My name is Samantha, and I have a story that I'd like to share with you.
The story I am about to tell will sound strange coming from me because normally I am very shy. It happened just over a year ago now, but the memories of those events are forever in my mind. They have shattered my view of sexuality. But first let me give you a little background into my life.
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I was raised in a very conservative home. My mother and father were very close to me. They taught me to keep myself pure until I was married, which I honored very fervently. Because of this I was very nervous around boys and rarely dated. It wasn't that I was unattractive. In fact it was quite the opposite. When I became a teenager my breasts developed much faster than the other girls my age. Once the boys noticed them I began to wear more modest clothing to hide them as best I could. But they still grew to the point where it didn't matter what I wore and I was quickly nick-named "Sammie DD". The young men also adored my long blond hair and athletic body and gave me endless compliments, but all that attention just embarrassed me. I probably wouldn't have gone out on any dates if it weren't for Cindy forcing me to double date with her.
Who is Cindy you ask? Well, Cindy is my best friend. In fact, she may be my only friend, as I never got close to anyone other than her. Cindy and I grew up together and have always been best of friends for as long as I can remember. She lived only a few houses away from me in my neighborhood. We are both the same age, 26, and we played together, grew up together, and even went to college together. She has always been there for me.
It is interesting that we are so close considering we are so opposite in personality. Where I am shy, Cindy is outgoing. Where I am conservative, she is provocative. Cindy loves to flirt with the men and flaunt herself. She is always wearing something that will display her charms and bring attention to herself. I think Cindy is the most beautiful young lady in the world. She has wavy, light brown, shoulder length hair. Her body is very athletic, with well-toned muscles. She works out with me at the health club twice a week and weighs about 125 pounds. She is three inches taller than me at 5'9", with long shapely legs to die for. I've always envied her body. She makes every woman look ugly compared to her. Her breasts are just a bit smaller than mine but they are perfectly rounded and firm. Her ass is hot and sexy, especially in those little skirts and shorts she is always wearing. I can see why the men at the club are always turning their heads when the two of us walk by.
But her best feature isn't the firm breasts, long legs, or tight ass. It is her eyes, those gorgeous green eyes. They are so mysteriously enchanting. They are the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. Every time I look at them all my fears and concerns just melt away. And when Cindy gives me that beautifully warm and friendly smile, I just want to give her a big hug and snuggle up safely in her arms.
With the men it is even worse. When they see her eyes for the first time, they are filled with such desire that they become like putty at her feet and will do anything to have her. Steve was one of those men. When he saw Cindy he knew he had to have her.
Steve was rich and Cindy loved it. It helped that Steve was good looking too, but Cindy had always craved the extravagant life-style more than anything. So, when Steve began buying her expensive jewelry and taking her to fancy restaurants, she fell in love with him. They were soon married, too soon in my opinion. It was at their wedding reception that I first met Brian.
Brian was Steve's best friend. Brian was such a gentleman and he treated me like a lady from day one. Brian didn't make me feel nervous like the other guys before him. He wasn't crude and didn't embarrass me, or make comments about my large breasts. He just smiled at my beauty and always gave me a gentle little kiss as his way of saying he loved how I looked. I fell in love with Brian and we married about two years after Cindy and Steve did.
Brian and Steve worked together as computer software developers for the United States government. They were paid extremely well but, because of the secret assignments they often received, they had to travel away from home fairly regularly. They had to stay out of contact with family and friends during those trips too. Cindy didn't mind though. Not because she didn't love Steve. She just felt it was worth putting up with if it meant she got to live in a big house, own a sports car, and have a hefty spending allowance. They bought a mansion and hired a butler and two maids.
I, on the other hand, hated Brian's travel. I loved him with all my heart and I was reluctant to see him leave the house. I was lonely without him and I would always go to Cindy's place and stay with her during our husband's weeklong trips. I needed someone to cheer me up and Cindy was the one I turned to. It was during one of these business trips when my story began.
Chapter 1
It was a midsummer Saturday afternoon, and Cindy and I were lounging by her pool in the hot sun. Cindy was wearing a white string bikini, and I was wearing my usual one-piece blue swimsuit with the conservative cut. I had a wrap over my shoulders too. I didn't like to show too much skin with other men around, and Cindy's butler, Walter, was waiting on us.
"Aren't you hot with that wrap on?" Cindy asked.
"No, not really. I'm used to it," I said.
"How do you expect to get a good tan with your skin all covered up?"
"I already have a tan."
"Yes, but men prefer women with really DARK tans," she said, emphasizing the word dark.
"Brian likes the tan I have now. Besides, I don't care what other men think."
"Why not? Isn't it kind of fun to have guys notice you more?"
"I don't want men to notice me more. I am quite happy with Brian."
"Does Brian really make you happy?"
"Oh yes! Brian is wonderful! He loves me dearly and makes me feel good about myself," I said happily.
"What do you mean he makes you feel good?" asked Cindy who seemed intrigued about my choice of words.
"I... I... Well... That's not... I mean..." I stumbled with the words. I was embarrassed every time Cindy took the conversation in a sexual direction.
"Well," Cindy continued. "HOW does he make you feel good?"
I blushed red and pulled my wrap tight around me.
"Th-Th-That's not what I meant," I finally said nervously.
"You said he makes you feel good. I was just wondering how."
"Please, can we talk about something else. Your butler is coming."
Walter arrived with our glasses of lemonade on a tray. I grabbed one quickly and began sucking on that straw as fast as possible. I handed the other drink to Cindy hoping she would do the same. Walter bowed his head slightly at me with a smile and left. Cindy set her drink down on the table without a sip.
"Walter's gone now. You can say what you were going to say. The maids are inside the house too," she said looking around.
I knew how Cindy was, she wasn't going to quit until she got an answer. I looked back at the house and waited until I was certain that Walter would remain inside before I responded.
"Brian is the best thing that ever happened to me. He loves me more than I ever imagined. I can't wait until they get back tomorrow."
(I was referring to Steve and Brian's business trip. They had been gone for their usual week long trip and were due back tomorrow afternoon.)
"You said he makes you feel good. Does he have sex with you?" Cindy asked bluntly.
I almost choked on my lemonade when she said that word. I coughed a bit, wishing I were someplace else. My face felt hot and flushed. I looked at Cindy and saw those eyes again. She was looking at me curiously, patiently, knowing that I couldn't get away from her gaze. I sighed and chose my words carefully.
"Yes we make love. We ARE married you know."
"Ah, making love. I've always wondered why women refer to sex as making love. Women are just like men. We enjoy sex for sex too. Why do we try to romanticize it and call it making love?"
"I don't know," I said truthfully.
"Steve and I have sex. Not often enough in my opinion. You would think that since he is gone so much that he would have sex with me the moment he got home. But he doesn't. He always arrives home exhausted and sleeps most of the next day. But at least he treats me good later. I really love it when he uses his tongue to lick my...."
"Cindy!" I scolded, quickly cutting her sentence off before she finished it.
I was shocked. She knew how uncomfortable I was with this topic.
"What? Can't I talk about my sex life?"
My face was red again and I felt hot. I took another sip of my drink thinking it would cool me off.
"No. I'd rather you not. Talk about something else."
"OK, let's go back to you and Brian. Does he ever give you oral sex?"
"What?" I said, flabbergasted.
I looked around to see if Walter was coming back. I really wished she hadn't asked that question.
"Do I have to answer that question?"
"Of course you do. I'm not going to let you go until you do."
"Well," I said quietly. "No, actually."
I wasn't sure if I was more embarrassed from her question or from the fact that I had never experienced sex in that way before. She probably thought I was a prude for not having oral sex.
"Really? You have to try it sometime. I just know you would enjoy it. You can't imagine how good it makes you feel inside."
When she said that, I didn't know what to say. I closed my eyes as a strange feeling came over me for the first time that I couldn't quite identify. I found myself beginning to wonder about what she was describing. What would it feel like?
I started to imagine my husband, Brian, getting down on his knees between my legs as I lay back on the bed. My muscles began to relax and I could actually feel my crotch starting to get wet just thinking about it...
"Ahhhh!!!" I yelped.
My eyes flew open as I realized I had inadvertently spilled some of my lemonade into my lap. Cindy quickly grabbed a towel and came over to me.
"Here, let me help you with that," she giggled.
She knelt down in front of me and tried to use the towel to dry my crotch. But I snatched the towel out of her hand before she even touched me.
"Thanks, but I can do it myself."
Annoyed at myself, I took the towel and dried myself off as quickly as I could. Cindy watched me patiently. When I finished I looked over at her. I saw her grinning at me as she stifled a laugh at my clumsiness. Suddenly I became acutely aware of Cindy's position, as she was still kneeling in front of me, her face only a few feet away from my lap. Cindy glanced at my crotch and then looked up at me. Our eyes met for just a moment and then we both turned away blushing.
"I need to go use the bathroom," I said as I jumped to my feet.
I had to get out of there, and fast, as my mind was starting to give me images of Cindy that I didn't dare even think about.
"Sorry, it's all my fault," Cindy apologized as she got to her feet. "I shouldn't have brought that subject up."
Cindy gently grabbed my arm as I started to leave.
"Are you mad at me?" she asked me.
I turned and looked into her face. I sighed as my anger at her disappeared when I saw the look of genuine concern in those luscious eyes of hers. She really cared about me and I knew she was just playing.
"Of course not. How could I ever be mad at you? I just wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I'm sorry."
We hugged briefly and then I walked to the house.
I lingered in the bathroom a while after I finished my business. I stood in front of the mirror with my bathing suit on the floor. I looked at my naked body as I thought about what Cindy had said.
"I wonder what it feels like to have someone lick me?" I thought.
I had never thought of that possibility before. Brian had never tried this with me. Maybe he was as reserved as I was. Or maybe he just didn't like to do that. But either way it didn't matter. I was more than happy with my relationship with Brian. Our sex life was just fine if you asked me. I put those thoughts out of my head and changed into my clothes.
Cindy came inside a few moments later but made no mention of our previous conversation. The two of us went about our regular activities without a second thought.
The phone rang about 10:30pm that same night. Cindy answered.
"Hello" ... "Hi honey! I'm glad you called." ... "Samantha came over as usual and we did some sunbathing. We can't wait to show you our tans tomorrow." ... "What?" ... "Why? Can't they find somebody else?" ... "Samantha's not going to like it."... "Can she talk to Brian at least, is he around?" ... "Oh, I see."
I saw the frown on her face and I could tell that the guys were going to have to stay away longer. I didn't pay any attention to the rest of the conversation. I was too depressed. I slumped down on the sofa and cried. I missed Brian a lot.
Cindy hung up the phone and sat down next to me. She tried to comfort me with a hug.
"I'm sorry honey. Their assignment got more complicated all of a sudden. They'll have to stay until everything is done. He said it could be another week or more before they return."
"Where was Brian?" I cried.
"He was still at the job working. Steve snuck out to call me even though he wasn't supposed to. I hope he doesn't get into trouble. This assignment seems much more serious than the others. They are so strict about contacting anyone. They're always worried about national security or something."
I rested my head on Cindy's shoulder and cried for a good fifteen minutes.
"I didn't bring enough clothes for another week," I said.
"That's all right," Cindy said. "You can wear some of mine tomorrow while I have the maids wash yours."
Cindy and I went to our bedrooms.
The next morning I awoke when Cindy came into my room.
"How do you feel today?" she asked.
"I'm still depressed," I said.
"I'll have Sara make us a big breakfast of eggs, sizzling bacon, sausage, and hash browns. Then we can go shopping. That'll cheer you up."
"Sounds good. Is she going to wash my clothes soon?"
"Rachel already started. They should be done after breakfast."
"What am I going to wear to breakfast?"
"You can wear some of my clothes."
I thought about that offer for a moment as I looked at what she had on right now.
Cindy was wearing a white bustier like top that was laced together up the front between her ample breasts. It provided barely more coverage than a bra, as her abs and belly button were completely bared by the short top. The shoulder straps were spaghetti thin and you could clearly see her nipples through the thin material. She wasn't even wearing a bra! Her elastic pull on shorts were made of a thin white nylon mesh and barely covered her ass cheeks as she walked. The material was so thin that if you looked closely enough you could easily make out the fact that her bikini panties underneath were bright pink.
Cindy got up and took out a white colored, cropped T-shirt with a deep V cut in the front and a pair of shorts, exactly like the ones she wore now, only this pair was pink. She set them on the chair next to my bed.
