Author's Note: First part of a saga. I got started and it kept going, and going, and going. . . I wanted to post what I have so far to get some feed back. Let me what you think of it so far.
Part One
Steve hated getting called into work on his day off. He was hoping to spend the day with Max his current partner and pet. Steve was a K9 officer with the local county sheriff and Max was his latest partner. Steve's previous dog had to be retired after biting the throat of a worthless drug dealer. Steve was back at duty at the international airport. Although Steve and Max usually spent most of their time sniffing around in the cargo section, the K9 unit was occasionally supposed to come upstairs and patrol the incoming passengers of international flights. So Steve and Max spent the majority of their time this morning walking up and down the lines of people waiting to go through customs. If Max would show an interest in someone, Steve would signal the customs agent and they would scrutinize things much tighter and conduct a physical search of their baggage. It rarely happened, but the system worked pretty well. Max had never had a false hit so far and was really subtle in marking someone.
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The customs agents for the most part are male with only a couple a females assigned to the outfit. One of the females was recently bed-ridden with her first child leaving the customs team shorthanded when it came to female agents. This had not posed a problem so far since the only time you needed to have two females was to conduct a full body cavity search of a female suspect. It had been over 9 months since they performed a cavity search on anyone. So management wasn't really concerned about the short fall. The remaining female on the team was Sharon aka "The Ice Queen".
Sharon hardly wore any makeup and almost always had her shoulder blade length auburn hair in a ponytail or bun. She purposefully made herself plain looking. She was still pretty and was unsuccessful in hiding her curvy ass and well rounded tits. The guys around the office had a pool on her measurements. So far no one had been able to verify them. She was a tough and vicious to the other agents. She expected a lot of herself and it seemed her slacking coworkers never measured up to her standards. Steve remembered when one of the new TSA guys, who had been egged on by the older guys, pushed Sharon too far. Sharon responded by sultrily walking up to him and them grabbing his balls and crushing them leaving the poor sap crying on the floor in pain. She then threatened the older guys who were watching with the same and sexual harassment lawsuit to boot. The managing senior agent didn't like her attitude and constant complaints. Needless to say she was left alone and frequently got the crap assignments. Currently she was assigned to the guard desk in the cargo area alone. She didn't like it, but it did limit contact with the 'pigs' and she knew if she made too many waves she would end up with an even worse assignment.
Steve got to know another side of Sharon because she had a soft spot for Max. Since Steve was a Sheriff's deputy, it allowed him to separate himself from the others that she worked with and their stigma of being chauvinist pigs. Only when they were working together alone in the cargo warehouse, frequently walking the aisles while Max hunted for drugs, did Sharon let down her guard and be herself. During their time together they had developed a good friendship.
It was break time and Steve needed some coffee. He had spent the last couple hours dealing with people coming in from all over. The last flight came in from Rio. Steve and Max headed for the break room walking past the customs line for airline crews. The crews got preferential treatment and tended to have less scrutiny since a lot of them were regulars. Steve recognized the flight crew, but not the attendants. Two young ladies were coming up much later than the rest. "Pit Stop." Steve thought. He smiled and said hi as the walked by and then stopped and watched them catch up to the rest of the group.
He noticed something was off. He couldn't put his finger on it. It was just not right. It was then that he felt a tug on the leash. Max was already headed back towards the two attendants. Max sensed it too. Steve and Max walked back over to them. Steve cued Max to "hunt". Max made a bee line for the dark haired attendant on the left and stuck his nose right up the back of her relatively short skit. The attendant jumped and yelped as she felt his cold nose hit her thigh.
"Whoa, Max! Be nice." Steve said as he pulled Max into heel position. "Sorry about that; he has never done anything like that before. I have only had him a month. Please forgive his exuberance." Steve said as he tried to make light of it.
"That's OK. It was just unexpected. We just came in from a long flight and we are beat. No harm done." The offended attendant said as she stepped backwards and away from Max.
Steve noticed she was quite nervous and her co-worker was annoyed, yet leery. "Doesn't smell right." Steve thought. All the commotion caught the attention of the customs agent, Mike, who finished up with the rest of the crew a few minutes before; leaving just these two to process. Steve waved and flagged the attendants and then quickly excused himself from the scene. He and Max ducked into the security office door to watch the monitors on the baggage machine and video of the two passports.
"Something is not right with those two, Ben." Steve said as he joined Ben, the customs agent sitting at the bank of security monitors. They saw Mike load their bags onto the scanning belt and both the attendants bags appeared on the monitors. Then Mike scanned their passports and Ben sent the stall signal. The first bag looked normal. It like all the junk a woman would carry. Same with second bag yet a couple things look out of place however. Ben sent Mike the "thorough search" signal.
Mike asked the ladies if they would step in to a screening room stating that they had drawn the unlucky straws of the random search regulations. They complained and tried to cajole Mike to let it slide but, he was firm and asked them to step into the screening room. Mike said someone would be right with them and then excused himself into the security office with their bags. If the women tried to leave they would have found themselves locked in.
The three men and a dog, searched their way through the bags. It was pretty normal girl stuff. Except a black velvety cinch bag that was about five by twelve inches long. It was full of stuff and Ben pulled it open and emptied the contents onto the table.
"Damn! Would you look at that!" Ben exclaimed bringing the other guys attention to the pile of items as he spread them out. There on the table lay a set of bondage cuffs and leather collar, a good size dildo, a silver vibrator, several smaller bullet vibrators, a short paddle, nipple clamps, a blindfold, and a ball gag. The guys just stared at the items. There was also some bondage tape, rope and what they thought was a dildo harness. Also there was a small box containing electronic parts with batteries attached. After closer examination, it appeared to be the inside of a vibrator or something.
"The only thing missing here is a butt plug and you got the makings of a real naughty time!" Mike said sarcastically.
That was IT! Steve realized what was off. The flight attendant was walking slightly funny; like she had something up her butt!
"Max knows where it is." Steve said.
"But why did he react the way he did?" Mike asked.
"I am not sure, but I think we are going to have to do full body cavity searches on those two. Max showed positive for drugs. I would bet money there are drugs in one of those asses or pussies, boys. Looks like we are going to have to get Sharon up here." Steve said.
