"I never knew your minivan had so much space in the back." Tim was momentarily startled but quickly relaxed when he saw his good friend Beth looking at him through his van's open rear doors.
"Oh sure. There's lots of space when you take out the seats." Tim unrolled the cushion and centered it on the van floor. He tossed two gray blankets on top of the cushion. "I'm sure you'll find the ride very comfortable. Are you sure you want to do this?"
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Beth bit her lip and thought for a moment. "Yes. I do." She put her hands on her hips and said defiantly, "I need to fix this!"
Tim shook his head. "Fix what?"
"I need to fix this problem I have!" Beth was too embarrassed to discuss it.
"Beth. You're not sick. Your therapist is just an idiot!"
Beth frowned. "She says I'm sick and I believe her."
Tim laughed as he tossed Beth four sets of leather cuffs. "Here you go, Sicko. The directions say to put these on so they're tight - but comfortable."
"Don't laugh at me, Tim. Dr. Milford knows her stuff." Beth studied the design of the leather cuffs. "She's got two PhD's. She's written three books. She's very smart. She's even been on Oprah." She fastened one of the cuffs around her left wrist. "Where did you get these? Are you sure I won't be able to escape from this?"
"I got them at that adult shop across from the mall. The gag, too." He held up a red ball gag. "The guy behind the counter says they're the best they sell." Tim returned to the subject at hand. "That astrologer you were following last year had more on the ball than this Gloria Milford quack."
"I saw what I saw" countered Beth. "You didn't see what I saw so you can't really comment can you?"
"Of course I can. You had a dream! Your imagination made it all up. You saw something on a TV show or in a movie and your imagination ran with it. I have dreams every night. Sometimes I dream I'm on the Starship Enterprise with Captain Kirk." Tim was getting exasperated, a common occurrence when he was around his quirky friend Beth.
"The movie was called 'Spun' and the girl was April. I dreamt I was April! And Tim, my bed sheet got soaked I was so aroused!"
"Okay, so you're a bondage slut! You're not the first."
"It's deviant. And it's sick!" Beth would not budge. "I don't want to be sick. Do you?"
Tim tried again. "Let me get this straight. You dreamed you were nude and tied spread eagle to a bed. Half the women in the world have probably been in that position at least once in their lives. And most of them probably liked it! Are they all sick?"
"I dreamt I was gagged, too."
Tim shrugged his shoulders. "So what?"
"I've been having this dream all week!" Beth said. Tim could sense her intense frustration. "And it won't go away! Dr. Milford says there's only one cure for this type of thing. I need to come up with something she calls 'negative reinforcement to collapse the deviant tendency'. Then the dreams will go away."
Tim shook his head incredulously. "So you're going to use your car sickness for this negative reinforcement."
"The condition is called kinetosis. As you know, I have horrible motion sickness if I don't take my meds."
"So your plan is to combine the two. You're going to make yourself really sick while you're tied up. That way you won't like being tied up anymore. And then the dreams will go away. Right?"
"Technically, I'm collapsing the positive response to deviant stimuli by overwhelming it with the negative response associated with my kinetosis."
"Yeah, that's what I said. Well okay then." Tom's edge softened a little. "I admit there is actually some logic to what you're doing."
Beth smiled.
"Time for you to get dressed for the trip then, I guess." Tom jumped into the front driver's seat.
"Don't look!" Beth sternly directed Tim as she began to undress. "You promised."
Tim flipped the rear view mirror up to the ceiling and obediently stared out the window as Beth prepared herself. About ten minutes elapsed before Tony heard a deep breath from behind.
"Okay, Tim. I'm ready."
Tim looked back. Beth was lying on the cushion between the two blankets. She stretched herself out like an "X" – her cuffed ankles sticking out below the blanket, her cuffed wrists above it. The rest of her body from the neck down was covered. Beth's clothes were neatly folded next to her head just behind the passenger seat.
Tim took four lengths of rope and a bright red ball gag from the passenger seat and hopped into the back of the van.
"Make it real tight" said Beth as Tim began binding her wrist cuffs to the seat mounts and her ankle cuffs to the back door hinges. "As tight as you can."
Tim did his best, pulling the rope taut with all his strength. Beth groaned but did not complain. After several minutes Tim was done. Not bad, he thought to himself. Beth was so tightly stretched he could probably bounce a quarter of her belly.
