Author's Note: Thanks for taking the time to read my story. This is the second one I've submitted, it started out as a brief outline for a video I had planned but due to time problems it never got made. So I revamped it and turned it into a story. I hope you like it, if so and you want to see more of this one please leave feed back
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Chapter 1: Money Troubles and There Solution
Paula was having problems with her finances, as usual, it was the end of the month and the rent was due but her account was overdrawn and she had nearly maxed out her credit card, on yet more 'must have outfits'. these had come from a new company, she had found on the net, called LatexFashions. actually her flatmate, Nikki, had found them and told Paula, and when she had seen the cloths, Paula could not resist and had spent a small fortune on a number of outfits.
When Nikki arrived home from work Paula confessed that she would be a short of the rent and asked if Nikki could cover the rent for her and she would pay her back when her pay check came through at the beginning of the next month. Paula was a little unsure about asking Nikki for help as Nikki had only moved in as a flatmate two months earlier, but Nikki just smiled and said she could cover the rent for both of them and Paula could pay her back when she had cash to spare.
Paula was relieved and accepted the offered loan. That evening as the girls sat watching TV Paula thought back to how Nikki had come into her life...
Paula had gone to one of her favourite night spots, a select fetish club located a few miles outside the city, she knew she shouldn't be there as her flatmate had just announced she was moving out of the flat and in with her boyfriend and this meant Paula would have to find all the rent for the flat, or find another girl to share. This was something that Paula felt would be a problem as it meant she would have to reveal to a stranger her little idiosyncrasies, like her love of fetish clothing, especially rubber, latex and PVC, but she decided to put that problem to the back of her mind and enjoy her evening.
While she was having a drink at the bar and chatting up the barman, she noticed a girl on the dance floor, even without her fetish clothing the girl would have been striking. She was a little over six foot tall and had the looks and figure of a model. However her outfit was even more striking, she was wearing a heavily boned leather bustier in black and red, a wide belt hung around her waist was hung with a coiled whip and a pair of leather cuffs, completing the outfit were a pair of crotch high patent boots with towering 5" stiletto heels. As the evening wore on Paula became more and more fascinated by the girl and when she eventually came to the bar for a drink Paula smiled and introduced herself, the girl smiled back and said her name was Nikki. The two girls talked for a while at the bar before Nikki suggested they move to one of the tables around the edge of the dance floor. The two girls talked freely about themselves and eventually Paula told Nikki about her flatmate moving out and the problem of finding another girl to share the flat with. Nikki smiled and said that she might be interested in sharing if Paula thought they might get on, Paula was so shocked that for a few she was speechless when she did speak it was to say Nikki should come around and have look at the flat and if she was still interested they could talk it over, Paula scribbled the address on the back of a drinks mat and passed it to Nikki and Nikki said she would call around the next evening if that was OK, Paula agreed and as the party was starting to break up the girls decided to call it a night.
As they walked to the club car park they continued to talk but Paula was shocked when Nikki stopped at a brand new Jaguar and unlocked the car and climbed in, obviously Nikki was quite wealthy and Paula began to wonder why she would want to flatshare if she could afford a car like that, but before she could ask the question Nikki had started the car, shouted a good night and driven away. Paula got to her own, rather older Ford and drove home, wondering if her flatmate problems had disappeared.
The following evening Nikki arrived at the flat and after a brief tour agreed that she would like to move in if Paula was happy to have her as a flatmate, Paula readily agreed and the following weekend Nikki moved in. Paula noted that apart from quite a lot of clothes she did not seem to have much in the way of personal possessions, when she asked Nikki about this Nikki just shrugged and said she never seemed to have time to gather the bits and pieces that other people had.
After the first few days together the girls settled into a routine and rapidly became good friends, and spent a great deal of time together, either shopping, watching TV or going out to clubs.
A few days after the loan discussion Nikki came home from work and dropped a magazine on the table and said, "Paula take a look at the jobs section, there's a part time job that might solve your money troubles and you might find it fun as well."
Paula picked up the magazine and realised it was a fetish soft porn mag, she looked up at Nikki and said, "Which job are you talking about exactly?".
Nikki came over to her and took the magazine turned to the back and pointed to an ad which read,
BONDAGE & Fetish models
We are starting a new internet clothing company and we are looking for men and women to model some of the designs from our BONDAGE & FETISH Range.
If you are interested please call 555-77125
Paula read the ad twice before she turned to Nikki and said, "I don't know anything about modelling, and I don't know if I am willing to share my interest in fetish clothing with the rest of the world".
Nikki looked at her before saying, "You know you look great in all your fetish outfits, and I'm sure the company would be willing to give you a chance to try out as a model. As to letting people know about your interests, who, apart from other fetishes is going to look at this sort of web site, and most of those people in this city already know you from the parties you go to. So what's the problem?".
Paula thought about this and had to agree with what Nikki had said, "OK I will give them a call tomorrow and find out a bit more about the job, such as the pay and where and when the modeling will be".
Having made her decision Paula relaxed and started looking forward to the experience of being a model for a living. That night Paula had a number of erotic dreams were she was being wined and dined by a series of handsome men while she wore more and more fantastic rubber and PVC outfits. All of the dreams ended with Paula bound in someway, with rope or chains or leather straps, and being made love to be the men. The next morning Paula felt very strange about the dreams, as she had never before experienced any dreams involving bondage, but after a shower and breakfast she left for work as usual.
Chapter 2: The Job Application and Interview
During her lunch break, Paula rang the number in the job ad, the phone was picked up on the third ring and a very upper class female voice announced she had reached the headquarters of the Deliverance Fashion Company, and asked how she could be of help. Paula quickly told the woman that she was phoning in answer to the company ad for models and that she was interested in becoming a model, but she wanted to have a bit more information before fully committing. The woman asked Paula what it was she wanted to know, and Paula replied, "Well I'd like to know a bit about the company and its set up, were you are based, how many people work there, that sort of thing. Also of course, what the salary for the modelling job would be and were and when it would take place and how long it would last".
"Well let me see, we are based in the South of the city and we are just setting up really, we have ten fulltime staff, mostly involve in making up the clothes. The clothes we are interested in you modelling are mainly PVC or rubber with a few leather items as well, the pay, if you were hired, would be in the region of £50 an hour, and the shoot would take place over a 3 day weekend in about 2 weeks time. However you would have to come in and have an interview and maybe a camera test shoot before we would think of hiring you. So are you still interested?", the woman said.
Paula thought for about 2 seconds, a three day shoot at £50 an hour would mean about £1000 even after tax, no contest, she quickly said, "Yes, I am still very interested, can I make an appointment for an interview with you now, or do I need to write in".
The woman said she could book and interview for her and could she have her name, age and address, when Paula had answered these questions the woman said she had a few more questions she needed to ask for their records. She then asked if Paula knew what fetish clothing was and did she have any modelling experience, Paula said she knew quite a bit about fetish clothing but had never modelled before. The woman said that was fine as they were looking for a fresh approach for the modelling, she then surprised Paula by asking if she could call at the companies office that evening at 7 o'clock for her interview, although a little shocked Paula agreed to the appointment, and the woman said she would see her at 7 and hung up.
As soon as Paula finished work she rushed home and made straight for the bathroom, and after a 10 minute shower, she quickly dried herself and then spent about 30 minutes doing her hair and make-up. She then started looking through her wardrobe and tried to decide on an outfit for the interview. At first she was looking at her usual business suit style, but then she had an idea, to impress whoever interviewed her she would go dressed in a fetish outfit. She selected a heavy red rubber body, with a front zip and another through the crotch, and a black PVC mini skirt she then picked out a pair of black fishnet stockings and a black rubber suspender belt after a minutes thought she selected a pair of black and red patent thigh boots with 5" heels, and to complete the outfit she took down her black leather trench coat.
She quickly dressed in the selected clothes but left the boots off, as she would have to drive to the interview so she would change into the boots in the car when she arrived. She took a last look in the mirror to check everything was right and then put on her driving shoes and started to leave when she suddenly remembered Nikki, so she went into the kitchen and scribbled a short note telling Nikki about the interview and giving her the address, stuck the note on the fridge door and left the flat for the interview.
The drive across the city was uneventful, although Paula wondered what the other drivers would think if they could see how see was dressed. She arrived at the address, an old two story commercial building, a little before 7 and quickly changed into her boots and put her shoes on the car seat for the drive back later. She walked to the front of the building and rang the bell, after a short wait she heard footsteps coming to the door, a bolt was slid back and the door opened to reveal a tall slim woman of about 35. The woman held out her hand and said, "You must be Paula, please come in".
As she stepped inside Paula realised that the ground floor was a small workshop and she could see several worktables with pieces of clothing in various stages of completion. The woman introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Jean Kelly, and yes my mother was a fan of 'Singing in the Rain', and I've heard all the jokes believe me. Now would you like a quick tour of the company before we get down to the interview?".
She showed Paula around the work room and Paula saw several of the garments that were being made up, and then Jean took her up stairs to the offices, she showed Paula into room furnished with a number of sofas and armchairs with low coffee tables dotted around the area, and told Paula to take her coat off and sit down at an indicated table
When both women were seated a round one of the coffee tables Jean picked up a folder from the table and opened it to reveal a form with Paula's details from the phone conversation, Jean quickly scanned the page and then turned to Paula and said, "Firstly, Paula, can I compliment you on your outfit, it is really stunning, I've seen a number of girls who want to model for us but you are the first to show any real interest in fetish clothing. However I do note that you haven't any modelling experience which may be a problem, would you be willing to do a short photo shoot now, to see how you cope with being asked to follow instructions and standing in certain ways, you know to see if you could model for us"
Paula looked around before saying, "Well I'm willing to give it a try, but don't we need a photographer and a studio, you know lights and things?".
Jean smiled, "Well ,yes and no. As well as being the designer of the clothes I am also a photographer, and we can use this room as a studio for a test shoot without the need for lighting rigs and backgrounds. So if you want to go ahead, I will get some equipment and we can start, what do you say?".
Paula smiled and said, "That's fine what do you want me to do?".
Jean stood up and said, "Well just sit tight for a few minutes while I get some gear and then we can start, I think we can start with a few shots of you in your own outfit before we move onto some of our things. I'll be right back"
She walked out the door, she was only away a few minutes and when she came back she was carrying a metal camera case and a small suitcase. She opened the camera case and took out a very well used digital SLR camera and a flashgun, she explained that the suitcase contained a few items from the range the company was looking to have modelled.
Whilst she was setting the camera up she said, "You do understand that we will want you to model some items of fetish equipment as well as the clothes don't you? Say thing like bondage cuffs, posture collars, that sort of thing, is that OK?".
Paula thought about the money on offer and the strange dreams of the night before and quickly replied, "Well I've never tried bondage or any of that sort of thing but I'll give it a go and see how it feels. If I don't like it then we can put the whole thing down to experience".
Jean's response was another smile and she said, "That's the spirit now come over here in front of these curtains and we can start".
For the next 15 minutes Jean told Paula how she wanted her to stand and took a series of photos of her in various poses, she then called a halt and called Paula over to look at the results. Jean quickly reviewed the photos and pointed out to Paula which ones were good and which needed a change, after looking through the shots Jean announced she was quite happy with Paula, but she would need to see how she coped with the bondage side of things.
Jean went over to the suitcase and returned with a pair of leather cuffs which she showed to Paula before saying,"These go on your wrists and fasten together either in front or behind depending on the shot we are looking for do you want to try them out?".
Paula held out her arms and allowed Jean to buckle the cuffs around her wrists Jean then took a padlock and joined the two cuffs together in front of Paula, she then told Paula to move around and move her hands and arms to get the feel of the cuffs. Paula did as she was told and found the cuffs comfortable and not too restrictive. Jean took a few more photos and then called Paula over to her again and showed her a posture collar and an arm binder and asked if Paula felt comfortable about wearing them.
