Jenny had been miserable for a long time, she had no self esteem and an eating disorder. The problems had resulted in her become quite the slut on campus. Aside from that she cut herself, her friend Ben tried to convince her to stop and did everything he could to make her see some value in herself. As she walked out of her class she headed for the parking lot.
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Jenny was a night owl she rarely got up before 1:00 pm, most nights she cried herself to sleep after doing whatever it was (or whoever) she could find to distract herself from the pain she found in life. Her mother was bipolar and her father had walked out on them. It was so hard going home on the summers she didn't know if she would live through this one.
She got in her beat up blue corolla and turned on the car, sudden from behind her a hand covered her mouth, followed by another display a large knife so she could see it before the unseen stranger moved it to her throat. She froze. "Drive," her captor ordered to her from behind, letting go of her mouth and moving the knife from her throat to her stomach. "Spilling your intestines will kill you just as well, so don't try anything," the man said in a muffled voice.
"Where am I going she asked," in a whimper.
"To your apartment," he said, his face was so close to her he was breathing on her neck. She gripped the steering wheel tighter to keep herself from shaking, her was were watering she was on the verge of panic. She told herself she had to keep her head or she wouldn't live through this, as if she needed reminding.
For the first time ever she wished the short drive to her apartment right on the edge of campus was a lot longer. As she parked he quickly ordered, "Get out first and don't turn around." Now she was shaking. They approached her apartment and she was praying for someone to be around. Sadly, no one was. Just her luck the neighbors she could never get to be quite failed her when it counted most.
Jenny opened her door as she walked in he quickly moved behind her. She wanted to run, fight do anything. However in every scenario she only saw it ending in her demise. "What are you going to do to me?" She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer.
"On your knees," he snapped ignore her question. Tears started running down Jenny's face. The blonde college student had never been so frightened in her life. She heard a bag unzip and then he roughly grabbed her arms tying her wrists behind her. "Up." She quickly listened as they walked into the living room of the dark apartment.
The man turned on the lights and she was shocked to see that it was her best friend, Ben. He took off the Ski mask, and said this time in his normal voice. She was amazed how well he had changed his voice to deceive her and glad that it was him, however that's not the response she gave. "You idiot you scared the hell out of me," she yelled. "I should of known it was you up to your usual pranks."
"This isn't a prank," he replied.
"What is that suppose to mean," she questioned.
"Jenny your life is going nowhere you constantly threaten suicide to those you care about, and talk about how worthless you are," he said in a cold tone that scared her, he was usually a light hearted sarcastic guy.
"I know, I'm sorr-"
"I'm going to show to you that you're not worthless," he said interrupting her, not wanting another apology for the millionth time. I'm selling you to a group on campus, they are involved with human trafficking and prostituting out girls." You think your worthless I'm going to show you the only way you will ever get it through your head, to turn you into a piece of property. Jenny was shocked, she just stood there with her mouth hanging open.
"You can't do that, Ben please I'll change I'll do anything," Jenny begged him with her eyes as much of her words. She struggled to get her hands free, but he had tied them to well. Ben ignored her pleas, he waved the knife again. walking behind her. He tightly gripped her shoulders pushing her onto her knees again. He Tied her ankle and then pushed her onto her stomach.
"Jenny I really think you'll be happier than you realize. It's not that much different than your life now. You cut yourself, you sleep with guys you don't know. The only difference is you'll finally have no argument that your worthless," he said slipping a ball gag in her mouth and rolling on her back. For the first time he smiled. She continued to yell at him but it came out no more than muffled moans. Ben moved to reinforce her bounds by trying her elbows together. Then he took the knife and started cutting her close off. Her eyes water up with tears, she started struggling with everything she had he stopped cutting for fear of cutting her and bent over her head holding her by the chin. "Stop Struggling I'm going to end up killing you with this knife if you keep moving like that."
Jenny couldn't believe this, he finished removing the last of her clothes and then tied her at the knees as well. "I was always attracted to you however I promised I'd give them the merchandise without sampling it first. You're going for 1,000,000, get that the million dollar emo chic. However as I transport you I figured I'd do something to keep you busy," he said walking over to the nearly empty gym bag.
