Author's Note: Readers: This is my second work of fiction although some portions of the story are true. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
It was my wife Paula's birthday weekend and I was in a tight spot. The shopping for my wife gift is normally done weeks in advance, looking for that special something that she will enjoy. This year life had been more challenging than most as my job causes me to be gone for hours or days at a time servicing the customers at their location on demand. It's not unusual to have a call in the night and be gone for several days. The plus side is when not on call I normally have the extended weekend to make up for the missed time. With a second person now hired the job will eventually get back to a more normal pace and less time away from home. During all this running around over the last month I'd completely forgotten to shop for my wife birthday gift and felt awful about it. For those who don't know me, I'm Jack, a man in the late forties, still physically fit, 5'9" and 165 lbs, with light brown hair and blue eyes. Like many others I've enjoyed bondage and self bondage all of my adult life.
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Chapter 1, Belated Party Torture
Paula, my wife is a very special person always looking out for the family and myself, so it wasn't surprising that she was disappointed on her birthday day when I didn't have a thoughtful gift lined up. The kids stopped by lavishing her with affection and plants to add to the flower gardens; they left by mid afternoon on Sunday to visit the other families. To add insult to injury I complained bitterly when her snoopy sisters dropped by later in the afternoon unannounced to wish a happy birthday and visit on all subjects' great or small, including my lack of a thinking of her on her special day. They proceeded to walk all over any potential plans made for recompense by taking her out for date - supper and a movie that evening. The spat between us became a scene while cooking supper; spilling into their visit and causing fervor with all the women. The sisters left the house fuming after supper, for which I was glad as we don't get along most of the time. To say that Paula was upset with me was an understatement. As the evening wore on our neighbor Jill from across the street also stopped by, giving Paula a birthday gift and card. She proceeded to hear about my lack of feeling and manners during the course of the day. This only confirmed their women's belief that I was not the kind, loving husband they thought I should be, and should be shown the error of my ways. When asked later Paula wouldn't say any more on the subject although I suspected they were hatching some type of plan but couldn't confirm it. For several days afterward things weren't normal around the home. I tried to make up to her in what ways I could; she just smiled coldly and said nothing. Sex was definitely out of the question for a while.
The following weekend I was off from work and able to catch up on several projects that have piled up in my absence. Paula mentioned throwing a party, inviting some friends over to barbecue and play games. I though it a great idea and began working with her to make calls and setup a date on the calendar for next available weekend. Our relationship had slowly began to thaw from the incident during her birthday day and we were again laughing, joking and getting along although she hadn't fully forgave me for the scene. Getting all the party supplies together we had set the plan in motion for the forth Friday in July at 6 pm. When asked, Jill and John from across the street mentioned that they might bring their friend Kim along from out of town. I had called the boss and setup time off to cover the weekend so that all went well.
For those of you who don't know Jill, she became our new neighbor and the dominant Mistress of our group within a week of moving into the area. Jill has slim athletic figure with big tits, cute firm ass and shoulder length natural wavy red hair. She accidentally came upon me in self bondage on a Saturday in March and proceeded to put me through some paces of "The Male BDSM Menu" that I originally wrote as a guide for my wife. Paula has since accepted the role of Jill's subordinate to train the male slaves, John and I on the finer points of male bondage while also needing/desiring occasionally training herself. Like us, Jill and John had been involved with BDSM for quite some time with her as dominant Mistress and him as slave most of the time. When the opportunity presented itself to be the dominant over our group she did so without hesitation, which has worked out more or less ok. I still feel she needs a turn of the tables to understand the intensity of punishment doled out on occasion, but that hasn't happened quite yet. The Menu as we call it has since become published as a primer for beginner Mistresses through menu choice selection. The menu selections have an illustrated pictures and brief description on each scene to guide them along; starting with easier items and continuing on to more severe end dependant upon need; ending with many delicious desert options as rewards for the mistress and or the slave.
As our home has most of the amenities needed via a bondage closet (not a dungeon, as my wife points out) activities often happened there, although Jill and John's home now has the beginnings of an excellent dungeon. Over the last several months John and I have been working to convert part of their basement into a larger dungeon complete area with sound proofing and a small penalty box (John's idea). In last several weeks we have began building several new items for area as well when we're both home. I have secretly wondered if Jill wants to change careers from the catering field to something more dominating, although John hasn't said much.
On Friday afternoon the day of the party I had gotten the steaks, veggies and beer at the store while Paula was fixing the other items. She asked me to get the grill going so that there would be time to visit before the meal so... grabbing a couple of beers on my way out to the patio I started on the task a little before 5:00 pm. Jill and Kim had arrived early to help Paula or at least so I thought. I hadn't heard or seen them come in. I drank my second beer and should have remembered drinking on an empty stomach is not a good thing. Kim came out to the patio and introduced herself; she was tall athletic brunet, in her late twenties with shoulder length hair and brown eyes wearing a red and white striped bikini top with a short white jean shorts. She had a nice tan and an excellent set of tits, my eyes fixated on them for several seconds during our introduction, she noticed and smiled. She was a friend of Jill's from their time in college and had kept in contact as they had several mutual interests. In college she was a business major, and now working as a manager of major chain box store in the city.
After introductions Paula and Jill joined us on the patio, the girls started chatting while I was distracted by the cleaning and setting grill temperature to cook the steaks. I'd just completed the job when I felt a hand on my left wrist and another on my right; they were both pulled back behind me and quickly locked into hand cuffs. At the same time this was happening I started to turn and see what was happening but the world went black; someone had added a leather blindfold over my eyes. Within seconds there was a ball gag in front of my mouth. Paula made a very firm command "Open wide or suffer slave!" (she's learning well from Jill). I didn't have much choice with everything happening at once so in went the gag with the trainer harness quickly buckled in place as I felt by the leather strapping running across my face. This fresh assault had lasted only seconds but they had me subdued and left me out of control.
There was panic in my mind, I wanted to flee the scene but that was dampened by one of the gals giving a quick squeeze of my balls followed by Paula saying: "Slave...your actions on my birthday day hasn't gone unnoticed and I've very disappointed in you overall the last month so... I've decided you need a strict bondage sessions while the rest of us enjoying the party. Jill will to be in charge of your setup while I welcome our guest. Kim will assist as her trainee; she wants to learn the ropes of becoming a mistress. Kim received one of the first copies of the Menu when it was published and contacted Jill for a starter session. Tomorrow I will administer the remainder of your punishment with Kim's help. By the way husband...I've already thought of a good excuse why your not here; seems your work called, asking specifically for you on an urgent service call." Paula paused... thinking about the setup, then said, "Jill would you mind parking Jack's car in your garage overnight?"
Jill smiled and responded "Well I never though you'd ask, but now that you have.... I'd be glad to park the Jacks car...deep in my garage as often as you'd like! Paula just blushed (as I was later told) and said, "Dinner will be at 6 you so better get going." With that Jill and Kim marched me over to the basement entrance to the house via outside access before any guest arrived.
We went down the stairs with Jill guiding; at the landing we turned to face a door for the converted storm shelter at the bottom of the stairs. The shelter has two entrances one from outside via a metal storm door the other within the basement itself. The door opens into a narrow room of 8' by 24'; the room is isolated from the side of the home and grounds above which allows for our activities away from hearing and prying eyes of neighbors. I had worked to sound proof it during the makeover into a bondage closet. The room isn't part of the main house structure but was added for a storm shelter by the original builder or so I was told. I've often wondered if the house blueprint was originally larger and someone just screwed up when starting the build. It's of concrete construction, reinforced and for all appearances to be just another room except with a concrete ceiling. From the homes exterior all that was seen of its presents was the metal storm door on a concrete frame extending through the dirt. The rest of the structure is buried beneath and not visible. This entrance also has allows Jill and John access to the play area when we're not home.
The room is our bondage area; the floor has several plush rugs scattered about and florescent lighting; there's a storage cabinet, shelves and pegboard on one end to hold our bondage toys, the other has a basic sink and stool. If you look at the side wall of the room you'd see ring loop attachment points scattered about it. Toward one end of the room roughly centered was a metal pole for tying a victim to, it included metal rings in several locations as well. Currently a large dildo with balls was sticking out at an angle, adjustable to accommodate a rider at crotch level if tied that way. Off to one side of the space is a table; it's 3 by 6 ft and 24" high and made of 2 by 4 construction, black in color. The table is not remarkable to look at but the sides had metal loops protruding along the edges at one foot spacing's. Looking at the table top you'd notice small slits across from each other in the silhouette pattern of a human body, both with legs open and closed configuration.
They marched me over to the far end of the room where I was quickly undressed ruining a good shirt in the process by cutting it off. When all the cloths removed they added leather wrist and ankle cuff and I was ordered down on all fours with my head down on the concrete, one of them applied a Ready to use Enema from the local drug store (I learned later). There was a long quick squirt of liquid shot into my ass then Jill then told me to hold it in for several minutes. I tried to ask through the gag what they doing without success but within a minute a slow building of pressure occurred as my bowels began to contact of their own accord. After 2 minutes I was sat on the toilet stool the attached the ankle and wrist cuff together on each side with locks, then a strap around my waist pinning me to the stool as everything inside my lower bowels unloaded into the stool. The contractions continued for a while after that making me feel very queasy. While the girls waited for the full effect I heard Jill starting to explain some of the aspects of the room to Kim, including the plan for the evening; being otherwise preoccupied I didn't get much of an idea. The smell of room deodorizer wafted around the room as the process continued. At some point they left the area as the enema took its course, allowing it to work fully.
The girls at came back after a while as I heard their voices, it had been a while as the contractions had slowly begun to fade. They got quiet as they approached, moving fast to complete the task set before them; the toilet was flushed and the strap was removed holding me to it. Then I was bent over again, my bottom cleaned and then lubricated as someone stuck a finger in my ass hole. Satisfied with the result they unclipped my wrist cuffs from the ankles cuffs and quickly snapped the wrist cuffs back together behind my back. A 3 inch posture collar w/attachment rings was added around my neck. I was walked over to the metal pole with my back against it as felt by its cool temperature. I again asked in ball gag speak "What the hell was going on?" but there was no reply. Instead my hands were reattached behind the pole then a spreader bar added to my ankles causing my legs to be moved out wide. Before tying my wrist they gave me what felt like bicycle grips to hold onto, which I didn't quite understand. It turns out that Jill had found the vet rap tape and applied it over my fingers and around the back of the palms till both hands had became useless stumps. The large cock w/balls were moved once I was located on the pole. Jill brought it up, inserting it into my ass and continuing until it had almost all but disappeared and I was standing on tip toes, satisfied it was aligned correctly she retighten it on the pole. Ropes were added at the waist and upper chest, last at the collar. They finished by tying the wrists and elbows to the pole. At last they removed the blindfold from around my head, I looked around I knew it would be a rough night.
Jill had attached a 2 gallon plastic water jug w/spigot a little above head level on the side wall. To that she had added a hose connected to it and a large penis gag. Below me I noticed a 5 gallon bucket set directly in front of the spreader bar. She was currently working on adding parachute ball stretcher w/small spikes to my balls. This was one of my wife's recent purchases on line; she had shown it to me just the week before after opening the box, I hadn't taken real notice of the spikes within at the time. Once in place she added a 20oz plastic water bottle with a very small hole in the bottom by the neck with a chain attached to the stretcher (Jill showed me the bottle, I could watch it drip steadily from the bottom). Next she added an intermittent catheter into my now erect cock sliding the tube down into my urethra making sure entered into the bladder; then added tape to the head of my cock and the tube to prevent it from accidentally slipping out. Once done she added a catheter drain tube and taped it to inside of my leg, down into to the plastic bottle hanging below. The last item was a pair of weighted Clovis nipple clamps added to each nipple. She finished by removing the trainer ball gag from my mouth which allowed jaw movement and relax the strained muscles for the first time in an hour.
