Justin emerged from the bathroom, his head covered by the towel he was using to dry off his hair. Otherwise naked, he walked into his bedroom, water still dripping from his freshly showered body. Pulling the towel from his head, he jumped back a step, not expecting to be greeted by his girlfriend sitting on his bed, facing the doorway.
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"Shit, Melissa, you scared the hell out of me."
"Well hello to you too," she responded sarcastically. "I assumed it was okay to let myself in, since you did give me a key."
"Of course it's ok," he said, still standing in the doorway. "I just wasn't expecting you. Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"I called and told them I'd be a little late. What's with the false modesty?" She pointed to his towel, which had now fallen, still in his hand, to cover his private parts.
His face turned red as he realized that he must have automatically covered up when he first saw her. "Sorry, must have been reflex. You could have joined me in there if you wanted a better view." His blush fading, he dropped the towel and walked closer.
"I could have," she said, taking in the sight of his well toned, smooth physique, "but we don't have time to indulge right now". She stood up and reached out, giving his rapidly rising penis a quick squeeze. "Are you going to look for a job today?"
He sighed deeply and sat down on the bed. "Do we have to go through this again? I like what I do and I have enough money to support myself. Besides, in two months I turn 21 and get full access to my trust fund."
"I know. And I also know that you love what you do. But I want you to be sure this is right for you. You can't go on performing on the streets forever."
He stood up and took her hands in his. "Baby, I'm not going to be on the streets forever. I'm the best young escape artist to come along in years, and sooner or later, somebody will discover me."
She knew it was true. He was very good at his craft. That coupled with his charisma and good looks would eventually make him successful. "Okay, okay, no more hassles, I just want you to make sure that you don't get in to something over your head. I said I would support you in this and I will. In fact, I'm even willing to help."
"You are?" Justin leapt up from the bed. He had almost given up on her being part of his chosen profession. "How," He asked skeptically.
"Well, my naked stud boy," she said playfully, pushing him back down onto the bed. "I've already called Rick and told him you wouldn't be needing his help today. He seemed quite shocked when I mentioned that I would be helping you with your training."
"I'll bet," the boy replied. "He didn't think you were interested either."
"Of course I'm interested. I'm dating a young stud who likes to be tied up. Who wouldn't be interested?"
Justin blushed at the kinky connotations of her remark. "It's not like that."
"If you say so sweetie. Anyway, I told him I would help you today and that you would get with him on Monday to prepare for next weekend's shows."
"So, how are you going to help me train?"
"How do you think, silly boy, I'm going to tie you up," she said, a devilish grin spreading across her face.
He stood up again. "I can get out of anything you put me in." The arrogance in his voice was apparent and deserved. Even his assistant, his cousin Rick, was having a hard time finding challenges for him.
"Really," she asked, "then you're willing to let me do whatever I want?"
"Sure," he responded, "I trust you. Just let me throw on some shorts and we can start."
"Nope, no clothes. I don't want you to have access to any hidden tools of your trade. Besides, I like you this way."
He blushed again but did not argue. "Okay, if that's what you want. So what's it going to be? Rope? Straightjacket? Chains?" He pointed to his closet that contained the various pieces of equipment used in his act.
"I don't think any of those will do. Where's the challenge in me helping you with something you've done dozens of times?" With that, she stepped out of the bedroom, returning seconds later with a duffle bag that she had left by the front door. "I've got a gift for you. Some new equipment."
He was all smiles as she unzipped the bag and removed some plain looking leather straps.
"Now, we're doing this my way, so just do what I say. Clear?"
"You bet, baby," he answered, barely able to contain his excitement.
"Turn around and put your hands behind your back, palms together."
He did as she said and felt a leather strap being buckled around his wrists, followed by another at his elbows, drawing his arms uncomfortably close. Next she had him open his clenched palms and proceeded to strap his open hands together as well. He wiggled his arms a bit, testing his restraints. He was satisfied that he could easily escape until he heard the clicks of three tiny padlocks and realized that his task just got more difficult.
With his back still turned to her, Justin heard Melissa remove something else from her bag. He turned to see what else she had brought, but was stopped by her hands placed on either side of his face, forcing his gaze forward.
