0:01:43....0:01:42....0:01:41...0:01:40, she watches as the timer sitting in front of her counts down to her demise, she's been staring at it ominously for the past 2 hours hoping she'll be able to stop the timer or at least slow it down from just staring at it alone, but that of course won't happen. She tries to scream for help in hopes someone will come untie her but the ball gag shoved in her mouth stifles any chance of someone hearing her. The ropes lashing her wrists and ankles together are unforgiving and bite into her flesh with every move, the rope around her waist and around her breasts keep her held tight to the chair....but we're getting ahead of ourselves here, lets look at how Sabrina got herself into this little predicament.
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Her name is Sabrina Mitchell, she's 26, 5'2, big green eyes, and she's the Assistant Branch Manager of her city's branch of one of the largest financial institutions in the country. Men have often commented her on her looks but she feels that these comments are often ill conceived, Sabrina just saw herself as an average women, decent sized breasts, long blonde hair, slim figure, but she didn't think she was the super model type as some men had told her she was. Sabrina also always secretly had a love for the whole bondage scene but she's been too shy to try anything with a past boyfriend out of fear she'd scare them off. Mind you she's let herself indulged in self-bondage from time to time, but she's never really gone for more than half an hour, this weekend, she decided that'll all change, this'll be a weekend she won't forget.
Sabrina awoke that Friday morning and began her usual routine of getting herself ready for the day, but this morning was different, along with the usual clothes she set out Sabrina also grabbed a small brown duffle bag she had stashed away in the back of her closet, in it were the things she'd be using tonight to give herself a weekend of fun. Some of the things she got from local fetish shops and others she'd ordered off the internet, she reached into the bag and produced several lengths of rope, a pair of handcuffs, a vibrator, a chastity belt, and a ball gag. This was definitely going to be a fun weekend she thought to herself, she smiled slyly and continued to get ready for her day. But before she hopped in the shower there were a couple things she had to do, she went down her stairs to the kitchen and produced a large container from the freezer, about a quarter full of a frozen block of ice. She had timed the block melt when it was full size and it took about 2 and a half days for it to fully melt, perfect for her weekend she thought. She placed the keys for the lock that would go on the chastity belt in the middle of the ice block, filled the container up with water all the way, closed the lid and set it back in the freezer then ran back upstairs to hop in the shower.
As she got out of the shower Sabrina decided she was going to stick with her plan and wear the chastity belt all weekend, including to work, she picked up the egg shaped vibrator from her bed and made sure it had fresh batteries, she turned it on the random setting and easily slid it into her pussy as the thought of having this thing in her all weekend drove her wild, she also loved having the mystery of not knowing when the little devil would spring to life and have her at it's mercy being locked tightly away under her chastity belt. The belt she'd ordered off the internet was a slim one so it wouldn't be noticed too easily if worn under clothes but it was very sturdy, made of stainless steel and had a thin layer of padding for comfort for the wearer, she put it around her waist and slid the strap between her legs and closed the hasp at the front, she picked up the padlock she had laid out on the bed and said, "well here goes nothing". She slid the shackle of the lock into the hasp and thought maybe she was making a mistake, but she closed the lock before her second thoughts made her reconsider her fate. As she closed the lock almost as if on queue the vibrator inside her started going to work on her for a few seconds then shut off as quickly as it'd come on, "this is certainly going to be an interesting day", she said to herself then gave the lock a tug to make sure it was on securely and began getting dressed for work.
She had one final thing to do before she left for the day, after breakfast Sabrina pulled out another container from the freezer, this one significantly smaller than the one she'd pulled out before, this one was to be for the handcuff keys, and it would take at least 4 hours for the ice to melt so she could get the keys and release herself. She placed the keys on the thin layer of ice in the container then filled it up with water and placed it back in the freezer. Just as she sat down for a quick breakfast the vibrator came to life in her once more for a couple of minutes this time, Sabrina moaned softly as it went to work on her then shut itself off as if to save her torment for later, she thought maybe she should take the belt off as her colleagues may begin to wonder why she was acting strangely at work and went to the freezer to retrieve the key from the container. To her surprise the container was not where she'd set it, she began digging deeper into her freezer to see if she maybe had put it back in deeper than she'd thought but it was nowhere to be found, just as she began tracing her steps in her head Sabrina heard something downstairs.
