Author's Note: Sorry about the spacing in the last version :S, hopefully this one's a little easier to read. Enjoy!
"That's 2 months now that I've been late with the cable bill", Cheryl said to herself as she read over the notice from the cable company 'politely' informing her to pay her bills or her service would be terminated. Cheryl was like any university student, always had her nose in a book, late for the odd class, and flat broke, she often picked up odd babysitting jobs for money along with her job at the coffee shop it was barely enough to pay the bills but not much more. Most guys would describe Cheryl as gorgeous; she had shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a body that could sweep any guy off his feet. But what good is being gorgeous if you cant even pay your bills or buy nice things, she realized she needed money and she needed it now, just as she thought this Cheryl's phone rang, almost as if some higher power had read her mind.
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Cheryl answered "Hello?", the voice on the end said "umm yes hello is this Cheryl?", "yes that would be me, what can I do for you?", "well Cheryl, this is Martin Belan, I own the car dealership in town, Belan's luxury vehicles." "Oh yes I've heard of you, what's this about Martin?", "Well the Mrs. and I have our anniversary coming up this Friday and I was wondering if you'd be able to babysit Devon for us while we went out for a night on the town? We hear you're the best", along with Martin owning a Porsche dealership, Cheryl knew his wife was a scientist and university professor, which means they'd be loaded. Cheryl replied trying to contain her excitement at the thought of the large paycheque she'd be getting, "oh sure thing Mr.Belan, what time should I be over?" "I'm glad to hear you're interested, it's so hard to find a sitter anymore in this town; can you be here by 7 on Friday?" "I sure can, see you then." Cheryl said as she hung up the phone, but it wasn't hung up for long she immediately called her friend Vanessa right after.
"Vanessa you're not going to believe who just phoned me, Martin Belan, the car dealer, he asked me to babysit his kid on Friday the guy must be loaded!" Vanessa laughed and said, "yeah that's good and all hun but you're supposed to go out clubbin with us on Friday remember? Besides aren't you the least bit concerned that 6 girls have gone missing in the last month on babysitting jobs? Taken by someone they're calling 'The Sitter Snatcher' I heard." Cheryl scoffed at her friend's comment and replied "Is that the best you can do Vanessa? Trying to scare me into going out with you this weekend are you? Ha! Well I, my friend am going to go make some serious money this weekend so you and the girls go have your fun I'll pass this time around." Cheryl couldn't help think as she hung up the phone that maybe Vanessa was right, maybe there really was a 'Sitter Snatcher' but she shrugged it off just thinking her friend was trying to scare her again like the numerous she'd try to do in the past.
It was a cool night on Friday as Cheryl walked over to the Belan's residence, she was pumped at the big tip she was going to earn tonight, and she might actually be able to pay off all her bills she thought. She climbed the small set of steps up to the huge white double doors and rang the doorbell, the sound echoed through the house, the place was huge she thought, almost the size of a mansion. A buxom blonde answered the door, "oh you must be Cheryl, Martin's talked a lot about you come right in. I'm Martin's wife, Catherine, nice to meet you." For a woman in her 30's she was gorgeous, she had the complexion and build of a woman in her early 20's, "so where's Devon hiding?" Cheryl inquired playfully knowing he was hiding somewhere close, Catherine chuckled and replied, "you know, I'm not sure where that little monster ended up." Just then Devon jumped out from behind the couch with a loud yell trying to scare his mom, Cheryl could see what kind of night she was in for, ugh. "Well Devon can be a handful at times as you can see, but we'll be... rewarding you handsomely if you stay the whole night", Catherine said with a wink.