"Oh no, she is not going to like this. She doesn't have a 2nd female to witness the search." Ben whined.
"Just get her up here. Let me do the talking and maybe we can make this end quickly. I really don't want to spend the next several hours dealing with this; let alone the mountain of paperwork it will cause if Max is right." Steve replied.
Mike called Sharon on the phone while Steve called in the suspect's names and requested any records the county might be able to come up with. Steve met Sharon in the hallway and gave her the rundown on the situation. Steve was a little surprised at her eagerness and excitement about it. They discussed how to handle the 2nd witness situation and they came up with Steve staying in the room but a 5' cloth screen separating them that would limit his vision. It would still wasn't the letter of the law, but they thought it was the best they could do under the circumstances. The alternative was to take the two attendants downtown to the county jail and that was more work and a major embarrassment if they were wrong. Steve hoped they were wrong. These two were cute and he might get lucky.
First thing they did was move the two ladies into separate rooms. The most suspicious was the jumpy one that Max got frisky with. They reviewed her passport records. Her name was Heather Jones; Age 23 and from the number of stamps, fairly new to the international flights, if not new to the airlines. Steve observed her on the monitor. She was pacing in the room, quite shaken and nervous. She was five foot six and was very nicely filled out. Probably a D cup from Steve's observation and a nice round ass with long legs that looked very hot in the hose and high heels. She was very pretty in the face with flowing dark mahogany hair falling past shoulders.
"Very pretty." Sharon smirked "Are you sure it was Max that signaled and not your dick, Steve?" She loved giving the boys a hard time. Steve knew she was just playing with him.
"Let's get this over with." Steve said as he held the door for her to move into the screening room.
Steve and Max sat in the corner and Sharon stretched out the screen. She explained to Heather the situation about the drugs being detected and that she was about to be strip searched along with a body cavity inspection until they were found. "Odd word choice" Steve thought but said nothing. Heather went crazy. She started scream they had no right to do this to her, blah, blah, blah. When she ran out of steam she sat down and began crying her eyes out. Sharon looked at Steve with a questioning look, but he motioned for her to continue.
"Remove your clothing, Miss Jones, or I will be forced to remove it for you." Sharon said with a level of authority that Steve had never seen from her before. It was a major shift but Sharon seemed to enjoy it and it fit her naturally.
"Yes, ma'am." responded Heather as she capitulated as Steve wondered about his friend's shift in behavior. She had always been an icy bitch to the boys, but polite and respectful of others she interacted with. Heather removed her flight attendant uniform and hung it over the screen. Steve pulled each piece down and placed them on the table off to the side and in doing so passed them in front of Max giving him time to sniff each item. He didn't indicate the drugs were in the uniform. Heather had stalled at her undergarments and Sharon was looking to Steve for direction. He nodded.
"Everything, Miss Jones. Don't make me ask you again!" Sharon barked.
Steve was able to see through the crack in the fabric screen noting that Heather had on a push up bra and matching panties under her pantyhose. Heather turned away towards the wall as she removed her bra. She then let out a big sigh and slowly lowered her hose and panties to the floor. Sharon moved slightly to her left so she had a better angle on Heather ass. As Heather stood up, Sharon jumped forward and pushed her up against the wall.
"Freeze! What did I see hanging out of your asshole?! Hands against the wall and spread your legs!"
"Please! It's nothing. Just a plug. It is nothing to harm anyone!" Heather responded fearfully.
"Keep your hands on the wall and bend over, bitch!" Sharon demanded. Steve was surprised at this behavior but didn't let it show on his face.
"Yes Mistr – Ma'am" Heather replied.
With Heather bent over at about 65 degrees sticking her ass out, Sharon placed her left hand firmly on her back and kicked Heather's legs wider apart stretching her panties around her ankles to the full extent of the elastic band. She then reached down with her right hand and slowly pulled the plug out with a low popping sound.
They were both a little surprised at the long moan Heather emitted as it came out. Sharon held it out to Steve who stood up and enjoyed an eyeful of this hot airline attendant with her panties around her ankles and her fine ass that looks like it was begging to be spanked.
Steve tore his eyes off that beautiful backside and glancing at the plug he understood why all the moaning. It was fairly long and ribbed with molded stop to allow for a somewhat comfortable fit with it in hiding between the butt cheeks. He also noticed a circular cap at the center of the stop. Steve passed it in front of Max who did indicate drugs here. He put it down on the table and turned back to see Sharon once again with her left hand holding Heather against the wall and her right hand now between Heather's legs working her pussy lips open.
"My, my, my you are really enjoying this aren't you bitch. One would think you had been in this sort of situation before, slut." Sharon teased as she found Heather's pussy quite wet when she began her search of her vaginal cavity.
All Heather did was moan passionately. Steve noticed Sharon's gloved hand was covered in juices and she was taking her time "inspecting" Heather. Steve was seeing a new side of Sharon. By now, Sharon had bent down and moved her left hand to Heather's ass with her thumb up her hole and her whole right hand was up inside Heather pussy. Heather was still bent over at the waist with her hands on the wall but she was beginning to gyrate her hips with the invasion of her pussy. Steve was about to say something to Sharon about her aggressiveness when she pulled out what looked like a vibrating egg holding it by the antenna.
"Well, well, looky what I found. Amazing what you got stashed away in there." Sharon teased as she handed the egg to Steve. She reached back down and searched some more. Then Sharon teased Heather's clit and slit and made her moan and pant heavily. Sharon brought her very close to an orgasm and then stopped abruptly.
"No more fun for you, bitch. Now sit down in that chair and don't speak." Sharon ordered as she pushed Heather towards a chair a few feet from the corner facing the wall. Heather dutifully obeyed and slumped down crying silently.
Steve had taken the egg to the table and Max again indicated drugs. He examined the egg realizing that it unscrewed and found a small packet of white powder where the vibrating mechanism should be located. He then pulled out his pocket knife and popped the cap off the base of the butt plug revealing another packet where a bullet vibrator is supposed to go.