Paula looked at the items and said, "Well the collar is OK, but the leather arm thing looks a bit frightening".
Jean showed Paual exactly how the binder fitted and said, "If you try it I can fasten it loosely so it will not be uncomfortable and you can see how it feels and if that's OK we can tighten it down a bit until you feel it's tight enough, what do you say?".
Paula started to say no when she remembered the money on offer so she just nodded her agreement as she didn't feel her voice would allow her to say yes.
Jean removed the wrist cuffs form Paula and picked up the collar and arm binder and walked over to the curtained area and called Paula over, Paula walked rather reluctantly over to join Jean. When she got to Jean, she turned Paula around so she was facing away from her and lifted the collar up and placed it around the front of Paula's neck, as she started to fasten the straps at the back she said, "I'm very impressed with you Paula, I can tell that these pieces of bondage equipment are putting you off a bit, but you are still willing to go along with it for the sake of the photo shoot, that's the attitude of a professional model. There now that's all the straps fastened, not too tight, is it? How does it feel? Try walking around a bit to get used to the feeling".
Paula tried to turn her head to look at Jean but found that she had to turn her body as her head was held quite firmly facing forward. She walked around for a few minutes and then came back to Jean and said, "It's not too bad actually. It is a bit of a strange feeling having to turn my whole body if I want to look to the side, but it's not too tight and I could live with the feeling for a while if you want to take some more photos".
Jean smiled and patted her on the arm before saying, "That's great, but you need to try the arm binder as well, so do you want to go ahead".
Paula looked apprehensively at the leather dangling from Jeans hand before saying, "OK I'll give it a try, but remember, you said you'd keep the fastening loose and I'll let you know if I think you can make it tighter. OK?"
Jean nodded and walked behind Paula, Jean told her to put her hands behind her back and try to relax. When Paula had complied Jean took hold of her wrists and slipped a narrow leather strap around them and tightened it so as to join Paula's wrists together, Jean stepped away from Paula and said, "OK Paula that's the first part of the binder, the wrist strap, it is similar to the cuffs you wore before, only your hands are fastened behind you now, how do you feel?".
Paula tried to twist her wrists but found that her movement was quite restricted but the strap was not overly uncomfortable or tight so she said, "It feels OK, just a bit strange, can you hurry and finish with the rest before my courage fails altogether".
Jean laughed at this and told Paula to hold her arms stiff as it would make it easier to pull the arm binder up her arms. Paula locked her arms and Jean began to work the binder up her arms and then to push her hands into the sealed end of the binder. When this was done Jean fastened a second narrow strap around Paula's wrists this time outside the binder, she then started to tighten the laces. She pulled in the slack of the laces until Paula's arms were about 8" apart at the elbows, she then tied off the laces at the top of the binder, Jean then passed a strap under Paula's left arm pulled it across her chest and over her right shoulder before fastening it to the top of the binder, and repeated the process with a second strap going under her right arm across her chest and over her left shoulder. Jean then explained that these last two straps prevented the wearer from slipping the binder down their arms to escape, she then picked up the camera and started to take some more photographs of the bound girl, all the while complimenting Paula on her courage in allowing herself to be bound. When she had finished taking the shots she put the camera down and guided Paula over to a sofa and pushed her gentle down on to the seat saying, "There now we have nearly finished just a few more things to sort out".
Chapter 3: The Sting
When Paula was sitting down Jean went back to the camera and started to pack it way, when she had finished Paula said, "If we have finished with the photos can you let me out of this arm thing please?".
Jean came back over to her carrying the camera case and the other items of bondage equipment Paula had worn, she sat down beside Paula and said, "Of course my dear, it's just that you look so good with your arms pulled back behind you that I just wanted to look at you for a little while longer, but I can understand you wanting out so to speak. Now let me get to those laces".
Jean moved around so as to be behind Paula and she felt her pull the lace fastening to start to loosen the laces, suddenly she felt the laces tighten and her arms were pulled tightly together so that her elbows touched in the binder, she let out a squeal of pain as she tried to adjust to the tension in her arms, at the same time she tried to turn to see what Jean was doing, when she found that the collar, she was still wearing, prevented her turning she said, "Hey Jean you've tightened the laces not loosened them please loosen them and get me out of this thing".
Jean laughed and said, "Of course I have dear, what did you expect, oh silly me I haven't told you yet have I, I'd better explain. You see there is no modelling job, the ad is just an ruse to get young girls, like you, to come here and allow themselves to be tie up. You see we do make fetish clothes, here but we also run a sex slave business. Now I've got a few more things to add to your bondage to help you get into the swing of things, so just sit still".
Before Paula could reply Jean's hands came around the front, holding a harness ball gag with a large ball, Paula was just about to ask what was going on when the ball was forced against her teeth and slowly her jaw was forced open and the ball slipped behind her teeth. Jean then started to fasten the various straps of the gag whilst she said, "That's much better, with a nice gag in your mouth it stops you asking all those silly questions and of course it also stops you screaming. Not that that would do you much good these rooms are sound proofed anyway. Now I'm going to get a few more thing from the suitcase so you just sit here and get used to your new position as a sex slave".
Paula watched in shock as Jean walked over to the suitcase containing the bondage equipment and began to remove some other items, this broke the spell and she started to struggle and try to get free. Jean looked across at her and started to laugh at Paula's struggles, Paula stopped and then got to her feet and started walking, unsteadily, towards the door, before she got half way across the room Jean said, "How do you propose to open the door with no hands? Now come back and sit down like I told you, because if I have to come and fetch you I will make you very sorry believe me".
Paula stopped and turned to look at Jean then turned back and continued towards the door. Jean finished her selection from the suitcase and then walked after Paula, she caught up with her just as she reached the door, Jean let Paula look at the door for a few moments before turning her around and fastening a lead to the front of the posture collar and pulling her back to the sofa. When Paula was once again sitting down Jean stood over the frightened girl and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Paula around so she was looking up at her, then she slapped Paula across the face as hard as she could, the blow was so hard Paula almost lose consciousness and while she was still groggy Jean slipped a rope around her knees and began to loosely bind Paula's legs. When she had passed the rope around Paula's legs three times she began to form a rope bar between her legs and then tied the ends of the rope off with a square knot. When she had finished she tapped Paula on the knee and said, "There now that should stop you wondering around without permission, but I still have to punish you for your earlier disobedience so, I think a whipping of your tits would be a good place to start so lets open that nice rubber body your wearing and let your tits out, so to speak".
Saying this Jean reached over and pulled down the zip on the front of the body then she pulled Paula's breasts out and let them hang, Paula again tried to resist and stand up but her bound legs and useless arms meant she didn't get very far, Jean simple pushed her back onto the sofa and then lifted her feet so she was lying on her back with her bound arms under her. Jean then picked up a short cat-o-nine tails and started to whip Paula's breasts, when the first blow landed Paula screamed into her gag and tried to turn away, but Jean grabbed the rope between Paula's knees and held her steady as she systematically whipped the bound girls breasts. Very rapidly Paula's screams mixed with sobs as she tried to endure the pain of the whipping, after about 5 minutes Jean stopped and put down the whip, she picked up a coil of rope and started to tie it around Paula's waste, after a couple of loops she tied the rope off and left the ends dangling down in front. She then walked back over to the suitcase and after a short rummage returned to Paula, whose tear stained face was now white with fear, Jean held up two objects that started Paula struggling anew, Jean pushed Paula's breasts back into the body and pulled zip back up and then she twisted Paula's legs forcing the girl to turn over and lie on her front she then pulled the crotch zip down and between her legs and exposed her ass and cunt while Paula thrashed around she started to push the first of the objects, a 7" vibrator into Paula's cunt, when it was completely inside Jean attached a wire to the base of the vibrator and said, "Now you just see that that stays in place whilst I fit you with the matching butt plug".
With that she started to push the second object, a 5" butt plug into her ass, Paula had never had anything invade her ass and she started to scream into the ball gag and throw herself about to try and prevent the invasion. This resulted in her receiving a couple of hard slaps across her ass and a promise of worse to come if she continued. When she had stopped struggling Jean continued to push the butt plug home. When the widest part of the plug slipped inside, and Paula's sphincter closed around the narrow neck of the plug Jean patted her ass and then attached another wire to the base of the plug. She then pulled the wires through Paula's legs and used a short piece of masking tape to secure the wires to the outside of the body, before saying, "Now all we have to do is fasten the zip up again and then finish off your crotch rope, and then we can move on to the next stage".
As good as her word Jean closed up the back zip ensuring she did not catch the wires and then she reached between Paula's legs and pulled the dangling ends, from the rope around her waste, back between her legs and passed it over the waste bindings at the back and then back down and between her legs and then up to the front of the waist rope. She then hauled on the rope and pulled it as tight as she could forcing the two invaders deeper into Paula, which caused her to squeal and moan and lift her hips to try and relieve the pressure on the twin invaders, Jean then tied off the crotch rope in front. When she was finished Jean walked away and left Paula to try and get used to her predicament, Paula spent he next 10 minutes trying to move the invaders inside her and also trying to free herself from some of the bondage she was in, when this failed she then tried to find a more comfortable position to lie, with only partial success. When she had quietened down and was lying still Jean came back to her and again took hold of the lead on the collar and forced Paula to stand, she was led over to a darkened part of the room and told to stand still while Jean turned on some lights.
When the lights came on Paula found she was standing in the middle of an open space in the room, and a heavy metal chain was hanging in front of her, as she looked up she could see the chain was attached to a small electric winch. A moment later Jean was back beside her and as she walked around her, as if inspecting the bondage she had put Paula in she said, "Now I know you are terrified by what I have just told you, and you probably think it is either some sort of poor taste joke, or that I am mad, or that you will find a way to escape, but I can assure you it is no joke and I am saner than you and you will never escape. After all you aren't the first girl we've kidnapped for sale as a slave you know, we know exactly what you are thinking and how to deal with any problems you may try to create. So my advice to you is to learn quickly to follow any and all orders you are given, that way you at least avoid the various punishments we have available to teach you to obey, now let's start your training in you new profession as a bondage sex slave".
As Jean finished speaking she walked behind Paula and took hold of her wrists in the end of the arm binder, Jean then pulled up the chain until she held the hook at the end of the chain as well. Then she clipped the chain to the D-ring at the end of the binder and then walked back in front of Paula holding a remote control as she pressed a button on the remote Paula felt the chain begin to rise and then her arms were also pulled up toward the ceiling. As her arms rose Paula was forced to bend forward to avoid her shoulders dislocating, when her arms were pointing straight up and she was bent at right angles at the waste Jean pressed another button on the remote and stopped the winch.
Jean then moved behind Paula and she felt her captor pull the masking tape, holding the wires, off her back, as the wires fell jean collected them and produced a small black box and plugged the wires into the box and then pushed the box into the top of Paula's thigh boots, when she had finished she said, "Now this position is called Strapado, it renders you available for a variety of activities. For example, if you weren't stuffed with vibrators you could be fucked from behind, in either hole of course, or someone could use your mouth for the same purpose, or any combination of those options. It also renders your ass very vulnerable to a good whipping, and that's true even when you are stuffed, so I think that's were we will start".
Paula immediately started to try and beg for mercy through her gag but the incoherent sounds just resulted in Jean laughing at her prisoner. Jean then grabbed a handful of Paula's hair and pulled her head up so the two girls were face to face, Jean then twirled a riding crop in front of Paula's face and said,
"Tell you what before we start your whipping why don't I give you a bit of pleasure, it might take your mind off the pain to come".