Jill smiled at me as she completed the setup, then said "Jack, here's the deal... you will have a few choices tonight. First you can remain on your toes to prevent the dildo from penetrating any further up your ass...and just so you know the base is wider than the top, although I really suspect you'd enjoy being spread out wide as you're fucked. This should work out well for the butt plug that Paula selected for later. Second as you pee there will be up to 20ozs of weight added to your balls. You should already know the parachute you're currently wearing has small spikes imbedded within so it that will dig into your family jewels at least for a while. I would bet both will happen many times tonight. I'd love to stay and watch you squirm on that dildo as your manhood suffers but as you know there's a party going on so... Kim will keep an eye on you and enjoy the show. By the way I found a good movie for the two of you to kill the time... what the name...The Story of O." Jill looked around and added "Oh... I almost forgot the most important part; you'll need that fat dildo gag strapped in your mouth to complete the setup."
"Do I really get any choice in the matter" I asked
"No Jack, you really pissed Paula off so... while we're entertaining tonight, you're going to suffer. Paula really wants to make the punishment fit the crime. You screwed up her birthday so she wants you to suffer while she enjoys the party. Tomorrow Paula will work on your additional training and punishment, Kim and I will assist to help you understand and properly respect your wife." Jill answered
Kim handed the penis gag to Jill and she inserted it in my mouth in one quick motion, buckling it in place. Once in place she said "I might have forgotten to mention that there's plenty of water up there is for you to drink so you don't become dehydrated during the time in this position." Then she turned on the tap a little and I could feel a small trickle of water in the back of my trapped mouth. Jill gave me a wicked smile and a quick tug on my erect cock before turning back to talk with Kim. With all in place for the evening's activities Jill walked with Kim to the door where they had additional conversation, eventually Jill left to attend the party above already in progress.
The second beer I had consumed earlier had finally made its way through my system and now going out. With no intentional prompting on my part it started to drain from my bladder and was now filling the bottle below. While unable to see the bottle filling, the effects were quickly made known by an increase pressure on my balls and the spikes of the parachute ball stretcher digging in. This in turn caused me to want to move which only drove the tapered cock further up my ass before hitting the pelvic bone and stopping, I tried moving back off to relieve that pressure only to have the dangling bottle start to swing. This type situation is known as the ripple effect. I moaned as the cock slid further in and out and louder still as the pull of the ball stretcher pulled down from the extra weigh being applied by the bottle being filled and swung. At some point the bottle might have overflowed as I heard the sound of liquid dribbling into the bucket below. I continued to move back and forth getting fucked literally any way I went. It already was starting to become tender down there on the top of my balls. Slowly I began to calm down and try to stand still, once stopped I could hear the slow drip of fluid from the water bottle.
After their conversation Kim came back over to where I was tied and watched the show for a while. Seeing the tortured look on my face she smiled and said "You look to have started without me. That's such a shame...I was looking forward to turning up the valve on the water tap to get the party really started." We looked at each other for a few moments as she studied the setup then disappearing behind me. I felt the dildo being lowered a little which I appreciated at the time. The Kim asked me to bring my legs back together as best I could; with little else to do I complied if only for a few moments. She came back around after a few moments to face me and said "That should give some relief so you don't get hurt, but I wouldn't go all the way down again on the cock. I wondered why but couldn't ask.
Time progressed slowly as the water bottle emptied allowing pressure to be taken off my tortured ball sack for the moment. I watched while swallowing the dribble of water as Kim walked around the room studying all the devices and hardware, she had spent several minutes looking at the strapping table and played with the head rest adjustment, then back to The Male BDSM Menu that she had with her for reference. She went on to the open crotch chair, checking the anchor points see how the victim was tied. The portable fucking machine was setting close by to the chair as that had been the last point of use with Paula a couple of weeks before. The fucking machine started out as a sawzall for remodeling. It was mounted on a cut down swivel base of an industrial fan stand. The blade end hardware had been removed and replaced with an end threaded rod that extended out 18 inches to end that held a mounted life like ribbed cock with balls. The trigger had been removed and a cord added to allow the unit speed to be adjusted by remote control up to 12 feet away. An additional feature on the remote was an intermittent operation switch; this caused the unit to turn on and off at random times from 20 to 60 seconds. Its operation was interdependent of the speed control; starting slow then building up to the selected speed and stopping. Kim turned the fucking machine on and played with the settings including the intermittent operation, you could begin to see the wheels in her mind turning.
After a while she stopped playing with it and returned to looking at the menu. I noticed that she was starting to rub herself as she was reading some of the Menu information and pictures. Could it be that she was horny from just the Menu and the devices in the room? On her way around the room she looked through the cabinet and pegboard items, examining some closely. Stopping, she pulled several items out including a ribbed vibrating dildo, condom, KY Intense cream, several leather straps of differing lengths and a pair of metal cuffs w/key. I wondered what she might be up to but was unable to figure it out.
The water bottle had started to fill again while Kim brought the supplies over to the stool that was close by to my location, dropping them off. She came over to me and smiled, as she reached behind and pulled the string for her bikini top. In one fleeting moment both breasts fully exposed as the top dropped down and she showed off those beauties to me.
She said "I know how you looked at these when we met Jack, are you a big tit man? How would you like to nibble on them for awhile?" Since I couldn't answer I grunted and nodded my head YES as best I could. She lifted those 34 DD cup beauties up cupped with her hands, the quarter size dark areolas and large round nipples sticking out getting me further excited as she teased me. "You'd really like to suck on them wouldn't you?" Getting them close up to my face she said "Finish your punishment first but I might let you, if your wife permits it." She looked down at my erect cock seeing that it was again standing at full attention and added "I shouldn't do it, but will give you a hand job if you like." I nodded YES (sometimes I can be dumb as a box of rocks) so she spit in her hand then reached out and slowly stroked my cock even though the catheter was in place. While not doing a really real complete job she worked it just long enough to make me very very frustrated. This play, in combination with a full bottle pulling on my balls was driving me crazy, moaning like crazy. When I most wanted to cum she stopped playing and walked away; going back she sat on the stool, occasionally watching me as she reviewed more menu options from the Menu.
It was truly slow horny agony as I continued swallowing the dribble of water and moving around to find some comfortable location to stand. Kim continued to read the Menu, tweaking her nipples and rubbing her crotch now and again, as those big tits hung down, being well displayed. I drooled at the prospect of giving them some much needed attention. In the process of shifting I lost my footing during one of the adjustments, sliding to the bottom of the dildo again. That's when I felt a very warm tingling feeling at the opening to my asshole. The warm feeling was quickly replaced searing heat, causing me to push up to get away from it but I couldn't. I tried moving in several directions but nothing helped. Now my balls and nipples were now on fire along with my asshole as I bounced around. What started as horny agony was quickly changed to extreme pain from multiple directions. I started screaming long and loud in the gag as I danced around, being painfully self fucked and tortured. Kim, I determined was a very horny sadistic little bitch as she continued to watch and chuckle, setting the menu down. As I continued to dance and withered in pain she stood up removing both her shorts and panties; then slowly she reached down and began fingering her bald pussy lips until at some point her fingers disappeared within, dipping in and out of her snatch as she watched me squirm in pain. My mind was elsewhere and so did not complete the job of viewing of her voyeurism.
At some point she got up close and said "Oh you poor, poor slave boy, I told you not to go all the way down on that dildo didn't I. I guess you found the hot sauce Jill supplied from the kitchen before we came down."
When I finally stopped moving around after enduring many minutes of the intense pain she lowered the cock, splashed water on it and my ass thus washing off most of the hot sauce then raised it back to its original height and retightened. I was still breathing hard and worn out from the event as she came back around. She removed the Clovis clamps from my tortured nipples which brought me some relief. This was short lived however as she reached up and started massage them with her hands, bringing the blood back and making me scream in the gag again. Once the pain subsided she bent down and started sucking on one while twisting the other tightly with her hand. I almost lost it and shot my load right there but she stopped when hearing my breathing change.
She asked, "Is that what you'd like to do to my tits, slave boy? Twisting on them and sucking hard trying to milk them dry; I'd really like that too." She squeezed her nipples and pulled on them making them stand more erect if that were possible then grabbed the Clovis clamps and added one to each nipple slowly, taking in a deep breath with each, allowing the weights to bounce around a little after they were set.
"OooAahOoo, now that feels really good and bad at the same time." She said, giving me a devilish grin. "Jill had mentioned about watching a movie but I've got a better thought in mind. I'm going to sit down in that open crotch chair over there and do a little self bondage. That way you'll have the visual interest and I get to have some fun at the same time. This will be our little secret; but if you let it slip both Jill and Paula will be upset. What do you think of that, slave boy?"
I nodded yes at the thought of enjoying her wiggle but then had misgivings, thinking someone would be bound to check on us knowing Paula. She likes to keep close tabs on her man and if she couldn't do it herself she'd send Jill.
Kim walked over to the open crotch chair and grabbed it; pulling it across the floor in front of me about 6 feet away. She proceeded to set herself up by attaching some of the straps already on the chair in place, starting at the ankle cuffs, then those above and below the knees and thighs. Reaching down she grabbed the items that had been pre-selected and added the ribbed dildo and slipped on the condom, lubricated with KY and proceeded to turn it on low and slowly working it in and out of her bald pussy lips making sure to give me a full view as it slipped deep within. Once it was buried almost all the way to the hilt she reached below to bring up the strap from underneath, pinching it between the leg and belly. I found from some previous experience in self bondage with the chair, it wouldn't work that way but couldn't /didn't want to say anything as I was enjoying the show although my balls were really aching from the weight of the filling bottle and my cock was again stiff as a board.
When the other straps needed above were taken off the floor the crotch strap dropped back down and the dildo started to slide out causing her to curse like a drunken sailor. So she tried again to insert the dildo and repeat the process, dropping the strap again. She didn't hear Jill and Paula quietly walk in from behind, watching the process. On the third try she started to put the waist strap belt on first, turning to run the belt around the post behind when noticing for the first time the girls watching her.
In a sweet voice Jill asked, "Do you need some help Kim; we want to make sure the job is done right?" Kim was first astonished that they were there, and then embarrassed that they caught her as could be seen by the crimson look on her cheeks. She started to remove some straps but Paula stopped her.
Paula added "Yes Kim, let's do this job right! If my husband is turning you on, then you must really need some attention desperately." reaching around and apply another leather strap.
Kim said excitedly, "Jill, I'm sorry, the movie idea was just not as interesting as the real thing, so I was going to give Jack a show to keep him physically excited. I also wanted to have some fun as well." she added, truthfully.
Jill looked over at Paula, seeing that she was clearly becoming irritated said in a more commanding tone "Paula, why don't you stop there. I think you know what items would still be needed, can you get them from the cabinet for me." Paula looked back at Jill, now with a change in understanding from friend to mistress; she stopped what she was doing and headed over to the cabinet without another word. Jill went in front of Kim and addressed her saying, "Kim, Jack is in trouble for a problem in treating his wife and others with the proper amount of respect and being thoughtful and kind on her special day. You might not have remembered that from our previous conversation as we covered a lot of ground. Paula and I really don't care if he gets excited or not but we gave you the option of the movie if desired as something to kill time. You on the other hand, as a beginning dominant need to be able to play safe and ensure your sub; Jack in this case doesn't get into a bind or hurt during a session. This is true here or when you're dominating your own male submissive at home. You can't do that if you're tied in bondage as well, do you understand?
