Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story! As with all of my stories, this is based on a real life experience. It is told as it happened, with some minor edits.
For those who are wondering, my name is pronounced just like "Eileen".
Part 1
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Two weeks ago I got a call from Kari. She told me that she'd be coming to visit me that weekend. Naturally, I was thrilled! I don't get to see her nearly enough. Anyway, she told me that she couldn't get a flight Friday evening so she'd be arriving very early on Saturday morning. It meant I wouldn't be able to make plans for Friday night but I knew it would be worth it. I don't get to see Kari very often!
The week went by in a blur since all I could think about was the weekend. I cleaned my house and got all of my superheroine gear pulled together. On Friday I got home from work and I was surprised to find that someone had shoved an envelope labeled "WonderSlut" under my door. I opened it up and inside was a picture of me (in my Wonder Woman costume) bound and half naked! On the back of the picture was a note that read:
"Attention WonderSlut, unless you want these photos sent to the city newspaper you will do as I say. You will put on your uniform with a long coat over it. You will come to the Hilton at 7 pm. You will park next to the left side entrance. There will be a key card under the garbage can. Let yourself into room 324. You will receive further instructions there. Don't be late."
It was signed "Mistress Klaw", one of Kari's character's names (I helped her choose it - I was a big fan of Inspector Gadget as a kid). It was nearly 5:30 at that point - only an hour and a half to go! I knew I should eat something but I was too excited to have much of an appetite. I took a quick shower and then munched on a snack while assembling my outfit. I put on my 2 piece WonderWoman costume, complete with wrist bands and belt. I left off the tiara so I wouldn't attract too much attention. Finally, I put on a pair of black heels with cute bows on the ankle strap and a calf length coat. It's been getting pretty chilly in the evenings here so I knew I wouldn't look too out of place. Anyway, since I was dressed I got into my car and headed for the Hilton. It isn't far from my house so I made it with a little time to spare.
I parked as directed, found the key, and walked through the hotel corridors towards room 324. My heart was racing with anticipation and with the thrill of secretly wearing my costume in public. When I got to the room I paused to listen for any sounds inside. Dead silence. I cautiously slid the key into the slot and opened the door - ready to get pounced. Nothing. It was awfully strange, I knew there must be some trap or surprise. I quietly closed the door and snuck a glance into the bathroom. Empty. I peeked into the bedroom. Everything looked normal except there was an envelope on the bed, just like the one I found at my house.
I opened the envelope and found more instructions inside. The note said:
"Good WonderSlut, you've made the right choice. Just a few more tasks and then this will be all over. Open the bureau behind you. Inside you will find a box. Do not open it yet. Next take off your jacket and your uniform and hang them in the bureau. Don't forget your belt and any other items - you won't be needing them anymore. Once you're naked, open the box."
I followed her instructions, stripping naked and placing my wristbands, belt, and heels inside with my uniform. Opening the box I found a short length of chain, a padlock, and another note. This one said:
"This is your last decision, WonderSlut. After this there is no going back. You can grab your uniform and run like a scared little girl or you can obey me and keep those photos a secret. You are to take the chain, run it through the handles of the bureau, and lock it with the padlock. Surrender your uniform to me! It will become part of my trophy cabinet! You will never wear it again. When you have done this, go to the closet."
My heart lept in my chest! How exciting! Here I was, being forced to lock all of my clothes into the bureau... I'd be nude and trapped here! I was starting to lose focus - it was so exciting to feel so powerless - dominated by a woman who wasn't even here! I decided that there really was nothing I could do - Mistress Klaw has the upper hand. Unless I wanted everyone to see the photos and my reputation as a superheroine to be ruined I had to obey. I locked the padlock. I stood there for a second, thinking about what I had just done... all the things that could happen... I gave the padlock a strong tug, hoping that it might not really be locked...
It didn't budge. There was no going back. Resigned to my fate, I opened the closet. Inside was a duffel bag with yet another envelope on it. As before, there were more instructions in this envelope. This note said:
"Doesn't it feel better to be rid of all that crime fighting baggage, WonderSlut? All you can do now is to prepare for my arrival. Read these instructions and then turn off all the lights - you will work in darkness. Inside the duffel bag you will find some toys to ensure you don't wander off while waiting. First I want you to find the butterfly and put it on. Next, find the spreader bar. There's some rope in there for it. I'm sure you know what to do with it. There's a nice large ball gag. Put it on, tight. I'm sure you don't want to accidentally draw attention to yourself with all your pathetic whimpering! While you're at it, close the closet door. Finally, take the 2 pairs of handcuffs. Cuff each wrist to the clothes bar, making sure you stretch those arms all the way out."