She then reached into Paula's thigh boot and removed the box she had put there earlier and then she pressed two buttons on the top of the box, immediately Paula felt her twin invaders spring into life, and a moan escaped her gagged mouth. The box was put back into the top of her thigh boot and Jean moved to the side and stood slightly behind the bound girl. Suddenly Paula heard a whistle behind her and then a massive explosion of pain as Jean delivered the first blow with the riding crop. The pain was so intense that Paula could not even scream and her knees buckled forcing her arms into an even more extreme position, she scrabbled to regain some balance in order to relieve the pressure in her arms but even as she regained her footing Jean struck the second blow, this time Paula did scream and she tried to move around to try and prevent Jean whipping her again but her bondage was so well applied she found herself unable to get away from her captor.
Again and again Jean hit the screaming girl with the crop, until she sagged in her bonds, and only then did Jean stop. She walked around in front of Paula and again lifted her head by means of Paula's hair, Paula's face was a mask of pain her nose ran and drool had poured from her gagged mouth tears coursed down her cheeks, Jean was just about to say something when there was the sound of a door being opened somewhere on the lower floor. Jean let go of Paula's hair and walked away from her to investigate the noise, Paula hung in her misery and waited, she felt a pang of hope that the noise might be some form of salvation. After a few minutes Paula heard another sound then she looked towards the door of the room and as the door opened she saw her flat mate, Nikki, standing in the opening, she wildly tried to attract Nikki's attention and then she saw her flatmate come toward her. When she got to Paula, Nikki said, "Hi Paula, you seem to be in a bit of a mess what happened?".
Paula tried to talk but the sounds were utterly unintelligible and Nikki walked around her flatmate and said, "I must say girl that position looks very uncomfortable and judging by your face you are in quite a lot of pain, maybe I should let you down and see about letting you out, Is that what you want?".
Paula nodded her head as best she could from her position and Nikki reached for the hook at the end of the chain, but before she could release Paula's arms she noticed the box in her boot top, and said, "What's this thing for, it seems to be a controller of some sort and the other end is inside your outfit, what does this knob do?".
As she finished speaking she twisted the dial in the centre of the box and the twin invaders went into over drive the effect on Paula was almost unbelievable, she let out a wail and began to shuffle her feet in an attempt to escape the attentions of the two probes. Nikki watched her flatmates little dance routine for a few minutes, when suddenly Paula stiffened and began to grunt and then try to grind her hips together, and finally she exploded into the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. As she came down from the forced high she saw Jean walking quietly up behind Nikki, she began to make as much sound as she could and to try and gesture with her head that Nikki should look around. However before she could look around Jean spoke, "Just what do you think you are doing here?".
Chapter 4: The Double Cross Revealed (added: 03/29/2010)
Nikki spun around and looked at Jean, then to Paula's shock Nikki smiled and said,
"Oh high Jean, I just called in to see how our new recruit was doing. I see you have every thing in hand, so to speak. Oh look at her little face she actually thought I had come to rescue her. You really are a stupid bitch, I was the one who sent you here remember, I showed you the ad. She still hasn't got it, I'm one of the recruiters for the firm".
Paula slowly turned her head from side to side to look from one to the other of her tormentors and slowly her head dropped and she slumped in her bonds as she realised there was now no hope of any rescue from her situation.
Nikki turned the vibrator back down to the low setting it had been on and then she and Jean walked a little away from their bound toy and started a quiet conversation, which was punctuated several times by one or other of the participants laughter. When they returned they both had very expectant and predatory expressions on their faces, Nikki walked past Paula and went over to the suitcase containing the bondage equipment, after a brief rummage she returned to Paula, while she was at the suitcase Jean had moved behind Paual and had begun to remove the ball gag harness. When she pulled the ball from the prisoners mouth Paula began to choke as she tried to close her mouth and swallow the large amount of drool that had accumulated behind the gag, as she lifted her head to look at her captors, she saw no signs of pity in either face, she swallowed and in a very quiet voice asked the questions that were burning in her mind,
"Why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to either of you? Please just let me go now. Please.........".
The rest of her words were lost as Nikki yanked her head back, by the usual method of pulling her hair, as she cried out in pain she felt Nikki force something into her mouth, as she tried to close it she felt a large hard leather covered ring behind her teeth, when she tried to expel the ring Nikki slapped her across the ass and said,
"If that ring gag comes out of your mouth I'll flay your ass till it bleeds".
Paula stopped and allowed her flatmate to fasten the strap of the gag behind her head, when she had finished Nikki then took a short length of rope and plaited it into Paula's hair she then tied the rope to the winch chain forcing Paula to hold her head back or risk loosing a large portion of her hair. She then felt Nikki loosening the rope through her crotch and then she saw the loose ends fall to the floor and felt the zip at the crotch of her body being opened and then Nikki pulling the butt plug out of her rear followed immediately by the removal of the vibrator, she then heard her tormentors walk away.
After a few minutes she heard soft footsteps approaching her from behind, as she tried to shuffle around to face whatever was coming she realised it was Nikki and Jean returning, as she got half way round to face them, she saw the two women standing watching her. Both were naked, except of a leather harness each wore around their waist and crotch, and sprouting from each harness was a large rubber cock, Paula realised immediately what her captors were planning to do next and she began to shake her head and tried to move around to prevent the new violation. Her position, however, effectively prevented any chance of escape, and when Jean and Nikki split up so one was in front of her and one behind Paula gave up the struggle and stood still.
Jean moved behind Paula and the bound girl felt the tip of the strap on brush against her cunt lips, as she let a little whimper escape her mouth Nikki moved up to her face and positioned her strap on at her gagged open mouth. Before Paula could do anything she felt and saw the two cocks slide into her orifices, Nikki grabbed her hair and Jean held her hips as both women began to mercilessly fuck their prisoner. Paula tried to concentrate on the cock in her mouth and tried to breath as it was withdrawn and also tried to control her gag reflex as she feared what would happen if she choked on the intruder. The activities of both women soon began to elicit a response from their prisoner and Paula's body began to betray her breathing quickened and she found herself starting to thrust back at Jean, who said,
"Hey look at the little slut she's getting off on the action even more than we are. Lets switch and see if she still wants to play".
The women pulled out of Paula's body and each switched positions, before she could really recover from the first attack Paula found herself with Jean pushing her strap, which was now coated with her own love juices, on into her mouth and then she felt Nikki at her rear, but Nikki pushed her strap on against Paula's ass and then rapidly forced it all the way into her. Paula tried to pull away form the invasion of her butt, but with Jean at her head there was no were for her to go and all she could do was produce a very muffled scream as her arse was violently fucked. Nikki proceeded to arse rape her victim while Jean face fucked her, after a short time Paula's body again started to betray her and once again she started to move in rhythm with the thrusts of her tormentors, as she again neared orgasm the women pulled out of her and again switched positions. As Nikki stood in front of her, Paula stared at the strap on which was covered in a thin coat of the contents of her bowls. As she shook her head and offered a pleading look at Nikki together with a almost incoherent plea not to force the fouled cock into her mouth.
Nikki smiled and rocked her hips gently back and forth before saying,
"Now what's the matter slut, you seemed to like what we were doing a moment ago, so why the change of heart? Now you have a choice you can start licking this cock to get it nice and clean or I can just shove it down your throat and let you choke, which would you prefer?".
Paula had again started to weep and when she heard the choices Nikki offered her she tried to lower her head in shame and despair, but the rope in the hair kept it up and so, with a feeling of sick revulsion, she poked her tongue out of the ring gag and tried to reach the cock to clean it while her tears flowed down her cheeks. Nikki moved closer to allow Paula to lick the cock, and said to Jean, who was ramming her cock into Paula from the rear,
"Hey look at this the slut is even willing to eat her own shit, maybe we should give her a bit of variety in her diet, she could eat us out later, what do you say Jean, are you on?".
Jean nodded her agreement to the suggestion and said,
"Yes why not, after all why should this bitch have all the fun. She can give us some pleasure when we have finished fucking her brains out. Which with her intelligence won't take long".
After a further 10 minutes both women grew tired of fucking the bound girl and eventually they pulled out of her and left her to hang in her bonds. Paula was left for over half an hour, before Jean returned, once again dressed, and walked around her captive stroking her face and ass as she passed, before she produced the twin invaders Paula had experienced before. Jean quickly reinserted both probes and attached the control leads then once again zipped up the crotch of Paula's body. She then retied the crotch rope and this time she pulled it even tighter driving both probes deeper into her victim. By now Paula was so mentally broken that she hardly made a sound at the treatment, a low moan being the only indication of her distress.
When she had finished fastening the zip Jean turned both the vibrators up to a high speed and then started to lower Paula's arms and then release her from the hoist, as she was released Paula collapsed to the ground and then rolled onto her side. Jean kicked the girl a couple of time and eventually used the lead on the collar to force her back to her feet. Paula was then lead over to a long low coffee table and forced down on to the tabletop and then Jean turned her over on to her back and then took a coil of rope and tied her right ankle to one table leg and her left ankle to the other table leg. At this point Nikki returned she too was now dressed again, and she took another rope and laid it over Paula's chest and threaded it under her arms and then under the table before bringing it back up over her chest were it was tied off.
Paula was now bound face up on the top of the table with her arms under her, the two captors then spent a short time cleaning up her face. Firstly they washed her face with a cloth and then used some make-up remover to clean away the remains of her make-up then another damp cloth was used and finally a towel was used to dry the girls face. When they had finished the two women knelt down on either side of their prisoner and Jean said,
"We have been discussing what to do next with you as it is nearly 11.00 we decided that you can give each of us two orgasms before we tuck you up for the night, of course you'll have to use your mouth and tongue to achieve this, but to make it easy for you we will sit on your face until you make us come so the sooner you accept the challenge the sooner you can get some rest. Nikki is going first, so take a deep breath before she sits on you face, you might find it a little hard to breath with your nose and mouth covered. Enjoy".
Paula had only understood about half of what she had heard but as Nikki stood up and straddled her head she realised what was going to happen and took the breath Jean had advised. Nikki quickly positioned herself over Paula's face and then lowered herself so that Paula's nose went into the crack of her ass and her mouth was directly below Nikki's cunt. Nikki lent forward and slapped Paula's breasts and shouted,
"Right bitch start lapping and sucking if you know what's good for you".
Paula had never eaten another girls pussy before but she tried to lick and suck Nikki's through the ring gag, Nikki began to rock back and forth which gave Paula a chance to breath if she timed it right. Paula could hear Nikki's breathing getting faster and also some low moans of pleasure, she began to lick faster when suddenly the twin vibrators inside Paula increased their rate of vibration, Jean had turned up the control and the sudden distraction made Paula loose concentration and stop licking, this resulted in her breasts getting another severe slapping from her face rider. Paula resumed her licking and quickly had Nikki on the verge of climax, suddenly Nikki's legs tightened around Paula's head and Nikki came long and hard, drenching Paula in her love juices. Jean helped Nikki to stand after her climax, and then she in turn straddled the hapless prisoner's head and squatted down over her mouth, Paula repeated her earlier performance to bring Jean to her first orgasm, and when she was satisfied, Nikki again took her turn to have her second climax, by the end Paula was nearly unconscious but she still had to make Jean come a second time, whilst she was trying achieve this Nikki again started playing with the vibrator control and by ramping the speed up and down at irregular intervals she managed to force Paula to a climax at the same time as she managed to bring Jean to orgasm. With both captors rather dishevelled but satisfied and their prisoner exhausted the women decided to call an end to that nights activities
Paula was released from the table and made to stand, Nikki moved behind her and started to release the armbinder. As the binder was removed and her arms were free to assume a normal position Paula screamed as the blood started to return to her arms and hands which had been strictly bound in one position for over 5 hours. Paula found that her arms just hung limply at her side and she could hardly move them at all, before she regained any further movement Nikki started to remove the rest of Paula's bondage but leaving the gag in place and then the fetish outfit she had worn for the interview was removed her hands were pulled behind her again and Paula felt the cold embrace of a pair of handcuffs. She was then lead naked through a door and then down several flights of stairs, to what was obviously the basement of the building, but this basement had undergone some changes from the original design. A small cage, about a 3 foot cube, was hanging from the ceiling at one end and a number of other pieces of equipment were arranged around the room. Paula was led over to the cage and when it had been lowered to the ground she was forced inside and a shallow metal dish of water and another containing some soft food were placed in the cage with her, and the door locked, the cage was then raised off the ground and left hanging some 6 feet in the air. Jean then said,
"OK slave this is your bed for the night. Make yourself at home as you can see we have given you some water to drink and a bowl of dog food suitable for a bitch like you to eat so enjoy yourself. You can make as much noise as you like the room is fully soundproofed and we have the only keys to the door, so no one is going to come in here except us, but I should warn you there is a video link to my office and if you do cause too much trouble or mess by trying to get free, then tomorrow night, when we comeback down here well you will be sorry you were ever born, believe me".