And with that Martin came downstairs with car keys in hand, "Oh hey Cheryl, I'm glad you could make it, I hope you and my wife have been properly introduced?", "Yes sir", "glad to hear it, you have free run of anything in the fridge and if you need to reach us at all both of our cell numbers as well as the number for the restaurant are on the fridge, have a good night you two. Behave yourself Devon; let's try not to scare this sitter away hmm?" Martin said, scolding his son, "yea yea, I know dad," Devon replied as he rolled his eyes. The Belans left for their night on the town, leaving Cheryl there to fend for herself with Devon, once she heard the Porsche start up and leave the driveway she said, "so Devon tell me, what do you want to do? Should we play a game, watch a movie, or what?" "Yeah let's play chess, best 2 out of 3? Only if I win....I get to tie you up." The kid doesn't know what he's getting himself into Cheryl thought to herself; she was the chess tournament champ at her university last year. "Ok, you're on!, but if I win you have to go to bed early" Cheryl said confidently, knowing she could kick some serious 11 year old ass, "Ok, that's a fair deal" Devon replied. Devon set up the game and after about 10 minutes to Cheryl's surprise she got cornered by the brat, "check mate" he said, "let me go get the rope looks like this'll be easy", "It's best 2 out of 3 you know? I can come back" Cheryl replied sticking out her tongue. Game 2 started and Cheryl managed to turn things around, "check mate Devon, better go get your pjs looks like you'll be going to bed early tonight", Cheryl said cockily, "we still have one more game, Cheryl". Then finally game 3, Cheryl purposely set things up so she'd lose, deep down she loved being tied up tight and trying to find a way to escape, and the kid was 11 how hard could it be? "Checkmate Cheryl, looks like I get to tie you up!" "Oh no, whatever will I do?" Cheryl said back sarcastically, "well you lost fair and square, now get on the floor and lay on your stomach I'll be back with some rope", Devon told Cheryl. Cheryl got down on the floor and did as Devon had asked, it didn't take Devon long to come back from the garage with about 40ft of rope, two 15ft pieces and one 10ft piece, "ok give me your hands", Devon said to Cheryl, she knew she didn't have much choice but to co-operate a deal is a deal after all.
Devon began by looping the rope around Cheryl's wrists a few times, and then brought the rope between her wrists, he did this several times until most of the 15ft was lashed around her wrists then knotted it off out of reach of her fingers. He did the same process for her ankles with the other 15ft of rope, then once this was done he checked the knots again to make sure nothing would come loose, then Devon took the 10ft rope and began trussing Cheryl into a tight hogtie. "There we go, I think that should hold you", Devon said to Cheryl as he stood up, "but I just want to do a couple more things just to make sure you wont get loose anytime soon." He disappeared for a few more seconds to get something from the garage, when he came back Cheryl saw he was holding a roll of duct tape and a bandana. "Gagging wasn't part of the deal" she said as Devon told her to shut up and stuffed the balled up bandana in her mouth, he then wound the tape around her head a few times not caring that he was taping her hair as well, he then began wrapping the tape around each of Cheryl's hands, he then taped them together and said, "there we go, I don't think you'll be getting loose anytime soon my parents will be home in a couple hours they can let you out, but in the meantime I'm going to a friend's place, have fun Cheryl!" as he walked down the hall towards the front door.
Cheryl began thrashing around and protesting in her gag, she was hoping to find some way out but it was obvious the little brat had done this before. She was beginning to think Devon was right, she may have to wait for his parents to get home, Cheryl just accepted her fate and slowly moved around on the floor(with what movement she could manage) moaning softly as she enjoyed her situation. He may have been a brat but she thought she may as well get some pleasure out of this, just then Cheryl heard the door open, she peered up at the clock and saw only 40 minutes had passed since the Belans had left, and they weren't due home for another couple hours, so she was wondering who it could be. Just then she felt a hand clamp a wet rag over her mouth and nose, she tried to scream for help not knowing who the attacker was but it was futile as she quickly drifted into unconsciousness.
Cheryl awoke with a pounding headache, and still a bit groggy from her drug induced nap. She suddenly became aware of her surroundings, she wasn't in the Belan's living room anymore nor was she lying on its soft carpet, instead she was staring at a cinderblock wall and was laying on something cold, something metal. As she sat up she heard a clinking sound, she looked down and found that her ankles were locked in shackles and chained to brackets in the floor, she saw her wrists were in much the same state, "What the fuck??" She said to herself, "What is this? Where am I???", as she looked up she saw a row of bars a few feet in front of her, "Why am I in a cell?" She thought, "was I arrested?"
