Author's Note: This is the story of a homeless man who is taken into an enclave of lesbians, and becomes their slave.
Chapter 1
The only certainty for a homeless person like myself, is the uncertainty of day to day life. Sure, there is a degree of routine, such as lunch and dinner at the soup kitchen, or morning visits to the food bank. Everything else is completely off the cuff, without plan, or much foresight, in essence, a day without structure. For my part though, I have attempted to try and create some structure to my routine by traveling around town, gathering alcohol containers. I saw no point in just sitting around doing nothing, bemoaning my lot in life; early in my life I had learned that the best way to kill time was to work it to death. I carried that philosophy down into the streets with me, and that is what guided me into the following series of bizarre events. My routine proved to be my undoing, what lead me back from the street.
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While the majority of my life was spent in the public domain, I had places I could go to if I needed silence, and solitude. Within the city limits there were number of parks and small wooded areas, but having originally grown up in a rural environment, these did not meet my needs. For the sanctuary that I sought, I had to trek to the outskirts, to where the land had yet to be cleared of its natural growth. In this sprawling forest were numerous creeks and streams, many of which would lead into a large pond, skirted with grassy shorelines. And, while there was a network of hiking trails that snaked throughout the dense forest, some of these spring fed pools of water could only be reached by departing from the main pathways. My explorations had uncovered such a site, a place where I could go and not see another person for hours on end. So complete was my privacy that I felt perfectly comfortable to remove all my clothes, and sunbath in the nude. Whenever I had earned enough money to purchase smokes and beer, and the weather was suitable, I would return to this sanctuary, strip down, and luxuriate in the sun's radiant rays while I sipped on my brew. It was on such an afternoon that I first met Mistress Barbara.
It had always amazed me how one little slip can irrevocably change one's life. Though I had found a securely private place, I still tried to be vigilant of my surroundings, so that I would know if anyone was coming. However, that fateful afternoon, I let my guard down, using headphones to listen to one of my favourite CD's, savouring my cool Schlitz. I only became aware of her when I realized that there was a shadow crossing my bare groin, one that hadn't been there moments earlier. Instinctively, I started to move my hands to shield my exposed sex, but froze midway, when I heard the intruders voice.
"Hello Roger," Said the distinctly feminine voice, "Good to see you, all of you."
It wasn't the fact that the voice was female that caused me to freeze, Hell, she knew my name! Here I am naked in the middle of nowhere, and this woman pops along, and knows my name, it was so completely unexpected. I raised my head to see if I could recognize her, but due of the juxtaposition of her head against the bright sun, her face was in shadow; I had no idea who she was. She must have seen the look of confusion on my face, as she stepped over my nude torso, and turned to face me. Even with the sun brightly illuminating her roundish face I still did not have a clue who she was. It bothered me that she had the upper hand, apparently she knew who I was, but I had no idea who she was. In fact, I really couldn't recall ever having seen her before, yet I must have at some point, as she obviously knew my name. The initial shock wasn't even allowed to dissipate as she presented me with another one.
The unknown woman smiled down at me, and said, "I come bearing gifts, here you go Roger."
From behind her back she produced an LCBO bag. Bending down toward me, she handed me the gift. I felt utterly foolish taking hold of the offered bag, well aware of the sight I presented her, as completely exposed as I was. When I looked inside the bag, my dismay leaped to another level, because, within was a six-pack of Schlitz tallboys, and a package of John Players Special cigarettes. Not only did the stranger know my name, she knew my chief vices, right down to the brand. Even though I was buck ass naked, I think this knowledge of my addictions disturbed, and perplexed me even more. By doing this, she informed me that she had been spying on me, observing my routines and my habits. My present nudity aside, I had never felt so naked, so bared! This stranger seemed to know more about me than I wanted anyone to know; I will admit that this thought really bothered me. For, I knew nothing about her, yet she seemed to know everything about me, she definitely had the edge in terms of knowledge.
Again she spoke, "Do you mind if I sit down and join you? I can assure you that I don't bite. Hey, it is not every day a woman gets to sit down with a good looking, naked man, especially one who goes to the effort to shave his groin. I've always loved the look of a male's bald genitals, whether it is a boy, or a man, it gives me such a sense of power; so do you mind?"
I was too flabbergasted to say a word, so I meekly nodded an affirmative. Next thing I knew she seated herself on the ground, right next to my bare groin; I think to emphasize the fact that she was not embarrassed. Actions can say so much more than mere words, she did not show a hint of uneasiness at my current state of undress, her expression was one of utter confidence. Truths be known, I was the one with the embarrassed expression, everything just seemed too surreal. I think she used her pleasant smile to try and reassure me, and it proved to be effective. My arms returned to my side, this time though, I propped myself up on my elbows so that we were face to face.
With an understandable humility I said, "Thank-you Miss. I appreciate them. You know what I like, right down to the correct kind of smokes, and the right brand of beer. So, what is your name, and how is it that you know so much about me?"
Her smile turned into a grin that gave her kind of an impish look, she answered me, "You are right, I do know you, but you know nothing about me. My name is Barbara, but my friends, call me Babs. On the other topic, I know pretty well everything necessary about you, likely more than you want to know. I am aware of where you have your camp setup, even of how you are trying to save your peanut butter from the squirrels, with milk crates, and broken blocks. I know where, when, and what you eat. Heck, I even know that you like to shave your scrotum, and that when you masturbate you like to lie on your left side, and press your erect penis against your belly, brusquely rub your exposed glans, just below the cockhead. Believe it or not, I've seen you ejaculate on several occasions, and watched as sometimes you struggled to regain your breath after cumming. Does sticking the middle finger of your left hand deep into your own anus answer your question?"
Her grin morphed into a sneer. I couldn't blame her, for she knew more about me than any of the women I had lived with, the stroking, and anal assault, just seemed to drive the final nail into my coffin. Utter shame is the only way to describe my feelings.
I managed to mumble, "Yes, I think that answers my question. You certainly know much more than any woman I've known, like you said ' More than I would want you to know'. So, considering what you just told me, you have obviously taken a large portion of your time to spy on me, no one does that unless they have a plan for something in mind. So, what is your program, what are you up too?"
Her expression turned somewhat serious, "You are quite perceptive, yes, I do have a plan, one that I expect for the most part you will appreciate, though there are aspects you will probably not like, but, such is life. Do you like living in the streets, is this really where you want to be?"
I answered her question, "No, I really don't like living in the streets, there is so much crap going on. I need routine in my life."
Barbara once again grinned, "Very good, if structure is what you want, then you will receive. I will offer you a roof over your head, your meals, your cigarettes, and beers on a daily basis. This will be my routine for you. You will clean the house, dusting, and vacuuming; also, you will be expected to wash and dry the dishes. Do you have any problem with this? No, I think you see the benefits of what I have just offered."
I simply nodded.
" Very good," She acknowledged, "Food and lodgings, in exchange for your services, as told. But, I will issue one stipulation, that you will remain naked at all times, as I call it, regardless of what you think."
To me it was a no-brainer, "I will do as you want, after all you seem very comfortable with my nudity. I understand enough to realize that if being naked in your presence is what will get me off the streets, then I can comply."
I rolled over onto my left side, fully aware of the sight I presented, my soft penis drooping over my left thigh, just within her reach. Considering what she had just told me, regarding my masturbation techniques I realized that it was pointless to be shy, or try to be polite by covering my bare groin. After several months of living in the bush, I was fully prepared to do anything for a decent meal, and a roof over my head, even if it meant doing household chores in the nude, before a woman I had just met. Hey, who knows, she might even want other services, I could only be so lucky. I fished the PJ's out of the bag and tore off the wrapper, which I returned to the bag, along with one of the inner package covers. Extending one of the cigarettes, I offered the package to my female benefactor.
Barbara waved her right hand in a no-no manner, saying, "Thank-you, but I don't smoke. Which reminds me of another house rule, when at my place you will have to go outside if you want a smoke. Do you have a problem with that?"
I shook my head, like I just said, I was prepared to do what it took. Besides, I was trying to cut back on the amount I smoked, so having to go outside would give me further incentive. Facing the woman I took the time to study her face, estimating her to be about ten years shy of my fifty-two years. Though it would never launch a thousand ships, her face was pleasant, with a sense of inner serenity. Unlike myself, the female seated before me appeared content with her life. Even the presence of a naked male laying before her did not seem to bother her, as if it was an everyday event. I sensed somehow that my nudity had nothing to do with sex, there was something else at play here, I just couldn't put my finger on it. All I could say was that something just didn't feel quite right, although no alarm bells were going off. My attention shifted as I realized my visitor was getting to her knees.
Once kneeling, she smiled down at me, "I would like to stay longer, but I have to pickup some things for dinner, so I had better get going. Tell you what though, I will pick you up after work tomorrow. That will give you time to pack up your stuff at the camp site. If you are still interested, I'll meet you at the drop-in centre at five, if you are not there then I will assume that you changed your mind. Understood?"
I nodded an affirmative, and scrambled to stand up, when I realized that she was getting to her feet. For some reason I could not quite fathom, I found myself more humiliated standing naked before her, than when we were seated on the ground. Never before had I been so conscious of my penis and testicle, the way they swayed between my parted legs as I stood before Barbara. After all, she was completely dressed, and I was the exact opposite. Thankfully, she did not allow the uncomfortable moment to last too long, as she started to head toward the trail. Before she disappeared into the thick foliage she turned and faced me again.
"I really hope to see you tomorrow afternoon," She began, "I can assure you that I offer you a better life than living in the streets."
That said, she turned and vanished into the tightly grouped trees. I simply stood there, bare ass naked, wondering just what the Hell had just transpired. Reaching down into the LCBO bag, I pulled out a cold beer. I cracked it, and after an unusually long haul, I started to ponder the afternoons events. Here was the chance I had been looking for the last couple of months, an opportunity to get off the streets, to no longer be homeless. But there was the other side, performing household chores in the buff; in the presence of a woman I knew nothing about. That was the gist of it, she knew far too much about me, and I knew squat about her. Idly, I reached down between my legs, and cupped my dangling genitals. As I felt my hand on my ball sac, I realized that this proposed scenario was not about sex, at least not in the commonly accepted way of the world. There was something else afoot, after all, what kind of woman invites a homeless man into her house, promising him everything, in exchange for him performing household chores naked. Glancing at the liquor store bag, I realized that I would not be returning to my campsite tonight, but I would deal with that tomorrow. Another sip of beer, and I sat back down; I had close to twenty-four hours to make up my mind.
