- Author - Bondage Bill
- Rating -
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- Site Rank - 2560 of 2955
- Story Codes - consensual, cross-dressing, public, toys
- Post Date - 7/11/2010
Author's Note: Hope you enjoy, let me know want you want in chapter 2 and I will see if I can accommodate you.
Bill had spent a lovely afternoon shopping with his best friend, friend and confidant, not lover, April. They had toured the boutiques and expensive haut couture houses of the West End, she had tried on and bought some beautiful clothes, shoes and accessories and Bill was laden down with bags and boxes.
April enjoyed Bill's company for shopping, dining and socialising but could not bring herself to fall in love with a man who wore women's clothes in his spare time and bed! She found his love of bondage, both being tied and tying up women, quite exciting and as a reward for his excellent taste and advice during the day they would pack the shopping in her car then take off to a secluded booth in a fashionable wine bar to chat about his fantasies and swop clothing ideas. April had some fetish clothing but nothing as exotic as Bill's five wardrobes full! The first contained his underwear and street wear, smart, tight and a little on the short side but acceptable when in a dim light and heavy makeup, Bill often attracted male compliments and was hit on often when he went out dressed in these clothes, his 5'8" height, slim body, stunning legs and small feet were all to his advantage when cross-dressing but he is straight and the propositions were politely refused.
The second wardrobe contained his leather jackets, catsuits, leotards, corsets, skirts, dresses and bondage gear, straightjacket, arm and leg binders, a body bag, hoods and whips all made from leather as mixing them with other clothing made for confusing aromas. On opening this wardrobe the smell is fantastic and makes you want to wear and try everything! In the bottom a rack of leather shoes and boots all with heels of 3" to 5".
The third wardrobe has only latex, all the usual skin tight stuff another straightjacket, another body bag and several inflatable items and dildos of many sorts. And of course more high heeled boots made of heavy and fine rubber.
PVC dominates the forth, clothing of every kind various bondage items of the same material and of course more high heeled boots!
The fifth has all his vast Lycra collection, zentia, tights, body stockings, leotards, gloves and hoods often worn in many layers. It also has all the sex toys, electric wand, cbt devices etc and a drawer full of ropes of every size but only in black or white. Lycra was his first experience of female clothing and the love of it has not only endured but has grown with the years.
April and Bills chats often wondered of into the possibility of her helping him with some self bondage, she had been his safety girl many times but the timing devices has always worked well and Bill had never been stuck in his self inflicted bondage although there were times when he had passed out or fallen asleep and woken up scared to death and still dressed up and tied up having lost all track of time but he loved these moments. Bill craved to be drugged when he as dressed up in his street clothes and to wake up some time later in more exotic clothing, hopefully in several layers, and in tight bondage all over his body. He knew April would never go this far but he was slowly convincing her to be more than just a safely girl and helping him with is dressing up as she had done more than few times.
Tonight the conversation came round to outdoor bondage; April thought it was very dangerous, Bill thought it was very exciting! To be tied up in female underwear complete with his latex fake breasts in a publicish place with the danger of being caught both as a transvestite and in bondage, that would be exciting!
"Perhaps" said April sensing Bills excitement and playing along, and feeling a little tipsy after a couple of glasses of wine "You could use your handcuffs like you do at home, you know leave the key upstairs so you have to fight your way to it to get free, so you could hide the key somewhere and then be tied up some good distance away and have to get back to it??
"That sounds a little too scary even for me but how about something less difficult to start with? I could wear some of my street clothes." "Yes but very short and very tight with boots you could not kick off" butted in April who was now getting quite into this public bondage scenario.
"Ok" Said Bill feeling his excitement rising against his rubber hot pants that were hidden under his stylish chinos. " But how about only the handcuffs to start with, hidden by a bum length cloak so yes the danger of being outted as a TV and found in bondage in public would still be very real?"
"NO that's not enough for you, you need more risk and humiliation than that" said April ordering some more wine. "Some pain maybe and something vibrating inside to make it harder to walk naturally shame we could not use that ball parachute and weights you told me about last time but I guess it would hang down too low and your erection would show too!"