Kim answered "Yes, but I wasn't..." Jill cut her off by holding up the handcuffs and key in front of her.
Jill continued "Second if you're showing your submissive that your out of control, how will you continue to command his respect and servitude. He won't respond the way you want, especially if at some point he gets the upper hand while doing a session. You'll wind up being used and abused by your male slave, then be left for some other female dominant when he gets board with you. If you're really interested in becoming dominatrixes then you need to learn those facts very early, otherwise... you'll become a sub-servant of a really one, if you stay in the business very long. This isn't all a bad thing but it's all in what you want. The paperwork you filed before our meeting would indicate otherwise"
Kim answered "yes Mistress" meekly
Jill turned to Paula and said, "Sorry Paula, I didn't mean to hurt your feeling in the process of training Kim, she just needs guidance and expertise."
Paula responded, "That's ok Jill. Jack and I enjoy your company and I am learning from you to stick up for myself to become the more dominant woman that Jack really needs...so there are no hurt feelings." returning from the cabinet with the supplies and setting them down.
Jill looked back to Kim and asked, "So... you really horny right now, right? Since our training session won't start till tomorrow per our agreement, tonight we can accommodate you. This may mean that you'll be a little sore tomorrow, is that an acceptable condition?"
Kim really couldn't answer no honestly as she was naked and partly strapped in and ready for a ride. She said "Yes Mistress, I guess I'd like that" then thinking asked, "How you knew to check in on us? I thought you'd be outside with your guest on the patio enjoying the party."
Paula answered, "We have a home security system with audio & video feeds that can be monitored from the kitchen. Jack added a camera in this room as well, its access is password protected too, thank goodness. As our relationship with Jill and John has developed we decided that if someone is in need of help we need to have a way to know." She walked over and gave me a small peck on the cheek and a small tug on the water bottle; all I could do is moan loudly as it was filling it again. Turning to Jill she added, "I really need to get back to my guests unless you need something else."
Jill answered, "We ok here; I'll be up shortly. Pass along to John that I'll be busy for a few minutes; really showing Kim the ropes (smiling). If anyone else asks tell them I left to get some more chips and salsa from the store."
As Paula left the room Jill turned back to Kim and said, "Let's get this little party started!" With that Jill reached a hand on the table with the supplies and grabbed a penis gag Paula left. With a quick motion she had it in front of Kim and said, "Open up sweetheart, we wouldn't want your mouth left unattended while in bondage". To which Kim reluctantly complied and in short order was properly gagged. I though it only fitting she had one stuck in her mouth as she done the same for me. Removing Kim's nipple clamps of her tits, Jill grabbed the rope off the table and began making a rope bra around Kim's breast, crisscrossing over and under each breast several times. Kim was compliant during the process, even holding her hands up to help. Once the main rope was in place Jill tightened and tied it. Then she added shorter synch ropes at the outside edge of each breast rope pulled them tight then looping back to the center rope behind Kin's back and tying them off. This cause Kim breasts to become tightly squeezed between the two sets of rope pushed them out and making them look like DD missiles set for a horizontal takeoff. I would have loved to fuck her right then and there by the look of lust in my eyes, but was otherwise involved filling the plastic bottle again putting pressure on my balls from the spikes of the parachute ball stretcher and trying to find a spot to keep the dildo stuck in my ass from poking me deeper and spreading me wide.
Jill noticed this look of mine as well and gave me an evil grin saying, "Just wait Jack, I haven't finished just yet".
Once happy with the rope work, Jill started adding the leather straps to the rest of Kim's body including a four inch leather collar with cutout to keep the face centered looking forward, then wrist, elbow cuffs, waist and chest belts. Kim was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable by the look on her face but hadn't made a real sound. I guessed she was enjoying sucking on the penis gag stuck in her mouth. Jill then went behind her and attached the wrist cuff together and to the metal loop on the backside of the chair with a padlock. Coming back around to the front Jill started playing with Kim's bound tits, massaging and kneading them. Kim looked pleadingly, but Jill just continued by playing with the tit buds, making them stand out which they quickly did, then she attached metal alligator clamps with chain and weights back on. You could hear Kim squeal in pain as they were attached, but Jill wasn't intending to stop there. To increase the pain factor Jill returned behind Kim and started pulling the elbow cuff together with a double rope looped between them. Pulling on the rope caused them to move much closer together and shove her chest out further making the tits stand out large and proud while the lead weights pulling down on what very little was left of the perky nipples. Kim was hurting from the pain as could be seen from tear drop running down her face.
Satisfied that she had done what Paula would have wanted to do, Jill was going to finish by adding her own touches. Grabbing a several cloths pins, string and tape from the gray cabinet she returned in front of Kim. Jill said "Remember when I said you'd be sore tomorrow? Well now you'll know why." Kneeling down she used the cloths pins by attaching 3 to each pussy lip, one on top, center and bottom strumming them as she went. Kim thrashed around but couldn't really move. Then Jill added tape onto the cloths pin, pinning those pouting lips to the sides of Kim's outstretched legs holding her tunnel wide open with her little clitoris poking out just as proudly as her tits. Jill reached underneath the chair to the ribbed dildo, turning it on the lowest setting, reinserted it into the open tunnel then added the adjustable leather 2"crotch strap to the waist strap. She adjusted the crotch strap against the dildo, checking to ensure it was not rubbing against the clit head itself and tightened till the dildo almost disappeared entirely from view, humming low in the backround then buckling it in place. This, Jill thought would keep Kim very frustrated for a while.
Getting back up Jill looked over her work on Kim smiling then at me and said, "Jack you're going to get that show after all. I can only hope you can enjoy it too." Looking back at Kim she said "Comfy?" To which Kim shot daggers with her eyes if that was possible and squirmed around trying to find relief or release.
Jill walked over to the water jug and checked on the water level; seeing it was getting low she got more water from the sink and added it to the jug. She also checked on my balls as the weight had drained off and saw the spike marks but no blood yet showing so she turned it just a little and set it back on the sack. Smiling at me with a devils grin she stroked my cock and said "It looks like you won't need Viagra tonight, will you Jack." referring to our first encounter. Taking the string she tied one side to the neck of the empty water bottle and then walked over to Kim, she grabbed the center of the chain attached to the clamped tits and attached the string to it. She pulled on the string so it went a little beyond taunt, so that I could now see the bottle hanging forward between my legs.
Jill said "I hope you horny birds enjoy yourselves on your respective perches. Humm... maybe I should bring along one of my cages for you tomorrow, what do you think Jack?" With that she squeezed hard on my cock and flicked at Kim's tits, then walked out of the room.
I could tell that this would not end well; it was only a matter of time till I filled that bottle again. Kim was looking at me pleadingly and knowing the exact same thing. As she jiggled to get comfortable (if that were possible) it pulled on the spikes attached to my balls and her clamps on the nipples. I continued to swallow the dribbling water; now with the renewed pressure from being refilled. I wonder how Kim felt now; it certainly wasn't the same being on the receiving end and dishing it out. She looked very distracted and kept trying to shift her hips around to get the dildo stuck buzzing in her pussy to rise up a little and touch the clit head causing both of us pain in the process. I very much enjoyed watching the show in front of me, those large tits being tortured and her constant gyrations of her hips trying to find that pleasure spot. She would occasionally open her eyes and look at me or rather at the cock and balls tortured below, then her eyes would flutter for an instant and close as she concentrated on issues all her own. From time to time her pinned pussy lips would peek out from under the leather crotch belt but the cloths pins never got caught on it as she squirmed. I could only wonder what would happen if one did (true misery I'm sure).
At some point the bottle below me began to fill again applying renewed pressure on my balls that I could not get away from and the tapered cock buried in my ass had started push all the way in (my thinking). Kim started to moan long and loud and the additional weight of the bottle also affected her nipples pulling harder so we began a horny moan fest. I could only wonder what Jill, Paula and John were thinking if they were watched (and listening) from the kitchen monitor. They probably would be setting bets on when those nipple clamps would pull off Kim's tits or if I would pass out when the weight of the bottle started to swing or if Kim would have an orgasm before me.
In reality it didn't happen on the first filling of the bottle (to Jill's credit, she'd done a fine job) but on the second. Kim was moaning and squirming, covered with sheen of sweat when finally one of the clamps popped off her left tit with a snap but not the right. She was screaming superlatives into her gag that only a well worn sailor should know, thrashed around but the right one would not come off. I didn't want to help but was paying the price each time she moved... so I slowly inched up the pole and then moved my hips in the opposite direction of her swinging tits, when there was a snap and the right clamp broke free causing full bottle to swing violently. This added an additional round of cursing from both of us for very different reasons. After that incident things were a blur for me, I must have passed out at some point because the next thing I knew Paula was removing some of the bondage equipment from my body, lying on the floor beside the pole. Jill was in the process of finishing Kim off with a mind blowing orgasm using a handheld wand with a round ball on her exposed clit head, as could be heard by the moaning and thrashing around; the dildo previously used was still impaled inside her buzzing like a chain saw. The cloths pins, tape and crotch strap from earlier had been removed.
Paula said "Jack you made me proud, I never though you'd give her a hand or a hip in this case, but Kim got what she wanted too, albeit in a round about fashion." Looking down at me she asked, "How are your balls feeling?"
I hadn't made an inventory check but looked down expecting them to be gone; instead they were still attached and other than some angry red dig marks looked ok but hurt like a son of a bitch. The intermittent catheter from earlier had been removed. Paula removed the tape from my hands and the bicycle grips so they were free for the first time in several hours. I reached up and cupped her breast through the top's fabric and brought her close to give her a long kiss (still being very horny). She stopped my advance after a few moments by saying "Tomorrow we will have time to play after your punishment session if you're able but tonight you'll need the rest. It's going to be a long day for you tomorrow!"
"Is the party over" I asked
Paula smiled and said, "It is for you lover. The other party is still going on outside but we asked John to cover while ran to the store for wine that Adam asked for. Several of the guys asked where you were; I just told them you were all tied up with a bitch of a problem and would be humping it all night long."
I began to protest for not being allowed to attend a party I had helped to set up but my wife said, "You're paying the penance for birthday day incident so if you don't stay quiet and behave slave or I'll gag you as well, do you understand!" That was a good enough reason for me to clam up.
Looking up at Kim I noticed she looked entirely spent but her tits were still sticking out proudly, although slightly purple from the lack of blood flow. Her pussy lips were red and swollen and breathing somewhat hard from the orgasm, her eyes were closed as she rested from being shattering to pieces. Her arms were no longer pulled back by the elbow cuffs. Paula watched me looking at Kim and mentally decided that I should finish her off with one more orgasm; looking to Jill they formed a non-verbal agreement and Jill backed away allowing access. Then my wife made me kneel in front of Kim, locking my wrist cuffs behind me. I felt a rope being added between my wrist and the back of leather posture collar, the slack was pulled out causing my arms being pulled up to mid back. Paula whispered in my ear "You've been looked at those tits for the last several hours; it's time you started servicing them slave. She needs those tits sucked on like she said. You make sure you do a good job as your performance will be evaluated.
Without much additional thought in the matter I adjusted my height to bring the left one to my mouth and started to suck and nibble on it, although there still wasn't much of a nipple available. Kim responded by opening her eyes and looking down. She tried to say stop through her gag but it came out as Ssssoooo ppp. I continued working with my tongue and lips on the areola. Kim started to moan as I worked so I didn't hear anything until the leather paddle hit against my bare ass as it made contact, it hit hard. The action drove my mouth against Kim's tortured breast making me suck it in and cry in pain at the same time. Her breast acted like a large gag, suppressing most of the cry. Kim was also surprised by the action, moaning louder. I stopped sucking and started to turn around to see what was happening.
