Part One
It was a new semester, and I was trying my hardest to figure out what classes to take. I was starting my junior year at the local community college, and I still needed an elective class that counted as 1 credit to help me graduate on time. I was scrolling through the online course catalog when I came upon a class that sounded rather interesting. "Sexual tendencies of the x generation couple". Sounded interesting, and it was convenient, being a night class it would fit great around work. The class met once a week on Tuesdays, and lasted the duration of the semester. I enrolled, and completed the rest of the required documentation. The new semester started next week, I could hardly wait to see what this class would turn into.
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I showed up the first day, and the ratio of guys to girls was heavily skewed. There was only one other guy in the class, the other 18 enrollees were all women. I was stoked. The chance to meet a little hottie in a class like this – odds were stacked well for me. I grabbed a seat in the back of the room, and waited for the professor, taking inventory of the lovely ladies all around me. Typical of a college class, you had a couple of not so hot ladies, your group of what I like to call mediocre's (ones you wouldn't reject, but not put any effort in), then a couple of hotties. One of them shared my calc class last semester. If I recalled, she was new to the area, moving here for the school. She was a women's rights education major, or some empowerment shit like that. I don't recall what her major was, but I did recall she was a couple of years younger than me, having been accepted to the school early and passing by her senior year of high school. I also recall her perky, raised up 34c's, that tight little waist with the beautiful ass, and the long shoulder length hair that perfectly framed her face. She wasn't the stuck up type, but not outgoing either. Erika I believe her name was – she was sitting a row over and a chair up from me.
The teacher walked in – Ms. Kirsten (wasn't really sure if that was a first or last name), and set the expectations for the semester. A few exams, a few quizzes, and some class participation – the usual crap. Since I doubted I'd get a homework assignment to go home and fuck the shit outta miss hottie little Erika, I wondered what class participation would qualify for. The teacher also gave us a disclaimer, that all forms of sexual conduct would be considered for discussion in her class-multiple partners, exhibitionism, fetish, and anything else we wanted to talk about. She said so as not to embarrass anyone, if this would make them uncomfortable, don't leave now, but simply don't show up to the next class. The class was a free flowing discussion type of class, to get our thoughts out on how mainstream media portrayals, porn, religion, college, and the like played on, and influenced people under 30 in America. God this class was going to be fun. Seeing as how I recognized some of these people from other classes – I wondered how someone as new to the school like Erika pulled off getting in this class. Oh well, no matter – bonus for me. The teacher said to get things off to an interesting start, next week we were going to talk about bondage and bdsm. She let us go early, and to come prepared to talk about those topics next class.
A week went by, and I couldn't stop thinking about Erika, how much I wanted to hook up with her, and the topic for next week. I actually enjoyed bondage – I mean who wouldn't love having a girl bound and gagged, for your pleasure? Only problem is that most of them aren't into it, and aren't willing to even try it. I wasn't sure I was ready to discuss it in class, but I thought maybe I could let the discussion start off with some of the kiss asses, and jump in later.
Next week I got to class early, and got the same seat as before near the back. Erika wasn't there yet. The class started to fill in, eventually with Erika as well. She ended up taking the same seat as last time, as most of the class did. She looked amazing. She had on a low cut purple tank top, the black lace edges from her bra poking up the sides. She had a short skirt on, with 3 inch black stiletto's completing her ensemble. Dark black mascara outlined her beautiful blue eyes, her hair looking perfect is usual. I actually got a hello on the way in.
"Hi – Bill right?" she asked.
"Yea – Erika right? From calc last semester?" I shot back.
"Yep – what made you enroll in this class – everyone know's it's a total chick class, talking about emotions and what not."
"Apparently I missed that memo – I thought it'd be a fun easy class to add some hours to my transcript. Too late now. What about you?"
"I heard this teacher was a trip – and I needed some credits too for my dual major, so I figured what the hell."
Just as she said that, Ms. Kirsten walked in, and took off her coat. The class stopped dead – I mean you could hear crickets chirp. Now this teacher didn't look too shabby before – a younger teacher in her 30's, long brown hair, about 5'11". Today made you stop and notice. When she took off her coat, she had on a red leather corset, barely hiding what I would have bet to be 34 D's. She had a black leather skirt on, and what had to be at least 5" stiletto's. Her hair was up in a bun, with some black rimmed glasses, and a black riding crop in her hand.
