- Author - Snapz
- Rating -
   [ 3.82 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1139 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, bondage, kidnapping
- Post Date - 10/20/2009
I pull up into my driveway like so many nights before. The din of the car cut short with a brief key turn. I open the door and traverse the walkway to the door. Man I want a shower I think.
I turn the key and enter my house..something seems different...were those blinds drawn when I left? They must have been, I shake my head and proceed to my bedroom. I throw off my shirt and drop my pants, under wear is whipped off in a moment; I'm gunning for the shower.
I climb into the shower and linger there; the hot water beating down on me is a godsend. After steam has totally filled the area do I climb out of the tub and proceed to the towel rack. I rub myself dry and wrap the towel around my waist.
As I break the threshold of the bathroom door I am stunned a moment as I see strange items on my bed. Coils of rope lay neatly on the top. As I walk over to it, I am transfixed not paying any attention to what lurks behind me.
A stiff object is pressed into my back, is it a gun! A gloved hand quickly covers my mouth as I freeze. A feminine voice speaks over my shoulder.
"Don't move, don't make a sound."
I nod somewhat to signal I won't. I feel her breasts in my back as she continues to speak.
"Those ropes are for you." "Nice and easy walk to the bed"
She pushes me somewhat as I slowly hobble to the bed. Once we reach the edge of the bed she pushes me against it and orders me.
I obey as she presses what can only be a gun into my back harder. Her hand slides off of my mouth as she smashes my face into the bed. She kneels on the back of my legs keeping them pinned very painfully.
"Bring your wrists together behind your back" she orders
I comply as she grabs a length of rope from the bed and tightly binds my wrists the rope cutting into my skin. She ties my upper arms together above the elbow. The way she handles the rope she has obviously done this before. In moments my arms are totally immobile.
She rip my bath towel from my waist and wraps a length of rope around my hips she binds them together tightly just above the knees. She grabs my hair and pulls my head back her hand clamping over my mouth as she pulls my face from the bed.
"Now there is nothing you can do...stand up"
As she orders me to stand she helps me up I rise with difficulty. She stands behind me her hand over my mouth and her other sliding along my chest and stomach.
"I have something to show you" She coos in my ear.
At this point the bondage is realized I can barely stand much less move. She removes her hand from my chest and tightens her grip over my mouth, apparently in anticipation of a scream. She waves a rather large lipstick cylinder and holds it in front of my face.
"My gun" she laughs loudly
Upon hearing she doesn't' truly have a gun I begin to panic and struggle, the bondage makes this a comical event. I twist and turn in her grasp. And scream for help into her hand as my head moves side to side to try to shake it off.
She laughs as she holds onto me tightly one hand still on my mouth the other holding my chest and pinching a nipple time to time.
"That's it, fight! Squirm and struggle, you wont get loose, and the hand isn't coming off I'm afraid. Your rich neighbors will sleep through the night peacefully."
She laughs as I exhaust myself, never loosening her grip. I eventually give up after a long fight.
"You don't have to stop, you aren't going anywhere, when you struggle it is kind of fun"
I groan at her words.
""Now let me get something in that loud mouth of yours"
Her hand leaves my chest and returns with a wad of cloth, she removes her hand from my mouth and in a brief second I let out the beginnings a loud scream.
She stuffs the wadding into my mouth quickly muffling any scream for help almost instantly. She then slaps a hand over my mouth as her other hand appears again holding a long bandanna. She ties this around my head sealing the wadding in place.
Once I am gagged she takes both hand and slides them down to my chest teasing my nipples, pinching them while blowing in my ear. She laughs derisively.
"I'm sure you are wondering what's going to happen"
"I bet you think this is a robbery, in a way it is"
"I'm not taking anything from this house, but you."
My eyes go wide as I scream into the gag, hoping to hell someone can hear it.
"Too late for that, no one can hear you." She traces her finger along the bandanna.
"I'm kidnapping you, I'm taking you with me and what I do with you remains to be seen. I might keep you tied to my bed or I might sell you. Either way the choice is no longer yours."
I begin to struggle again as she wraps both hands around my chest holding me tightly. She says nothing as she holds me tightly, she moans softly as if aroused by my plight.
She reaches down and grabs my cock hard! I freeze and groan.
"Now that I have your attention, we are going to wait here until it gets really late and I can move you without anyone seeing us."
It was about 630 pm I wonder how long I had until I was taken to some deserted area.
"Let's hang out then and enjoy your last night in your house." She laughs
Just then my front door begins to make sound like a lock triggering. The sound of the door swinging open and a loud voice filled the house.
"Repair service!"
That's right I remember the repair guy for the stove, I left my house key at the office so they could enter and fix it anytime. At this distance the guy would hear even my muffled cries.
She quickly sprang into action; she flipped a small knife in her hand and clamped a hand over my gloved mouth. She pressed the blade against my neck.
"Not a sound." She whispers her mouth against my ear.
"Lets go! Into the closet now" she pulls me along into my closet.
I am frozen eyes wide as the metal presses against my skin. We enter the closet and she closes the door very quietly.
The repair man continues his patrol of the house.
"Hello anyone home?"
He walks around the houses perimeter.
He slowly enter the bedroom and bellows.
"Sir you home?"
He is but feet away on the other side of the door. My hand twitch in the ropes as the pain of the sharp edge of the blade against my neck keeps me frozen and still. Her hand over my mouth reminds me not to utter a sound.
I stare at the door and realize the two inches of wood is the only thing separating me from rescue, it is maddening.
The repair man keys up his phone and begins to speak just outside the closet door.
"Yeah, he isn't home, I was just stopping by to apologize to him, we don't have the part and Ill have to come back tomorrow....yeah..yeah...I'm coming back to the office."
He exits the bedroom and heads for the door to leave.
"Good boy, way to keep this between us." She whispers in my ear.
The front door opens and closes followed by the repair man keying the lock from the outside.
"Well that was exciting she says as she pulls me from the closet and removes the blade from my neck. You are not getting away..and when I take you no one will ever find you."
She says coldly as her hand moves down to my cock.
"I'm going to do so many terrible things to you, all tied up and gagged. Nothing you can do about it, I'm gonna keep you helpless every day."
Her hands explore my body.
"There is absolutely nothing you can do about it." She traces the ropes with her fingers.
"It is funny how the smallest things can grant so much power."
She slides her hands over the surface of my skin.
"You are mine, now"