"Now don't spoil the fun sweetie," she said. "just keep your back to me and don't turn around. You seeing too much would give you an unfair advantage and we certainly don't want that."
He chuckled and played along, allowing her to return to whatever she was fumbling with. He heard the sounds of leather and metal and wondered if she had gotten him a new straightjacket. Suddenly, he felt something being put over his hands and pulled up his bound arms. He could feel the tightness of the thick leather as his girlfriend worked the device all the way to his upper arms. He squirmed a bit as the material forced his arms even closer together.
"Wow, Mel, what is this thing?"
"It's called an 'armbinder', I saw it on some website and knew I had to get it for you," she answered as she began to lace up the corset-like middle of the binder. Each pull of the leather thong laces drew her boyfriends arms tighter, until, with a grunt, she knotted the laces at the top, forcing his elbows to meet. "It certainly is a good thing you're so flexible, or this might be too uncomfortable."
"Uh huh, " was all Justin could say as he gritted his teeth against the cramping of his arms, not wanting his girlfriend to think he couldn't handle her help.
Melissa then pulled an attached leather flap over the laces and zipped it up, completely covering them. She snapped another padlock onto the zipper at the top of the armbinder, cutting off all access to the laces. She continued buckling and padlocking other straps that dangled strategically from the restraining device. One came out from under Justin's enclosed hands and wrapped around his waist. Another set came around from the top, crossed over his shoulders, and were secured around his chest like a harness. "Well, that looks pretty secure, babe, but I know you're good, so I'm going to make sure it's perfect."
Justin could feel another leather strap dangling from the bottom of the binder and swinging near his butt. He wondered if it was some kind of crotch strap like his straightjackets were equipped with. However, his girlfriend seemed to be ignoring it and instead attached three more straps around his arms through loops on the outside of the binder. These were also buckled tight and padlocked in the same locations as the straps under the binder. She took extra care to pull the wrist strap as tight as she could in order to isolate his hands as much as possible within the leather single sleeve.
"There, your arms are all done. How does it feel?" He squirmed a bit, testing his bonds. "My arms are starting to cramp a bit. This thing is intense."
She watched him squirm, happy with the results so far. "It sure is, but we're not done yet." She went over to the bag again and removed a stiff leather posture collar. She quickly encircled his neck with the tight fitting collar, even as he attempted to back away.
"Wait a sec, Mel, I don't usually work with things around my neck," he said as she buckled the collar in place. "Melissa..." He was cut off by the snap of yet another padlock. The now locked on collar was higher in front than in back and forced the boy to keep his head held straight up. Unprepared for this new sensation, Justin began to feel a bit panicked. He didn't like the claustrophobic feeling that the collar was giving him.
"Poor baby," she said like a mother talking to a child. "You're going to have to get used to it, it's part of the set." With that, she ran yet another strap from the top of the binder to the back of the collar. Pulling it taught and locking it, she ensured there would be a moderate amount of pressure on her boyfriend's throat. Pressure that would increase as he squirmed to get free.
"Honey, please, this could be dangerous. Just take off the collar." He pleaded with her, but saw only determination as she went and retrieved yet another item from her bag of goodies.
"First you want my help, now you don't like it. You're the great escape artist, you get the collar off. Now," she said with a hint of annoyance, "I've heard enough whining from you. Open your mouth."
He looked at the thing she was now moving towards his mouth. It was a large red rubber ball attached to the inside of yet another leather strap. He knew she meant to shove that ball into his mouth, and took a step back defensively.
"Look," she said, " I know all about escape artists hiding lock picks in their mouths, and we can't let you off that easily, right?"
"But I don't have any picks in my mouth, I just got out of the show...mmmphhh!"
She struggled to fit the huge ball into his mouth. At just over two and a half inches in diameter, she had to push hard until it finally popped in, stretching his jaw to the limit. Buckling and locking it on were easy in comparison to the insertion, but when she was finished, Melissa calmly pushed her trussed up boyfriend down onto his bed.