"Here these will fit you," she said ignoring the fact that my jaw had dropped open in horror.
Then she went to her lingerie drawer and took out an ivory colored bra and panty set made of fine silk, exquisitely sculpted with lace edging. They were very expensive and were made in France. She placed them on top of the shirt and shorts.
"You'll look really sexy in these."
I was reluctant to wear any of Cindy's revealing attire, even for a little while. But what was even less appealing to me was the idea of wearing her underwear.
"I'm not wearing those," I said flatly.
"Oooh! Are you going to go without panties? I've done that on occasion."
I flushed red again.
"No, I just don't want to wear your clothes. Call me silly if you want. I'll just wait until my clothes are dry before I get dressed. Breakfast will just have to wait."
"Suit yourself. I'll go tell Sara to put breakfast on hold then. In the meantime, why don't you take a shower while you're waiting? Your clothes should be dry by the time you're done. I'll come back when they're ready."
"OK, sounds good to me," and I went into the bathroom and turned on the water.
Cindy called through the door, "Toss out your pajamas and I'll have Rachel wash them too so you can wear them again tonight."
Rachel and Sara were her maids. They did all the cooking and cleaning around the large house.
It must be nice to have people do everything for you, I thought, as I began to undress.
I removed the short-sleeved pajama top and pulled off the matching shorts and stood there naked. I wasn't wearing anything underneath because I had put all the rest of my clothes into the laundry. I opened the door just far enough to hand Cindy the pajamas and shut the door quickly before she could make any other comments. I heard Cindy leave and go downstairs. I got into the shower and stayed there for over 20 minutes.
When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and started drying my hair with Cindy's hair dryer. While I was doing this, I thought I heard a crash from downstairs. I turned off the hair dryer and listened more closely for a moment. I didn't hear anything more so I went back and finished drying my hair. Maybe I had just imagined it, but I decided it probably would be better to go investigate. I brushed my hair as quick as I could and then all of a sudden I heard a muffled scream emanating from downstairs! I rushed out of the bathroom covering myself with just the towel. Then I remembered Cindy had taken all my clothes. I had no other choice but to put on what she had set out for me. Reluctantly, I donned her clothes as fast as I could. Then I heard men's voices, angry voices, and someone running up the stairs headed towards my bedroom. I panicked. What should I do? I thought, as I frantically looked around for somewhere to hide.
CRASH... The door to my bedroom burst open and I screamed loudly!!
A giant hulking figure of a man stood there with a machine gun pointed directly at me.
"Shut up woman, or I kill you now!" He emphasized his threat by raising his weapon and pointing it at my head. He spoke broken English with a Russian accent. He was wearing a black shirt and camouflaged colored pants. He also wore military boots.
I was terrified, more than I had ever been in my life. I stopped screaming and backed against the wall. My whole body trembled and my knees sagged weakly. I was petrified with fright as he moved closer and pressed the barrel of the gun into my throat. I barely managed to stifle another scream that was about to escape my lungs. I sobbed miserably, fearful that he would shoot me on the spot. He leaned his face forward bringing it close to mine. He was smiling evilly as he looked into my eyes.
"I have comrades with me. We have guns and will kill you if you not listen. Do not scream again or you die."
I could smell his breath as he spoke. He had blue eyes of steel that bore holes through me. It looked like he was hoping that I would scream again so he could pull the trigger. My lips were quivering so much that I had trouble speaking.
"I... I... un-understand."
He almost seemed disappointed. He pulled the gun away and stepped to the side. He waved his machine gun to signal me to move toward the doorway.
"Move. NOW!!"
I didn't wait for him to ask again. I threw one arm over my bosom and the other over my belly, wishing my shirt was bigger as I walked past him toward the door.
"STOP!" he ordered.
I froze in place next to the bed, not turning my head. What now? I felt very vulnerable with him out of sight behind me. I put my hands behind me to cover my rear. He laid one hand on my shoulder and pressed the muzzle of the gun to the back of my head. My heart was pounding hard and fast as I was expecting him to force me to the bed and rape me.
Instead he yelled out the door into the hallway, "I find another one up here!"
In a moment I heard several footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. Three more men and a woman entered the room. All of them were dressed as the man behind me, in black shirts and camouflaged pants. Two of the men carried machine guns. The woman and the other man each carried a large caliber automatic pistol. The man with the pistol looked at me and smiled.
"Are you Samantha?" He asked me.
His accent was also Russian and I surmised the rest of them were too by their blond hair and blue eyes. I was looking around at each of them nervously as I tried to size them up, wondering why they were here and how they knew my name.
"ARE YOU SAMANTHA?" he repeated louder.
He seemed very annoyed that I hadn't answered already and raised the barrel of his huge pistol and pointed it at my head. I nearly wet my pants from fright. I took a step back and opened my mouth to scream. But I held it back as I remembered the earlier warning. I forced myself to speak quietly.
"Good," he said.
He lowered his pistol and walked towards me. He reached out his right hand and cupped my chin in his rough palm. He lifted my head so I could see his eyes.
"My name is Sergei, and you are now my hostage. From now on you will do exactly as I say or you and your friends will die. Please remember that because I am not a patient man. Aleksei would be more than happy to blow your head off."
I assumed Aleksei was the big man behind me. I nodded weakly and in shock. How did they get in here? Why did these people want ME? I figured it must have something to do with Brian's work.
"Nikolai, Boris, bring in Cindy. It is time to get to work." Sergei said to the other two men with the machine guns.
Cindy! I had almost forgotten that she and the other servants were in the house. I remembered the scream I had heard earlier and feared someone might have been hurt. I was relieved to hear that Cindy was obviously still alive. The two men left the room and went downstairs.
"Tatiana, go down and see how the others are doing and get the prisoners ready. We will meet you shortly."
He turned his attention back to me as the woman left the room too. He looked down at my feet and slowly raised his eyes up my body. I blushed at his attention. He was examining me a little too closely for my comfort. I tugged on the bottom of my shorts hoping to make them an inch or two longer. Then as his gaze traveled to my chest, I brought both arms up and crossed them over my breasts as if they were naked.
"Do I make you nervous?" He asked quietly, still looking at my chest.
I didn't answer. He raised his head. He leaned forward and then roughly grabbed my hair in his left fist. I squealed a little at the sudden force, but I refrained from screaming. I raised my hands to defend myself. I grabbed his muscled forearm with both hands and tried to pull him off me.
He tucked his pistol into his waistband and then grabbed both of my wrists with his empty hand and pulled my hands away. I squealed again as he held my hair with one hand and my wrists with his other. He was very strong and was hurting me. He chuckled at my weakness as I whimpered in his grip.
"It is good that you are afraid of me. You do not know who I am. I am a very powerful man. I have killed many many Americans. Do not touch me again or I will have you stripped and beaten. It would be a shame to have to mar such a beautiful body as yours. You will do as I say whether you want to or not."
He released me by shoving me backwards. I fell back into the powerful arms of Aleksei. His huge hairy arm was thrown over my chest from behind. He trapped my arms against my side as he squeezed me tight up against his sweaty body. I grunted as the air was pushed out of my lungs. I weakly brought my hands up and clung to his forearm.
I watched in horror as the other two men returned with Cindy. Her hands were secured behind her back somehow. They each held one of her arms, shoving her along. Cindy was determined to resist every step they made her take. She was bucking and kicking furiously as they led her into the room. They pushed her forward until she was standing only a few feet away from me. She had struggled so hard that the lacy waistband of her pink panties was now sticking out the top of her shorts. She was breathing heavily and her skin was covered with a sheen of perspiration. She looked so vulnerable and helpless with her large breasts heaving as they strained against her thin top. With her arms pulled back like they were, it seemed that her breasts were much larger than I remembered. There was a large red ball in her mouth. The ball filled her mouth and protruded slightly beyond her teeth. Her lips were stretched tight as they wrapped around the ball. Ugly black leather straps were attached to each side of the ball, holding it in place. The straps went around both sides of Cindy's head, under her hair, and were attached somehow in the back. The straps dug into the corners of her mouth, pulling them back fiercely.
She looked up at me pitifully with those green eyes. This time she was looking to me for help. She made strange gurgling sounds as her lips quivered to form words around the ball gag. She wanted to tell me something but I couldn't understand what she was mumbling. I searched her eyes for their normal confidence and control. Instead they were filled with worry and terror. It was almost enough to make me cry. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched her mouthing the red ball gag, struggling against its discomfort. She was almost crying herself as we looked at each other for security.
"Oh, Cindy," I said. "Are you all right? Did they hurt you?"
"Mmmm-mmmm," she mumbled in the negative.
Sergei struck me across the face. I would have fallen if Aleksei weren't holding me up.
"Do not speak unless I tell you to. You will be beaten the next time you talk without me saying so."
I felt as if I had been hit with a brick. The blow had made my head spin and my jaw hurt a lot. Aleksei's huge arms kept my hands from reaching up to rub it.
"Now you must answer my questions. Your husbands are working on a new missile guidance system computer program. You must tell me where they keep the files and what the decryption key is or one of your friends will die."
"I don't know what you are talking about," I said truthfully.
(Brian was never allowed to divulge any information about his assignments. This guy obviously knew more than even I did about his current one.)
"Very well, I see you want to be tough. Well I can assure you that you picked the wrong man to defy."
Sergei whipped out a large knife then and grabbed the front of Cindy's top with his other hand. Using the fabric as a handle, he yanked her over to him and put the blade against her left breast. Cindy's eyes went wide with fright as she stared down at the sharp weapon threatening to slice into her soft flesh. Sergei cut her left shoulder strap and then used the blade like a finger and pushed the left side of her top down exposing her nipple. Sergei held the sharp edge of the blade against the erect bud. Cindy whimpered into her gag, unable to control her fear.
"I think you are lying!" he said to me.
"P-P-Please, don't hurt her! Please!" I begged. "They never tell us anything. They aren't allowed to. Please, I really don't know anything about it."
I cried hysterically as I feared my answer would be rewarded with a slash across Cindy's breast.
"Tell me what you do know girl or I'll carve my initials into your friend!"
"Wait, please... I... I... I think Steve keeps his computer locked in the den. It's downstairs at the end of the hall on the right. The files must be on there."
I had to tell them something or they might kill us all, I said to myself.
Sergei smiled. "Thank you for that information, but we already found it. I just wanted to see how willing you would be to cooperate. Your friend here wasn't quite as helpful," he said. He threw Cindy back to Nikolai, not even bothering to fix her top.
I hung my head in shame. I couldn't look at Cindy now as I felt I had betrayed her by giving in to them.
"Comrades, bring these women down stairs to join the others. It is time to get to get to work. We are running out of time."
Nikolai and Boris then marched a very reluctant Cindy out of the room, her left breast still exposed. Aleksei was strong enough to handle me on his own. He practically carried me as he shoved me along. Sergei followed in the rear. As I followed Cindy I could see a set of handcuffs had been locked on her delicate wrists. They bounced against her rear as she walked. The short metal chain jangled with each step on the stairs. It was a horrible sound. I feared my own fate would be the same shortly.
When we reached the bottom of the stairs a disturbing sight filled my eyes. Walter and the two maids, Sara and Rachel, were all being held captive by yet another man holding a pistol and the woman, Tatiana. They had each been bound in a different position.
Walter was laying face first on the floor with his wrists and ankles cuffed together behind him. His ankles had been pulled up and connected to his wrists by a short rope, leaving him hogtied. His mouth was covered with duct tape and his face was red as the old man struggled to breath.
The older woman, Sara, (I think she was in her 30's) was lying on her side, across one of the sofas, with her wrists handcuffed behind her back. Her ankles were bound together with rope and her mouth held a ball gag not unlike the one in Cindy's mouth. She was still wearing her black and white maid's dress, but was missing her shoes. It appeared that she had struggled quite a bit as her hair was disheveled and the hem of her dress was riding up.
The younger girl, Rachel, (I think she was 22) wasn't in much better shape. She was ball gagged as well and was sitting on the edge of coffee table. Her bare feet were crossed and bound together at the ankles and her hands had been hand-cuffed behind her back. Her maid's skirt was much shorter than Sara's and had slid all the way up her thighs. She seemed too frightened to move or even notice that her panties were showing. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she whimpered hysterically into her gag. The man with the gun was standing right next to her with his hand stroking her hair. He was well muscled, baldheaded, and had a black handle bar mustache. He had a wicked grin of lust on his face as he looked down at his captive.
