- Author - Shopkeeper
- Rating -
   [ 3.56 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1573 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, bondage, humiliation, kidnapping
- Post Date - 6/3/2010
I own a bondage sex shop. I sell whatever kinky stuff you saw online, only that you can come in and take a look at all the bondage gear displayed within these walls.
It just started as a normal day. I opened the shop and went inside to get things set up, when suddenly, two pretty women walked inside, a red-headed and tall woman, wearing a brown coat, a skrt and black heels. The blondie that walked in with here had a similar outfit, but instead of wearing a coat she had a pink top and a skirt as well as some pink high heels to match her outfit.
They went straight where the bondage gear was. I greeted them, but none of them noticed my presence... "This might be their first time watching bondage gear", I thought, and started thinking in all the fun this couple will have soon if they decided to get some bondage fun and girl on girl action. This kind of thinking made me drift away for a few minutes... Until a gun to my head brought me back to planet Earth.
"H-h-h-how can I help you?" I asked, while I paid more attention to the black cannon being held in front of me. "Are you dumb or what?" the redhead asked, "Can't you see you are being robbed?" I stood paralyzed trying to find the right choice of words so I could keep my whole head attacked to my body. "I'm sorry, ma'm, but it is too early in the morning... I don't have any cash in the register..." I said frightened.
"Don't try to play smart with me, boy!" exclaimed the redhead with anger, "you must have at least some cash!" "I'm sorry ma'm, but you might as well take some store items with you... As I said, it is too early in the morning and there haven't been any sales yet. You are the first costumers I've got the whole morning!"
As I was trying to explain myself, blondie was closing my shop so no one would come in during the robbery. As she laid down the courtain and flipped over the open sign, she told to the redhead, "Why don't we have some fun with him?"
"Fun?", the redhead asked suprised, "Why should we have fun with this maggot? I just want the cash and getting out of here." "Come on...!" exclaimed blondie, "we could dress him up, tie him up and put him as a display item inside the shop while we attend the costumers and take all the day's profit with us."
Redhead stood there thinking... "There is no need for that", I tried to say something, "you could take these items with you and sell them and take the cash. No problem ma'm..." "Shut up!" the redhead demanded, "Cristine, go get some of that kinky stuff back there, we will have some fun today."
"Yay!" Christine exclaimed, "I'll go get some heavy bondage gear!"
As soon as Christine went to pick whatever they were going to try on me, the redhead kept pointing her gun at me. "Strip." she commanded, "and do it fast, I don't have all day."
I did as I were told and took off my shirt and pants awaiting for whatever was next in this hell of a day. I should have just stayed in bed dreaming about... anything, but not this. As soon as I finished stripping, Christine came in with a bunch of items, and my eyes grew wide. Fake breasts, high heeled boots, corset, pantyhose, brunnette wig, mini-skirt, ball gag, single glove, leather straps... were these gals serious?
Christine handed me my new oufit. "Put this on", she commanded me, "and don't take long or Tamara here will shoot your ass." Christine didn't appear so innocent anymore, so I decided to hurry up and figure out how the hell I could put this things on. I started with the pantyhose that gave me a lot of trouble, and amused Tamara and Christine, mocking me as I tried to put it on. "Come on, sissy! Hurry up!" Tamara exclaimed. I was trying to do my best, but it was hard. When I finally could do it, I went and put on the high heel boots and skirt. Man, it was hard trying to stand up in these things. I wondered how women could actually bear walking on these!
The corset was a whole new story, and I actually got a little bit of help from Christine, which, didn't make it any loose... I couldn't breath at all, specially having these fake breasts strapped to my chest.
"Turn around, bitch" Tamara commanded, "we will get this shit on you in no time, so put your arms behind your back." As I did, Christine slipped the single glove and tightened it as tight as she could and my body could bear. Now I was completely helpless and didn't knew what to do. She quickly put me on the brown wig over my head and told me to open wide.
I did as I was told and felt the red harness-ball gag being strapped around my head and being tightened too much.
"Aren't you a cute little doll?" Tamara mocked me. "MMMMMMPPPPPH!" was the sound I could make behind my gag. "Let's put some make up on him!" Christine exclaimed excited, "pass me your pink lipstick and eye shadow Tamara."
Christine proceeded to paint my lips over the ball gag and make up my eyes. "Now you are all good to go, beautiful!" Christine told me, "come over here, slave. We will have to tie you up more."
I tried to walk, but it was hard. I was made stand up in against a pole that was on sale in front of the shop entrance and my knees, ankles and chest were bound against it with the leather straps. "You look so cute! You don't even resemble a man anymore!" Christine said. I was just hoping my girlfriend wouldn't drop by today and find me dressed up like this.
"Well, we are ready to open the store." Tamara said, "Come on Christine, open the door." Tamara went behind the counter as Christine opened the door.
A few hours went by and I stood there, tied up and gagged watching the street and some people passing by kept glaring at me and continued with their lives. I was getting tired, but I couldn't do anything. The girls stopped paying me attention as they just collected cash of any sold item. Man... I was hoping this day would end up soon.
A female costumer entered the store and stared at me. I MMMMMPPPPHED behind my gag, trying to tell her to set me free, that I was being robbed. But no understandable sound came behing my gag and she just stood there amused that I was tied up with so many gear. She actually asked how much for the ball-gag! Another sale gone.
The hours went by and my bondage was getting unbearable. Would they set me free anytime soon? I needed water and release, I didn't care about the cash I was losing, I just wanted to go home.
Finally the night fell and closing time was near. They did so and closed the store while collecting their cash. "Well... it was a fun day, wasn't it?" Tamara mocked me, "Sadly, we can't let you go, since you seem to be enjoying yourself in your own captivity. So we decided to call your girlfriend so she can come to release you later in the day. Oh yeah, we found her number in your cellphone... this might be good."
I froze... this was way too embarrassing, yet, I felt relief knowing I would be released soon.
"It was fun!" Christine waved goodbye at me. I MMMMPHED but no avail. Soon the lights went out and it was dark outside and inside. They walked away laughing and I could only wait for Rose to come in and see my predicament... I wonder... would she let me loose? or would she take advantage of me?
I just wanted to get off this outfit as fast as I could...