"This is the first time I've ever done this, so let me know if you think it's too tight." He strummed one of the ropes like a guitar string. "Think you can escape?"
"No way! You did a great job." said a very pleased Beth.
"Open wide" said Tim as he held the red ball gag at Beth's mouth.
"Don't forget. For this to work I figure I'll need at least ninety minutes of driving. Don't stop. No matter what I say, no matter how much I complain."
"Yes, I promise. Ninety minutes minimum." Beth opened wide to receive the ball. He strapped it tightly behind her neck. "That okay?"
"Mmmmpppphhhh" replied Beth as she adapted to the gag.
"Okay, you sure you're all right?"
Beth nodded her head.
After closing all the van's doors, Tim jumped into the driver's seat. He pressed the button opening the garage door, started the engine, and drove out on to the road. Tim adjusted his rear view mirror so he could keep a constant eye on his bound and gagged passenger. Beth groaned as he pulled on to the main thruway.
As he weaved in and out of traffic, Beth's groans intensified. Tim cringed, recognizing Beth's spontaneous protestations of discomfort, nausea and pain. Her yellowing face confirmed what Beth had often told him - motion sickness really sucks.
After ten minutes, Tim couldn't take it any more. He spoke to her reflection in the rear view mirror as he drove.
"Beth, you know I think what you're doing is nuts. But if we're really going to do this negative reinforcement thing, we should do it right. I know we both agreed that you'd stay under the blanket. But now that we're really doing this, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You're not really naked with that blanket over you. You're making yourself really, really sick for no reason at all. It hurts me just to listen to you."
A very nauseous Beth nodded yes dejectedly. "Ummmmmm hnnnnnng."
"It's not working is it?"
"Unnggg unngggg" Beth said into the ball, shaking her head no.
"If we're going to do this right, the way Dr. Milford would want, I'm going to have to take the blanket off."
Beth's immediate response was a frightened squeal followed by a resolute shaking of her head – No! No! No!
"I know it's not what you planned, but think about it. Be practical. What would Dr. Milford say?" Tim skillfully wielded the Dr. Milford card against his defenseless friend. He knew what Beth's eventual response would be.
"Hhhmmfffff!" emoted a defeated Beth. Finally, she meekly nodded her head yes.
Tim wasn't prepared for the physiological reaction Beth's response initiated – his cock became hard as a rock. He and Beth had been good friends since grade school. Although part of him registered the fact that Beth was a very pretty girl with a fantastic body, he always viewed her more like a sister. A very eccentric sister.
Things were about to change.
"Okay then" he said with authority. "Let's do this right!"
There was no way Tim could reach the blanket while he was driving, so he sped toward the next red light to make a quick stop. This would only take a second.
But the light turned green just as he approached it.
Tim laughed at the irony. This was not the reaction a green light usually evoked. He drove on – as Beth continued to groan loudly in the back.
What luck! Every damned light was green!
At the next corner - a gas station. Finally! Tim pulled in and stopped halfway between the entrance and the exit, away from the pumps. Before Beth could change her mind he reached back and yanked the blanket forward, exposing Beth's unclad body to the world. Well at least to Tim – and anyone driving next to them in a high profile vehicle, since his minivan's windows were not tinted.
"Wow!" gasped Tim as he took in the view. He had never seen Beth naked before. Her breasts were amazing - larger and more perfect than he could have imagined. Her dollar-sized areolas were exquisitely proportional. He was also impressed with her gorgeous pussy, shaved completely bare! How cool was that? And her shapely legs spreading wide toward the corners of his van – the image took his breath away. "What have you been hiding from me under those baggy clothes all these years?" he said in awe.
Beth's reaction to her disrobement was immediate. The cool air over her bound bare skin caused it to flush. Tim could swear he saw steam rising from her blushing skin. Her groans instantly transformed into erotic moans as she wrestled with her unyielding bonds.
Tim was spellbound, watching her blush and struggle in his rearview mirror. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, valiantly fighting the urge to immediately pounce on the beautiful nude babe tied to the floor of his van. Somehow he managed to find the strength to flex his right foot on the gas pedal. He took a deep breath to clear his head and pulled back into traffic.
Beth's moans became louder as Tim swerved through traffic. Much of the swerving was needed to miss nearby cars, since Tim couldn't take his eyes off the rear view mirror. Beth's nipples were standing at attention. Although severely restricted by her bonds, Beth was able to bounce her bottom up and down off of the cushion in a hopeless search for satisfaction. She was right at the edge.