She went to the top of the steps and began listening intently for the noise again, after not hearing it for a couple minutes she shrugged it off and went back to searching for the key for the belt, as she resumed her search she heard something again, this time it sounded like footsteps, "Hello? Who's there?" Sabrina said, of course no response from downstairs. She made her way downstairs to investigate where the noise had come from, as she stepped down from the bottom step she felt a hand clamp itself over her mouth and she gasped as she felt a gun barrel against her temple, a familiar raspy voice from behind her began to say "Hello there Sabrina", it was her neighbour Tom Geddes, Tom was a foreman at the docks, he was a fairly tall man at 6 '2 and had a strong build, short brown hair, brown eyes, and a charm that could make any woman melt like butter, and Sabrina had always had a thing for him. "I need you to tell me the combination for the vault at the bank, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and seeing as I have the key for that belt you're wearing you'd probably want to do things the easy way. If you tell me what I want to know I'll give you the key back and we can pretend like this never happened, don't tell me the combination however and your life is going to get a lot worse, I can't imagine what you'd do if you can't have sex anymore."
Sabrina went wide-eyed and began to run her fingers over the belt realizing if she didn't do as Tom said, she'd never get the belt off, but she didn't want to just give him the combination and be responsible for the bank being robbed. "Well you can keep the keys Tom, I'm not going to tell you, I bet that gun's not even loaded and besides, you know I can't tell yo....uhhhhhhhhhhhh oooh dear...", Sabrina was cut off by the buzzing of the vibrator. Tom began to laugh and said "wow! You're kinkier than I thought Sabrina, screw my original plan you're not getting the key back but I'm going to have a little fun with you until I get the information I want", as he moved the gun barrel from her temple down to her back, "now lets head upstairs to your room and you can tell me what I want to know."
Sabrina winced at the embarrassment she was about to face as Tom would see what was lain out on her bed, as she opened the door she heard him start laughing again and say "this just keeps getting better and better, you're full of surprises, you just saved me a lot of prep work, now strip down unless you want to find out if this gun is really loaded or not." She heard the click of the gun cocking and began stripping off her clothes since she didn't want to find out if Tom was serious about shooting her. "Good, now put your hands behind your back and handcuff yourself", Tom said as he motioned his glance towards the pair of handcuffs on the bed. Sabrina picked them up and began cuffing her hands behind her back, "let me guess, the keys for those are in the freezer as well?" Tom inquired, Sabrina just nodded her head, too embarrassed to answer, "alright, I'm going to go grab them, don't go anywhere", Tom said with a wink and went downstairs to the kitchen to get the cuff keys. Sabrina did as she was told and just stood there with her eyes closed she was getting rather turned on by this whole situation even though she knew she was actually in danger. Deep down though she'd always had fantasies about Tom doing something like this to her, upon his return Tom asked her once more "so tell me, what's the combination for the bank vault?"
Sabrina just remained silent hoping he'd give up and let her go, she screamed as he gave her a sharp crack on the ass with a wooden spoon he'd found in the kitchen, "ok let me rephrase, tell me the combination or I'm just going to leave you here bound and gagged and let the police find you on Monday", again Sabrina's silence was met with another crack on the ass, she again screamed in pain as Tom said "alright, I can see you've chosen to do this the hard way, I'll give you one more chance after I get you all trussed up to tell me what the combination is, but I'm sure you can imagine your embarrassment if the police find you like this on Monday and you're completely turned on, eh you little slut? Now lay on the bed on your stomach!" Tom wasted no time getting to work on Sabrina as she now lay on the bed accepting her fate; he took one of the lengths of rope and wrapped it around her ankles a few times before bringing it between her ankles to cinch it off and tying a knot.
He picked up another length of rope and tied it between her ankles as well and took the free end and knotted it to the short chain on her handcuffs, effectively leaving her in a helpless hogtie, he then hoisted her up and tightly tied another rope around each of her breasts, Sabrina winced from the pain, he brought the rope up over her shoulders making a sort of harness and tied it into the rope holding her in a hogtie. As he glanced over his prize he decided she wasn't quite helpless enough, he dug into Sabrina's duffle bag and produced a roll of duct tape, "perfect", he said to himself and began wrapping the duct tape around her fingers, as he finished he said "alright, I think that should hold you for the weekend, now one more chance, tell me what the combination is." Sabrina was now holding back tears, she didn't want to be found like this, imagine what it'd do for her reputation, and she opened her mouth and said "it's 44-58-32-16-23." Tom wrote down the numbers and said, "good, now that wasn't so hard was it? But unfortunately for you, you're far too trusting I can't just let you go, you'll go tell the police what I did, I've got a solution though don't worry."
