Author's Note: Another one I did years ago - enjoy!
Cynthia shifted in her car seat uncomfortably. Weeks before, she had discovered a new diversion called "pony girls", and had become fascinated by the concept. Her marriage was increasingly boring and she needed new experiences. For several years now she had surreptitiously explored her wilder side, without her dullard husband being any the wiser. Had he known what she had been up to on his out of town trips, he would have divorced her in a heartbeat. Fortunately, she had managed to keep her experimental phase a complete secret from him, and had enjoyed one affair after another. She was a well known fixture in the shadier parts of the city, even going so far as to take on the role of prostitute for a day just for kicks.
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While exploring the internet in search of greater excitement, she had encountered website's that dealt exclusively with the subject of pony girls. After visiting some of them several times, she realized just how addictively arousing it was for her. She found herself going back to again and again. Curiosity finally led to action of course, and she began to explore the possibility of playing out a scene straight off of the website. All without her dimwitted husband being any the wiser.
Her initial anonymous phone inquiries at various local stables had elicited responses that ranged from humor to outright disgust at her proposal. Finally, she hit pay dirt. After several discreet phone calls, she had managed to locate a small stable out in a rural area miles from town that would accommodate her request. Apparently she had called a business that specialized in this sort of thing, as they had explained over the phone that she would have to sign release forms clearing them of any responsibility should mishaps occur and she became injured or twisted an ankle. Being somewhat reassured by this display of practicality, and the belief that this was apparently done all the time, she set an appointment for the weekend. Her husband was going to be out of town, so she would have the entire weekend to do as she pleased.
The stable did have certain conditions, which when she considered them made sense as well. First of all, she was to go on the internet and purchase a specific string bikini. This condition had been made when she expressed discomfort with the idea of being completely nude during the proceedings. She was assured then that she would not be completely nude unless she clearly wished it to be so. When she pulled up the website, she realized it was little more than three latex eye patches attached with dental floss than a real bikini, yet she went ahead and purchased it. She reasoned that since she was the one who handled the household bills, her husband Sam would never realize she'd spent money on it. When it arrived, she found that it barely covered her nipples and pubic area, and that she had to cinch it very tightly to keep it from popping off.
The bottom barely covered her vagina, and her pubic hair protruded copiously around the edge of the material. Obviously, she would have to shave herself entirely, which she guessed was the whole point. The back was nothing more than slender latex strands that joined together just below where the cleft of her buttocks ended, which caused the strands of material to crease into the upper portion of her buttocks before disappearing into her crack. Interestingly, it was made of some sort of semi-clear material, which allowed her to see her own nipples through the translucent garment. She had very generous DD cup breasts with a perfectly balanced hourglass figure, and she found the restrictive, yet exposing attire to be quite arousing. This was the only clothing she was to wear to the appointment. She was not even allowed a pair of sunglasses.
Her only additional condition beyond that she remain clothed at all times, was that she be finished in time to be home before her husband arrived. The stable agreed, but noted that she was responsible for calling a stop to the proceedings and they were not responsible for keeping up with the time. Cynthia reasoned that even without a watch, she would surely be able to see the sun going down and so be able to return home long before her husband the following day. At the suggestion of the stable, the agreed upon "safe word" was "Pluto", which would also terminate the proceedings allowing her to leave. The fact that the stable had suggested actually using a safe word only further encouraged her belief that the stables were in fact a legitimate operation.
She also had to explain to the stable manager what type of car she was driving, and from what part of town. Confused, she proceeded to give up the information anyway reasoning that since they did not actually have her home address she was still safe. Upon receiving this information, the stable manager had told her to only put in a half a tank of gas, and they would refuel the vehicle when it arrived. This ensured that, at least past the halfway point, she would not be able to turn back and leave them with an open and unfilled appointment. The stable manager stressed the importance of showing up after setting such an appointment, and suggested that if she had any qualms at all now was the time to either discuss them or politely decline. She decided to proceed anyway. She was also told to completely clean the car of all information except her drivers license and registration, her access card to re-enter her gated community when she got home, and she was forbidden to bring any credit cards of any kind, cash or a cell phone. The only money she would have would be a check made out in advance to the stable under a false business name. Of course she realized that once she was in the car, and had driven more than halfway, there was no turning back. Were she to stop anywhere, there would be no financial means for her to purchase more fuel, and even if she did stop, she would not have the nerve to get out of her vehicle as scantily dressed as she was. She would not even have the means to call for help.
