- Author - WRandolph
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- Site Rank - 2527 of 2955
- Story Codes - m-self, consensual, enema, self-bondage, toys
- Post Date - 5/21/2010
I stumbled upon self-bondage by accident. I was bored one evening and by my self, looking at websites.I started by looking up erotic stories and one that I had read had self-bondage in it. As I was reading it, I was more turned on than I ever had been ( just by reading a story.)
A couple days went by with my mind just racing with all of these new ideas. I felt like I did on my first date full of excitement and fear. I was starting to think about all the stuff I had in my closet that I could use. I have been into medical braces for a while and started from there. I have also been into erotic enemas. I had never thought those two words would ever be in the same sentence until after the world wide web came to be.
One evening after gathering a ton of stuff, I was finally ready to give it a try. I was almost ready to stop and not go through with it. My heart was pounding so fast and hard I thought I was going to pass out. I didn't want any key's to fall in the wrong place or electric locks to malfunction. What I got was a few chain links that have a nut you can open up, put two pieces of chain into, and connect them. I found that blind folded makes it hard to find the links and open them.
I got the enema equipment and took it into the bedroom. Next, I got my solution of choice, which was a mixture of wine and Malibu rum. The wine by its self tingles so if you mix something else with it, it will be like water. Be sure to warm up the solution. It causes less cramping and feels great. This will get you really hammered. I would not suggest doing this solo the first time. I had purchased this nice inflating enema nozzle from a store on the web. The inflating nozzle will keep you from making one hell of a mess. Seeing as you are tied to the bed- and forced to hold it for a while until you get out.
I am also addicted to shoes. The higher the heels the better. I like to wear them out. The rush of wearing them in public makes
me excited in a way that I can only describe as being an anxiety attack but not bad enough you can't function.
I love the way nylon socks feel when you put boots on. It feels like silk. Also, if you have finger nails.... running them up and down the boots feels orgasmic on the legs. The next thing I put on was some knee braces that you can lock into any angle you want. I locked them at an angle that kept them bent in about a 45-degree angle. That way it keeps your legs apart and gives you the feeling of being forcibly tied and exposed.
The way that a fan set on low and turns back and forth feels awesome when blowing over my naked body. Next, I lubed the enema nozzle and put it in and inflated it till I knew it was not coming out. Putting it in feels great the nozzle is shaped like a long triangle so it starts out small and teasing you and a second before you think you are almost full it goes back to the size at the front and it is in. It has a smaller balloon to keep it from going to far in. I love the way it makes you feel full when you inflate the first one. I like to inflate and deflate it a couple times. Next, the little one gets inflated on the out side. This feels great too.
It kinda pulls on the inner one giving you a feeling as if you are not going to escape. I tell you one thing that trying to set and tie your self up with this in place is hard to do with out having an orgasm. After using the ankle cuffs to secure my feet, I tied a string from the release on the enema bag to the string on my boot. After doing all of this, I needed to calm down. I could hear my own heart beat so well I thought some one was walking around in my house. I would love some one to come in, take over, and keep me prisoner. That is the vision that goes through my mind.
Next, I got my nipple clamps and set them to max pinch. I had gotten these when I wanted to know if I could stand getting my nipples pierced. I liked to wear them under my shirt and go places. They always made me feel naughty! I could do it in public and no one knew. I love the way the connecting chain would swing and gently tug at them. The first one hurt like hell the second was not as bad. I then tied a couple fishing weights to the chain that connected them. I set it up in a way that the chain didn't have weight on it until I laid down. The only way to get relief from the weights was to move the foot that had the enema release string tied to it. Lift up on the weights and the enema would come.
I kinda thought that would be some sort of punishment for relieving the pain in my nipples. I found out that I could be pushed over the edge of orgasm if they were pinched hard. Now that it was in place I got my IPod and headphones and set it to music I liked and turned it up enough I could not hear anything but music. I was almost in my place of heaven! OH Yeah ! When listening to the music it is relaxing and soon you forget your ringing phone or the people next door fighting.
Next, I put my blind fold on and made sure I could not see. The blind fold keeps me from looking at the clock and thinking about what's on TV. I really like isolating my self so I can only hear one thing and just feel the sensations of the enema and nozzle filling me up. The sound and vibrations of the music in my headphones. The way my boots caress and shape my feet to fit them.
The next thing I put on was my neck brace. I love the way it touches my neck! Holding it completely still with softness of pillows and the firmness of hard plastic. I also like to wear my neck brace in public. Makes me really turned on. It's like being able to do bondage out side your house.I have looked at a ton of people and some look at me as if saying "Aw, poor guy" the ones I like are the ones that look at me as if to say" That looks kinda kinky" ! After making sure my neck brace was on nice and tight I tied one of my hands to the headboard. With my free hand, I put my headphones on and pulled down my blind fold.
Almost there I could feel my self on the very edge of my first of many orgasms. I reached up and locked my hand in place with the chain. My Bliss awaits me !
Finally all tied up and no one around. As I lay there listening to the music I could hear my heart beat really well. After laying there for what seemed to be an hour my nipples were on fire.
I barely raise the toe of my boot to relieve the pressure and I felt the enema come rushing in. I jumped not expecting it to rush in so fast. I forgot to adjust the flow valve to the right setting and it was on max. The pressure and the warmth of it felt so good. The first orgasm hit like a wall of water washing over me. Making me sweat, moan and struggle. Shortly after the burning in my nipples came back. When I jumped, the weights fell off my boot and was non-retrievable so now it was a constant dull ache that felt amazing.
Pretty soon., the wine and rum had seeped into my bloodstream.... My head was getting light and the pain was not so much. I was starting to have more orgasms due to the nozzle in my ass and the slight tug on my nipples. I was on my to being in the land of multiple orgasms. The way my boots were holding my feet and the blowing of the fan, and the firm hold of my neck brace was too much. I came so hard that I felt some thing warm land on my chest. I knew what it was and didn't care. They were coming faster and faster and each one was better than the last. I started trying to find the link in the chain to let me out.
I could not take any more. It felt like my cock was made of solid stone. Every time my heart beat I could feel it moving back and fourth. Trying to find the link in the chain was a struggle in its self-drunk and high off cumming so much I couldn't think. I started to panic because I could not find the links in the chain so I could get out. The more I panic the faster the wine and rum enema worked. It had already got me good and drunk now it was going to get me fucking smashed.
Finally, I had found one of the links. I started to try to get it to come loose but it was not moving. I decided to lay back and quit fighting... it was no use I was going to be stuck there for a while. Then everything went quiet and I was in dreamland. I was having a dream about going shoe shopping with a friend. We were trying on shoes and such and I had found a pair so comfortable they made me cum. That's when I was back in a blurry reality. I started feeling around with my other hand and found the other link. Thank god this one was opening. Just as I was just about free, another orgasm hit me. Oh dear I was almost there and I passed out again.
I don't remember the music starting over again but I knew the tracks well enough to know it had. I finally found the link to the chain and got loose. After that, it was all a blur. I woke up the next day still wearing everything and untied and unplugged and feeling wonderful.