- Author - Dan Latex
- Rating -
   [ 3.76 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2352 of 2955
- Story Codes - consensual, latex, self-bondage
- Post Date - 8/3/2009
The penultimate lock was in place and I knew that this was the moment. Fear grew inside me as it always did and I lay back in silence gathering my thoughts, why I was still afraid of this moment I don’t know, I had done this dozens of times and never had a mishap. But the fear was there nonetheless, I had grown to expect it, even enjoy it.
I felt for the final lock, a combination lock, and threaded it through the chains at my wrists. With a final breath I pushed down on the lock and scrambled the wheels. Trapped. In the pitch black I lay there, mind racing and tugging on my bonds trying to break free, though I knew I wouldn’t, I never did. I tried yelling into my gag and straining on the chains but I just tired myself out, after ten minutes I lay back and let myself calm down. As I lay I thought about all I had done to get like this, and it made me horny as hell.
Now let me introduce myself, my name is Matthew, I’m 27 and I live with my girlfriend Hannah. Hannah and I have a small house in a town near London, where Hannah works. Quite often Hannah will spend nights in the city at conferences leaving me by myself, this was one of those times. On these occasions I indulged myself in my secret passion, self-bondage. Hannah was completely unaware that I was doing this, and I was very unwilling to tell her. She is a beautiful, smart and kind woman, to put it bluntly she should have been well out of my league, because of this I thanked god she and I were together and didn’t want to jeopardise anything. But I still enjoyed the occasional session while she was gone and I saw no harm in that so I carried on in secret, my private time.
I had been doing this since I was 16 so as well as been fairly experienced I had gathered a lot of equipment, most of which was littered about the room. Everything from gags to chains, collars to rope but best of all (in my opinion) was my collection of latex clothes, an outfit for any occasion I thought, all purchased from the same online website I had used for 11 years.
Today I had on my black latex leggings (ones with attached feet and a three way zip around the crotch) a black leotard (intended for women but large enough not to squash my tackle too much) and a latex hood with openings for the eyes and mouth, with two small nose holes.
The position I chose for tonight was a comfortable one I had tried before. On the bed lying face up and tied with several chains. Starting from the foot of my bed I had a pair of lockable leather ankle cuffs attaching my feet to chains wrapped around the bed legs at either corner. I had a chain locked around my waist with the loose end going through my crotch from front to back and locked back on with another padlock. I’ve seen pictures of female models doing this with rope as a way of stimulating themselves, I was using it as an anchor point for my wrists. On both my wrists was a pair of locking cuffs, matching the ankle cuffs, running through them was a small chain which I looped around and locked with the combination lock. Around my neck was a sturdy collar with three D links. Attached to each of the side links was a chain which in turn was wrapped around the bars in the headboard of the bed (incidentally the reason I chose this particular bed). In my mouth I had a medium sized ball gag head harness which effectively filled my mouth. I usually like to wear a blindfold as I feel that they provide a more helpless feel to any situation, but tonight I had decided to use a lamp on an electric timer as a release. When it switched itself on two hours after I set it I would be able to see the four digit combination lock and release my wrists. If all went well it should release at 2:30 in the morning, as a backup I had a mug filled with motor oil on a shelf above my bed and the keys to the other locks attached to it, also attached was a piece of string in reach of my hands. As well as that if I didn’t want to ruin my bed sheets dawn was at around 5:15 and I felt I could wait it out if needs be.
With all these precautions I felt very safe and went on with my bondage.
So there I was tied, gagged, lying in the dark and tired from my previous struggles, not really surprising then that in this comfortable position and it being almost one in the morning, I went to sleep.
I awoke suddenly as the lights came on. At first I thought it was the electronic timer but as I looked up my heart sank, because Hannah was looking back from the doorway with a very shocked look on her face.
I was stunned, for her to see me like this was not the way I would have wanted her to find out. I didn’t know what her reaction would be so I just lay there waiting for her to make the first move. She starred at me, then the room littered with my gear that wasn’t being used, and then back at me.
“What are you doing, what’s all this for” she asked in a very careful voice
I went to say something and realised I still had the gag in my mouth, I pulled on the chains and she realised that I wouldn’t be able to talk, so she came over and unbuckled the gag for me.
“Han, I’m sorry I…I…I never meant for you to find out this way”
She thought for a moment and said “I take it this has been going on for a while”
I nodded.
“I see, and you don’t think that this is really the kind of thing I should know about”
A small tear came to my eye as I said “I didn’t know what you would think” I looked away and carried on “I was doing this before we met, years before, and I didn’t see any harm in it, but if you knew I was afraid you would see me differently or worse”
“That you would leave me, have no more feelings for me” my eyes blurred with tears and with my hands still bound I couldn’t wipe them dry.
“You daft fool, you think this changes my feeling towards you? Perhaps you don’t know me too well” she said it in a kind way and instantly I felt good again. That she accepted this and accepted me was more than I could have hoped for.
“You know Matt this explains a lot, there has been some weird behaviour on your part since we got together” as she said this she got up and inspected the room and my gear, picking through bits, while I started to twist the combination lock. That second the lamp at my bedside pinged on and startled Hannah. As she looked at the lamp and back to me with the lock in my hand she had a mischievous grin on her face, she stepped forward with one of my blindfolds in her hand. There wasn’t much I could do as she placed it over my head, covering my eyes. Then she picked up the chain connecting my wrists and scrambled the combination. Effectively trapping me all over again. As an instinct to being trapped I immediately felt for the string that would release the spare keys, but Hannah got there first and put the string on the shelf out of reach.
Needless to say I was turned on by this, in fact it was probably the horniest moment of my life, but my mouth had a mind of its own.
“What are you doing, stop, untie me” not meaning a single word, though it sounded quite real.
“No, you got yourself into this and you can get yourself out of this clear?”
You’re not gonna leave are you?”
“I wont be too far” she said “I’ll probably spend the night in the spare room, oh and in case you were wondering we finished ahead of schedule so the boss gave my tomorrow off, I figured why stay in London when it’s only a few hours home. Anyway I guess I’ll have a long sleep in in the morning, and I guess you’ll have to as well”
She chuckled to herself as reinserted the gag that she had only moments ago taken out and pulled the strap tight.
“God Matt, I never would have believed this about you. Goodnight, I’ll leave you in private”
I lay there. Half shocked and half horny. This could make for an interesting future, I wonder what she’ll do about all this in the morning.
I decided not to think too much about it, I just lay back, struggled and enjoyed my private time.