Yes that is a home toy only I feel, but yes I have some latex fake boobs with nipple clamps that sort of stick out like nipples and as the breasts move up and down the clamps tease my nipples, that sound painful enough?" said Bill picturing the scenario and outfit already.
"Well that's a start but I want more if you want me to be your safety girl for this outing, oops sorry wrong choice of words!" Said April chuckling "Ok so we have to hide your meat and two veg but that leaves on hidden orifice I can make sure is tormented, how about we finish this wine and get a taxi back t o your place and pick out the outfit and accessories and things?"
"Well if you want that sounds good to me but we need to plan when and where as well so let's have another wine and sort that out so we can have the complete package sorted out and I can have a sleepless night dreaming about it! " Bill said getting more and more excited.
"NO its only 7pm we can do it tonight! Come on let's make the plans on the way in the taxi, just loud enough so the driver hears bits of it!" Says April who is now getting a little excited herself.
"Ok I will get the bill; it has my name on it after all. Said Bill accepting the offer by rising from his seat and blushing as her realised Aprils' eyes were focused on his groin.
They tripped out of the bar and hailed a taxi, once settled in the back the conversation was led by April who was happy to suggest several very public places the game could be played, Bill suggested some more discreet places and April kept raising her voice when the outfit Bill would choose was discussed.
Eventually they decided on a shopping centre that was open till 11pm and only a short drive from Bill's house. They pulled up outside Bill's detached Victorian house and skipped to the door. They were like two lovers racing towards their first sexual encounter but that was not on the cards and they both new it, this was just fetish fun and they both wanted to share the experience.
"Ok let's look in your street clothes wardrobe and pick something sexy, short and tight, that's what you like most isn't it?" Said April slightly flushed and momentarily embarrassed.
Bill opened the wardrobe and took out a flesh coloured body stocking, a waist nipping corset, some very tight body shaping knickers and a very tasteful long sleeved high necked mini dress in deep purple velvet and a matching cloak.
April smiled her approval and Bill moved wardrobe number two and took out a pair of latex breasts and crop top, from wardrobe number five Bill found an inflatable vibrating butt plug and added it to the pile on the bed.
"That should do nicely; I will leave you while you get into the body stocking and knickers, not forgetting the butt plug, give me a call when you are ready. Hey hold on very high heels are a necessity, boots with zips that lock so you cannot kick them off and run sound good to me!" April purred pretending to be something that she was not.
Bill choose some leather knee length boots with the locking clasp and found the single link handcuffs he loved so much, April smiled and walked outside the door closing it quietly.
Bill stripped and shaved showered and dried quickly, he took the fake boobs and fastened the nipple clamps firmly to his aroused nipples then taking the body stocking he carefully pulled it onto his legs and up his torso over the boobs right up to the turtle neck then pulled the zip halfway up his back, he had a way of pulling it up all the way but thought it would be more fun for April to do it. Next the latex bra to support the boobs, very fiddly to do up but it gives a thin tight support which still lets the boobs move naturally. Squatting on the floor he lubed his sphincter and inserted the inflatable butt plug and five pumps later it was going nowhere. Finally the special hide your bits away knickers were pulled up tight and he called for April to come back in.
She came in giggling "I sorry but you look ridiculous! Let's get the rest of the outfit on quick we are running out of time"
"I need you to zip up the bodysuit if you don't mind" asked Bill
"Ok" said April but what are these thing hanging out of your knickers?"
Bill explained that that was the bulb for inflating his butt plug and turning on the vibrator, April gave the bulb a couple of squeezes and Bill flinched but did not complain, April observed that the bulb could not stay as it would show and Bill explained that she could remove the bulb now as the plug had its valve in the tube, two more pumps and April removed the bulb and tucked the vibrator control in the side of Bills knickers. She zipped up the body stocking and smiled as Bill slipped on the corset.
The corset was pulled tight the dress pulled on and smoothed down by April giving Bill thrills his restricted manhood could not fully respond to and at last the 5" high heeled boots. He was nearly ready now for the bit April had done before, make up and wig were applied and stuck respectively in double quick time and the final effect studied carefully by both of them, oops forget the nail varnish but that would have to dry on the way to the mall.