Author's Note: The villains in this story are loosely inspired by the cult-horror film, "Bloodsucking Freaks", who are campy by design. This is a "retro" bondage story of sorts that takes place in the 1980s, so this may not be for all readers.
It was a balmy late summer evening in 1985 when the three friends arrived in a jeep, loaned to them by one of their parents for the weekend. The three female friends had known each other since elementary school, and were getting together for one last summer weekend at the lake prior to them leaving for their respective colleges that fall. Canoeing, hiking, swimming, and roasting whatever was edible over the fire was but a small sample of activities they planned for the weekend. Each of them was unique and special in their own right, evident in where they were going in the upcoming semester.
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Josephine, a gorgeous blonde with a short but stylish haircut popularized by singer Olivia Newton John that year, was going to the state university to study theatre and dance. Standing at about 5 foot 6 inches tall with a great body, long legs, and blue eyes, Josephine's charisma and exhibitionist nature made her a perfect fit for that program.
Marcy was a cute girl with medium length light brown hair, light blue eyes, and stood about 5 foot 3 inches tall. Graduating in the top ten in their class, she was going to a top-tier university to study science. A scholar athlete throughout high school, Marcy was exceptionally strong for her size and ranked among the top swimmers and divers for the region.
Finally, there was Casey, who was the adventurous one of the group and a bit of a slacker. Standing about 5 foot 7 inches tall with long strawberry blonde hair, freckles, and a sexy body, Casey was going to community college to study art and photography. However, Casey's real desire was to become a fetish model and photographer, and now that she was 18, opportunities to model for that genre were now a real possibility once she moved closer to the city where her older sister lived.
Even though it was the early evening, it was still hot, and the three friends dressed accordingly. Casey was wearing a tight red and white striped tube-top with spaghetti straps on her shoulders with a pair of "Daisy Duke" jean shorts and brown sandals. Marcy was in a simple light violet short sleeved shirt and average length jean shorts that went to about mid-thigh level and hiking shoes and socks. Josephine was a tight pink tank-top and extremely short white cotton shorts to show off her well-toned legs and white sandals.
They stopped along the way for dinner at a local restaurant, followed by a stop at the local "Mom and Pop" grocery store to stock up on supplies for the weekend. They soon arrived at the cabin by the lake, where they unloaded the jeep of their bags and food. To their surprise, the light was already on, and when they walked inside the cabin, an even more bizarre appearance was before them.
There were three men, who were equally surprised to see them. One was tall and thin, appeared to be in his early 40s, and had a long, pointy nose, olive skin complexion, gray eyes, and was balding with the hair on his sides grown long. The other two were even more unusual: both were midgets, with the first one having tan skin, a large, puffy afro-styled haircut, and short beard and mustache; the second one had pale white skin, dark red hair, and an even thicker beard and mustache.
"Oh, goody, some pretty girls to play with," the dark haired midget cackled. The other looked to the tall, thin man for some sort of approval, receiving an obligatory 'nod' from him. The two midgets grinned wickedly and immediately rushed Casey, Marcy, and Josephine at once. The red-haired midget tackled Josephine, grabbing her in some type of sleeper-hold. Josephine struggled and flailed wildly on the floor, much to the midget's delight. Marcy went to Josephine's aid, grabbing him from behind and with a hefty tug, pulled him off of Josephine. Marcy, who was fairly strong, brought him down and slammed him hard onto the wooden floor. Casey, on the other hand, was handily beating the snot out of the midget that attacked her, delivering a hard punch followed by a kick. Having been in a scrap or two at the local bars, Casey knew how to fight. Marcy helped up Josephine, with the three friends now upright and their two would-be assailants cowering away when a strange, metal clicking sound occurred.
The three saw the thin man holding a pistol, with Marcy, Casey, and Josephine stopping dead in their tracks and holding their hands up.
"Well, Ralphus and Angus," commented the man. "I see that these lovely ladies are quite capable. Do you think you can handle them now?"
Ralphus, the one with the dark hair, wiggled his jaw to make sure that it was still in place.
"Yes, Master Sardu," Ralphus answered.
"Yes, boss," Angus added.
"Who are you people?" asked Josephine.
"I'm not the kind of person who likes to give explanations," stated Sardu. "But, I should at least introduce ourselves since you lovely ladies have brought us food for the weekend. I am Victor Sardu, and these are my assistants, Angus and Ralphus."
"What're you going to do with us?" Casey asked, with the hint of anger in her voice. "And why are you here?"