Finally a stop light. Tim turned. "Beth. Are you okay?"
Beth's eyes were wide open with fear – and staring directly into the eyes of an admiring UPS Truck driver stopped next to them.
It was the push she needed.
Beth screamed into her gag and struggled – to no avail. Suddenly she went bug eyed - her fists and toes clenched, her hips undulated, her arms and legs strained. A powerful orgasm enveloped her body.
"Ooooooohhhhhhhhfffffffffff! Hmmmmmnnnnggg!" Tim was completely mesmerized by Beth's uninhibited display of eroticism.
After what seemed an eternity, her body went limp.
"Wow! What was that about?"
Tim was holding up traffic. He started driving. He turned off on the next street. It led to a long, windy mountain road. He continued to monitor the rear view window. Beth was breathing heavily, still recovering from the orgasm. After several blocks, her breathing slowed and her soft moaning commenced.
The pressure in his pants was becoming unbearable. Tim lowered his zipper and let his cock out into the daylight. "Much better" he said as he took the first bend up the hill. He checked his watch. Thirty minutes had elapsed since he left the garage.
As he wound his way up the road, Beth alternated between groans of pain and moans of pleasure. But soon the groans ceased and the moans took over. They increased in intensity as Tim neared the halfway mark. Five minutes from the summit of the hill, Beth was straining and bouncing her hips again. Tim got the message. Beth was ready to go!
Tim pulled into the parking lot of a vista overlooking the valley below.
"Oooohhhhh mmmmmmmnnnnngggg ooooooohhhhhh!"
Beth was losing control behind him. Her pelvic thrusts were rocking the van. Tim jumped into the back and kneeled beside her.
"Are you okay? You're acting very strange."
Beth shrieked when she saw Tim's massive woody.
"Whoops! Sorry, I forgot about that" said the very embarrassed driver. Tim moved to push his cock back into his shorts.
Beth vigorously began shaking her head no. "Woe! Woe! Woe!" she yelled into her gag. "Fuff we! Fuff we! Weeeeeeeeffffffff!" she pleaded.
Despite the gag, Tim once again got the message. Within seconds Tim's naked body was on top of Beth's, his cock blissfully filling Beth's warm, well lubricated, and gloriously tight pussy. The sex, though short in duration, was magical in its intensity, both lovers having had a head start. Their powerful, tension dispersing orgasms occurred simultaneously.
Tim collapsed happily on his helpless, satisfied friend. While straddling her, he cupped her breasts and bent down to kiss her on the cheek.
The lovers had not noticed the other minivan pulling up next to them. "Mommy, what are those people doing?" yelled a little boy as he peered in from the passenger seat of the other van. Beth and Tim laughed as his mother quickly pulled him away.
"Get a room!" the mother yelled.
"We better get out of here." Tim quickly jumped into the driver's seat, started the engine, and raced his van back on to the road.
Tim pulled over at the next safe turnout. He jumped into the back of the van to retrieve his clothes. Once he was dressed, he checked his watch.
"Fifty-five minutes!"
Beth looked up at him contentedly, smiling into the gag.
Tim returned the smile. He kissed her breasts before covering Beth's body with the blanket. "Let's try this again for a few miles."
During the ride down the windy hill Beth neither groaned nor moaned. She merely hummed and giggled to herself.
The trip back to Tim's garage effortlessly filled the remaining twenty-five minutes. Once the garage door was safely closed, Tim opened the rear doors of the van. Beth, still tightly tied, was glowing. Tim straddled her, leaned forward, and unfastened the ballgag strap behind her neck. She opened wide as Tim pulled the ball past her teeth.
"It worked!" she said enthusiastically.
"No kidding? You're not horny any more."
"Oh hell no!" replied the bubbly bound babe, "I'm horny as hell! It's my motion sickness. It's gone! That trip down the hill would have had me puking my guts out. But I didn't feel a thing! I feel fine!"
Tim carefully considered what Beth told him. "So your motion sickness is gone?"
"Uh huh."
"But you're still horny?"
"Uh huh." Beth nodded. "I'm horny as hell. I'm going to call Dr. Milford right now and tell her the news." She pulled on her bonds. "If you would please release me now."
Again Tim considered Beth's words.
"Well?" asked the impatient girl.
"Just a second. I want to test a theory."