I was made to stand next to Tatiana. She was tall and well muscled and appeared to be about 30 years old. If it weren't for her buzz cut hair style I would have said she was good looking.
She smiled at me and caressed my face with her fingers. "Welcome, sweet pet," she said to me. "I can't wait to play with a pretty little thing like you. When we get more time I'll give you a proper introduction of myself."
She ran her fingers softly over my lips and along my chin. Then she let her hand drift slowly down my neck, brushing her fingertips across my breastbone to tickle my skin. I tried to pull back but she grabbed my upper arms and pressed her body right up against me, crushing my breasts into her own. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to my ear.
"I hope you decide not to help Sergei," she whispered. "Because then he'll turn you over to me, and I'm sure I can come up with a pleasurable punishment for you."
She squeezed one of my breasts and tried to kiss me at the same time, but I shoved her away.
"Get away from me!" I blurted, surprised at my own courage.
She just threw her head back and laughed.
"You'll learn to like me little girl, trust me."
Cindy was shoved over to stand next to me. We turned and whimpered fearfully as we looked around at our captors. They were obviously in control now. I saw Sergei pull out a pair of handcuffs. Then he looked at me with a grin as he headed my way.
"NO! NO! DON'T!" I screamed, despite the previous warnings.
I tried to run, but Tatiana grabbed my arms from behind, and held me still. Sergei helped her spin me around so my back was to him, and then he pulled my wrists behind my back. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I felt the cold metal on my wrists and then I heard the loud click.
"NO!" I cried again.
But it was already done. My wrists were secured tightly. Instinctively I pulled at the cuffs to see how much freedom they left me. The metal had been tightened around my wrists so that it gripped my skin very tightly but not painfully so. I could only bring my hands to my hips. My bravado weakened as I realized how much more powerless I was now.
"How does she look now?" Tatiana said as she spun me around to face everyone.
Their eyes were immediately drawn to my thrusting chest. I felt humiliated as my breasts pushed against the bra and against the tight T-shirt, threatening to split the material at any moment. With my wrists secured behind me, I could no longer cover myself. I lowered my head, too embarrassed to look up into their faces, as I heard them whisper comments amongst each other.
"We will need to constrain the two of you further, so that we can search the house. Igor, can you see that this one remains quiet.
He had indicated the baldheaded man when he said that. Igor smiled wickedly at me, and pulled out another red ball gag like Cindy's and waved it in the air with glee. I cringed. My knees felt weak and I almost collapsed.
"No! Please, no! I won't say anything! Don't..." I wailed as I tried to back away.
Tatiana held me steady as Igor slowly approached. I had to get away from him. I tried to run, and I broke away from Tatiana, but Sergei had been expecting my reaction. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. His strong fingers dug into my shoulders as he held me still. Igor moved in and held up the ball gag by one of the straps and dangled the ugly thing in my face.
"This one is for you my pretty little girl."
"No, please. I promise to be quiet. Please don't put that thing in my mouth. Please," I pleaded desperately.
My mouth felt dry as I swallowed hard. I was cringing at the thought of having that ball crammed into my mouth. I turned my head to the side and clamped my mouth shut as tight as I could. I whimpered and cried and kicked at him blindly with my bare feet, anything to keep him back.
From behind, Sergei threw one arm around my chest, over my arms, and then used his other hand to grab my chin. He forcefully turned my face front again. I struggled furiously, but Sergei was much stronger and held my head motionless. His used the hand on my chin to pry my mouth open a bit. I whimpered and squealed hysterically as I felt my mouth slowly forced opened as Igor jammed the ball in.
"Ahhhgg...guuhh... uhh... urrggh..."
I gurgled unintelligible protests as the ball forced my mouth open wider and wider. Then all of a sudden it popped inside. I grunted in surprise.
I was so shocked. The ball filled my mouth completely. My face wrinkled up as the rubber tasted disgusting.
Sergei took the ends of the straps and jerked back on them, hard, making me grunt again as the ball wedged deep into my mouth. My hands were writhing and twisting against the cuffs unable to reach my mouth. I sobbed uncontrollably, as I was helpless to stop him. The straps were pulled tight behind my head and buckled together under my hair. Then he finally let me go with a swat of his hand on the back of my ass.
"Hhuummph," I grunted at him indignantly.
Instinctively I tried to bring my hands around as I pranced in place with my feet, reacting like a dog that was muzzled for the first time. I shook my head violently as I fought against the gag.
"Gaig ig gouph... Guggh ahhg goo gligg..." and I began to drool.
Cindy looked at me with pity as she watched me struggling. She knew exactly what I was experiencing. She was just as helpless as I was. I grunted and mewled into the gag as I looked at Sergei for sympathy. Instead, he was grinning in amusement as he watched me dance around, gagged and handcuffed.
Sergei chuckled, "Relax, pretty one, you'll get used to it."
Sergei gave an order to Tatiana and Igor in Russian before leaving the room with the other three men. Igor smiled and grabbed my arm. Tatiana went over to a bag on the floor and pulled out some rope and turned to Cindy and me. We both shrieked in terror knowing what was coming next.
Igor threw me face down onto the sofa across from where Rachel was tied on the table. Before I could get up he sat down on the small of my back and grabbed my legs. I grunted at the weight of him as he was crushing my hands, against my back, underneath him. I didn't even bother to struggle as he used the rope from Tatiana to tie my ankles together. It was pointless to resist him from this position and it would just make things worse, I figured.
I turned my head to see what was happening to Cindy. I watched as Tatiana forced her to the floor, onto her back. Cindy kicked Tatiana several times in the stomach before the Russian woman finally managed to gather the defiant girl's legs up into her arms. But Cindy continued to thrash around so much that Tatiana was unable to get the rope on her. It took all of her strength to keep the girl under control. Tatiana cursed at her in Russian and called to Igor for help.
Igor finished tying my legs and gave me a pinch on my ass as he stood up to help his comrade. He knelt over top of Cindy and grabbed her throat with both hands and began choking her. Cindy continued struggling but eventually her body went limp as she slumped unconscious.
"Ctthheee," I screamed into my gag!
Igor let go of her and stood up.
Tatiana yelled at him, "You idiot! Don't kill her! We need her alive."
"Shut up woman and do your job. She's still alive, for now."
And with that he stormed off after the others muttering something to Tatiana in Russian as he left.
Tatiana tied up Cindy's ankles and then got up and came over to me.
"Sit up Capitalist bitch!"
She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to a sitting position as she swung my legs around to the ground. She dragged Cindy over and laid the unconscious girl next to me. There wasn't enough space left for her prostrate body so her face landed in my lap. I looked down at my friend's face to see if she was OK. Her eyes were still closed, but I was relieved to see that she was still breathing. Her gagged lips nestled against my shorts as she lay there peacefully.
Tatiana grabbed Rachel by the arm, "Sit still little girl and be quiet." Rachel nodded meekly and looked over to me on the sofa. I wasn't sure what she was looking for but I tried to give her a brave look.
Tatiana walked to the center of the room and surveyed the room full of bound captives.
"Don't move, any of you!" the Russian woman commanded. "We'll be just in the next room and if I hear anything at all I'll come back here and make it worse." She turned and left the room.
I could hear the Russians searching the house. They were making a lot of noise as they ripped down paintings and broke furniture looking for who knows what. They weren't concerned at all about how much noise they were making. Not that it mattered anyway, as Cindy's mansion was built on a large wooded property, far away from any other dwellings. There was no chance of anyone hearing a single sound from this house.
Now that the Russians had left us alone, some of my fear began to subside. I looked around at my fellow captives. Rachel was the closest as she was sitting right in front of me, only a few feet away. From my position I could clearly see the white triangle of her panties under her short skirt. Rachel grunted at me and closed her legs as she realized for the first time what I was looking at. I looked away from her, my facing flushing at being caught.
I gazed over at Sara. She was across the room on the other sofa.
The woman was completely ignoring the warning to be still as she was desperately struggling to sit up. She swung her legs around and put her bound feet onto the floor. After a few failed attempts she finally managed to right herself and sit up. But through this process she had inadvertently twisted her skirt. It was now bunched up around her waist and I could see her light blue panties. I quickly looked away before she too noticed me watching her.
Walter was still on the floor. I couldn't see him clearly as he was down behind the coffee table. I could only see his cuffed feet sticking out above the table. I could hear his breathing though. He was snorting and grunting into his tape gag. I worried about him as he was well over 50 years old and wasn't in very good shape. It wouldn't be good for him to remain hogtied for very long.
I glanced back at Sara who was now trying to fix her skirt. Unable to stand, she instead decided to slide off the sofa onto her knees. But when she did that, her skirt was pulled all the way up for just a moment and I saw all of her lacy boy short panties in full glory. She pulled away from the sofa and her skirt fell back down to its normal position as she squatted down onto her knees in triumph. She leaned her back against the sofa, exhausted and sat down on her bound ankles.
Then I felt Cindy beginning to stir.
"Nnnnnn...." she moaned, as her head started to move.
I felt her warm breath on my legs, and the drool from her gagged mouth moistening my thighs as she started to awaken and roll her head. She turned her face towards me, but her eyes were still closed. She groaned again louder into my lap and her eyes began to crack open.
"Ctthheee" I cried. "Wtthh upphh!"
Cindy shook her head a bit to clear her mind, inadvertently rubbing her nose into my crotch. Then she lifted her head and opened her eyes, but she wasn't fully alert yet.
Saliva drooled from her mouth and dripped onto my shorts. I wiggled my thighs under her in an effort to get her to move off of my lap.
"Gtthhh upphh," I gurgled, thrusting my hips at her urgently. I needed her off my lap before I began thinking strange thoughts of her again.
Cindy looked up at me and then down into my lap as she tried to make sense of where she was. Then all of a sudden recognition kicked in and she turned and twisted her upper body as she wriggled herself down towards her feet until her head was finally off my lap just next to my thigh.
Cindy then turned her body and pulled herself up to sit upright. She swung her bound feet onto the floor and sat next to me. She looked over at me and then at Rachel. The three of us regarded each other as we helplessly awaited our fate.
Chapter 2
Cindy tried to talk to me through her gag, but I couldn't make out the words. I shook my head and gave her a confused look. She grunted louder, and turned her back slightly to show me her shackled wrists. What was she trying to say? I can see your hands are cuffed, I thought, I'm not stupid. She looked at me grunting emphatically about something. Frustrated, she finally abandoned trying to communicate with me and fell back against the sofa in defeat. She gurgled a few more complaints... I don't know, but I think she was mad at me.
I could see why she was so frustrated. I didn't see any way of getting out of this. The four of us women were all hand-cuffed, ball-gagged and had our ankles crossed and bound. Although, it could have been worse I suppose. At least we didn't end up hog-tied like Walter. I could still hear the poor guy grunting into his taped mouth, and every so often I could see his feet wiggling above the coffee table and pulling at the rope that connected his cuffed ankles to his cuffed wrists.
Sara was sitting on the floor, across the room, just watching Cindy and me. She sat there without struggling for the first time today. The top two buttons of her dress had come undone from her earlier exertions. I could now see the sweaty curves of her ample breasts rising and falling as she breathed heavily into her ball gag. Her shoulder length, dark colored hair was a mess but her blue eyes showed that her morale was not.
Rachel was the only one whose spirit had been broken by all of this. Her head was down and her short blond locks dangled over her eyes. I could see tears trickling down her cheeks and dripping onto her bare thighs, as she sobbed quietly. The poor girl was just out of college and was too young to be put through this sort of thing. I wish I could have said something to cheer her up.
We sat there for several minutes until Tatiana and the men returned. Sergei issued some orders in Russian and his men came over to pick us up. Nikolai grabbed Sara, Boris scooped up Rachel, Igor yanked Cindy to her feet and Aleksei pulled me up. The four strong men easily lifted us up and threw us over their shoulders, face first, with our butts sticking up in the air. Sergei gave the order to follow as he left the room, but Tatiana stopped them.
"Wait a minute," she said thoughtfully as she gazed at our upturned fannies. "Why don't we give them something to think about during the ride? Hold them still, I have an idea."
Alarmed, I turned my head as best I could to see what it was she had in mind. To my dismay she came over to me first with a huge grin on her face.
"You look so tempting like that," she said to me. "Hold still honey. This won't hurt a bit."
Her hands suddenly darted out and grabbed at my shorts. Without any warning whatsoever, she yanked them down my legs as I let out a shriek!