"Damn. I thought I had seen it all." Steve whispered to Sharon when she walked over to the table. He noticed she was flushed and excited. He chose to keep his thoughts to himself, but he suspected that Sharon was a closet lesbian and dominant at that.
They also looked through Heather's purse but didn't find anything unusual there except another bullet vibrator. When they completed their search Steve glanced at Heather. She was still sitting in the chair naked with her panties and hose around her ankles. She had her face buried in her hands. They didn't have any jump suits or anything for Heather to put on, so Steve went and grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for her out of her suitcase. Turns out they were too tight and too short. The view didn't help Steve's focus at all.
Then they swapped rooms. Sharon took Heather though one set of doors and Steve went to get the other flight attendant and put her in the screening room. The other attendant was Wendy Barton, age 24, 5'7" according to her passport. According to Steve's observation, she was the embodiment of a statuesque blonde beauty. Glamorous and bitchy all rolled into one. Smoking hot and she knows it and uses it to get what she wants. She is a little taller than Heather and not a busty but pretty close. Even more beautiful though. Steve had been informing her of the situation and what was about to happen but she kept demanding they release her, they have not right to hold her, etc, etc. This time Sharon is already sour.
"Strip!" Sharon demands.
"HELL, no!" Wendy replies.
"Fine, we will do it the hard way. Steve, make a note the subject refused." Sharon calmly responds. Then swiftly grabs Wendy by the wrist, spins her around and cuffs her. Sharon then pushes her against the wall and knocks her to her knees. She then reaches around the front of Wendy's jacket and blouse and rips then open and down over her arms pinning them back even more. She then pops the button on her skirt and shoves it down. Wendy was too stunned to voice any objections. Things were going too fast. After picking Wendy up off her knees, Sharon spins her around and pops the catch on the bra that is straining to contain an excellent pair of tits. Steve was really having a hard time focusing. Sharon pushed Wendy in front of her and over to the far end of the table and forced her to bend over onto it smashing her tits and the side of her face into the table. As Wendy comes to her senses she sees at the other end of the table are the items that have been removed from her friend and fear crosses her face and her voice fails her. Wendy's fighting spirit dies in the face of the truth. Sharon removed Wendy's skirt in a flash dropping it on the floor.
Only then does Sharon pause for a moment and Steve realizes that Wendy's long legs are encased in black thigh high stockings attached to a leather garter belt and no panties. Sharon pops on another nitrile glove.
"Now let's see what this one has hiding." Sharon says sadistically.
After a significant amount of probing, not to mention screaming and whining from Wendy, Sharon determines nothing in the anal cavity. After threatening to get the gag that was in the suitcase and use it on Wendy if she didn't keep it quiet, Sharon begins her assault on Wendy's pussy.
Steve had tried to maintain some sort of decency by focusing on Wendy's facial expressions and not ogling her tight ass and stocking clad legs or the aggressive actions of Sharon. He did position himself behind the screen, but then thought better of it as he watched Sharon shove her whole hand up into that pussy for a thorough inspection. The fact that she frequently pulled her arm back and forth was purely coincidental. Just as Wendy's cries of pain and discomfort were turning into moans of pleasure Sharon popped her fist out holding another item. As Sharon handed it over to Steve he realized it was another egg but this time without a cord. Steve wondered how quickly Sharon had found it and then pumped the pussy for the pleasure of it.
It too revealed some drugs, pills this time. Sharon grabbed Wendy by the hair and the wad of clothing around the handcuffs and yanked her up off the table and marched her across the room and forced her to stand with her feet together and her tits and face pressed into the corner of the room.
"Shut up and don't move bitch! OR I will have to get nasty." Sharon barked.
Steve looked over at the pile of stuff on the table assessing what they had uncovered. It wasn't major. Maybe a couple of ounces of cocaine and after checking his pill reference he identified the pills as some form of GHB, a strong hypnotic and sedative that didn't carry some of negative side effects of the common date rape drugs on the market. Steve told Sharon to get Wendy some clothes and take her down the back stairs into the cargo area and secure her in one of the fenced in holding areas and secure her. He needed some time to gather some more information.
Steve watched Sharon leave as his mind wondered where all of this uncharacteristic behavior was coming from. Steve also went through Wendy's purse. He found a remote for what he thought was one of the vibrators in the other room along with a significant amount of cash. All of this left Steve wondering what these two lovely ladies were up to. He slid the table out and placed a chair on either side of it. He neatly laid out the evidence they had found preparing to have a little talk with Heather.
He suddenly realized he still hadn't had his coffee. He saw Max was comfortably lounging in the corner. As he thought back over the past hour, it seemed much longer, the reality of the situation hit Steve. It looked like he found a couple of girls who like to play rough and brought along some toys and chemicals to enhance the game. Maybe. He needed more information. Unfortunately, the searches were not strictly by the book and Sharon's behavior was way out of line, but with any luck Steve could get the girls to cough up the real story and confess so maybe this wouldn't ruin the rest of his extended weekend.
Steve went into the security office to check on things. From the monitors, he could tell Heather was still crying but the noise had stopped. He checked his email and saw that the girls had no records. He grabbed the hand cuffs from the suitcase and confirmed they were police level issue and his key fit. He then walked into the room and handcuffed Heather's hands behind her back and informed her he was arresting her for drug possession and trafficking and that was for starters.
He led Heather into the screening room and had her sit down with her arms behind the back of the chair forcing her shoulders back and really emphasizing those big tits of hers. In front of her was the evidence they had recovered during their searches.
"You are in a lot of trouble, Heather. From what I can tell, you are in deep; real deep. You are looking at 10-15 years in maximum security, girl. Your best bet is come clean and tell me the whole story and don't jerk me around." Steve began. "I want the truth from the beginning. Otherwise your life as you know it is over. The DA will hang you out to dry."
"Oh no, please no. This can't be happening. I can't go to jail. If I lose this job I lose everything." Heather cried as she broke down into sobs.
Steve, feeling a little sorry for her, replied. "Tell me the story and let me see what I can do."
Steve really looked at her for the first time. Her hair had escaped the pins and clips and was now a mess, her makeup was smeared and mascara streaks down her face. She looked pathetic, vulnerable and damn hot in that tight t-shirt and shorts.
