Smooth hands slid gently over my quivering body as I was lowered slowly into the soft embrace of silken sheets. They came to rest upon my slender wrists as a set of warm lips travelled unhurriedly from the creamy mounds of my breasts down to the moist warmth of my sex. The mouth paused teasingly and my body shuddered with longing, bending and twisting, trying desperately to re-establish contact with that unknown other...
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The harsh beeping of my alarm clock cut short my wonderful dream and I defiantly stuck my head underneath my pillow, muffling the sound slightly and allowing me to reminisce my interrupted fantasy. Already the details of the dream were slipping from my waking mind, so with a sigh of resignation I rolled over and slapped the off button on my clock.
As I lay on my back staring at the ceiling, I realised how damp my pyjama bottoms were. The cotton leggings were liberally soaked through with my arousal, and I was sure that I could smell my distinct scent upon the air. In a brief moment of panic, I looked over to the other side of the room where a girl I shared the lodgings with slept, afraid that she would notice the smell or had seen me tossing and turning, possibly even moaning, in my sleep. Normally there was a curtain separating the two sides of the room, a courtesy meant for privacy, yet it was drawn across to the door and my room mate's bed lay empty.
I let out a sigh of relief as I pictured my roomie, Charlotte, in my head, she stood at around five foot eight (a few inches taller than me at five four), sporting a head of beautiful ebony hair, cropped short in pixie style and a pair of eyes that resembled glittering chips of ice. Her body was a bit too skinny, but she made up for it by keeping in shape and her skin was pale and contrasted with her dark hair. Her breasts were not overly large and yet she still managed to fill a top well and turn the lads heads every time she walked by. She was not astoundingly beautiful but there was just something special about her that you could not place your finger upon.
I did not look upon myself as being a great beauty either, yet I got my small share of attention from the opposite sex. My hair was long and straight as opposed to short and messy, and was a dark, rich shade of red like cherry wood. My eyes were limpid green pools that I too often hid shyly beneath my long lashes. My breasts were also not overly large, but I took advantage of my wardrobe to maximise their potential. I swam at the University pool several times a week and the exercise had streamlined my body, making it sleek and, I like to think, sexy.
I realised I had become distracted by the dream and panic of discovery, a quarter hour had passed by unnoticed while I fantasised and I was due in class soon. I rolled over to get up and was immediately hit by a pang of jealousy as I looked upon Charlotte's bed again. The queen sized mattress and duvet were sheathed in ivory satin, the bed was perfectly made with not a wrinkle in sight and looked terribly appealing. On my small student budget I could not afford luxuries like that, whereas Charlotte had a doting mother to thank for treats such as this. Folded neatly upon the pillow was a pair of black silk pyjamas that I knew looked fantastic when Charlotte wore them. I also knew she had a drawer full of underwear of the same material that I could only imagine felt like. I had always wanted to try them, yet cowardice had always prevailed in the end, as it had with many things I'd have liked to have tried. Only last month I had slept with a guy who I had desperately wanted to ask to tie me up, yet I had been too afraid and chickened out.
My soaking pyjamas were beginning to irritate me now, but all the thoughts of silk and bondage had aroused me slightly once more. I couldn't resist letting my hands slide under my pyjama top and rub smoothly over my skin. I gave a little gasp when my palms met my bare nipples and decided to get up before I got too carried away.
Stripping out of my PJ's, I let them drop to the floor and headed over to my wardrobe (no need to be careful with my room mate absent). Just as I was about to open the doors, I noticed a sheet of paper resting on Charlotte's shiny pillow. Curious now, I walked over to investigate and couldn't help enjoying the sensation of the cool satin on my skin as I retrieved the paper, which turned out to be a note.
Gone to a movie with the girls and am hitting a house party later. I'm staying the night there so don't wait up.
Charlotte xx
A warm flush spread through my body from my head down to the tips of my toes, which wriggled appreciatively against the thick carpet as a sudden sense of daring hit me. With Charlotte gone until tomorrow, and I could guess late tomorrow by the sound of 'house party', I was free to do what I wished within the confines of the room.
My first thought was to dash straight over to the bed and hurl myself upon it's wonderful smoothness where I could pleasure myself to my heart's content. Just the very thought of it set me off again, and a warm, tingling sensation began spreading through my body. I had to use every last scrap of willpower to avoid touching myself right then and there. I was contemplating what to do when inspiration struck me, why not kill two birds with one stone? I knew for a fact that Charlotte possessed a number of silk scarves, and I myself had a few items of bondage gear ready for the day when I kept my nerve with a guy.
