Author's Note:This story is fan fiction from the U.S. television sitcom "Laverne & Shirley", and is meant to get stay consistent with the show's theme and tone that takes place in the late 1950s/early 1960s. Therefore, it's PG-rated at most, and may not be for everyone.
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They were the best of friends since elementary school growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who complemented each other in personality and appearance. There was demure Cindy Feeney, who stood about 5 foot 4 inches tall, with short yet stylish brown hair that ended around the base of her neck, a slender frame, with fair skin and blue eyes. She dreamt of being swept off her feet by a handsome doctor, settling down somewhere warm to raise a family. And of course, there was her best friend in the world, Laverne De Fazio, who stood 5 foot 6 inches tall, with long sandy brown hair, brown eyes, with an average yet tomboyish frame and build. Streetwise and tough, Laverne always made sure no one picked on Shirley. In turn, Shirley kept Laverne away from the bad influences that would've ruined her life as a teenager.
Now, young women in their mid-twenties living in a basement apartment and working at Shotz Brewery, Laverne and Shirley were two working-class gals trying to find love and earn an honest living. It wasn't the best year economically, and the two found themselves struggling to make ends meet. The rent was raised recently, and the two found themselves a hundred dollars short for its upcoming due date with their landlady, Mrs. Babish. It was the late 1950s; raising one hundred dollars could've very well been as difficult for Laverne and Shirley as ten thousand.
But all hope wasn't lost when they received an unexpected invitation in the mail.
"Laverne, look at this!" exclaimed Shirley, reading the paperwork and handing an identical envelope to Laverne. "There's one addressed to you, too!"
"What, what is it?" muttered Laverne, putting down her glass of milk-and-Pepsi and opening the letter.
Upon reading it, the two friends' eyes and mouths grew big and wide when they silently mouthed, "Oh my God" in unison. It was a casting call from an independent modeling agency, asking for them to appear for a promotional photo shoot. Not only did it offer $50 payment plus expenses for the event, but it left open the possibility of a long-term contract.
"This is the answer to our prayers!" said Shirley with stars in her eyes. "If we go, we'll have enough money for the rent and maybe even become professional models for magazines and department stores! Picture it! We're strolling down the catwalk in Christian Dior dresses in New York!"
Laverne got in on the big dreams that popped into her head as a big smile formed on her face. No more Shotz Brewery. No more basement apartment living. No more Lenny and Squiggy showing up and mucking up their place.
"Let's do it!"
The fateful day came, and Laverne and Shirley got off the bus and arrived at the address provided in the letter. It was, of all things, a film wax museum that was closed with promotional signs mounted on its entrance announcing its grand opening next week.
"Is this it?" asked Laverne. "This doesn't look like a modeling place."
"Wait, I get it now," deduced Shirley. "The open casting call is to do photos to promote the museum's opening!"
When they arrived at the glass doors, Shirley knocked. The door opened, with a middle-aged man and woman who appeared to be in their early 40s arrived.
"Hi. I'm Cindy Feeney," greeted Shirley.
"Laverne De Fazio," introduced Laverne, nodding.
"We're here for the open modeling call," said Shirley, showing the letter.
"Ah, yes, I see now," said the man, checking the name with the clipboard. "I'm Ray and this is my wife, Dianne. Come on in."
Ray and Dianne escorted Laverne and Shirley through the service halls, bypassing the main exhibits of the wax museum. They soon arrived at one of the exhibits where cameras and lighting fixtures were already set up, along with a wall partition to provide privacy for a makeshift changing area. The exhibit looked like something out of the horror movie set for Frankenstein, complete with tables filled with lab props, and of course, a full scale wax model of Boris Karloff as Frankenstein.
"Okay, for this scene, we'll need you in your slips, and Dianne will position you around Frankenstein," explained Ray. "You'll look frightened and be in poses showing fear, just like in those horror movie posters."
"I don't know about this," muttered Shirley nervously to Laverne. While the opportunity to model was too good to refuse, the idea of being in her intimate apparel started to conflict with Shirley's personal modesty views.
"Shirl, it's no big deal. We're not nude, and remember why we're here: the rent and opportunity," reminded Laverne.
"You can change over there," added Dianne, pointing to the partition. Laverne and Shirley walked over and quickly undressed, emerging from behind the partition. Laverne was in a green slip that ended just past her crotch, showing off plenty of "leg". Shirley was in a light pink slip the ended around the middle of her thighs.
"You two look great," said Dianne. "Let's get started."
After some initial trepidation, the first 15 minutes transitioned to being fun for both Laverne and Shirley. Dianne positioned them accordingly around and near Frankenstein. Laverne and Shirley posed with various expressions of fear and fright as Ray took the photos.
"Okay, that takes care of scene one. Time for scene two," said Ray.
"What's scene two?" asked Shirley.
Dianne moved the Frankenstein monster wax figure away and then moved in a new figure: Dr. Frankenstein himself. Ray and Dianne then repositioned some of the other props, and then wheeled in two large wooden tables.