Chapter 2 (added: 04/17/2010)
For what was likely the fifth time in the last several minutes, I looked at my watch. This action certainly did little to speed up time, it seemed that my watch had stopped at five to five, though I knew that wasn't the case. The night before I had consumed beers the new woman in my life had bought me. Spent the evening weighting my options, also playing various scenarios of what might transpire in my new future. Since I was here waiting for her with all my belongings, that showed what choice I had made. However, I started to wonder if possibly she had changed her mind, perhaps unsure of having a strange man in her own home. To be honest, I found it to be a rather strange offer, unlike anything else I had ever heard. Maybe she got cold feet, I really wouldn't have blamed her if she had. I resumed my pacing back and forth.
Another couple of minutes passed and a baby blue SUV pulled up curbside, and the side door slid open. For some reason I had imagined Barbara to be driving a much smaller vehicle. I peeked through the side opening and saw that it was indeed her.
She smiled at me, "Hi, toss your stuff in back there, and hop in."
About a minute and a half later, I had everything inside the van, and was in place in the seat in front.
As she pulled away from the curb she remarked, "I'm glad that you showed up, especially with everything, that shows commitment. I pretty well figured you would though, for, what I've seen you do not back down from a challenge. The next stage of your life will be unlike anything you've experienced before, I can assure you of that. All I ask is that you keep an open mind, like they say 'Go with the flow'."
Turning toward the driver I replied, "Open mind, no problem. I always seem to be able to adapt to any situation I find myself thrust into."
While she concentrated on driving, I silently studied Barbara. Though I had earlier thought she had a pleasant face, I realized that when she was focussed on something, like driving, she was much more serious, to the point of appearing stern. This observation unsettled me a bit, again I was not totally sure why. In the pit of my stomach I knew that something was not quite right, not knowing what it was bothered me. Yet, here I was, riding along with her, Lord only knows where, with my future in her hands. That was the crux, I really did not know what was in store, what she had planned. I wasn't born yesterday, for an offer like this, there had to be a hidden agenda.
Turning back to the road, I was surprised to find that I had no clue as to where I was. My can and bottle collecting had covered a large portion of the city, but I was now moving into unexplored space. In essence, I was being removed from the world I knew. It was clear that we were leaving the city proper, but I did not have a clue as to which direction we were headed. In hindsight that should have triggered alarms that things were not quite on the up and up. But, I simply looked around, trying to orient myself. My world was gone; now I was moving into hers.
We spent a couple of minutes travelling between farmers fields, then she turned left off the road, into a tree lined drive. There appeared to be a forest that we were headed toward, a mixture of evergreen, and deciduous trees. About a quarter of a mile from the road, the paved drive lead into a clearing in the middle of the bush. It wasn't an empty space though, there were four rows of townhouses, each with two units, set up so that they created a box, with four sides. Barbara guided the car to the structure on the right side, and into the first driveway.
She turned off the engine, and swirled around to face me, "Well, here we are, this is my humble abode. This is where the next phase of your life will unfold. Leave everything in the van, we'll get it later, let's go inside."
After we exited the SUV, I followed her into the house. I have to admit that upon entering her home, I was taken back by the complete femininity of the place, there did not seem to be any kind of male touch to the environment. Everything seemed soft, with pastel colours, stating that the tenant was female. How many times had a male been allowed into this feminine habitat over the past few years? She stopped at the base of the stairs that lead to the second floor.
Barbara turned to face me, "I think that before I give you a tour of the place, it would be a good idea to take a shower first, and get out of those dirty clothes. Follow me."
She started to ascend the staircase, I followed, making sure that I stayed two steps behind her, it seemed to be the right thing to do. The bathroom was a bright mixture of white and lavender, with a strong, almost overwhelming, floral scent. Most definitely not a man's washroom. Barbara pointed to a wooden box atop the marble vanity.
She said, "Okay Roger, empty all your pockets, and put everything in there. Then strip, and put your clothes in that hamper there."
After I removed everything from my pockets, and placed them in the container, I paused, expecting the woman standing before me to leave the room while I undressed. After several moments though, I realized that she wasn't moving anywhere, and slowly started to remove my clothes, starting with my shirt. A minute, or so later, I stood before her wearing just my underwear, as I started to pull them down, it hit me, less than five minutes into her place, and Barbara would have me completely naked. While she stood there with her arms crossed under her full bosom, fully dressed. Behind her I could see the full length mirror on this side of the closed door. In it I watched a gaunt, middle-aged man pull his drawers to his ankles, exposing a flaccid, powerless penis, to the nattily dressed female that stood before him. Just like an out of body experience, the reflecting glass gave me a new perspective of my current situation. As I studied the reflection, it dawned on me how degrading it was for a nude, limp male to stand before a fully dressed woman, aware of the fact that she would not, in turn, be removing her clothes.
Raising my eyes, I stared into my own eyes in the mirror, I could see the realization that was there; my nudity had nothing to do with sexuality. It was about power. And, that might belonged to the one wearing clothes. By removing my clothes, I had submitted myself to the present female, had given her the upper hand. Humiliated, I stepped into the tub.
Barbara broke the silence, "You will find liquid soap, and shampoo, beneath the showerhead. In the soap dish is a razor so that you can shave that groin of yours, I like my men to look like boys."
This woman was anything but subtle. I slid the shower door shut, and started the water, adjusting it to the temperature that I wanted. Luxuriating in the hot needle-like pulses of water, I began to understand the meaning of the old adage, 'You don't know what you have til it's gone'. Sure, I had been able to take showers at the shelter while living in the bush, but seldom was the water very hot, and the water pressure was nothing compared to this. Lathering up my body, I pondered the events of the past few months. I had lost everything because of Paula's temper, and other factors. It came to me that the things that I missed most were not the big things, like my stereo, but the small everyday things that one took for granted. Like having a cup of coffee whenever I felt like it, instead of scrounging to get the change I needed to buy one. Being homeless, many of the day to day things that we take for granted had become luxuries. And, this is where I stood, with nothing, standing naked in the house of a woman that I didn't really even know; without a clue of what lay before me. Somehow I had lost control of my life, and it was now in the hands of another.
I spread some lather on the base of my belly, and down over the stubble that shaded my scrotum. I picked the pink razor up from the edge of the tub; I knew better than to expect a man's shaver. It did the trick though, making my scrotal flesh, and abdomen completely smooth; I figured Barbara would approve. Turning off the shower, I opened the door of the tub enclosure, and removed a large, fluffy towel from the rack on the wall. When I was dry, I stepped out of the tub, I moved in front of the sink, and studied my reflection. No doubt, if she wanted me to shave down there, she would want me to also clear up my face. Gambling, I trimmed off everything except my moustache; not since I had the chemotherapy had I shaved off my moustache. I just prayed that she would allow me to retain it.
Turning to my left, I perused my naked reflection in the tall, looking glass. Not really that bad I thought, for a man my age. Sure, I had a bit of a beer belly, but on my slim frame, it was well rounded, small, and tight. At least I could see my genitals, without resorting to bending over. Looking down at my sex, I realized that it had been some time since I last masturbated. Way, way longer since I had watched myself doing it, not since I was fifteen or sixteen. Back then, I was proud of my profuse pubic patch, it was my badge of manhood, yet, here I stood, in my early fifties, looking just like a prepubescent boy; with a protruding belly. I felt self-conscious as I watched myself wrap my right hand around my limp penis. Slowly, gently, I started to tug on it, in an attempt to get myself hard, something that did not happen with the frequency that it used to. When I was younger, I could do it three or four times a day, another one of the things you take for granted, until you start to get older. Although it took longer than it had almost forty years earlier, I watched as my sausage started to swell. Switching styles, I started to stroke my enlarging dick from top to bottom, urging it onto a full erection. When it reached its full six-inch length I released it, and sighed at the sight. Unlike when I was a teenager, and my erect penis would jut up toward the ceiling, it now hung down, as if the weight of it was too heavy for the muscles to hold it up. Just another sign of my advancing age, of the body breaking down. Again I took hold of my firm phallus, and started to stroke myself with more vigour than before, luxuriating in the building, pleasant sensations. By lowering my eyes to my scrotum, I was reminded of the primary difference between now and then.
Silently I watched as my single, remaining testicle bounced about due to the escalating action on my cock, no longer did I have the two balls of my youth. Another one of those 'you just take for granted', things. I closed my eyes, and tried to recall some of my previous sexual escapades, in an attempt to increase my arousal level; but not surprisingly, I found myself fantasizing of Barbara, of how she might look naked. Admittedly, she was a little bit heavier than my preference in women, but not enough to turn me off. Her breasts were pendulous, large orbs of female flesh, I imagined that they were topped with oversized, dark nipples. Her abdomen and thighs would be equally full, likely triangulated by a trimmed, and coiffured pussy; she did not strike me as the type to shave it all off, as she expected me to do. The familiar tingle began deep within my groin leading me to step-up my stroking rhythm. I opened my eyes in anticipation of watching myself ejaculate, what I saw however, caused me to stop mid-stroke.
For, it wasn't my reflection that greeted me, Barbara stood in the open doorway, with a bemused smile on her face. I quickly released my hard cock, and tried to hide it from her, covering it with both hands; embarrassment washing over me like a tsunami. Her smile widened at my feeble attempt for modesty.
"Well it is good to see that you can still get it up," She began, "Although we both already knew you still could. I was going to leave this until later, but it is obvious that I need to lay down the law now. This is the last time you will be allowed to play with your penis, while in this house your dick is my property; you will only be allowed to cum when I say so, in fact you will only be permitted to touch your cock when you have to take a piss. And I'm already thinking of a way to stop that also. When I want to see your spunk, I will do so myself, understood? So, take your hands away, and don't touch that thing again."