Both women then turned and walked out of the door which Paula then heard being locked and the main light was turned out leaving her with a small night light burning near the cage. She shuffled around to get to the water and then found then only way she could drink any was by lapping it through the ring gag, after she had managed to drink some water she slumped down in one corner and again wept at the thought of what she had been told her fate was to be, eventually she fell into a fitful sleep to await the return of her tormentors the next night.
Chapter 5: Pain and Suffering (added: 03/29/2010)
The next morning Paula awoke, stiff and sore from the previous nights activities, she again lapped some water but still could not bring herself to eat the dog food, she spent some time trying to get free, but she was already certain she would still be a prisoner when Jean and Nikki returned that night. She then spent some time trying to see the other pieces of equipment in the room, to try and discover what other degradation she might be subjected to later. Eventually hunger drove her to the dog food and she forced herself to eat some of the gloop and washed it down with more water, this latter was her undoing as before long she found the call of nature becoming more and more urgent and eventually she had to pee, and watched in horror as the pool spread across the floor of the room.
She the tried to rest and fell asleep to be woken by the sound of the door being unlocked and the voices of her two captors. Both women walked around the cage tuting and commenting on the mess Paula had made, finally Jean said,
"You were warned what to expect if you made a mess but apparently you didn't listen, or didn't care so now we will have to punish you for the mess".
The women then went to a large cabinet in a corner of the room and returned with what looked like small tridents, but Paual soon found that the devices were far more painful for her than a trident would be. Jean was the first to use her weapon, she pushed it through the bars of the cage and as it touched Paula, she felt a tremendous electric shock which almost paralysed her, as Nikki pushed her device against her Paula felt a second shock and as she convulsed in pain she also managed a strangled scream. She now realised that the tridents were in fact no more than a type of cattle prod and both women set about shocking the girl into near unconsciousness.
While she was semi-conscious they lowered and opened the cage and pulled their victim out and half dragged and half walked her over to a darkened corner of the basement were Paula was sat on a toilet, her handcuffs were removed and when she was again able to follow commands Jean said,
"OK slut you have 5 minutes to do what ever it is you need to do, make the most of it you won't get another chance tonight".
Paula tried to empty her bowels and bladder before the two women started to use their wands again. When she had finished she was led over to a drain and her feet cuffed to rings in the floor on either side of the drain, she was then hosed down with a strong jet of cold water, when Jean was satisfied that Paula was clean she brought her a towel and told her to dry herself. When she was dry her feet were released and she was returned to the centre of the room, Nikki touched her again with the cattle prod and when Paula was again alert Nikki produced a very heavy gauge rubber straight jacket and Paula was told to put it on and she was warned if she rebelled or was too slow to follow a command she would be further shocked until she did obey. Paula had already had enough of the shock treatment so she scrabbled across the floor and started to don the jacket, as she was doing so she noted a few unusual differences in the design of the garment, there were a series of small metal discs on the inside of the suit and corresponding metal studs on the outside. When she had the jacket on Nikki came over to her and started to fasten the back lacing of the jacket, she continued to work on the lace until Paula felt the two edges of the jacket meet at the rear the lace was then tied off at the neck and the throat strap fastened and locked with a small padlock a series of straps at the back of the jacket were then fastened and each locked with a padlock, the jackets waste strap was then pulled tight and fastened off in front and locked with a padlock.
Paula's arms were then pulled across her chest and the sleeves of the jacket, and her arms threaded through a loop at the front the sleeves were then pulled behind her and fastened together in the small of her back with a strap and the strap was then locked with yet another padlock. Nikki then moved around in front of Paula and held up two metal vibrators, Paula began to plead with her tormentor through the ring gag, not to use the vibrators, but Nikki hushed her with a finger to her lips and then led her over to the another part of the room, which featured a 1" wide plank of wood suspended from the ceiling by chains. Paula was told to stand astride the plank and when she was in position Nikki and Jean approached the terrified girl and Nikki gave one of the metal vibrators to Jean and both women started to push the probes into Paula's twin holes despite Paula's moans of distress. When both probes were as far in as possible Nikki passed the crotch strap of the jacket through Paula's legs to Jean who pulled it up to the waste strap, forcing the probes even deeper into their victim, and there it was fastened to the other end of the crotch strap and this strap too was then padlocked.
Paula's legs were again tied to rings in the floor and two additional ropes were tied to the front and back of the neck strap of the jacket. Nikki then stood in front of Paual and showed her a controller, and when she pressed a button Paula saw the plank start to rise and when it touched her crotch she was forced to stand on her toes, but the plank continued to rise until her feet were just touching the ground. Nikki stopped the winch at this point and then both women tightened the ropes from Paula's ankles and neck until she was straddling the plank resting on her crotch this caused the twin invaders to be driven even deeper into her. Paula was unable to ease her position because the ropes gave her very little freedom of movement and within a few minutes she began to feel the crushing pain as her crotch took all her weight.
Nikki and Jean then began to attach clips and wires to the studs on the outside of the jacket and when they had finished Jean said,
"Well now slut, this device is called a Plank, which as you can see is what it is, it is designed to cause extreme pain, as your cunt is crushed by your own weight, but don't worry yourself it very rarely causes any permanent damage, though you may feel differently after a few hours on it. OH but I nearly forgot we will be attaching these wires to a modified TENS unit that is designed to give you random electric shocks to any of the points of connection, at varying levels, at varying times and duration. Before we go tonight we will switch it on and leave it running, it is on a timer so will run for about 4 hours, or if you prefer we can leave it on over night, just to keep you distracted from the pain in your cunt".
Paula immediately started to try to beg and plead through the gag but Jean merely smiled and patted the girls cheek before walking away. Paula started to scream as loud as she could to try and gain some mercy from her captors, but all her effort achieved was another dose of electricity from Nikki's cattle prod, and an order to keep quiet.
Both her tormentors then drew up chairs and sat down to watch their captive suffer, Paula did her best to ease her position, and the rapidly increasing pain in her crotch, but after only a few minutes she began to moan and tears started to pool in her eyes. After a half hour her moans of discomfort had turned to cries of genuine pain, and a further half hour turned them into screams of agony and anguish, but her captors just sat and talked enjoying her cries and screams. Occasionally one of the women would come over to her and touch her foot or thigh with one of the prods to, as they said, 'liven her up'. Slowly the pain from her position on the plank began to subside to a numbing dull ache, as her system shut down the nerve ends in her crotch, it was then that Nikki and Jean attached the Tens machine to the wires attached to the jacket and when they had reminded Paula what was going to happen they switched it on and before it started its random cycle they each kissed their prisoner and then walked slowly out of the basement and Paula was left to suffer and scream for the night.
Early the next morning Nikki came back to check on Paula and she found a totally exhausted girl, drool had run from her mouth down her chest and onto her legs, her face was tear stained and her spirit was broken, so much so that when Nikki approached her Paula started to whimper in anticipation of more torture and pain. Nikki grabbed hold of a handful of Paula's hair and turned her head to face her captor, and said.
"Listen very carefully slut because your life may depend on your obeying my orders. In a few moments I will release you from the plank and then let you out of the straight jacket, when I do you will go over to the wash area you used yesterday and clean yourself up and then come back over here to me. If you try to escape or do anything other than follow my instructions then I will hang you up by your hair and whip you till you stop screaming, which just might be when you die. Now do you understand?".
When Paula had nodded her head Nikki started to lower the plank and allow her prisoner to relieve her aching crotch. However within minutes of being released from the plank the nerves in her crotch began to function again and Paula's agony began again, the pain reached such an intensity that she passed out and ended up half hanging from the ropes at her throat. While she was unconscious Nikki unlocked the various padlocks on Paula's outfit and then unlaced the jacket and removed the two probes from her twin holes, Nikki then untied the ropes around Paula's neck and ankles and allowed her to fall to the floor. When she showed no sign of coming around Nikki used the cattle prod to revive Paula, when she was able to stand the girl limped and staggered over to the wash area and used the toilet, which was again a very painful experience, and then washed as best she could and dried herself before walking back to were Nikki waited, when she arrived Nikki said,
"Very good slave, you are learning fast, at this rate we will be able to move you on to your new master, or mistress, in a couple of days. First though we will have to see how well you can perform as a fuck machine, for either sex of course, but we can start that tonight, right now I need to make you comfortable for the rest of the day, although your idea and mine as to what is comfortable might be a little different. Now follow me".
Nikki then laughed and started to walk over to a metal chair rather like a throne, but Paula did not think her captor was going to crown her. Nikki walked around behind the chair and told the shaking girl to sit down, when she was seated Nikki passed a thick leather strap around and then hauled on the strap until Paula's back was welded to the back of the chair and the strap dug deeply into Paula's stomach. Nikki then came around in front of the chair and used more straps to anchor Paula's right leg at the ankle and knee to the right leg of the chair, and repeated the binding on her left leg. She then walked away to the far end of the room and returned pushing a wheeled table, Paula began to babble begging Nikki not to hurt her anymore, Nikki laughed and said,
"Not every thing we do is going to hurt you I'm going to give you some food in a few minutes and the table is for you to eat it off, or would you prefer to eat like you did in the cage the other night, no, then stop whining and listen to what I have to say. OK".
Paula nodded and began to apologise when Nikki put a finger to her lips and hushed the terrified girl. When Paula had calmed down Nikki went back to the far end of the room and Paula heard the sound of plates and cutlery being laid out Nikki returned again with a tray on which was a small bowl of soup, a plate with a couple of sandwiches on and another bowl containing some fruit and cream and two cups of coffee. Nikki put the tray on the table in font of the semi bound girl and picked up one of the cups and told Paula to get on with her lunch, the girl needed no second invitation and soon the soup and sandwiches had disappeared and Paula was enjoying the fruit and cream and sipping the coffee. When she had finished Nikki moved the tray away, and then put Paula's arms along the arms of the chair and then bound them to the chair with more of the leather straps, when Paula was completely tied to the chair Nikki said,
"Now I will tell you what has been happening since we captured you, firstly I have sent an e-mail to your boss at work, from you, it says you have been offered another job in another city which you have taken and you are required to start right away so you will not be going back to work. I've moved out of the flat and had all your stuff sold through a house clearance and phoned the landlord to cancel the lease.
I've sold your car and sent another e-mail, from you, to all your friends and family telling them you have been offered a job modelling fetish clothing and sex toys in another city and you are moving their immediately, so you are saying goodbye by e-mail as you do not have time to see them all to say goodbye. So now all your friends, workmates and family know about your slutty little ways and love of fetish wear, and I've emptied your bank account. So you see basically you no longer exist, at least for all the people you knew or dealt with. We are ready to finish your training and then sell you on to your new owner. Any questions".
