. It fit, well, it fit perfectly, and so did the shoes. She put on the robe and waited, butterflies in her stomach.
Marcia came in with a cup of water and asked If she wanted a valium, but Jenny decided she could do without it. Then Marcia asked if she wanted a pair of swim goggles. "What for?" Jenny asked.
"Because you're going to be under water."
"Oh yeah. Uh, yes please."
"Right. So there's one last thing to tell you. Make sure you don't let the breathing tube out of your mouth because it fills with water and then we have to cut the act short. Last year a girl had to go to the hospital."
Jenny turned white, while Marcia continued, "but since then we've improved the design to have an elastic strap that fits behind the head, so as long as you don't do something dumb like rip it out with your hands, it'll be fine." This didn't make Jenny feel much better, but Marcia assured her there had been no problems since the new design, and everything would be fine.
And then it was show time. As she stood backstage and discarded the robe, she heard the voice announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Jennifer Winters!"
"At least they didn't use my real last name!" she thought. Out she walked onto the stage to applause. The bright lights made it hard to see, but she could tell there were several dozen people in the audience. She walked over to the emcee, standing behind the clear box.
"Well, good evening Jenny. How are you tonight?" he asked, tipping the microphone towards her.
"A little nervous," she replied.
"Well, nothing to worry about. I'd say we've got a cute one here, what do you think folks?" he asked to raucous cheering and whooping. He led her up the steps placed next to the tank, helped her fit the tube into her mouth with the elastic around the back of her head.
Off microphone, he said, "just lay back and relax. It'll be over before you know it." So she lay down, he popped closed the lid, and the water began coming in from the bottom of the box. It was, as Dave had promised, a comfortable warm temperature. Inside the box she couldn't hear what was going on outside, but she could see the emcee talking again to the audience as she waited for the water to rise up above her mouth and nose level.
Within a minute it had, and quelling a panic that had her wanting to put the box open and jump out, she realized that the breathing tube was working, and was shortly able to force herself to relax. Out on the stage, she saw a woman dressed as a Las Vegas Show girl strut across the stage in front of the box. From a speaker somewhere in the box a voice, Marcia's probably, said, "Don't worry, this is part of the show". And then a few seconds later, the show girl turned around, closed a padlock on the lid of the box, and made a big show of putting the key down her bra before strutting off the stage.
Jenny was contemplating this latest turn of events, unsure whether she should try hitting and kicking the lid, whether she could even get out, or just remaining calm as nothing really too bad had happened yet. Then another show girl strutted out towards the box, placed a funnel in the top of the breathing tube, and walk off again.
Jenny didn't understand this latest event when a third show girl came out, and then climbed up the steps and stood on the lid of the box. Jenny then got the bottom view of a strip tease that lasted a couple of minutes while feather boas and then bikini tops and bottoms were slowly discarded to the floor. And then when she was completely naked, she squatted down over the funnel. Jenny first realized the show girl was peeing. It took a moment later to realize that the pee was dripping out the bottom of the funnel and right into her breathing tube!
"Eew, gross," was her first thought. Her second thought was "Ah, no, stop!" which she also mumbled to little effect into the tube. She pushed up on the lid of the box with her hands and legs as best as she could with no leverage, but as expected the padlock held. She covered the opening of the tube with her tongue which was quickly greeted by the acrid taste of the show girl's urine, but she realized this was blocking the air and let the golden juice into her mouth. The whole situation was making her slightly ill but she resolved not to swallow it. There was probably only 45 minutes left and it wouldn't be easy but she could try to hold it in her mouth until the show was over.
But at that point, the show girl left the stage, and yet another show girl came on, this one holding a bottle of what looked like iced tea. She gulped it down in one big quaff, and then climbed up and performed another strip tease, and then peed into the funnel her own self. And then yet another show girl came and did the same thing. And this time there was too much urine in Jenny's mouth and she had to swallow it down to be able to keep breathing. When she did this, she could dimly hear wild cheering from the crowd and the show girl gave a little curtsy, and blew a kiss towards Jenny, whose cheeks were burning red and wishing she could go home.
Then Jenny watched helplessly as another show girl strutted across the stage, but this one picked up the funnel to Jenny's relief. Then she affixed a hard plastic circle onto the top of the box, and then slid open a panel under the circle, and walked away. Jenny stuck her hand through the hole, and sure enough, she could stick either arm up out of the box, but the circle prevented the water from leaking out or her from getting air some other way. And then another show girl, carrying a sign of some sort, walked towards the stage. When she reached the box, the show girl looked meaningfully at Jenny and showed her the sign which read, "Take of your bra and hand it to me, please". Jenny shook her head, as violently as the breathing tube would allow, no. The show girl shrugged, and produced a cork from her cleavage, and pushed it tightly into the top of the breathing tube.
