Author's Note: I am very active in Second Life and have several novella length fetish fiction stories available there. So if you enjoyed this come into SL and say hi. Katrinka Karu!!
Chapter 1
Jill laid her cards on the table with a sly smile. "Flush."
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Victoria's face sank and Jill grinned as she reached for the poker chips. A quite a lot of poker chips since she'd bet everything she had on the flush.
"I guess I'm saved for a while longer."
But as Jill looked up at her friend it was her face that sank. Victoria's expression had gone from one of despair to one of devious mischief. She laid down her cards. "Full house, jacks over fives. I believe that beats a flush. Isn't that what you taught me dear?"
Jill contorted her face in mock anger. "You... you!!!"
Victoria hauled in the chips. "I believe you're out. Do you admit your defeat?"
Jill curled her upper lip in that telltale way that let Victoria know she was miffed and perplexed – and defeated and knew it.
"I do so love this game. I'm so glad you showed me how to play," Victoria said, digging the knife in deeper. She reached over and patted Jill on the cheek. "And I particularly love what comes next. I have such plans for you tonight."
Victoria stood up and waited to see the response from the younger girl. Jill wanted to react, and probably would've done so in the past, but she knew that anything that came out of her mouth would just make things worse. So she crossed her arms over her chest and let the smirk on her face be her only protest.
Victoria grinned down at her prize. She put her hands on her hips and adopted a strict stance. "We're going out tonight. I'm going to get changed and lay out your outfit. Please attend to your toiletries because you will be incapable of going for several hours. Meet me in my bedroom in 10 minutes. Be naked."
Jill turned her head so Victoria wouldn't see her cheeks turn red. She felt a rush whenever Victoria took on such a dominant tone. And not just to her face.
She couldn't help but smile as she trotted off to the bathroom.
Chapter 2
Jill and Victoria met shortly after Jill left college and began work as a secretarial temp at the advertising agency where Victoria worked as a photo shoot manager. Even though the temp job only lasted a few months the pair developed a lasting friendship, even given a nearly 10 year age difference.
The two shared Victoria's downtown Chicago apartment near the river. Victoria had taken the girl in when she lost her job. She couldn't bear to see the poor thing forced to return to her hometown to use her journalism degree to wait tables. Victoria had said that she didn't like living alone anyway, but in truth Jill thought that Victoria was just being generous.
Jill found another secretarial job soon enough, and did her best to pay her way, though the apartment was far more expensive than she could afford even half of. Not wanting to wreck a good thing she did her best to stay out of the way, letting Victoria choose what they watched on TV, what they ate, and setting the schedule for bathroom use. Jill also took on most of the cooking and cleaning tasks to help pitch in.
Both girls dated, but infrequently. With hectic jobs and tough schedules the pursuit of a social life was just too much. Most evenings were spent in front of the TV. Except for Friday – that was poker night.
Jill learned poker at an early age. Victoria had never played. Jill took great pleasure in teaching the older woman, while never missing an opportunity to beat her good. They started out playing for chips. But as Victoria got better the stakes got higher. First pennies and then quarters. But real money wouldn't work between the two since there was such a gulf between them in earnings, so they branched out and began to bet on other things. Such as the loser having to pick up the other's chores. Or the winner getting to determine the menu for dinner. Little things.
The games were mostly harmless and all in good fun. That is, until the day Jill came home to find Victoria bound and gagged.
Chapter 3
Six months earlier...
It had been a tough Friday for Jill. The boss was in a mood and she was marched all over the office taking notes, setting up calls, and running errands. Basically doing her job. But it still sucked. She was looking forward to her weekend.
When she came in the door she was surprised to see Victoria's shoes and suit jacket lying on the entryway floor. Her purse and keys were thrown hastily on the counter. Victoria was never so sloppy.
"Oh, well," Jill thought. "Apparently she wasn't the only one to have a bad day."
She went to the kitchen and grabbed a soda, then headed to the living room, kicked off her heels, and turned on the TV.
After a few minutes she heard a series of short thumps from further back in the apartment. She leaned over and looked down the hallway. Victoria's bedroom door was shut.