"That's better. Now I can finish helping you in peace. I do have to get to work at some point today, so I have to hurry." Turning him over so that he was on his knees, face down on the mattress, she pulled the strap still dangling from under his hands down through his butt cheeks.
Suddenly, the boy felt something on the inside of the strap touch his anal opening. There was a sudden sharp pain, followed by something sliding inside him. Shock kept him from squirming as the rest of the strap was pulled through and embedded deep in his crack.
Melissa was proud of how quickly she managed to insert the butt plug into Justin's rectum. He hadn't been expecting it and her pre-lubing it had obviously been the right decision. Now she was pulling the strap under him, placing a thick, cup shaped part over his genitals. Once they were snugly in place, she threaded the end through the front of his waist belt, and pulled it tight, forcing the six inch long plug deeper into him. A padlock larger than those already used on him completed this portion of his restraint.
Wondering if he was squirming from his restraints or the plug, Melissa retrieved yet another bundle of leather from the bag. In minutes she had the new device pulled completely up Justin's legs. Working exactly like the armbinder, this item laced up from his ankles to the top of his thighs. She followed the lacing with the zippered flap, straps at the ankles, calves, knees, and thighs, and locks at all connecting points. Moving down to his feet, she pulled yet another strap down from the ankle strap, this one having several harness like connections. The strap came straight down his feet until it got to his instep. A circular strap then went around his arch, securing his feet together. The strap then continued down until a similar, though smaller strap, encircled his big toes. Finally, the remaining length was pulled over the soles of his feet, threaded through another attachment at the underside of his ankle strap and cinched tight. The tension on this strap pulled the boy's bound feet into a severe pointed position. The click of another lock completed Justin's encasement in the leg binder. Another strap continued out from the one that secured his toes together, and Melissa quickly pulled it down to the footboard and locked it off there, ensuring his legs would remain immobile.
Taking only a few seconds to admire the sight of her tightly trussed boyfriend, Melissa continued her task. With Justin immobile on the bed, she quickly attached a length of chain to the back of his collar with yet another padlock. Bringing the other end of the chain up to the headboard, she looped it around a centered metal wrung and locked it tight with the last of her padlocks. Satisfied with the lack of movement the twelve inch chain would provide, Melissa stood up and looked him over one more time.
He squirmed in the momentary silence, glaring at her in an attempt to convey his discomfort. He was restrained more effectively than he had ever been and honestly had no idea if he could free himself. Every movement put pressure on his neck and caused whatever she had shoved up his ass to move around inside of him. He grunted unintelligibly into his gag, hoping his girlfriend would release him.
"Now, now, Justin, I know we've delved into some new territory here, but trust me, this will only make you better at your craft. You're probably wondering about the butt plug that's attached to your crotch strap. Well, I was thinking about all of the different escape artists I've seen on television and what it is that they do differently from you. It was so simple that I couldn't believe I hadn't realized it sooner. You see, all the others have to escape within a set period of time or something terrible happens to them. You know, like a car falls on top of them if they can't get loose from being tied to a chair, or they fall from a great height when the rope holding them suspended upside down burns through. I'm sure you've seen things like that."
Not quite liking where she seemed to be going with this, he groaned and tried to shake his head. The gag effectively cut off most of the sound, while the plug shifted inside him from his sudden movements, causing him even more discomfort.
Melissa merely smiled and waited for him to stop fidgeting. "Don't start your escape attempt just yet, Hon, I'm not quite through. Anyway, I got to thinking that while I don't want you in any real life threatening predicament, I do feel you need some encouragement in your act. Now, excuse me for just a minute while I get your 'motivation' ready."
In the ten minutes she was gone, all Justin managed to do was wear himself out trying desperately to get free before she returned with whatever it was she was going to use to motivate him. Lying on his side now, facing the open bedroom door, his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw his girlfriend returning. She was wheeling his solid wood coatrack in from the livingroom, but it wasn't that which caused his distress, rather it was the two huge enema bags hanging from the hooks at the top of the rack. Both bags looked completely full, with tubes coming out from the bottom of each and dangling down until they reached a 'Y' shaped connector that joined them into one, the end of which was firmly gripped in his girlfriend's free hand. As she pushed the rack closer to the bed, Justin noticed that one bag was slightly larger, and fuller, than the other.