Heather wove a tale of as a rebellious teen she had gotten caught up into the wrong crowd and living really hard. Binge drinking, drugs, casual sex, just about everything your Momma warned you to stay away from. One morning she woke up and found herself tied spread eagle to a bed and gagged in a cheap motel covered in cum. Her whole body hurt. She had been gang banged by the visiting college's football team. The maids found her and let her loose but she had bolted before hotel security arrived. Turned out her so called boyfriend lost a bet and she was the price. It made her stop and evaluate her life and where she was headed if she continued down this path. She got herself cleaned up and borrowed money for drug and alcohol rehab. She had one problem. She still craved the wild and kinky sex. Six months out of rehab and working at a store clerk struggling to make ends meet, she ran into an old party friend of hers who convinced her to come out a play for just one night. Her promised herself to stay sober and straight, but gave in to the sex. Her friend liked it rough. Heather's price this time was a backside full of bruises and getting knocked up. She gave up the kid for adoption and eventually landed this job with the airline. Nobody knew about her past since most of it was sealed in the juvenile court system. She had worked very hard to bury the past. Except for the desire to be used and treated like a whore; it wouldn't fade.
It was her suitcase that had all the toys in it. She had turned to self bondage and toys to fill the need that was burning inside her. It wasn't the same, but it sated the desire for a short time. Her fear of being found out and losing her job kept her from seeking out other avenues to fulfill these desires. She knew she wanted more, but wasn't willing to risk her job and falling back into her old ways. That pain was still fresh in her mind and she used it to keep herself in check. Then one day someone found out her secret.
Up until recently the airline had paid for the flight crews' rooms at a hotel and then paid the crew members a small per diem for their meals. That changed with the last union contract and the now got $150 a day per diem and they had to pay for their rooms too. They could make their own arrangements if they wanted to or use the airlines contract with the regular hotel chain. In an effort to save money she asked Wendy to room with her during a layover. It was only the second time they had worked together and Heather was still trying to dig herself out of the debt she got into while she was trying get clean. Wendy had reluctantly agreed after numerous pleadings. Heather tried to hide her dark side but one day Wendy went through her bag found the stuff while Heather was in the shower. Wendy took Heather out on the town that night and pushed drinks into her. Apparently Heather ended up telling Wendy all about her dark desires in a drunken stupor. At first Wendy was fascinated by the all the stuff. It was all a new experience with her.
From what Heather knew, Wendy had grown up a single child of a wealthy family that spoiled her. Wendy was used to getting her way. She learned to manipulate people for an early age. That is how she got the job of team lead with the airline at such a young age. Normally it took 5-7 years and she got it in 3. Wendy used Heather's secret to get what she wanted from her.
They started with Wendy just watching Heather do self bondage. Heather got off on someone watching. Wendy started directing and then soon took over. After two months, Wendy got moved up to this international circuit run which paid more and Heather was left behind on old run, separating them and leaving them both unsatisfied. It took a few months but Wendy had be able to get Heather moved to her crew. This circuit was the first time they had made it together. Apparently Wendy had been scheming about what she was going to do with her friend for some time now.
It was their layover in Rio when Wendy pushed Heather to go buy the drugs. It was just so easy to get there. But they got called back to the airport early before they had chance to get started. There was some problem with the paperwork and by the time they got everything straightened out, it was time to show up for their flight out of Rio. Wendy had been adamant about saving the drugs for later so she improvised the storage of them. She knew how lax security was for the flight crews and didn't expect any trouble. Wendy was in control and was giddy with the thrill of the game. The fun began even before they left the plane.
Just after the last customers out the door, Wendy sent Heather to do the final walk through and dismissed the rest of the attendants. Wendy caught up with her at the last row of the plane and pushed her into the back galley. Wendy told Heather she was ready to play and had been planning and waiting for this weekend furlough for several months. They weren't scheduled to fly out again until Monday morning so this gave them a long weekend to play. Wendy made Heather drop her skirt, pantyhose and panties then bend over and grab her ankles. Wendy then inserted the egg and plug and then allowed Heather to dress as the cleaning crew was working their way through the plane back to them. They both got a rush from the thought of getting caught. Heather was still tucking in her shirt when the crew came through the curtain. She quickly grabbed her jacket and excused herself following Wendy off the airplane. She had trouble adjusting to the plug and was getting the hang of it when they walked past Steve and Max in the hallway. The rest Steve knew.
"Where did the pills come from?" Steve asked.
"The dealer in Rio. He said something about a bonus for such a pretty customer. I am not sure what he meant. It was weird seeing him sitting in the lobby when we checked out though." Heather replied.
Steve had been watching her and listening closely. He was able to determine from her story that they both had been up for nearly 30 hours now and hadn't really eaten much in that time. She was emotionally and physically exhausted. He didn't think she was lying at all. She appeared relieved to tell the whole story and admit her secrets. Steve slid a notepad and a pencil over to her. Then walked around behind her and undid her cuffs then recuffed her hands in front.
"You will write out a statement detailing the facts about the drug buy and how you transported it here. Stick with the facts. I will be back in a little while." Steve ordered.
Steve went back to the security room and asked Ben to watch Heather and give her some water. He then headed down to the cargo area chat with Wendy.
Steve found Sharon at the guard station to the cargo area. Turns out she felt leaving Wendy alone and scared would help soften her up.
"Play tough with the bitch and don't take any of her shit. Put her in her place and she will cave and give you everything you need." Sharon offered. "And don't get distracted by her body." She cautioned as she handed over the keys.
Steve scowled at her and stared at her until she dropped her gaze. Sharon realized she might have taken too much liberty and her advice was unwelcome. She hoped she hadn't gotten too carried away.
Steve walked down the dark aisle to the last "cage" in the row. The warehouse was basically a bunch of chain link fenced cages to house cargo that comes in. Some were big enough to hold the big cargo containers used by FedEx and the like, others were smaller. There wasn't a whole lot of stuff in the cages since people shipping cargo by air want it released quickly. Only if it got flagged did it end up here.