Paula said "You better keep on sucking on that tit slave or your punishment will be much severe tomorrow! As I said before your performance is being evaluated, so do a good job. To help you concentrate Jill will add a blindfold, you should know where all the parts are by now."
The next thing I knew the world went black, as a blindfold was added so I turned back and used my face to find Kim's tied tits and torture them still further. As I sucked on the left again I felt the paddle hit my ass again, driving my mouth against Kim's tortured breast making me suck it in but I continued to suck after recovering. The process continued on with the intermittent whacking at my ass while I worked over both of Kim's tortured tits ensuring a good job. Kim howled and moaned from the action while my ass burned from the pounding as well, Paula had covered all sides of it. I knew my wife must have seen at least some of the video feed of Kim's performance and was now taking out revenge by torturing her tits in this fashion. I couldn't tell how much time had passed but at some point Paula made me stop saying "You did good slave. I'm surprised, don't see any bite marks on either side, just scrapes. I was rather hoping for at least a couple. Maybe Kim will be nice to you tomorrow as she will be evaluating her tits later this evening."
Then pushing my head down she said "Now, lick out her pussy, slave and suck on that clit head well. I want to blow Kim's mind with another powerful orgasm.
Without a guide, I kneeled down further and at a very odd angle for my head found Kim open pussy after several seconds. I started to lick on the clit and slot causing it to engorge again as Kim began a high pitch squeal, then I sucked the clit head into my mouth and nibbled on it as well. Her breathing became much heaver, continuing for a short while then a ball gagged Oooo Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh... Immmm cooommmiiig. She climaxed and passed out (according to what I was told afterward). When she passed out Paula pulled me off the floor and walked me over to the sink and cleaned me up removing my blindfold. Looking at the clock I realized it was close to 9 pm, so the torture had lasted for quite a while. Jill spent the time to unlock the wrist cuffs and some bonds then walled away, leaving Kim to free herself of the chair after she came back to consciousness.
Paula walked me over to the table and told me to grab a hold of the table's edge. When I did she rewarded me by inserting a large curved black butt plug up my ass and then used a crotch rope around my waist and through the crotch area, pulling it tight to hold firmly in place she tied it off in back. Satisfied she added a leather blindfold then helped me lay in the silhouette pattern of a human body with legs open and proceed to strap me down with the red ratchet straps. This process happened really quickly, I suspected Jill had helped her. Still being horny, my cock was still standing at full attention but not for long. Once set in place Jill retrieved a bag of ice from the refrigerator freezer in the basement and applied it to my package. I thought she was going to freeze it off again (as she'd tried to do before when we first met) but in very short time my cock was reduced to a small shriveled mass. I felt someone add a steel chastity cage to my package, and locked it in place. Paula said, "Good night dear, I hope you sleep well, if that's possible. I understand men generally get several erections every night; I guess you'll find out how true that is. Love you dear!" Last there were ear plug added as my wife kissed me firmly then left to attend to her other guest outside. Jill must have left with her.
Some time later after redressing (an assumption on my part), Kim walked by and said in my ear "Good night, stud muffin, or in this case the lack there of...now let me think... what would that be? Oh, yea that would just be a plain muffin..." Then running her hand along the inside of my leg, she grabbed my sore balls and squeezed them hard; this soliciting a long moan from me, "I'll see you in the morning too." then she also left the room.
Most of night passed slowly as I couldn't see, hear, scratch or move. I drifted in and out of sleep with the visions of Kim's tits and spread out pussy stuck swirling in my brain; my cock was paying the price and really throbbing. Paula's prediction was true; it was a sleepless night.
Chapter 2, Morning Surprises
At some point I thought it was morning although I couldn't be sure, still being bound head to toe, plugged and blindfolded. The reason being that was someone was brushing the hairs of my legs, tickling to get a response. Whoever it was didn't do more that that but instead reached in between and unlocked the steel chastity cage, removing it from my cock and proceeding to play with it until it became fully erect. At which point I felt a mouth begin to suck on it and a squeeze of my ball at the same time. This flirtation went on for some time bringing me to the brink of an orgasm then stopping. I counted at least six of these cycles before she stopped (the small hands cupping my ball were a dead giveaway). I asked at some point "Who is this" to which there was no response; in fact she never did udder a word although I'm sure I asked a couple of times. Some moments passed then I felt the headrest on the table was being lowered and her spread legs coming forward till her warm pussy was covering my mouth and nose. As a dutiful slave would do, I worked over the pro-offered pussy and clit many times until at some point she climaxed (still not making a recognizable sound through the ear plugs) and smothered me for several moments. When I couldn't take it any longer I moved my head and was rewarded by getting a gasp of cum sweetened air. My face had the dribbling left as she backed off and allowed me to breathe normally and eventually moved off my head, raising the headrest back up in the process.
Several moments passed again till I felt her hands on my cock and then felt something being slid down to the base. She crawled on top of the table and I felt the weight of her naked body on mine, slipped my cock into her warm pussy and closing her legs together and trapping it deep inside; in what I could only describe a reverse missionary position. She stayed still for several moments possibly enjoying the feeling of being filled, before slowly starting to hump me in that position, building up speed and rhythm until both came at the same time. She collapsed on top of me with my cock still buried deep inside staying that way for quite a while covering us both in sweat. I suspected from the familiarity of the deed that only my wife could have done it but wondered why she would have used a condom. When at last recovered, she got off, dressed (I assumed) and left the room as I heard the door shut. Her scent and fluids were on me for the remainder of the night. I did finally fall sleep for a while after that.
When morning truly arrived it came with a fury! I heard someone enter the room, then my wife voice as she got closer "What the devil? That not the way I left you!" She removed the ear plugs followed by the blindfold, looking down at me, asked, "Who did you fuck in the middle of the night SLAVE BOY?! WHO?!"
I answered, "I though it was you. You didn't say anything just came in and got what you wanted of me and left; and I really didn't do any of the fucking, you did."
She looked at me long and hard, then softened a little after thinking about it. She asked "Were you un-strapped from this table during the night slave, and did I ride your face too?"
"No" I answered honestly and "Yes"
Paula said, "Then I'll need to call Jill and see what she has to say about it. We all know the rules, only the wives' themselves can have intercourse with the husbands. If she didn't then who else is left?"
I wondered that as well. The situation could create a lot of trouble because I know Paula is very jealous and possessive woman in that respect; she'll put up a hard fight for her man. She left the room and was gone for a while. She returned with the cell phone and was talking with Jill. The tone of the conversation was serious as Paula described that someone had violated the rules of staying mutual exclusive to the spouses. I only heard Paula's part of the conversation but it sounded like Jill had spent the night in bed with her husband, firmly tied to the bed frame (I wondered what John had done this time. Did he make a pass at Adam's wife again?).
Paula's part of the conversation I heard follows, "What about Kim, was she there all night? No, I know you were sleeping...couldn't account for her but... Oh, well now that would be a good idea, check on it then see how she responds to the questions. I check on this end as well, we can determine from there. What do we do if she did...ok, so we agree then. If she did then the written agreement we made together is null and void. What choices do we have? Ok... leave and never return or take the punishment we provide. Then have the possibility of being what...a concubine? She wrote on the agreement that she wanted to become a dominatrix and dominate her male lover. So...she's single, ooh I thought she was married. Oh...her boyfriend pushed her into learning about female domination... No, I believe it's possible... Jill, you know me; there's a big problem with her being here if she's not mutually exclusive to her partner. How do we settle this then... Ok, we give her an option to fess up and take the punishment like a big girl or turn tail and run. I'll wait to hear back from you.
After the call ended my wife loosened and removed the straps holding me and helped me sit up. I then went on my own to the toilet stool, removing that big butt plug and did the rest of my business, including cleaning up from the night activities. She watched me closely, still fuming over the events of the evening, at some point decided on the next course of action while still being upset. Once I had finished she had come back and sit back on the table while she gathered the gear for the day's activity. Returning to the table she put the stuff down and had me stand up. She slipped my balls and cock through the 2" metal loop for the leather crotch strap allowing the ends to dangle. She told me to bend over and hold the table again which I did and was rewarded by inserting a lubed Tens unit butt plug up my ass, pushing on it till eventually seating itself deep within, then added a waist belt on the ends and buckled it tight and adding a lock in place, she pulled on the crotch belt shoving the plug deeper within and locked it on as well. She told me to turn around which I did and she reinstalled the steel chastity cage onto my package adding its lock again to hold it in place. Paula smiled at me because this time she held the keys on her necklace instead of leaving it on the table as she had last night. Pulling on my balls she added a 11/2" leather snap a band that stretched the balls further away then added a couple of the tens pads at the base of my trapped cock, one either side. Hooking up the pads she ran them with the butt plug wiring on the back of the leather crotch strap to the waist belt.
Happy with the progress she added a pair of very tight blue jean shorts I had thrown away some time ago. She'd modified them by cutting and sowing an opening where the balls would rest. When put on the balls protruded through the opening enough that you could grab hold of them and inflict pain or maintenance the leather strap as desired. The shorts were also modified by adding a lockable blue jean travel pouch at center of the back near to the waist band, the wiring from the inside the shorts were routed through an opening in the fabric into the pouch to make electrical connections with the ErosTec ™, ET232 that she and Jill had purchased several months earlier. She had me put the shorts on and finished the wire routing before I zipped up and fastened the button Once buttoned she added lockable belt onto the belt loops of the shorts and padlock it, thus preventing their removal. We had purchased a set of 4 luggage locks that were keyed identical on our last trip to the store, of which she had now used three the last was for the jean pouch. The ET232 had fresh batteries added and hooked up to the wiring; she put in the pouch but did not turn it on. I felt like I had been poured into the shorts, they were so tight I couldn't get my hands into any pockets (couldn't have anyway, she had sewn them shut). While standing behind me she had added another wire into the shorts as well, this turned out to be a short range microphone that she was now taping up my back. I felt her add tape as she brought it up and around my shoulder, leaving it taped close to the neck.
Turning me around like a model she said "I always loved you in these shorts; you have such a cute ass to begin with, these shorts just accent those nice tight buns and now I have access to your family jewels as well. I'm very much looking forward to watching you doing your manly work this morning."
The other part of this outfit was the shirt. Paula had removed the chain from a set of Clovis clamps and attached them to my nipples, sticking straight out, and then pulling them over added several pieces of cloth tape to hold them tight against my chest. She added a yellow T shirt which I put on, finishing with the 3 inch posture collar locked on. When she completed the outfit she added hobble chains to my ankles. Then another hobble chain to my wrist so that my hands had about a foot and a half of travel from the middle of the waist belt lock in front. There was no way to reach around to anything behind me. I was seriously wondering what else she had left. The last items as I discovered were a piece of 1" dowel rod and a red ball gag. She told me to put my elbows back, when I did she slipped the dowel rod through one then behind the back to the other, then gathered the excess chain from my wrist cuffs, pulling both sides together and added a padlock between them in the chain; this effectively took away the remaining arm mobility. Last was the ball gag, since I had allowed her to accomplish this much without a fight the gag was quickly in place and locked on. Paula smiled at the end result turning me round like a model and gave my balls a good squeeze.
"Are you comfy dear?" She asked in a mischievous tone. My wife had learned that from Jill as well.
All I could do was grunt.
"Good then, it's time for you to get to work." She said; and we march outside into the daylight of side yard and on into the back a few minutes before 8 am.