I could only mutely nod, shame washed over me as I placed my hands at my side, allowing my hard cock to bounce about before her. She seemed to be trying with every chance she could get to degrade me, and to be honest, she was succeeding. Strangely, as humiliated as I was, much to my chagrin, my erection did not diminish in size as I would have expected. I felt utterly foolish standing before a fully dressed woman with my erect penis pointing directly at her, knowing that there was no chance of sex forthcoming, she had just made that clear.
"Follow me," She said, "We might as well carry on with the tour. Besides the bathroom, upstairs are the bedrooms, but no need to see those at the moment. We'll go downstairs, and I'll show you the layout of the main level."
The mistress of the house turned and headed toward the stairs. I followed, well aware of the sight I presented, as my hard cock swung from side to side with each step I took. Never before had I been so self-conscious of my penis, it was as if it was double it's size, due to its flagrant display. The only positive was that I was walking behind the woman, she could not see me, not that it really mattered, for she already had. I followed her down a hallway, into the kitchen.
She turned to face me, casting a quick glance at my groin, and then raising her eyes to mine, she smiled, "As you can see, this is the kitchen, there are some beers in the fridge, go ahead and grab one. Then we will check out the other rooms."
Walking over to the fridge it was as if I could feel her eyes on my naked body, but there really was little I could do, after all, I was here because I had chosen to do so. Opening the refrigerator, I was pleased to see two six-packs of Schlitz tall boys, not that I would be able to drink them all in one night. I grabbed one can, closed the door, and turned to face Barbara.
I managed to mumble, "Thank-you, thank-you very much."
" You are welcome," She returned, "I said that I would deliver, I'll give you your smokes shortly. Let's carry on with our tour. We'll check out my den next. You will be expected to clean there, but you will not violate my space."
With beer in hand, I followed her. The den turned out to be what nowadays they referred to as a home office. A large desk, complete with computer system, and printer, was the focal point of the room, with several comfortable chairs spread about. Definitely not a male sanctuary. After giving me a couple of minutes to survey everything, my tour guide turned and exited the room. I quickly scrambled to follow her, somehow sensing that not to do so would be a serious mistake. We back tracked down the hallway, past the kitchen, and turned left at the first room that we came to.
The diningroom. Functional, not overly elaborate, a straightforward teak diningroom table with four high back chairs. It seemed odd to me that there were four place mats, and settings, as she had indicated earlier that she was single. But, I was old enough to know that some people had their eccentricities, their rituals; that they required to feel comfortable, to feel at home. It was not my place to question.
When she turned to go into the next room, I followed suit, which ended up with me letting out a subdued yelp. My turning action had caused my erection to snap brusquely against the rigid back supports of one of the chairs, sending a sharp pain to a part of my body not used to it.
At the sound Barbara turned back to face me, her eyes lit up when she saw my swinging cock, she laughed, "Shame on you Roger. You must take better care of that little stick of yours. Follow me, next stop, the livingroom, and watch out for that woody of yours, we don't want any holes in the walls."
Even as she turned away from me I could hear her laughter; she resumed walking toward the livingroom. I followed, this time fully aware of my cock, like I never had before. As we drew closer, I could hear what sounded like a TV, and what I heard disturbed me. It sounded like it was on the Much Music channel, playing a contemporary song, not something that I figured would appeal to the woman leading me. There could only be one reason for this that we were not alone. I shivered at the thought, my scrotal flesh tightened. As we entered the room, I saw that my fears were justified, indeed, we were not alone, far from it. For, seated on the sofa, facing the wall mounted large screen television were three people. Judging by their hairstyles, there was not a male among them. Not good!
"Hey girls, look what I have for you," Announced Barbara, directing me to move around to the front of the long couch. I did as told, and turned to face the four of them, never in my life had I stood naked before so many females. To make matters worse was the way my penis was the closest part of my body to them, the way it protruded out from my shaved groin. Looking down past it, at the trio of grinning girls seated before me I realized that they were just that, girls; I didn't think any of them had celebrated her twenty first birthday yet. Shocked, and dismayed, I looked up at Barbara, who had moved into place directly behind the girl seated in the middle.
She smiled at me, acknowledging my discomfort, "Girls, I would like you to introduce you to Roger, and his dancing dong. These Roger are my darling daughters, why don't you say hello."
"Hello girls," I mumbled, barely louder than a whisper, a sure sign of my shaken state.
As if they had been rehearsing it, the blonde trussed trio replied, "Hi, nice to see you Roger."
"And I mean all of you," Quipped the slim female on the right. This reference to my nudity caused her sisters to twitter loudly, as the three of them ran their eyes up and down my displayed body. And that is precisely how I felt, that I was being presented like this for their enjoyment.
The one in the middle, unabashedly pointed up at my groin, "Hey Mom, I think you got a defective one, it looks like this dude only has one ball. Can you have him move closer, so I can check it out to be sure?"
Barbara patted her daughter on the head, "Sure Barbie, not a problem. Okay Roger, step up to the couch so my daughter can examine your ball sac. And I must warn you, don't try to stop her, or move away."
The sternness of her voice let me know that this was not a request, but rather an order. I was being commanded to place my naked body within the reach of her own daughter, but there was something disturbing about that. Yet, I complied, moving toward Barbie, who in turn spread her legs, and beckoned me to move into place between them. Because of the short skirt she was wearing, the way her young thighs were raised and parted, I could clearly see her panty-enclosed mound; however, for the first time in my life, it was the farthest thing from my mind. As I inched closer, it dawned on me, her display of underpants was deliberate, letting me know that she didn't care what I saw, for I was showing her far more; though she was much younger than I, she had the upper hand. When my shins hit the edge of the couch I stopped, looking down, I saw that the tip of my cock was less than a foot from her grinning face; unable to look at this bizarre reality, I raised my eyes to the woman standing behind her.
Her eyes impaled mine, she directed her daughter, "Okay girls, he's all yours, satisfy your curiosity."
There was no way I could not shudder, as I felt a number of fingers take control of my dangling scrotum. Under normal circumstances, I would have clamped my hands over my groin, or turned away, but these were not normal times. I stood there stoically, staring into her mother's eyes, while the youngster's fingers explored my bag, knowing that her sisters were watching. The young vixen was not gentle, she pinched, and pulled on the freshly shaved, wrinkled flesh, and squeezed my single testicle between her thumb and forefinger, with more pressure that I thought necessary. Her mother kept my eyes locked with hers, and that didn't really bother me as I felt another hand come into play. It slowly was slid up and down my erection. By the direction it came from, I knew it did not belong to the girl roughly massaging the only ball I had left.
Still assaulting my sex, Barbie observed, "Ya, like I said Mom, this guy only has one nut, I can't feel the other one. I always thought guys had two."
Barbara's look softened slightly, "Go ahead Roger, show her, and tell her why you have only one testicle."
With my left hand I pointed at the pale, thin scar that horizontally crossed my lower left belly. Looking down at Barbie, I simply said, "Cancer."
The youngster immediately let go of my remaining testicle. This sudden action caused her mother to laugh, "No need to worry Barbie, it is not contagious, you can touch him all you want, and you won't catch a thing. But you can do that later, for now, I would like you and Candy to help me start getting dinner ready. I suspect that Roger is dying to have a smoke to calm his nerves. Ali, I have his cigarettes in the cupboard to the right of the sink, go and grab a pack, and you two can go out and have a smoke while the rest of us start dinner."
One minute I was standing naked before a family of females, the next, I was alone. Allowing me a chance to assess my situation, to come to grips with where I found myself. First off, I realized that I had been deceived, because Barbara had made no mention of her daughters during our conversation in the bush. If she had, I like to think that I would have declined, I simply had not had good luck with women lately. And, that was one at a time, not a batch of four!
Secondly was the innuendo, the thing the woman of the house was hinting at, I sensed something ominous, there was a feeling of unease. I mean, I would have to remain naked all the time, yet I was prohibited to touch my own genitals; however, her daughters appeared able to do so at will. That in turn lead to something else that she had said earlier. My sexual release was now in her hands, not my own, that fact alone bothered me, however, given the way her offspring had freely, unabashedly played with my sex gave me concern. Were they to have a hand in whether or not I came, somehow I felt such was to be the case; a thought that disturbed me to the core of my being. After all, this trio of blonde babes was young enough to be my own daughters, the thought made me shudder.
That lead me to consider an even more frightening prospect, escape. I had no clue where I was, and more important, I had no idea where my clothes were. So, if I was to try and get away, I would have to do it naked, without any idea where I was going. If caught, which was highly likely, how would I explain my nudity, after all, I had not been abducted, I had come here voluntarily, of my own free will. In other words, getting out was not really much of an option. But what was I getting myself into?
My reverie was interrupted as a tall, rather statuesque, blonde entered the room carrying a couple packs of cigarettes, one red, and one black.
She smiled, "Okay Roger, let's go grab a smoke, follow me."
Chapter 3 (added: 05/21/2010)
With Ali leading the way, we crossed the livingroom to the sliding glass doors, which opened onto a well-appointed patio. Without really thinking I stepped outside behind the young beauty, I desperately needed a smoke to go along with my beer. She handed me my package of Players Special, and sat down on one of the folding chairs. Still standing, I removed the wrapper, the inside cover, and extracted a cigarette. Instinctively, I reached my right hand down to my side to pull out my lighter, only to come into contact with bare flesh. Damn, that's right; no pants, no light.
I looked down at Ali, and asked, "Would you happen to have a light?"
"Here you go," She said, handing me a disposable lighter, with seemingly no concern to my nudity. Due to her seated position, her head was level with my groin, but she didn't appear embarrassed, like it was a normal occurrence.
"Th, thank-you" I stuttered, well aware of the sight I presented the dressed female. Looking up, I got my bearings, and realized the situation I had just stepped into. I was standing outside, buck ass naked, in front of the seven apartments that faced the common backyard. The way the four rows of townhouses were set up, I figured that I was visible to anyone living here. That bothered me, knowing that anybody could see me by looking out their livingroom window, or one of the windows on the second floor. In other words, I was exposed to anyone who lived here; I had no idea of how many sets of eyes were perusing my bareassed body. With my surprisingly still erect cock protruding outwards, it felt like a beacon to the unseen eyes.