"There we go, that's much better," she sad as she patted the backside of my exposed silk panties.
I wailed in protest and kicked my bound feet, but she had already turned to her next target.
Cindy, however, had already seen what was coming, so when Tatiana approached, she was ready for her. Cindy's bound feet fired out unexpectedly striking the blonde squarely on the jaw. The Russian woman's head snapped as she staggered backwards from the kick.
"Damn it, Igor! I said hold her still!" She said, rubbing her chin and spitting out blood from her bitten tongue.
Igor just glared at Tatiana and spewed forth an angry remark at her, in Russian.
"Just hold her legs would you!" Tatiana growled.
Igor held Cindy's legs tighter then as Tatiana proceeded to pull down Cindy's shorts revealing her pink panties. Then she gave the defenseless girl a hard stinging slap on her satin covered buttocks. Cindy squealed and tossed her head back in surprise and pain.
"That was for giving me trouble earlier. And this is for kicking me just now."
She spanked her again, harder this time - once, twice, thrice. Cindy moaned through her gag at the humiliation of having her bottom spanked by the woman.
"Now, get the American whore out of here." She ordered, and then turned to the two maids.
Rachel and Sara whimpered frantically as they feared their defenseless bottoms were next. But Tatiana didn't deliver any more spankings; instead she reached up under their skirts and took their panties down! The two maids screeched in protest as the woman left their underwear bunched up around their knees as an added form of bondage. Even though their shapely buttocks were left covered by their nylon skirts, Rachel and Sara weren't the least bit happy. Tatiana gave them each a pat on the behind and gently smoothed out the thin material covering their bottoms.
"Sorry if I upset you ladies, but we'll be traveling for quite some time and I needed something to keep the trip interesting," she said nonchalantly. "What a lovely sight you all make. OK men, we can go now."
The sudden change of events filled the house with a chorus of squeals and whimpers as they hauled us away.
They carried us out of the house and into the driveway towards a large, black, passenger van. Sergei pulled open the sliding door on the right side of the van and ordered his men to put us inside. The third row of seats had already been removed to make just enough room for cargo. Cindy was shoved in first and laid along the floor on her right side with her head towards the back of the van and her back against the driver's side wall. I was placed in next on my left side facing Cindy. Aleksei placed his hand on the back of my panties and shoved me right up next to her as I grunted a complaint. Rachel was next; they forced the terrified girl right up against me from behind. When her stomach hit my back it knocked me over and I fell against Cindy. My face landed into her chest, just above her exposed breast. I grunted in surprise at the embarrassing position and struggled to regain my balance. But before I could recover, Sara was shoved in too, with her back against Rachel. This caused all of us to be jammed tightly together like sardines. My breasts were crushed against Cindy's bare belly. I couldn't budge at all now and I had no choice but to leave my face buried in Cindy's cleavage. I felt Cindy's hot breath in my hair and the slick ball of her gag wetting my forehead. From behind, Rachel's bosom flattened against my back and I could feel her gag pressing into the back of my head. I felt Rachel's bare thighs against my own from behind and Cindy's from the front.
The worst part was where my hands ended up. I could feel the soft material of Rachel's nylon skirt pressing against my hands and the warmth of her flesh beneath it. My hands were trapped right where her thighs met her abdomen, and where her.... Oh my god! I suddenly realized I was feeling her womanhood through the thin fabric as her crotch was pressed into my fingers!
I immediately tried to pull my hands out from between us. Rachel grunted in surprise at the sudden wiggling of fingers between her legs. She gurgled a protest through her gag and pressed her thighs into mine in an effort to push me away. I ignored her as I continued to try and work my fingers free. If I can get them out, we will both be free of this embarrassment, I thought. She'll thank me in the end, as I continued with determination.
Rachel began twisting her hips now and grunted more emphatically.
"Gothhh itthh" she snorted in anger. "Gothhh muumminnn yurr hantthh."
Suddenly, Sara gave us both a violent shove back with her bottom as she had been squashed into the wall by all the squirming. My hands were sandwiched even tighter now. I sighed in frustration. It was useless to keep wriggling as the only thing I was managing to do was to irritate everyone. Maybe it would be better if I just didn't move at all, I decided. So I settled down and tried to relax.
My attention had been focused so much on my current predicament that I hadn't even noticed that we had already started driving down the road. At first the van made several turns, and stopped and started a few times at traffic lights or stop signs. But after a few minutes we were traveling along a highway and continued on it for quite some time.
I also realized for the first time that Walter must have been left behind. He certainly wasn't in the back of the van with us and I had not seen them carrying him out. I turned my head slightly and strained my neck to look at the passengers in the front of the van. I could only see the back of their heads above the seats. Tatiana's short blond hair, in the middle of the back seat, was the only one I recognized. But Walter was almost 60 years old and none of these men had any gray hair, so I figured Walter must not be with them. At first I was worried about him being left by himself. But then I realized if he were found, he might be able to help the authorities identify who our captors were. He just might be our only hope for escape, I thought. I wonder why they only took the girls.
Moments later, I felt sweat forming all over my body. It was getting very hot in the back of this van. There wasn't any air conditioning and the summer day was quickly getting warmer. There were no windows back here either. We all started sweating profusely and our legs and bodies began to stick together.
The sweat was running down my forehead and even started to drip from my chin. Wait a minute, that wasn't sweat on my chin. Here I was drooling and I hadn't even realized it. My ball gag was causing the saliva to run out of my mouth onto Cindy's chest. I glanced down and saw a trail of it on her bare breast right now. It ran down and eventually reached her nipple, causing her to shiver and break out into goose bumps. The tiny bud became erect and she moaned softly and shifted her torso uncomfortably. This was going to be a long ride!
I lay there quietly for quite some time. I watched Cindy's breasts swell and recede in rhythm with her breathing as she lay wedged against me. I found myself counting the beads of sweat and different skin markings on her chest in order to pass the time. What else was there to do in this position?
Tatiana's snickering voice broke my reverie.
"Well, how's everybody doing back there? Getting comfortable?"
I felt bodies shifting and I heard a few whimpers but no one responded directly.
"You girls look kind of hot."
Strangely, my first thought to that statement wasn't about the temperature.
"Sorry we don't have any air conditioning for you. If it gets too warm back there just give a holler, and I'll gladly remove some of your clothing," she sneered.
Cindy grunted indignantly at the remark.
Then I felt Tatiana's hand on my calf. I jerked my legs instinctively to pull away which elicited a moan from Cindy and Rachel who had felt my sudden movement.
Tatiana's hand slid up my leg to my knee. She grabbed my shorts and pulled them down further until they stopped at the ankle ropes. I mewled into Cindy's breast as Tatiana's hand roamed even higher, all the way to my hip and came to rest on my panties. She traced the outline of the lace with her fingers as she spoke.
"You have really nice legs honey, and a sexy ass."
Then her hand pulled away to find another morsel to sample. I felt Rachel's skirt rising a bit and then I heard the girl squeal as she suddenly thrust her hips into me from behind. I presumed she was reacting to more of Tatiana's aspirations.
"I like your ass too. Yep, we got ourselves a handful of fine looking young ladies here. I can't wait for the fun to get started. Isn't the anticipation exciting?"
More whimpers, some of fear and some of worry. Cindy lifted her head and snorted at Tatiana in anger.
"Oh, you are the feisty one aren't you?"
Tatiana leaned over so she could reach the defiant girl. Cindy started squealing and squirming as Tatiana's hands found a new set of legs to fondle.
"I love when the pretty ones put up a fight."
I felt Cindy's shorts slide down her legs to her feet.
"I'm going to enjoy you the most."
She gave the green eyed beauty a whack on her tanned thigh. Cindy cried out and inadvertently thrust her chest forward as she held her breath, grimacing from the pain. Her large breasts engulfed my nose. I mumbled beneath her. Get off me, I can't breathe. She felt my complaint more than hearing it and pulled away as she finally exhaled. Her breathing remained very rapid and short though, as she was still feeling the sting on her bare skin.
Tatiana turned away then and left us to suffer through the rest of the journey.
After almost an hour of driving the van finally turned off the highway and onto the back roads. Now the turns became more frequent again and the jolts more often. The four of us whimpered and groaned with each bounce as our sweaty bodies rubbed together helplessly. Suddenly the van turned onto a road that travelled uphill slightly. I heard stones being kicked up and the vehicle lurched frequently as it traveled along what sounded like a dirt road. The path seemed to be endless as we climbed higher and higher, but eventually it leveled out and a few minutes later the van came to a halt. I heard doors opening and closing as our captors got out.
The sliding door was pulled open and I could immediately smell the scent of pine trees. We must be out in the country somewhere, I thought. The same four men pulled each of us out, and again we were thrown over their shoulders as they started walking. I looked around and confirmed that we were now in the woods, well away from the city. Tall trees and hills surrounded us on all sides and shaded us from the hot sun. I gazed back at the road we came in on. The rocky trail disappeared through the trees along with my hope and courage. Out here we were all alone and our captors now had all the time they wanted to do whatever they wished of us. My anxiety and fear intensified greatly.
Looking ahead, I saw we were approaching a large cabin made of wood. There were two other vehicles parked beside it, a dark green military jeep and a large, black pickup truck. As we approached the single floor building, the front door suddenly opened and a red haired young woman and a tall sandy haired man stepped out. They were wearing the exact same attire as the others - fatigue pants, black shirts, and each of them had a gun belt and automatic pistol. Sergei addressed the curvaceous woman.
"Anya, my darling, is the cabin ready?"
The woman thrust out her large breasts proudly and said, "Yes. Anya and Ivan have everything prepared."
Then they switched to Russian and continued the conversation for a few minutes while we waited helplessly. I saw the tall man, Ivan take a long look at Cindy and me. He licked his lips as he gazed at our panty covered bottoms. He stopped paying attention to the conversation of his comrades and spent the whole time staring at us. He was starting to make me nervous.
"Take them inside," Sergei said finally and entered the cabin ahead of us.
The men carried us through the first room. It contained a large table made of strong oak, surrounded by eight sturdy chairs. A fireplace and cooking area were on the left and a doorway to another room on the right. In the rear was a sitting area with two sofas and some more chairs around an oval shaped rug in the middle of the floor. As we passed the table I noticed several photographs, documents, and maps spread out on top. There were also two laptop computers and some electronic equipment. I couldn't get a good look at any of it as I was upside down and moved by it so swiftly. We turned to the right and went down a short hallway and into a room in the rear. We passed two closed doors along the way, one on each side before reaching the last room on the left which didn't have a door. This was to be our final destination. The room was completely bare of any furniture and there were no windows in it either.
They dumped the four of us onto the hardwood floor without any concern for our comfort. Then without saying a word, the four men who carried us in, left. We sat there with our knees pulled up slightly and turned to the doorway. Sergei stood there grinning at the four helpless packages bound before him. I could sense the evil wheels turning inside his head as he watched us for a moment, deep in thought. The gleam in his eye and the smirk on his face had me worried.
"You will remain here for a few days," he said finally. "We are miles away from any help so there is no need for screaming. But you will remain gagged anyway. Food and water will be brought to you if you behave and do as I say. The reason you were taken will be made clear when the time comes. But for now, make yourselves comfortable." He turned and left.
Comfortable? He was obviously kidding as we sat there bound and gagged on the floor. We all looked at each other with fear and uncertainty. What was to come of us? What did they need us for? How could we ever possibly escape? I wasn't feeling very positive about any of the answers to those questions. I was starting to feel the despair kicking in when Cindy looked over at me. The brave and confident look had returned and her eyes seemed to say to me - Don't worry dear, we'll get through this somehow.
I looked around at our little group. Cindy and I still wore our shorts around our ankles, so we were now sitting on the hard wood floor in our panties. Rachel and Sara, however, were forced to sit on their bare bottoms. Their panties had fallen all the way down to their ankle ropes from the rough handling. Rachel's knees were pulled up to her chest as she rested her head against her legs, sobbing softly. From this position I could see her nakedness under her skirt.