Somehow the prospects were arousing and she could feel her nipples hardening at the prospects of being so vulnerable.
Now here she sat on the leather seat of the car, gas gauge blinking a warning, sweating. Of all the days for her air conditioning to go out in the Mercedes! While in the city, she had kept the windows almost completely closed, and as such the interior was practically a sauna from the heat and humidity of the summer day. Riding down the road, she had a tendency to hunch down so other drivers would not get a good look, yet every now and then a large truck would slow down as it passed her, suspiciously keeping pace with her whether she slowed down or sped up, yet once she was out of the city she relaxed a little more. Still, she was very conscious of driving the speed limit. She finally felt more comfortable in lowering the windows all the way and opening the sun roof, and relished the somewhat cooler, though still uncomfortably warm, breeze that was generated. In this state of exposure, being pulled over was the last thing she wanted to happen! She also noticed how odd the gas and brake pedals felt under her bare feet.
She also noticed that as her body sweated, the bikini seemed to be shrinking! She could see her nipples clearly around the edges of the material now, and it was beginning to bite into her cunt painfully, yet she had nothing else to put on. She found herself constantly pulling at it. She pondered the matter as she drove, wondering if it was just her imagination or if she needed to adjust it a bit, then realized too late she had driven past the halfway point. Like it or not, there was no turning back now. She would not be able to walk through her own neighborhood dressed as she was, even late in the evening after dark when perhaps nobody would see her. Of course darkness brought it's own concerns, and Cynthia did not relish the idea of running into bums or street thugs while trying to walk several miles through the back streets of the city to her own safe little gated community. Then of course how would she get back into said gated community without being spotted? Finally, Cynthia gave into the inevitable and accepted the fact that she would have to go through with the entire enterprise before being able to get home that evening. The prospects did not frighten her, after all she had done far crazier things on other escapades, yet still the obvious vulnerability she would be in continued to arouse her.
Finally, she arrived at the rustic gates of the stable. The driveway was a rutted dirt lane, and high weeds grew up on either side of the rusted livestock gate, obscuring whatever lay beyond it. Putting the car in park as she rolled up the windows, she blew the horn a few times and waited. The only response for a while was the red dust raising from the dirt lane as she had pulled to a stop. Moments later, an old man hobbled out carrying a clip board. Unlatching the gate, he stepped through and walked towards the vehicle. Cynthia quickly crossed her arms over her breasts and hunched lower in the seat, wondering if she had the right address. It would be so embarrassing to get it wrong! As she did so, she absently noticed the sweat slick seats as she slid down slightly. She was absolutely soaking wet with perspiration already!
Olaf smiled widely and tapped the clipboard lightly against the window of the car. When Cynthia rolled it down a few inches, he simply stated, "The boss says to tell you to fill this out and get your identification before we let ya in." He then thrust the clipboard through the cracked window and leaned on his cane expectantly.
Cynthia paused a moment after rolling the window up to glance at the paperwork. As promised, it was a waiver form absolving the stable of any responsibility should something go wrong. After a few more moments, Cynthia used the pen provided to sign it, clip her drivers license and payment check to the clipboard, and squeeze it back out through the window.
Olaf checked her signature and drivers license, smiled again, nodded, and hobbled back through the gate, throwing it wide open as he went and waving her through. After Cynthia had driven inside, he locked it behind her. Walking back to the side of the car, he motioned for her to get out.
"What do we do now?"
Olaf just smiled a moment, taking her physique in, then said, "We put a bridle on you."
Cynthia followed him out to the stable itself, her arms still clutched around her torso. Her keys, since she had no where else to put them, stayed in the ignition of the vehicle. Once under the shade of the stables, she almost felt chilled and her nipples poked even more determinedly through the latex. Olaf seemed to ignore this as he came to her with a bridle. She stood quietly with arms crossed as he slipped it on and secured it in place. Last to go in was the bit. Cynthia started a bit, then meekly opened her mouth as he slipped it into place. She was amazed at how much it opened her jaws up, almost painfully. A stiff high necked collar went on next and Cynthia found she could not move her head any more. Last to go on was a strange arm binder, which cinched her forearms together behind her back, causing her to thrust out her breasts. Hoof shaped boots were fitted to her feet, causing her to stand almost on her toes in an uncomfortable manner. Her ass thrust in one direction while her breasts strained at the bikini top in the other. The posture restricting ensemble utterly exposed her physique in a way no other garment had ever done. The thin strings of the bikini were beginning to cut in painfully now, and Cynthia began to mumble around the gag, attempting to ask if there were anything else she could wear. Olaf ignored her and to her consternation, clipped a lead line to the bridle, grabbed a bullwhip and pulled her out into the sunny hot arena. Cynthia momentarily considered saying the safe word, then decided to play out the role a little farther.