With a devilish grin I scrambled to my wardrobe and withdrew a pair of leather wrist cuffs that I had concealed under all the clothes. The soft and supple leather buckled snugly around each of my wrists and I felt the excitement building deep within the pit of my stomach. I had serious butterflies and couldn't wait to get started in earnest. Pausing only to grab my favourite vibrator from it's hiding place, not bothering to check the batteries as I had replaced them with long life ones only yesterday, I hurried over to Charlotte's side of the room and feeling deliciously naughty every second I was over there.
My first stop was her underwear drawer, containing the usual mundane items and, secreted at the bottom, several pairs of kinky lingerie. I could barely control myself as I sorted through the garments, finally settling on the red silk edged with black. There was both a bra and knickers with a garter belt, so I hurriedly hunted down some black nylons to clip on. My arousal was painfully obvious now, I was pink in the face and breathing heavily, my aroma filling the air with it's cloying scent. I longed to touch my swollen sex but resisted so as to enjoy it all the more later. I calmly and slowly fastened the bra about my pert breasts, gasping with delight as the smooth fabric met my sensitive nipples. Next came the garter belt and thigh length stockings with the knickers pulled on over the top (I wanted to be able to remove them later whilst leaving the garter and nylons in place).
I almost lost control as the underwear met and hugged my pussy, next thing I knew I was on the soft carpet, knees splayed and one hand working furiously between my legs whilst the other mashed and squeezed my breast. Waves of pleasure rolled over me as I lay gasping and moaning in my room mate's lingerie, the underwear was becoming soaked and I felt my orgasm approaching fast. With an unparalleled show of self restraint, I regained my senses and control over my body just short of what I knew would have been an earth shattering orgasm. My body was begging and pleading with me to finish myself off but I refused, resolving to save my orgasm for when everything was ready, reasoning it would be all the more powerful and enjoyable for it.
Shakily, I returned to my feet and stood panting by the dresser drawers, summoning all my willpower to move myself over to the bed without caving in to my body's desires. After what seemed like an age I had made it to Charlotte's bedside table, where I rummaged around for several of her silk scarves. Tossing these on the bed, I was about to return to the wardrobe for a pair of her pyjamas when a thought struck me. Now, I am not a lesbian or even bi-sexual, but the idea of wearing the pyjamas she herself had worn the night before was oddly appealing. It heightened the risk of discovery as I would either have to wash and return them before she got back or suitably explain where they had gone. And I was discovering that the greater the risk, the greater the thrill, my pussy was crying out for attention yet I grit my teeth and ignored it's pleas.
I gingerly lifted the neatly folded garments from Charlotte's pillow and let the material rub against my bare skin, it was so smooth and cool against my hot flesh that my legs involuntarily squeezed together, pleasure rushing through me and a small gasp escaping my lips. I knew I had to move quickly before my senses overwhelmed my defences and I gave in to my urges. Shaking out the silk pyjamas, I stepped into the black bottoms and revelled in the way they felt as I drew them up my legs. I experienced a similar sensation whilst pulling on the top and buttoning it up.
Viewing myself in the mirror I had to admit that I looked rather sexy, the shiny material hugged my body in all the right places and just looked fantastic in my eyes. Though they were a little long for me, I rejoiced at finally having tried them out, glad that this opportunity had been provided for me to overcome my cowardice.
Hurrying back to the bed, I dropped my mobile phone on the windowsill overlooking the bed, there was no way I was trying self bondage for the first time without some kind of safety net in place. I had read on the internet about timed releases and such things but I honestly did not want to take that kind of risk. I simply laid down on the satin sheets, deeply enjoying every moment of the sensation, and began tying my legs together with some of the silk scarves. I made multiple strong bindings at my ankles and knees before pulling down the pyjama bottoms and underwear to slip in my vibrating friend, which had no need for lube considering the state I was in.
Once the plastic shaft was deep inside of me I felt like I was going to explode, I didn't dare turn it on until I had sufficiently calmed down. I didn't want to come until I was fully bound and writhing around my satin confinement. Once the toy was humming away happily inside me, making me squirm and moan a little, a pulled up the knickers and bottoms, ready to finish the job. Next I tied myself at the thighs for good measure, forcing my legs tightly together and maximising the sensations flowing from my throbbing wet cunt.
It was a race against time now, I had to keep myself under control whilst I finished my task for fear of cumming early and ruining all my hard work. I was gasping and making little involuntary noises as I reached for more silk scarves. I hurriedly tied one of these at each top corner of the bed, making several complicated knots to ensure I could not untie them, at least not without several hours hard work. I then proceeded to gag and blindfold myself with the remaining scarves, taking care to ensure that I could neither see not speak, and as a small plus my hearing was slightly muffled by the silk covering my ears.