Jill looked back at the entryway. Jacket on the floor. Shoes kicked off. Thumps coming from the bedroom.
"Oh, my God," Jill thought, "She's got a guy in there!!" She smiled and blushed at the thought.
Jill couldn't help her curiosity. She turned the TV down a bit and craned her neck to hear any further sounds coming from down the hallway. She heard another thump, and then another. She giggled to herself. It sounded like they were getting a bit wild in there.
But then she heard a loud crash of something being knocked over and glass bottles falling to the floor and that caused her to sit bolt upright. That wasn't the sound of love-making. Far from it.
Jill got up and walked down the hallway. She pressed her ear to Victoria's bedroom door. She could hear the faint sounds of glass bottles clinking together and the scrape of furniture moving on the hardwood floor.
"Vick?" Jill said. She tapped lightly on the door. "Are you okay in there?"
All sounds stopped. Jill waited a tense moment.
"If you're okay just say so and I'll go."
Jill heard something that sounded like, "Mo, mo mmmhfth." It was Victoria, but her voice was obviously muffled by something.
That was too much for Jill. She had to know what was going on. She cracked the door open just an inch and looked inside. What she saw caused her mouth to drop open.
Victoria was lying on the floor on her stomach. Her legs were pressed tightly together and her arms were pulled behind her back, elbows almost touching. She was still in her suit skirt and hose, but over her blouse was a thick black Angora sweater. Her hair was down and cascaded over her face and shoulders.
And she was bound. Quite inescapably bound from the look of things. She had cable ties (the kind they use to secure computer cables) wrapped around her wrists behind her back, around her elbows, her knees, thighs, and ankles. She had scarves tied tightly around her head, one acting as a blindfold and another as a gag. Both of these were held in place with additional cable ties encircling them and cinching them tight against her face.
The cable ties were tight. Even with the thick sweater covering her wrists and elbows the cables were biting deep into the flesh. Victoria's hands were off-color, showing the lack of blood flow. Around her thighs and knees there was less protection and the cable ties had left angry red marks and ripped the hose where they'd moved during her struggles. The ankles, although just as tightly bound, weren't so bad due to a pair of black leather knee boots Victoria was wearing. The cable tie over her mouth was so tight it was indenting her cheeks and further garbling her speech.
Jill opened the door the rest of the way and looked around the room. Her heart raced and her eyes darted back and forth. Was there an intruder in the apartment? A rapist? Surely not. The door was locked. Victoria's skirt was still intact. A robber then? Not likely. Victoria's purse was on the counter by the door. What then?
Victoria's makeup stand was knocked over and there were perfume and lotion bottles everywhere. That accounts for the glass sounds. On the floor near Victoria there was a pair of scissors. Or rather, two halves of a pair of scissors. The joint holding them together was broken rendering them useless. On the bed was a package that contained about 100 more cable ties.
The reality of the situation began to dawn on Jill.
Victoria laid perfectly still, her face turned away from the door and buried in the floor. She was panting through her gag as if she'd been exerting herself strenuously. The only parts of her that moved were her back rising and falling with each breath, and her fingers lacing and unlacing trying to keep at least some blood flowing.
"Victoria?" Jill asked tentatively. "Are you okay? Did you do this to yourself?"
Victoria nodded as best she could with face pressed into the hardwood floor.
"Do you want me to leave you?"
Victoria hesitated and looked like she was about to nod, but then she rolled up onto her side and pointed toward where the broken scissors were lying beside her.
"Mmff, mme, mmhfffhf," she mumbled through the scarf. Then she shook her hands as best she could.
"Oh," Jill said, and rushed to grab one half of the broken scissors.
Jill knelt next to Victoria and tried to use one half of the scissors like a knife to cut through the wrist cable ties. The things were so tight she was having some trouble getting any leverage. The last thing she wanted to do was cut Victoria.
She rolled Victoria back onto her belly and straddled her so that she was on her knees sitting atop the backs of the bound woman's thighs. She lifted Victoria's hands up and away from her body to get a better look at the cable tie.
As she lifted Victoria's arms she felt some resistance. At the same time Victoria gasped audibly and tried to raise her hips. With the other girl sitting on her all she could do was wiggle though.