Tim pulled down Beth's covering blanket and firmly twisted the nipple of her right breast. A shocked and angry Beth screamed. The latter half of her scream was muffled when Tim forced the red ballgag back into her wide open mouth. Once the gag was securely fastened behind her neck, Tim uncovered the rest of his gorgeous captive.
Once again Beth's eyes grew wide and her skin flushed. She was powerless to stop Tim as he played with her body to his hearts content. Her arousal level spiked quickly. Soon Tim's helpless nude passenger was once again looking up at him with pleading eyes, bucking her hips beneath him, begging for release.
"Let's see now." Beth squealed loudly when Tim inserted his finger insider her pussy. "Wow! You are so wet!"
"Weeeeeeeffff, oh weeeeeefffffffff!"
"Wait" said Tim as he took off his shirt. "Didn't you say something about calling Dr. Milford?"
Beth balanced herself uneasily on the safety guard rail of the Charles Gorge Bridge. Her face was white with fear. She tried not to look down but it was no use. All she could see in front of her was a vast empty space – and that miniature little stream flowing along miles beneath her.
She wanted to turn and run but couldn't. Her wrists and elbows were tightly tied behind her back. Her legs were also tightly bound - wrapped from her ankles to her knees. Her favorite gray blanket was all that separated her naked body from the morning's cool damp air.
Beth bit down as hard as she could on the bright red ballgag filling her mouth, hoping it would help calm her. It didn't.
"Thanks for helping us out, Bert" Tim told Bert Wilson, owner of the BungeeMax bungee jumping attraction. "Beth has a very intense fear of heights. This should really help her."
"No trouble at all" Bert replied. "The guys were fighting with each other to be put on the schedule for today. Most of them are showing up just to watch. Don't worry though. Beth is completely safe. I'll make sure they stay behind the gate."
Tim walked over toward Beth. He looked up at his shivering, bound and gagged friend. "Are you ready?"
Beth's eyes were filled with tears and wide with fear. She was squealing in dismay, shaking her head no as convincingly as she could, while keeping the rest of her body as still as possible.
"I'll take that as a yes." Tim carefully pulled the blanket off her body. The BungeeMax crew cheered as Beth's exquisite nude form was revealed to the world.
The change in Beth's demeanor was instantaneous. Her eyes widened. She arched her back and swayed her hips erotically, struggling in vain to get free. Her skin began to flush. Her screams ceased, replaced by the now customary involuntary moans.
Tim reached his hand up between Beth's shapely bare legs from behind. Responding to his touch she spread her legs as far as her bonds would allow and crouched slightly to give him better access. After sliding his hand up past her firm thighs, he inserted his index finger into her moist pussy and teased her butthole with his thumb. Beth responded to the welcome stimulation with an even more expressive series of moans, and eventually a muffled erotic scream as an orgasm began to take shape.
With a slight push of his thumb, Tim moved Beth's center of gravity forward over the edge of the rail. Beth screamed in fear once again, realizing that gravity would soon propel her downward toward the ground below.
As she fell, Beth turned her body toward the bridge, inspiring another round of applause from the admiring crew.
Then she was gone.
Tim looked down over the edge. He watched Beth bounce up and down several times at the end of the long black bungee cord. The bouncing eventually stopped, leaving her hanging halfway between the bottom of the bridge and the ground below.
The crane's engine whirred as it slowly pulled in the bungee cord, tugging Beth's nude, bound and gagged body skyward. Soon she was dangling, up-side-down over the road. Bert Wilson and his crew looked on in awe as Beth helplessly moaned and undulated in orgasmic bliss for several minutes.
Once her bliss receded, they slowly lowered her exhausted body into Tim's waiting arms. Bert unclipped the bungee cord from the leg harness while Tim wrapped Beth with the blanket. Tim carried her to the van. Once there, he laid her in the back, jumped in after her, and closed the rear doors from the inside.
Tim quickly removed the ropes and gag from the glowing, but shivering, girl. He handed Beth her clothes. She took them, but with a strange expression on her face.
"What do we owe you?" asked Tim as he exited van alone, leaving Beth to change in private.
"Are you kidding?" replied Bert. "Beth can jump here anytime – no charge. When we post the pictures and video we got from this jump on our web site, I bet business will double!"
The crew cheered again when Beth - now free and clad in jeans and a T-shirt - stepped out of the van minutes later. Beth blushed, and then offered a small bow in appreciation.
"How do you feel?" asked Tim.