Steve found Wendy seated in the chair sitting upright with her head hung low. Sharon left Wendy handcuffed with her arms over the back of the chair and the chain between to cuffs on a hook in the back of the chair that prevented the captive from standing up or even leaning forward. Sharon had even strapped her ankles to the outside of the legs of the chair so Wendy was pretty well immobilized. Sharon also forgot about giving her any clothes. Her uniform was piled up in the corner. She still had on her stockings though. Steve was going to have to have a talk with Sharon when this was all over. As Steve opened the gate, she raised her head looking very nervous. She looked even worse than Heather. It seemed the dominant bitch that walked off the plane a few hours earlier had been beaten and now was totally humiliated and defeated. Wendy wasn't as strong as she thought she was. Steve took a bottle of water and raised it to her lips and let her drink about half of it. He then threw it to the corner and grabbed her jaw with his hand and forced her to look him in the eyes.
"You are going to tell me the whole about all of this and now. You are in so deep I don't know when you are going to come up for air. With what I have on you, I can lock up and throw away the key. You will get a mandatory 10 year sentence for drugs and since you crossed the border with it that is an automatic 5 year extension and at the hard core facility for the rest of your kind. I doubt you would last 6 hours before you became somebody's bitch. Am I making myself clear?" Steve delivered calmly with power and full of authority.
"Yes, Sir." Wendy replied dolefully.
"Good. Now start from the top." Steve ordered as he sat down backwards in a chair he pulled over from the corner. He was invading her comfort zone by sitting less than a foot away from her.
Wendy started her version of the story when she got promoted to the international flight circuit. Her flight crew flew from London, to Rio, to here, to New York and back to London. She was quite proud of herself for "earning" the position of Team Lead early. She used her charms and some innuendo with the appropriate people to get the necessary strings pulled.
Wendy had been intrigued with Heather and her "addiction". The kinky side of sex was new and fascinating to Wendy. It took a little time to get Heather moved onto her new team. While Wendy was waiting, she did some research on the internet and decided she was going to be a dominatrix to Heather's submissiveness. The drug buy was a way of getting Heather proving her commitment to Wendy. She had a number of plans for the night in Rio that was spoiled and was planning to make up for it now during their longer layover.
Wendy was definitely focused on herself. She told a different version of what happened on the plane. Wendy said that Heather was begged her to put the toys in before they left the plane. She said Heather wanted to get a thrill from knowing the toys were inside her while she went through customs and then to hotel. Wendy made it to sound like Heather was pushing Wendy to dominate her and Wendy reluctantly agreed. Steve obviously saw the holes in her story as Wendy tried to paint herself in the best light possible. But she slipped up a couple times and revealed the true nature of her thoughts and plans.
Steve had pretty much the full picture except for a few details. Steve waited a couple minutes to make sure Wendy was done and then asked his only unanswered question.
"Tell me about the money." Steve said.
Wendy looked up puzzled at first, and then shocked and finally she sheepishly replied "I got it from selling my engagement ring. See there is this older guy back home that I have been leading on. He is nice and all but I don't respect him so I can't love him. He popped the question the night before I left for Rio. I needed the money because I bought a new Mercedes when I got promoted and have fallen behind in the payments. See, My Mom recently filed for divorce and that has tied up my supply of funds from my Daddy up in court until they settle things. Without Daddy's support, I got a few months behind. I hid the car in a friend's garage in the country so it wouldn't get repossessed while I am out of the country. I saw an opportunity to use the extra cash to make up the back payments. I figure I have already milked all I can out of him and was planning to dump him when I got back." She hung her head in shame as she admitted her selfishness.
She really was a cold hearted bitch. Someone needed to teach her some major life lessons and knock her down a several pegs. Steve was beginning to despise this woman.
"Well I don't see any way out of this for you. You are going to lose everything." Steve said as he stood up to leave.
"Oh PLEASE, let us go. I promise we will never do anything like this again. I can't go to jail. I will be ruined!"
Steve got in face once again and smugly replied "That's right. You have really fucked up this time. Nobody is going to bail you out. You are going to lose your job, your stupid car, your so called friends, and your precious status. Your parents will definitely disown you. You will be tainted goods. No one will want you. All because of you were selfish and stupid."
"Please I will do anything you want. You can take the money. I will even . . . sleep with you. I will do anything you want. Please, please don't let this ruin me." Wendy begged.
Steve looked her straight in the eyes for a long time. He believed her. He then turned and walked out of the cage with out saying another word. Wendy continued to plead with him until he was out of sight. Wendy hung her head and cried.
Steve turned the corner out of sight and stopped and leaned up against the wall. His cock was straining in his pants. It was incredibly difficult to focus on Wendy's face and story when she was talking. His brain was replaying the image of her sitting their restrained naked and helpless, begging to be freed; willing to do anything he wanted. It was very tempting.
Steve wasn't new to the whole BDSM experience. One of his past girlfriends was a submissive and they had played some. He had done a lot of research and found out the things he enjoyed as well as other things that he thought was just crazy. It was a lot of fun and thrilling for Steve being the dominant and forcing his girlfriend to do his bidding. He enjoyed the control and power he got from it. He liked the bondage and ability to make his girlfriend beg to be fucked and have permission to cum. But, his girlfriend had wanted more that he was willing to give. Steve thought she was definitely twisted. She wanted to be beaten black and blue, and treated extremely harsh. It was too much for Steve. Steve learned later that found a hard core guy and he pushed her beyond the physical limits of the human body. Steve enjoyed being a Master, but didn't like to beat someone. Punishment was needed, but not physically damaging.
Sharon was frustrated, embarrassed and extremely horny. She had lost her self control during the searches. She ripped up a part of her past she had buried several years ago. That was unacceptable. But it felt so good! She hoped that Steve didn't notice how much she enjoyed that experience. Those two women were so hot. It was hard for her to keep her hands from wandering over their bodies and just focus on the task of performing the search. She smiled at the memory of her torturing that first one, Miss Jones. She would love to get her alone for an hour or two. Oh, the fun Sharon could have spanking that blonde's tight ass. Sharon caught herself rubbing her nipples through her uniform and quickly stopped. There was a video camera monitoring her area. It was a wide angle lens to capture the whole area but she didn't want to give the other officers anything to talk about. She sat up at the guard station and accessed the camera recordings and watched the replay of the searches and eased her hand down under the desk between her legs and rubbed her pussy through her pants. All that did was to make her want release even more. She just had to get some relief now. She quickly made a copy of the search videos and then grabbed her personal laptop and headed out to find some relief.