Sara immediately started struggling again. She was now attempting to pull her panties up, but it was proving to be far more difficult than she thought. The only way she was able to reach her underwear, with her hands cuffed behind her, was to bend her legs. But when she did that she couldn't slide them up over her knees. She rolled about furiously without any concern of how much of her private parts she showed to the rest of us. She kept trying to twist herself into a better position. I was impressed with the amount of determination and energy the woman had despite the futility of her situation. After a minute or so of useless squirming, she tried a new idea. She decided to lie on her back and stick her feet straight up in the air, and let gravity help her out. She wiggled her legs but the elastic clung to her calves as the panties refused to drop. All she managed to do was put her naked bottom on display to the rest of us. Exhausted and out of ideas, she finally let out a sigh of defeat and dropped her legs down. She turned over to look at us, and her face reddened when she realized we had all been watching her.
Her struggling must have given Cindy and idea though. The brown haired girl scooted herself over to me and again tried to talk to me through her gag.
"Ah thimm ah gamm puumm yurrr paannth upphh."
I had no idea what she was saying as she turned around and backed herself right up against me. Her cuffed hands began blindly exploring my legs.
I let out a little squeal of surprise. This isn't the time to get friendly, I thought. But I quickly picked up on her real intentions.
Cindy's fingers had found my shorts and she tugged on them as best she could and started working them up my legs. I tried to help her by lying down on my back and raising my legs and then my hips off the floor. Cindy was able to slowly inch my shorts up my thighs, but getting them up and over my hips proved to be more of a challenge. Her fingers twisted and pulled without much leverage, and I received several inadvertent pokes into my groin as her hands rubbed repeatedly over my panties until my shorts were eventually back into their proper position.
She looked at me with satisfaction and I nodded back to her.
"Thannths" I gurgled.
Then we both looked down at her shorts and knew what we had to do next. We reversed our positions and our roles. Now my hands were the explorers as she lay down and presented her hips up to me from behind. I struggled with the task though. I was too nervous and self conscious about where my hands were going to be as effective as she had been, and once my fingers were brushing against her panties, my hands started trembling. Oh god, this is taking forever. My face was bright red from the embarrassment and I could see Rachel and Sara watching me intently. I closed my eyes and concentrated on finishing as fast as I could. Eventually I managed to get Cindy's shorts back in place.
I looked back over my shoulder at her to see how I had done. She briefly smiled at me behind her gag but then glanced down at her chest. I gulped. Now she wants me to cover her breast too! I rolled my eyes in frustration. Cindy rolled onto her side and, reluctantly, I laid down close to her and backed myself into position again. I could hear Cindy's breathing quickening in anticipation as my hands drew close. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and waited while I mustered some courage.
OK, I can do this; try to relax. Gingerly, I reached out my hands toward her bare breast. I felt the soft orb and the hard nipple almost instantly. Cindy inhaled sharply and let out a soft moan. My fingers were shaking as I cupped my left hand around it gently. I squeezed her breast to make it as small as possible and used my right hand to pull her top up to cover it. I tucked her in as quickly as I could and then pulled away without daring to look back at her. My body was trembling from the mixed feelings of shame, nervousness, and... ...and something else. Arousal? No, I shouldn't feel that way from touching a woman, but why else was my heart beating so fast and my breath so quick? I decided not to dwell on it and just stared into the corner as I tried to control the butterflies that were swirling in my stomach.
Cindy's breathing eventually slowed to normal and she sat up again. But I wasn't looking at her or anyone else for that matter.
"Manthha" Cindy called over to me.
I refused to look.
"Manntthaa" she insisted.
Sheepishly I turned to look at her.
She tilted her head towards Rachel and Sara. "Gee thuumm hemmm themmph"
I gazed over to Rachel and Sara who were anxiously awaiting our help. Cindy didn't wait for my answer and started scooting herself over to Sara. Grudgingly I headed for Rachel.
Once again I found myself backed up against a shapely young woman with my hands fondling her legs in search of her clothing. I helped Rachel with her panties and worked them up her legs and thighs. Once they were high enough, Rachel was able to reach them with her own hands. She spared me further embarrassment, and pushed my hands away. She decided to do the rest herself, even though they ended up a bit crooked.
Cindy had already finished helping Sara and now we were all finally decent again. The four of us collapsed in exhaustion onto our backs and sides. My body felt completely drained, both physically and emotionally. I just lay there and rested as best I could.
I heard voices talking out in the main room so I tried to concentrate on the conversation taking place. Our captors were deep into a heated discussion about something. I listened for a few minutes. Unfortunately I couldn't gain any information at all because their entire conversation was in Russian. It sounded like it would be going on for a while so I eventually turned my thoughts to getting free again.
The layout of our "prison" was rather ingenious. Even though any escape attempts would be unseen, the open doorway meant that they could easily hear any sounds from inside. Plus we had no way of knowing if someone was standing guard just around the corner. If we attempted to look we risked getting into trouble. With no doors or windows, the only way out was through the doorway and towards the enemy. Even though I was fairly confident that, by working together, we could undo the ropes on our ankles and the gags in our mouths, I knew we had no key for the handcuffs. I didn't even know which one of them carried the key.
Rachel just lay there, almost catatonic, and Sara rested herself again. My jaw was aching from the large rubber ball forcing it wide open. I considered working with Cindy to undo our gags but I feared retaliation should they come back and check on us. Cindy must have reached the same conclusion because she made no attempt to rid herself of the gag either.
Then I heard a set of footsteps approaching.
The red haired Anya appeared in the doorway. She held a bottle of water in one hand and a handful of cloth strips in the other. I eyed her warily as she approached us. What was she going to do with those?
She knelt down in front of Rachel and gave her a kind smile.
"Anya thought you girls might need a break from those nasty gags," she said. "But don't get any funny ideas, because Anya can always turn you over to the men if you give her any trouble."
She selected one of the cloth strips and tied a large knot in the middle of it and then knotted it again, over the first, to make it twice as big. Then she helped Rachel sit up.
"Here sweetie, let Anya take that off. No screaming or biting mind you."
Rachel remained motionless as Anya reached behind her head and unbuckled the ball gag. She pulled out the slick ball and picked up the bottle of water. Rachel licked her lips and worked her jaw muscles. Anya waited patiently for Rachel to finish. Then she removed the cap and raised the bottle to Rachel's lips. She let Rachel drink a few swallows before pulling it away. Then Anya brushed her fingers over Rachel's cheeks.
"You were crying," she said as she wiped away the streaks of tears.
"Thanks," Rachel whispered weakly, grateful for the sudden kindness.
Then Anya retrieved the cloth with the knot in it and lifted it up to Rachel's mouth. Rachel clamped her mouth shut.
"You're going to have to take this honey. Anya can't leave you ungagged. Sergei wouldn't permit that."
Rachel considered resisting her, but then reluctantly opened her mouth.
"That's a good girl. This won't taste as bad as the other one and should be more comfortable for you too."
Anya gently wedged the knot between Rachel's teeth and tied the cloth off behind her head. The cloth was still tied very tightly but at least Rachel wouldn't have to keep her jaw open so widely. The cotton fabric would now absorb any drool. Anya then gathered up the strips of cloth and moved on to Sara.
She removed Sara's ball gag and gave her a quick drink from the bottle as well. Then she knotted another strip as before.
"Why are you d-d-doing this to us?" Sara asked, with a touch of fear causing her voice to waver. "Please let us go."
Anya ignored her query and pushed the knot between Sara's quivering lips. She tied off the cleave gag with a sharp tug to tighten it.
Cindy was next. I looked over at Cindy with some anxiety. I knew that she might try something again and I was worried that she would do something stupid that we would all pay for. Cindy looked over toward me as Anya knelt down behind her and knotted another cloth. Then she began unbuckling Cindy's gag. I shook my head at her. Don't you dare try anything. Cindy must have understood my warning look because she remained calm when her ballgag was removed.
Anya moved around to the front of her and brought the water bottle up to Cindy's lips. Cindy tried to gulp down as much water as she could in the short amount of time she was given. When Anya pulled the bottle away some of the liquid spilled onto Cindy's chin and dribbled down the front of her top. Anya put the bottle down and then reached out her hand to touch Cindy's lips. She gently rubbed the moisture away along her lips and chin.
"You are very pretty my dear," she cooed.
She brushed the hair out of Cindy's face.
"You have very beautiful eyes....... and lips," she said as she brought her mouth in close.
Cindy grunted and twisted away.
"Get off me you crazy bitch!" she blurted as she turned her back.
The red haired woman took a furtive glance at the doorway and quickly grabbed the knotted cloth and brought it around Cindy from behind. She pulled it into Cindy's mouth, stifling the insults that came next. Anya jerked on the ends hard, which elicited a moan from Cindy. She tied it off roughly and with much anger. The corners of Cindy's mouth were pulled back painfully as the gag was made much tighter than the other's. Anya grabbed Cindy's chin and twisted her face towards her and started to say something but then stopped herself. She seemed to forcefully calm herself down as she relaxed her grip and began slowly stroking Cindy's cheeks instead.
"You are mad at Anya? Is she not pretty like you?"
Cindy just glared at the woman, not knowing what to expect from her should she respond.
"Anya will show you how sexy she is and you may like her then, no?"
She left her lovely captive mumbling vehemently behind her new gag as she picked up the water bottle and the last cloth and turned toward me.
She was smiling very oddly now and I could sense something was up. She knelt down in front of me and began tying the knot in the last cloth as I knelt across from her, sitting on my ankles. She leaned forward and reached behind my head for the buckle. Her chest came right up to my face and I couldn't help but notice the swell of her breasts over the top of her low cut shirt. She seemed to be taking her time undoing the straps and then she leaned in even closer. My eyes had no where to look but down her top. I wasn't the least bit surprised to discover that she wasn't wearing a bra. I closed my eyes to the sight but the aroma of her aroused body filled my senses.
Finally I felt the straps loosen and she plucked the ball from my mouth. A line of drool trailed from it briefly, before dripping onto my cheek. She pulled away, but only long enough to set the gag off to the side. She came back and straddled herself over my lap putting a knee on each side of my thighs. My face was now at the same level as her chest again. My heart started pounding and I swallowed nervously at her closeness. She gently lifted my chin with her right hand so that she could look into my eyes and brought her left hand up to the side of my face.
"Let Anya clean you off," she said, as she ran her fingers over my cheek.
Her fingertips caressed my skin and eventually found their way to my lips, wiping away the saliva as she went. They continued their path in reverse over my lips again and back along my cheek, touching me softly. My skin was sensitive around my ear and I let out a small shiver when she lingered there. She smiled at my reaction as she tickled my skin gingerly. I felt my skin warming to her touch and the butterflies returning to my belly. Something began to stir in my loins.
Anya looked at me with lust in here eyes and then leaned back a bit and crossed her arms over herself. Suddenly she lifted her shirt up above her breasts and pulled it off, over her head! She tossed it aside, displaying her naked chest proudly. She ran her hands over her mounds, massaging them for a moment or two as my eyes went wide.
"Wh... wh....what are you doing?" I stammered nervously, looking down at her aroused nipples.
"Shhhh..." she said, putting a finger to my lips. "Don't speak."
She lifted the bottle of water in her right hand and used her left hand to slowly guide my head into her bosom. Grabbing a handful of my hair she tilted my head to the side and turned my face up a little as she lowered the water bottle.
"Anya knows you are thirsty," she said huskily. "How about something wet to put on those luscious lips of yours?"
"Please d..." I whimpered.
I intended to complain but it was interrupted by a cascade of water as she poured the remainder of the bottle's contents over her own breasts and into my open mouth. I swallowed some of the water but most of it just ran down my chin and onto my shirt. Anya let the empty bottle fall from her hand so she could use it to grab more of my hair as she shoved her breasts into my face.
"Oh!" she moaned softly as she rubbed her wet mounds over my lips, eagerly.
I coughed and slobbered from the mouthful of water and naked flesh as I struggled for air.
"What the hell are you doing!" a woman's voice suddenly shouted.
Anya released me instantly and backed away, scrambling for her shirt. I looked up to see Tatiana standing in the doorway with both hands on her hips and her face boiling with anger. Anya put her shirt back on in haste and then picked up the knotted cloth.
"Anya is just re-gagging the prisoners like you said."
With that, she shoved the gag into my mouth and quickly tied it off.
"Oh, really? It looks to me that you were enjoying yourself a little too much again. I told you that... I... was to be the first one to have fun with them."
She marched over and pulled Anya up by her hair.
"Now get your ass back out to the meeting. The boss, ....or should I say... your boyfriend, is waiting for you."
She shoved the red head towards the doorway angrily. Anya started to leave and then turned to give a retort.