Our back yard is quite large and flanked on the sided by a tall privacy fence from the subdivision neighbors but is relatively open in back as we're out in the country with only pasture land beyond the property line. It's not like the cracker boxes yards of the big city with houses stacked together on top of each other. When we entered the back yard I found that most of the party supplies from the previous evening had been left about on the patio and needed cleanup. The trashcan had been knocked over during the night and some of the litter had been scattered out by our dogs. The Rubbermaid ® trashcan was now anchored to one of the 4 x 4's of the pergola with zip ties on one handle. In general the patio was a mess.
Paula said "You're going to earn your breakfast this morning by cleaning up the yard. When you're finished I'll inspect it. If you've done an excellent job then our punishment/training session today will be shortened. A good job will be rewarded with no change to the schedule, and of course a poor job will mean extended training maybe into tomorrow. Now, if I need too finish any cleanup job then one swat with the Enforcer will be added for each incomplete item (the Enforcer is a 2 inch wide oak paddle with many quarter inch holes drilled through that I made from the time of our kids, it's something they came to fear and respect.) If a whole section is incomplete then it's 10 swats. You will have till 9 to complete the project. Kim and Jill were going to come and watch the show but the plans have changed. To help you with your task I've decided to set up some music from ZZTop, which I know you enjoy. You can use any tools found in the back yard to complete the jobs. At 9 we will meet back here to inspect your work and see what still needs accomplished. Do you understand slave?"
I nodded my head yes and waited, thinking that with a little effort that I'd have a much shorter session and enjoy a good dinner later. The music would be a good motivator as it has a great base beat. What I didn't know was that job was rigged for failure from the beginning.
My wife opened the pouch behind me and set the ET232 (I wasn't able to see the setting but learned painfully later it was set for "Audio Loud" and turned up to medium mA range on both A & B), reinserting it in the pouch she added a lock to the zipper. Then she removed the lock for my wrist and the dowel rod holding my hands back.
Paula said, "Its 8 now so get going slave." Giving my ass a small smack she left and went inside the house, locking the patio door on the way in. She waited till I started to pickup trash before turning on the music over the speakers mounted on the pergola. The speakers were mounted in two areas one above the trashcan itself and the other across by the barbecue grill.
As I was starting to kneel down to pick up the remnants of a paper plate the dogs had gotten to the music came on loud over the speaker by the trashcan where I was standing with the great base intensity of "Gimme All Your Lovin" so did the butt plug and the pads on each side of my trapped cock. In no time I was lying on the ground doubled over in pain/pleasure from multiple areas. The plug was stimulating my sphincter muscles, moving the plug in and out to the beat (fucking me) and the pads on each side of my trapped cock were trying to stimulate or shock an erection that couldn't happen anyway. When I fell I couldn't help but land on my chest as my hands couldn't entirely stop the fall hobbled as they were, this twisted the nipple clamps further causing additional pain, overall I was a mess of multiple reactions. It took a short while to understand what was happening but as I did I looked over to see Paula watching and enjoying the humiliating scene set before her. Once I had gathered my composure and a little dignity, I got up and started away from the speakers. As I got further away the Tens unit reduced its shocks and pain became more manageable. Paula just smiled and waved, then pointed at her watch and walked away from the door.
The cleanup was difficult as the trashcan was zip tied next to one of the speaker and I couldn't risk getting too close without a pleasure/pain meltdown while the music played. I looked for something to cut the zip ties but nothing sharp was readily available, so I looked for a shovel to pick up larger quantities of the trash inside the garage but its side door was also locked. The only things around were the grill tongs, wire brush and a broom/dust pan located by the trashcan, which was just as bad as being in front of the trashcan. One way or another I was going to get fucked and my balls were starting to chaff because of their exposed position between my legs! So I put on the best face I could and lived through most of the pain and a very sore body sections, several time having to stop to prevent another humiliating meltdown. Paula could be seen looking out and watching several times. I was able to reduce the pain to my nipples by opening the Clovis clamps and releasing them, something I should have figured out much sooner as they were very tender. Most of the trash was picked up by 9 with the exception of items close to the grill and trashcan itself. I used the remaining time between songs to get closer to the item by the speakers. The aluminum recycle bin we have was setting inside the patio door, so all I could do was pile the cans at the side of the door.
Paula came out of the house at 9 along with John. She had shut off the music on the way out and stopped to look me over; finishing the removal of nipple clamps from their taped position on my chest and shutting off the Tens unit. Then she proceeded to walk out in the yard and patio area taking note of the areas cleanliness. As Paula did her walk around John came over to me to talk.
He smiled generously and said, "Jack, when you screw up you do it well! I heard you got quite a show by Kim last night and a little extra poke to boot. Boy, Paula is really pissed off! Not so much at you but at Kim.
I nodded affirmative, having heard Paula's part of the conversation.
John added, "They decided Kim is going to share in your punishment today. She admitted to having done the deed after Jill showed her the exit and entry logs from our home security system around 1am. Paula also confirmed entry and exit from the bondage closet at the same time.
I was sure that wasn't good as Paula was going to be in charge, and now had an axe to grind with Kim as well.
John went on to explain "Kim was having breakfast with us this morning in the kitchen when Paula called. Jill left the room when she got the call. When she returned we finished our breakfast, then she and Kim went into a bedroom to discuss the morning's plans or so I thought. Jill called for me after several minutes; when I came into the bedroom Kim was visibly upset, sitting on the bed crying. Jill said, "Go get our bag of bondage toys from the bedroom", so I did. In a few minutes Jill had Kim stripped of her nightgown and panties and began binding her on the bed, with a ball gag added for good measure. Jill told me about what had happened after that. Jill and Paula needed to conifer as to their plans but I suspect Kim is going to leave here very sore on Sunday afternoon.
I nodded my understanding as Paula walked back to us from her inspection.
She said "Jack it looks like you did a poor job around the trashcan and certainly didn't clean the grill area at all, also there's empty cans piled around the door...
Grunting, I pointed at the patio door with the recycle can sitting just in side, which she saw after it was mentioned.
"Ok, we won't take off for piling the cans as it wasn't in reach" Paula said revising a tally sheet. "So that will bring the total to 22 swats to be administered after breakfast. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention John will be helping administer some of the punishment today.
I was shocked! John had never been allowed to administer punishment before. His ability to use that extra muscle was going to make it hurt worse. I looked at John; he just shrugged and smiled, not challenging Paula's judgment. I suspect this was part of their plan.
We walked back to the house, with me behind in hobble chains back after the remaining trash was picked up. Once inside, John left our company and headed to the basement to set up for the day's activities. Then Paula grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezed as she gave me a kiss saying "I did really enjoy the show. Are you beginning to regret our quarrel on my birthday?"
I nodded, knowing she was giving payback.
Paula had our breakfast prepared and waiting in the kitchen. I was famished as the last meal I had was lunch the day before. This was the first time I'd ever been dressed in bondage attire while sitting at the kitchen table. She removed the ball gag and we sat together for the first time in almost a day, talking about anything but the last 15 hours in the bondage. She had prepared blue berry pancakes with syrup. It was hard to eat the way my hands were shackled but I managed to wipe out several pancakes before stopping. So you, the readers know; my wife is a very nice person inside, only with Jill has she become steelier and firm in her resolve for dominate control. As time passes I believe we will continue to grow closer because of her new assertiveness in our relationship which had been missing for a while. When we finished breakfast I took care of kitchen cleanup, then my wife then reinserted the ball gag, added the dowel rod and lock for the hand hobbles, we proceeded to the basement around 10 am.
Our basement area is divided up; part is finished off and served as the family room during the time the kids were growing up. Since they have headed off to college and other pursuits much of the room is relatively empty as they needed furniture. It now had several comfortable chairs lined up on one side of the room across from an old entertainment unit in the corner. Since this room was much larger than our small play area John had moved several larger items into the room including a portable St Andrews cross, bondage horse, the fucking machine and possibly other items (covered in the other corner). John had also dropped off items on the coffee table and had covered them up with a pool towel. My heart started to race from the thought of an audience sitting in the chairs watching this performance. Had the girls decided to invite more people for the show I wondered? There also were video cameras setting on tripods off to the side filming the event.
Jill and Kim entered into the room shortly after we did through the kitchen entrance. Both had long coats on although the day was already getting warm so other items were hidden beneath. This proved out to be true as Jill was dressed in an outfit that I had first seen on our first bondage encounter several months earlier. She had on a black pull over V neck shirt with red trimming around the edges; showing plenty of cleavage. The tightness of the top showed off her ample breasts and tit buds poking through the fabric. Her top was accented by the red thigh length ruffle skirt with black edges and calf length black lace up boots with 2 inch large heals. Her red hair had been pulled back into a ponytail.
Kim, on the other hand was dressed strictly black leather belt attire. This included a 1" leather strap bra with large metal rings encircling the areolas. The bra had been apparently over tightened, causing the tits buds to protrude forward beyond rings edges, leaving dimpling where the rings pushed in to the flesh. The leather chastity belt she had on was also locked in place and appeared to have appliances installed as noticed by the way she walked. She wore black strapped 3" stiletto shoes on her feet to finish off the outfit. Jill pulled out wrist and ankle cuffs from Kim's coat pockets which Kim put on as Jill took the coat. She also produced a 3" posture collar with lock and red ball gag from her pockets which Kim reluctantly accepted. . I could feel my cock throbbing hard in its steel chastity cage, stimulated by the new view in front of me. My wife noticed this as well which I'm sure she didn't like.
Chapter 3, Punishment & Training
Paula looked over at Jill to ensure all was ready to begin then said, "Since this is a punishment & training session I feel that it would be best to cover the basics of why we're here to begin with first." She turned and addressed me, "Jack you forgot about my birthday day and were shitty to my sisters during their visit. They have said they'll not return to our house without an apology directly from you. You haven't treated me with the proper respect over the last several weeks as you should ...and now had sexual intercourse with someone other than me. So... you will be punished, even though the last item wasn't entirely your fault. John has been asked to lend assistance in helping you see the error of your ways (she smiled at John which he gratefully accepted). Jill was going to observe but instead will now help deal with Kim. Kim will also be observing to learn what she can from the session, albeit from a different prospective than that of a mistress in training."
Turning to address Kim she said "Kim, we have offered our homes and hospitality to you as a beginning dominant for only purchasing one of our menus. You have since signed an agreement to have services provided to learn of the role of a dominant mistress. Within the agreement were listings of house rules, some of those have been violated. The agreement we signed together is now considered null and void. You had intercourse with my husband, this is not allowed as we are mutual exclusive to the spouses in that respect and he was being punished for being bad. Jill has informed me that you wish to remain here and endure the punishment that we feel is appropriate to fit the crime." Turning to Jill she asked "Have you gotten a new written consent of agreement to continue?" Jill nodded producing the signed form from a pocket of her coat. Turning back to Kim she said, "You realize that as a result of the agreement you may be very sore for the next several days?" Kim nodded affirmative as a tear dribbled down her cheek. "Then I believe we can begin." Paula signaled to John, he turned and left going toward our bondage closet area (I assumed to get ready).
Jill took Kim over to the St Andrews cross and started to attach her facing it. It was then that I noticed Kim's bottom was also wired. There were two sets of wires running back from the plugs, one stuck in either hole running to a leather locked pouch that was part of the waist belt in back. There was also a wire running up her back and attached roughly in the same area as mine. I strongly suspected a second ErosTec ™, ET232 was hooked up inside and could only wonder what was going to happen to her when those bad boys came to life. The cross itself is part of a mobile platform that can be rolled around as needed even when the rider attached. This is something that Jill had asked John and I construct for their place but hadn't made it out of the workshop last I knew. It also contained an adjustable push-out bar directly under the X center that causes the riders butt or genital area to protrude forward becoming more predominantly exposed.