Standing in the center, Olaf cracked the whip against her exposed ass cheek. Moments later Cynthia found herself high stepping around the arena regardless of her discomfort, several red whelps visible on her ass. After ten minutes, tears were rolling down and mixing with her sweat as she realized there was no relief for the pain she was in. finally she could take it no more and tried to utter the safe word "Pluto", only to discover that with the bit in her mouth it was absolutely impossible! An hour later, she would have given anything to be rid of the painful bikini and her mind was absolutely buzzing with one idea after another to try to relay to the old man that she had had enough and was ready to be finished with the little game they were playing, but there was no way to say anything intelligible and so she found herself being forced to do all sorts of painful exercises with no end in sight.
Olaf for his part continued to work her through her paces. He knew the torment she was in, and found great satisfaction in it. He also knew she was trying to blurt out the safe word but couldn't. It had been a deliberate act in providing a safe word but then restricting her speech so she could not say it. It allowed him to continue her training long after she would have voluntarily stopped. Out of pure vindictiveness, he made her go faster knowing it would rub her even more raw in the most delicate of regions. After two hours, he decided to pause and Cynthia gratefully stopped trotting in circles. She stood exhausted, clinching her knees together and attempting to ignore the rawness in her cunt. With her eyes closed, she felt rather than saw the lead line pull taut again. Opening her eyes wide, she saw a much younger man now on the other end, Olaf having left her. For the next two hours she found herself being put through even greater exertions, until she finally could take it no longer and stumbled and fell into the packed dirt of the arena, sobbing hysterically around the bit.
Cynthia noticed the approaching shadow, heard a click of a knife blade opening, and glanced up terrified just in time to see the younger man motion with the knife point at her now incredibly shrunken bikini. With a sob, she nodded and he cut off her bikini bottom. As the now loose material was pulled away from her body, she realized it had worked it's way entirely up into her vagina. She might as well have been wearing nothing for all the coverage it provided. She felt the slender strands of material as he pulled them through the folds of her sex, finally freeing it from her body. Humiliation mixed with relief as he next pulled the painfully tight bikini top from her sweat drenched body in order to slip the knife point between the material and her skin. Now she was completely nude save for her bridle, arm binder, and hoofs. She remained hunched in a fetal position on the ground, wondering what she was going to do now. Her ribs, standing out in extreme relief against her skin, expanded and contracted with every labored breath, large beads of sweat sliding down her sides and dripping to the dry ground, the vertebrae of her spine arched up her lower back where it was straining against her own skin. She had never been this completely exposed or exhausted before, and absolutely never so before a stranger! Even though the bikini had been minimal in it's coverage, she now felt the warm summer air against her nipples and cunt, and even her exposed rectum which was even more glaringly exposed now that she was hunched over on her knees with her forehead against the ground. Confusion overwhelmed her as to what to do about her predicament. She had been involved in numerous escapades in the past, all without her husband's knowledge, but never had things gotten this far out of hand.
The young man clucked lightly to her and pulled the lead line. Cynthia didn't move. She had no warning when the whip cracked against her buttock almost within the crevice of her ass cheeks, and with a yelp she rose. Red marks from both the bikini as well as the whip covered her body now. She was already beginning to wonder how she would ever explain it to Sam. What would he believe?
These thoughts were soon lost as she found herself again walking in circles, sweat spraying from her skin with every stride, her breasts swaying energetically and painfully, bouncing forcefully when her tormenter made her pick up the pace. Cynthia's face was red from embarrassment as well as exertion. There was nothing she could do except continue until they had finished. Her arms were actually numb now, and she wondered how she would be able to drive back to the city in this condition, and whether she would be able to borrow some clothing for the drive even. There was no way she would put that bikini back on. She would rather chance the drive completely naked!
Not long afterwards, she noticed another vehicle pulling in, a cloud of reddish dust raising upon it's arrival. The young stable hand led her out of the arena and tied her lead line off to a post in the yard. There was no way for her to cover herself, and Cynthia's embarrassment knew new heights as a tow truck pulled up close and parked. As with any stable, the flies began to circle her immediately in the humid sun, yet all she could do was move continuously and shrug somewhat to keep them off her. Incredibly, she found herself deliberately shaking her breasts sideways in an effort to shake the pesky insects off! In the meantime, she made sure to turn her back to the new arrival to minimize his view of her assets.