I damn near creamed my pants where I sat. Good god this woman looked amazing. What I didn't notice, was the friend that strolled in with her, and took her place quietly in the back of the room.
"OK class. Today's topic is bondage and bdsm. The like comes up in many ways, some movies, people tied up in shows, and even in adds. It's also becoming main stream in the bedroom, as I'd bet some of you may know already. People are looking for adventure, a way to spice things up, and giving up control is one way it's being done lately. Typically the woman is the one on the receiving end, but men can be as well. In the back of the room is Mistress Lynx, a friend of mine who happens to be a professional Mistress in a dungeon in NYC. Since I can't really put my hands, or ropes, on any of you, I had her join us for a little demonstration. I need a male and female volunteer. Participating today will get you an A for participation for this class, as well as the next automatically due to the nature.
I saw Erika's hand shoot up, and mine shot up immediately after. I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to tie this little hottie up.
"I see we have our volunteers. Your name?"
"Erika" she replied. "Bill" I replied.
"Great – could the two of you please come to the front of the room?"
We both left our seats, and came up front. "Are you both willing to be tied up by my friend Mistress Lynx for demonstration purposes?"
"Yes, that'd be great" Erika said.
Shit...I wasn't into being tied, and didn't think this would be the scenario. I didn't want to look like a wimp and say no, especially since Erika already said ok.
"Yea, I'm game".
"Mistress Lynx, they're all yours. If I were you, I'd do what she says – she's an evil bitch when she's pissed."
"Ok, from now on, you're slave 1 (speaking to me), and slave 2 (speaking to Erika). One – sit in this chair."
She looked like she meant business, so I went to the high backed wooden chair and sat down.
"Two , come over here and watch me." Erika walked in front of me, as Mistress Lynx pulled my legs together. She grabbed a length of rope, and tied multiple loops around them, cinching them taught in between. "This slave will be for general bondage demo, since we can't tie up his cock and balls in public – can we Kirsten?"
"No, their clothes must stay on".
"Two, you will allow me to show some basic breast and crotch bondage over your clothes. Then I'll turn the class over to Ms. Kirsten for discussion. Did you watch how I bound this slaves ankles and knees together?"
"Yes" Erika replied. A swat to her ass from left field by the teacher – these two weren't fucking around. "Yes Mistress".
"Good, you tie his elbows and wrists the same way. His elbows may not go together all the way, just pull them as snug as you can." What the fuck. She was letting the girl I wanted to tie up tie me up.
"Yes Mistress".
With that, I felt her hands grab my wrists, and pull my arms around the back of the chair. I saw the Mistress walk behind me, as Erika started to coil the rope between my wrists.
"Good, now pull the rope through there, yep, loop it around there, good, and tie it off where his fingers can't reach it up here – GREAT!". I gave a pull, but my hands were held strong behind me. I reached for the knot, but I couldn't find it. Not only was I helpless, but I was also starting to get hard..and embarrassed. By the time she had my elbows snugged up, I had a full hard on.
"As you can see, some people take to this more than others." Mistress Lynx said, pointing out my apparent state of arousal. "Ms. Kirsten, will you be needing this slaves input at all for the rest of the class?"
"No Mistress, he will receive an A for participation for this class and next by volunteering to be on display."
"Good." With that, I had more rope wound around my waist, pinning me to the back of the chair. I felt my legs being drawn up, and my hands drawn down, presumably attached. Finally, Mistress Lynx held up her final restraint item for me – a very, very large bright red ballgag on a wide leather strap. "Since he seems like the type will fight me, I'll let you put this on him. I saw him looking at you earlier when class started, I doubt he'll give you much trouble."
Great, this wasn't going well. She placed the ball in front of my lips, and Mistress was right, I didn't want to make it hard for her so I opened up. The ball was wedged behind my teeth, and I felt Mistress's leather clad hand push my head forward. "Now strap it in nice and tight. Slave one, say ahh."