Beth walked over to the safety rail, jumped up and sat on the edge. "Well, my fear of heights is gone!" she said as she leaned back and looked over the edge.
"Oh well" replied Tim. "If at first you don't succeed... So what do we try next?"
Beth smiled at the guys as they continued to wave and whistle. "Well, I've always gotten queasy in the stomach when I've had to do public speaking. Maybe that'll kill this bondage arousal thing." She swung her legs in and out playfully.
One of the guys from the BungeeMax crew walked up to Beth. "Hi. I'm Jeff." She shook his hand politely. "The guys were wondering if you would pose for some pictures with us."
Beth jumped down off of the railing with a big smile on her face. "Oh sure" she said as she quickly stripped off her T-shirt and jeans and handed them to a stunned Tim. "I'll be right back!" An equally stunned Jeff happily led Beth by the hand to the other side of the gate.
Tim watched on in amazement as his unclad friend posed for hundreds of pictures with the grateful group of guys. He shook his head in disbelief. She was completely nude - and completely uninhibited. He was grateful for Bert Wilson, knowing his presence insured nothing untoward would happen to her.
After the photo session, Beth walked back toward Tim all bubbly and happy. "That was so much fun! But I think I'm ready to go now."
"Beth. Do you realize that you're butt naked?"
"Yeah. So?"
Tim was astounded. "I think you've completely lost your fear of being nude in public, too. Your sense of modesty is completely gone."
Beth looked down, took hold of her breasts, and squeezed them together. "Wow" she said as a sudden flash of realization hit her mind. "I didn't even think twice about it." She ran her hands along her bare hips. "It didn't even cross my mind that I was naked. I mean I know I was, but..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not cold or anything."
Tim handed Beth her clothes. "Here. Now please put these on" he said, unsure she would understand otherwise. Beth did as instructed.
"Would you mind if we went on a short hike at the park?" he asked Beth. "I want to do a little experimenting before we continue with this."
"So you want to run some experiments on me, huh?" asked Beth as she worked her way up the steep trail. Tim was walking directly behind her, enjoying the view of her firm bare bottom - Beth was wearing only her sneakers. "I think it's a good idea."
Once they were underway, Beth had found her clothes impractical - especially on such a nice, warm day. Nobody was around, so Tim, being a gentleman, agreed to add her clothes to the contents of his back pack.
"Here's a good place" said Tim. He removed his backpack and set it down on a spacious patch of green grass, just below a ledge. He removed the blanket from his backpack and spread it out over the grass. He also retrieved several coils of rope and set them on the blanket. "Please take off your shoes and lie down on your belly."
"Sure." Beth smiled. "Nice private cozy place you found us." She winked at him.
"I know you probably don't care about being seen in the buff at this point, Beth. But it's probably better if we took some precautions."
Beth shrugged. "Fine with me." She rested her head on her arms.
Tim tied Beth's ankles together.
"Okay. How does that feel?"
"Not bad. I think I feel a little bit warmer" replied Beth.
He tied another length of rope just above her knees.
"That's nice, too. I'd give it a three on a scale of ten."
Tim pulled Beth's arms behind her back.
"Oh my." Beth's breathing grew more rapid and her heartbeat quickened as he tightly bound her wrists together. She bounced her clenched fists off of her bare bottom. "I'm at a five or six now." Her skin turned a slight shade more pink.
After tying her elbows together, he sat down next to her to gauge her response.
"Oh yes, I like this. Six-point-five or seven." She arched her back, lifting her breasts off the blanket, and shifted her shoulders. Her breasts swayed with her motion.
"Like I thought" said Tim as he reached forward and cupped the breast nearest to him. "The more helpless you are, the more aroused you get."
Beth tensed a little. "You don't have to pinch me" she said with a sly smile on her face. "I'll open wide for you. Promise."
Tim chuckled and squeezed softly squeezed her perfect globe. "It's not quite yet time for the gag" he said as he released her breast and ran his fingers through her hair.
He got up, moved behind her, pushed her ankles forward, and put her into a strict hogtie.
"Seven-five... Eight." She said as her eyes widened and her skin turned a shade more red. "This is very nice. I'm getting very warm. Very, very warm" the nude girl said as she struggled on the blanket.
"But you're not over the top yet?"
"No. I'm really horny - but not super duper horny. It's just barely manageable this way. How about the gag?"
"You read my mind." Tim reached into his bag. "Damn! I forgot the gag!"