Paula could not believe what she was being told , how could it be so easy to make someone disappear completely. Several times she started to ask a question and realised she already had the answer, in the end she just shook her head and then started sobbing in frustration and let her head drop, Nikki sat quiet for a few minutes before she said,
"I see your position is starting to sink in. For the rest of your life you are going to be a slave. You will be subjected to sex, perversions, pain, degradation, humiliation and just about anything else your new owner want to do to you, you'll have no say in the matter, you may be fucked when ever and were ever and by any and all of your owners friends at their whim. Get used to the idea. I'm going to leave you now to think on what I've told you and tonight Jean and I will be back to continue your training".
Nikki stood up and walked to the basement door and as she opened it Paula raised her head and Nikki noticed the silent tears streaming down Paul's face, she shook her head and walked out the door and Paula's heard the door being locked. She was alone again and she could not see any hope of rescue, escape or release, she let her head fall forward again and continued to weep silently. Eventually Paula fell into a fitful sleep, she woke frequently with a half formed scream on her lips due to the latest nightmare dream.
Chapter 6: Escape and Punishment (added: 03/29/2010)
Around 6 o'clock, although Paula had no idea of the time, she heard the door being unlocked and in walked her twin jailers, this time they were both dressed in black leather. Jean wore a body and a pair of boots, with 5" heels, that reached to just over the knee, and Nikki wore a full catsuit and a pair of thigh boots with platform soles and 6" heels, just their appearance sent a chill through Paula, as she wondered what her tormentors had in store for her now. Her feelings of dread were well judged as the two women walked around the room talking quietly and then Nikki came over to the prisoner and began to release the straps holding Paula to the chair. When she was free Nikki pulled her from the seat and she was marched over to a low bench, about 24" long, and told to lie face down on it. When she was in position Jean looped a rope around one ankle and pulled Paula's leg forward, and then repeated the process with her other leg. The ropes were then tied off under the bench, this left Paula with her rear hanging slightly over the end of the bench, her arms were then threaded under the bench and each wrist tied to the opposite elbow forcing her to hug the bench. Another rope was passed around her chest and over her shoulders and then tied off and the end pulled so her head came over the end of the bench.
The women then left Paula and began to move some bulky equipment over to were she was tied. The equipment seemed to Paula to consist of an electric motor fitted with a single wheel to which an arm was attached, three of these contraptions wee wheeled over to the bench, two were placed behind Paula and the third positioned near her face. Nikki then disappeared behind Paula and when she returned she walked in front of the frightened girl and held out three large rubber penises and said,
"Slave we are going to attach these to the three fuck machines and then insert them into your cunt, arse and mouth, we'll adjust the length to suit and then turn on the motors. you will then be fucked in all three of your orifices, at the same time, and we will see how well you perform, how long it takes you to come, how often, you get the idea".
For a moment Paula just could not believe what she was being told, then she began to plead, saying,
"Oh God why are you doing this to me. Please let me go, haven't you done enough. Please I don't want to do this, please no".
Her pleading got her a few well placed hard smacks across her backside and an order to keep quiet from Jean. Nikki then tossed two of the rubber tools to Jean and herself began to screw the third to the arm of the machine in front of Paula. When the three machines were ready the two women pushed the two probes into Paula's cunt and arse and then rotated the wheel till the penetration was at a maximum, they then fixed the length of the arm and then moved to the third machine, When Nikki offered the rubber penis to Paula's mouth Paula tried to turn her head away but Nikki grabbed her by the hair and held her head still while Jean forced the probe into her mouth. When it was in her mouth the two women adjusted the machine's arm and then stood back, Paula tried to pull away from the probe but found that she could not move far enough to free her mouth of the invader. Eventually she gave up the struggle and lay there waiting the next move, she did not have to wait long, Jean knelt down by her head and said,
"Now slut you are stuffed in all three of your holes and in a minute we will start the machines up and then sit back and watch the fun, at least it will be fun for us. We want to see how long you can stand to be fucked, after all your new owner might want to have a party and let all the guests have a go at you, you could end up being fucked all night long, but we won't be that cruel, we'll just let the machine go for a few hours".
She then moved over to the machine in front of Paula and pressed a button and the motor started and the wheel began to turn slowly, this caused the arm to move backwards and forwards, and again Paula found herself being face fucked, only this time be a machine. A moment later Paula felt the two probes in her cunt and arse also start to move in and out, as Nikki started the other two machines.
At first the machines were all running slowly with the strokes taking about 2 second each, however the women soon began to increase the speed of the strokes until Paula was experiencing a rapid hammering of her body. As the rate of the fucking increased Paula's body began to betray her again as it responded to the activity and all to soon Paula was moaning loudly and trying to thrust back and forward in time with the machines. Her first orgasm hit her after about 10 minutes and it was followed by another and another until Paula lost count of the number of climaxes she had, and still the fucking went on, eventually she passed out and the two women returned to their prisoner and switched the machines off, but left Paula with her three orifices filled and then waited for her to come around again. When she did come to she again tried to pull away from the probe in her mouth, Nikki then came over to her and said,
"That was some show, you took about 10 minutes to start to enjoy yourself, and you lasted over an hour and had about 12 orgasms, and a couple looked like multiple ones to us, so you could say you passed that test. So now we need to move on with your training, the next step is to see what your pain limits are, so shortly we will release you from the bench and then we will hang you from the ceiling and then both of us will whip you and we will see how long you last we won't bother to gag you this time as we like to hear screams some times just to check we are doing the whipping right".
Paual tried to speak but all she could manage was a few grunts and animal noises because of the penis in her mouth. Soon she saw and felt the ropes holding her to the bench being untied and she was quickly freed from the probes and hauled to her feet by her captors. Whilst she tried to beg and plead again for release she was dragged over to a chain hanging from the ceiling and her hands were quickly tied, in front of her, with rope and the chain looped between her wrists behind the rope and then padlocked back on its self. She was then made to step up onto a wooden block some 2' high, Jean then started a winch and Paula's arms rose up over her head and continued to rise until she was standing on tip toe on the wooden block. Whilst she was teetering trying to keep her balance Nikki kicked the wooden block out from under the bound girl and Paula fell a few inches before she found herself hanging by her wrists about 2' off the ground. Her tormentors then showed her two long whips, they each took a whip and positioned themselves in front and behind their toy and then they each swung and cracked their whips around Paula's swinging body.
As Paula closed her eyes and began to pray for divine help Jean struck the first blow with her whip, as the whip coiled around her body Paula screamed louder than ever before, but even before the scream had died Nikki struck her first blow, and the pain was so great that Paul couldn't breath and so could only make grunting noises of pain as the whipping continued. Paula spun around on the chain and the women found it easy to whip almost every part of her body, although they tended to concentrate on her back and arse, after a short time the whipping stopped and Paula thought for a moment her ordeal was , but it was only a brief hope as the tormentors were only switching the whips they were using to a multi stranded whip and a riding crop.
Paula had experienced the crop before and had no desire to renew her acquaintance with it. Nikki took up position in front of the hanging girl, with the whip, and Jean stood behind with the crop, the whipping started up again and Paula's screams seemed to encourage her torturers. Jean struck repeatedly at Paula's backside and thighs whilst Nikki concentrated on her tits and cunt, eventually Paula again passed out and the whipping stopped. When she came to again she was spinning slowly around still hanging from the chain her body was crisscrossed with red welts from the whipping but miraculously, she could see no blood. Jean came over to her prisoner and said,
"You did OK with that test, if you keep this up you may be our best ever capture. Shortly we will let you down and you can have a rest and some food before we go to the next stage, so make the most of the time because it gets harder from here on".
The two women left their captive while they went and got something to eat and they brought some food back for Paula in a 'doggy bag'. Paula was too terrified and sore to try anything when they let her down and simply collapsed on the floor and lay there moaning and weeping, eventually she managed to raise herself to her knees and began to eat the food in the bag and drink the water left for her. When she had finished Nikki came over to her and showed her another vibrator, this one was composed of three pieces, the top and bottom two pieces were of metal with a plastic mid section. Nikki then explained that the vibrator was a form of electric shock machine, the two metal sections were insulated from each other and each was attached to either the positive or negative terminal of the TENS machine and then it would be pushed into Paula and held there with a crotch belt. The TENS unit would then be switched onto its random cycle and Paula would be shocked internally for as long as the unit operated.
The thought of this punishment made Paula try one last effort at escape, she swung a fist at Nikki and connected sending her captor sprawling across the floor, then she pushed herself to her feet and made a dash for the door. As she touched the door handle she let out a scream of rage and frustration as her arm was grabbed by Jean, and she was flung backwards and stumbled falling to the floor, before she could regain her feet Nikki had arrived and kicked her in the side, winding the girl and sending her rolling across the floor. While she was still trying to get her breath Jean forced her arms behind her back and bent them around until her hands were palm to palm between her shoulder blades a rope then looped around her wrists several times and the bindings cinched down leaving her wrists tied tightly together. She then felt the promised belt being passed around her waste and when it was tightly fastened, the three section vibrator was inserted into her love hole and the electric connections made, a second belt from the back of the first belt was pulled between her legs and fastened to the front of the waste belt. by this time Nikki had returned and Paula saw she was wiping a trickle of blood from the side of her mouth, Nikki bent down to the captive girl and quietly said,
"You will regret that punch I promise you, because I am going to make you realise that what we have done to you so far has been a holiday, compared to what I will do now. By the time I have finished with you will be begging me to kill you believe me".
As she finished speaking she turned the electric vibrator on and then continued speaking,
"This is on the lowest shock setting, it is like a gentle tickling and some people find it pleasant, but we won't leave it on low we'll turn it up to high and that isn't pleasant".
As the vibrator sent mild shocks through her body Paula had to admit it wasn't to bad but Nikki's word sent a chill through the bound girl, and true to her word Nikki turned up the vibrator to a high setting, and the high voltage shocks went through her and Paula tried to scream, but the frequency and level of the shocks took her breath away and left her barely able to breath and making animal sounds of distress. The agony went on and on before the shocks stopped, and Paula tried to speak, but Jean slapped her across the face and told her to keep quiet. After she had regained some composure Nikki came over to Paula and said,
"You really are stupid, if you hadn't hit me and tried to escape we would have left you to experience the shock vib for a couple of hours, but now we have to teach you some manners, and you have to be punished, and that means you get to enjoy the vib for the rest of the night, at a quite high setting, just so you know we are the bosses and we can make your life hell if we want, and right now I really do want to. So enjoy your night of pain, you should survive but you may wish you didn't".
Jean then joined her partner and the two women bound Paula's ankles and knees with rope and then joined her ankles to her bound wrists and pulled this rope as tight as possible leaving Paula in a reverse prayer hogtie, Nikki then turned on the TENS unit and set it to the random cycle and set a 10 minute delay, she then said,
"Now slave we will leave you for the night, you won't get much sleep but what the heck!.
As tomorrow is Saturday we will be able to spend all day with you just think of all the things we can do to you, and all the fun we will have. The TENS unit is set to start in about another 5 minutes and then it will run for 12 hours at the 75% shock level, the shocks will last for anything from 1 second to 30 seconds, it is up to the machine".
Paula shouted her apologies for hitting Nikki, pleaded and for mercy and for the unit to be switched off, her captors response was to laugh and walk out the door leaving Paula to her fate. A few minutes later the unit switched on and her torment began. An hour later she was screaming constantly and writhing around on the floor trying to somehow escape the pain in her cunt from the electric shocks, and to easy her bound limbs, but it was all a futile effort, as the pain continued. Eventually Paula passed into a near catatonic state and remained like that for the rest of the night.