A garbled ahh came out of my mouth, when Erika pulled harder, wedging the ball deep in my mouth. I felt the gloved hand grab my hair and pull, eliciting a MMMPPH from me in pain, as my head came up. There I sat, bound and gagged to a chair by the girl of my dreams, in front of a class of people (some of which I knew rather well), raging a huge erection. This was akward.
As I sat there, Mistress pulled Erika's hands behind her back, and tied them there as well. She also pulled her elbows together, which had an amazing effect on her breasts. "Now class, as you can see, on the female, elbow bondage has an added bonus other than making the lady more helpless. It forces her to arch her back, and present her breasts." Mistress then explained about tying a crotch rope, that how if she were naked that it would put pressure on her vagina, intensifying arousal. If it were tied around her wrists, it would give her the opportunity to pull on it and start to amuse herself. She said due to Erika's attire (short jean skirt), that she wouldn't tie one on her, because it'd show her off to the class. Gee..how thoughtful. I had to remember that one. I was starting to get sore, and unconsciously pulled at my restraints, which Mistress took note of.
"What's the matter slave one, uncomfy? Too bad- you'll be there for the next hour." Without thinking, I objected, which resulted in a gurgle at best, and a bunch of drool rolling out of my gag. "As you can see class, gags are great utensils to have if you're into bondage. It keeps the unwanted noises from coming out of your slave. Now two, I'm going to tie some ropes around your breasts. Is that ok?"
"Yes Mistress" Erika replied. I watched on from my bound perch on the chair as Mistress started to tie her tits. First a few loops above, then below. Finally, she snaked the rope through the middle, wrapped it around her elbow tie, and tied it off in back. She explained that this would accentuate her chest, as well as prevent the elbow rope from sinking down. Erika looked amazing, I couldn't take my eyes off her. When I glanced at the class, some were watching here, but I could tell some of the girls were also watching my state of arousal. I was embarrassed, but yet more turned on at the same time. She led Erika over to the desk, and told her to sit.
"Slave 2, do you want to tease Slave one a bit?"
"Yes Mistress, I'd be ok with that."
Great, more torture. With that, Mistress laid Erika on her stomach on the desk, facing the side of the class where teacher Kirsten and I were positioned. She carefully folded Erika's legs up, and crossed her ankles, which forced her to spread her legs. She tied them crossed, then connected them to her elbow tie. Poor Erika was now in what Mistress explained was a hogtie, which looked incredibly uncomfortable. Erika didn't seem to mind, and I didn't either. Due to her low cut shirt, I had one hell of a view at her breasts peaking around the top of her shirt. She pulled testing her restraints – none of which had any give. Mistress then started to walk over to me.
"Two, still want to tease one?"
"Yes Mistress"
With that, Mistress grabbed my chair, and dragged me to the opposite end of the desk, butting me up really close to it. With her legs tied spread, what a view I had. To my luck, Erika had no panties on today. I couldn't believe this. Slave 2, one is at the other end of the desk. Do you have anything to say to him?
"Enjoy the view!"
"Slave, what do you say?"
"Mff ymm Ewfmka."
"Slave two, this is called a harness gag. The ball goes in your mouth like one, and these straps hold it in. Open up." With that, Mistress strapped the harness gag in Erika's mouth. The two of us were quite the site – me tightly strapped to a chair while she was hogtied on the desk, both with huge gags in our mouths drooling on ourselves. We struggled a bit, but realizing we weren't getting out resigned ourselves to listen to the rest of the class. They talked about bondage in the media, everything from people tied up in ads, on tv, and on the web. They talked about how it wasn't politically accepted still, some kind of kink fair in Florida and California where people do it in public, and peoples thoughts on usage in the bedroom. All the while, me and poor Erika were tied and gagged, listening and struggling.
After a while, the class was finally dismissed, and the two of us were left there with the teacher, and Mistress, still firmly bound and gagged where they left us.
"Ok, time to let you two out. Ladies first." With that, Mistress Lynx and Kirsten started to untie Erika. Kirsten removed her gag, while the Mistress untied her hogtie. As they carefully stood her up, they both started to untie her. I noticed Erika at that point whisper something in Kirsten's ear. Kirsten smirked, nodded, and then went back to finishing untying Erika. Then the three of them walked to me. I wasn't sure I liked where this was going. Turned out though that it'd be the best night of my life.