His nude friend, writhing happily at level eight, looked directly at his crotch. "So be creative" she suggested with a wink.
Tim smiled. He loosened Beth's hogtie a bit and helped her up so she was comfortably kneeling. He pulled down his shorts. "Don't bite" he said as he stepped forward and held his rock hard cock millimeters from Beth's mouth.
"I promise" the tightly bound subject of his experiment replied before opening wide and taking him in.
As her lips wrapped around Tim's cock, the change in Beth was instantaneous. Immediately her eyes bulged. "Mmmmmnnnnnnfffffff!" she proclaimed, as her ability to speak clearly was stifled by the impromptu gag. Her body blushed fully and she moaned uncontrollably.
"Nine? Nine-five?" asked Tim between groans of pleasure. "Ten?"
Beth managed to nod her head yes just before her involuntary hyper-arousal fully took over. She attacked Tim's cock with a vengeance, giving him the most passionate and intense head she could muster.
Tim's knees grew week as Beth's mouth and tongue rocked his world. He rested his hands softly on the back of her head as she bobbed passionately on his manhood. Beth quickly wound him up toward a powerful orgasm – winding herself up in the process. He tried his best to hold off - for the sake of the experiment. But to no avail. Tim groaned loudly, his legs buckled, his muscles tensed, as he expelled a huge blast of semen into Beth's accommodating mouth.
Beth, stirred by the intensity of Tim's release, powerfully climaxed herself.
As his cock softened, he slowly pulled it from her wonderful mouth.
"Wow" Tim said as he moved to his knees and took Beth in his arms. "That was intense."
"That was crazy fun" agreed a giggling Beth. "What have you been hiding from me in those baggy shorts all these years?"
Beth's bondage dreams never did stop. However, instead of being based on a movie, her more recent dreams were inspired by events that occurred in real life.
Although Tim was never very fond of any type of scientific study, Beth's unique condition was a topic he could completely throw himself in to. Tim decided to keep a detailed record of his observations and conclusions. Including the changes recent events had on their friendship.
Tim had always been happy when Beth came to visit him at his apartment. But now he was additionally pleased to find her fully dressed when he answered the door. Recently the warm weather was inspiring Beth to leave the house without her clothes. "It's so nice out. For some reason it just doesn't occur to me." To Beth, putting on clothes had become equivalent to brushing her teeth or flossing. She regularly did it out of habit. Not because she enjoyed it, but because it was a good thing to do. And just like brushing or flossing, she would sometimes skip a day.
The substance of their time together also changed markedly. Tim was at his computer surfing the web. Beth was sitting next to him, enjoying some quality bondage time with her good friend. As was customary during bondage time, Beth was completely nude. For today's session, her hands were tightly tied behind the chair back. Her legs were spread wide and tied to the chair legs at the ankles and just below the knees.
Tim used his left hand to navigate the web with his mouse. This left his right hand free to torment his very aroused companion.
"So what has Dr. Milford been telling you lately?"
"Dr. Milford? Oh she's so last month!" Beth jumped as Tim deftly moved his finger into Beth's pussy and out over her clit. "Oooooh! Stop that, you bum! I'm very close."
"You're always close." Tim pulled his hand back a bit. "Dr. Milford is out, huh? Does that mean you're not going to try to kick this bondage arousal thing anymore?"
"Of course not! I wouldn't give this up for the world!" Beth flirtatiously shifted her bare bottom toward Tim's receding fingers, as far as her bonds would allow. "I didn't say stop teasing me altogether!"
Tim's fingers returned.
"Oh Tim!" Beth started talking excitedly. "I've been emailing this woman, her name is Lorelei, and she's just like me. She loves to be tied up, too. She runs the Bondage University site."
"No shit?" Tim navigated to her site and started browsing. "That is very cool."
"Yep. And I showed her some of my pictures from the BungeeMax website. And that video they have where I'm coming like a freight train while I'm hanging up-side-down. She thought that was hot. She says she wants me to consider doing some movies with her. Says I'm a natural!"
"Fantastic!" replied Tim. "This calls for a celebration."
Beth's eyes grew wide as Tim pulled a ballgag and a vibrator out of his desk drawer. "Oh my" she said quietly in anticipation of what was to come.
Beth soon howled uninhibitedly into her gag as another bondage-enhanced orgasm took hold. In a way, this one topped all the others. For she was finally secure in the fact that she wasn't nuts. In fact she was totally free of problems.