- Author - kirikaryoko
- Rating -
  [ 2.87 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1753 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, consensual, bondage, chastity, mummification
- Post Date - 8/9/2009
Author's Note: This is my very first attempt at writing so please bear with this one as I am learning. Most of this short story is written from the first person perspective of one of the doggirls and all of the participants are real as this was originally written as a fantasy/maybe someday kind of story shared between the two main participants and our Owners but we all agreed to share it after it was finished. ~ puppygirl kirika ryoko
The two doggirls had many times had been kenneld together by their owners Sir John and Master Scott, often visted by a Mistress friend. Eventually the two doggirls developed a bonding love with each other but could only visit occasionally due to the distances their owners lived apart. Eventually their Owners decided that the bond they had was such that something unique needed to be done to celibrate their desires for one another...
Your owner Sir John has already strapped you into a chair within a room, not knowing that pixies owner has already strapped her into a chair in the next room. He places a blindfold and ball gag followed by a cloth hood over her head and soon she feels the chair being drug into the same room as you, neither of you knowing the other is there. Now they carefully position the chairs directly across from each other. Her hood is taken off quickly, followed by the blindfold. Sir John is standing behind you, his slave Kristal, who is still blindfolded. Soon he slips it off and you squeal in delight when you see pixie across from you. Neither knowing what is about to happen.
In between the two chairs is a circular platform, slightly raised above the ground. Lady Sara wheels in a metal table, covered with tubes on top and rolls of tape on the bottom.
Your owners each take the gags out of your mouths allowing Sara to slides tubes in, ordering you to swallow and allow the tube to slide deep. Soon nasal tubes follow. Then they uncuff you both and bend you forward, working an anal tube into each, a catch cup is then strapped over Kristal's pussy and Pixies chastity shield. Soon they are working long heel-less rear paws onto your feet covering your legs up to your knees and forcing your feet en-point within. Soon front paws follow encasing your hands. Sara then takes a specially made muzzle from the table, this one is made with the open ends of the snouts sealed together as one. She holds it centered while each owner takes one side, buckling it tightly onto each doggirl forcing them to stare into each others eyes. Their long stretched tongues can reach out through the open inside of the muzzle to flick at each others tongue, her lips, even the insides of her mouth. As they strap the muzzles harness around each doggirls heads routing the feeding and breathing tubes out the side through special holes it pulls you toward each other. Now your mouths held open by the muzzles built in ring-gags are close enough to flick and play with each others tongues, entwining them in kiss.
Your owners the balance you as a pair on the platform disk in the center of the room wrapping your legs around and through each other while still standing, balancing on the ends of the rear paws. Sara begins to tightly wrap your legs together, turning your four legs into two, merging her right with your left and her left with your right. When your legs are merged your two bodies are then also twisted in a spiral pressing them together, making a half turn from your feet to your hips. Your legs are then attached to the disk with the same fiberglass tape the tape. It keeps getting added until its thick enough to hold you two in that position. Next your arms are wrapped around each other, your hands on her back and hers on yours your bodies continuing the twist another quarter turn twisting around each other your bodies slightly merged in the middle pressing tightly against each other, your breasts partially peeking above the 1/3 cops on the tight corsets pressing against each other. Each of your nipple rings are removed, replaced by just two rings passing through your left nipple and her right nipple, and the reverse for the other side. So now any movement of one tugs not only her own nipple but the nipple on the other doggirl as well.
As they start to finish preparing the two of your they run all the tubes down between your bodies, hiding them in the wrapping of your two bodies to be left hanging off of the disk. Then they begin wrapping you both in fiberglass, working from where they had started on the legs and moving upwards until your bodies are completely covered and your both totally unable to move. Your heads continuing the spiral as much as possible as if nuzzling each other through the special muzzle. As more and more fiberglass is added around you your tongues kiss becomes eternal. After the fiberglass is fully hardened more is added to the outside, creating a more life-like shape, accentuating the details of two doggirls girls merging into one, the look of clothing on the outside melting the farther it goes toward the ground, each girls hair done up in spirals and coils.
....of course the two of you will never know that part, or of the sexy statue seen from the outside of the two intertwined lovers, because your already sealed inside of the hardened statue, unable to move save for some minor flexing of a few muscles which sometimes is just enough to cause the slightest movement in your breasts. The gentle almost non-existent movement is never seen on the outside, but is just enough to cause the connected nipple rings to pull or push a little on each other sending shivers through her body. The only real movement you have left is your tongues. You never even taste it as food is pumped directly into your stomachs, but you can tell when the juices from your own excitement silently oozes from your sex, dripping into the catch cups and draining out through the tubes at the bottom. Your waste also handled in the same way.
When everything is fully hardened and cured, the statue that encases the two of you is painted in a matte white finish and is carried out to become the centerpiece of a large fountain, set in the center of a circular pool with small jets of water splashing against your legs and taller ones jetting strait up around you in a circle, slowly shrinking and rotating around you. All the while your left trapped inside in this permanent form of making out, yet all you can is kiss with your tongues as they dart in and out of each other's mouths, rubbing each other's lips, unable to do anything else for all of eternity. Sealed forever in an Eternal Embrace.