Wow! It was almost scary how much planning Kari had put into this. I hesitated for a moment but knew there was no turning back. I located all of the items and turned off the light. (I guess I should take a moment to explain that the butterfly is a wirelessly controlled vibe that straps on to my hips. If you've never seen one, for goodness sake checkout goodvibes.com!) A few minutes later I had the butterfly on, my ankles tied to the spreader bar, the gag firmly in my mouth, and *click* *click* the cuffs on my wrists. I hung there like some kind of kinky scarecrow.
I was there in the dark closet for... I'm not sure how long. I had started to get tired of holding the position and my head and arms were drooping. Suddenly the vibe sprung to life! I mmmmphed into the gag in surprise, followed by a nice moan... there wasn't much I could do but to enjoy the sensation...
The vibe ran for a while and cycled from high to slow, teasing me. I'd become rather distracted by it when a knock on the door brought me back to my predicament. A woman's voice announced "Maid service!" and there was another knock. I was stunned... what should I do? What could I do? Should I try to tell her to go away? Would she hear it past the gag? Would that make her want to see what was going on? Before I could decide what to do I heard a key card enter the lock and the door opening. Footsteps... right past the closet. I held my breath, praying not to be discovered like this. The door closed and the lights were switched on.
More footsteps... she was still in the room... I heard some noises... she must have found the notes! How stupid of me, I just left them laying on the bed!
Just as I was cursing myself I heard laughter from outside the closet door. Then I heard a voice which I quickly recognized as Kari (thank god!)... "Ah, it looks like you've been here... now let's see how well you can follow directions!" The closet doors opened and I got my first look at Mistress Klaw! Kari smiled and said "Ah good, just as I expected, one helpless little heroine. Since we're chatting, I should tell you that I took the liberty of taking your spare car key when I was at your house this afternoon. I was quietly loading my luggage into your trunk while you were up here being defeated by a couple of slips of paper. Some heroine you are... Well, there is some good news for you. It seems that there won't be room for you and my luggage in your trunk so I'll let you ride inside the car. You just hang tight a minute, I'll go pack up your uniform."
With that Kari closed the closet door and switched the vibe back on. I heard the padlock open and the chain rattle. I started to wonder what she planned to do with me next... it sounded like she was going to take me somewhere... but where? and when? I heard rustling of a plastic bag and then I heard the wardrobe close again. Soon after she opened the closet. I could see that she had my coat in one hand and a garbage bag in the other.
"I've packed your cute little uniform up in this trash bag. Seems fitting, doesn't it? Oh yes, I forgot about the vibe... [she turned it off at this point] No more hanging out for you, I've got a lot of training to put you through."
She untied the spreader bar and then uncuffed my hands. She turned me around and pulled my hands behind my back. Beyond any role playing I was pretty sore from holding that position so I couldn't put up much resistance. She put one pair of cuffs on my wrists and put the other pair and the spreader bar back in the duffel. She wrapped my coat around me, buttoned it up, and pulled the collar up to hide the gag. She then escorted me, barefoot and wearing nothing but the coat and butterfly, out into the hallway. She lead me to the elevator and we rode down to the ground floor. She led me out the side door, put the duffel and trash bag into the trunk, and helped me into the passenger seat.
She drove us to my house, left me to sit in the car as she unloaded the trunk, and then took me inside. I was to be a prisoner in my own house!
She told me that she needed to prepare some items for my training the next day and that she was going to set up her trophy cabinet with my uniform. In the mean time she'd need to put me somewhere where I couldn't get into any trouble.
She stripped the coat from me and pulled out a leather collar from one of her bags. It had a big D ring on the front. She buckled it around my neck and attached a leash. She told me to be a god girl and to follow her. She grabbed one of her bags and lead me into my bedroom.
She pulled out a long length of chain and wrapped one end around the right bedpost at the foot of my bed. She pulled out a package of 5 small padlocks that had one key. (oh the things you can dream up while walking the aisles of a hardware store!) She attached one of the padlocks to the chain, securing it to the bed. She used a second one to attach the other end of the chain to my collar. This gave me about 8 feet of freedom - I could go into the bathroom or onto the bed but I could not leave the room.
She uncuffed my wrists and then pulled out some leather cuffs - the kind with d rings on the back that secure the cuff. She put these on my wrists and pulled out 2 short lengths of chain. She attached each chain to the padlock on my collar and then used 2 more padlocks to attach my wrist cuffs to those chains. My hands were now forced up near my neck - kind of like a puppy begging. Finally , she removed the gag. She told me that I was to begin training to be a Klaw Kitten and that I would sleep on the floor tonight. She put the gag on the bedside table, as a reminder to behave, and then pulled out her digital camera and a kitty ear headband from her bag (Halloween is such a wonderful time of year!). She placed the headband on my head, took a quick picture, and told me she'd be back in a little while. She then turned off the light and closed the door, leaving me alone in the dark, wondering what would happen next.