By the time the women arrived the next morning Paula was in a terrible state she was near to insanity from the constant shocking of her body and the pain from the shocks and her stringent bondage. She could no longer move and just lay on the ground twitching as each new shock ripped through her body. Even when the women freed her from the hogtie and untied her legs and the unit was turned off she continued to twitch and did not respond to her captors, the two women left her to recover at her own pace and it took about 2 hours for Paula to regain some level of consciousness, so she could respond to Nikki and Jean. When she could again talk coherently she begged her captors to untie her and to stop the torture they were inflicting on her, and she apologised again to Nikki for hitting her, and finally she said the words her captors had waited to hear,
"Please no more torture, I can't take anymore. If you stop I'll do anything you want me to do, you can fuck me anywhere you want, I will pleasure each of you when ever you want me to, only please stop hurting me, please".
When she had finished begging the two women looked at each other and then Jean said,
"Well now Paula maybe you do have the makings of a sex and bondage slave after all. If you mean what you have just said then we will test your commitment to submission, and if you pass the tests who knows what lies in store for you. I can tell you that there will be more pain for you to bear, but if you behave then it will not be as a punishment and therefore will not be as bad as last night or the other things we have done to you. I think we can start right away, don't you Nikki".
Nikki moved over to Jean and said,
"Do you really think she means it? I suppose we can give her a chance to prove herself as a slave, but do you think should we tell her what will happen to her if she fails the test, maybe not. OK lets start the tests"
As she finished speaking Nikki moved away to one of the many cupboards around the room and she returned with a rubber bag with a hose attached in one hand and a plastic nozzle with a rubber bulb and two hoses attached to it in the other. She showed Paula the equipment she held and explained,
"We put this nozzle in your arse and then we pump the bulb and it inflates these two little balloons, one inside you and the other outside, this means the nozzle is held in place and you cannot expel it, nor can it slip right inside you. We then attach the tube to the end of the nozzle and fill the bag with nice warm soapy water then we open the valve and the water flows into your bowels, and it's held there until we remove the nozzle. In plain English you will be given an enema, but I think we will leave it for now, and we'll go and get something to eat and let you contemplate your future while we are away".
As she finished speaking she began to unfasten the waist belt and the crotch strap which held the shock vibrator in place, when the belt was removed Nikki pulled out the vibrator, much to Paula's relief. Nikki stood up and walked over to joined Jean, the two women walked over to the door and out of the room, leaving Paula's, arms still tightly bound in the reverse prayer from the night before but thankfully free of the vibrator.
Chapter 7: Submissive Decision (added: 03/29/2010)
Paula tired to ease her position, and tried to get some relief from the cramps that wracked her body, from her extended confinement, but there was no relief available to her, eventually she managed to stand and walk shakily around the room to regain some feeling in her legs and body eventually she lay down again on the floor to quietly awaiting the return of her captors. The women had been gone over an hour when Paual heard the door being unlocked and the voices of Jean and Nikki as they returned, Jean immediately went over to the bathroom and Paula heard water running, Nikki came over to her and picked up the enema nozzle. She made a great show of greasing it up and then she knelt down and pushed the bound girl on her side and pushed the nozzle into her anus, as Paula felt the first balloon slip past her sphincter Nikki stopped pushing,
Paual felt the twin balloons start to grow as they were inflated. When she was happy the nozzle was well held Nikki attached the tube to the end of the nozzle and called for Jean to bring the water, a few moments later Jean came out of the bathroom carrying a bucket, which she handed to her partner. Nikki put the bucket down next to Paula and then went and fetched a metal stand, similar to those used in hospitals for blood transfusions, she wheeled the stand over to the bound girl and then hung the enema bag from it, Nikki then began to fill the bag with the water in the bucket. Paula could see the water was steaming slightly and there was a thick head of soap suds on the top, Nikki used a plastic jug to fill the bag and when she had added about 3 pints to the bag she said,
"There that should do for a start, don't want to over do it for a first time do we? Now in a few minutes we will open the valve and the water will fill your rectum and bowels, and it will stay there till we let it out, do you understand slave?".
Paula looked up at Nikki and without a seconds though said,
"Yes mistress Nikki, I understand. I am a sex and bondage slave for you and mistress Jean to do with as you wish. My only function is to serve you both, to follow orders and to please you in any way I can. I want to say thank you for showing me what I am, some of the things you have done to me have been very pleasing to me and even the pain has been good at times, although last night was very bad, but it was deserved for my behaviour to you".
Nikki smiled and looked over at Jean, who smiled back before nodding her head. Nikki checked the nozzle was still held in place and also checked Paula's bondage, when she was satisfied that all was well she stood up and said,
"Right slave we are ready to give you your first enema, in a moment will open the valve and you will receive 3 pints of water in your hole. You will probable find it somewhat unpleasant at first but get used to it as it will be staying inside you for quite some time. We want you nice and clean and empty for your next trial and this is the way we wish to clean you out".
As she finished speaking Nikki reached for the valve on the enema tube and released it and three pints of warm soapy water began to flow into Paula. As her bowels filled with the water she tried to move around to easy the discomfort and pressure she felt, by the time the full three pints had been delivered she was breathing heavily moaning softly and trying to rotate her hips. As the last of the water filled Paula, Nikki closed the valve and disconnected the tube from the nozzle, Paula was then left to try and find some relief form her distended bowels and the cramps that soon began to effect her.
Paula was left for 15 minutes with the enema inside her before Jean pulled her to her feet and walked her over to the toilet, Paula was stood over the toilet bowl and the balloons deflated and the nozzle removed, almost immediately Paula's bowels emptied into the toilet. Jean then untied her hands and arms, as her arms fell to her sides Paula cried out at the relief, but she stood still with her head bowed and waited for Jean or Nikki to tell her to move. Both women looked at each other and Jean spoke,
"Very good Paula, you are starting to show great promise as a slave. Now we are going to give your some more pain, but also some pleasure for all three of us, now you will do exactly what we tell you to do, is that understood?"
Paula's response was immediate, in a soft voice she said,
"Yes mistress Jean, I understand. I will do as you or mistress Nikki tells me".
Nikki walked over to them and held out her hand to Paula, in it was a pair of 2" long metal tubes, joined with a 12" chain, Paula wondered what they were and were they were going to be used on her, but she maintained her submissive position, Jean moved away to the other side of the room leaving Nikki with Paula, Nikki said,
"Very good slave Jean and I will tie you shortly so that we have access to all your holes and then one of us will use those holes. The other will be serviced by you using your mouth and tongue, as you did the other day, but you will also be wearing these beautiful clamps on those nice little rose bud nips of yours. You see they slip over your nipples and then we twist the body of the tube and the internal screw will tighten the clamp around your nipples, I am told they are quite horrible and the pain can be almost unbearable, we of course will also hang some weights from the chain, quite heavy weights, to add to our enjoyment, and your pain. Periodically we will change around so we all get some enjoyment out of the experience, you of course will be the only one getting the pain as well. Now move over to the ceiling hoist were Jean is waiting for you".
Paula walked across the room to Jean, when she arrived Jean turned her round and pulled her wrist behind her back and fastened a narrow leather strap around them. A second strap was passed around her elbows and drawn tight pulling her elbows together until they almost touched and forcing her breasts forward. A pair of leather cuffs were fastened around her thighs, just above her knees and a 2' spreader bar clipped between the cuffs, forcing her legs apart.
Nikki then joined them and again showed Paula the clamps. She unclipped the chain between the clamps and played with one of Paula's nipples until it hardened and then she slipped one of the clamps over the engorged nub. She then repeated the process on the other nipple, each of the women then took hold of one of the clamps and slowly turned the end of the clamp, as they did so Paula felt the tubes tighten around her nipples. The feeling was like a dozen tiny teeth biting into her tender flesh and soon became painful. Still the clamps were tightened, until Paula hissed through clenched teeth at the pain. Both women stopped turning the clamps and let go of them, Nikki then fetched a short waste high bench with two round cut outs in the top, which she placed under Paula's chest, the bench reached from Paula's shoulders to her waist. Jean pushed the captive girl down onto the top of the bench so as her breasts, with their clamps slipped through the holes in the bench top, she then clipped Paula's wrists to the hoist chain and the hoist raised until she found herself once more in a strapado position, leaving her lying on the bench with her arms raised behind her.
Nikki then knelt down and reattached the chain between the clamps, Nikki then produced an 8oz metal weight and clipped it to the chain and then let it fall. As her breasts took the strain of the clamps and the weight Paula could not help the cry of pain that escaped her lips. Nikki then pushed Paula's legs hard up against the bench and fastened them there with a chain linked to the spreader bar at her thighs. Both her captors then stripped off their clothes and Nikki produced a large vibrator and a strap on harness with a double penis attached. After she had donned the strap on, fitting one of the probes into her own cunt, she forced each of the probes into Paula's mouth and made the bound girl lubricate them with her saliva. When they were both wet she moved to stand behind the bound girl and Jean took up position in front of Paula's face. When they were both in position Jean said,
"Right slave you will now service me with your mouth and tongue while Mistress Nikki fucks your cunt and uses the vib on your arse. She may decide to switch the holes she uses, so you get the vib in the cunt and your arse is fucked. Then when we get tired we will change over and you can eat Nikki whilst I fuck your holes. This will go on for some time as we will need a lot of pleasure to satisfy us so make a good job of it or your punishment will start with us tightening those clamps".
As she finished speaking Nikki rammed the penis into her cunt and Paula let out a scream at the violation. The thrust also caused her to move forward and set the nipple weight swinging which added to the pain, Jean then pulled Paula by the hair until her face was buried in Jeans crotch. While Nikki fucked her, and pressed the vib into her arse and fucked her arse with it, Jean said,
"Better start licking and sucking my pussy if you know what's good for you slave".
Paula started to pleasure Jean with her mouth and tongue whilst she was being abused by Nikki. While at the same time trying to keep as still as possible so as to save her nipples from the torture of the weighted clamps. Very soon however, Paula found herself responding to the treatment from her captors, and she began to thrust backwards in time with Nikki's thrust. The pain from her breasts seemed to heighten Paula's feeling of sexual excitement and soon all three women were moaning with pleasure and Paula reached orgasm just as Jean climaxed and a few moments later Nikki reached her own climax.
The two torturers moved away and sat down to take a rest, leaving Paula bound and collapsed on the top of the bench. After a their short rest both women retuned to their captive and resumed their activities this time with Nikki at Paula's head and Jean wearing the strap on. Jean decide to fuck Paula in the arse and use the vib on her cunt, again after the first rush of pain from the abuse Paula responded by thrusting back at Jean whilst licking and sucking Nikki to a climax. All the three of them soon reached their second orgasm of the night. After another short rest Jean came over to Paula and knelt down by the side of the bound girl and said,
"You are a real surprise slave. We have never had a captive who has become a sex slut as quickly as you. I think you are very nearly ready to be sold on to your new owner, and you should fetch a very good price when we show the video of how good a slave you are".
As she finished speaking Jean grabbed the chain from the nipple clamps and pulled it as hard as she could. Paula screamed at the pain and nearly passed out. Jean let go of the chain and started to unscrew the clamps and then removed them. Paula's breasts and nipples were already tender and sore from the whippings and other abuse they had received and as the blood flowed back into her nipples the pain was excruciating and it took her some minute to regain control of herself. When she felt she could speak, she said,
"Mistress Jean may I speak please".
When Jean nodded Paula continued,
"Mistress Jean please don't sell me to a stranger. Please let me stay with you and Mistress Nikki, I promise to be a good slave and to serve you in anyway you desire. I will do what ever you tell me to do, you can bind me in any position you can get me into, and do what ever you want with me, but please let me stay,
I have come to realise that serving you both has made me happy and I don't want to leave you".