Kirsten started to talk first. "Slave one, turns out your classmate has made an interesting proposition. Mistress Erika, please explain." Mistress Erika? Uh oh.
"I've noticed you looking at me, and your apparent willingness to get the upper hand. I also noticed that this wasn't totally unenjoyable for you. The gear we were bound with was Kirsten's personal gear. If you want to see how lucky you can get tonight, she offered to lend it to me. My condition is you're my slave for the night. You do what I say, when I say. I kind of liked tying your hands – and wouldn't mind giving you a go as a slave tonight. You'll be transported to my house bound and blindfolded – after all I don't need a potential stalker. Maybe I'll let you in on more info if this progresses. Mistress Lynx and Kirsten will help me get you home, then when they leave you're mine till tomorrow night. If you let me show Kirsten proof I kept you as a slave with a picture or two which will stay between us, she offered us no less than a B for the class. Do you accept the terms? You may get laid even, then again, maybe not."
Shit, I didn't know what to do. I could hook up with the girl of my dreams – well, maybe. I'd be assured a good grade, and potentially a wild night. Fuck it, what could it hurt? Boy did I not know what was coming. I nodded my head in approval. With that, Mistress Lynx went out of the room, and Erika and Kirsten untied me from the chair and stood me up. Mystress Lynx returned with a very large black duffel bag, and a grin that was down right frightening.
"Honey, here's a few things to put in your bookbag." With that, I saw mounds of leather flow out of the black duffel. "I'll teach you how to use a few of them at your place, and you can give them to Kirsten to get back to me at a later time. Lets get this slave properly bound. I pulled at my restraints – this didn't seem good. Lynx went and closed the door. Then, opened up the duffel wide and laid it on the desk.
"OK slave, this is how it works. The three of us are going to strip you, retie you, and you're going to cooperate. If you don't, your night of fun will cease. Do you understand?" Naked, here, in class? What the fuck. Then again, what choice did I have. I nodded. First Kirsten untied my ankles. Mistress Lynx held me tight, and instructed Erika to pull my pants and boxers off.
"After all, we got to see your snatch. I want to see his hard cock." She said. Erika stripped me, and I turned a deep shade of red.
"Not bad student – put your legs together so I can re-tie them. We gotta get this show on the road." It was pretty embarrassing having this teacher see me naked. She tied my ankles tight together again, much the same way Mistress Lynx did. Kirsten tied my knees too. Erika then untied my arms, and while Kirsten and Mistress Lynx controlled me and held onto them, took my shirt off. The teacher and her Mistress friend then pulled my hands behind me again, and Erika tied them in place.
"Good job Erika. There's a small metal band with little spikes in your backpack. Grab it quick."
"Yes Mistress". After a moment of rummaging, Erika emerged with a small, what appeared to be ring of metal with electrodes no more than a couple of inches around. Mistress Lynx grabbed my balls and pulled, eliciting a grunt outta my gag. She opened the ring, placed it around my balls, and somehow locked it shut.
"Slave one – I just put a shock stretcher around your balls. If you don't cooperate with any of us for the rest of the night, this is what happens." She pressed a button on a remote, and I'd have dropped to my knees if Kirsten and Erika weren't at my sides to catch me. Fuck, I wanted out of this, and I wanted out now.
"There's various intensity levels, that was ¾ of the way up. Erika will hang onto the remote to ensure your cooperation. The lower levels give a lite tingle, which just about every sub has told me almost gets them off. Kirsten will have the key to remove the stretcher, which she'll give to Erika when she sees fit – maybe next class, maybe end of the semester. We'll just have to see."
I mmphed into my gag in disagreement, and pulled at my hands. Needless to say, nothing came loose. I felt my gag strap loosen.
"OK, you 3 are nuts, I didn't sign up for this. Let me go, and get this thing off my balls. Now." The three looked at each other, smirked, and Kirsten and Lynx left the room. Erika walked up to me, and lifted her shirt over her breasts. She gave me a long kiss, and stroked my cock. I was incredibly horny, yet frustrated I couldn't touch the beautiful girl in front of me. She grabbed my hair, and pulled my hair hard downwards. I dropped to my knees, and she buried my face in her tits. "I promise, I'll take good care of you. Do you want me slave?"
