- Author - Alfonso Linguini
- Rating -
    [ 4.06 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1166 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, consensual, humiliation, self-bondage
- Post Date - 11/10/2009
Donna knew she deserved her time out. She had no right to insult Rick's mother the way she did. Not everyone had a talent for cooking. Just because Donna was a great chef didn't mean that everyone was born with that gift. So when Rick's mother stormed out of the house after Donna's callous comment about her dry-as-sand meatloaf, Donna knew she was in trouble.
"Time Out!" yelled her angry husband, Rick. "Two hours!"
Donna silently walked over to the kitchen, opened the freezer door, and retrieved the two hour "Time Out Cube" from its place in the door. It was a little larger than the one hour ice cube next to it but much smaller than the four hour cube. From one side of the cube protruded a hook - from the other side, a small silver key. Inside the cube was frozen a twelve inch length of fine chain.
"No cheating!" yelled Rick as Donna fondled the dreaded cube.
Donna winced at Rick's outburst. She daintily grabbed the hook with her thumb and forefinger and let the cube dangle below it.
"No talking! This is a time out! We'll talk after you're done."
"Can I bring the ball gag and the sunglasses?" She knew he would allow the question.
"Ballgag - Yes. Sunglasses - No. Now go! If you're not in the cage in 90 seconds..." Rick clapped his hands.
Donna sprinted out the back door of their beach house and quickly ran toward "The Cage" in their back yard. The cage rested on a ten foot diameter circular patch of beach. The circle's circumference was marked by a nine foot high fence topped with razor wire. Since it was high tide, the ocean's waters reached to within twenty feet of the structure.
In the center of the cage stood a lonely wooden post, about eight feet high. The post was round, smooth, and bare except for two things: About three feet up from the ground, a set of handcuffs was nailed to the post. And about 12 inches above that there was a small nail.
Donna ran into the cage through the side gate. She quickly hung the Time Out Cube from the small nail. Although she was certain she had made it to the cage before 90 seconds had elapsed, Donna knew Rick would not be pleased if she wasted any time inside.
Donna closed the gate and locked it shut. Only she and Rick knew the lock's combination. She quickly stripped out of all her clothes and piled them a couple feet behind the post. She pushed the large black ball gag into her mouth, snuggly forced it behind her teeth, and fastened its strap tightly behind her neck.
She backed up against the post until the cool wood touched the skin of her back between her shoulder blades. She eased her bare bottom against the post. Then she reached back and snapped the metal bracelets around her wrists.
"All done" she said. Although to anyone standing nearby it sounded more like "Awww wah".
Donna took a deep breath. She could now finally relax. In fact there wasn't much else for her to do for the next two hours or so.
She looked out at the ocean, the small waves collapsing quietly on the sand, the soft white clouds in the distance, the sun making its normal journey across the sky, the cool breeze blowing across her firm, round breasts...
Donna bounced her bare bottom off of the post. It felt nice. These first few minutes of Time Out were always her favorite. Standing in the open air, completely nude, free of any encumbrances. She intertwined the fingers of her cuffed hands behind the post and giggled as she played thumb wars with herself. Every so often a cold drop of water would fall from the melting ice onto her hands. It nearly matched in frequency the drops of drool that would periodically fall from her gagged mouth onto her breasts.
Two hours of just doing this would be fine.
Unfortunately it usually only took fifteen to twenty minutes before the neighbors realized...
"DONNA'S IN TIME OUT!" screamed Johnny, the pain-in-the-butt neighbor kid.
The neighborhood boys were always the first to come keep her company. The appeal of a gorgeous nude woman, well gagged, and helplessly fastened to a post was understandable. Still, she thought of the boys as mosquitoes. Donna often considered asking Rick to electrify the fence, turning it into a life size bug zapper!
"What did you do this time? Did you forget to do the laundry?" taunted Robby.
"She's not talking – she's got the gag today. I'm going to get my squirt gun" threatened Tony.
"No, Tony, don't! Remember how you made the ice melt faster last time?"
"Don't worry. I'll just squirt her bush and her boobs!"
"You guys are such jerks!" said Mandy. But their sisters were all so sweet. She'd hate to see them zapped. Donna winked a thank you toward her.
Soon more people joined the Time Out.
Old Mrs. McCleary was a regular. "What did you do this time deary? You really should treat your man better, you know."
"Hhhmmmmffffgggggg" replied Donna politely.
Donna was glad Rick had allowed the ball gag – she really wasn't in the mood to talk to her fans today. She wished he had allowed the sunglasses, too. They made her feel that much more anonymous. Donna giggled to herself when she considered the irony of that thought. She looked down at her nudity. Oh yeah, she was quite the anonymous celebrity!
And there was Bob Cole with his Nikon again. Her own private paparazzi. Didn't he have enough pictures by now?
"This is a new camera" he said, waving it in the air. "It does video."
Donna smiled into her gag, wiggled her hips, and jiggled her boobs around for him. She turned as best as she could to give him a good shot of her ass.
Bob was ecstatic. "Thanks, Donna! You're the best!"
Fred and Carla from two doors down stepped up to the fence.
"Hey Donna, we're having a barbeque next weekend. Do you think you could piss off your husband Sunday at around 2?" asked Carla.
"And of course you're invited to hot dogs and burgers afterwards" Fred chimed in.
Donna raised her eyebrows, grunted into the gag, and shrugged her shoulders.
"Well let us know." They walked away.
The nice thing about the "adoring" crowd was that it did help the time pass more quickly. It seemed like only minutes before Donna felt the small silver key - its chain now free of the ice – drop down into reach of her hands.
"No! Don't go! We want to hang out with you some more." The boys were always the most disappointed when her Time Outs ended.
Several other neighbors, many talking to each other now in small circles around the fence, turned to go home. "See you next time, Donna!" one yelled.
"Can I try doing a Time Out for a little while?" asked Mandy sincerely.
"Nnnn, nnnnn." Donna nodded her head "No" as she worked the little key into the cuff. Soon she was free.
With ball gag in mouth, Donna used her shirt to clean up the few drops of water still clinging to her breasts and bush - thanks to Tony, that little jerk. She put her wrinkled clothes back on. Lastly, she removed her gag and stuffed it into her shorts pocket, along with the keychain. After unlocking the gate, Donna quickly trotted back up to the house. Those remaining cheered her on until she disappeared into the door.
"Have you learned your lesson?" asked Rick as she walked in.
"Yes" replied Donna solemnly as she handed him the chain.
"So. Are you going to insult my mother again?"
"Hell yes! Someone needs to teach that bitch how to cook!"