Panic began to set in and Sabrina shrieked, "what?!! Let me go right now! I promise I won't tell the police about this, please just let me go, I'll do whatever you want!" "I'm afraid it's too late for that Sabrina, you gave me the combination what use do I have for you now?" Tom asked as he approached her with a chloroform soaked rag, "now just close your eyes and sleep", he said as he clamped the rag over her mouth and nose. Sabrina's struggles slowly grew weaker and weaker as she drifted off into unconsciousness, the last thing she felt before she succumbed was the vibration in her crotch.
When she awoke she began to look around and saw she was no longer in the comfort of her bedroom, instead she saw that she was in what looked to be a warehouse and saw 5 red numbers counting something, 1:43:56 they read, Sabrina's eyes traced the path of what the number panel was attached to and she began to panic as she realized she was staring at a bomb. She tried screaming for help but found that her ball gag was in her mouth, she heard Tom from behind her say "oh, look who's come to, as you can see you have about an hour and 40 minutes to live, I have what I need from you and no one knows you're out here, your boss called your place while you were out of it wondering where you were I told him you had left town on a family emergency. We're in a warehouse at the docks if you're wondering, you can yell all you want, no one will hear you over the cranes and the ship horns, but not to worry you're a smart lady I'm sure you'll find some way out of this in the short time you have, but if not I'll see you on the flip side. I however am off to become a rich man thanks to your little combination here, good luck Sabrina, you'll need it!"
Sabrina began yelling as loud as she could through the gag trying to get someone's attention and was struggling furiously hoping to find some way out of this, as Tom left her alone in the warehouse she felt her little friend between her legs spring to life once more, she silently cursed the thing, she thought it was her own fault for getting herself into this mess. If she hadn't of taken so long this morning putting the vibrator in and prepping for her night (which may never come) she may have never run into Tom at her place and wouldn't be in this situation right now.
She glanced back at the timer and saw she had 1:32:26 remaining, she knew had to do something soon or she wouldn't be able to get to a phone and call the cops about what Tom was headed to do. She looked around to see if there was anything she could use to free her wrists from the cuffs or cut the ropes, out of the corner of her eye she caught site of a metal edge on one of the skids near her chair, if she could just move her chair over there she may be able to cut the ropes she thought. She tried moving the chair over towards the skid but found that the chair was suddenly stopped short, she looked down and saw a chain locked to the leg of the chair and the other end locked to a very sturdy looking pipe some feet away, her heart sank as she realized Tom had thought of this and didn't want her going anywhere.
Her next thought was maybe she could try breaking the chair and then going to get help, no matter how much she thrashed around the chair didn't want to break, she cursed Tom under her breath for using such a solid chair, she looked back at the clock and saw she had 1:25:42 left, Sabrina looked around once more and didn't see anything else around that she could use to help her escape, so she just accepted her fate and waited for the timer to finish counting, as she made this decision her crotch started buzzing again, she moaned softly and thought at least she'd enjoy herself a little before she got blown up. As the timer approached the 30 minute mark Sabrina began to panic once again and started yelling for help and thrashing around in the chair once more, but she knew no one would hear her over all of the noise outside. She grunted with frustration as she accepted her fate, all tied up, very turned on, and about to be part of a demolition accident, what a way to go she thought.
At 0:20:31 the egg began to vibrate once again, Sabrina noticed however that it was a bit stronger this time and seemed to be continuing on for more than a few seconds, she'd read in the manual before that when the batteries were about to die it would continuously vibrate until the batteries died, so she decided to make the best of this situation and went with the buzzing. Sabrina went from moaning softly, to moaning louder and louder as she came closer to the edge, once she hit her climax she began to scream as she had the best orgasm of her life, "mmmooohhh yesssmmmmm!!!" she screamed into the gag as her eyes rolled back in her head and she experienced pure bliss, albeit for one last time.
She slumped forward in exhaustion and was panting from the exertion, shortly thereafter the vibrator stopped buzzing, "I guess my fun's over," she thought to herself, feeling a little sheepish that this whole situation was such a turn-on for her. She glanced up at the timer once more and watched as it counted down her final minutes 0:01:45.....0:01:44....0:01:43....she tries yelling for help once more hoping, just hoping that one of the dock workers or a passer-by will hear her and come release her in the nick of time, but no one answers her call. She lets out a sigh as the clock reads 0:00:09....0:00:08.....0:00:07...0:00:06..."I hope this bomb's a dud," she thinks as her final thought before she closes her eyes and waits for the end....0:00:03....0:00:02......0:00:01...