Ben gazed out of his office window. The street was empty except for the lone car that whizzed by ever few minutes or so. Pretty typical, considering it was 3AM on a Tuesday night.
Then the phone rang. Ben stared at the phone for a few seconds, surprised that it was ringing at this late hour. He picked it up. "Ben's Bondage Adventures. Can I help you?"
"Yes, I'd like to sign up for an adventure, please." The girl's voice seemed meek and hesitant.
"No problem. I can certainly help you out with that. Just a second." Ben checked his watch and shrugged. Then he reached for his clipboard. "Okay, let's go. First I have a few questions. Number one. What's your name?"
"I'm Jennifer."
"I'm Ben."
"Well, I sort of figured that." Jennifer giggled innocently.
Ben smiled. He could tell he liked this girl already. "Question number two. Why do you like to be restrained?"
Jennifer giggled again. "I just love the feeling. Tie me up and gag me and it's like I'm in another world. I love it!"
Ben continued. "Question number three. Why are you calling me?"
"Cause I need a professional. The last guy I went out with left me hogtied butt naked on a table at McDonalds."
"Was he at least courteous enough to buy you dinner?" Ben couldn't resist.
"Sure. He put a Big Mac in my hands just before he ran out the door." The girl sighed. "But I couldn't get it to my mouth, being hogtied and all."
"The jerk didn't gag you?"
"No! That's part of the reason why I'm calling you! I'm tired of dealing with these amateurs."
"Wow." Ben was aghast. "He didn't stuff your mouth with fries or anything?"
"Oh sure. He did that. But once I chewed them up and swallowed them down, my mouth was empty." Beth groaned. "The butthead!"
"Did anyone help you out?"
"Well, yeah. Actually there were these two really sweet college guys that stepped up to help me."
"They untied you? Covered you up?" Ben was curious.
"Oh no. Not that. They took the burger out of my hands and fed it to me. One of the guys was nice enough to lick the ketchup and mayo off my bum. To show my gratitude, I let them finger me and play with my boobs. Not that I was in any shape to stop them if they wanted to." Jennifer said the last sentence under her breath.
Ben pictured the scene in his mind. "Did they finger your butt or your pussy?"
"So the police came?"
"No." Jennifer offered nothing more.
"So what happened?"
"I was finally able to wiggle my way out of the hogtie."
"Damn. This guy really was an amateur." Ben was disgusted. "How did he get you there in the first place?"
"He tied me up in the back seat of his car and carried me into the restaurant."
"Butt naked and hogtied?"
"Did he have sex with you first?"
"Nope. He fucked me in the restaurant."
"What in the world?..."
"My ankles were cross-tied and my knees were spread apart. He had a big cock."
"Hang on. I'm trying to imagine all this happening on a fast food restaurant table." Ben shook his head. "Okay, I think I got it. Then he bought you dinner?"
"Oh no. When he started fucking me I came right away. I always come right away when I'm tied up. Especially when I'm tied up naked in public." Jennifer giggled. "But he didn't come. So I sucked him off."
"Then the Big Mac?"
"Yep. Then he gave me the Big Mac. Along with those fries - and a large coke."
"So you were able to free yourself and find some clothes and get home?"
"Not exactly. I was able to get out of the hogtie. But my arms and legs were pretty well tied. I managed to slide myself off the side of the table, straighten my legs, get onto my feet, hop on over to the door, and make it out into the street."
Ben was in awe. "You are really amazing."
Jennifer giggled. "Oh it was nothing really. Nothing compared to the cab ride anyway."
"Cab ride?"
"Oh sure. The really tricky part was flagging down a cab without using my hands. I had to jump up and down to get someone's attention with my bouncing boobs."
"Don't you think any cabby would wreck their cab to pick up a beautiful naked girl? Especially one that was tied hand and foot?"
"Oh." Jennifer paused. "I never really though of it that way. Well... I got the ride. And thanks for the kind compliment. Good looks can be a burden sometimes, though."
Ben stayed on point. "So you got into the cab tied hand and foot - and butt naked?"
"I know. It sounds kind of crazy."
Ben laughed. "I can only guess how you paid your fare."
"Blow job. But it was worth it. He was very helpful."
"At least I hope he was gentlemanly enough to untie you once he got you home."
"Home? Oh no. He didn't take me home. He tied me back into a hogtie. And he left me his Tracfone."
"You must give one helluva blow job."
Jennifer giggled. "I do!"
"So what happened next."
"He put the Tracfone in speakerphone mode, dialed your number, and set it near my head. Then he took off."
"You mean..."
"Yep. I'm in your lobby. Hogtied and butt naked! And let me tell you mister, this marble floor is getting mighty cold. So. Can you help a girl out with her bondage adventure?"
"I'll be right there!"