He pulled out a butterfly vibrator sliding under her he sat her up strapping it on and position just right so it was directly on her clit, "this should last for about four hours. I'm leaving you for the pickup. They're taking your car too, who knows why. We've already sent an email to your mom, telling her you've quit school like she always said you would, and your running off with your boyfriend to Europe. As for your other friends, most of them being online I'm giving your new owners your Facebook and Twitter information so they can keep them updated on your status. I'm sure they'll find creative ways of keeping you busy. As far as they know, you've become a slave willingly."
She knew he was right, she had so few people that cared about her. She thought he did, but if he did, how could he do this. If she got the chance before he turned her over she was going to ask him. He blindfolded her and then she felt a stabbing pain on her left nipple quickly followed by her right. "I did those last because I wanted to give you one last surprise," he mused, he was happy his at his work. He brought over the now empty gym bag and slid it under her. Jenny was small, she was 5'1" and under 100 lbs, the bag was rather large. It wrapped around her nicely. and he zipped it up. Ben was in great shape and was a little slow getting to her car but managed just fine. She wondered when he was going to turn on the wretched vibrator he had strapped to her.
He shut the trunk, and she heard the car start up shortly after. She lay in the darkness realizing Ben was right. She had nearly ended her life, she didn't deserve to be much more than property. Suddenly the vibrator started with a buzz. Damn Ben! He must of had a remote control. It started out slow, just enough to get her juices flowing. At each stop of the car it would be buzzing at high power the motion causing her sensation to be even more intense. She was moaning nonstop now and nearing her first orgasm. Suddenly the car stopped, she heard the engine turn off, and with that the vibrator did too. She let out a grunt of frustration. She was actually enjoying at least that much of this unbelievable experience. The trunk popped open and he unzipped the bag reveling only her head. Ben put his head up to her ear and whispered, "goodbye."
She begged him with her eyes. He ignored her shutting the trunk again, the sound of his footsteps quickly faded. She was glad he opened the bag. Another car approached and she heard more footsteps approaching the trunk popped once again. "There's are little slut," said the man in the front. They unzipped the rest of the bag admiring her naked form. "He wasn't kidding she does have amazing breasts." Closing the bag once again she was lifted and suddenly thrown into the back of what she assumed was truck from the thumb against metal she experienced on her way down. The drive was timeless she imagined all the things these strangers could do to her. Where she would end up, in some middle eastern country at the end of some man's bed with 8 other women.
She quickly pushed the thought out of her mind. She began to struggle again. She was worth something Ben was right, she had to escape, she couldn't let them break her. From what she could guess it had been about an hour when the car stopped. Following the sound of car doors slamming shut she felt herself being lifted from the truck bed.
"Don't worry," a women's voice said attempting to reassure her, you're almost to your new home. She was set down on top of a countertop and unzipped they moved the bag away throwing it to the side. Then they cut the butterfly vibrator throwing in the trash. "You won't be needed that, until you're ready to resell, you won't be having a single orgasm," the women said giggling. The men showed no emotion. "Are you alright alone for awhile Verna," the man who had originally taken her out of the trunk asked.
"Yes I'll be fine," she looked at Jenny as she struggled. "This one seems to be a bit of a firecracker, I think we're actually going to get to have some fun this time boys." They all nodded in agreement with looks of glee and proceeded to head out of the room. "You're going to have to stop struggling now, if you don't you won't like the result." The thought of what Ben said, how her life wouldn't be much different flooded back to her. How he had mentioned her cutting herself. Pain, he knew she loved pain, it was one of her few distractions from her misery. However being kidnapped and sold to three thugs was laying on a kitchen counter naked was occupying all of her mind at the moment. She was a rebel, a miserable rebel but she hated being told what to do. She kept struggling the women, walked away for a second quickly returning. "This is the last warning you're going to get from us for the rest of your stay, Verna said flatly. Jenny continued to struggle, screaming into her gag as she felt incredible pain coming from her nipples as Verna ripped off the clamps Ben had put on. She started trying to work her way off the counter, as well as her continued effort to get a limb free. Verna reached up with a strange rod pushing it into Jenny's cunt. She turned it on, whatever Verna had was electrocuting her. Jenny screamed into her gag, knowing it would do little good, tears filling her eyes again and rolling down her freckled cheeks.
