- Author - control.me
- Rating -
  [ 3.00 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2416 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, blackmail, bondage, humiliation
- Post Date - 11/30/2009
Author's Note:This is a true story, with only the names changed.
The dare was quite simple: "Go and collect a drive through takeaway for the gang dressed only in underwear of the opposite sex. Guys: dress in bra and knickers/thong, girls male boxers only."
It had started as an office night out. My three sexy secretaries in their early twenties, me (the new office manager), and old Bob (my predecessor). I had just taken over the department and it was a way of Bob handing over the office to me. I wasn't sure it was appropriate but Bob said it was a company tradition.
Well, a few beers and a lot of laughs and dancing later and Bob said he had to go home. The girls said they wanted to carry on but had the only car. I had made myself the nominated driver (well, I didn't want to humiliate myself in front of my new staff did I?).
Anyway, I said we'd best make tracks and I poured the girls into the car. Sarah's house was first. They all begged me to go in for coffee and not to be a killjoy. They playfully dragged me from the car showing a fair bit of cleavage and thigh. I gave in (not for the last time either).
One thing led to another and I ended up having a drink and snogging each of the girls. Well, a man can only say no for so long when there are three gorgeous drunken girls dancing in front of him and taking it in turns to kiss him.
Then Kate suggested getting to know me a bit better. She started with a few innocent questions which I answered. That led Sarah to suggest a truth or dare game. Before I knew it thew were all down to their underwear. I was conned. They were planning this all night as I was to discover.
We'd been playing for half an hour and were all a bit merry. I was down to my jockey shorts (I find them better than boxers because they help me keep my member down). Sarah had been dared to get naked and give the player opposite a blow job for one minute. That's when I got naked. It felt fantastic, she was great. But she stopped too soon. I stayed naked (why not?) and soon it was my turn again. I was feeling brave. Dare.
Lisa dared me to let them write on me with a pen. I laughed and said OK. They stood me up and produced three pens. That's how I ended up with "I obey women" written on my forehead (Sarah told me it said "gorgeous"), with "insert cock here" on my back with an arrow pointing between my cheeks, and "Lisa's slave" on my cock. What I also didn't know until later was that Lisa used a permanent marker.
Anyway, a few rounds later Lisa gave me this dare "Go and collect a drive through takeaway for the gang dressed only in underwear of the opposite sex." I was very late now and most places would be closing down. I knew I'd have to drive to the other side of town.
Lisa was naked so I borrowed her red silky bra and thong (the thong rode up the back but covered nothing in front). I got "dressed" and went to the car. They checked to make sure there were no clothes and let me go. I was a bit surprised that they let me go alone but I had to go back for my clothes anyway.
I got to the takeaway just before closing. One car in front damn so I'll have to queue. They take ages to order but eventually they do and move forward. My turn. The thong can hardly contain me, my face is burning.
Oh God, it's a fantastic looking young girl ... in my dreams! It was a woman, but she was old and ugly. Morag it said on her badge - not even a sexy name. She barely looked up when I placed the order. When she did, she laughed out loud. She looked down at my crotch and laughed again. She told me to pay. I put my bank card in and pushed the numbers. She said I'd have to go to the next window to collect the food. She was still laughing.
I moved forward to the window and she was there again. She shouted through the window that the lock was broken and I'd have to go into the cafe to collect the food. Stuff that I said. Then told me that she had the cctv tape AND my bank details. She promised to wipe the tape if I went inside.
So what to do? Run, and have my picture plastered all over the place - and she had the bank details with my name and everything. Or obey and salvage something. I parked in the empty car park and went inside. It was empty, she was the only person there.
She called me to go behind the counter and kneel. I did. She laughed again. She said she hadn't believed the sign but it must be true. She tied elbows together behind my back. She humiliated me for ages making me bend and stretch and jump around. Then she told me: there's no cctv outside, only behind the counter to watch the staff!
That was when the girls showed up. They'd seen it all and they had all taken pictures of me on their phones. They told me that I was their slave now - or the whole factory would find out: I'd lose my job and everything.
So that's how I ended up like this.
When Morag works the late shift at the drive thorough, she phones or emails and I have to go too. She usually makes me dress in a bra and thong. She puts a spreader bar between my ankles and ties my balls to it. I have to clean the place, and keep her amused. She quite likes to sit on my face too. I just wish she was pretty. And yes, I know that every time I do this I'm on camera and I'm giving her more ammunition, but she's blackmailing me.
The secretaries have got me by the short and curlies too. I am in charge in the office, but they take half of my salary for the privilege of not telling on me. They make me do humiliating things to myself too. Especially Lisa, who made me get my cock tattooed with "Lisa's slave", because that is what I am.
And before you ask:
1. Yes, this IS true;
2. Sarah ordered me to post this story.