"You've find out soon enough, as I'm sure Angus and Ralphus will tell you our life story before the evening's through," conceded Sardu, motioning the pistol in Marcy's general direction. "But in the meantime, you, you're doing downstairs into the cellar first. Angus, you take care of her."
"But first thing's first," ordered Angus to Marcy. "I want your shoes, shorts, and shirt off!"
Marcy reluctantly complied, removing her t-shirt, followed by removing her shoes and socks, and finally her shorts. Marcy was now stripped down to a simple white bra over her modest A-cup sized breasts and black cotton panties. Placing her hands back up, Marcy slowly walked passed everyone and the entranceway to the cellar, followed by Angus who was carrying several coils of rope.
"You're smart, so you know what happens to your friends if you try to resist," warned Sardu.
Marcy quietly nodded to Sardu and gave a sad look to Josephine and Casey before going downstairs with Angus behind her. When they reached the cellar, Angus found a couple cots and other camping supplies stacked in a corner. Angus ordered Marcy to set two them up side-by-side, followed by laying down placing her hands behind one of them. Marcy reluctantly complied, and laid flat on the cot when Angus went to work.
Angus formed a quick lasso and cinched it tightly around Marcy's right wrist, followed by binding the rope to her left, tying her hands the back of the cot. Angus next made another lasso and cinched it around Marcy's ankles, tying them together before wrapping the remaining length of the rope several times around her ankles and the cot to strap her down to it. Angus then took some more rope tightly wound and wrapped it around Marcy's body and the cot, firmly strapping her down to it at her arms, chest, waist, thighs, and shins. Marcy groaned subtly each time Angus pulled to tighten them around her body, finding herself helpless and unable to move.
"Why are doing this?" Marcy asked.
"I think it's pretty obvious, isn't it?" Angus retorted. "You kicked me and Ralphus's asses up there. Seeing as how we're staying the night, we have to tie you up, wouldn't you say?"
In a strange way, Angus's explanation sort of made sense. Still, Marcy wasn't the least bit happy with the predicament, with fear now creeping throughout her body. What were they going to do with them? Rape them? Kill them? Rape them and then kill them? Kill them and then rape them?
"Who are you people?" Marcy asked, testing her bonds.
"I tell you what," offered Angus, tying the last knot. "When I finish tying up your friend down here, I'll explain everything."
Angus went back upstairs. Marcy frantically struggled for several seconds, grunting and straining against her bonds to no avail. Marcy then heard the sounds of footsteps, seeing Josephine being marched down the stairs with Angus behind her with several more coils of rope in his hands. Josephine looked down in horror, seeing Marcy bound in what looked like a tight cocoon of ropes to the cot.
"Take the one next to her," ordered Angus. "But first, place your arms at your sides."
Josephine complied, allowing Angus to wrap a lasso around her upper body to tie her arms to her chest at her sides. Angus wound the rope several times around her torso before firmly tying the first series of knots. Josephine followed Angus's next instruction, as she shimmied herself onto the cot next to Marcy. Angus then began wrapping several more ropes around and throughout Josephine's body from her neck down to her ankles to the cot, pulling tightly and cinching each knot with care.
"OW!" exclaimed Josephine, wincing at the tightening bonds.
"Pretty legs," Angus commented, walking his fingers up and down Josephine smooth, silky, and well-toned legs for several seconds. "Very pretty legs."
Angus finished tying the last of knots, satisfied with his rope-work on Josephine.
"Now, as promised," explained Angus to Marcy. "I'll tell you our story. We're bank-robbers. Sardu, the tall one, scopes out the place, and even opens an account and safety-deposit box to get access and a full idea of the bank's security and layout. With the info Sardu gets, Ralphus and I then sneak in, usually through the air vent, when the place is closed and rob it. It normally works out okay, except in this last one there was actually a night watchman who was armed. We got away, sort of, except he was able to get a few shots with his gun and hit our car. We barely made it out here. It's kind of cool that you three showed up with all that stuff; we didn't have any food or anything."
"Why don't you just take our jeep and leave?" offered Josephine.
"Nice try, but the minute you ladies are free, you're going to call the police and give them all the details for that vehicle," Angus replied before going back up the stairs and closing the basement door behind him. Marcy and Josephine began struggling against the ropes, kicking and flexing their legs to no avail as the ropes held their bodies tight. The two friends looked at each other and made eye contact, both reading each other's feelings of desperation on their face.
Angus returned to the ground floor, where Casey was sitting in a chair with her hands up, and Sardu seated with the pistol still trained on her.