"Ready to stop cunt," Verna said impatiently. Jenny nodded quickly, fearing to feel the shock of the rod again. "Now don't move," she pulled a knife out of the draw behind her, cutting her arms free. Jenny tried to grab hold of the women, but sadly not fast enough she felt another shock to the back of her neck. "Enough!" Verna was clearly had done this many times, Jenny wished she could see what she was doing. She felt some kind of cuffs being put on her behind her back. After they were tightened she realized they were leather.
Verna pull her upright in a sitting position putting the cuffs on hooks that were in the ceiling above her. Jenny worried about what this was leading too as she examined the ceiling. The hook seemed in a track in the ceiling she had not noticed it until now. Verna pushed her off the counter. Jenny winced at her skin roughly sliding on the granite countertop.
She hung from the ceiling her feet not touching the ground. Suddenly she felt something pushed into her ass. She let out an scream that sounded no more than another erotic moan to Verna. Verna walked around from behind her, kissing her thighs so close to her pussy. She was still wet from Ben using that vibrator on her in the trunk and this wasn't helping. Without warning she slipped her tongue into Jenny causing her to gasp what air she could through her nose. Her tormenter heard the gasp all too well though. "Ah so he wasn't wrong about you, you really are a slut." Going out of Jenny's line of sight again, Verna held up the ass to her already inviting ass pushing the plug in further and releasing the shock into her body. Jenny began to cry.
"That was a warning so you don't try anything again when I cut your legs free for the moment, Verna said as she took the knife and cut the ropes off. Jenny hung her head tears continuing to flow. The plug in her butt hurt and she was so scared. Ben, why?
As she felt leather cuffs being tightened around her ankles. She started losing hope. She then pushed Jenny down the track out of the kitchen. "Enjoy the ride," Verna said as she watched her captive slide down track. She went through the living room where the two men watched TV, ignoring her and continued to a narrow hallway where the track lead to some stairs. She rapidly slid down the stairs her body being jerked from the momentum. Hope was gone. The room was a dungeon, she looked around seeing the concrete floor a cage separating a quarter of the square basement. Outside there were 2 odd tables, no doubt that would be used to bind her too and various tools and toys hanging from the walls.
She hung there for what she guessed was the rest of the night, the men nor Verna bothered to as much as check on her. Jenny didn't sleep, not for a second, the pain in her arms was unbearable and she had to pee so bad. For awhile now, drool had crept past the large red ball in her mouth and down her face. She was completely helpless When she had finally lost track of time, she heard heavy footsteps behind her.
She wasn't exhausted from fear and in so much pain, she would more than welcome the concrete floor to sleep, but she had no doubt they had bigger plans for her. The man who had yet to spoken to her, walked in front of her and flicked a switch. The Hook proceeded to turn her around and the man pushed her gently across the room up against the wall. Taking each leg he strapped he linked the leather cuff together.
"I'm going to let you down now," he said in a graveling voice. "He held up the rod she had come to know too well from the night before. That was enough of a warning and they both knew it.
As he released her she dropped to the floor slumping against the wall curly her ever so sore arms around her bare breasts. He pulled a bucket out from under the stair well. "I'm sure you have business to do, this is your only chance until tonight. I suggest you use it," he said in a cold heartless voice.
The man removed the painful butt plug from her ass. At first she had some trouble relieving herself with him standing only two feet from her watching. However as badly as she had to go it wasn't so bad. He pull a walkie-talkie from his left pocket and clicked the button making the radio squawk. "Verna, come down and get the whores shit."
She heard rapidly approaching footsteps and saw a now naked Verna, hurrying down the stairs to grab the bucket. Was she a slave too, Jenny wondered by the look of fear on her face. Without a word between the two she left with the bucket.