Jill looked between Victoria's arms and back to see what was causing the resistance. What she saw was another cable tie wrapped around the elbow cable tie. This one ran down beneath Victoria's skirt, presumably between her butt checks and through her crotch.
Jill tested pulling the arms up again and watched as Victoria struggled against the cable tie descending into her crotch. Victoria gave a grunt of disapproval but it was mixed with a gasp of... what? Pleasure? When Jill let the arms back down the hips beneath her settled into a rhythmic wiggle beneath her. Definitely pleasure. The older woman was getting off on this.
"My, my, Victoria, are you getting worked up?" she said and snickered. She gave the bound arms a quick jerk upward causing Victoria to gasp. "I'm sorry but I've got to get them up here where I can work on them. Until I can get you undone you'll just have to deal with it."
Victoria gave a muffled moan and her hip wiggling increased just slightly.
Jill pulled Victoria's arms up slowly and made sure the crotch tie was pulled as tight as possible, then she went to work on the cable tie with the scissors. Victoria responded by straining and tightening the muscles in her hips and thighs. It was obvious she was fighting the feelings welling up insider her. At the same time, though, Jill's rhythmic back and forth cutting on the cable tie was causing a similar rhythmic pull on the crotch cable. It was exactly the kind of sensation Victoria couldn't ignore.
Jill was startled nearly to the point of falling off as all at once Victoria stopped the minor wiggling and began to buck and strain and spasm beneath her. She threw her head from side to side and arched her back as she thrashed in her bonds. The younger girl had to pull the scissors away quickly to keep from jabbing either of them. She barely kept a hold of the thrashing woman's arms.
It came and went very quickly. In just a few seconds Victoria quieted down and the only remaining sign of what had just happened was a slight wiggle still in her hips as they pushed lightly against the floor.
Without further distraction Jill managed to cut her way through the strong cable tie. The elbow tie was next. With arms unbound Victoria rolled herself over to her back and began to work the feeling back into her sore limbs.
Victoria took the scissors piece and cut away her eye and mouth bondage, which then led to removal of a wadded up scarf from within her mouth.
With blindfold and gag removed she looked up at Jill red-faced with humiliation. She gave a small smile. "Thank you."
As if Jill wasn't shocked enough by what she'd seen already, what she saw next shocked her even more. Victoria reached up into her sweater, dug around a bit, and pulled out a flesh colored silicone breast form. She did the same procedure on the other side. While Victoria's D cup breasts looked even bigger than normal in a tight sweater, Jill had thought they looked positively enormous today. Now she knew why. The forms must add at least a cup size.
Victoria glanced at Jill then at the door.
"Um," she said, "I think maybe I can take it from here."
With that comment Jill came out of her stupor and made a quick exit back to the living room.
Chapter 4
Later that evening the pair was playing poker as if nothing had happened. If you excuse the crushing awkwardness surrounding the table, that is.
Jill kept her eyes down at the table or on her cards. Anywhere but on Victoria. Likewise, Victoria fiddled with her cards nervously and tried as hard as possible not to rub her sore wrists.
At one point the two of them each absentmindedly reached for the bowl of pretzels and Jill's hand brushed across the red streaks on Victoria's wrist.
Victoria pulled her hand back sharply, causing Jill to do the same.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Jill exclaimed, looking up startled at Victoria. "I...I didn't mean to hurt you."
Victoria looked startled as well and for a moment their eyes met.
Victoria's face slowly softened. "It's alright Jill," she said. "It's a just a bit tender, that's all. No harm done."
Jill smiled back nervously and buried her face back into her cards.
Victoria let her gaze linger on the younger girl a bit. Eventually she put her cards down on the table and reached her hand out to her friend.
"See," she said, rubbing the wrist, "it's okay."
Jill looked up, then reached out her hand and touched the red marks where the cable ties had been. Victoria turned her hand over and back to show Jill the extent of the injuries.
"You know if you want to talk about it that's okay too," Victoria said.
Jill nodded enthusiastically.
"I guess I should start, huh?" Victoria said. "Obviously I'm into bondage. In this case self-bondage. I've been doing this for, well... I guess as long as I can remember. Before you came along that was my usual Friday night."