"Yes Mistress. Please, lets continue." I couldn't believe my ears, but I really wanted this girl, and would do what I had to to get some. Little did I know it'd damn near be the end of my manhood. Looking back, it was worth it. She disappeared behind me, and the gag harness she wore appeared in front of me. "open". I did, and she strapped it on, extremely tight. I couldn't get the ball out of my mouth, or open up, let alone get any intelligible speech out. Mistress Lynx and Kirsten came back in. Lynx had a large leather object in her hand, which was promptly pulled over my head. It was a hood, and blocked out all light, and most sound. I felt all their hands on me, and I was lifted and set on the bag on the desk. A few seconds later, I realized I was set in the bag on the desk. I felt my head being pulled back, and it was fastened to my legs. I was hogtied by my head. I heard the zipper close, and myself being lifted from the desk. This was going to be a long night.
Part Two (added: 09/12/2010)
I squirmed in my bonds, but unfortunately nothing came loose. Not a huge surprise, considering a professional dom, and my teacher whom I presumed to be a closet dom helped with, and instructed my restraint. Breathing was a bit hard, gagged as I was with that tight harness, and my head pulled back. I felt my temporary prison shake, and we were off and moving. This was nuts, I mean I was tightly hogtied in a duffel bag, going down the lecture hall at my school, to be a slave of an extremely hot girl from my school. This stuff just doesn't happen. I felt a small tingle on my balls, pulling me out of my day dream. They must have turned that shocker stretcher to a pleasurable setting. It was.
I heard a pop, and felt myself being lowered into the trunk. I felt a jar, and the trunk was closed and we were on our way. Bound blind and helpless, I had no clue where the hell we were going, or how long it took us to get there. After a while, I felt the car come to a halt. I felt the bag (and me) being lifted out of the car, and set back down. I felt the zipper open, and I was lifted out.
"You're too hard to carry. We're in an attached garage, so you can hobble down to the dungeon you'll be kept in. Dungeon, what the fuck. I felt my ankles being untied and a tug at my neck. I shuffled along behind them, my knees still tied making it hard to move too fast. I followed them slowly down some stairs, hands on my arms to make sure I didn't fall. I felt hands behind my head, pulling at the hood. After a few minutes it was off, and I blinked to re-gain focus on my surroundings. I was in a finished basement, with a futon facing a tv. A computer desk was on one of the side walls, with a medium sized dog cage next to it. I saw Erika's bag open, and Mistress Lynx pulled out a large leather looking glove.
"This is a mono glove. It holds your arms together encased in leather. Typically it's put on with the slaves arms free, but leaving yours bound won't hurt anything, and it'll make for less of a fight to put it on. With that, she had Erika walk with her behind me, and explained to her how it went. I felt it sliding up my arms, and being zipped tight. Leather straps crossed in front of me, and buckled back by the girls. It actually pulled my arms tighter together, and was pretty uncomfortable. "We're going to have a small contest with you, then we're going to leave and let you and Erika get to know each other. This is a posture collar, it'll keep your head nice and still, and looking forward. With that, she walked in front of me, and put the collar on me. Erika locked it on from behind. I felt a sharp sting to my balls – "On your knees slave." I pretty much did it without the command, due to the stinging sensation between my legs. My ankles were bound, then my harness gag was pulled out.
My jaw hurt. "Water please – my mouth is dry." A slap from nowhere. It was Kirsten from my side. I didn't see it coming, because I couldn't move my head due to the collar.