"Watch it, Tatiana. You've been getting out of control a bit yourself lately. It won't take much more for Sergei to get fed up with you and turn you over to Igor. He's already told Anya of the delays you caused earlier."
"I'm not afraid of you, Sergei, or even Igor. So don't go making threats at me young lady. Sergei put me in charge of the prisoners and said I could deal with them as I wished. There isn't anything wrong in having some fun with them, and I'll even let you get a turn too if you'd like. Just remember you wouldn't be here at all if Sergei weren't in love with you. You almost screwed up the last mission because you couldn't keep your clothes on.
Anya didn't have a response to that so she just turned and left.
"I swear that girl is crazy," she said to no one in particular, shaking her head.
Tatiana turned her attention back to us.
"Well, hopefully you all got a drink because you won't be getting another one for a while."
She stared down at the four of us and then noticed the front of my clothing was soaked, and laughed.
"It looks like you've had a little more drink than you could handle. Or were you expecting a wet T-shirt contest?"
I looked down at myself and groaned in dismay as my white top had turned transparent from the water. My lacy bra was clearly visible now and my nipples were showing through the thin material.
"Nice boobs."
I turned my body away from her in shame.
"I also see the four of you have been busy getting dressed again. Well, I commend you on being clever and agile enough to pull that off. Tonight we'll see how agile you are at some other things."
She turned and left as we pondered what that last remark might refer to. Whatever it was it didn't sound very appealing.
Chapter 3
After Tatiana left, we looked at each other with apprehension. What did she have in mind? I looked over at Cindy. She just shrugged her shoulders at me. She had no idea either. Well, there is no sense worrying about it now, I thought.
I was about to try and rest when I noticed Cindy struggling with her gag. It looked very tight and uncomfortable on her. She tried to chew at it and rub her shoulder on it to loosen it. She tossed her head back and forth, and shook her head from side to side. Her efforts grew more and more vigorous. But nothing seemed to help and she groaned with frustration.
Oh Cindy! My heart broke for the helpless girl and I just couldn't stand watching her suffer anymore. I grunted at her to get her attention. She stopped struggling and turned those gorgeous eyes to me.
"Lemme hemmu," I gurgled as I worked my way over next to her.
She laid down on her side as she looked up at me, wondering what I had in mind.
"Roamm ohmer."
I motioned with my head for her to roll over. Cindy complied by turning onto her left shoulder so that her back was to me. I laid down along side of her with my back and hands facing her. Then I scooted up so my hands could reach her head. I dug through her hair for the knot to her gag. Once I found it, I began working to get it loose. It was very tight and took me several minutes before I finally managed to untie it. Cindy pushed it out with her tongue.
"Ahh... thanks," she whispered as she looked towards the doorway, cautiously. "That feels much better but I don't think it is a good idea to leave it off too long. They may come back at any moment."
She kept her voice low as she cocked her ear to listen for any sounds that they were coming. She waited a moment before continuing.
"Listen," she whispered to all of us. "I think we'll be OK if we just do what they ask. If they wanted to kill us they could have easily done so already."
Rachel and Sara nodded their heads. Cindy paused again, watching and listening. Keeping her eyes on the doorway, she continued to speak to the three of us.
"Go along with whatever they say for now. If we don't anger them, they might take it easy on us and relax their guard. Then maybe we'll have a chance to escape later."
She turned her face to us, "Does anyone else need their gag loosened a bit?"
I looked to Rachel and Sara and they both shook their heads no.
"Good. Samantha, can you tie my gag back in place?" Cindy asked.
I nodded my head. "Ah thim mo."
"OK, you better hurry up then before they come back."
I nodded again.
"Take the cloth and put the knot in my mouth and I'll hold it there until we can get back to back. Then you should be able to find the ends and tie it off."
We immediately got to work. I picked up the cloth and held it up behind my back. Cindy leaned forward and grabbed the knot with her teeth. She held it tight and rolled over with her back to me. I turned the opposite way and scooted in close, back to back with her. I found the ends and pulled them around the sides of her head. I wasn't sure if she wanted me to tie it over or under her hair. I decided to go under as it would look better on her that way. Why did I care how good her gag looked, I thought. I dismissed the silly notion and lifted her hair up and knotted it off gently at the nape of her neck. I double knotted it to make sure it wouldn't come undone accidentally. Satisfied I turned around to take a look.
Cindy sat up and tested it out.
"Thim im mumm mmemmer. Thamm" she said, her eyes sparkling approval at me.
The gag did look attractive on her in a strange kind of way, I thought. But my aimless thoughts were cut short.
The conversation in the main room suddenly stopped and I heard the sound of boots on the hallway floor. Sergei entered our room, followed by Tatiana and Igor. Igor came over and grabbed me by the arms. I gave a squeal of alarm as he lifted me up and easily cradled me in his muscular arms. I looked back to Cindy for help. She and the other girls whimpered with concern for me as Igor turned and headed for the doorway.
Sergei addressed the other girls. "We'll need the services of your friend for a few hours. The rest of you will remain here to ensure her compliance. As long as you behave no harm will come to her."
I screamed as Igor carried me out of the room and away from my friends. Cindy grunted angrily and shook her head. I heard Tatiana's response trailing away behind me.
"Don't worry honey. I'll take good care of your friend for you. Real good care."
I was brought out into the main living room area again. The other men were sitting or standing nearby. Aleksei was the only one who currently carried a weapon. He pointed his automatic rifle at me as I was carried in. I think he was just trying to scare me as he soon lowered it. Igor dropped me unceremoniously onto one of the sofas. I pulled my knees up to my chest and curled up into a ball. Tatiana and Sergei stood over me.
"Remove her gag," Sergei ordered.
Tatiana reached down and untied my gag and pulled the soaked cloth out. My lips trembled nervously and I almost began to cry. Sergei's stern face softened a bit as he spoke to me.
"Relax, pretty one. We won't harm you if you cooperate. We need your help, and if you are a good girl we'll return you to your friends."
"M-m-my help?" I stammered.
"All we really want is the program your husband is working on. My country is interested in acquiring the technology and the techniques he used. I am told your husband does some incredible work. He won't be harmed in any way, I assure you. As long as you follow the plan and help us find where he is, everything will go smoothly. We'll be able to sneak in and out without raising any alarm and no one will be killed. However, should you cause any suspicion of trouble, I won't be able to guarantee anyone's safety, including your husband's. Some of my men will stay behind here to keep a close eye on your friends while we are gone. I will be leaving Igor with instructions to kill them should we not return or if anything goes wrong."
Suddenly, my resolve was shattered. All the people I loved were now at risk of dying should I not listen to this man. What could I do? I didn't see any way out of this and I had no choice but to do as he asked.
"Wh-wh-what do you want me to d-d-do?"
"Tatiana will explain everything on the way. We'll be taking you on a little drive."
I was already afraid, and now I would be alone too. Oh how I wished Cindy was with me. She told me to follow their orders, but I was really scared now. What if they ask me to do something illegal or dangerous? How could I go through with it? But I didn't want Cindy or Brian to die, so I was going to have to go along with their plan.
Sergei pulled out his knife and sliced the ropes that bound my ankles. Then he pulled me to my feet. His hand held onto my upper arm as my legs wobbled from being unused for so long. Then he guided me towards the front room. He pushed me over to stand by the oak table. The equipment, papers, and photos I had seen earlier were gone now. They had been replaced with a length of clothesline rope, a roll of wide, white tape and a wad of cloth.
"May I do the honors?" Tatiana asked Sergei.
Sergei merely nodded and gripped my arms as he held me from behind. Tatiana picked up the wad of cloth and started grinning. Oh god, what now?
"Hold still dear, and open wide."
She held the cloth up to my lips, waiting for me to open. I looked at her with dread, holding my mouth shut.
"Come on honey, don't make me get forceful, unless you prefer it that way," she sneered.
As much as I wanted to comply, it was still difficult to give in to being gagged, especially with the large wad that was presented before me. I sighed with defeat and reluctantly parted my lips.
Tatiana smiled triumphantly at my willingness and, with much pleasure, shoved it home. She grabbed the roll of tape and tore off a strip about 6 inches long. She plastered it over my lips, sealing in the wad. Then she rubbed her fingers all over the tape, massaging my mouth and cheeks, making sure there were no loose edges. She held my cheeks in both of her hands and kissed me on my taped mouth.
"You are such a precious little hostage, aren't you?"
I just glared at her as I chewed on the packing in my mouth, behind the tape.
Then Tatiana knelt down in front of me and set the rope on the floor by my feet. I looked down at her apprehensively. She grabbed my shorts with her hands and slowly pulled them down to my ankles. Then she reached for my panties. I screamed and tried to twist away but Sergei held me fast. A moment later I felt my panties sliding down my thighs and joining the shorts at my feet.
"Oh my, that looks so inviting." Tatiana said as she stared at my little thatch of pubic hair.
My hips quivered as I felt the air on my exposed nakedness. I swallowed nervously as the butterflies returned again. What was she going to do to me?
Tatiana reached out her fingers and brushed them softly through the short hairs. My pelvis jerked backwards as I squealed in surprise. My breathing became faster as I stared down helplessly at her, unable to pull away. She smiled up at me, licking her lips. My heart started racing from anticipation and I couldn't stop trembling.
"You have a lovely little snatch. I bet you're just dripping with excitement. I can see it in your eyes, you know."
Her hand came forward again and I shut my eyes tight. Please, no! I felt her fingers touching me - exploring me. I moaned unexpectedly as my body began to respond without my approval.
"Ahh, she is wet. I think she likes this," Tatiana chuckled.
"Come on, we don't have time for this right now. Just tie her up so we can get going."
Sergei sounded annoyed.
"All right, all right, just give me a second."
I opened my eyes again and saw Tatiana pick up the rope and fold it in half. She wrapped the doubled up rope around my waist and put the loose ends through the turn, just under my belly button, making a belt out of it.
"Turn her around," she said.
Sergei spun me around and held me against his chest, my panties and shorts still bunched around my ankles. I grunted as he squeezed my body tightly. Meanwhile, Tatiana pulled the loose ends of the rope down and between my legs. She brought them up behind my bottom and tucked them under the rope circling my waist. As she took up the slack I realized what was happening. I could feel the rope tickling at my pubic hair as it was being pulled against my crotch, tighter and tighter.
"Hmmmm!!!" I yelped in alarm as Tatiana gave a final tug, and pulled the rope into my cunt. Oh god!! My eyes went wide at the sudden pressure on my most sensitive region.
Tatiana tied the rope off to the part around my waist. Sergei released me and I stood there on uneasy legs, afraid to move. The cotton cord was pressed against my clit very snugly. It didn't hurt but it was affecting me in a strange way. I felt a tingling starting inside of me. I looked down at myself, at the rope running through my naked sex, worried now about the strange sensation it caused. I took a cautious step backwards which made the rope shift slightly on my clit. I moaned and looked up at Tatiana, pleading for release.
"Don't look at me like that. You're not getting any sympathy from me young lady. In fact, I think I'll keep you like that for a while. I should have done this sooner."
Tatiana reached down and grabbed my panties. She pulled them up my legs and back to where they belonged. She patted me on the behind as she smoothed out my panties over the rope splitting my pussy. Why did they tie me like this? I looked to Sergei as Tatiana pulled up my shorts.
Sergei had a smirk on his face as he watched Tatiana tuck the rope belt underneath the waistband of my shorts, so everything was hidden from sight. Then she rubbed her hands all over my shorts, feeling the rope through the thin material and checking her work. I whimpered hysterically as it appeared I would be wearing this crotch rope during our trip.
"OK, pretty one. That little rope there will serve as a constant reminder of the situation." Sergei was addressing me. "Remember our agreement - your friends will be safe as long as you continue to help us."
Tatiana chortled, "And try to resist the urge to touch it. I know how good that makes you feel, but we don't want anyone knowing you're wearing it. So behave yourself and don't be naughty." She said with a wink.
Then she laughed loudly as my face reddened.
Sergei spoke to his men in Russian, giving them instructions. Then he headed out the door motioning for me to follow. I started to walk slowly, not wanting the rope to move around too much. But Tatiana grabbed my arm and hustled me out the door.
"Come on dear, don't be shy."
I moaned as the rope rubbed against my clit with every step.
Tatiana marched me out the door and over to the waiting pick-up truck. Ivan was in the driver's seat already and had the engine running on the extended cab, 4x4. Sergei climbed up into the passenger side. Aleksei opened the right side rear door for us. Tatiana helped me lift my foot up onto the foot step. Then she placed her hand on my bottom and gave me a shove upwards. I grunted indignantly at her rudeness as she pushed me up and into the vehicle.