Jean was shocked at the captives words, she looked at Nikki to see a similar expression on her friends face. Jean and Nikki walked away from the bound girl and started to talk quietly together. After a short time they returned to Paula, and Nikki said,
"Well slave we have talked it over and we have to agree, you do please us, but I don't know whether we should keep you, or just take our profit from your sale as a slave. We will both think about it over night and talk again tomorrow. Now we need to get you ready for the night".
As she finished speaking Jean lowered the hoist and then unfastened Paula's wrists from the hoist hook, and then stood the bound girl up. She left the spreader bar in place but walked Paula over to the toilet area and told her she had 5 minutes to do what ever she needed to do and left her there. Paula quickly squat down and emptied her bladder she remained sitting when she had finished and when Nikki came to collect her Paula asked Nikki if she wanted her as a slave. Nikki just smiled and swotted her on the behind and told her to move over to were Jean stood, by the hoist, holding what looked like a sheet of leather.
When she got to Jean she saw that the sheet of leather had a large number of straps along the edges. Jean dropped the sheet on the floor and Nikki joined them and both women started to spread the leather out. As they did so Paula realised it was shaped, it narrowed to a point at one end and flared out to about 3' at the other end. When they had spread the leather out they told Paula to stand on it with her feet at the pointed end. Nikki then stood behind the bound girl and caught her as Jean pushed her backwards, Nikki lay her down along the length of the leather sheet. Jean then removed the spreader bar and pulled her legs together and then started to fold both the edges on the sheet over Paula's legs. As she did so she loosely fastened the straps at the edges of the leather, Nikki began to do the same thing but starting at Paula's head. Almost immediately Paula realised the leather sheet was in fact a leather body binder, when the women had completely wrapped their slave in the leather they went back to the straps and tightened each one so that the captive girl was encased in leather with only her head exposed. Nikki then tugged the leather up around Paula's neck and fastened the final strap as a collar around her neck.
When Nikki had finished Jean fastened the hoist hook to a metal ring in the point of the body binder and started to raise the bound girls feet and legs off the floor. As her feet were raised Paula slid across the floor, and when Jean stopped the hoist only her shoulders rested on the ground directly under the hoist. Nikki stood over the captive and said,
"Slave we intend to leave you hanging upside down for the night, but before we raise you completely off the ground we will give you the chance to have a drink and you may ask for a gag, if you want one, but remember you will be wearing it all night and maybe most of tomorrow as well, depending on when we come to visit. So what do you say, what do you want, a drink, a gag, both or neither?".
Paula replied,
"Thank you mistress. May I please have a drink of water, and I would like a gag if I am to be left all night".
"Right slave Mistress Jean will see to your drink and I will get a gag for you to wear for the night".
Nikki said. Jean knelt down and raised Paula's head and put a battle of water to her mouth. Paula took several sips of the water and took care not to choke as swallowing was difficult in her position. When she indicated that she had had enough water Jean stood up and Nikki activated the hoist again and Paula was raised off the ground, the hoist continued to operate until she was swinging slowly about 4' off the ground when Nikki stopped the hoist. She then stooped down and pushed a small rubber penis, attached to a strap, into Paula's mouth, when she had fastened the strap behind Paula's neck she said,
"You might think I am being kind using a little gag like this on you, but it is a pump gag and before we leave you I will inflate it until it fills you mouth completely, and then you might find it a little less comfortable, but of course your comfort is of no interest to us".
As she finished speaking she attached a bulb to the front of the gag and pumped air into the penis and Paula felt the gag grow in her mouth. Nikki continued to pump the gag until Paula's jaw was jacked open and her cheeks bulged around the strap, only then did she remove the bulb from the front of the gag and patted Paula on the cheek as she stood up. Nikki and Jean both walked around their captive and checked all the straps on the binder and also the gag, when they were both happy that the bondage was as tight as it could be they gave Paula a push and started her swinging and spinning. Paual gave a squeal of fright at this development and started to struggle in her bondage, but all this achieved was to make her swings more erratic and her last sight of the night was her two captors laughing as they walked out of the room.
Chapter 8: Packaged for Delivery (added: 03/29/2010)
The following morning Jean arrived alone at the workshop and went down to the cellar to check on her captive, when she opened the door she saw Paula, as she had been left, with a pool of sweat and drool on the floor beneath her head. Jean quickly lowered the girl to the floor and began to unfasten the straps of the body binder, while she was doing this Nikki arrived and soon joined her friend. Meanwhile Paula was making frantic noises through her gag, and eventually Nikki said,
"What is it slave? Do you want your gag out? You seemed very keen last night to have it in your mouth".
As she finished speaking she reached for the valve on the front of the gag and released the pressure and then unbuckled the strap and removed the deflated penis from Paula's mouth. When the gag was removed Paula managed to ask, in a croaky voice, for a drink of water Jean tossed a bottle of water to Nikki who gave the bound girl a drink. When she had finished the bottle Paula was told to get to her feet and follow Jean to the far end of the room Paula got unsteadily to her feet and walked after Jean. When the two arrived at the and of the room Paula saw a telescopic shaft fastened to the floor with a very lifelike penis at the end, the probe was about 10" long and was veined and ridged to simulate a real member and a trapeze bar fitted with leather cuffs.
Jean turned Paula around and started to untie her arms and wrists, when she was free Paula shook her arms and rubbed her wrists to try and get the circulation going and regain some feeling in her hands. Before she had finished Jean took one of her arms and fastened a leather cuff around her wrist, and repeated the process on the other wrist. Nikki then joined them and knelt and fastened cuffs to Paula's ankles and then attached chains to the cuffs and the other end of the chains were fastened to hooks in the floor. Jean then moved over to the wall and pressed a button and the trapeze bar began to rise lifting Paula off the ground, as she was forced onto tip toes Jean told her to grab hold of the bar and take her weight and she soon found herself hanging from the bar with her legs pulled wide, exposing her sex, in a suspended Y.
Nikki then knelt by the pole and began to adjust its length until the penis was half buried inside Paula's sex, this produced several gasps, whimpers and moans from the bound girl who tried to lift herself off the probe using the bar to pull herself up. When Nikki was happy with the position of the penis and Paula's cunt she nodded to Jean who began to lower Paula onto the probe, when she was again half impaled on the penis Jean stopped the winch and both women walked in front of Paula and Nikki said,
"Now slut we are going to leave you hanging and start the motor of the pole so it will raise the probe up into you and then pull out to the start position, that's were it is now. You have a choice, you can let it do its work, of fucking you, or you can try and lift yourself in time with the thrusts so as to limit the stimulation, it's up to you, but as you get tired you will find it harder and harder to resist, and you are staying were you are until you have cum 3 times, or 2 hours at least. You won't be gagged so you can scream, shout, moan, beg whatever you want as we will be sitting here watching the show".
As soon as she finished Jean pressed a button and the pole started to rise pushing the penis deeper into Paula. As she gasped in surprise at the invasion she and tried to pull herself up using the trapeze but the penis kept rising and then it began to descend again. The cycle started off slowly but the pace rapidly increased until Paula found it impossible to keep pace with the machine and gave into the inevitable of the orgasms that were already building. Her first orgasm hit after 20 minutes and Paula received applause from her captors for the show she gave, she eventually lost track of events and by the end of the 3 hour sentence she was so out of it that she didn't even realise the torture was over.
When she was again able to focus on reality she found herself on the floor, naked but free of all restraints, as she started to try and get to her feet Jean spoke from behind her saying,
"Good you're back with us. We have another little game for you to play now, if you look around you will see two posts with a rope tied between. When it is tightened the rope is fixed so one end is higher than the other, but both ends are too high for you to step over the rope, and there are a number of knots tied along the length of the rope. The idea is we will stand you over the rope so you straddle it. You will then have 15 minutes to walk from the lowest end of the rope to the highest, and when you reach that point you will step on a peddle and release the rope and free yourself. You will of course find that the rope will be rubbing against your sex as you walk along it and the knots will tend to stimulate you, and you are of course still quite excited from your last exercise. So every time you climax you will have to go back to the start again, if you fail to complete the course within the time limit you will be punished very severely. Now are you ready to start?".
When Paula nodded Nikki and Jean stood the girl up and placed her feet either side of the rope, at the lowest end of the rope, and told her to stand still, they then raised the rope till it was brushing against Paula's cunt. Nikki then said,
"Remember slave you have 15 minutes to complete the task starting now".
Paula started along the rope the first few knots were no trouble but as they got higher she had to go up on her toes or let the rope rub her crotch. By the time she was half way along the rope she could no longer avoid the knots stimulating her when she reached the three quarters position she was gasping and moaning with frustration, and two more steps and she came for the first time. Nikki forced her back to the start position and told her she had less than 10 minutes left, Paula resumed her journey but this time she only got just over half way across before the orgasm hit. Again Nikki forced her back to the start, and told the shaking girl she had only 5 minutes left, Paula started again but only managed to reach the half way point before she came again. This time Nikki did not force her back but went to the second post and stepped onto the peddle and lowered the rope, Paual collapsed and lay moaning softly.
She was not left for long, Jean and Nikki took her by the arms and led the stumbling girl over to a saw horse and bent the girl over the horse and fastened her wrists and ankles to the legs of the horse. Paula was left tied to the horse until she was again able to concentrate on her captors, both women stood in front of the bound girl and Jean said,
"Well you failed that test miserably so now we have to punish you. Your punishment is going to be a whipping, from both of us, to your back, arse and soles of your feet. We won't gag you to start with as we like to hear our victims scream and beg for mercy, even if we never show any".
When she finished both women moved behind Paula, who could see them when she looked back through her legs. The first stroke was delivered by Jean, across Paula's arse with a riding crop, the force of the blow took Paula's breath and winded the girl, before she could recover the second blow was delivered by Nikki, across her back, with a cat-o-nine tails. The blows fell thick and fast and very soon Paula was screaming in pain and trying madly to pull free from the horse, the women switched positions frequently and eventually the beating stopped. Paula was by now a wreck, pleading for release and begging for mercy between screams and sobs. She continued to plead even after the beating stopped, and was only silenced when Nikki pushed a cloth into her mouth and stuck a strip of duct tape over her lips as a gag.
Paula was then repositioned so her feet were off the ground, although still tied to the legs of the horse, her feet were tied with the soles exposed and available a machine was then wheeled over and positioned next to the bound girl. By now Paula had regained some composure and was trying to see what was about to happen to her, looking back through her legs she saw Jean attach a thin bamboo cane to an arm on the machine and adjust the length of the cane until it reached across the sole of her foot. A second machine was positioned by her other foot and a similar cane attached and adjusted so it reached across the sole of her other foot. When these preparations were complete both women came and stood in front of Paula and Nikki explained the next part of Paula's punishment,
"Right slave we are ready for the next stage, this is called bastinado, it involves the soles of your feet being beaten with a cane. most people think this means the soles are hit hard and cause pain, but in reality the soles are beaten quite gently and the blows do not cause any real pain, but the repetitive nature of the beating cause the feelings to build until the pain is excruciating, and when it is over the victim cannot walk and has to crawl. We of course do not have the time to sit here and hit your feet for hours, so we will let theses machines do the job and comeback later to see how you have enjoyed the experience".