My bondage was almost complete now, and I was on the verge of giving in to my baser instincts and just letting go the most amazing orgasm of my life. My hands frenziedly sought the loose ends of the two scarves I had tied earlier, deftly looping them through the steel ring on the leather wrist cuffs I wore and fumbling as many knots as I could. My hands would still be able to reach one another after I was tied so the knots could be undone when I was ready.
With a tug of the wrists, the silk tightened around the rings and I was trapped! At last! Oh god! Ohgodohgod it feels sooo good! I thrashed and writhed about the satin sheathed bed, the silk of my outfit sliding effortlessly over the sheets as I wriggled about, unconsciously trying to break free of my self imposed bonds. Phenomenal waves of pleasure cascaded over my body as my back arced from the sensations washing through me. I could feel my hot, wet pussy hugging the buzzing plastic toy within me and holy shit did it feel good! I felt as though electricity was coursing through my veins as the pleasure built and built, I had never experienced anything like this at all! My moans and groans were absorbed the gag bound about my mouth, drool overflowing my lips as I lost control and my thoughts retreated inwards. I could no longer think, only feel the powerful throbbing emanating from my cunt and spreading outwards through my body like ripples in a pond, but stronger, oh so much stronger!
Finally, the sensations built up to a point where only one thing could happen. My orgasm exploded forth from my body as I half moaned, half shrieked my victory into the damp gag. My limbs were tingling and on fire and a deep heat spread from my crotch to abdomen, consuming my body with a delicious feeling that made me snuggle deep into the silky covers and just moan in pure ecstasy. I was breathing heavily and squirming against the bed whilst the feeling lasted, wholly content. I would have been perfectly happy remaining in that state for the rest of my life if it were possible.
But of course, it was not possible and soon the vibrations began to stimulate my over sensitive pussy, making me strain against my bonds in an effort to escape the little buzzing fiend. I had no idea how long I had been like this, and with a resigned sigh, muffled by my silky gag, I began to free myself. The vibrator was a major distraction now, and I longed to escape it. Doing so whilst gagged, blindfolded and bound to a slippery bed is a difficult task however, I soon found out to my cost.
After several false starts and sliding about the bed in a rather undignified manner (throughout all of which my sensitive pussy was being cruelly stimulated), I managed to gain my knees, facing the top of the bed and the window, with my arms crossed over (as they had been tied apart when I was laying down, so I had to flip over to get to my knees). I had not factored this in when planning my self bondage and panic began to fill the pit of my stomach as I realised I could not get my hands to meet in the middle as I intended. I could not reach the knots that linked my wrists to the bed.
Really worried now, I returned to my back and tried to make my hands meet that way, but to no avail, they were still a good few inches apart. I was really panicking now, not only would I be stuck here until late tomorrow evening, but I would be discovered by my room mate, tied to her bed in her clothes with a vibrator that had been driving me over the edge for more than twenty four hours. It was unbearable to think about. But speaking of the vibrator, the little devil had been humming away all this time, slowly returning me to a state of arousal, which is interesting when mixed with raw panic. I knew I shouldn't be turned on, I didn't even want to be, I wanted to escape but the toy kept pushing me and pushing me until the gasping and writhing returned and I couldn't think any more.
I could feel the warm dampness spreading from my crotch now as my second orgasm began to build. I tried to fight it but my body betrayed me and soon I was moaning whole heartedly as pleasure crashed down on me. My pussy was throbbing with desire, tightening around the tormenting shaft and pushing me over the edge into a full blown orgasm. I "Oh'd" and "Ah'd" for several minutes as the aftershocks swept through me and finally the irritating sensitiveness returned.
As soon as I had recovered slightly, I took the opportunity to claw at the knots where they met the bed frame rather than at my wrists. Unfortunately, my knots were both too well tied and too many in number, there was no way I could free myself that way. Despair filled me and I thrashed around hopelessly. A sudden ringing made me jump out of my skin, a strange sensation when there's a vibrator buried in your over sensitive pussy. After moaning off the sensation, I struggled to my knees once again to try and retrieve my phone, no doubt the source of the ringing and possibly my only solution to the mess I was in.
I had no patience with knots, so I simply pulled at the blindfold until it fell around my neck, though I had no such luck with the gag which was buried deep in my mouth. I took a second to view my surroundings, the bed was a rumpled mess and the pyjamas was creased and hitched up. The light coming in through the window revealed a spreading darker patch across the black silk where my highly stimulated sex was still pumping out my fragrant juice. My scent was heavy on the air and I realised with yet more despair that I would have a lot of washing to do before Charlotte came back.