"Make room for me honey," she said as she climbed in behind me and pushed me over to the middle of the seat. Aleksei went around and got into the other side and sat on my left.
Without a moment's hesitation the truck lurched forward sharply, the wheels peeling out in the loose dirt, as Ivan rocketed the large vehicle down the path. Tatiana grabbed my hair with her left hand and pulled my head down into her lap.
"Keep your head down for a few minutes. No reason to allow you to see where you are just yet," she said as she pressed my face into her crotch.
"Hey, no love making back there you two," I heard Sergei shout from the front seat.
"Humph," Tatiana grunted as her hand slipped under my face to her zipper.
She bent her head down and whispered in my ear. "I won't tell, if you don't tell," she said as she quietly pulled down the zipper of her pants and undid the snap.
She parted her pants a bit, revealing her white panties and pressed my face into the front of them. I mumbled into her loins as loudly as I could, hoping that Sergei would hear and come to my rescue. But the sound was quite muffled from my gag and also because Tatiana was pressing down on the back of my head. The only air I was breathing was the aroma of wet nylon.
"Keep your eyes on the road, Ivan." I heard her snap at our driver. "We don't need to end up in the ditch."
And so our trip began.
We traveled down the uneven trail and eventually turned back onto the main road. After a few minutes and a few more turns, Tatiana finally yanked my head up. She pulled up her zipper with her other hand as I looked around.
We were on a small mountain road that was winding its way down to the valley. At the moment we were the only vehicle on the road. I had no idea where we were.
"Here's the scoop, honey," Tatiana started to give me instructions. "We need to get you into your husband's corporate building so you can find out where Brian and Steve are. However, since neither you nor I have any clearance to get in, we'll need to get it from someone who does. We'll be paying them a visit and should arrive there shortly. After we get her ID, I'll be taking her place, pretending to be her, and you'll be playing the part of my guest. I'll tell you the rest later."
My heart sank. That didn't sound very good. They were probably going to kill some poor girl just to gain access to a building. I noticed that Aleksei had already pulled out a huge pistol and was checking it to make sure it was loaded and functional. Sergei and Tatiana were doing the same. I swallowed a lump of fear. Now I was going to be an accomplice to murder.
When we reached the bottom of the valley we turned left onto a narrow road. Not much further in, Ivan turned the truck into a long driveway on the right. We traveled for about 100 yards or so at a very slow speed. Eventually we neared a bend and Ivan pulled the truck to the side and stopped, parking the vehicle. I could just make out the front of the house through the trees on the left, around the corner. Everyone got out except Ivan. Tatiana grabbed my hair and pulled me along behind her. I almost fell as she dragged me out of the truck. The three of them carried their guns at the ready.
"Not a peep from you, honey!" Tatiana whispered as she grabbed my right arm with her left hand and jabbed her pistol into my ribs with her right hand. She marched me through the trees toward the house, the others following. Just before we emerged from behind the last group of trees we stopped. Tatiana pulled me down low as everyone crouched out of sight. Tatiana took her gun and waved it in my face.
"OK, here's the deal," she hissed quietly. "I'm going to let you loose and remove your gag. You're going to go with me up to the front door. My gun will be with me so don't cry out or cause any suspicion. Understood?"
I nodded weakly.
"OK, Aleksei and Sergei will be right behind us, hiding in the bushes there." She pointed to some shrubbery along the path to the front door.
"When we get to the door I'm going to hide out of sight while you knock. When they answer you tell them you need to use their phone as your car broke down on the hill. Whatever it takes, you get them to let you in. We'll sneak in right behind you and grab them. Got it?"
I was terrified at the sound of the plan. They wanted me to lie, knowing that they were going to use me to get in and kill them. I started to cry.
"Listen Blondie!" Sergei grabbed my chin. He pointed his gun at my face. "Do as you're told or your friends will die. If you help us we won't have to kill whoever's inside. If you don't cooperate we can go in guns blazing. It doesn't matter to me. We'll get what we came for either way. So, are you going to help us or not?"
I stopped crying and gave a weak nod.
"Good," Tatiana said and ripped the tape off my mouth.
"Quiet!" Tatiana warned.
I spat out the wad as Tatiana unlocked my hand cuffs. Then I watched to see where she put the key. She placed it somewhere down inside her top. She must have a hidden pocket somewhere inside her shirt or bra, I thought. Tatiana adjusted my shorts to make sure the rope belt was still hidden. Then she pulled on the crotch rope.
"Ohhhh... s-s-stop.... p-p-please...," I gasped.
"Stick to the plan. Got it?" She said as she let go.
"I'll... t-t-try," I said, trying to catch my breath. "I don't know if I can do it. I've never lied to anyone before."
"Well, you better do the best damn job ever, honey, or your friends will pay the price. Now let's get going."
With that she stood up and pulled me up with her. She tucked her gun into her waistband at the small of her back. She escorted me by the arm until we reached the path. Then she let go and pushed me ahead.
"You better get those tears out of your eyes, before you blow the whole thing," she whispered as I climbed up the front steps.
I glanced at the windows, hopeful that someone was watching but I saw no one.
"Go ahead and knock, honey. I'll be right over here."
Tatiana moved to the left, and hid to the side of the door with the hinge so that she would be behind it when it opened. She pressed her back against the wall and pulled out her gun. I started to look back to see where Aleksei and Sergei were.
"Eyes forward!" Tatiana hissed tersely.
I swallowed nervously and looked at her. Tatiana tilted her head towards the door.
"Go on. Knock."
I paused for a moment to gather my nerves and then wrapped on the door. I waited about 30 seconds and then knocked again, louder. Gosh, I hope nobody is home so I don't have to do this. But a moment later I heard someone unbolting the door from the other side. Oh no, here we go, I thought.
A bare footed, dark haired girl, not quite my age, dressed in a denim mini skirt and pink tank top answered the door. "Hello, may I help you?"
"I...I...I need help." I almost turned to Tatiana but I checked myself.
"My car b-b-broke down out on the main road and I n-n-need to use your phone."
"Um... I think that would be OK, let me just check with my aunt." She left the door as she went to call out into the hallway.
"Aunt Cathy, there's a girl here who needs to use our phone, shall I let her in?"
I thought I heard a woman's voice respond but I couldn't hear what she said. The girl came back to the door and opened it all the way.
"My aunt says it will be alright. You can come in. I'll show you where it is."
I stepped into the house, feeling the rope rubbing me under my panties. I was a nervous wreck and I couldn't stop myself as I started crying again. I followed the young girl over to the phone on the coffee table by the living room sofa.
"Here it is," she said and then she noticed my tears. "What's wrong?"
I shook my head as I tried to compose myself, inadvertently touching the rope through my shorts. I looked out the window to see if the men were coming in.
"N-n-nothing's wrong. I just..."
An older woman entered the room from an adjoining hallway in the back. She was in her mid 30s and had short brown hair. She was dressed quite nicely in a fine white, silk blouse, dark blue, knee length skirt, and high heels.
"Hello dear, my name's Cathy. Are you OK? You look really scared."
"It's just... I mean, I can't... oh god, I'm sorry." I cried hysterically as I collapsed onto the sofa.
Just then the front door burst open and Tatiana, Aleksei and Sergei rushed into the room with their guns pointing at the two ladies.
"Hands up and be quiet!" Sergei shouted.
Cathy's face turned ashen as she stifled a scream and slowly raised her hands. The younger girl screamed, despite the warning, and took a step back, holding her hands high.
"Shut up!" Sergei commanded as he grabbed the girl's arm.
She stopped screaming and began crying instead. Sergei threw her down onto the sofa next to me and leveled his gun at us.
"Leave my niece alone." Cathy demanded boldly.
Aleksei came over and grabbed the older woman. He forced her down next to her niece, and pressed his gun against her cheek.
"Shut up woman! Keep mouth quiet or I shoot you."
Tatiana carried in a familiar duffel bag and dropped it on the floor. She opened it up and pulled out some wads of cloth and the same roll of white tape she had used earlier.
Sergei addressed the two women. "Is there anyone else here?"
Cathy shook her head. "No, it's just us. What do you want from us?"
Sergei ignored her question. "Aleksei, go check upstairs and make sure there isn't anyone else. Tatiana, give these ladies their instructions."
Sergei stood back to allow Tatiana room to work and so he could also keep an eye on the door and the hallway. He kept his gun pointed at the three of us the whole time. Tatiana placed a wad of cloth in my lap and another in the young girl's next to me.
"OK, you two, take that and put it in your mouth. I don't want to see any of it sticking out, so make sure you stuff it all in."
"And you," she motioned to the older woman, "We have a special plan for you, so just sit there and be quiet for now."
I picked up my cloth and began stuffing my mouth with it. Cathy's niece eyed the cloth suspiciously and looked over to her aunt for guidance. Cathy shook her head no and raised her chin defiantly at Tatiana.
"I won't allow you to gag my niece. I'll have you know that I work for the government and if anything happens to me or my niece you folks will all be in some serious trouble. I demand to know what this is all about."
Sergei came over to the woman and slapped her across the face. "Shut up!"
"You think I don't know who you are, Cathy Richardson! You work for Strategic Systems Incorporated, SSI, as a computer analyst. Your niece next to you is Kelly Simmons and just finished her junior year at UCLA, majoring in the performing arts. She is staying here for the summer."
Cathy's bravery suddenly wavered. She showed real concern now that she knew they had obviously been studying the two of them.
"Now tell your niece to take the cloth and shove it in her mouth or I'll do it myself!"
Cathy turned to give her niece the go ahead but the girl had already started. Kelly gently parted her lips and pushed the wad in. At first I didn't think it would fit, but her fingers kept poking until it was all inside and she closed her lips.
Tatiana walked over and slapped a strip of white tape across Kelly's lips. Then she did the same to me, being neither kind nor gentle this time. Then Tatiana picked up the rope and pulled Kelly to her feet.
"Put your hands behind your back and turn around," she commanded.
Kelly looked to her aunt who nodded weakly. The young girl placed her hands behind her and spun around. Tatiana quickly wrapped several turns of the rope around the young girl's wrists and then cinched it off through the middle.
Aleksei came back into the room, "Everything clear boss. No one upstairs."
"Good. Ladies, let's head up to your bedroom. Cathy, you may lead the way." Sergei waved his gun to indicate they should go.
Cathy, attempting to remain stoic, stood up, and held her head proudly as she walked toward the hallway. Kelly followed after her. Tatiana, myself, Sergei, and then Aleksei fell in line as we all headed up the stairs. We went down the hall and into the last bedroom.
The entire house, including this room, was very large. It appeared to me that Cathy was quite rich as everything I had seen in the house was elegantly crafted or an expensive antique. The four poster, canopy bed before us was made of gorgeous mahogany. A matching vanity, chair, and bureau were on one side and a large bathroom was attached to the other side of the spacious master bedroom. The tan carpet was made with a thick pile.
Sergei waited until everyone was in the room and then turned to Cathy.
"Now, you had asked why we are here. We need your ID badge for the SSI building where you work, and your driver's license."
Cathy shook her head. "I don't have a badge. You're out of luck."
"Bull shit! I know you have one. Don't lie to me woman!"
I saw Sergei's face starting to redden and I wanted so much to tell the lady to just give him what he wants before something bad happened. But Cathy stuck to her guns.
"I don't have my badge here. I'm sorry."
"Damn it, bitch! Now you made me mad!"
Sergei grabbed Kelly's arm and flung her against the vanity. He swept his arm across the top, sending the bottles and everything else on it crashing to the floor. Then he bent Kelly face down over the top of it. The girl's shapely behind was pointed directly towards me and I watched as her denim mini skirt rode up her thighs.
"Tatiana, you may do the honors," Sergei said, holding the bound girl steady.
"Wait, stop! Leave her alone!" Cathy's voice became frantic and she tried to go help her niece, but Aleksei grabbed her and pulled her back with a bear hug.
Tatiana selected a large hair brush off the floor and approached the struggling brunette. She hiked up the girl's skirt which elicited a squeal from the young girl. Kelly's white cotton panties, trimmed in pink, jiggled in plain view as she kicked up her feet uselessly. Her skimpy panties were a string bikini style with the words "LOVE PINK" printed in sparkling pink letters across the back. Oh my, I thought. I don't think she was ever expecting someone to actually see the words like this. Tatiana took one look at them and burst out laughing.