"Where's Ralphus?" Angus asked.
"He's trying to fix the car," answered Sardu. "But he did say to use those on the redhead who nearly beat the crap of out of him earlier."
Sardu pointed to a pile of heavy chains, some brown leather belts, and a series of key-operated padlocks. Angus smiled and ordered Casey to pick up the chains and carry them into one of the guest rooms.
"Don't try anything heroic," reminded Sardu to Casey. "I have no doubt that you could kill Angus now with those chains, but I can shoot you and your friends dead just as quickly."
Casey glared at Sardu, giving a quick nod in acknowledgement before entering the guest room.
"Hands together in front," ordered Angus.
Casey placed her hands in front of her waist, with her wrists parallel to one another. First, Angus bound them together with a leather belt, wrapping it around her wrists three times before buckling it. Afterwards, he wrapped a heavy chain around her already bound wrists four times before locking it together with a padlock, followed by wrapping the chain around her waist twice and locked in another padlock to keep her chained wrists connected to the chains waist around her waist. Casey couldn't believe how heavy the chains were, and was ordered onto the bed.
"You're sick, you know that?" cursed Casey.
Angus merely grinned, removing Casey's sandals before wrapping another length of heavy chain around her ankles four times and then locked it together with a padlock. Next, Angus took some leather belts and bound Casey's legs together at her shins and thighs, with two above and two below her knees.
"There," cackled Angus. "Your legs aren't as nice as the short-haired blonde, but better than the other one."
Angus still had two lengths of chain left. With one, he wrapped it several times around Casey's chest just below her breasts, then locked it shut with yet another padlock. Using the last chain, Angus fashioned a makeshift leash with it and the last belt, cinching it around Casey's neck and wrapping the chain around the metal bed frame, forcing Casey to remain on the bed.
"That should hold you," commented Angus, just as he tore off a piece of gray duct tape and clamped it over Casey's mouth to gag her. Casey angrily shouted a barrage of obscenities at her captor, but could only let out angry "mmphs" and grunts. Angus smiled; it was music to his eyes until he sniffed something new in the air.
"I can smell your cunt," Angus stated, now noticing Casey's erect nipples protruding out of her red and white tank-top. "The other girls didn't react this way...if I didn't know any better, I'd say this was turning you on."
Casey dreaded his comment, because in a sick, twisted, way, Angus was right. Casey always dreamt about being fetish model since she was a little girl, having all sorts of kinky fantasies. In this case, being held captive was a terror to her mind, but to her body, it was a dream come true. Her body let her mind know in its own way, which Angus happily detected.
Casey shut her eyes and turned her head in revulsion when Angus climbed up on the bed next to her. With the heavy weight of the chains on her body and the leash around her neck, Casey wasn't moving more than a few inches on the bed at best. She felt her jean shorts being unbuttoned, followed by them being unzipped with Angus's grubby fingers sliding underneath her panties. Angus felt her warm, wet vagina that was still moistening, and gently rubbed her clit for while. Casey's protests turned to a soft moan, keeping her eyes shut.
"Now I can taste your cunt, too," said Angus happily, licking his fingers before leaving the small guestroom. Casey panted nervously, her heart racing from the experience as she began struggling. The chains clinked subtly with the strain of the leather belts around her body but didn't give at all; Casey couldn't get out.
Angus returned to the main area to see Sardu finished unloading the groceries into the small refrigerator kept inside the cabin. Ralphus arrived next from outside, with the three having an impromptu meeting at a small table.
"And?" asked Sardu.
"I can fix it, but garage has no lights. I can't see what I'm doing and flashlight's not going to cut it," Ralphus explained. "There are large windows in it, so when the sun comes up I'll have plenty of light, but that won't be for several hours."
"How long to fix it?" asked Sardu.
"Three, maybe four hours, tops," replied Ralphus.
"Very well, we'll stay here the night after all," said Sardu. "They brought plenty of food and we're squatting here overnight, so we should extend some form of mercy towards them. There is some honor among thieves, after all."
"Such as?" asked Ralphus.
"No killing or raping," Sardu stated. Ralphus and Angus begrudgingly acknowledged Sardu's order. "However, I do want them quiet."
"No problem," said Ralphus.
Downstairs in the cellar, Marcy and Josephine continued struggling and fighting their bonds with no success.
"UNGH!" grunted Marcy, arching her back. The ropes strained against her strong body but held tight. "I can't MOVE!"
"Neither can I," winced Josephine, hearing the cellar door open. Angus and Ralphus walked down the stairs with two small white cloths and some beige medical wrap.