"Hey Roger, sit down and relax," Ali began, pointing at the chair next to her, "Nothing to worry about, it doesn't matter who sees you, after all, they are all lesbians."
What she said managed to shock me, informing me that I was standing naked in front of a group of lesbians, with a full-blown hard-on. The embarrassment was immense, however, there was little I could do, whoever wanted to watch could. It didn't matter that they did not desire me, but it was the fact that I was so blatantly standing there naked before them. I quickly sat down in the chair next to the young blonde. Out of a sense of responsibility I crossed my legs, in an attempt to hide my erection from prying eyes. Ali rather harshly slapped my topmost thigh, eliciting a startled yelp on my part.
She scolded me, "There will be no leg crossing in this house, only ladies are allowed to cross their legs. From what you've shown me so far, you do not fall into that category. I think, for your transgression you will sit with your legs spread wide, so my friends can see what makes you animals different from the rest of us."
Again, I knew that this was not a request, but, rather an order. Even though she was significantly younger than me, I figured it would be prudent to comply. Spreading my legs, allowing my cock to dangle over the edge of the chair, I felt utterly foolish, and debased.
Lighting a cigarette, I pondered the absurdity, the surreal nature, of my predicament; for that is exactly what it was, a situation out of my control. I mean that here I was sipping a beer, and having a smoke, just any average Joe after work. But there the similarity to reality ended, it was like stepping into the Twilight Zone, except I could not change the channel because I did not like the way the story was playing out. And this particular episode was proving to be extremely bizarre. Because I was doing everyday things in a twisted fashion, I was drinking with a girl I doubted was old enough to drink herself, and I was doing so buck ass naked; with a freaking erection, for crying out loud! I was starting to wonder when someone would pop out and say, 'Smile you're on Candid Camera'.
Ali interrupted my thoughts, "Mom says that you were living in the bush, what was that like?"
"Rough," I replied, turning to face her, "It was living day to day, hand to mouth. I met a lot of people that I wish I had not, thieves, and crack heads. But, don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad, I also met some very decent people. If nothing else, it was certainly an eye opener, I saw a side of life I had only glimpsed before. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
The cute blonde shook her head.
" You say that this is a lesbian enclave," I began, "Does that mean that you are gay?"
She giggled, like the youngster she was, "Yep, I am a lesbian, and proud of it. So is Barbie, in fact yours is probably the first ball she has felt."
" If not the first, it has to be the oldest, " Chirped in Candy, from behind us.
She continued, "And, in case you are wondering, I am the black sheep of the family, because I am bi, although I prefer girls to boys. I find boys to be too selfish, really only caring about their own ejaculation; they are not sensitive about what I like, like another girl would. But, you are an older man, probably much more experienced, more perceptive to what women want. Your cock is the size I like, I've never done it with a man old enough to be my Dad, even if you look like a boy."
"You know that you will have to get the stamp of approval from Mom," Interrupted her older sister, "Before you fuck this old guy here."
Candy snapped back, "Of course, do you think I'm stupid? I would run it by her first before I used him, in fact, I would ask her to be an observer, to make sure things did not get out of hand. Even though she is a lesbian, she would probably give me some pointers."
I saw Ali nod her head, "Good idea Sis. Would you mind if Barbie and I watched too? After all, like they say, safety in numbers; besides I've never actually seen you screw an older guy. Has Barbie had the opportunity?"
Candy shook her head, "Nope, not yet. I would love for you and her, and Mom, to watch while I use his cock. In fact, one of you could torture his ball while I ride his dick."
Now I knew how a piece of meat felt like, as I listened to the banter between the two siblings. Sure, I had heard guys before, discussing women in similar fashion, I had always felt it to be degrading. Yet, here I was, being referred to in a similar fashion, by two females not even out of their teens. Even worse, they expected their own mother to participate. In essence I had just been reduced to a hard cock, with a body attached to it.
Candy went on, "The reason I came out here was to tell you that Mom said to come in for dinner, after you guys finish your smokes."
A surprised Ali said, "You gotta be kidding, dinner is ready already, no way."
Her younger sister had a pleasant laugh, "Considering events, Mom had already ordered something from Colonel Saunders in advance. It was delivered a couple of minutes ago, Mom and Barbie are getting everything set up as I speak. So come inside when you finish your smokes."
She turned, and re-entered the house, leaving me alone with Ali.
She remarked, "Candy's right, we had better finish our butts, and get our own butts inside, we don't want to keep Mother waiting, I can assure you of that."
I took a long haul on my ciggy, assessing what I had just heard. It was clear that this would be a pivotal night in my life. While I took a sip of beer, Ali stood up, it was clear that it was time to go back inside. Taking one last drag, I extinguished my smoke, and stood up also. Turning, I followed the young woman into the house. Walking behind the slim blonde, I was allowed the opportunity to study her backside; as I was what they would call an ass man. Admittedly, hers was one of the best I had seen in a while, two, taut, well-rounded handfuls of female flesh. Few women had as tightly sculpted an ass, as the one leading me back into the house; too bad she was gay, for I could have spent hours paying homage to her backside.
Again, I found myself in the presence of four females as we entered the diningroom. Barbara, and the other two daughters were already seated. Mercifully, my erection had started to subside, once again drooping down between my legs, where it belonged. The head of the house beckoned me. I walked over to her, well aware of the sight I presented to her three daughters, but there was little I could do to cover myself.
Once there, Barbara said, "The food is in the kitchen, please go and bring it out; the girls are getting hungry."
Now I was expected to be a nude waiter, however, I didn't debate the issue, I turned and headed off to the kitchen. As I moved away, Candy spanked my bare ass, rather harshly, I suspected to speed me up. Entering the kitchen, I spotted the bucket of chicken and a couple of other large boxes on a tray. The fact the items were placed on the tray, and could have easily been carried out, informed me that what I was doing was not necessary; I was being made to do it to establish my position in the household. This understanding did not shock me, like it might have a month earlier, I was well aware of where I stood; buck ass naked in a houseful of females with nowhere to go. Picking up the tray of food, I realized that living in the bush had not been the lowest point in my life, at least then I had choices. Now, the course of my life was in the hands of others, however, unlike the woods, I had a dry roof over my head, I knew where my next meal was coming from. I carried the dinner into the diningroom; much more aware of my new status.
What was starting to disturb me was the realization that deep down, within the core of my being, this is what I wanted, to subject myself to the whims of females. It had been submerged in the recesses of my mind, as had the sexual abuse I had endured as a child. An aspect of my life that I had buried for years, ashamed as I was, of the events that had taken place back then, out in the barn.
My sexual debasement went on for several years, as they told me not to tell anyone; and embarrassed, I complied. No one other than my two female cousins knew of what happened in the barn, my gift for turning eighteen. In fact, they were the ones who taught me that I could ejaculate, with the help of others; they would take turns jacking me off, as I hung there, unable to stop them. They probably made my penis spurt out cum several hundred times, over the course of that perverted summer; without once removing a piece of their own clothing. It seemed that to them, the only good male, was a naked male, one that they could use, and abuse.
As I recalled this buried memory, a startling realization came to mind, regarding the previous women in my life. Over the past several years I had lived with eight women, in common-law relationships, yet I had never felt fulfilled, there always seemed to be a missing element. Until now I had not understood what that was.
I wanted to be dominated! That was the bottom line, I wanted to be controlled by a woman, to kneel naked before her, and do what she commanded. That was likely why I had always been so concerned that the woman that I was screwing, came before I did. To me, her orgasm was more important than my own, and I knew that was not conventional male thinking. But, that was the way I operated, my partner's pleasure was more important than mine.
As I carried the food into the diningroom, I understood that it was my position to do so, that is what the females expected. I was heading toward the future that I had subconsciously waited years for, naked and powerless; knowing that I would do whatever I was told to. Fully aware that what lay before me was something I had never imagined.
Chapter 4 (added: 06/19/2010)
As I carried the dinner into the diningroom, I could hear the young ladies of the house laughing amongst themselves, it took no stretch of imagination, their primary topic was likely me. They stopped when I entered the room, turning their attention to me. Walking toward them, I saw the bemused looks on their youthful faces, it was as if it was an everyday occurrence for them to have their dinner served by a naked stranger. It was clear that I was not the first male to do so, I wondered how many had come before me. I walked to where Barbara was seated, and placed the tray before her.
"Very good, promptness is expected," She pointed out, sliding the tray into the middle of the table, "You can join us for dinner tonight, take a seat over there."
She directed me to the chair opposite from her. They had rearranged the chairs, and added one while I was in the kitchen. To get there I had to walk behind Ali, and Candy's chairs, each of which turned, and spanked my bare ass as I passed.
Barbie laughed, "Hey, don't hit him too hard, after all, we want him to be able to sit down to eat. I don't want to have to look at that thing dangling between his legs while I'm munching on my chicken."
I sat down without further incident. Figuring that it was prudent to wait until all the females filled their plates, I sat back and waited, taking the time to study the faces of the female trio. If I had not been told, I would not have assumed them to be sisters; sure, they all had blonde hair, though each one styled hers differently. Ali had high cheekbones, emphasizing her longish, model-like face, with sparkling blue eyes, her lips were thin, tasteful, without overpowering her face. Her younger sister Barbie, on the other hand had a more rounded face, her brown eyes were further apart, her nostrils were more widely flared, her lips were fuller, more lush; as was the rest of her body. While those two would cause men to turn their heads, for a second look, Candy would cause them to stop in their tracks. She had the classic cherub face of a pixie, with the button nose, the fat, rounded lips, the green catlike eyes; her body was also like that of a feline, sleek, and lithe, with one of the cutest little butts I had ever seen. I could detect their mother's influence, but beyond that, they were three totally distinct people.
Now that the four females were eating, I reached into the bucket and took out a couple of thighs, seeing that the others preferred white meat. Not a problem; I also took some of the fries, careful not to take too many.
While working on a chicken breast, Barbara announced, "Girls, you will be pleased to know that you will not have to worry about your chores this weekend, Roger here will be responsible for them."
The three young women made an exuberant round of high fives.