Steve leaned against the wall for a long time; his mind was struggling with what do. These girls didn't deserve to go to jail for being horny and stupid. They did need to be punished however. The problem was how to do what he dick wanted him to do, give the girls what they deserved, and not get caught and it up blowing up in his face. He didn't want to do jail time over this. His mind raced with answers to the new questions that were filling his mind. Soon the question had become "How can I" as opposed to "Should I". The devil is in the details. He had figured out generally how to pull most of it off. The rest would have to be resolved on the fly. It would take a little luck and some help. Steve moved quickly down the hall once he had decided the reward was worth the risk. He needed to talk with Sharon.
Steve was on his way to the guard station when he heard moaning behind a row of boxes. He paused and quietly walked around the end and peeked around the corner. DAMN!
There was Sharon with her uniform shirt mostly unbuttoned and her bra cups pushed back as her left hand groped and played with her right tit and nipple. Her pants and underwear were down around her ankles as she sat on the edge of a box with her right hand playing her pussy like a virtuoso. He just stood there dumbfounded as her hand slid up and down her slit teasing her clit. Occasionally she would slip her fingers in deep. He heard talking. He leaned a little farther and realized she was watching something on her laptop. He watched her excitement building towards her desired release. He shook off his initial shock and smiled devilishly. He could tell she was close, really close. After a few more seconds and increasing moaning . . .
"SHARON!" Steve bellowed. "What the hell are you doing?" as he quickly stepped around the corner looking menacing. Sharon jumped with surprise and fell of the box onto the floor. Her skin flushed even more deeply with humiliation. She tried to come up with some excuse as recovered but all she did was stammer.
"Stand up!" Steve barked again. Sharon quickly stood up and started pulling her shirt closed and reaching down trying to pull up her pants.
"I said stand up, not cover up!" Steve barked even louder.
Sharon stopped and immediately 'locked up' into the attention position that had been ingrained in her during her military training. Steve just glared at her. Sharon's humiliation and fear grew with each passing second. She was terrified to talk, even breathe. Here she was standing half naked with her pants and underwear around her ankles and her shirt open with her tits hanging out of her bra. Not only had she sexually abused two suspects; now she was caught masturbating while watching the video of it. Previously she knew she crossed the line but now she had blown any chance of saving her job. She could even be brought up on criminal charges. She felt her life slipping away and the flow of juices down her legs. Not to mention the frustration of not reaching her orgasm.
After what felt like an eternity, Steve broke the thick cloud of silence; "I will deal with you later." Steve said evenly. Pausing a moment, he continued "You will to go up and get Miss Jones and bring her down here immediately. Do it quietly. No more goofing off. Now pull yourself together and be quick about it." Steve said sternly.
"Sorry, sir. Yes sir, right away." Sharon responded.
Steve spun on his heels and headed back to guard desk. He needed to put his plan into action quickly. A few minutes later Sharon walked quickly by the desk, pausing to stop and say something but the look on Steve's face changed her mind. She quickly left to follow his orders. Steve grabbed a pad of paper and made a list of items needed to be done and equipment he would need. He then wrote a statement he wanted the girls to agree to and terms to accept. He was wrapping it up as Sharon returned with a very subdued Heather.
"Put her in with the other one and remove their restraints and clothing and then lock them in the cage. Return here when you have completed this task." Steve ordered. He returned to putting the finishing touches on the agreement as Sharon marched Heather away.
Sharon knew Steve was not going to take the official way out. She might be able to save her skin after all. After completing her assigned task she returned. She stopped and stood at attention just off to his right within his peripheral vision. But she didn't speak. Steve knew he had Sharon by the short hairs and would willing participate in his plan. He might even let her cum if she did well.
"Here is your list of orders. I know you will carry them out expertly and without any further . . . disruptions." Steve said as he handed her a piece of paper. Sharon quickly scanned the list and replied "Yes, Sir" returning to the previous position.
"Any questions? Good. Dismissed." Steve stated when Sharon shook her head no. She quickly left again. Steve picked up the other piece of paper and walked back to the captives.
Steve was a little surprised at how quickly and easily this dominant mode returned to him. As Steve he approached the cage he was a little taken back to find the two girls kneeling with their legs spread, their hands behind their backs and faces lowered to the ground facing the locked gate. He opened the gate and stepped in and walked around them twice and the stopped in front of them. He stood with his legs apart the toes of his boots just inches from their faces and folded his hands across his chest. His cock was reawakening.
"Please, sir." Heather began barely raising her head off the floor to speak, "The woman told us if we wanted to have any chance of mercy from you we should present ourselves accordingly."
"Otherwise we will incur your wrath and lose everything we have worked so hard to achieve" Wendy finished. This was playing right into Steve's plan. He might have to show some leniency to Sharon. Steve let this explanation hang in the air for moment and then walked around behind the girls. He spotted a small wet spot beneath Heather. His mind adjusted the plan as he took up a position behind them.
"Kneel up. Keep your arms locked behind you and your heads down" Steve ordered. The girls rose up as directed. "So you want a way out, do you?"
"Yes, Sir!" they replied in unison. "Please, sir!" Heather added.
"My way out is very hard. It will be extremely painful, very demeaning, disgusting, and inordinately arduous." Steve began as he moved around to the front of them grabbing the chair in the corner along the way. "I will keep quiet and do everything in my power to ensure this incident never sees the light of day. You have confessed to crimes for which you will be punished. I will serve as judge and determine that you are properly rehabilitated. But it will only last till your job requires your return." Steve placed the chair in front of them and watched their facial expressions as he came around and sat down in front of them.