"Okay, for this scene, you'll be playing captives of Dr. Frankenstein," explained Ray.
"How're we going to do that?" asked Laverne.
"Just relax, and we'll take care of everything," answered Dianne, who opened up a bag to reveal several rolls of beige medical wrap.
"Okay, I need you two ladies to stand up straight and place your arms at your sides, and legs together," ordered Dianne.
This idea of being tied up started to concern Laverne, who cautiously looked at Shirley.
"Shirl..." said Laverne in a slow, subtle tone of nervousness.
"Remember why we're here," corrected Shirley, using Laverne's own words earlier as Dianne began winding the beige medical wrap tightly around her torso. Laverne subtly shrugged and allowed Ray to begin winding the wrap around her simultaneously.
Ray and Dianne started with the shoulders, followed by the chest, winding and wrapping tightly around Laverne and Shirley's bodies, and then proceeded to their wrist level, then their thighs, knees, and finally down to their ankles. When they finished, Laverne and Shirley were completely mummified in tight beige cocoons from their necks down to their ankles, leaving only their heads and feet protruding out.
Ray then picked up the cocooned Laverne and placed her on one table while Dianne picked up Shirley and gently placed her onto the other table alongside Laverne.
"So, what happens now?" asked Shirley.
"We're still setting up," answered Ray, pulling out a series of black leather straps from the table.
"Where did THOSE come from?!" questioned Laverne.
"They were already mounted on the table," replied Dianne while buckling in the strap around Shirley's body. Ray did the same to Laverne, and before long, the already cocooned Laverne and Shirley were each tied down to the wooden table with leather straps. One ran across their torso just above their breasts and another just below, along with another across their waist, another across their thighs, and finally one across their ankles to firmly bind their already mummified bodies to the table.
At first Laverne and Shirley remained calm in spite of the circumstances, expecting the photos to take a few minutes followed by Ray and Dianne releasing them. However, instead of Ray and Dianne preparing to take photos, they overheard something dramatically different: the sound of them tearing down and putting away their camera equipment!
Laverne and Shirley strained their necks to lift their heads up, seeing what they heard was true: Ray and Dianne were putting their stuff away!
"Hey! What're you doing?" asked Laverne.
"We're done here and are packing up," answered Ray.
"What do you mean? What about the rest of the photo shoot?" questioned Shirley while Laverne tested her bonds. They didn't budge one bit.
"That? We got what we needed earlier," replied Dianne.
"Then, why'd you tie us up like this?" said Shirley.
"Oh, that? We were hired to lure you two here and truss you up," answered Dianne, packing up the last of their camera equipment. "Yes, our client was most interested in you two specifically."
"Bye, now!" said Ray, waving with his hand as he and Dianne left the wax museum, leaving the mummified and bound Laverne and Shirley behind.
Frantically, the two women struggled and kicked with all their might for over a minute, but neither of their bindings budged. Before the long, the two were exhausted, panting heavily as they turned and looked at each other.
"Shirl...I can't move a finger!" muttered Laverne.
"Neither can I," admitted Shirley, panting heavily. "What kind of person would hire people to do this to us? Who?"
"I don't know," said Laverne, whose mind drew a blank. "What're we going to do?"
"Maybe someone will come by and save us in our time of need," said Shirley, shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth as she struggled wildly for the next several seconds with no luck. The beige wrappings held her slender body tight in the cocoon, and the belts held her body firmly down to the table.
"Hello," said Squiggy as he abruptly entered the room with Lenny in two. The two were in custodial outfits, sweeping up the wax museum in preparation for its upcoming opening.
"Hey, look at this, Len," said Squiggy. "Laverne and Shirley are here as live props for the upcoming museum opening."
"Wow, you're here awfully early," added Lenny. "This place doesn't open until next week...what're you gonna do the whole time in between?"
"We've been tricked and tied up here, you dimwit!" scolded Shirley. "We were lured here thinking it was a modeling shoot and the photographers tied us up for some mystery client."
"Dimwit? Well, if we're the dimwits, how come you're the ones tied up and we're not?" asked Lenny.
"Yeah, and since you're so much smarter than we are, why don't you think of a way to escape on your own!" blurted out Squiggy. "C'mon, Len, let's get out of here."
Lenny nodded and followed Squiggy, turning their backs to them.
"No, no, wait!" pleaded Laverne as Lenny and Squiggy left the wax museum. When the door slammed shut to signal Lenny and Squiggy's departure, Laverne angrily turned her head to glare at Shirley.
"Don't...say...a word..." muttered Shirley, who shut her eyes from the frustration.
Several minutes passed as the two friends struggled against their bonds with no luck. Thirty minutes may have passed, but for Laverne and Shirley, it could've been all night.
"I can't move," groaned Laverne.
"Neither can I," added Shirley. "What kind of person would do this to us? I mean, we're nice people. We don't make enemies...who?!"