"So since I moved in you haven't been able to? I didn't mean to, you know, keep you from... that," Jill stammered.
"Well, to be honest. I just shifted it to a little earlier in the day. I've been taking off most Friday afternoons." Victoria smiled and blushed. "Actually, having you living here has freed me up to experiment with a bit harsher scenarios. Before, I knew that if I got stuck I was really stuck. With you coming home at 5:30 I knew I had a safety net if I absolutely needed."
"Is that what happened today?" Jill asked. "I mean, or did you, you know... want me to find you?"
"It was purely unintentional, I assure you. I'm sure you noticed the scissors were broken? As soon as I tried to release myself I got them opened and around the first tie – then I rolled over accidentally and broke them. Truth is I was in that state far longer than was comfortable."
"I see," Jill said.
Both girls seemed a bit more relaxed.
"I do have a question," Jill said, and Victoria nodded. "Just to be sure, I mean, I'm pretty sure already, but when you were struggling so hard ... you know ... and thrashing ... that was what I think it was right?"
Victoria definitely blushed at that. "You mean when I had my orgasm? Yes, it's exactly what you thought it was."
Jill nodded. "So you're a lesbian then?"
Victoria looked back puzzled. "Oh, no, that's not what I thought you were asking. I just thought you were wondering whether or not I had an orgasm."
"Well," Jill said, "that part was pretty obvious. I was just wondering why it happened with me there."
"Oh. Well, I had a little helper inside me down there most of the afternoon, but its batteries ran out about half an hour before you got home. So I was pretty well primed and ready. With your pulling on the ties like that..."
"Oh," Jill said looking down at the cards.
Victoria's face softened and she reached out and took the younger girl's hand. "Oh, dear, you were hoping it was because of you being there, weren't you? Are you lesbian Jill?"
"No," Jill said abruptly. "I mean, not really."
Jill took a deep breath, paused, and started over. "Yes, it gave me a rush to think you had an orgasm because of me. No, I'm not a lesbian. I suppose I'm a bit bi-curious. And it really stoked my fires what happened."
The two girls sat silently for a moment.
"Is it fun?" Jill asked.
Victoria smiled. "Well, yes it is. Very. And if you're bondage curious I have plenty more ties left over. Feel free to use them whenever you wish. Just be careful to have a good pair of scissors around."
"Of course," Victoria continued, "I could tie you up with them tonight. Just to give you the idea without the danger of being alone."
Jill turned her lip up and smiled. "It was your usual Friday night activity. I think maybe you are the one who should be back in them if anyone. And wouldn't it be nice to be in real bondage, not having an escape mechanism?"
Victoria rubbed her still sore wrists. "I'm not sure if I'm up for round 2. Especially at the hands of a mischievous bi-curious lady such as yourself."
Jill had an inspiration. She picked up the cards. "Sounds like we finally have something worth playing for. Instead of the loser cooking dinner I propose that the winner cooks. And the loser watches from the floor in cable ties."
Victoria flushed at that comment. But she flashed a sly smile and picked up her cards. She was already getting wet at the prospect – win or lose – of the evening's events.
That night became a turning point in both their lives. Jill, it turned out, had a real thing for bondage. And Victoria was a more than willing teacher to her new pupil.
The relationship had never gone so far as to be sexual. Well, that is, not purely sexual. Both women were prone to orgasm at the other's hands, but only when a great deal of bondage and teasing were applied. Outside of bondage neither was really much of a lesbian.
The relationship did, however, take on defined roles. Victoria was the dominant and Jill was the submissive. Even when Victoria was the one in bondage there was an implied sense that Victoria was allowing it and Jill was only in control because it pleased Victoria. When their roles were switched Jill was a complete submissive to Victoria's will. There was no doubt who was in charge.
Chapter 5
Back to the present...
Jill walked into the bedroom, naked as directed, and saw a group of neatly laid out clothes on the bed. Victoria was at her makeup table putting the finishing touches on her face.
"Get dressed," was all Victoria said.