Both women then moved behind Paula, one to each machine and Paula saw the machines being started and the canes began to hit her soles. It was true the blows were not at all painful, but if the first part of Nikki's speech had been true Paula wondered if the rest was also true, she had the feeling she was going to find out. Her two mistresses waved to her from the door way as they left her to her punishment. Very soon Paula noticed the pain if her feet starting to grow even though the caning was no harder, after an hour she was starting to whimper and sob with frustration as well as the pain. It was over 2 hours later that her torturers retuned, they found a distraught girl screaming and sobbing and making animal noises through her gag
Nikki turned the machines off and both women started to release their captive, when they lifted her off the horse and her feet touched the ground she screamed louder than ever and her legs gave way beneath her. When her screaming stopped she was prodded, by Jean, until she took notice and when Jean told her to get over to the cage she had spent her first night of slavery in, she started to crawl slowly over to the cage when she reached it Jean opened the door, she then removed the gag and told her to get inside. Once the girl was in the cage the door was closed and locked, Nikki told her to lie on her front with her feet pushed outside the bars of the cage, when she managed to obey her feet were bound together at the ankles, with a cage bar between her feet, with thin twine and cinched tightly. She was then told to stretch her arms as far as she could and when her hands came through the bars her wrists were bound in a similar way. Paula was now bound with her wrists and ankles out side the cage and she was unable to pull them back into the cage because of the bars, and her body was stretched out inside the cage. The position its self was not too demanding, compared with what had gone before, but Paula had a feeling the thin twine used to bind her, and the enforced lack of movement would prove to be very painful as the night wore on, and she would soon be proved right.
When the two women were satisfied with Paula's position they told her they would be back the following day to package her up for transport to her new owner, and then they left her to wait and wonder who she was being sold to.
It was early the following day when Nikki came into the room and untied Paula, but left her inside the cage. She tossed a paper into the cage and told the girl to turn to page 25 and read the advert there, when Paula found the page she saw a copy of the ad that had first brought her to Jean. Before she could ask any questions Nikki unlocked the cage and ordered her to get out and stand up, when she was standing Nikki pushed a ball gag into her mouth, buckled the strap and padlocked it in place. She then said,
"OK Paula, you are free to walk around the room for the rest of the day we will be back tonight your only restraint will be the gag you have, but don't think we are going soft, you will be going on a journey tonight to your new owner and we want you fresh for the trip".
As she finished speaking Nikki walked out of the room leaving Paula free to move as she wished. For a few minutes she tried to remove the gag but soon realised it was staying put until Jean or Nikki removed it, Paula soon realised there was nothing for her to do so she lay on the floor and dozed and tried to prepare for the night to come.
Paula was wakened by the sound of the door being unlocked and as she stood up she saw Jean walk in leading a naked bound and gagged girl, on a collar and lead. The girl was bound with rope with her wrists tied behind her back and her elbows tied almost touching, another rope circled her waist and the rope was passed several times between her legs, Paula imagined there were probably probes in the girls cunt and arse, especially judging by the way the girl walked, Jean said,
"Hello slut, this is our new slave for training, her name was Helen, but she will soon be just a number and like you, a bondage sex slave for masters and mistresses to use as they wish. In a few minutes I will take your gag out and you can tell the new slave what will happen to her as we train her for her new life, then when Nikki gets here we will package you up and send you on your way, and start the training of Helen".
When she finished speaking she pulled the resisting girl over to the ceiling hoist and then attached her bound wrists to the hook of the hoist and raised her arms up into the position Paula knew as the strapado, the new girl tried to resist Jean but with her arms tied she was unable to gain any advantage and soon her arms were raised and she was bent at the waste and her but stuck out invitingly. Jean then came over to Paula and unlocked the gag and removed it before she said,
"Now slut you are free to talk to the new slave, but if you try and release her you will both suffer, and I'm sure you can tell Helen all about suffering slut. So the simple rules are you can talk, ask questions, and tell each other how you got here and so on, but you Paula can not touch , help or try and release Helen. Do you understand?".
Paula nodded and Jean smiled and walked to the door and both the prisoners watched the door close and heard the lock engage.
Paula knelt by the bound girl and said,
"I suppose you answered the ad in the fetish mag just like me. Well I can tell you both Jean and Nikki are insane they enjoy hurting women and over the next few days you will be beaten fucked in any and all your orifices and made to perform sex acts on both of them and you will spend all your time bound in various ways and positions with god knows what materials. Most of the time you will beg for release and the rest you will pray for death, in the end you will break and accept your fate and become like me a slave who lives to please her mistress or master. You heard Jean say I am to be sold on and shipped off to night, I've no idea were I will be sent or who has bought me. This is what you have to look forward to, the sooner you accept it the less pain you will have to suffer".
The new girl continued to struggle in her bondage but spoke saying,
"I will never give in to these two bitches, I'd rather die than let them win. Maybe you are too weak to resist them but I'm not. Now for heavens sake let me down from this thing and untie me, we can work together and beat these two".
"You haven't been listening have you, there is no way to beat them. If I untied you they would just recapture you and then they would punish me, and I have been punished enough to know it just isn't worth it, wait till they have electrocuted your pussy for 4 hours then tell me your tough enough to resist them".
Paula replied.
After this neither girl felt the desire to talk and both remained silent, Paula wondering what her new life and owner would be like and Helen continuing to struggle against her bonds. After about an hour the prisoners heard the door being unlocked and Jean and Nikki walked in, Nikki walked over to Paula and took her arm and led her over to a seat opposite Helen. Meanwhile Jean had moved over to Helen and after a brief struggle had pushed a harness ball gag into her mouth and fastened it tightly behind her head.
While this was going on Nikki said,
"Well done Paula, we were watching you both on the cctv and your refusal to release Helen has earned you some bonus marks. We were going to have one more session with you before we ship you out, but your good behaviour has saved you from another period of punishment. When Jean has finished with our new prize we will package you up and take you up stairs to the loading bay and then you will be on your way, but for now you can watch Helen start her education".
Paula asked Nikki if she could speak and when Nikki nodded she said,
"Mistress does this mean you are not going to keep me? Have I displeased you in some way was my service to you not good enough? Please give me another chance to please you that I may become your permanent slave".
While she was talking Jean had forced a but plug and a vibrator into the bound Helen and used a crotch rope to secure them in place, none of which Helen had accepted easily. All her pleading got Paula was a swot on her rear and a lecture from Nikki who said,
"Silence slave, we decide who is sold and who stays. If you continue to whine and plead you will get that punishment I told you, you had avoided, so I suggest you shut up now".
As she finished speaking Jean came over and joined them and asked,
"What is the slut whining about?, Doesn't she want to go to her new home in the country?".
Nikki told Jean what Paula had been saying and Jean just laughed. She then went over to a cabinet and returned with the outfit Paula had worn when she came for her 'interview', Jean tossed the body and the boots to Paula and told her to put them on. Paula asked if she was to wear the rest of the outfit but Jean shook her head, quickly Paula donned the body and the boots and then stood before her mistresses.
Jean led the girl over to another cabinet which when she opened revealed a selection of restraints. Nikki joined them and both women selected a handful of plastic ties, similar to those used by electricians to hold cables in place but much longer, and a selection of ropes. Paula was told to kneel on the floor and when she had complied her arms were pulled back and her wrists tied tightly behind her back next a rope was passed around her elbows and they were drawn together. Jean then took a rope and passed it around Paula's waste and then produced a but plug and a vibrator which she pushed into Paula and then tied them in place with a crotch rope from the waste rope she had just tied.
Then two of the ties was laid across the top of her calves, one just behind her knee and the other was placed close to her ankles. She was then told to sit back on her ankles, and again when she had complied two further ties were slipped under her legs again just behind her knees and at her ankles.
These second pair of ties were then drawn up over her thighs and the ends threaded through the clips and they were tightened down until her legs were bound loosely together. When this was completed the other two ties were pulled up over her back at the shoulder and waste and again the ends threaded into the clips and the ties tightened.
Nikki then held out a rubber discipline hood with and integral penis gag and two small holes which fitted into her nostrils allowing her to breath. The hood was quickly slipped over Paula's head and laced tightly, Paula now found herself blind, deaf and stuffed in her cunt, arse and mouth, and in a loose ball tie, but it didn't stay loose for long. As Jean and Nikki systematically tightened all the ties until Paula's heels were digging into her rear and her breasts were being crushed against her thighs. Although she could not see Paula felt a final plastic tie being pushed under her legs and then she felt it being fastened across her neck forcing her head down onto her knees, she was then rolled onto her side. Nikki then produced a pair of wire cutters and proceeded to cut off the excess length of the plastic ties.
While Nikki was cutting the ties Jean opened the door, to the cellar, and wheeled in a wooden packing case which she positioned close to Paula. A side of the crate was opened to reveal the case contained a foam rubber cube that filled the case entirely. Jean pulled the foam out of the case and half the cube came out to reveal a central shape cut out of the cube that matched the shape of the bound girl on the floor. Nikki and Jean then rolled Paula around until they had pushed her into the shape in the cube, Jean then pushed two tubes into the hoods nostril holes and tapped them to the inside of the cube to prevent them falling out of the hood. She held Paula in place while Nikki pushed the other half of the foam cube back into the box, when the foam was back in the case Nikki closed the side of the packing case and hammered the nails to seal the case.
The two women then rocked the case and slid castors under the four corners and wheeled the case out of the door and then over to an elevator. The case was pushed into the elevator and the two women followed closed the doors and rode up to the ground floor. The case was then pushed out and over to the loading bay, the main doors were then opened and the case pushed into the back of a van parked at the bay. Nikki then went round to the drivers door and got into the van and drove away, about an hour later Jean left the workshop in her own car.
Paula felt the movements of the case, although she did not fully understand what had been done to her she recognised the motion and the vibration of the car ride. The drive lasted over 2 hours and the last 20 minutes was over very rough roads, eventually the van stopped and the engine was switched off. Paula felt herself again being moved as the case was pushed out of the van and into a large garage at her new home. The home owner came out and said,
"Good timing Nikki, we only got here about 10 minutes ago, H is taking a shower so we'll wait for her to finish up before we inspect the cargo".
Nikki smiled and pushed the case into the centre of the garage and then left it there and went into the main house. After a further half hour Nikki and the two home owners came into the garage and started to unpack their new slave from the packing case. When they had Paula out of the case the three of them picked up the bound girl and carried her into the house and put her on the floor in the living room. Nikki then produced the wire cutters and began to snip the plastic ties from around Paula, when she had finished she untied the crotch rope and removed the two probes from Paula, but left the hood on the girl. When she was free Paula lay on the floor afraid to move until she was given some sign as to what she should do, it wasn't long in coming.
Paula was hauled to her feet and then someone began to unlace the hood, and then it was suddenly pulled off her head and Paula was blinded by the light, her eyes watered and she could just make out the shape of a woman in front of her. A hand reached out and she felt her eyes being wiped with a tissue, when her tears had cleared she saw standing in front of her Nikki, who said,
"Well slave are you ready to meet your new owners?".
When Paula nodded Nikki gripped her shoulders and spin her around to face, two naked women, Jean and Helen. Paula's mouth dropped open but she quickly regained her composure and dropped to her knees and shuffled across the floor to the two women as she heard Nikki say,
"The three of us own this house, it is out in the sticks and very isolated so we can keep you here for as long as we like with no danger of being exposed. Helen is every bit as much a Dominatrix as Jean and I, she was playing a part back at the workshop, as part of your final test. If you had released her as she was asking you to, instead of helping you to overcome us she would have whipped your sorry arse till it bled".
Paula first kissed Jeans feet and then Helens. As she did so she said,
"Thank you mistresses for deciding to keep me. I hope I will always please you and never make you regret your decision. I know I have given pleasure to mistress Jean and mistress Nikki already and I hope mistress Helen will allow me to give her pleasure also, and that you will allow me to serve you all for the rest of my life. I am your slave to beat, fuck or command as you see fit".
Helen then grabbed Paula by the hair and pushed Paula's face into crotch and said,
"Right slave your wish is my command. You can give that pleasure you spoke of starting now, I want you to bring me off with your mouth and tongue.
Paula licked and sucked and nibbled Helen's cunt and as her third mistress came Paula had a thought flicker through her mind,
'God I am lucky, I have found out I am a masochistic slut, a lesbian and I have three strict sadistic mistresses to serve and pleasure, and I'm pretty sure I will get a lot of pain and pleasure myself in the future'.