"You will do whatever I ask without question or hesitation. Be forewarned; I am a sick twisted freak and will make sure you pay for your crimes in the short time we have." Steve paused here for a moment. "If you accept my offer of mercy, you will consider yourselves my slaves with only one purpose in life . . . To obey me." Steve paused even longer this time to let his words sink into their minds. Neither of them looked up and he could see the fear on their faces as well as the arousal of their bodies.
Steve stood up and lifted her Wendy's chin with his hand forcing her to look into his eyes for several moments. Then he released her and watched her head fall back into the bowed position. Steve stepped over and repeated the same move to Heather finding volumes of communication in their eyes. He recognized fear, desire to serve, contriteness, begging to be taken. He let go of her chin and turned and walked out down the aisle his boots echoing. He left the gate open and disappeared down the darkened aisle of cages. He reached the end and turned down the aisle. He only went about 5 steps and then returned to the corner. He stood in the shadows observing the women. Wondering what they would do. He pulled out his phone to see if the text message had arrived yet.
Heather felt like she was riding a massive emotional rollercoaster. The she was tired, sore, hungry and in significant pain. The concrete was very unforgiving on her knees. But a lifeline of hope had been cast her way to escape this hell hole she had fallen into. It was made of pain and probably ecstasy if she read this new master right. She had already made the decision to accept his offer. She would give everything to make him proud of her. She sat up straighter now. The warmth in her loins grew even more. She would make him very proud indeed.
Wendy's mind was numb. She was completely exhausted; mentally, emotionally, physically. Her whole body hurt. She had come to grips with the reality of her situation. She was buried up to her chin in shit and still sinking. She was too tired to think. Fear gripped her tightly. Earlier the tough ambitious selfish bitch side of her and the scared insecure little girl had waged a war inside her. It was a fierce and mighty battle compounded by the overwhelming pressure of the circumstances and emotions. The bitch lost badly. That persona lay severely wounded curled up in the corner of her mind trying to escape any further beatings of guilt and shame. The little girl had matured in realizing that Wendy could not survive without accepting the offer of the big strong man. She knew she would suffer for past behavior and deserved the punishment he would deliver to her body. But in the pain she would find forgiveness and acceptance. The man . . . her Master . . . cared for her even though she was ugly and weak. He would teach her to be strong again. She was frightened but would obey.
As the pain ebbed through Wendy's body, her mind was confused and afraid. Their Master had left them unattended and unrestrained. The bitchy side of her goaded her to run. Wendy looked around as best she could without raising her head. Wendy noticed that Heather had not moved at all. Heather was breathing easy and deep, almost like she was meditating. Wendy saw no sign of the man and other woman who raped her with her fist. Her insides still ached from that assault.
In barely a whisper without moving, Wendy asked "What do we do?"
"Shh. He is testing us." Heather replied even softer and sternly. "Obey." She added.
Wendy followed her friend's advice and example. She closed her eyes and began to meditate on the Master's words. She was his slave and she must obey him completely.
Sharon was near panic. Steve had shown no sign of mercy or forgiveness. It was only her military training that kept her going, moving forward. She was barely able to keep the fear and doubt at bay. Sharon focused on her duty and assigned tasks. Sharon promptly cleaned and straightened the two rooms they had used leaving no sign of anyone being there. Then she retrieved all of the girls' belongings. The suitcases and handbags were quickly repacked and all of the evidence of their misdeeds collected.
Mike interrupted her and asked what Steve was up to. She started to bite his head off, but thought better of it. She responded in her normal cold calculating manner stating that Steve was taking them downtown for further questioning. She made a comment that Mike could no longer expect to drool over them anymore. Ben had already gone home and had been replaced by Dave, a clueless excuse of an agent. Dave was busy reading a muscle car magazine and only occasionally watching the luggage scanner monitor bank. He didn't even acknowledge Sharon as she collected the stuff from the security room. For once she was glad of her cast iron image.
She also collected Max who had been sleeping in the corner of the security office. It was somewhat of a struggle with all the bags and leading Max down the back corridors and staircases. She knew the taking the elevator would lead to an encounter with people and she didn't want to have to explain what she was doing. Her mind kept pushing her to deal with the emotional turmoil and future uncertainty, but she kept pushing it down. 'Focus, Sharon.' It was difficult to ignore the constant ache in her pussy. Steve had stopped her seconds before she reached what would have been a wonderfully powerful orgasm.
She reached Steve's black suburban parked in the security parking lot. She put all the stuff in the back seat and Max in front. This was Steve's personal vehicle; not his normal police cruiser. She gave Max a treat and then drove the SUV around to small loading dock next to the customs warehouse. She climbed out and typed in a text message as she hurried back to the guard station. She paused at the door to the facility and ran back to the SUV and dug around in the bags and then brought one of the handbags with her as she quickly headed for the guard station. She was running behind schedule.
Steve had been very specific. She made a pit stop at the storage lockers grabbed several items and ran back the guard station. She rounded the corner and with the station in view, drew a sigh of relief. She was over 10 minutes overdue. She expected Steve to be waiting there for her. She didn't want to disappoint him again. She dropped the stuff on the desk and relaxed. Just as she decided to fall into the chair Steve appeared out of the shadows behind her.
"You are late." He said causing her to jump and bit off a scream as she turned around and assumed the position of attention.
"My apologies, sir. I took me longer than you had anticipated. No excuses, sir. I will do better in the future." Sharon replied sheepishly.
"Did you complete the list as instructed?" Steve asked flatly.
"Yes, sir. Upstairs has been sanitized and their belongings and Max are in the SUV per your orders, sir." Sharon responded.
"Despite your tardiness, I am sure you completed your tasks completely and thoroughly. Good girl." Steve said. "Now proceed with the list on the desk you just buried. If you do well, I might overlook your latest failure. Move out."
Sharon scrambled to recover the list from the desk and scanned it. She wanted to make sure she understood the tasks and then immediately went about accomplishing them. Steve picked up the bag and other items on the desk walked back to his hiding place to check on the girls. They were still there. Pain was evident on their faces. Their muscles were cramping and a few were spasmming. He did notice they did rise a little straighter as they heard Steve approaching. He specifically avoided the direct lighting over the aisle way as he returned. He really didn't want them to get a good look at the items he was carrying just yet. He walked around behind them and set the items down in the back corner on the remains of their clothing that Sharon had removed from them. He commanded them to stand. He allowed them a few moments to work out the kinks in their muscles.