Jill pickup up black satin panties and slipped them on. She glanced over at Victoria as she tucked the little wire coming out of her pussy into the crotch of the panties. Her internal addition wasn't on the approved apparel list, but she couldn't help herself. The little bullet vibrator was a new toy of hers (Vick didn't even know she'd bought it) and she couldn't resist the urge to give it some break-in time. It came with a wireless remote that controlled the vibration, and even had a setting that caused electric shocks, but the remote would stay in her dresser drawer tonight.
She picked up the matching black satin bra and discovered right away the mistake. This was one of Victoria's bras, not hers. It was at least two cup sizes too big. She turned toward Victoria holding it out but was cut off before she could speak.
"Put it on dear," Victoria said without even turning toward her. "What I've laid out for you is carefully picked for this evening's activities, and it is exactly what I want you wearing. No more and no less."
Jill cringed at the "no more" comment, thinking of her little internal addition. But she remained silent and put the large cup bra on, dissatisfied with the way her B cup breaks looked so small in the D cup bra.
Jill stood and wrapped the black satin waist cinch around her. It nipped in her waist just a bit and ran from an inch below the bra down to just above her crotch. It had four garters hanging down, to which she attached the sheer black nylons that she rolled up her legs.
The whole set matched perfectly. Jill looked at herself in the mirror as Victoria stood and approached her, a black box about the size of a shoebox in her hands.
Victoria put the box on the bed and opened it to reveal the silicone breast forms. She scooped one of them up and with the other hand reached into Jill's bra and lifted her breast. With care, she placed the form beneath the breast and nestled the breast on top of it, arranging the cup of the now stuffed bra back into place. She repeated the operation on the other breast. Soon Jill had impressive cleavage and a very full bosom.
"I... I can't go out... with these," Jill said with trepidation.
"You can, and you will," Victoria replied. "And if I hear any more balking this evening I'll add a gag to your apparel."
Jill gasped at that and shut her mouth before any words could come out.
"Now finish dressing. Time is short."
Jill inspected the rest of her outfit. Her favorite dark burgundy sweater. Black leather skirt that was tight enough to limit her stride and long enough to just brush the tops of her knees. Black leather knee boots. Black leather gloves. It was a great outfit and sure to command attention.
Victoria was dressed similarly. Blue sweater. Black leather skirt. Boots and gloves. They almost matched except for the color difference in their sweaters.
Jill stood and waited patiently as Victoria dug around in her closet. What she returned with both scared and excited Jill. It was a shiny steel loop of metal. A collar. A full two inches wide with a heavy buckle and padlock that was worn in the back. In the front a shiny D-ring hung down, ready for any of a variety of attachments or restraints.
Victoria turned up the cowl of Jill's sweater so it covered the lower part of her face. She then put the collar around Jill's neck over the sweater. With a telltale "snick" the collar was closed and the lock engaged. Victoria rolled the cowl neck of the sweater down to cover the polished steel.
Jill could feel the tight restriction of the collar pressing the sweater into her neck. She reached up and traced its outline beneath the cowl neck of the sweater. The collar was completely invisible beneath.
"You've locked my sweater on."
"Are you complaining?" Victoria asked and touched Jill on the lips with her own gloved hand.
Jill shook her head. "Oh, no, Miss. Not at all."
Victoria smiled. "Good. Now let's go."
The pair left the bedroom. Victoria picked up her purse as they reached the door. Jill reached for hers as well but Victoria stopped her.
"No dear. Tonight is on me. No need for you to burden yourself with that."
"Oh, okay," Jill said, and the pair left.
Chapter 6
The women piled into a cab and Victoria said, "Navy Pier," to the driver. They set off and Victoria started digging around in her purse.
"Lean forward," Victoria commanded. Jill leaned forward.
Victoria pulled up Jill's sweater in the back and Jill felt her tugging on the back of the waist cinch. When the sweater was smoothed back down Victoria held two chain ends, each with a handcuff attached.
"Put your wrists behind your back."
Jill's heart skipped a beat, but she put her wrists back as ordered. Victoria took one cuff and threaded it through the button hole of the leather glove on Jill's left wrist. She ratcheted it shut, the sound causing the cab driver to look in his rear view mirror. Jill caught his stare for a second and blushed, but then he diverted his attention back to the road. Victoria took the other cuff and secured it on Jill's right wrist, again threaded through the glove's button hole.