After positioning the coatrack on the opposite side of the bed, Melissa retrieved another one of the items she had packed in her bag. She hummed softly as she attached the black rubber inflation bulb to one of two connection points sticking out from the crotch strap tightly embedded between Justin's butt cheeks. Squeezing the bulb slowly, Melissa began to inflate the plug inside her boyfriend's rectum. Justin began flailing around as much as his restraints would allow in response to this new sensation. Having practiced with the plug where she could see it, Melissa stopped after eight full squeezes, knowing the invader was at it's maximum distention. Clamping off the tube, she removed the bulb and tossed it back into the bag while retrieving the hose dangling from the nearby coatrack. She slipped the hose onto the second connection point and heard a satisfying 'click' as the two pieces locked into place via metal fittings built into each end. Melissa tugged on the tube with all of her strength, ensuring it wouldn't dislodge no matter how much Justin struggled and squirmed.
Satisfied that all was in place, she walked back around to the other side of the bed and faced her boyfriend. "Okay," she said, "let me explain your situation. These two enema bags and their contents are going to serve as your encouragement to escape from the bondage I've put you in. Both bags have small timers attached at the mouth and connected to the tubes. The smaller bag, although I wouldn't exactly call two quarts small, is full of ice cubes and cold water. Its timer is set for two hours. If you're not free by then, the ice cold contents of that bag will drain into you, and, with that plug sealing your butt, well... I'm sure you get the idea."
Melissa stopped to watch her boyfriend's reaction. He was frantically squirming now, his painfully distended jaw working at the gag, muffled grunts the only sound allowed to escape his throat. She waited patiently for him to settle down a bit before continuing.
"So, for two hours, your desire to not get an ice water enema will be your motivation to get loose. After that, the liquid in your bowels will serve as both a motivator, and, as your need to go to the bathroom increases, a distraction. That's when the real urgency to escape will kick in. Now just think of the second bag as the car waiting to fall on you. I set that timer without looking. All I know is that it will release it's contents sometime after the two hour point. It could be ten minutes, or it could be another two hours. I really suggest that you get free before that happens. If you don't, the first enema is going to feel like a walk in the park in comparison. The second bag is filled with a heated mineral oil base, several melted down glycerin suppositories, and six bottles of over-the-counter enema solution."
She chuckled slightly, remembering. "You should have seen the lady's face at the drug store when I brought all this laxative stuff to the counter. I wonder what was going through her mind. Well, there you have it, the second bag is full of scalding hot, bowel busting laxatives." She looked down at him, a serious look on her face. "You really should get free before the second bag starts flowing. I wouldn't recommend five quarts of anything in your bowels, let alone what's in that bag."
"I've got to get to work now, and so do you. Just so you know, all the keys, as well as the inflation bulb, are coming with me. I know how upset you'd be if Rick unexpectedly showed up and stole your glory by releasing you before you could prove yourself." Gathering her things, she glanced back at his frantically struggling form,stretched taught between the head and footboards of his bed. She watched as he urgently turned his head to see the small clock on his nightstand next to the phone.
"Ah, ah, ah," she said, rummaging in her bag once more. "I knew I forgot something." She pulled out another leather item and, walking back to the bed, roughly pulled the hood over Justin's head. She lined up the only openings in the black headgear so that they were under his nostrils, and then proceeded to lace up the back of the hood, tightly knotting it in place. "No clock watching for you. We don't want you to have it that easy, do we?" Only a barely audible groan made it through the gag and thick leather hood. "This one's a freebie though, since I'm out of padlocks. You should have no trouble getting the knot undone." She laughed as she, almost as an afterthought, moved the phone from the side of the bed to across the room. "Gotta go now, Hon. Good luck. By the way," she added just before closing the bedroom door behind her, "that website I got this stuff from specializes in selling restraints to prisons and mental institutions. They guarantee their products to be escape proof, but they probably never thought their stuff would be tested by you. It shouldn't be too much of a challenge for 'the best young escape artist to come along in years', now should it?"