Jenny watched saucer-eyed as the show girl walked away, and handed the sign to another show girl, who walked over, and again looked meaningfully, almost pleadingly at Jenny, and pointed to the sign. Jenny shook her head no again, but with less confidence. As the second show girl walked away, the voice over the speaker told her, "The girl who went to the hospital I told you about actually ended up in the morgue. Think carefully."
Now Jenny was scared, and she kicked and hit at the walls of the box, but they would not budge. She could put her hand outside the box, but it couldn't reach anywhere near the tube or the padlock. Already she was starting to run out of air but she didn't want to give in so easily. A third and a fourth show girl showed her the sign, with increasingly pleading looks on their faces.
As the fifth show girl came by, Jenny realized she had no choice and slowly, reluctantly, put her hand to the knot holding the bra together in front, easily pulled it loose. She managed to maneuver one arm to cover her breasts without revealing more than the briefest flash while the other arm pushed the bra out the top of the box. The show girl took it, brandishing it over her head like a trophy to great cheering, pulled the cork out of the tube and walked off.
While Jenny was furiously gasping in air another show girl walked in with a new sign. "You're almost done, but first we need your bikini bottoms." Jenny's resistance was gone now, and she resignedly reached down and pulled the knots of the bottoms loose, and again handed them outside the box. There was a brief moment where the whole world got to see her well trimmed bush while she pushed the bottoms out of the box to the show girl, but she quickly brought her free hand down to cover that as well, leaving nothing but her hands, clear water, and clear acrylic between her naked body and the lusty crowd.
Unsurprisingly another show girl appeared. This one reached up above the box and acquired a pair of handcuffs attached to a chain far overhead. She pulled them down and lowered them into the box through the circular hole. Jenny futilely shook her head again, but when the show girl pulled out the cork and showed it to her, Jenny quickly submitted. She knew that handcuffs could be set loose and so she planned to cheat, but her plan came to naught when she realized there was only one setting – perfectly sized for her wrists.
Then one last show girl appeared and with great drama, produced the key to the padlock, and opened the lid. Jenny sat up as quickly as she could, and forgetting briefly about her modesty, awkwardly pulled the breathing tube and the strap over her head with her bound hands, at long last gasping at clean air. Two show girls stood on either side of the box, offering Jenny to the audience, which cheered wildly. Jenny glared at the show girls, at the audience, off stage, and was about to start yelling when she felt a tug on her wrists. They were being pulled slowly up as the chain from the ceiling retracted somehow.
She stood up which restored slack to the chain and gave her hands semi-freedom in front of her. "You can't do this to me! Let me go!" she screamed, but it was drowned out by the loud applause from the audience. She was about to let loose with another round of cursing when she felt her arms being tugged up again. She fought against it, but inexorably her hands were pulled up over her head until she was standing on tip toes, totally exposed to the audience she could barely see.
The emcee came out with a row of show girls, who all did big elaborate bows, while the emcee asked the crowd for "a big hand for our girls and especially our brand new star, Jennifer!" Jenny was instead wishing she could flee and then die.
Jenny was forced to stand there naked while all the show girls left the stage and the lights went down. At last she could see the audience which was indeed full of men, many of whom were taking pictures of her while she hung. Slowly the men started filing out of the auditorium when she spotted her friend Angie wide-eyed in the corner of the seats. When the last guest other than Angie had left, the handcuffs finally started to be lowered and then when they were about head level the wrist cuffs popped open and Jenny's arms fell out.
Angie came out onto the stage and said, "Wow, that was an amazing show."
"I didn't know about any of it!" Jenny said, starting to cry.
"Oh," said Angie, hugging Jenny as to comfort her. After a bit she suggested they go to get dressed.
Back in the dressing room, Jenny had another shock. The string bikini was back on the mannequin with the shoes, but her clothes were gone. Angie got mad and went out looking for someone to yell at, but Jenny meekly put the still wet bikini and the shoes on and sat down on the stool, resigned to her fate.
A few minutes later Angie was back, "There's nobody around, where did they all go?"
"It doesn't matter, let's go," Jenny said dejectedly.
"But what about your clothes? What about what happened? We should call the police."
"That's okay. Thanks for caring, but I just want to go home, okay?" said Jenny and walked out the door.