My wife removed my posture collar, hobbles chains from my wrist and ankle and took off the yellow grass stained shirt and the very tight blue jean shorts after first unlocking the belt. She unplugged the items from the ET2332 as she removed the shorts. Once the shorts were gone she lead me over to end of the horse, starting at the ankles these were attached to the horse, then she helped me lay down lengthwise then attached the wrist to the front legs as well. Belts were added at my upper chest and waist. Reached down she retrieved the Tens unit from the floor and reattached the wiring at my waist which I didn't quite understand at the time, taping the unit to my back, it became apparent later. Once finished she went over to the coffee table and uncovered some of the items that John had set down, including the Enforcer, a ring gag and a blindfold that sat along with many others items that weren't visible. From my position on the horse I could not see Kim directly but she positioned to see my entire back side. I had assumed correctly that Paula was still intending to provide training for Kim at my expense.
Jill and Paula conferred out of hearing range then Paula left the room. Jill came over to me with the ring gag and blindfold, removing the ball gag. I asked, "So where did Jack and Paula go? Jill answered, "They needed to change into the appropriate attire." loud enough that Kim could hear as well. With that she had me open my mouth and put the ring gag in place, buckling it on then added the blindfold, afterward Jill apparently left the room as all was quiet for some time except for our breathing. Later, I heard someone come down the steps basement steps from the kitchen. Jill also must have returned as well because she remarked from a position behind me, "That outfit makes you look like a true mistress Paula! The way it fits is flattering and accents your attributes very well. The trip to the boutique shop at the mall last week was well worth it."
Paula responded, "Thank you Jill. It's a shame Jack's going to miss out on the new outfit viewing but...it really doesn't matter right now. It was more for Kim benefit to see anyway. Kim, this is a good outfit for a beginning mistress, don't you think? (I guess she was showing it off for Kim which took several moments, but she was unable to respond)... Did John come back yet?" As she said it John must have appeared at the doorway. "Ahh...just the right timing...and don't you look fetching. Well let's get this session started." My wife then said for my hearing, "Slave...just so you're aware it's time for the 22 punishment swats I promised you."
I wondered why Paula hadn't asked me to keep track of the swats as she has before but I couldn't ask. Instead after several moments I felt someone's hands on my face, positioning it to the side. The next thing I felt something being stuck through the ring gag and into my mouth. This was followed by something attach behind my neck pulling what felt like a cock further in, almost causing me to gag. Rolling my tongue around the cock I realized it was warm and real!
Paula said, "I want you to suck on that cock slave, and you better do a good job too." As I gagged a little the plug in my ass came to life along with the pads at the base of my cock, I and started to gyrate from the feeling (someone had turned on the Tens unit). I was now totally humiliated as I knew what job John was doing! That thought didn't last very long as the first blow from the paddle lit up my ass, followed by my loud grunt followed by the butt plug and pads coming to life to a much greater degree; all while there was John's cock stuck deep in my mouth. The result was truly devastating. I only had a few seconds to react to this mix of feelings before the next blow fell and the cycle started all over again. I heard Paula say loudly you better get to sucking slave or I'll add on to the number of swats. I tried to comply but felt like a total body meltdown would happen somewhere before the end from all the stimulus inputs. Then the next swat hit.
Paula timed the swats for maximum effect as only my stern, controlling mistress possibly could; preventing a total meltdown but ensuring that I was left only a quivering mass of Jello by the time number 22 made contact. During the ordeal I could hear her giving Kim instruction on the proper way to spank a slave for maximum effectiveness although all I heard from Kim was Mmm, Mmm, Mmm between my cycles of pain. I later found out Kim's Tens unit was on as well; taking in the ambient noise of the paddle strike as it hit my ass and the corresponding feedback. As # 22 concluded John was driven over the edge as I tasted cum being pumped into my mouth. Jill had helped in the process as there were hands around my face possibly squeezing or massaging his balls.
When at last all was quiet several moments and I had time to recuperate from the punishment the belt and blindfold were removed. The adjustment to light took time, but looking out I saw Paula in a similar type outfit to Jill's except for the boots. Hers boots were shorter in length with a stiletto style high heal. Looking a little farther over I saw John, now realizing why I hadn't heard him say anything. He was almost naked, wearing a blindfold, ball gagged and had his hands pulled back into cuffs that were part of the posture collar, with ankle cuffs and a hobble chain. He also had a male chastity belt on, less the cage attachment for the cock at the moment. His hearing had been impaired by headsets used for noise control. I didn't know when all these bondage items had been added but now understood the girls had used him as a tool for their purposes rather than being willing accomplice in this discipline. That thought made me feel somewhat better at least for a moment, till his blindfold was removed. Looking around he also figured out what had happened. I suspect Jill had convinced him Kim was on the horse instead of me. He was upset as could be told from facial expression but was unable to do anything about it, at the moment.
Jill took John over to a chair and sat him down while the next punishment lesson was being prepared. She ensured he was unable to move by applying rope to both him and the chair. Since it was padded he was able to be somewhat comfortable although his arms were strapped behind him. While we boys were coming to grips with the understanding the girls had gotten warm from the physical activity and so had removed their tops revealing that they both had ½ cup corsets on (my wife's breasts are only slightly smaller) Jill's was black with red trim; Paula's was red with black trim. I always have enjoyed seeing my wife in her corsets, especially the half cup variety. I was left tied to the horse recovering while Jill and Paula worked with repositioning Kim on the cross. They turned the cross around so that her backside was now pointing towards me then adjusted the push-out bar to make the butt a more predominant feature. I knew they were going to spank her ass as it was well exposed and the girls had been given me a front row seat for the event.
Paula said to me, "You know that old saying: What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Well, in this case since she got to see you get disciplined its only right that you should get to see hers as well." Jill took the Enforcer paddle from Paula and proceeded to take aim at Kim's ass. What I hadn't thought about until that point was that the plugs in both of us were still very much alive. The thwack of the paddle hitting her ass was just as painful for me as they came back to life again. Her voice carried more audibly though the room as her plugs activated, as well by her moans. Jill said in a menacing tone, "That only one girl, there's only 21 to go!" Paula added, "Kim, pace your self. We don't want you may pass out before we get there."
After about 5 swats my wife took pity me and turned my Tens unit down some allowing me to coast more through the remainder of the Kim's discipline cycle, having lived through the morning's cleanup in the back yard. I can only guess how Kim was feeling as the cycle continued but at that point didn't really care. She wiggled and moaned, making the occasional noise of speech but Jill continued working her over as Paula had on me.
As Kim's discipline continued and her ass became as red as mine felt (a speculation on my part), although Paula wanted more, I'm sure. Part of the end result was some wetness running down both of her legs. Long moans during the ending were enough to say that she had a major orgasm. Either her plugs were set differently then mine or she reacted to the pleasure/pain with much more enthusiasm than I did. Jill left the room for a few moments after finishing. When she returned she had a gallon plastic Ziplock ® bag filled with ice cubes and some string. Jill and Kim had some dialog behind the cross but it was outside of my hearing to know what had been said. Jill then tied one upper edge with the string she slipped it abound Kim's waist so that the ice was hung directly over her hot red ass. This elicited a very loud long moan along with the inserted plugs returning to life. Having experienced the same condition from Jill on our first meeting I knew Kim was in agony for a while. She continued moan and squirm around as the ice did its work to cool her red hot ass.
Paula and Jill went over and sat down in the chairs for a while chatting as things cooled on Kim's ass. They talked about the fact that Kim's punishment didn't have quite the desired effect and were questioning if part of "the plan" should be scrapped in favor of a harsher punishment. I really wondered what that would be worse than the paddling just received as her ass would be sore for a while. The debate went on for a little awhile in heated whispers till some decision was made between them. Jill made that announcement "Since both of you are physically drained for the moment it has been decided any further punishment should delayed till you have some time to recover. This being the case, it has been decided you can enjoy each others company for a while to recuperate, done in silence or enduring the consequences."
The girls went to the corner of the room removing the cover from one of the items brought in, this turned out to be a black, 2X4' pivot table that I'd never seen before. The pivot table basic construction of it was 2" shiny metal tubes on each side formed an A frame that was tied together at the center under the table. It has a Formica tabletop with multiple attachment points on the edges that would hold the victim firmly to the table. At the pivot points there are 2 half moon steel plates' w/holes that mount downwards, extend out about a foot away in either direction. By pulling spring loaded pins on each side the table could be adjusted almost 90 degrees from horizontal either direction. They moved the table directly across from me in a horizontal position.
Once the table was in place Jill & Paula removed the ice from Kim's ass then untied her from the cross. They removed the posture collar and moved her over on the pivot table, having her lay front side down, still spent from the punishment. Working quickly, they put her in a strict hogtie using leather belts and a rope, ensuring both the wrist and elbows were tightly tied together. Jill anchored her waist and legs to the table. Kim had put very little resistance during the process, apparently tired from the previous workout. Paula put her hair was tied into a ponytail, then attached a rope from the back of the ball gag to the ankle cuffs, adjusting it to pull her head up. The last touches were something Jill had dreamed up; from the kitchen she retrieved two new plastic scrubbing pads used for pots and pans; bringing them down set them directly under each of Kim's tits. This Jill figured would only amplify pain applied on the breasts if she moved while lying on the rough pads. Apparently as Jill completed the setup she also had changed the setting of the Tens unit running it on Audio Low, so any noise Kim made caused her to squirm like crazy, creating multiple problems for her. Stopping by at my location Jill removed the ring gag just long enough to reinserted a larger ball gag in its place, smiling at me with a devilish grin then adjusted my Tens unit as well. She finished by slapped me on the ass several times for good measure. The affect was immediate, any noises made by either of us made both of us pay dearly.
The scene would might been quite enjoyable to watch as Kim tried without success to stay quite while her tits were being tortured by the rough pads, but I was now an unwilling participant in the event and she could not. She would try to relieve pressure on them by arching her back which could only last a few moments before straightening out and pressing her tits back onto the rough pads. She'd yell some muffled profanity to which the probes within her would immediately interpret as a command to come to life and cause her to wiggle. The process continued till she eventually wore down but not before taking me along for wild rides several times. Paula, Jill left the room going towards our bondage closet. I suspected the girls were going back to review their plans. John was still tied to the chair but was enjoying the show the girls had created.
Sometime later they returned with additional equipment from the other room, setting it out of view. When at last they turned off the Tens units for both of us there was a sweat sheen from the struggles we had to remain quiet. When Kim was rolled over after first removing the rope holding her head up from the strict hogtie her tits had looked to have been rubbed raw by the pads and were very sensitive. Jill bent down and using a finger, slowly rotated around the areola of her left tit causing Kim to moan loudly and squirm. Paula watched and smiled as Jill removed the pads, undid some of the ropes holding Kim's arms and legs tightly bound behind which helped to bring back circulation. When done Kim was still bound but now could gain some relief.
It was a little after noon when Jill finished and we all were getting hungry. The girls decided that lunch should be served so John was untied from the chair and kept busy by waiting on them. He brought out a covered cart from the back room and proceeded to set out a meal on a side table for them. The meal included meats, cheeses, vegetables, grapes and wine. Some of the food was left over from the party the previous evening. They sat together chatting about the party and enjoyed the meal as Kim and I watched still securely tied in our perches. We were both very upset but could do nothing about it. Once they were totally satisfied, John was able to eat while they rested for a while. Afterward Paula feed Kim a bologna sandwich and water then did the same for me. Little was said during our lunch as we were both parched and hungry from the workout. John seemed content to watch as the drama unfolded, but would find still find several parts to play before all was over. After lunch was over the ball gags from earlier were reapplied keeping us silenced as the drama unfolded.