Justin barely heard the click of the light switch and the shutting of the door through the confining leather of the hood, but he knew he was now alone. From his last glance at the clock, before his eyesight had been taken away, he knew he had less than an hour and forty-five minutes before his first enema started. He ground his jaw around the gag, trying to lessen the distraction caused by the pain from his mouth being held open by the huge ball. Unable to compress it, the boy gave up and tried to ignore the ache, preferring to concentrate on getting free.
Justin was in a panic, he had no idea how much time had passed during his futile attempts to free himself. Every technique he knew failed miserably. Nether his flexibility, nor his ability to dislocate his shoulders, had proven sufficient to get him out of the armbinder. The multitude of straps served to hold his limbs so tightly together that there wasn't enough movement to gain any leverage. All he had succeeded in doing was working up a sweat. Every part of his body ached, forcing him to take numerous rest periods, all for unknown lengths of time. His arms and stringently pointed feet cramped from being in unnatural positions, his jaw continued to feel as though it were dislocated, and he suffered from never before experienced bouts of claustrophobia, resulting from the hood covering his face and the collar around his neck.
He was in the middle of thinking that even if he had his lockpicks, he wouldn't be able to use them when a loud snap broke through the silence of the room. He knew immediately what it was, but was still unprepared. The frigid water hit his insides like a freight train, filling him rapidly. He reflexively tried to squirm away, but the tugging on his neck made short work of that plan. The cramps started before the bag was even empty, as the icy liquid went to work on his insides. Justin redoubled his efforts to escape as his urge to go to the bathroom became intolerable. Failing yet again, he tried to expel the plug, not caring what kind of mess he made. Once again, the boy was met with failure as the inflated device held fast and the entire bag finished emptying into him.
The now violent cramping of his intestines made every further attempt at escape impossible. He couldn't gather his thoughts long enough between spasms to try any further tactics. His only thought was of when the next timer would go off. He jumped as much as his restraints would allow when he heard the first muffled ring. It took another ring for him to realize it was the phone and not the second timer. He tried to calm down and focus on the distant sounding message as the answering machine picked up.
"Hi," his greeting said, "this is Justin. I can't get to the phone right now because I'm probably all tied up, so just leave a message, and I'll call you back"
"Hi Hon, it's me," Melissa's voice came through the machine. He could tell she was talking loud as he had no problem hearing her. "It's been two hours and fifteen minutes and I guess since you're not answering that you freed yourself, got bored and went out for the rest of the day. I just wanted to let you know that I had faith in your ability. So much so in fact, that I feel a bit guilty about lying to you. Remember when I said that I didn't look when I set the second timer? That wasn't true. What kind of assistant would I be if I didn't know all the details of your escape? Anyway, since you're not there, I guess it doesn't matter that the second bag is going to start flowing in...four more minutes. I just hope you took down the bags before you left or your bed is going to be awfully wet. Well, I'll talk to you later, love ya."
Justin immediately started thrashing on the bed. He no longer cared about the tugging on his neck or the various pains he was suffering from the restraints. All the boy cared about was dislodging the tube. He did not give up, even after he heard the telltale snap and felt the influx of even more fluid into his already distended stomach. The pressure and cramping finally took its toll and he settled down as the three quart bag drained into him. Time passed in agonizing waves, as Justin laid there still fully restrained. Delirious from the severe cramping, fullness and nausea that ran through him, he barely heard the phone as another message was left.
"Hi Hon, it's me again. Gee, I guess you found something to occupy your time today since you're still not home. That's good. I just wanted to let you know that I'm about ready to get off work now and since you're not around, I'm going to head out for drinks with a few of the girls. I will stop by your place later tonight so I can give you the keys to your new equipment. But don't wait up. It is Friday night, and I don't have work in the morning so I may be over pretty late. Don't worry, I'll let myself in. Have a good night, Love ya."
Justin screamed into his gag, knowing that he had finally gotten in over his head. Laying there helpless, his unbearable need for release overwhelming everything else, the boy could only wonder what type of unemployment he could get for being an out of work "best young escape artist to come along in years".