The man took a step towards Jenny as she left, now slumped against the wall again. "You won't be leaving this basement for a year. We keep you that long to make sure you've been properly trained and not putting on a show for us." He pointed to the cage. "As you start showing more acceptance and a positive attitude towards your surroundings, your sleeping accommodations may improve slightly. He held up the rod again. "This is a pin prick compared to the punishment you will receive from thus forward. You will receive no warnings, nor be told anything twice. Verna will be down later to tell you the 10 rules that guide your life from this point forward." He reached behind her releasing the ball gag, she adjusted her jaw painfully. Wiping the mostly dried drool on her shoulder. "Any questions? This will be the last chance you have to speak without being told too."
"Any chance you'll let me go," Jenny weakly said. He ignored the question and stood patiently as if knowing she would ask a real one. "Who are you selling me too, do I get limits like those slaves in porn?"
"You'll be held at a slave auction at the end of the year. We don't know who you'll be sold too. Whoever is willing to pay the most. You're a beauty, and if you do well, you'll go for nearly 10 million if we manage to break you. and as for limits, we try our best not to permanently mark you so you won't decrease in value, but sometimes if your will is hard enough we have too." Jenny's eyes widened, coughing the man to let out a horse chuckle at her reaction. "Last question."
"Do you feel guilt, for what you are going to do to me?" She asked glaring at him.
Whack! He slapped her and she took that as a yes but it's not going to stop me.
"Ok in the cage," he pointed with the rod. She returned a glare as if it to say 'make me'. Though she was tired she wasn't going to let this thug tell her what to do. She accepted her fate, however she was going to fight it every step of the way for that small chance she could be free. She wouldn't let them know this though, she couldn't. He reached down picking her up by her neck, she hit him with what little strength she had in her exhausted state. Pulling a syringe out of his pocket he used his mouth to pull of its cap. and carefully avoiding her swings jabbed her in the neck.
She expected to lose consciousness but everything only got hazy. Shortly after what he did she realized what he had done. She had given her a small amount of heroin. Fuck she thought. She had tried it at parties. Seeing girls laying there passed out, as guys did things to them, it made her skin crawl. He dropped her only for a moment quickly picking her back up. under both arms laying her out on the nearest table. She continued to swing but she had looked like a drunk and her kicking had stopped. He dropped his pants exposing his erected cock. She lay back not managing to do much more than look toward the stares as if she wanted to tell them to come get her away from here.
He continued on top of her, she was glad he was not a heavy man, not that she would notice much in her drugged state. He gripped her left nipple twisting it painfully, the drugs didn't dull the pain to be noticeable. "You know, we'll give you more later. To keep you conscious during the worst of the pain. We can't have you passing out, that wouldn't teach you anything. Jenny just turned her head as he ripped into her. She knew this would hurt for the better part of a week, and they probably wouldn't give her time to heal.
He thrusts into her harder and harder, grabbing her neck he started choking her. As beck roller her head back. She surprising noticed Verna standing there leaning against the wall watching, still naked. The women was fingering herself! Getting off to the site of her being man handled. She couldn't imagine the deranged things these men did to her to make her get horny off such a site.
As he came to orgasm he pulled out spewing cum all over her breasts. She wanted to wipe it off but quickly stopped herself. Getting off of the tired and ravaged Jenny, he lifted her upright by her hair. "Ready to get in the cage now bitch?"
She nodded. Slapping her with extreme force he said, "When questioned by me you will reply with Yes Master Alex." Alex, now she had a name to the face of another captor.
"Yes master Alex," she said in little more but a whimper dropping her head and crying. She was about to fall when Verna was beside her unexpectedly and caught her. She carried her to the cage and went inside with her. Alex shut the door behind them. Locking them both in. Jenny cared not to question this strange turn of events and lay her head on the heard floor.
"Sleep now," Verna whispered embracing her from behind, the only soft touch she had in this cold hard concrete floor. Verna stroked her oily hair that needed to be washed badly from all the excitement. Somewhere inside Verna she pitied this sleeping women in her arms. It had once been her laying there being comforted. It was their fate though, they were slaves not people Verna reminded herself pushing the thoughts of pity laying her head down as well. She was tired too, Alex and Mike had kept her up all night with worse tortured than she imagined this poor girl had ever dreamed. She grabbed Jenny's hand falling asleep with her, glad to have a companion again in her small dark world.