Their mother continued, "That doesn't mean that you have a totally free weekend, you will have a new set of responsibilities. Roger, I have figured out how you will not be allowed to touch your penis unless told to do so. If you have to go to the bathroom, you will have to do so in the presence of a woman of the house. It will be her choice to have you sit and urinate, or take control, and direct your dick; regardless of which they chose, your penis is no longer yours, it now belongs to us."
Candy interrupted, "Alright Mom, I've always wanted to direct a man's cock while he peed. Maybe in the winter I could take him outside, and paint my name in the snow."
Barbara went on, "We'll see about that. But, until then, you girls will alternate bathroom duties, which includes giving him a bath every morning. Also, you will be responsible to make sure he has a shaved groin, although that probably won't be every day, we will have to see how it goes. Are you girls okay with that?"
After the three of them nodded, Barbara continued, "Good, I've also decided that he will be milked twice a day; in the morning, before you go to school, and at night, before you go to bed. And just like the real stuff, we won't waste a drop, it makes a good lubricant, so I'll show you to squeeze out every last drop. I've learned a few tricks over the years that I can pass along."
I had a pretty good idea what she meant by milking. Gawd, I thought to myself, I was forbidden to even touch my own cock, and yet these vixens were being told that it was their duty to pump my pecker until I came. To the girls it would just be another chore, like dusting, or washing the dishes. It sounded so cold, and clinical, but then I guess, what would you expect from a group of dykes. For them, males were simply something for them to use. I was becoming more and more uneasy.
Barbara turned her attention to me, "As for you, I am going to lay down some rules that I expect to be followed to the letter, failure to do so will result in punishment. First, all females will be addressed as Mistress, as in Mistress Barbara, or Mistress Ali. That applies to all women, not just the ones in this household. Understand that around here authority is not based on age, but rather, on gender. Females are superior to males, and since you are the only man in this place, I can assure you that you will find no allies. You must do what any woman tells you, regardless of her age, regardless of how absurd it may sound to you. Henceforth, your name will go the way of your clothes, and you will simply be referred to as Slave. So, are there any questions slave?"
I shook my head, and in a subdued voice, replied, "No Mistress Barbara, I have no questions. I think I understand my status here, and I am to obey all females, regardless of age."
She smiled, pleased with my answer, and the humility I showed giving it. The status quo had been set, and I knew my place within it, the bottom rung of the ladder.
"Any questions from you girls?" She asked.
Mistress Ali piped up, "Hey Sis, why don't you ask Mom what we were talking about outside."
Mistress Candy grinned, and turned to her mother, "Can I fuck him Mom, can I? I want you to be there when I do, since I've never done it with a guy this old before, I want somebody else there to make sure that things don't get out of hand. In fact, Ali suggested that she and Barbie could be there, so they could watch, and maybe even help out. So, can I, can I use his cock?"
The older woman nodded, "Even though I don't completely approve, I am pleased that you want me present, that you are not trying to sneak behind my back. Okay, if you want to use him, one of your sisters, or myself, will have to be there. But, you don't have to worry about things getting out of hand, because whenever you want to do him, we will make sure his hands are secured. There is no way he will be able to touch your lovely body. If you can abide by these simple rules, I see no problem, his cock if yours for the taking. Enjoy."
The young woman squealed with delight, "Thanks Mom, I love ya."
She gave Mistress Ali a high-five. I felt my self-worth slip even lower, but the degradation seemed endless. For, over the past several minutes, I had simply been reduced to being a penis, beyond that I wasn't worth much. Just what the Hell had I gotten myself into? I had thought being homeless was tough, but it was nothing, compared to what I was facing.
Silence settled in as everyone proceeded to finish their meal. I was glad of this, because at least I wasn't being humiliated even more. Not that it really mattered, for I had already been stripped of far more than just my clothes, they had taken away the facade that I had spent years building.
The sisters finished eating first, and sat back, waiting for their Mother, and myself, to finish. Like typical girls their age, they could not remain silent, in spite of the fact both adults were still eating.
Mistress Barbie started, "This is going to be one interesting weekend, I want to see what Mom has in store. I bet it is going to be exciting. It's been years since we had a naked man in the house, now that I'm older, I'll appreciate it more."
Her older sister nodded, "I know what you mean. Last time we had one, I didn't understand the concept of sexuality, or power. To me it was somebody walking around with his thing hanging down between his legs, something that luckily I did not have. I mean, I liked watching Mom whip his cock and balls, I laughed as he jumped, and danced about, but I didn't really understand. Now I will appreciate watching her inflict pain on his penis, enjoy watching his testicle bounce, as he dances around; now knowing that we have the upper hand."
"Hey, you gave me an idea," Interrupted Mistress Ali, "One I think you'll both love. You know how I have that webcam in my bedroom so that Melissa and I can watch each other when we when we have our mutual masturbation sessions online? Why not put a camera in each of the other rooms, so our friends, or whoever else wanted to, could watch the slave. In fact, I think I could set it up so our friends could watch for free by having a password, and anyone else wanting to watch, would have to get a paid subscription. That would help pay for the cameras, what do you think?"
"Hey big sis, you're such a genius," Blurted Mistress Barbie, "It would be kind of neat knowing strangers were watching me spank a naked man. So what do you think Mom, can we do it?"
Mistress Barbara finished chewing her chicken, and swallowed, "I like the idea, but not necessarily for the same reasons. Initially, I was worried about leaving him alone while Ali and I were at work, and you girls were at school. By putting in the cameras I could monitor him at work, to make sure he is doing his duties, and not breaking the rules. And our neighbours could also share in the experience.
Making it a pay site is a great idea, not only will it help defer the cost of the cameras, it could also help cover the cost of keeping the slave. It's an excellent idea Ali, and I approve. Do you think you could have it set up and running by Monday?"
"Sure Mom," Beamed her eldest daughter, "I have a friend at Future Shop, I am certain he could get me a bulk discount, and come over and help set it up. Jerry is also a web page designer, we could probably be online by tomorrow night, I'll give him a call after dinner."
Barbara nodded, "Very good, now that everyone is finished eating, Mistress Candy, I would like you to help the slave clear the table, and show him where everything goes. Then take him to the bathroom and make sure he takes a leak, just remember what I said earlier. When you are done there, grab the slave another beer, and join us out on the deck."
As Mistress Candy and I started to gather up the dishes, the other three headed out into the hallway. We loaded everything onto the tray, which I carried into the kitchen. The slim blonde showed me where the garbage was, and I cleared the bones, and remaining scraps from the plates. I was relieved to see that they had a dishwasher, at least. I wouldn't have to wash the dishes by hand. I loaded it up with plates, glasses, and utensils. This done, I headed out into the hallway to rejoin Mistress Candy. She led me to a room that her Mother had not shown me, it was what they referred to as a half-bath, simply consisting of a sink, and toilet. Mistress Candy followed me into the room, I noted that she did not bother closing the door; I guess that was the way it was going to be, that my privacy would be stripped away also. She raised the seat and cover, and beckoned me over.
"I suspect my sisters will have you sit down when you take a piss," She began, "But not me, I want you standing. I like holding a guy's dick, I don't care if it is hard, or soft. Let's get started."
As I stood before the toilet, she moved into place on my right, and reaching over, took possession of my once again a flaccid penis. She raised it slightly, aiming it at the blue water in the porcelain bowl.
She remarked, "All right boyo, start peeing, we don't want to keep the others waiting."
I looked down at the diminutive hand directing my organ, the sight unnerved me a bit, and I felt a wave of panic sweep over me. For, the simple act of urinating had been transformed into something else, a display of power. And the potency did not belong to me, but rather to the one who was holding my cock. I became afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. I found myself having to will my urine to begin its natural flow. My heart started to race as I waited, for I knew that failure would not be tolerated. After several tense moments, relief replaced panic, as I felt the familiar flow begin; at least this time I would not fail. The sound, and sight, of my urine hitting water had never felt better, it was amazing to realize how simple things could no longer be taken for granted. Even the mundane had been altered; nothing would be the same.
When my yellow stream had started, Mistress Candy tightened her grip on my shaft. She giggled, "This feels kinda neat, this is kinda like holding onto a hose. I gotta tell my girlfriends about this, and they'll be totally freaked out. I bet they'll all want to try it, at least the ones who aren't grossed out."
Eventually, the flow became a trickle, and finally stopped. It was obvious the blonde teen had watched males urinate before, because she was astute enough to wait, then shake out the remaining drops from my cockhead. Satisfied that I was done, she released me, allowing my penis to drop back down to its natural position.
"All done," She smiled, "Let's go grab that beer, and join the others out on the patio."
When Mistress Candy and I stepped through the patio doors, I saw that Mistress Barbara and her namesake were already seated, but Mistress Ali was nowhere to be seen.
Mistress Barbara directed us to the chairs next to her, "Sit down slave, have a smoke while you can, it may be awhile until you get another one."
I complied, sitting in the chair to her immediate right; as I did so I made sure that my thighs were spread wide, as Mistress Ali had directed me to earlier. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I lit a smoke, and cracked open my beer.
Turning to Mistress Barbie, Mistress Barbara tapped the large box on the ground before her, with her right foot, "So which one shall it be Barbie, leg or wrist?"
"Leg," Was the answer.
"Very good," Nodded the girl's Mother, "Give Candy the wrist cuffs, and I'll put on the rest of the stuff. We should be able to get it all done before your other sister comes back."
Mistress Barbie got out of her chair, and removed the cover from the box. She reached into it, and extracted two wide leather bands, and handed them over to her younger sister. As I saw Mistress Candy take possession of them, I observed that each one had two thinner bands with holes in them on one side, and a buckle on the opposite one. Also, each one sported a shiny 'D' ring, and a large swivel clasp; I didn't have to be told, I had seen similar things in a sex shop before, they were bondage cuffs. Reaching back into the box, the older blonde pulled out a larger pair, undoubtably to go on my legs. She knelt down between my spread legs, and started to attach one to my right shin. Her sister also began to place a cuff on my left wrist, due to the fact I was smoking with my right. While the girls were doing this, their Mother reached into the box, and brought out yet another length of leather. This one was far thinner than the others, also, it had no clasps, instead there three equally spaced rings embedded in it. She moved around behind me, then I felt her place the thing around my neck, as she secured it. While the girls shifted to my opposing appendages, Mistress Barbara returned to the box. As she reached into it, I looked past her, to the courtyard, I was dismayed at what I saw. A number of the other residents were also sitting out on their decks, some of them singularly, while others were seated in pairs. Because it was not a large yard, I could clearly see their faces, and saw that the majority of them were watching the action unfolding on our porch; I also realized that they could see me as clearly as I could see them. I guess I was going to be the ladies' entertainment for the evening, it likely beat anything that was on television at this time of night.