She tried to move to the bars and look around but the chains stopped her short and wouldn't let her anywhere near them, panic finally began to set in and she started screaming for help as loud as she could "HEEEEELLLP!!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!" Cheryl almost jumped out of her skin as a familiar voice replied, "you can scream all you want my dear, no one can hear you, this room's soundproofed", Cheryl didn't have to see the person to know whose voice it was, it was Catherine.
She came into view and said, "you look shocked my dear, why so shocked? You hadn't read the news lately about the 'Sitter Snatcher'? You didn't find it odd that you were being offered a few hundred dollars to baby-sit one child? For a law student you really aren't that bright." Cheryl's heart sank as she realized Catherine was completely right, why hadn't she thought this was all a bit strange? "Why are you doing this? Let me go!!" Cheryl screamed, as she tugged on her chains hoping they'd give her a little more slack, "Why are we doing this? Do you think we'd have such a nice house just from our jobs alone? We're also slave traders, we lure university girls here like yourself with the promise of a nice paycheque for babysitting then sell them to the highest bidder, and you, like most of the other girls fell right into our trap."
Catherine said coldly as she smiled, she disappeared out of Cheryl's view again and came back holding a rather nasty looking steel chastity belt and the keys to Cheryl's chains and cell. The belt looked to have a rather large, heavily studded buttplug and a dildo that wasn't much smaller, she opened the cell door and walked into the cell, "it's probably best if you cooperate for this next part...not that you can really go anywhere anyways, but cooperating will make it a lot easier on you until we find you a buyer." Catherine blindfolded Cheryl with a scarf she produced from her pocket and bent down and slid the belt between her legs, she didn't bother easing the buttplug in and Cheryl screamed from the sudden force as she felt every stud on the way in, Catherine didn't take much more care sliding the dildo into her either, both orifices now ached as they accepted their large invaders. With a loud click Cheryl heard the belt lock, and began hearing a series of loud beeps as Catherine messed with the settings for the belt on its' control pad, "Security level: 10", "Vibration intensity: 10", "Shock intensity: 10", "Torment setting: Random", Cheryl heard a robotic female voice say, "Confirm settings?" she heard another loud beep as Catherine pressed the Ok button on the control pad, "Settings confirmed, master code required to change settings", the female voice said, as if to let Cheryl know she really was stuck.
Catherine removed the blindfold and explained, "Alright my dear, you're probably confused about what that entails so I'll explain it all to you. The security setting I've set you at, your belt needs 3 separate 6 digit codes to unlock it, that's a million possible combinations for each code if you're not up to doing the math. If you manage to guess the first one right but get the second one wrong, the belt will change the first one to a new code and shock you for your efforts. If you do find a way out of your cell and try to leave the outer room here the belt will shock you continuously until you return. Torment setting, that's a fun one...for me and my husband at least, at random times the belt will activate the dildo and buttplug, they will both begin vibrating till you're almost over the edge, just as you're about to hit your climax both the buttplug and dildo will shut off leaving you very frustrated I'm sure, it may do it every few minutes, or every few hours, won't that be fun?" Cheryl began sobbing uncontrollably at the end of Catherine's explanation as her fate had finally sunk in, "Please!!! Just take this belt off me, I want to go home!! I swear I won't tell anyone what you're doing here!" Catherine just laughed and replied "Do you really think I'm that stupid? Besides this is way too much fun, I'll tell you what, if you can guess the combinations for your belt and remove it, I'll let you go."
She set a stack of papers down on Cheryl's bed and said "all 3 combinations are in this list of numbers somewhere, this'll give you something to do until we can find you a buyer, have fun!" And with that Catherine left the cell. Cheryl stopped crying and took a look at the list of numbers, "there must be over 10000 possible codes on these sheets", she said to herself and began dialling in the combinations, her efforts were futile as after each set of numbers the belt just responded with *beep beep*, after about 5 minutes the familiar female voice from the belt said, "100 wrong attempts reached, beginning Security level 11", "What the fuck?!! NO!!!" Cheryl screamed as she heard a whirring sound from the belt as it injected a liquid into her ass and pussy, "What's happening???"