"That the new one? Whooweee she's a looker!" The redneck tow truck driver walked over and stared brazenly at Cynthia, who reluctantly stood still when the younger man held her by the bridle. With her lead line held so closely and firmly, she could only stand there with her knees alternately trying to rise to one side or the other to cover her pubic area. She found herself flinching when he placed his greasy hand on her body and squeezed her breast, then let it drift down and fondle her cunt. A black greasy streak marked his hand's passage across her flesh. Shaking her head she stamped her feet but with the younger man holding her bridle she could not pull away. Nobody had ever felt her like that before and it was infuriating! An animalistic squeal leaked past the bit in her mouth.
Laughing, the two released her to wander around the post on her lead line as they walked towards her car. Hushed discussions followed that Cynthia couldn't hear, but she had a tendency to turn away from them and face the stable anyway. She could almost still feel the too intimate touch of the driver on her body and could think of no way to relieve herself of the sensation. A small part of her mind felt that at least some modesty was preserved in showing them her back rather than the front of her body. Nervously, she kept glancing back over her shoulder at them, wondering what was going on. Finally she noticed them shake hands, exchange a wad of cash and the driver got back into his tow truck. Moments later she squealed when she realized he had backed up and was hooking up to her car!
Panicked now, Cynthia frantically pulled at the lead line and tried to work her arms free. All thoughts of modesty were gone. However, it was no use. She was helpless as her brand new Mercedes was pulled out of the drive to some new destination. She had no illusions that she would ever get it back, and was in fact more worried about what she was going to do to get out of this mess herself.
After her car was towed away, she found herself being led back into the stables by both the younger and older man, and forced to lay across a rough stump that had been brought in and used as the base of an anvil once. The anvil was long gone, but a steel ring was in place instead which they clipped her bridle to. For whatever reason, they removed her collar. In this position, she couldn't resist as they bound her knees to either side of the stump and tied her ankles together. Sweat continued to pour off of her steaming body, now soaking into the ancient dried wood of the anvil base. Exhausted, she was almost grateful to be off her feet, but the looks on the men's faces told her that her relief would be short lived.
Looking up, she frantically began shaking her head as she saw them come back across the stables with an anal plug to which a long tail was attached. Try as she might to twist and squirm on the old tree stump, she could only grunt as it was unceremoniously thrust into her rectum. The feeling of the overly large plug stretching her sphincter muscle was painful as well as a new low in humiliation for her. Despite her past sexual experimentations, she had never had a desire for anal sex before, and now she had an attachment appearing to grow out of her ass! Through tear blurred vision, she noticed the older man approaching again, this time with a glowing red branding iron. Again, she shook her head frantically. This was not part of the deal! How could they?
Screams echoed through the barn as he applied the brand to her quivering ass and held it. Moments after losing control of her water, she passed out. When he was satisfied with the brand, Olaf drenched her with tepid water from a bucket. Sputtering around the bit, she felt herself being untied and raised from her prone position. Olaf then led her to a stall.
As she limped into her new home, illusions that she would be able to leave were finally given up as she saw another woman in an adjacent stall. She was bound exactly as Cynthia, and her arms were visibly withered from lack of use yet her legs and torso were noticeably muscled. A dull vacant expression was the only return Cynthia got for her stares. "Patricia" was stenciled on the door, and from the looks of it she had been here quite some time. Her breasts had been artificially enlarged drastically to at least DDD cup size, and the skin strained to accommodate the implants embedded within her breasts. She walked with an exaggeration born of her artificial augmentations. Due to the massive weight of her implants, combined with her arms being bound tightly behind her back and then having to walk literally on her toes in the uncomfortable shoes, her body formed a sort of "S" shape, with her legs always extended almost straight, her ass thrust out behind her with the artificial tail swinging lazily, and her upper torso leaning forward somewhat so her breasts could hang down slightly away from her body. She had been pierced, and heavy gold hoops hung and stretched at her nipples. Her cunt was fully denuded, and several brands were evident on her thigh, obviously from a series of different owners. Cynthia could only imagine that this woman had been bought and sold several times in her life as an animal. She paced her stall mindlessly, all intelligent thought absent from her eyes.
Cynthia fell to the straw and wept uncontrollably as the stable owners locked the stall door behind her, then locked the barn for the evening. It was already evident to her that there was no way she could unlatch even the simple latch on her stall much less the massive timber across the door. Her new life as a pony girl had begun....