"You may lean back."
Jill pushed herself back into the seat. She looked down at herself. Her wrists were cuffed, but the shiny metal of the cuffs was not visible beneath the leather of the gloves. Only a slight bulge around her wrists gave any indication of the restraints beneath. The chain ran from the inside of each wrist back and up beneath the sweater. If she pulled on them she could feel the chains tug on her waist cinch. There must be some kind of anchor there she hadn't noticed when putting it on.
She felt a delicious wetness forming in her panties. Being bound in public was a sure turn-on, and Vick knew it.
The cab stopped and Victoria handed the driver his money. She opened the door and climbed out. Jill tried to push herself across the seat and almost landed face down. With her hands so restricted she had to inch her bottom across the seat, then swing her legs out and push herself up with her hands trailing behind her.
As she stood the cab driver got a good view of the chains coming from beneath her sweater and he saw where they ended. He smiled at her and she turned crimson.
"Enough flirting with the driver," Victoria said as she shut the cab door and helped Jill to the curb. Jill turned an even deeper crimson at the implication.
"Let's go for a walk," Victoria said.
Navy Pier on a Friday is one of the most crowded venues in Chicago. As soon as the ladies were off the street they were practically swallowed up in the crowd. There were people everywhere. Shopping, waiting outside trendy restaurants, listening to music, exploring the mall, or just standing next to the railing looking out over Lake Michigan.
Jill walked a half step beside and behind Victoria. She discovered that with her hands held carefully behind her hips none of the cuffs or chains would show. But lift her hands even slightly and the sweater would come up too. Move her hands forward and the chains would go taut. To keep any semblance of modesty she had to hold her hands just so.
The worst part was that with her shoulders pulled back to allow her hands to hang behind her hips it pushed her chest out even further.
Victoria marched them all the way from one end of the pier to the other. This was the most public and daring the games had ever gotten. For Jill it was a mixture of nerve-wracking and exciting. She felt herself responding to the looks of those around her – looks made all the more wicked imagining what they'd think if they knew the full extent of her wardrobe.
Eventually they reached the furthest point out. To Jill's relief the crowds were much sparser here at least. Only a few couples were strolling about. Victoria led them to a bench and they sat looking out over the lake.
After a moment Victoria started digging around in her oversized bag again. Jill didn't like the size of that bag, wondering just what atrocities could be hidden within. Her crotch betrayed her, though, by contracting just a bit around her intruder at the thought.
Victoria pulled out a leather buckle strap. It was a good three inches wide but made out of thin stretch leather. It was as supple as a glove but as unyielding as a steel shackle once tightened and buckled.
"Pull your skirt up over your thighs please."
It was so polite as to almost be a request, but there was no doubt in Jill's mind it was an order. She looked around hesitantly and complied. There were only a few people around and none of them were paying the women any mind. Not that it would've mattered. She dare not disobey the command even if there were dozens of onlookers.
It wasn't too difficult to hike her skirt up in the seated position with her hands at hers sides as they were. She did wonder exactly how she'd get the skirt back down again though.
Victoria wrapped the thick leather strap around Jill's legs just above the knees. She tightened the strap and buckled it, effectively smashing Jill's legs together from the knees up. Before she pulled down the girl's skirt and smoothed it out she let her hand slide up to touch Jill's crotch. She was met with wetness and a closed eye sigh from the girl. When she retracted her hand both women had smiles on their faces, one devious and the other pleasurable. The pair stared silently out over the lake as the sun set.
When the lights of the pier were beginning to overtake the dwindling sunlight Victoria stood up and said, "Best be going dear."
Jill stood and took a tentative step. She was hobbled for sure. But she knew from experience how to walk with her knees together and with the tightness of the skirt it didn't even look that out of place. She'd surely give a show to anyone walking behind her given the exaggerated hip wiggle, but she could manage.
"Oh, one more thing," Victoria said, again digging in that dreaded bag. She pulled out a leash with a leather handle and short chain. Before Jill knew what happened Victoria had the leash clipped to the ring of her steel collar beneath the sweater's cowl with the leash chain hanging down.