Mistress Barbara returned to her chair, carrying two white, plastic rings. I judged them to be about three inches in diameter, with the opening about half that size, I estimated them to be about half an inch thick. Their function mystified me, but I was certain to find out plenty too soon. As it turned out I did not have to wait long to have their purpose revealed. When her two daughters completed their tasks, and returned to their chairs, the Head Mistress commanded me to stand before her. Without hesitation I did as I was told, finding myself looking down at her. She leaned forward, and raised one of the rings, so that my soft shaft dangled through the hole in the middle, she then slid it up the length of my cock, stopping when it pressed against my scrotum. With the forefinger, and thumb of her other hand, she pinched my pliant scrotal flesh, and proceeded to pull it through the small gap beneath the base of my penis. Next, reaching between my legs, she pushed on my testicle from behind, painfully forcing it through the seemingly too small aperture. With the first ring secured in place behind my ball, Mistress Barbara did likewise with the other plastic ring, bringing it flush with the first one. As she sat back in her chair, I studied her handiwork, and came to a disturbing realization. My penis, and testicle, now protruded out from the rest of my body, away from the protection that my thighs normally offered. In a way my sex had been removed from me, it was out there, by itself and, unprotected it became fair game. At the same time I felt like my cock was being put on display, kind of like a hunting trophy, that they mount on walls. It served to emphasize the difference I had to those around me, to draw attention to my maleness, to show that it was now the property of the females. For such a private person as myself, I found that I had never been so self-conscious of my genitals, or so powerless to protect them.
At that point Mistress Ali stepped out onto the deck carrying a large canvas bag, which she placed at her Mother's feet. Then she walked to the end of the deck, and took down one of the hanging flowerpots, setting it off to the side, on the ground.
Mistress Barbara looked up at me, and said, "I want you to go over and join Ali, and I'll be right over."
I extinguished my smoke, turned, and walked over to where her eldest daughter stood, well aware of the sight I was presenting to the nameless neighbours, my displayed dong dancing about. When I reached Mistress Ali she placed her hands on my hips, and guided me around so that I was facing the courtyard, having to face the others watching.
"Bend over, and hold your ankles," She said, with a commanding tone, "But first, I want you to spread your legs wide apart."
I parted my legs like she told me to, and then bent forward so that my ass was the highest point on my body. Mistress Ali knelt on the ground before me, to my horror, I watched as she linked my wrist cuffs to my leg cuffs. I was completely immobilized, I was their prisoner, and there was no way I could defend myself, nor could I escape. I had never found myself in such a degrading position, had in fact, never imagined it. I wondered what was in store for me next, sure that I probably would not like it. Bent over the way I was, I found myself watching what was taking place behind me. I saw Mistress Barbara carry over the bag, and place it on the deck framed by my spread legs. My stomach churned at what I saw her pull out of the bag. I had not seen one since I had been a child, and they were not pleasant memories. In her hand was what looked like a hot water bottle, except this one had a length of slender hose running out from one end. I recognized it right away, and I knew what was about to happen, and it made me shudder to know that I could not stop it. The thing was raised, out of my sight, so that all I could see was what was on the end of the red hose; a white, six inch length of smooth plastic. I knew where that piece of plastic was headed, and I felt my rectal muscles draw tight.
Behind me Mistress Barbara said, "Okay Ali, spread his cheeks so I can lube him up."
I felt a hand on each of my buttocks, and they were forced apart, giving access to my anus to the woman behind me. Next, I felt something being smeared over my rear opening, I grunted as a finger was forced deep into my rectum. She wriggled it about within me a couple of times; likely to let me know the power she had over me, then she withdrew the offending digit. My relief did not last long as I felt Mistress Barbara place the end of the catheter against my wizened hole. Slowly it was pushed into me, expanding my anal cavity more than the previous finger had, bringing with it more pain. When she stopped inserting the thing, the tip was pushing against my prostate, creating a new undesirable sensation. The flow of soapy water began. I felt my belly start to swell as the fluid started to fill it, bringing me new pain. I never felt so violated in my whole life, it was like I was being raped. I had never known such ravishment, and I was unable to stop it. Aware that others were watching my humiliation, likely enjoying what they saw; a male being completely debased.
Mistress Ali released my buttocks, letting them return to their natural position, thus trapping the plastic invader. And, the water still flowed. Bent over the way I was, I was forced to watch my belly expand, as more and more water entered it. I had seen the enema bag, I found myself praying that I could accommodate all of its contents without creating a scene. Especially before all these women.
To my right, Mistress Barbie blurted out, "Hey slave, look over here, and give me a smile."
I cranked my head around the back of my right leg, to find myself facing her, holding a digital camera. There were two women I did not know standing on each side of her. I can assure you that when the flash went off, I wasn't smiling. For I fully understood my situation, that I belonged not only to Mistress Barbara and her family, but I was the property of the other females. I was theirs to use, and abuse.
My stomach grew larger, bloating out like I had never seen, in fact I was starting to lose sight of my sex. Turning my head to the left, I saw that more women had joined us, obviously not bothered by the male nudity. Why should they, trussed up, and violated as I was, I posed no threat; in fact I was theirs to do with what they wished. I felt a strong sense of relief when Mistress Barbara said, "Alright, all done, the bag is empty."
She went on, "Okay Candy, when I pull this thing out, I want you to put that plug into him right away."
I felt the plastic tube being pulled out of my anus, pleased to feel its retraction. But, my relief did not last long, for after the slender tube was pulled out of my rectum, I felt something far thicker press against my rear orifice. Without mercy, the newest violator was pushed into me, causing me to scream. My rectal passage had never felt so swollen, so full of something. But this was not shit, it was something alien, coming in from outside my body, something that did not belong. It felt like a large, rock hard banana was being forced into me. There was nothing I could do to stop it, as my wrists were bound to my legs. The pain grew as more was forced into me, stretching my anal passage even more. Just when I was certain I would yell again, the penetration stopped; my sphincter muscles clamped around a section that was significantly slimmer. This effectively locked the apparatus in place, and I would not be able to push it back out.
Mistress Barbara again spoke, "Please release him Ali. When she is finished, stand up straight slave, your arms at your sides."
When I returned to an upright position, she stepped in front of me, and handed me my beer. She waved to the other women to move in closer, so they were grouped in front of me. There were four new faces before me, complete strangers, who had just witnessed one of the most degrading moments in my life. Too ashamed to look at them, I bowed my head; looking down, I was flabbergasted at what I saw. My belly was so bloated it looked like I was six, or seven, months' pregnant! It was so swollen I could not see where I had just recently shaved, in fact I could only see the tip of my surprisingly hard cock, and maybe an inch of the stiff shaft. I felt like I would explode; unable to look at this bizarre sight, I raised my head back, to find myself facing Mistress Barbie, and her camera. The flash discharged, another perverted picture for posterity.
Mistress Barbara spoke up, "Okay slave, it is time for you to meet some of the neighbours."
She pointed to the woman on her immediate left, "This is Mistress Janet."
"Hello slave," Said the tall brunette. I figured her to be in her early thirties, with the well toned body of an athlete.
Embarrassed, I simply nodded acknowledgement.
Mistress Barbara indicated the female to Mistress Janet's left, "And, this here is Mistress Suzanne."
The woman stepped forward, and started to rub the taut flesh of my abdomen. She smiled, "Looks like you are carrying quite a load here slave. I wouldn't want to lose it if I were you. Welcome to our tight little community, it is nice to have a male to play with."
I took an extra long haul on my beer, and again nodded, as she stepped back. It was kind of unsettling the way these women I was just meeting were taking such liberties with my naked body. Even though they may be lesbians, they did not hesitate to touch me, like I would have expected.
The woman closest of Mistress Barbara on her right was introduced to me as Mistress Beth. She sported closely cropped, red hair, that emphasized her round face. Her body was somewhat on the doughy side, she appeared to be in her mid-fifties. She was what I would have envisioned a lesbian to look like.
She gripped my penis, and pulled me toward her. Mistress Beth smiled, "Hello little slave. It has been a while since I have had the pleasure of watching a man receive an enema."
She passed my hard penis to the woman on her right. The attractive, long-haired brunette, took hold of my shaft, and introduced herself, "Hello slave, you will address me as Mistress Jennifer, for that is what my other slaves call me. I have a dungeon downtown, where my slaves come, male and female; maybe Mistress Barbara will let me take you down to participate in some scenes."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mistress Barbara nod an affirmative, her friend would be allowed to use me whenever she wanted. For me, things kept getting stranger, and stranger. It was becoming perfectly clear that I would be community chattel.
She passed my penis back to Mistress Beth, and stepped aside. The red-haired woman took firm hold of my cock, determined to let me know who was in charge.
Mistress Barbara said, "Now that you've met the girls here, it is time to meet the rest of them."
She attached a long, leather leash to the silver ring in the front of my collar. Next, she turned around and started to walk out into the yard. I was forced to follow. Mistress Beth decided to tag along, still tightly gripping my stiff cock. The others fell into place behind us.
Chapter 5 (added: 07/17/2010)
As the group of us crossed the yard, I could feel the water in my bowels swishing around. Not really painful, it was nonetheless extremely uncomfortable. Most of my anguish was coming from the thing buried in my butt, I could feel it move about with each step I took. I endured it without a sound, as Mistress Barbara pulled me forward. She led me to a deck, two doors down on the right, Mistress Candy went up on the patio, and rang the doorbell.
When the occupant answered, Mistress Candy said, "Good evening Charlotte, my Mom wants you to meet our new slave."