While John cleaned up the remains of the meal Jill worked to loosen Kim's bonds allowing her to be able to stand, checking that Kim was basically ok. I noticed Kim was still wearing high heals as it took a few extra moments to stabilize while standing as arms remained bound behind her. Jill told Kim to walk around and stretch her legs; once Kim had completed several circuits around the room Jill had her return to the center. Using a riding crop Jill cause Kim to spread her legs wide, she complied by opening them and Jill unlocked and removed the chastity belt, Tens unit and plugs. In the process Jill used what looked to be a small pink frilly cloth to wipe the dildo & plug clean and set it aside. Kim looked totally relived by having the probes removed. Jill then ushered her to the bathroom allowing for some time to take care of business. I noticed when they returned Kim's arms had been untied allowing her to move them although still cuffed together; returning circulation, being free of the bondage material was however short lived.
John & Paula had adjusted the Pivot table while they were gone, it was setting almost vertical now. Jill ushered Kim back over to it and positioned her so her backside was now almost against the table. Jill added a blindfold, then moving her arms out to the sides, quickly strapped them securely to the anchor points at each edge. Then Jill worked with strapping Kim's torso in several locations including above and below the breasts and waist, securing them tightly against the table. Satisfied with her work she and John adjusted the pivot table angle. By pulling out a buttons on each side the angle was changed so Kim was now lying at a 45 degree angle to the floor (legs down). Jill took two ropes, added one just above each of the knees, and then pulled each leg up to touch the thigh strapped them together with a leather belt in a frog tie configuration. The feet were anchored on each side of the table to prevent her closing them together, the ropes from earlier were tied to an anchor points on the A frame thus not allowing knee closure. Kim was again tightly secured to the table leaving both her tits and pussy open and available to be played with. There was muffled conversation happening along with this but I was otherwise distracted.
While Jill and John worked with Kim, Paula undid my ball gag and belts allowing me to stand and move away from the horse which made me grateful as it had been a couple hours stuck in that position. She reattached my arms behind my back to the waist belt and added a hobble chain to my ankles, then allowed me to walk around the room and regain feeling. The steel chastity cage was still locked on my package, and the Tens plug still stuck in my ass. Paula had removed the Tens box itself from its wiring and set it aside for the moment along with the ball stretcher. She removed her skirt and panties, revealing that she had recently shaved her pubic mound, leaving only a small triangle of hair directly above the clit for accent. As Jill was finishing her work on Kim my wife had me across the room kneeling as her as she sat in one of the comfortable chairs in front of me.
Paula said, "Slave boy; its time to earn you keep!"
I looked questioningly at her as she pointed to those corseted tits. Apparently her juices were flowing from the day's activities thus far. There was no reason for me to quarrel as it was far better than being tied to the horse. She had a riding crop in her hand as I crawled forward to begin servicing her tits, making sure not to pinch too tightly as she'd inflict pain if I did. Working at the steady pace she enjoys I serviced both till she stopped me. Looking up I found that she had picked up a ball gag with ribbed dildo attached in her outstretched hand; presenting it to me like a gift.
Paula said, "Slave boy; since I didn't receive a proper birthday gift, you will bring me to several orgasms using this dildo or be brutally punished. Do you understand?!" She added, "Work slowly to start slave, as I want to enjoy your gift. Afterward I have another task for you"
"Yes mistress" I answered
In the mean time John retrieved from the fucking machine from its location in the corner and brought it over in front of Kim's spread legs, adjusting it so that penetration could happen, Jill added a condom and lubrication then John moved the unit forward sliding it in her slot until it could no longer pop out of Kim's pussy hole. Jill plugged the unit in and grabbed the remote, turning it on she adjusted the setting for a medium speed and intermittent fuck; coming on and off at a variable interval of 20 to 60 seconds. As the fucking machine did its job of pushing the dildo in and out of her slot, Kim began to really moan and whimper lying prone on the pivot table. She was being denied what she most wanted. The machine would only bring her close to the brink and stop, restarting after the moment had passed.
I really wondered what Paula was up to, but took on the ball gag with ribbed dildo and began to crawl forward, bring it into position. She put a condom on it once there, then draped her legs over my back and arms and locked them together behind me. With effort I began in earnest to bring her to an orgasm using those skills learned over the last several months by my female teachers in how best to pleasure them. After several minutes work she was driven over the brink, bringing her legs together, smashing my head between them while the dildo was fully inserted into her box. She released me after gathering her strength from falling to pieces, only to repeat the process 3 more times. She screamed and moaned during the experience, showing her satisfaction with the job. There were other screams and moaning throughout the room but I wasn't able to tell exactly why at the time. By the end my back, head and neck were sore from the unusual angle and repeated leg squeezing. When I finally was let loose and allowed to back away I looked up at the clock and realized it had been 45 minutes since my wife had let me loose from the horse. I began to stand but she stopped me cold.
Paula said, "You don't get to stand yet slave, you're not done with the jobs. Now you need to go finish Kim out by giving her an orgasm as well. You'll have to crawl over there slave to do your work."
John, as I learned had apparently been servicing Jill as I worked on my Paula. She was also recovering from a major orgasm as he got up. He walked over and shut down the fucking machine, moving it away from Kim. I now had to figure a way to get to Kim's position on the pivot table. Kneeling down I was slowly able to work my way over to her spread leg while being hobbled. My wife did swat me with the riding crop for being to slow to accomplish the task. I finally brought my head into a position that the dildo would penetrate her opening. Jill stopped me to roll on a new condom and squirted some liquid onto the dildo then allowed me to continue. I worked at the slow speed that Paula had said, building her up to the point of an orgasm as could be heard and felt. Jill stopped me from continuing till Kim had come off the edge, taunting her again. Kim was visibly upset that I didn't continue but Jill kept me stopped with the dildo fully inserted and my nose resting close to her swelled clit head. I was very uncomfortable as my cock has been throbbing within its cage and my back was burning by being stretched to allow full penetration. When all the energy used to get to the orgasm had drained from Kim's body Jill had me start again, repeating the process till Kim went over the edge in a ball gag suppressed wail that filled the room. When I stopped Kim's pussy lips were again red and swollen and her breathing remained labored from the major orgasm, I suspected she was probably a little sore inside as well from several dildos running back and forth. I was really hurting as well from the trapped cock straining to be released; red and swollen poking out from the cage holes. Jill backed me away then finger fucked Kim to bring her over the edge a couple more times while Paula tortured her tits by pinching and twisting.
While I serviced Kim, John was preparing for the next punishment/training exercise. Kim was spent still breathing hard as the girls backed away, smiled as they had accomplished one of the goals planned, to really engorging Kim's pussy lips and clit head.
Paula looked at me and said, "Slave you serviced her last night did it smell the same for you?!"
I couldn't answer but knew what Paula was getting at; she expected I should have known the scent of the woman whose pussy I licked out and told her about it this morning. This seemed unfair as I has been well bound, blindfolded and couldn't have done anything about it if I had.
Paula turned to Kim and said, "Did his dick feel that big and good to you last night?!" Knowing that Kim couldn't answer she continued, "Well we have one more bit of training and punishment for both of you. Kim, make sure you take note for future reference. You have seen or experienced many of the items in our dungeon. We have one more that's used for those of us that have been particularly bad. Jill and I have come to the conclusion you should have a first hand experience with it, to come to a better understanding of living within the agreements made."
Paula came over to me with a posture collar I had worn previously and put it on, then she and Jill lead me over to the cross and attached me to it front side out, strapping my arms, legs then torso to several attachment points. The push-out bar was adjusted to keep my cock and balls ready for attention. The look of their dom outfits and those perky tits jutting out had kept me very uncomfortable but I didn't know the half of it yet. Once I was in place they started working on Kim's preparations. Paula and Jill walked over to the adjustable wooden pony w/attachment points that had been covered and brought it directly across from the cross, about 6 feet away. The wooden pony was made like a bondage horse but it had an upward tapered wooden beam that is adjustable according to the height of the rider. The beam was thin, only a little over 2 inches wide on bottom thinning to a small curve on top. This was an item I hadn't seen used before in real life although there are many pictures and accounts on the internet. It must have been owned by Jill and John's as we didn't own one. They moved it under an attachment loop in the ceiling used for a disco ball from ages past. From the cross where I was mounted on you could see the end of the wooden pony.
Jill worked to loosen Kim's bonds around her legs and torso allowing her to be able to stand once the pivot table was readjusted. Kim still wore 3" high heals so it took her a few extra moments again to stabilize when standing again. Once standing Jill quickly reached behind and relocked her wrist together behind her. John held her shoulder for balance and cooperation. Uncovering yet another item from the coffee table Jill held it out for Kim to see, a red and black arm binder. Smiling Jill ask, "Have you ever tried one of these on? Kim shook her head negative but also tried to back away but couldn't. Jill said, "Well, you're in for a treat." Jill went behind and slipped it over her arms, bringing the straps and over her shoulders then across the top of the chest and back to the sides, tightening till the unit wasn't removable. Jill then stepped behind and began lacing the binder from her wrist up, when finished Kim's arms were tightly packaged and immobile. The result also caused Kim's tits to stand proud again although they had been reddened from the day's punishment. Jill told Kim to walk around and stretch her legs; it was as she did this that she really looked at the wooden pony setting there, not fully realizing the pain related to it though. When she had made to circuits around the room Jill brought her back to the center of the room. Jill reached down to the coffee table and grabbed some pieces of nylon rope. John held her still again as Jill began to tie the breasts, starting by going under the right one she ran the rope around multiple times, tightening as she went till the breast became a bulbous mass protruding away from Kim's chest then tied it off, then the same treatment was done to the left, she finished by tweaked both nipples, Kim shuttered.
Jill said, "Well Kim, it's time to mount your wooden pony." Kim was very reluctant but compiled when Paula stepped up to help. Jill helped balanced her as the leg was swung over the beam; Jill and John then added a spreader bar separating Kim's legs some 24" distance apart attaching it to the ankle cuffs. She was taller than the beam's current position setting so John and Jill brought up the height till Kim's bottom was just resting off the beam. Once in place they used a rope block and tackle between the wrist cuffs and the metal loop in the ceiling above to bring Kim's hands up behind her slightly, this caused her to bend forward slightly, her tied tits to now hang down. I really enjoyed this and was paying for it by the raging erection that couldn't happen. Jill grabbed her ponytail and wrapped several coils around the hair using a slip knot then attached the opposite end to the wrist cuff loop, pulling slowly till Kim's head was looking forward toward my location and tying it off. Clovis clamps were attached to Kim's tits along with the chain. This proved difficult but not impossible; they only caught the sensitive ends (Paula was grinning as she knew it was going to hurt) Kim gave out a scream through the gag as each was applied. The last items added were 2, 8oz lead weights which Jill attached to the center of the chain.
Paula was working with me to completing my setup. She put on a leather hood that I had purchased some months before, once down she quickly began lacing it tight starting at the top and working her way down. She finished by tying the laces at the base, closing the leather belt at the base and adding a small padlock that was supplied with it. She hooked up the Tens unit to the butt plug, then added an audio extension cord to the input on the unit, the wire was run over to Kim's mic connection and plugged it in. She then put on the ball stretcher I had on earlier, grabbing a light weight cord and a screen door spring. She threaded the cord through the attachment points on the leather ball stretcher making the loose ends even, and then attached the spring to a loop located at base of the cross. The cord was fastened to the top of the spring then tightened it till it expanded slightly increasing the pressure pulling my balls down. My wife grabbed new Tens pads from the coffee table and applied them to my trapped balls (one on each side), the wiring that was at the base of my cock was moved to the new pads and some adjustment were made to the unit. The rag used to clean off Kim's dildo & plug from earlier were wadded it up; they were stuck into my mouth and sealed in with the snap on mouth cover. I learned later it was a pair of pink panties that Kim had worn earlier in the morning. I could still see but was now mute again. Clovis clamps were attached to my nipples along with the chain; catching the sensitive ends, Paula grinned again as she knew it was going to hurt. I screamed through the gag as each was applied. The last items added were 2, 8oz lead weights attached to the chain.