Turning to the phone, I noticed that a voice mail message had been left on it by Charlotte. A puzzled look crossed my face, followed shortly by my 'there's a powerful vibrator in my pussy and it's been there for some time' look where my eyes rolled up and a long low moan escaped the gag. I shook it off and tried to regain my concentration, pressing the play button on my phone to hear Charlotte's message.
"Hey Shell! Things are wild here, too bad you were snoring when we left! Listen, we're going clubbing and you're welcome to join, I forgot my ID so I'm coming back to grab it quickly, so you can get a lift with me if you like? I'll be back in half an hour, see you soon!"
Pure dread filled my stomach at those words, cold fear and panic spreading outwards only to be met by the heat of horniness, producing a strange sensation that made me shudder uncontrollably for several seconds. I quickly snatched up the phone in one hand and began to hammer out a text, with terrible spelling and generally making little sense. The vibrator was beginning to take over once more so I worked frantically, eventually hitting enter and sending off the text to my friend on campus, asking her to come and rescue me. Hopefully she would understand, at the very least she wouldn't spread it around like Charlotte might. My pulsing pussy began to set me off again, making my legs weak and breath short whilst I struggled against the inevitable. Just as I was finally getting a grip of myself, the pre-orgasm waves started in once again and I let out a wail of frustration. I struggled in my bonds as the pleasure overtook me, gasps and moans replacing my previous cries. The arousal built and built, pins and needles erupted in my limbs and I was forced to lay down, my climax was about to peak when suddenly it retreated and I was merely moaning with pleasure. I was confused but happy that another orgasm hadn't taken me over, leaving me free to continue trying to escape.
Just as I set to work on the knots once more, my fingers working frantically at the twisted and intertwined silk, the pleasure began to rise once again, flowing through my body with more and more force until it retreated unexpectedly. I was confused and scared, I had never experienced this before. I returned to the knots only for the sensation to return again in earnest. It built and built, I could feel it rising within me, I was gasping faster and faster barely able to breathe when suddenly the dam broke and I climaxed with such force that black dots began to swim across my vision. I wasn't breathing and the pure feeling was still coursing through me hot and thick. It was fantastic and powerful, I was glad that the gag muffled my yells of ecstasy. I still hadn't drawn breath and began to panic, slowly my vision clouded and I blacked out.
My eyes slowly fluttered open and for a moment I barely knew where I was. Then sudden realisation hit me, along with my throbbing pussy. I was still tied and I had no idea how much time had passed, Charlotte could be here any minute as could my friend who I hoped had received my message begging for a speedy rescue. As I scrambled to reach my phone I heard a car engine outside pulling up, I continued to moan involuntarily as I hauled myself up to look out through the glass, hoping against hope that it was my friend and not Charlotte.
My body spasmed and I collapsed back onto the bed as I witnessed the young woman exiting her car. It was Charlotte, all dressed up for a night on the town and heading straight for the door. I swore and cursed into my gag, tears of frustration filling my eyes, though quickly to be replaced as another body rocking wave of pleasure filled me. I had no idea what I was going to do, she was going to catch me and it was going to happen any second now. I could almost hear her footsteps up the stone stairs as she approached, I was just waiting for the sound of her key in the lock of the door.
Moments later it came, just as my climax was on the rise once again, the key turning in the lock and door opening slowly as my room mate walked in. I watched as best I could, writhing and moaning as I was, as Charlotte paused in the doorway, mouth hanging half open. To her credit she only paused for a second before slamming the door shut and walking over, demanding
"What the hell are you doing Shell?"
My only response was to arc my back as tingling heat slowly filled me up, spreading through my body and limiting my response to a staggered gasp. Charlotte continued to watch for a few seconds and then strode purposefully over to her desk, where she retrieved a video camera from the clutter.
"Seeing as you saw fit to help yourself to my belongings, it only seems fair that you repay me some way..." She announced with a wicked glint in her eye, whilst all I could do was moan and struggle, "Ever dreamed of being a famous movie star?" She asked with a giggle as she set the camera up on a stand facing the bed. The red light lit up to show that it was recording and, seeming satisfied, Charlotte came to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Looks like you've had a little accident," She said softly, running a hand over my bound and silk clad form, fingers lightly brushing the tips of my nipples through the material, making me gasp and attempt to pull away.
"Let me just fix that for you..." She added, bending over me to pull the blindfold back into place. After giving it a quick tug to tighten it she did something unexpected, she leaned closer until I could feel her breath on my face and her moist, full lips met my gagged ones.
"I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with you Michelle..." She whispered into my ear as I struggled helplessly.
Outside, a car engine approached and my phone began to ring.