Victoria turned and gave a quick tug to start the girl moving.
Chapter 7
"Um, no, please. I can't wear a leash. Not here. I'll absolutely die!"
Victoria stopped and turned angrily to face the girl. Jill knew her mistake even before the words finished leaving her mouth.
"I mean, I can of course. But... please."
Victoria reached into her bag and pulled out a small red rubber ball.
"You knew the rules and you chose to disobey. Now you pay the price."
Victoria held the ball to Jill's lips. Jill obediently opened them and the ball was inserted, held just behind her teeth.
The ball was just small enough and had just enough give that Jill could squeeze her mouth shut if she tried. But it was a strain. There was no way she could hold that for long. In a relaxed state the ball held her mouth slightly open. Someone looking on her from the front would have no trouble seeing that there was something in the girl's mouth.
Jill's eyes darted around. There were several people milling about. It seemed to Jill that all eyes were on her, though no one really seemed to be paying too much attention.
Victoria turned and once again tugged on the leash. Jill started in motion, doing her best to keep up without letting her hip sway attract too much attention. With each tug of the leash Jill felt a jolt of arousal in her crotch. If she weren't careful she'd end up having a climax right here on the pier in front of anyone who cared to watch. The thought of it did nothing to diminish her arousal.
They quickly moved back into the more populated sections, and with it the bright lights of the pier. Jill determined that if she kept herself close enough to Victoria the leash would remain slack and people might mistake it for a dangling necklace. If she saw someone look directly at her she'd close her mouth tightly and do her best to turn her head away.
The crowd was a mixed blessing. It slowed Victoria's gait, giving Jill a better chance of keeping up without giving herself away. But it also surrounded her with people. She had people bump her or side-swipe her with every step, and invariably they looked her over. Leather skirt and boots will have that effect.
Jill was becoming tired trying to walk in her high heels with her thighs crushed together, and it didn't help having to breath around a the red rubber ball. Victoria noticed the girl laboring and led them off to an alcove where a fire hose and wall mounted hydrant were tucked neatly away.
"I have some shopping to do on the upper level. Think you can manage the stairs?" Victoria asked, idly twisting the end of the leash around in her hand.
Jill looked at the stairs. They were narrow, steep, and crowded with people. They were on the outside of the mall and thus anyone could see her if she were to try to make her way up them. She knew she'd be a sight too – butt swaying back and forth. Chains clinking. Leash... She wasn't even sure she could swing her legs enough to get up the stairs.
Jill shook her head.
"Well, I suppose you can wait for me here," Victoria said, and then a thoughtful look came across her face. "Of course, I am afraid in your state you're likely to wander off. We certainly cannot have that. Especially since you have no money or identification. Who knows what would become of you?"
As Victoria reached up high overhead it took Jill a moment to realize what she was doing. But when Victoria's hands came back down without the leash handle she knew exactly what it meant. Her leash chain led out from under the sweater cowl up into the mass of piping.
Victoria cupped Jill's face in her hands and gave her a loving kiss on the cheek as the younger girl's eyes traced the line of chain up overhead. Even with her hands fully extended (which would raise her sweater up to her chest level at least) she could never hope to reach the leash handle.
Victoria turned and walked off, leaving Jill wide eyed, frightened... and aroused.
Once Victoria had disappeared into the upper level of shops Jill took a tentative step and gave a few gentle tugs on the leash chain. It wasn't going anywhere. She was stuck. The thought of being like this, bound, alone, displayed – it was enough to get her even more revved up. Luckily she could stand still and that helped diminish the effect of the intruder inside her. As much as she enjoyed the fantasy of being forced to cum in public in front of a group of strangers, she wasn't sure she wanted to experience the reality of it. Not at this particular moment at least.
Jill couldn't help but notice all the people moving back and forth along the pier. In an attempt to mask her predicament she maneuvered herself such that the leash ran over her shoulder under the protective cover of the cowl. The only visible portion would be what ran down from the piping behind her, and hopefully anyone looking her direction would not realize it were part of her outfit.
