- Author - elbowstogether
- Rating -
    [ 4.35 actual ]
- Site Rank - 342 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, consensual, bondage, humiliation
- Post Date - 10/1/2009
Author's Note: the pictures feature fetish model EMILY MARILYN. She was kind enough to give me permission to use them for my story.
(In case you are wondering where to get the complete photo set from, there is none. These pictures are actually just screenshots from a custom video she did for me. And if you are interested in the video, email EMILY and ask her nicely. Maybe she'll put parts of it on her website.)
Chapter 1 - Kimochi
Emily Petrault was standing at a window. From her deluxe suite at the Peninsula Hotel she could overlook the entire Hibiya Park, the first Western-style park in Japan. But instead of enjoying the amazing view she was lost in thoughts. She missed her boyfriend... missed him badly.
Her boyfriend would turn 30 next week and she would not be there to celebrate with him. But this modelling job that had brought her to Tokyo would bring her a major step forward in her career. Her face would soon be displayed on billboards all over the world.
"Your beautiful face on a giant billboard in Times Square smiling down on me is really the best birthday gift you could give me." Her boyfriend had always been very supportive of her work, even though it often forced her to spend days, and sometimes weeks, away from him. It was one of the reasons why she loved him so dearly.
Emily sighed longingly as she turned away from the window to reach for the phone. She had decided to give her boyfriend a very special birthday gift. Something he would surely enjoy more than her face on a billboard.
Fortunately, Emily had a good friend who lived in Tokyo and could probably help her get all the things she needed to put her idea into practice.
Kate Matthews and Emily had been best friends during their college days. But after graduation Kate moved to Japan while Emily stayed in New York. Nonetheless they had both been very dedicated to continue nurturing their friendship.
While dialing Kate's number, Emily grabbed her Filofax from her Louis Vuitton handbag and checked her schedule for the next few days.
Chapter 2 – Shinyuu
Emily had just finished showering when she heard a knock on the door and a muffled voice.
"Emo, open up, it's me!"
Emily chuckled at Kate's new moniker for her. Ever since they first met, Kate had never called Emily by her actual name. It was just one of her amiable idiosyncrasies.
After opening the door Kate didn't bother greeting Emily, but headed straight for the bedroom, carrying two big paper bags in her hands. Emily just followed suit.
"Okay, here is the kinky stuff," Kate put the bag with the 'Agent Provocateur' emblem on the bed, "and here is the really kinky stuff." Kate put another, non-labeled bag on the bed.
"Well, hello to you too, Kate." Emily smirked and gave Kate a friendly hug.
"Oh come on, we already said hello yesterday, when I picked you up at the airport." Kate turned the bags upside down and poured their content onto the bed. "And we hugged, remember? Doing the same routine again would be redundant."
"Alright, alright... Little Miss Efficiency." Emily took a closer look at what Kate had brought her. "Then just show me what you got."
Chapter 3 - Kirei
Emily looked into the bathroom mirror. She had just finished doing her eyes and was now proceeding to do her lips, applying fiery red lipstick.
Red was her boyfriend's favorite color. That's why she had picked a red satin, over bust corset out of Kate's kinky lingerie collection. Plus, it really enhanced her figure.
To complement her seductive corset she had opted for black, almost transparent panties and sheer black stockings with back seam that covered her shapely legs like a second skin.
The shoes had been an easy decision, since Kate had brought only two pairs. Emily went with the red, really pointy stilettos because of their color. But when she slipped into them she had to hold on to Kate. Emily could barely keep her balance and a lot of giggling ensued when she was tottering to the bathroom like a newborn giraffe.
"Hey, Emo, how much longer until you are finished painting your face?" While Emily was busy donning her makeup, Kate had been lying on the bed, staring at the highly ornamented ceiling. "I'm dying of boredom here!"
"Don't rush me!" Emily rolled her eyes and took one last look in the mirror. "Perfect!" she thought to herself and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Bishoujo!" was Kate's reaction when she saw her friend.
"What does that mean?" Emily looked puzzled.
"Oh, it's just something my husband would probably say if he could see you now." Kate winked, "Don't worry, it's a compliment."
Emily sat down on the bed next to Kate. "Okay, it's time to prepare me for the shoot."
Chapter 4 – Nawa Do
"You have really never allowed him to turn the tables on you?" Kate picked up a pile of rope and started unraveling it. "Well, you have always been a bit of a control freak, so no surprise there."
"Hey!" Emily playfully slapped Kate's arm. "Better be careful what you say, or I'll have to shut you up with this!" Emily reached for a big red ball gag and looked at it more closely. "Which, by the way, is huge."
"Yeah, sorry about that. But I just couldn't find a medium size ball gag." Kate shrugged her shoulders. "This one has a 2 inch diameter... but I'm sure you'll manage."
"We'll see about that." Emily dropped the gag back on the bed, clearly not liking the idea of having this giant ball in her mouth.
"You are not copping out, are you?" Kate had finished unraveling all the rope.
"No, of course not!" Emily started unconsciously chewing on her bottom lip. "I admit, over the past year I have been a little selfish. I loved acting out my dominatrix fantasies with my sweetheart so much, that I wouldn't let him turn the tables on me even once."
"Well, today you can take the first step to redeem yourself." Kate patted Emily on the shoulder. "So, what's it going to be? How do you think your lusty boyfriend would want to see you bound?"
"Well, when I tie him up, I always make sure it's a very strenuous position." Emily touched her cheek with her index finger and tilted her head slightly to the side, thinking. "I really like binding his elbows together behind his back, because it puts him in distress instantly." Emily snapped her fingers. "Just like that he becomes totally helpless and vulnerable."