The porch light was turned on, and she stepped out onto the wooden surface. I saw her eyes light up when she caught sight of me, "My, my, what do we have here? Looks like a pregnant, horny man to me, dressed the way he deserves to be. I know Barbara you were talking about bringing a slave into our commune a while back, given our orientation, I silently prayed it would be a male. Voila, here he is, on my porch step, well done Barbara. And just the right age too, no longer cocky, or arrogant, it makes him more trainable. Where did you find him?"
"He was homeless," Answered Mistress Barbara.
"Marvellous!" Beamed Mistress Charlotte, "Then there will not be anyone looking for him, no employer missing an employee. In other words, he is all ours, again I say well done."
While she was talking, Mistress Ali went to the place next door, and proceeded to ring the doorbell. The light came on, and a mature woman of oriental descent stepped out, she was diminutive in stature.
Seeing her neighbour, Mistress Charlotte said, "Take him over and show him to Choi, I'm sure she will get a kick out of the way you have trussed up his cock and balls, I know that I like it."
Once again, I felt the tug of the leash, and followed the woman pulling on it. We stopped moving when I stood directly before Mistress Choi. I watched her give a nod in the direction of the woman still gripping my penis. Mistress Beth released my cock, but before she stepped away, she gave a vicious slap to my erection with her open palm. When my flailed phallus stopped dancing about, and came to rest, Mistress Choi knelt right before me. She placed her right forefinger beneath my glans, and raised my dick skyward. Something had caught her attention, for she leaned even closer for a better look.
Then she turned, and called back into the open doorway, "Hey Vera, you won't believe it, you gotta come and see this."
She kept holding my penis up as she waited for the person she had called to. Who made us wait a couple of minutes, and I found myself wishing it had been forever, when I saw the other female come through the open doorway. To my recollection, I could not remember seeing a woman as massive as her, it seemed that every part of her body had been exaggerated to the extreme; I could not miss it, for Mistress Vera was as naked as myself! As much as I wanted to turn away, for some perverse reason I found I could not; I had to study the nude woman before me. It was clear that she was not the least bit disturbed by our mutual nakedness, as she stood there with her hands on her huge hips. Her breasts were beyond pendulous. They were mammoth; two massive slabs of pale, female flesh, boulders resting atop her chest. Each roll of flesh of her large belly was about the same size as my forearms. But I found I could not take my eyes away from what protruded from beneath her bare belly, between her thick thighs. It was a cunt like I had never seen before, and I had slept with dozens of women. I swear that the lips of her vagina were as fat as my baby fingers, they were that fleshly. What poked out between the oversized labia was the largest clitoris I had ever seen; it looked like a miniature penis, a couple of inches in length. As I watched, she knelt along side Mistress Choi, looking at what she was exposing.
"Whoa, you're right, " She chortled, reaching beneath me with her left hand, and harshly snapping a nail against my testicle. Now I had pain in my butt, belly, and ball. With forefinger, and thumb, she massaged my remaining nut, displaying the power she had over me. With my single testicle firmly between her fingers, she said, "He might be a distant relative of yours Choi, One Hung Low."
Behind me the others started to laugh, one of them also gave my bare butt a hard slap; the assault on my ass caused me to jerk forward, thus planting the tip of my cock in Vera's left eye socket.
The ensuing laughter was even louder than before, but at least no one spanked me this time. No need to, the damage was done; I saw that when I looked down at Mistress Vera, her expression could only be described as borderline psycho. With horror, I watched her sit back on her haunches, and raise her empty hand. She proceeded to whack my wang back and forth, and she was none too gentle about it, using all the strength she had in her massive arm. It felt like I was being attacked with a tennis racket, the pain was so intense. She kept it up for several minutes, causing the stuff in my belly to swirl around. I thought earlier that I had endured the ultimate humiliation, but I had been wrong. However, I stood there silently, as she pummelled my penis, striving not to make a sound. Mistress Vera still maintained a firm grip on my testicle while she whipped my cock. I would never have imagined myself having sex with a woman of her proportions, yet, here she was assaulting my sex. There was nothing I could do to stop it, I had to stand there buck ass naked, in front of all these females, and take it. The shame was overwhelming; standing there nude amongst a group of women, while one of their own wailed on my cock. I heard laughter behind me, no doubt they were enjoying my debasement. Being lesbians they obviously loved to see a man degraded as I was; to them, a male's penis was fair game, theirs to do with as they wished. Mine was starting to look like a metronome, the way it was bouncing from side to side. The middle part of my body was awash in pain, front and back; I had never been so aware about that section of my body. Mistress Vera still gripped my ball tightly, once in a while even tugging on it.
Mistress Choi decided to participate, and walked around behind me. As her nude partner pounded my penis, she started to roughly kneed both of my buttocks. She remarked, "Nice ass slave. I am going to enjoy watching Vera whip it. And maybe it will be lucky enough to get a taste of her strap-on. I would love to see that."
In front, Mistress Vera stopped her assault, but, she was not done. I was mortified as I watched her lean forward, and engulf the tip of my cock with her mouth. She started to painfully grind the sensitive area just behind the cockhead with her teeth. I let out a loud scream of pain, as she savagely clamped her teeth onto my erection, it felt like she was trying to bite my knob off. She parted her lips, allowing me, and the others, to see how powerfully she possessed my penis, with her teeth. The pose was a photo op that was not lost on Mistress Barbie, again the flash went off. I had to watch, and wince, as her teeth pressed deeper into my most tender flesh. I envisioned blood spurting out of the end of my shaft, like water out of a hose, after she bit off the tip.
Mercifully, Mistress Barbara interjected, "Okay Vera, I think that's enough, I think he gets the point."
Without opening her jaw, the crouching woman dragged her sharp teeth across the aching tip of my penis, then my cock popped out of her mouth. We could all clearly see the marks her teeth had made on my shaft; a deep crimson ring.
She stood back up, and placed her hand beneath my swollen dick. She raised it, and looked straight into my eyes, "Nice little snack, and I mean little. Next time it will be your nut, and I can assure you, that will hurt even more."
"Time to move on," Said Mistress Barbara, "We still have a couple of more people for you to meet slave."
My entourage grew as Mistress Choi and her naked partner joined the others. They followed behind as I was led to yet another house.
Mistress Barbara said, "Make yourself useful slave, go and ring the doorbell."
I walked across the deck, and pressed the illuminated button. When the door opened, and the woman stepped out, I blinked rapidly a couple of times, because she seemed familiar; although I could not recall her name.
However, she knew mine, "Hello Roger, nice to see you again. It looks like you have put on a bit of weight; it isn't every day that I get to see an ex co-worker naked."
"You know each other?" Asked an obviously surprised Mistress Barbara.
The blonde woman smiled, "Yep, we worked together about ten years ago, at Canadian Tire. Remember me Roger? I worked at the returns counter."
Then it came to me, I sheepishly answered, "Now I remember, hello Miriam. It's been awhile."
Mistress Barbara spanked my ass, "That is Mistress Miriam to you slave, and don't you forget it."
I nodded, "Sorry, hello Mistress Miriam."
She grinned, "I like the sound of that, Mistress Miriam. Never would I have expected to see you as a naked slave, but it looks good on you. Although I imagined your penis to be larger."
I had thought being nude in front of a large group of unknown women was bad, but to do so in front of someone you actually knew, turned out to be worse. For, here I was, standing in front of a woman I had worked with for several years; it was far more embarrassing to be nude in front of her. She reached forward, and took a firm grip of my penis, and started to stroke it, to my dismay.
"It is so strange," She began, "To be able to jack off someone you worked with. To hold his cock, and make him spill his seed out. I've always liked you, I just never thought you would stand naked in front of me, and allow me to pull on your pecker. I always thought that you were more compliant, more submissive than the others, and now I have the proof in my hand."
It was plain to see that she was not the least bit bashful about playing with the penis of a man she knew, in front of her gay friends. Also, her assessment of me was accurate, I did submit myself to others, I had always felt that to be one of my weaknesses. Yet, here I was, allowing myself to be fondled, manipulated, and abused by her, and the group of unfamiliar females.
She continued, "I wonder what Dave, and the others would think if they saw us now. Me, with your cock tightly in hand, firmly in control. I expect that they would not approve, a woman dominating a man."
She was referring to our old store manager when she said Dave. And I saw her point, back then the guys I was working with displayed that sense of male bravado, the macho man. It would have been complete, and utter humiliation to stand here like this in front of them. Yet, degrading as it was, standing here buck naked, amongst a group of women, while Miriam openly played with my public penis, somehow it felt right. I saw that she had nailed it, I was truly a submissive, that I did indeed belong to the females surrounding me; that I would do whatever they told me to do, accept whatever abuse they felt was necessary. That was my purpose in life, to submit to females, like I was doing. To subjugate myself, to accept that my nude body was no longer my sole property, it was now in the public domain.
Due to Mistress Miriam's actions, my penis did actually grow harder. Mistress Barbara took note of this, "You had better slow down dear, we don't need his pistol going off just yet. I have plans for it later."
The woman jerking me off laughed, "Ya, I hear you sister. Even though I have no use for one, I still think a man's cock looks better hard than when it is soft. What do you plan on doing with that big belly of his?"
Mistress Barbara replied, "Well Miriam, just one more stop, and we will see what our slave is made from. Tag along if you want, and join the rest of us, the more the merrier."
Mistress Miriam chortled, "I would not miss it for the world, I mean, it's not every day you get to see a guy you shared time with, shit himself. I'm right behind you."
I found that I was becoming accustomed to the tug of the leash. At the first pull I started to move, my penis pulled free of her hand, as I stepped off the deck. There was no escaping the pain of my swollen stomach, its contents whirled about with each step. The sensation helped to emphasize what Mistress Miriam had just said, I would have to void myself if front of all these females. That was a daunting thought, defecating while women watched; the most private act being made public. This knowledge just made me more aware of the liquid that had invaded my stomach, of the unfamiliar feeling of being so full, so bloated. The pain emanating from there was more intense than I had ever experienced. Never in my life had I wanted to take a crap so bad, I could feel my internal muscles attempt to do so, but they were foiled by the object that filled my aching anus.