He instructed them to lace their fingers behind their heads and stand with their legs at shoulder width apart. He admired their nicely rounded asses and he then commanded them to rise up on their toes as if they were wearing heels. He paused taking in the view of their long legs that flared into luscious asses and up into a nice hourglass frame. 'Too bad he didn't have more time.' Steve thought. He wished he could have more time to enjoy them instead of punishing them for their crimes. His mind was already coming up with some behavior altering activities. Oh well, back to work.
Steve walked around to the front of them and looked them over. He was definitely going to enjoy this weekend.
"The choice is yours. Do you accept my offer of mercy to be my slaves . . . or . . . do you want to take your chances downtown?" Steve said pausing for effect.
"Please, Master make me your slave and punish me as you see fit for my crimes." Heather replied first.
Wendy responded after a short pause "Sir, I too accept your offer of mercy. I offer my body to you for the punishment you see fit to deliver." She added, "And your pleasure, sir."
Steve paused and looked at Wendy. Steve was sure there was more to that addendum than what was on the surface.
"Is there anything I need to know or be aware of? Any medications, allergies, anything like that?" Steve asked.
"Just my birth control pills that I need to take daily, Sir." Heather responded.
"I am allergic to bee stings. I am not currently taking any meds, sir." Wendy replied.
"What about people who expect you to contact them during this layover?" Steve inquired.
"My fiancée may call but if I don't answer it won't set off any flags. However, we both are on call with the airline. If they page or text us we are required to respond within 90 minutes. Usually they contact us about flight updates or changes to our reporting time." Wendy replied again.
Steve responded by a mild slap across her face. "You will always have Sir or Master at the beginning and end of every communication. This is your only warning. Understand?"
"Sir, yes Sir." The girls responded in unison.
"Understand slaves, your bodies and minds are mine. For the next two and a half days I will demand full payment for your misdeeds. I will do my part to keep my promise. Any attempt to escape or anyway compromise this agreement, I will see to it that you are buried in some dark shit hole and your worst nightmares come true. Now it is time to prepare you for your journey to pain." Steve said with finality.
Steve had the girls turn and face away from each other. He picked up a wide belt and chain sets that he brought with them. He started with Wendy. He took the belt and strapped it around her waist pulling it very tight; buckling it near the last hole. He fastened the shackles around her ankles. He picked up the set of cuffs from the hand bag that Sharon filled with a number of items from Heather's suitcase and cuffed Wendy's hands behind one at a time with the cuffs threaded through the large D-ring in the back of the belt. From behind her, he grabbed the chain running from the front of the belt to her shackles and pulled it tight against her pussy and crack and taking up the slack in the chain. After having Wendy mover her feet a little closer to provide enough slack, he handed her the chain and wrapped one hand around it and the second hand over the first.
"Do NOT drop it." He ordered.
"Yes, Master" she replied as the chain pressed into her flesh.
Steve secured Heather in the same fashion. Steve reached into his side pocket and retrieved a bottle of water and made each of them drink half of it. He then reached back into the hand bag for the ball gag which he strapped around Wendy's face. He then took a handkerchief and made a cleave gag with a knot in the middle of it for Heather. Steve then stepped back and admired his handiwork. Nothing was too tight or restricting.
"I almost forgot!" Steve exclaimed as he dug in the handbag to pull out the butt plug and dildo out of the handbag. "You get to enjoy these too." Steve then told them to release their chains and stretch the chain between their ankle shackles to the fullest and bend over. He added some lube and forced the butt plug into Wendy's tight asshole. He then shoved the six inch dildo into Heather's already wet pussy.
The whine of an electric motor came around the corner and the girls looked up into the headlights of an oncoming forklift. Its forks held a large empty pallet. The forklift stopped just short of the cage and lowered the pallet to the ground and shut off. Sharon step down from the drivers seat and picked up a sheet of plastic and laid it on the pallet. Steve moved Wendy up onto the pallet and helped her sit down and then to lay down on her side. He pulled her chain through her legs once again pressing the plug a little deeper in and clipped the link in the chain to the D-ring to prevent the plug from escaping and then pulled the other end of the chain bringing her feet against her butt. She basically looked like she was kneeling laying on her side.
He did the same with Heather in the opposite direction so they were looking at each others knees. They fit rather nicely onto the pallet. The slats bit into their sides but because of the plastic, they wouldn't get any splinters. Steve then took the wad of clothes from the corner and placed half of them under each of their heads preventing them from tilting awkwardly. He took the wide ratcheting straps from Sharon and anchored them in the corners of the pallet and crisscrossing over the women, he tightened them down securing the girls snugly to the pallet. He didn't want them to fall off, after all. He double checked their bindings and then threw a large wool blanket over them and tucked in around the edges. He had to obscure the package from the cameras in the loading bay and the dock area and other prying eyes.
"I suggest you try to sleep slaves. When you get up again, the real pain begins." Steve said ominously.
Steve motioned to Sharon and she climbed up into the driver's seat and fired up the forklift. Steve stepped onto the step and grabbed the sides of safety cage. His face was level with and very close to Sharon's. She was sitting straight up.
"Go." Steve ordered and they headed down the aisle towards the loading bay. Steve took this moment to study Sharon's face as she focused on her driving. The potential before him made his cock rise. Too soon they reached the door and Steve hopped off to open it. He ducked under it as it came up and opened the back doors of the SUV as Sharon deposited the pallet in the back and then retreated back into the warehouse. Steve closed the back doors and jumped into the driver's seat.
He grabbed his phone and replied to his last text message he had received. "Good girl. Further instructions are on the desk. Text me when they are complete. PS: Do not touch yourself!" He then drove off. Sharon parked the forklift in usual spot and checked her phone as she reached the guard station. She felt proud and smiled at the message she received. She sat down at the computer and began to complete her remaining assignments. She hoped adventure was not over yet.