Emily crossed her legs and firmly pressed her thighs against each other. "I absolutely love seeing him tied like that." She slid a hand between her thighs. "It took quite a few training sessions, but now I can get his elbows to almost touch."
"Elbow bondage it is then." Kate grabbed Emily's wrists and pulled them behind her back.
"Wait, I didn't say I'd like to be tied this way," Emily protested.
"This is not about you, remember?" Kate looped a rope around Emily's wrists. "It's about what your boyfriend would want." The rope around the wrists tightened. "And I'm pretty sure he'd love to see YOU in tight elbow bondage for a change."
"Even though you are probably right," Emily concurred hesitantly, "I don't know if I'm flexible enough to do it."
"Oh, we'll find out right now." Kate had finished tying Emily's wrists and was now looping another rope around her elbows. "Don't worry, I'm going to do it slowly. Just let me know when it's too much for you."
Kate started pulling Emily's elbows together until they were almost touching.
"Stop! That's enough." Emily looked back over her shoulder at Kate. "How close are they?"
"Actually you are doing pretty well," Kate nodded impressed. "Just half an inch shy from touching."
"Really? That close?" Emily sighed, "Alright then, make them touch."
"Your wish is my command, Mistress." Kate tightened the rope until Emily's elbows were completely welded together. "Your boyfriend is so going to love this Happy Birthday video."
Chapter 5 – Chira
Emily already had difficulties standing in those 6 inch stilettos, nonetheless Kate insisted on adding steel ankle cuffs, thus making the walk to the couch in the adjacent living area an ordeal.
"And I have always wondered why you stopped doing catwalk modelling," Kate taunted.
"Shut up!" Emily laughed. "These heels have definitely not been made for walking." She wiggled her tightly bound arms. "And it's not like I could use my arms for balance."
"Maybe I should get a leash and take you for a little walk?" Kate tried to look serious. "Just like I do with my dogs." She glanced at her watch. "It's quite late, so the hallway will probably be deserted."
"Except for the security cameras, of course." Emily couldn't tell if her friend was just joking.
Kate walked to the suite's entrance door. "Maybe we should give the guys in the security something to drool over?" Kate threw a devilish look at Emily before pulling the door wide open.
"Kate! Don't..." Emily hastily tried to hobble out of sight of the open door.
Leaving the door wide open, Kate disappeared into the bedroom
"Kate, stop it! This is not funny." Emily had found a hiding place behind a big armchair. "I will die of embarrassment if someone sees me like this."
Kate returned with a long kimono coat in her hands. "Lucky for us every deluxe suite is equipped with kimono coats."
Emily protested in vain as Kate forced her to stand up from behind the armchair. Tied up as she was she could do little to stop Kate from dressing her up.
"Perfect!" Kate took a few steps back to get a better look at Emily. "Now nobody can tell your arms are bound behind your back."
"And the ankle cuffs?" Emily looked down and wiggled her left foot. The kimono coat was quite long, but it barely covered the ankle cuffs. And the linking chain was very visibly dangling between her ankles.
"Well, if people ask we'll just tell them you are wearing new-fashioned ankle bracelets." Kate grinned and gently pushed Emily through the open door into the hallway.
Emily sighed in relief when she found the hallway devoid of any other hotel guests. Suddenly she heard a 'click' and turned around. Kate had closed the door behind them.
"Oops." Kate smiled innocently. "Stupid me, I forgot to take the key card with me."
"Please, tell me you are joking." Emily looked shocked. "You are not seriously expecting me to wait here, out in the open, until you get another key card from the lobby?"
"Of course not, sweetie," Kate chuckled. "You are going to go with me."
Emily flinched. But not because of what Kate just said, but because someone had tapped her on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, may I pass?" A Japanese woman in a blue cocktail dress was looking at Emily.
"What?" It took Emily a few seconds to realize that she and Kate were standing in the middle of the hallway, blocking it. "Oh, I'm sorry."
Emily stepped to the side to make way but accidentally stumbled over the chain of her ankle cuffs. Instinctively she tried to grab on to the Japanese woman's shoulder to break her fall, but with her arms immobilized behind her back she was incapable of averting falling over.
Luckily the Japanese woman reacted quickly and caught Emily by throwing her arms around her. Emily blushed when she felt the woman's firm embrace. It was impossible for her not to notice that Emily's arms were welded together behind her back.
"I'm sorry." Kate grabbed Emily by her shoulders and gently pulled her away from the woman. "My friend is a little clumsy."
"Oh, I understand." The woman winked whimsically. "I'm sure I would also have trouble walking in such high heels with my arms bound behind my back."
Emily bit her bottom lip and ashamedly looked down at the floor. She felt too embarrassed to look the woman in the eyes. She couldn't believe that this was really happening. It was so surreal. Her elbows touching hard behind her back, her feet in uncomfortably high stilettos, metal cuffs digging into her ankles. And she was standing in the middle of a hotel hallway, caught and exposed by a complete stranger.
Nonetheless Emily felt a wave of sexual excitement sweeping through her body. As embarrassing as it was to know that a stranger got a glimpse of her predicament, it also gave her a rush of adrenaline.
"Don't worry, I can keep a secret." The Japanese woman reached into her handbag, pulled out a business card and gave it to Kate. She bowed slightly, said "Oyasumi nasai" and walked away.
While Emily watched the Japanese woman in the blue cocktail dress disappear behind the next corner, Kate looked at the business card. She grinned. "Now, that's interesting."
Emily tried to look at the business card too, but Kate quickly put it in her pocket. "I'll tell you about this later, honey."
She straightened Emily's kimono before guiding her towards the elevator. "We should now focus on getting down to the lobby to get another key card."
Kate pushed the button to call the elevator. "After all, we still have to shoot a very special Happy Birthday video."