Jill tried to look inconspicuous without appearing to be trying to look inconspicuous. As much as possible she kept from making eye contact with anyone who wandered by. She pretended to be interested in the fire extinguisher, or the service entry door.
But remaining unnoticed wasn't easy. An attractive young woman in leather boots and tight skirt standing alone was sure to attract attention. Soon enough, a pair of tough looking guys in t-shirts and jeans caught sight of her. They broke off from the crowd and came up to her.
"What's this fine thing doing all by herself?" one of them said.
"Waiting for something I bet," the other replied.
"Waiting for us maybe," the first one said.
Jill turned her head down and to the side and faced the wall of pipes, not responding to them at all. She could see from the corner of her eye they both had tattoos and wore what she thought were probably gang insignias.
One of the guys grabbed her arm and tried to pull her closer to him. He got a puzzled look when she was stopped short as the chain to her neck tightened.
"Hey, look at this..." he said, his voice trailing off as he also noted the similar chain running from her wrist behind her.
The other guy moved in closer and grabbed the leash chain, giving it a tug, causing Jill's head to turn involuntarily.
"She's all fixed up here."
Jill was about to spit out the ball and scream for help when a third voice resounded from behind her.
"You boys had best move along now," Jill heard. She turned and saw that a police officer had approached while her head was turned.
The boys sneered at the cop but let go of Jill and her leash and moved back into the crowd. Jill tried to smooth down her sweater and sink even further into the alcove as the police officer scanned her up and down, paying special attention to her bindings.
"What exactly is going on here miss?"
Jill cast her eyes downward and couldn't help but notice the sizeable bulge in the officer's pants. He was quite tall and attractive and she'd always liked men in uniform. In another setting... But this was hardly the type of situation where she'd planned on meeting a man.
Jill didn't have time to consider what to do next. The intruder buried deep insider her came to life and began to vibrate violently within her. All at once her head jerked up and her knees went weak.
She would've fallen from the surprise of it had the officer not reached out and grabbed her, using his strength to hold her up.
"Now, now," he said, "It's alright. Don't you go and faint on me."
All the built-up arousal coursed through Jill and she knew she was too far gone. The impact of her situation was catching up to her with full force and she felt an orgasm building. She knew she couldn't stop it. With shame filling her face she melted into his arms and he supported her. She rested her cheek on his chest, closed her eyes, and began to move her hips against him.
But again, without warning, another stimulation hit her. The intruder shocked her. Hard. She spasmed and jerked as the electric jolt cut through her pussy into her thighs. The impending orgasm was derailed just as surely as if a switch had been turned off.
"Oh, my dear," Jill heard the voice of Victoria say. "Is my niece alright?"
Victoria walked up and helped lift the younger girl's partially limp body out of the officer's arms. She reached up and tested the leash as if she'd never seen it before.
"I saw those boys pull you over here Jilly. Oh, I can't believe they tied you up like this. How dreadful."
The officer let Victoria take over holding up Jill, who for her own part was recovering her senses a bit. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and scrutinized Victoria and Jill. It was clear he was not falling for her ruse.
"Ma'am, this is not the safest place for these activities. In the future I'd recommend you bring an escort if you're going to do these kinds of ... diversions."
Victoria smiled at the officer warmly. She reached into her purse and pulled out a business card, handing it to the officer. "Well, as long as you're onto us if you're ever interested in providing off-duty services I'm sure we could use a bodyguard."
The officer looked at the card and smiled broadly, then tucked it into his pocket. "I'll keep that in mind. Now, if you don't mind, I'd ask that you move along." And with that he ambled back into the crowd and disappeared.
Victoria retrieved Jill's leash handle and gave the girl a quick tug to reassert who was in charge.
"Making a spectacle out of yourself. And keeping unauthorized secrets to boot." She held up the remote control for the bullet vibrator, thumb poised over the red button. "I think you are in serious need of punishment."
When Victoria pressed the button Jill felt another stab of electricity shoot through her crotch. This time, at least, she was more prepared for it. She stood and grimaced as it ripped through her, but she stoically kept herself standing.
"Now, I believe you were about to have an orgasm. Let's find you a more suitable place for it. Something a bit more... public."
Jill's eyes went wide. With fear or with lust, who knows?