"Shut up slut. We're going to play a game. You're gonna eat out each one of us for a couple of minutes, and get a taste of each of us. Then we're going to blindfold you, and have you do it again, until we cum. IF you can identify the order which you ate us out blindfolded, we'll give you a reward. If not, a punishment, more severe for each person out of order. "
I was about to protest, but stopped myself before I got slapped again. First up was Mistress Lynx. I felt a leash attached to my collar, and a tug made me inch up in my bound state. I was pulled lower, till my face was nestled in her pussy. Again a sharp pain at my balls, and I started to lick. Once I started the pain stopped. I licked for what felt like an eternity, although it was probably only a couple of minutes. Luckily she was shaved bare, which made it at least tolerable. After what really was only like 3 minutes, the tension on my neck was let up, and teacher Kirsten was up. Again, a shock till my tongue was buried. A couple of minutes of licking another bare pussy, and release. As they were going though this, I tried to keep track of what tastes I was experiencing, but I knew I'd be fucked when I was blindfolded. Final one up was Erika. Pain again, and stopping when I got there. She had a bit of a landing strip on her cunt. I licked, and after a few minutes was released. From behind, a blindfold was placed over my eyes, and the painful piercing sting at my balls. Without even a tug at my neck, I leaned forward looking for a pussy. I buried my face, and started to lick. After a couple of minutes I stopped without prompting. A quick sting to my ass, with a sting to my balls and a sharp tug at my collar. Shit that hurt. I forgot I was supposed to get them off. I started over, licking and sucking, nibbling, doing what I could to get this woman off. I tried to note the taste, as my tongue went up and down over her pussy, in and out, slowly working her up. Finally she exploded, grabbing the ring on the front of my collar, and holding my face buried in her pussy. She rode my face and shook for what felt like an eternity, before the pressure was let up and I was allowed to breathe again. I only got a second of rest, and my balls were shocked, shoving me back into service. This time, I felt a little hair, and I knew it was Erika. I wanted to do a good job with her, hoping that it'd earn me a reward later, even if I got the order wrong while the two Mistresses were still here. I started by lightly flicking her clit, which I heard elicit a moan. Slowly more flicking with my tongue, sliding up and down her slit. I sped up my motions slowly, building her to a shaking, screaming orgasm (which clearly gave away that it was Erika). I felt my head shoved forward from behind, forcing me again to keep my face planted and nearly suffocated in pussy until she was done. Her knees were grabbing the sides of my head so tight, I think even without the hand to help, I wouldn't have been able to pull away. Finally, the third woman took her seat, and the process of shocking, licking, and an orgasm happened one last time. At the end, I was left with the juices of 3 women all over my face.
"OK slut, what was the order?"
"I think it was Mistress Kirsten, Mistress Erika, and then Mistress Lynx."
"You only got 1 right slut. Mistress Erika was correct, but I started it, and Mistress Kirsten finished. You'll have a choice of punishment, either you can suck off Mistress Erika's strap on for a while, while we crop your ass, or you can take it in the ass from me and my strap on."
Shit, I didn't wanna do either. The thought of both of those women hitting me was horrid, but the thought of taking it up my ass was too. I didn't know what to do.
With a sharp shock to my balls "what's it gonna be slut?".
"I'll suck the strap on." Again, a shock to my balls, this one incredibly intense. I let out a yelp, and it stopped.
"No slave, you'll ask Mistress Erika if you can suck her cock, while you offer us your ass. But first, we have to get you re-positioned." I felt my ankles getting untied, then a tug to my collar, and I stood up, following the pull. I eventually ran into a table, and was forced to bend over it. I felt my collar being attached to something at the other side, as well as my bound wrists being pulled up in the single sleeve behind me. My legs were pulled apart,and tied to each of the table legs. I was now firmly planted to the top of the table, my ass exposed and there was nothing I could do.
God this was embarrassing. Only a few hours ago getting close to this girl naked was a hope, a dream. Now I was her slave, bound to a table, asking to suck her plastic cock. Oddly though, it was a huge turn on at the same time.
"Please Mistress Erika, may I suck your cock?" Without warning, it was at my lips, and oddly wet. I opened my mouth, and let her stick the rubber phallus in my mouth. The wetness tasted familiar – she had pleasured herself with it at some point, and left her juices on it for me to suck down. I let her fuck my face, losing myself in the piece of plastic in my mouth. That is, until I felt a sharp sting on my ass.