"Nitey-nite," said Ralphus as he and Angus stuffed a white cloth into Marcy and Josephine's mouths followed by winding some beige medical wrap around their mouths and head's in a tight over-the-mouth gag. Afterwards, they wound it over their eyes as makeshift blindfolds. Marcy and Josephine's protests and pleading blue eyes were quickly silenced, muffled by the beige wrap. The two continued struggled with only muffled grunts and futile head-shakes in an attempt to get the beige medical wrap off of them.
"They'll tire out soon enough," said Ralphus.
For the rest of the night Marcy, Josephine, and Casey struggled against their bonds until their exhausted themselves, drifting into a light yet restless sleep. Sardu, Ralphus, and Angus dined on sandwiches at their expenses from the food their brought, followed by retiring for the night to sleep in relative comfort.
The next morning Ralphus started on the repairing their getaway vehicle at first light, while Angus went to the cellar and untied Marcy. Marcy was then led back up the stairs and allowed to use the bathroom, followed by a shower and a breakfast under the eye of Sardu with his revolver. Marcy wasn't sure why she was allowed to do this, but didn't want to ask, either. After she was finished Marcy sat on the couch and waited as Angus freed Josephine to allow her the same opportunity, and followed lastly by Casey. After they finished using the bathroom, cleaning up, and eating, Casey, Josephine, and Marcy were in their bra and panties, sitting on the couch. Angus briefly left to check on the status of the car from Ralphus.
"We're not monsters," stated Sardu. "But we aren't to be trifled with, either."
"About another hour and we're out of here," said Angus happily.
"Excellent," said Sardu. "Now we must cover our escape. Angus, tie them up and take them outside."
Marcy, Josephine, and Casey fearfully stood up with their hands up as one by one, Angus tied their hands behind their back at their wrists.
"Outside to the sandy spot behind the cabin," ordered Sardu.
Marcy, Josephine, and Casey walked to the area ordered by Sardu, a small sandy patch several feet away from the rear of the cabin with three holes were.
"I dug them myself," Sardu stated proudly. "Now, have a seat inside."
"You're burying us alive?" Josephine asked nervously.
"Not at all," answered Sardu. "I'm giving you the chance to eventually escape, but I do need to make sure we're far enough away before such a thing happens. Now, get in!"
Reluctantly, Marcy entered the first sandy hole and sat down, followed by Josephine in the second, and finally Casey in the last. Angus picked up the shovel and quickly filled in the holes with the large pile of damp sand off to the side, tamping it every so often to compact the sand against their bodies. Several minutes later, Marcy, Josephine, and Casey were buried up to their necks in sand, with Sardu pulling out a garden hose from the cabin and turning it on, with a slow but steady flow of water coming out onto the surrounding sand trapping the three young women.
"Call it a free physics lesson," explained Sardu. "The flowing water keeps the sand particles flowing, so every time you struggle, you create an air gap that's closed with the moving sand particles, pressing against your lovely bodies and holding them tight in the sand. You won't be getting out unless something digs you out, and by the time one of the other nearby cabin's occupant come by or hear your screams for help, we'll have at least an hour's lead time."
Marcy was the first one to test the theory, struggling against the heavy, wet sand and within seconds, she felt the wet sand shift and press against her body, holding it in place. Marcy's eyes lit up, she couldn't move a muscle!
"See?" commented Sardu as-a-matter-of-factly. He overheard their car start and saw Ralphus back it out of the garage; it was their time to escape. Sardu motioned to Angus for one final task before heading to the car. Angus loosely tied a white cloth around Marcy's mouth to cleave gag her, followed by clamping a piece of duct tape over Josephine's mouth, and finishing with loosely tying a large, clear plastic bag over Casey's head, minimizing the air flow while not completely suffocating her.
"We can't make screaming for help too easy now, can we?" teased Angus, waving goodbye before running and jumping into the getaway car. The vehicle drove off, leaving the three young women struggling to get free. Several minutes later, Marcy was able to work the loose cleave gag out of her mouth, followed by Josephine working off tape gag with her saliva. Marcy and Josephine took deep breaths and screamed as loud as they could for help, a cry that was soon answered by a couple hikers passing by. They immediately removed the plastic bag that was on Casey's head, which was covered in sweat as she panted and took in as much air as she could.
About an hour later, Marcy, Josephine, and Casey were out of their sandy prisons and covered in blankets as they gave their statements to the police of their ordeal and descriptions of their captors.
Sardu, Angus, and Ralphus were still at large.