Shortly thereafter, Cheryl heard the distant sound of a door opening, Catherine came into view once again and smiled as she said, "judging by the liquid dripping down your legs I see you've discovered security level 11, I forgot to tell you about that one, sorry", her voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's a little something my husband and I cooked up, the liquid will dry in a few minutes, once it does it basically means you can never get the dildo or buttplug out of you, even if you do find a way to get the belt off, and the glue itself will actually intensify the shocks and vibrations that you feel from now on, you just couldn't resist trying the numbers could you? Now you've made things a lot worse for yourself."
Catherine was grinning from ear to ear, "You're a sadistic, twisted bitch! Let me go! My family has money they can pay you double, no, triple whatever a buyer will offer you!!! Just please unlock me and let me out of this!" She was hoping this would sway Catherine since all she seemed to be after was money but it of course didn't do much good, "uhhh.....no, I'm just having too much fun torturing you, but don't worry you'll be out of here in a few hours, we found you a buyer! But I've got another little challenge for you", Catherine replied as she tossed a bag through the bars of the cell, Cheryl opened the bag and found a few large spools of yarn, some knitting needles, and a book on knitting, Cheryl looked up at her with a puzzled look. "If you can knit a blanket by the time your buyer shows up in 3 days I'll release you, the one I want you to make is on page 80 of that book, I hope you're a quick study...for your sake" Catherine said with an evil grin as she left the room.
Cheryl flipped to the page and she almost felt sick to her stomach as she saw what Catherine had in mind, it was a King sized blanket with a complex mountain scene, this would take her forever she thought, but began to attempt it anyways. Only a few minutes into her work and both vibrators in her sprang to life, "Oooooohhhhhh fuuuuccckk, Noooottt nowww," Cheryl said as she desperately tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but the vibrations were too much and kept her thoroughly stimulated, as she was about to climax both of the devices shut off abruptly, just as Catherine had said. Cheryl let out a sigh and began her work again, not even 10 minutes later the belt resumed its torment on Cheryl.
"Uuuggggh!!! This isssssss hooooopeless!!" She yelled as she tossed her work across the cell, as she was revving up for another climax the vibrators both once again shut off, Cheryl screamed in frustration and began trying to hump the wall of the cell trying to get some pleasure out of the dildo inside her, but the unmoving steel provided her with no such satisfaction. Cheryl broke down crying again as she realized this belt was going to torment her until her buyer arrived to take her off to a life of slavery doing god knows what just then she heard a hissing sound as a strange gas began to fill the cell, "Oh my god, what now???" were her last words as she drifted once again into unconsciousness.
She was not aware how much time had passed when she awoke, or how long she had passed out for, and almost as if on cue the belt sprang to life again reminding her it was still there, and shut off in what seemed like a few seconds later. "I'm not sure how much more of this I can take", she said to herself, Just then she remembered her hair clip thinking she may be able to use it to get the shackles off. She felt around her hair with what little movement the chains gave her until she found it, she put the end of it into the lock on her left shackle and twisted it around for awhile, as the belt sprang to life once more. She dropped the hair pin and it bounced across the floor out of her reach, "No!!" she yelled and tried to reach for it and stretched out her arms as far as they'd go but the chains would not give her anymore slack, she heard the distant sound of the door opening again, only this time a man wearing a jacket with the letters FBI printed on the chest came into view. "Holy crap!!! You're an FBI agent!!" She exclaimed happily, "You have to help me get out of here!! Those lunatics upstairs locked me up in here and are going to sell me to....", she trailed off as she saw Martin approach the FBI agent a few seconds later, he smirked and said "I have some bad news Cheryl, this man is the buyer my wife was telling you about, this is Detective Troy Jenkins, he'll see you have a good home." Cheryl began tugging furiously on the chains and the belt and yelled "No!!! You can't do this!! I won't fucking let you!! Let me go, my parents will pay you whatever amount you want, just please don't sell me!!" A smile came to Troy's lips as he reached around back for his wallet and said, "she certainly has some fight in her, how much?"