Jill said so we both heard "This will be a test of endurance (I really hoped she was kidding). The winner will eventually get to eat supper, the looser may remain tied in position till after it's over, although maybe to a lesser degree. I'll be judging the event. Kim, please take notice that a dominant mistress can use anything available at her disposal to make the impression needed to control her slaves. In a few moments any noises you made will affect Jack. As a dominant mistress you can make your man suffer or make him feel ecstatic, but in this case at what price to yourself. You'll both get to chose how you spend your energy but I really wonder who will get supper. Take note of the clock across from you Kim as it will become very important later on." Reached down she undid Kim's right 3 inch stiletto shoe; walking around the horse to the opposite side she did the same with the left shoe. Kim suddenly realized that this wasn't going to be as easy as she expected; she now had to stand on tiptoe to keep from having the beam put pressure on her delicate parts. She also knew that she couldn't stay that way long. Jill added, "To make this more interesting Paula and I will inflict pleasure or pain for 5 minutes at 10 minute intervals. This should keep you both on your toes, so to say.
Jill reached around Kim and removed the ball gag that had been there for several hours today, with that also Paula also turned on my Tens unit.
There were many thoughts running through Kim's head including getting even with the girls and torturing me, both she wanted to do badly. She remained quiet for several moments while her jaw relaxed, thinking of what she would say. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but when she started it was to talk dirty to me, trying desperately to further arouse me. She said "I know how you looked at these tits when we met Jack; you're a big tit man! How would you like to nibble and suck on them now, tied the way they are?" She moved those 34 DD cup beauties around while still standing on tip toe, the dark areolas now expanded by tying and large round nipples sticking with clamps pulling them down getting me further excited as she teased me. "You'd really suck on them wouldn't you? Remember you need to finish your punishment first but I might let you, if your wife permits it." She turned and looked at the girls, possibly from hearing a derogatory comment made by Paula. The movement jiggled her weights further, torturing her tits and caused her to slip off her toes and rest her crotch on the bar for several moments before raising and continuing my verbal assault. Did you enjoy servicing my pussy last night! I really enjoyed riding you! You really filled me up! And so the assault went on, both at me and at her captors.
Paula, Jill and Jack had taken up the chairs across from us and started to watch the show as Kim thought through what she would say. When she started speaking I felt as tingling across my balls making me jump as the dildo slowly came to life oscillating in my ass. As she continued she became louder changing from a whisper into normal conversation, I felt tingling change to sharp pin pricks on my balls and the dildo picking up the pace of oscillating in my ass. I tried to move which only caused my balls to be jerked on harder by the spring. The louder Kim spoke the more my balls felt like someone was whacking at them with a cane or riding crop. The pain from multiple areas kept rolling across my body including the weighted nipple clamp tits. I truly felt like a marionette controlled by Kim's voice (that may have been their desired effect but I have never thought to ask).
Kim was struggling to stay on her toes after 5 minutes, she slowly let down onto the pony for a moment then rose when the pain started. She was also somewhat distracted by watching the clock that Jill had pointed out; this also had been part of the girls plan. Standing on her toes became less of an option after 10 minutes and she started letting down on the wooden pony bar a little more often before raising back off. What originally had started as normal conversation or Jack abuse then became less structured at time progressed and moaning took it's place, softly at first then more loudly as she rested on the bar more often. The fact her pussy lips had been swollen by play before riding the pony only amplified the pain associated by resting her pubic mound on bar, this again was something the girls had also planned.
At 10 minutes true to their word, Jill stopped by Kim's head pinching her nose closed, Kim struggled but eventually had the ball gag reinserted and buckled in tight. She was really ticked that Jill had taken away her ability to speak but Jill had other plans. Jill walked over to the coffee table produced a vibrating wand with a round head; walking back she turned it on aiming it at Kim's clit head, slowly rubbing it as Kim moaned in both pleasure and pain. Kim's moaning and screaming only increased by the nipple clamps from earlier twisted and pulled on. After several minutes they were removed allowing the blood to return to those sensitive tit ends. Paula on the other hand had her riding crop in hand came over to me and started to flick the crop across the nipples and on the sides of my ass and balls. My balls felt like they were on fire from the onslaught. I felt unglued from the multiple pain stimulus, moving like a Paula's bound marionette dancing to a sadistic beat of Kim's moaning music, screaming loudly into the panty gag; closing my eyes to try and remain focused on something mundane , my mind conjured the image of a cat playing with a small string ball (that didn't help at all). The sound, smell and taste of Kim were present and unabated. At 15 minutes they stopped but Kim and I continued; both stuck in the word of pain inflicted by the choices they had made. At 20 minutes Kim was spending as much time on the bar as off, she was starting to cry but was unable to do anything about it. I had also started to fade but still was being shocked and fucked.
We made it to 25 minutes and the girls came out again, this time Jill came out holding a rattan cain and a wooden cooking skewer. She stopped behind Kim and adjusted the rope block and tackle holding Kim's arms so they went up several inches higher, the reaction was immediate as more forward weight was applied over the beam and onto Kim's clitoris as she rested. It was now becoming smashed against the beam each time she rested. Jill then waited by Kim's side but watching Paula. Paula came over to me but didn't have anything in her hands this time. She walked behind the cross, shutting off the Tens unit. Reaching up she took the keys off her neck and kneeled down, proceeded to unlock the steel prison from my cock. The torture which had last many hours made my cock thump hard with each heart beat, similar to what you'd feel if you finger had been smashed by a hammer or car door up to this point. Once the chastity cage was removed the feeling of euphoria from being released revived me if only for a few minutes. She moved forward, taking my limp cock into her mouth and slowly licked and sucked on it, bringing it back to erect and full. My wife squeezed my trapped balls while teasing me by playing with my cock only enough to bring me close, but not going over the edge. Careful to stay to one side my wife position herself so that Kim had full visibility of the spectacle, the pushout bar only magnifying the effect. Kim watched the scene, now knowing Paula was intentionally equating her clitoris pain with my pleasure. Paula used her hand to slowly jerking me off so that on the third cycle I exploded, shooting cum out over the floor in front of Kim, some droplets possible hitting her face.
Jill then started, using the cain she smacked Kim's ass; Kim reacted by yelling profanities into her gag and truly started riding the wooden pony, unable to get relief. Jill walked around and smacked Kim's tied breasts repeatedly, not hard but enough that Kim screamed in pain. She was truly an enjoyable site struggling while as Jill used the wooden cooking skewer to poke her underarms, ass, tits and engorged pouting lips. As a woman Jill knew all those tender spots that make it worse on her female subjects. Jill poked those areas, like the tit buds ensured that Kim was tortured as I had been by my wife earlier. Kim truly began to sob into her gag, suffering as the head of her clit was being smashed against the beam. Jill stopped and whispered into Kim's ear, "Kim, remember when you do become a mistress that what goes around can come around. If you or one of your subject breaks a contract or agreement then the consequences can be sever." Kim nodded her agreement, understanding that she had done wrong and now very much wanted the torture to end. Jill did stop after the 5 minutes but Kim was no longer able to stay off the beam, resting her whole weight against it. Seeing this Jill and Paula were delighted with the result, but it became the stopping point for the torture as Jill and John lowered the wooden pony bar allowing Kim to stand and recover although very bruised both above and below. John removed the spreader bar and then scooted the horse back and out of the way, then reattached the spreader per Jill's instruction.
The girls picked up their cloths and left the room with John in tow behind, mentioning something about going up into the kitchen to prepare supper. No one looked back at us, but we were still left hanging there in our positions. John returned several minutes later, he disappeared behind the cross I was attached to and pushed forward till I was directly in front of Kim. She was still bent over held by the arm binder tied to the block and tackle. Seeing that things were relatively close, John adjusted the block and tackle so Kim's mouth was now in line with my erect cock. He went over and retrieved several belt used on the pivot table and came back to us.
John said, "Kim, You have one last task to do, bet what it is." Removing her ball gag he positioned her head, and then clamped her nose close. When she finally took a breath for air he pushed her head forward onto my waiting cock, slipping the belt around her neck and my leg to hold us together. He then added the other two belts around her head to make sure she couldn't easily back away from it.
Turning to me he put snapped the blindfold on my leather hood and turned the Tens unit on.
He said, loud enough for us to hear, "Jack, Kim, Jill said she considered the contest a tie. Supper is in an hour. Enjoy.
Epilogue, Questions & Some Answers
At a little after 7 pm we all sat down for supper in the kitchen, some more delicately than others. Paula had prepared grilled chicken while Jill worked on the side dishes. The family room below was still a mess but this time we all were on cleanup duty when we returned. Kim and I were only partially dressed by T shirts John had supplied and both were physically worn out. We consumed what food we could while conversing about all the events of the day.
I found out that Jill and Kim had been roommates for a year in college and that during that time they had discovered bondage play together, apparently taking turns tying each other up and experimenting. Jill later went on to marry John and start a successful career in catering, even when they moved here. Kim had also married out of college but went through a messy divorce. Her first husband had no interest in sexual play other than completing the missionary position when making love. "While always enjoying sex he didn't have a perverted bone in his body" (her direct quote).
When the Menu came out Kim got one of the first published copies via Jill because of a shared interest. Kim was now dating a man that had a mutual BDSM interest but wanted more than she was capable of offering, so this learning session seemed the perfect answer to her dilemma. Kim was still a submissive at heart but felt pressured by her boyfriend to do more. After some thought and reflection she decided for her boyfriend she'd work to become his Mistress. Her expectations coming in were that she would learn what she could and apply it once returned home. On arriving however she had started checking things out and realized this was much more than she could accomplish alone as he wasn't mechanically inclined. When they talked at breakfast this morning Kim had already decided to bring her boyfriend, Bruce back and have him properly trained by Mistress Jill rather than doing it herself. They signed the paperwork after supper to start the ball rolling for his visit in a couple of weeks, once consent was given.
Kim on the other hand is a horny, calculating, little bondage slut Jill new in college. She talked with Jill after leaving the bondage closet last night about the idea of becoming an abused submissive today instead of learning the mistress ropes. They hadn't agreed about it at the time, so Kim setup the overnight encounter to set the stage; having carefully read the agreement including the forfeiture clause before signing. This pushed Jill into the situation where there was no choice but give Kim what she wanted today, a full treatment. Paula having no knowledge of it was also sticking to the rules they had established and protecting her interest. Kim apologized for her actions to Jill and Paula once supper had ended and she could get them alone. They smiled and accepted the apology knowing any future plans would also include her when it came time to train Bruce.
John apparently got in the last word on our discipline this afternoon, primarily because Jill didn't specify conditions when she told John to let us know supper would be ready in an hour, and to release us in half an hour. So John was creative in his own solution to satisfy our predicament, and may soon encounter Jill's wrath in return. I on the other hand will never look a good blow job the same as my balls still feel like they have been skewered through and ass reamed for many days afterward. Although Kim didn't say so directly, I expect she enjoyed completing the last task.
Life between Paula and I started to return to normal pace over the next week, whatever that is. That was till Paula said her sisters were coming over for a visit next weekend. They apparently are still looking for an apology directly from me. I didn't tell Paula at the time, but they aren't going to get it. It seems I might need some training again, although in this case I'm not sure it'll help.