Laverne and Shirley then overheard footsteps of someone approaching.
"HELLO!" called out Laverne.
"HELP! WE'RE OVER HERE!!!" shouted Shirley.
The footsteps drew closer and closer, until at last, they stopped when the person reached them. Laverne and Shirley turned their heads and looked up. To her horror, they recognized the face: it was Bambi, the sadistic fitness trainer and nutritionist from the health spa who they had gotten fired a few months ago.
"YOU!!! BAMBI?!" exclaimed Shirley in shock.
"Recognize me? How nice, I'm flattered," responded Bambi, proudly standing in between them with her hands on her hips.
It was at least a couple months ago when Laverne and Shirley had their run-in with Bambi, a sadistic trainer and dietician from the health spa they attended. Back then, she worked them constantly in the exercise room, starved them, and then wrapped them up like mummies in herbal wrap in an attempt to get them to quit. They didn't, of course, and reported her misconduct to her supervisor who immediately fired her. Bambi claimed she'd get them back somehow before leaving the health spa, but Laverne and Shirley never dreamed that she'd plan something as elaborate as this.
"What're you going to do with us?" asked Shirley nervously.
"I'm getting my pound of flesh's worth of payback on you two, what else?" replied Bambi. "Let's start with some tickle torture, hmm?"
Bambi then began tickling and scratching the bare, tender soles of Shirley's bare feet with her long fingernails. Shirley's toes wriggled as she cringed before letting out a shrieking scream followed by forced laughter. Bambi continued for another minute as Shirley began laughing hysterically while straining to get free of her bonds. Unfortunately for her, they didn't budge, keeping her helplessly trapped in the cocoon and strapped down. Shirley's once fair complexion turned a flushed red from laughter, to the point where it was starting to hurt from the difficulty in breathing. Laverne watched helplessly, unable to move a muscle.
"Please...please...please, stop..." begged Shirley, panting as Bambi momentarily paused.
"Sure, but only so I can start on your friend. What's her name? Oh yeah, Laverne," said Bambi when she attempted to start tickling Laverne's feet next. To Bambi's irritation, Laverne wasn't laughing at all and gave her a smug little grin in response.
"Not ticklish, huh?" muttered Bambi as Laverne bucked her body up again in an attempt to get free. Her restraints still kept her body wrapped up tight and tied down, and Laverne remained helpless while Shirley was catching her breath.
"I have something better for you," said Bambi cryptically, retrieving her large purse. Laverne strained to lift her head up, seeing Bambi pull out a small pin cushion.
"Oh no...no, no, no, don't...." pleaded Laverne, her toes cringing together.
"Please, just let us go," asked Shirley. "You got your revenge on us..."
"Not even close," said Bambi, taking a small needle and poked Laverne's toe with it. Bambi didn't break the skin, but it was more than enough to send icy shivers of discomfort up Laverne's body. Sweat started forming on Laverne's head as she shut her eyes as Bambi began a slow form of foot torture.
"I think we can do this all day," said Bambi. "Then maybe I'll let you go...maybe..."
Laverne and Shirley looked at each and grimaced over their fate.
Bambi smiled wickedly, rubbing her hands in eager anticipation over deciding what to do next to her two captives when suddenly, Bambi took a sharp blow to her head, knocking her out cold. When Bambi fell down, standing behind her was the source: Carmine Ragusa.
"I normally don't hit ladies, but for you, I'll make a special exception," said Carmine, adjusting his jacket and kissing his fist.
"CARMINE! YOU'VE SAVED US!" exclaimed Shirley.
Carmine went to Laverne first, and quickly unbuckled the straps that tied her down to the table. After sitting her up, Carmine began removing the wrappings that trussed Laverne up so tight, unwinding it.
"Thanks, Carmine," said Laverne. "How did you know we were here?"
"Well, I was at the Pizza Bowl trying to find you two, but had no luck," explained Carmine. "I then ran into Lenny and Squiggy, and they were babbling about how you two were all wrapped up in the exhibit at the wax museum. It didn't sound right, so I came down here to check it out, and overheard this crazy lady torturing you two."
"Well, you've saved us, Carmine," said Laverne, free at last when she gave him a hug. "I need to find a bathroom."
Laverne then left the immediate area, leaving Carmine and Shirley alone in the exhibit area. However, Carmine didn't immediately start freeing Shirley like he did with Laverne.
"Well?" asked Shirley. "I'm still stuck too, you know."
"I know," commented Carmine. "You just look kind of cute like that. All helpless and stuff."
"Cute? How is this cute?" questioned Shirley.
Carmine bent over and gave Shirley a deep, passionate kiss. With Shirley's body immobilized, the senses on her face enhanced in sensitivity to compensate. Carmine's kiss sent shivers down to her body, and for once, Shirley was glad she was on her back so she would've fallen over from being weak in the knees.
Shirley blushed as Carmine finally starting untying her.
"Okay, maybe just a little..."