"MMMPPPHH" I said, pulling back on the cock. I felt a hand grab my hair, not letting me off the rubber dick in my mouth. This was going to be rough. I kept sucking plastic cock, while alternating stings occurred between my left and right ass cheeks. I lost track of time after a while, bound and blindfolded, sucking a rubber cock on the woman of my dreams, while two sadistic bitches made it their job to turn my ass red. After what felt like an eternity the pain on my ass subsided, and I was left with the cock in my mouth.
"Mistress Erika is going to walk us out. Keep that cock in your mouth slave while she's gone, unless you want it in your ass when she gets back." I bit down on the cock in my mouth, ensuring that I didn't drop it. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps down the stairs again.
"Sorry about that. I didn't realize they'd be that rough on you. Let me get that nasty thing out of your mouth." With that, she pulled the cock out of my mouth, and I could feel her behind me untying my legs from the table.
"Thank you Mistress." I wasn't sure how into this she was, so I figured as helpless as I was, I should keep the game going.
"Bill, lets hold off, let me get most of this off of you and we'll sit and talk."
Most of this..so she planned on leaving me bound. She untied my legs and pulled my blindfold off. She also undid the armbinder, leaving my wrists tied with the rope, but a lot more comfortable than they were. She also took off the posture collar, but left the shock ring on my balls. She grabbed my arm and walked me over to the couch.
"Look, I like you, but this is all new to me. It was fun in class, but started to go a bit far here. At the same time, incase you didn't hear, your mouth is rather talented and I enjoyed you a lot. I don't really know you all that well, hell I don't really know you at all. I like keeping you tied up. It's kinda fun."
"I've had my eyes on you for a while. I'd like to get to know you. At the same time, I'd also like to take things further with you here – being tied up by a beautiful girl isn't all that bad. I'd rather be on the giving end of things, but I can deal with this for a little while I guess."
"I dunno. I have a strange guy in my house, granted bound, but I don't know you, or anything about you. I normally wouldn't bring a guy home for quite some time – I'm not overly trusting, and with all you hear on TV I'm afraid of getting raped or something by someone I don't know. At the same time, if you're all tied up, what exactly can you do?"
At this point, I really wanted to get off, I didn't want her to kick me off, and I wanted to see how she was in bed. I only really saw one option. I jumped down off the fouton and onto my knees.
"Nothing Mistress, I'm yours to enjoy. I wanna stay as your slave for the night if you'll have me. I have no classes on Wednesday. You can keep me till Thursday if you wish."
"I dunno. If I did, there'd be rules to follow. You'd be bound the entire time. But it is enticing. If you're up for it, I may be in. There's a catch though – you have to sleep the first night in that dog cage. Mistress Lynx and Kirsten said if I take pictures of you time stamped and show them, I get a guaranteed A and you get a guaranteed B+. You'll also probably be locked in it, or tied up in some fashion while I'm out to class. Are you willing to be my slave for the next day?"
"Yes Mistress." I couldn't believe it. I was going to give myself up to this beautiful girl to control for over 24 hrs. Seemed insane, but at the same time the smartest move to make.
"Good then slave, I'm excited. Stay put for a minute." She went to the bag she brought home full of lord knows what from Mistress Lynx, and came back with a few restraints. She placed a collar, smaller than the first, snugly around my neck. I also watched as she attached two ankle cuffs to my legs, connected by a short chain. She locked the cuffs on with two small padlocks, and walked behind me.
"With this last one, you're my slave for the night. Are you sure you want this?"
"Yes Mistress, please make me yours." I felt her pass the lock through the hasp on the back of the collar, and click closed.
"Time for a tour of the house. This as you've noticed is the basement. Let's take a walk upstairs." She clipped a leash on my collar, and walked me around. We walked up the stairs into the kitchen. Off the kitchen was the diningroom, then the livingroom. We walked down a long hallway to complete the tour.
"This is my room, across is the bathroom, and at the end is my roommates room."
"Roommate? I said I'd submit to you, but nothing about a roommate."
"Don't worry, she won't be home till Friday. I've had enough out of you anyway, open up!"
She pulled out a big red ballgag, but I wasn't in the mood to be sucking on rubber again. Bound as I was, I didn't really see too much of a choice, so I opened my mouth and let her strap the gag on me. This was going to be a fun couple of days.