We reached the final apartment, and another realization came to me about the differences between men and women. It seemed that females were much more comfortable being nude in front of other females, than males were with other males. For the woman who stepped out on the porch was naked like Mistress Vera and myself. About the only similarity she had with the other woman was that she was a female; beyond that, they were different, like day and night, quite literally. The woman before me was a vision of beauty, the complete opposite to Mistress Vera, it was a pity that she was gay. She was slender like a model, with pronounced, shapely hips; her breasts were like two halves of a cantaloupe, with slightly larger than normal nipples. Also, unlike the other woman, she still had some pubic hair, that was stylishly cropped to look like a heart, and obviously dyed blonde. For, it stood out like a yellow light, in contrast to the ebony skin that covered the rest of her body. This was the first time a nude Negro female, and I, shared the same space. She did not seem fazed by being bare for a white male, or that I also was wearing no clothes.
Her voice was melodious, "Hi Babs, what's up, what's with the white meat? I have to admit I've never seen a guy with such a big belly, is that a white guy thing? Hell, I can barely see his cock."
Mistress Barbara laughed, "You are invited to join us, I can assure you that you will get to see more of his puny penis. We are going back to my place, where we will empty out the slave. Care to join us Dorothy?"
The dark woman nodded, "Well, it looks to me like everyone else is tagging along, I might as well join you."
She closed the door, and walked across the deck, not bothering to get dressed. I was led back to Mistress Barbara's place, with the group of females following close behind, talking amongst themselves. Relief, and humiliation, lay ahead of me. I wondered how all these women would fit into the bathroom, but I just couldn't see it happening. It turned out that Mistress Barbara had other plans. It would be a public performance, one for the ages.
Everyone grouped about in the yard in front of the Hansen place, with me in the middle of everyone. The leash was removed from my collar, a free man with nowhere to go. Mistress Barbara conferred with Mistress Ali, who then came over to where I was standing.
She said, "Follow me, we have to go and get the tub. We don't want you shitting all over the grass."
She and I broke away from the group, and went around to a shed that was along the side of the house. Next to the structure was a large, galvanized steel tub; about three feet long, two feet wide, and around two feet deep. There were handles on each end, which I used to pick it up, there was a fair weight to the thing, and it took a bit of an effort to carry it back to the deck, where the others were waiting. Mistress Barbara directed me to a spot, about ten feet in front of the deck, as to where I was to place the metal vessel. I carried it over, aware that all eyes were on me; these women were looking forward to something that I most definitely was not, but, I knew that it had to happen. Mistress Barbie came over with a hose, and sprayed some water into the tub, about a couple of inches; she turned off the nozzle, and set the hose on the ground. Someone up on the porch angled one of the floodlights so that it created an illuminated circle around the metal tub, making it the brightest spot in the yard. They were sure making a production of me taking a crap, making sure that everyone could see it.
Mistress Barbara said, in a loud voice, "Attention everyone, I need everyone's attention please."
Until she said that, I had not realized how much of a racket the women around me were making, they were all talking, an endless din. But, they did quieten down, as requested.
Mistress Barbara continued, "Thank-you very much. We are gathered here to watch our new slave void himself. I expect that there will be a bit of a stink, so I would advise you all to stand back a bit, you might even want to hold your noses shut."
Her last comment brought about a round of laughter, as some of the women stepped back. They formed a loose ring around me, staying out of the circle of light; they could see me, but I could barely see them, not that I really wanted to. I felt so exposed.
"Okay, I guess that we are all ready. Okay slave, time for you to show us what you are made of. Straddle the tub, and hold on tight," Commanded the woman running the show.
I felt very self-conscious as I put my left leg over the tub; I was fully exposing my genitals to those standing before me, and my ass to those behind me. I placed a hand on each side, supporting myself, knowing all to well how I must look to those around me. Looking down I saw my erection sticking out obscenely, like some kind of divining rod, most of it hidden by my bloated belly.
Mistress Barbara asked, "So, who wants to pull out the plug?"
Each of the women in front of me raised an arm, I didn't have to look behind me, I knew that most of those hands would be in the air. I didn't care who got to do it, but I just wanted the thing out of my ass. Mistress Barbara said, "Do it quickly, and make sure that you don't get splattered."
I felt a hand slowly slide across my right buttock, Miriam was not only seeing me, she was now touching me, in a place I would never have imagined. Her hand stopped when it reached the portion of the plug that protruded out of the end of my butt, between my spread ass cheeks. She gripped it tightly, and started to pull it back out of me slowly, so that I felt its removal. My anus screamed as the fat end of the plug was forced through the opening, then the pain diminished as the narrower part was pulled out of me. Once again, my rectum was empty, as it should be; but it wouldn't remain that way for long, for I could feel my bowels start emptying themselves. I really did not have control, my body was responding on it's own, forcing the stuff back out of it. The liquified feces exploded out if me in a big way. Akin to opening a fire hose, the wet stream was that massive, that forceful; it felt like I had a geyser buried in my ass. Just like opening the flood gates of the Hoover Dam, the fluid flowed out of me. It felt like I was pissing through my butt. The stench was incredible, overpowering, I wished I could do what Mistress Barbara had advised, and pinched my nostrils shut. I saw that the women standing before me were doing so, their hands holding their noses while they watched.
Mistress Candy stood between my spread legs, she displayed no embarrassment as she reached down between them, and grabbed my penis. She started to raise it up and down, like she was pumping water out of a well. I saw what she was doing, making it look like she was actually pumping the shit out of me.
Mistress Barbie, and her camera were right there, to record what her younger sister was doing to my cock. Even as my rectal muscles surged, forcing out the vile smelling stuff, I found myself wondering how many people would see these pictures on the internet. And, how many of those people actually knew me; I started to wonder if I would be able to go back out in public again, wondering who had witnessed the most degrading moment of my life. At least they wouldn't have to deal with the foul smell, like the females surrounding me.
The flow was starting to slow, my belly returning to its normal size; I could see the full length of my penis, at least not what was hidden by Mistress Candy's hand.
Yesterday I was homeless, living my own life, now I was naked, amongst a group of women, crapping myself, because that is what they wanted, what I wanted did not matter, I had given my life over to them; I had made a decision and now I found myself starting to question it. However, dressed as I was, I was going nowhere.
The tub was starting to fill up, and I could feel the liquid shit start to splatter against my spread buttocks, painting the pale flesh. Mistress Candy kept pumping, showing her sisters who was in charge, not that it was necessary, for they already knew. My internal muscles churned, pumping out the foul-smelling stuff. Thankfully, it took less time to empty myself than it had to fill me. I could feel the flow start to taper off.
When it ceased, Mistress Barbara said, "Candy, since you obviously like holding onto our slave, you should take him over to the sewer drain, and dump that bucket of shit. When you come back, we will clean his ass off."
I let go of the tub, and stood back up; the girl maintained her grip on my cock, which was starting to soften. I turned, bent over and picked up the feces filled tub, and Mistress Candy never lost her hold. Then she started to lead me across the yard, pulling me by my pecker. I was led between the houses, to the roadway, I found myself praying that no one would drive by and see me like this. When we reached the metal grate, I quickly emptied the container, careful not to splash any of it on us; the stench was awful. When I was done, she yanked hard on my cock, letting me know we were going back to join the others. Again, I was pulled by my penis, and led back; at least, mercifully, nobody had driven by. My nudity, and subjugation, solely belonged to the females who lived here. We returned to the group of gathered tenants.
As we approached, Mistress Barbara said, "Put down the tub right there, we will clean that later, but we will clean the slave first. Bring him to the porch, and we will wash him off."
I placed the tub on the ground, and followed the young female leading me, into the group of women. Again, I was surrounded by dressed females while I stood there naked, though two of them were as nude as I.
"Ali, cuff his wrists," Ordered Mistress Barbara, "Barbie, please help her hang him up, I'll go get the hose."
Next thing I knew, I had the hands of her three daughters on my body. Mistress Ali and Mistress Barbie proceeded to bind my wrists, while their youngest sister maintained her hold on my hard cock. When my wrists were cuffed, Mistress Ali raised them, onto the empty hook embedded in the patio ceiling. I was positioned so that my ass faced the backyard, where the others were standing. Somehow, as naked as I was, I had never felt so exposed, unable to shield myself from the women surrounding me.
From behind me, Mistress Barbara commanded, "Spread your legs slave, and spread 'em wide."
I did as I was told, the more I parted my bare thighs, the pressure on my bound wrists increased. I felt foolish hanging there, so much on display, as the females swarmed around me. I could do nothing, but I was theirs'; they could do with me what they wanted. Then I came to understand the reason for my disturbing position, cold water crashed against my naked ass. I danced around as the water hit me, like a puppet on strings. And, she didn't just aim for my butt, she also went after what hung down between my spread legs. It felt like needles were being driven into my testicle, the pressure was that strong, the water that cold. Me sex bounced around from the assault, causing the women standing before me to grin. My buttocks felt as if they were being whipped as the freezing water pounded them. The two fleshy orbs quivered, likely to the delight of those behind me. Then the nozzle was forced between my spread ass cheeks, directly against my anus. I felt the cold water force itself into my rectal passage, the pain was numbing, made even more so by those around me watching. The coldness made the metal object feel like an icicle was being shoved into my ass. It was only inserted for a couple of seconds, but the discomfort was intense. The water was then aimed against my genitals, the effect was instantaneous, my erection deflated. It flopped about, like a fish out of water, much to the delight of those watching. Finally, the water stopped. I was embarrassed to realize that I was shivering, as the cool evening air brushed over my wet lower torso, and legs.
Behind me one of the women began to towel my thighs dry. In front of me Mistress Charlotte was handed a large red, fleece towel, and she started to work on the front of my legs. My dangling genitals were the quickest to be dried, as the two women took turns, the one in back, reaching forward between my legs. Several minutes of rough scrubbing, and they were done, stepping away from my bound body.
Mistress Barbara looked around me, she remarked, "Okay Jennifer, put it back in."
An arm reached around my left side, and the palm pressed tightly against my belly. Again something hard was guided to my rectal opening, where it paused, allowing me to realize with horror that I had not been lubricated first! Then it was thrust up into me in a single stroke, until it was buried again. It seems that the water that lined my inner passage had served as the lubricant. These women certainly knew what they were doing, but somehow the thought did not give me comfort. I figured they would finally release my arms now that I was clean, but they had other plans.