"Oh how cute! I just love your panties, college girl." She said as she rubbed her hand all over the poor girl's wiggling bottom.
"Get your hands off her, you bitch!" Cathy shouted as she tried to break free from the big man's grasp.
Aleksei clapped his hand over her mouth and gripped her more tightly.
"Keep quiet!" he hissed in her ear.
Tatiana turned to Cathy, "Well, just give us your badge and I'll leave her alone. If not, I'll spank her pretty little ass like this..."
SMACK... The Russian blonde brought the back of the hair brush down with a sharp whack, directly across the words printed on Kelly's panties.
"Mmmmm!!!" the defenseless girl wailed through her tape gag and kicked up her feet again.
WHACK... Another blow landed across her buttocks... WHACK... and a third.
Kelly was mewling uncontrollably and Cathy was struggling with Aleksei, desperate to escape his hold. Tatiana grabbed the waistband of Kelly's panties and jerked up on them, turning them into a thong as she pulled them into her crack.
WHACK...WHACK...WHACK... Kelly's cheeks were beginning to turn red.
"I love pink, a pink ass that is," Tatiana smirked as she continued to spank the brunette's upturned bottom a few more times.
Then she stopped suddenly and signaled to Aleksei. He removed his hand from Cathy's mouth.
"OK, are you ready to tell us where it is?" Tatiana asked.
"Stop it, stop it! You bastards! How dare you treat her like that! Leave her alone!" Cathy's lips were quivering with fear now. "I'll get my badge. Just stop it, please."
Tatiana chuckled, "That's much better. Now hurry up because I'm curious to see how red I can actually make her bottom."
Sergei released Kelly and waved his gun at Cathy. "Aleksei, escort Miss Richardson, and make sure she brings back the badge and her driver's license."
Kelly stood up and rubbed her sore bottom. She tried to fix her panties and her skirt as I watched the tears trickling down her face. Poor girl, I thought, how humiliated she must feel.
Aleksei shoved Cathy toward the door, his gun prodding her in the back. Cathy turned to her niece as she passed.
"Are you OK dear?"
The girl sniffled and slowly nodded.
"Keep going!" Aleksei ordered and pushed the aunt into the hallway.
Sergei dragged Kelly over to the bed and sat her down on the edge. Then he came back to me and forced me to sit in the chair.
"You've done a good job so far, pretty one. As soon as we get her ID we can leave."
He gave me a little pinch on my cheek. I gave him an angry grunt as he chuckled at me. Tatiana was looking at her watch. She spoke to Sergei in Russian as she showed him the time. They spoke back in forth in their native tongue for a minute or so. Sergei seemed impatient about something but Tatiana was disagreeing.
A moment later, Aleksei returned with Cathy. She held the badge and her license out to Sergei.
"Is this what you wanted?"
Sergei grabbed the items, and checked them over thoroughly. He showed them to Tatiana. She flipped the badge over, back and forth several times, and held it up to the sunlight by the window. Then she handed it back to Sergei.
"It's the real thing."
"Good," he said. "Now Miss Richardson, we need your clothes. Take off your blouse and skirt and give them to Tatiana."
"What!? I'll do no such thing."
"I said STRIP!" he shouted angrily.
Tatiana went over to Kelly and pulled the bound girl up from the bed. She lifted the girl's skirt and raised her hand, threatening to strike her again.
"Stop! Please! No more," Cathy sighed.
And with that she slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. Tatiana gave Kelly a little swat on the behind anyway and flung her back onto the bed.
Cathy opened her blouse and pulled it off of her shoulders. My eyes were immediately drawn to her marvelous breasts. They filled out the lacy white bra she was wearing quite nicely. The woman's age certainly didn't match her younger figure. She unfastened her skirt next and let it drop to the floor. Underneath she wore sheer to the waist pantyhose over top of her white panties.
"Take the pantyhose off too," Tatiana added.
Sergei looked at her quizzically. Tatiana noticed her leader's confused look.
"I have an idea," she said with a wink.
Sergei just rolled his eyes.
Cathy grabbed the waistband of her nylons and slid them down her legs as I watched from behind. I couldn't help but stare at her bottom as she bent over to pull the hose and shoes off her feet. The older woman scooped up all her clothes and handed them to Tatiana. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and stood there in just her bra and panties.
Tatiana took the pantyhose and put the rest of the clothing on the bed. She grabbed each leg of the hose and pulled as hard as she could. The hose ripped along the seam in the middle leaving her with one leg piece in each hand.
"OK Aleksei, help me string them up," She said as she hauled Kelly to her feet again.
The two ladies became worried as Aleksei and Tatiana herded them over to stand side by side next to the bed. Aleksei pulled out a piece of white clothesline from the bag and approached Cathy.
"Hold out wrists."
"Please, you don't have to tie us up. We won't give you any trouble." Cathy begged.
Tatiana gave her a stern look. "Yeah right, like I believe that after seeing those outbursts from you. In fact, I've had quite enough of your mouth, lady. Aleksei, give me one of those wads and some tape."
"Please, don't gag me. I'll be quiet." Cathy said as she eyed the wad of cloth being passed to Tatiana.
Tatiana ignored her pleading and took the wad and promptly stuffed the lingerie clad woman's mouth. She pressed a piece of the white tape over her lips and smoothed it down. Then she grabbed one of Cathy's breasts and pinched the nipple right through her bra.
"Mmmmmph..." Cathy let out a muffled squeal.
"That sounds much better. Now stick out your hands!"
Cathy reluctantly held her hands out and Aleksei immediately tied them together with the rope. He left a long piece of it dangling from the knot. Meanwhile, Tatiana untied the younger girl's wrists from behind her and then retied them together in front of her, leaving a long piece dangling as Aleksei had done. Aleksei took the two dangling pieces and tossed the ends over the wooden beam connecting two of the posts of the bed together. He pulled on the ends which pulled on the girl's wrists.
Cathy and Kelly looked at each with alarm and whimpered fearfully as their arms were hoisted up over their heads. Aleksei continued pulling until their heels came off the floor. Then he tied the rope off to the beam leaving them perched on their tip toes. Aleksei went to get another piece of rope.
Tatiana held up her hand. "Hold on a moment, Aleksei. Something is wrong with this picture," she said thoughtfully as she watched the two ladies squirming.
"Give me your knife," she said to Sergei, holding out her hand.
Sergei pulled his knife from his belt sheath and gave it to her. Cathy and Kelly screamed into their gags as Tatiana approached with the blade.
"I don't think it's quite fair that you're standing there in your underwear, do you?" she said to Cathy.
Cathy's eyes were wide with terror as she gazed down at the weapon in Tatiana's hand.
The Russian woman turned to Kelly and grabbed her top.
"I think we need to even things up a bit!"
She proceeded to use the knife to cut the tank top from the struggling girl's body. The young woman was left hanging there in her pink bra. Then Tatiana reached for Kelly's mini skirt. She unfastened it and let it drop to her ankles.
"Step out of it," Tatiana commanded.
Kelly did as she was told, her face flushing with embarrassment. Tatiana kicked the clothes away and then turned the two women towards each other.
"I want you two, face to face, as close as you can get!" She ordered.
The ladies took a step closer together, but Tatiana wasn't satisfied.
"Oh come on, you can do better than that," she said and gave each of them a spank on the behind for encouragement.
Their muffled pleas grew louder as they pressed together until their bras touched.
"Oh stop the complaining! I'll make things a bit more pleasurable in a minute."
Then she knelt down on the floor and took one of the pieces of pantyhose and wrapped it around their legs, just above their knees, tying them together. She pulled hard on it so that their kneecaps and thighs came in contact with each other. Then she looped it around a second time and knotted it off tightly. She stood up to survey her work.
"Very nice! Now, I need you girls to get just a wee bit closer."
The two bound woman looked at her wide-eyed. How could they possibly get any closer than this? But Tatiana had something else in mind as she placed one hand on each of their behinds and pushed until the front of their panties collided. She used the last piece of pantyhose and tied it around their waists to hold them pressed together like that. She ignored their protests and squeals of complaint at the embarrassing and intimate position.
"You two look absolutely perfect together like that - a nice little moment of family bonding – aunt and niece. How lovely. There's just one more thing left to do."
She brought the knife out again and used it to cut the shoulder straps of their bras. Then with a quick tug, she pulled down both of their bras simultaneously. Two pairs of breasts popped out and bounced together, which was immediately followed by a loud duet of muffled squealing.
Tatiana laughed, "I wouldn't struggle too much girls, unless you like to turn each other on."
But the two ladies did struggle. They arched their backs in an attempt to keep their breasts from touching. However, that position was difficult to maintain, and it also forced their hips to thrust together, so they quickly abandoned it. They twisted and squirmed and danced on their toes, moaning for release.
I was mesmerized by the two topless women before me. The sight of their naked breasts rubbing against each other was actually quite arousing. Without realizing what I was doing, I reached my hand down to pull at the rope between my legs.
Tatiana picked up Cathy's skirt and blouse from the bed and turned to leave, a huge grin on her face from ear to ear.
"OK, everyone, we are done here," she said proudly.
Chapter 4 (added: 08/19/2009)
Sergei marched over and dragged me to the closet.
"Come here and find something to wear."
The clothing appeared to belong to Cathy as the styles looked a little too mature to be worn by the college girl, Kelly. There were several blouses, skirts, and dresses. I looked at Sergei with bewilderment as I had no idea what he had in mind.
"Just grab a blouse and skirt so you'll look a bit professional. And be quick about it."
I scanned the hangers briefly and selected a plain white blouse and black knee length skirt. Sergei nodded his approval.
"Now hurry up and change into them...Yes, right here!"
So I pulled off my shirt and quickly donned the blouse. It was rather tight over my large breasts but I didn't think they would allow me the time to find something else. I put my thumbs into the waistband of my shorts, but hesitated to lower them, as I suddenly felt very self-conscious.
"Tatiana, get over here and make this girl move faster!" Sergei ordered impatiently.
I let out a squeal and pulled my shorts down instantly. Cathy and Kelly gave me a strange look when they saw the crotch rope under my panties. I ignored their stares and grabbed the skirt and put it on before Tatiana reached me. It actually fit me pretty good, I thought, maybe just a hair looser than I would prefer, but at least it wouldn't fall down on its own.
"Now find a nice pair of shoes," Sergei ordered.
I saw several pairs of shoes lined up along the floor of the closet, arranged from low heels to high heels. I chose a black pair with a two inch heel and put them on.
Tatiana looked me over and nodded approval to her leader. Then she pulled out the hand cuffs.
"OK honey, put your hands behind your back."
I did so without complaint and immediately felt the steel as she locked them on my wrists again.
"OK, let's go!" Sergei ordered as he led the way out of the room.
The two struggling women screeched into their tape gags as we left them behind.
Tatiana was carrying Cathy's blouse, skirt, and shoes with her. I wondered why she just didn't grab something from the closet if she wanted to steal some clothes. But then I remembered who I was with. This woman obviously enjoyed binding and stripping young women, and received much pleasure from it.
I thought about the two women they had stripped and tied up in their bedroom. The poor ladies would be quite embarrassed when they were discovered, their breasts jiggling and rubbing against each other and their panties grinding together. I still couldn't get that vision out of my head.
We left the house and approached the truck that Ivan had waiting for us out front. We all climbed into the same seats we had before. Ivan stomped on the gas as we left the place in a hurry. Tatiana began peeling at the tape on my lips.
"I'm going to remove your gag, but only if you promise not to scream, OK?"
I nodded my head. With that, she gave a yank and ripped it off me for the second time today. I winced but this time managed to refrain from crying out. I spat out the wad onto the floor.
"Thanks, its nice to be able to talk again," I said, trying to lighten things up a bit.
"Just keep your mouth shut, and I don't want to see you trying to get anyone's attention either. It will be very painful to you and your friends if you do."
"OK," I said. "I'll be quiet."
Tatiana bent down and removed her boots. Then she began undoing her pants. I remembered what had happened earlier, and suddenly grew very nervous. I watched her slide her pants down and pull them off her feet. Her white panties were very thin, and I could see a small tattoo through the nylon, just to the left of her pussy. It was a tattoo of a flaming rose.
"See something you like, honey?"
I blushed and quickly turned away.
"No," I mumbled. How could I be so stupid as to look at her crotch, I thought.
"Maybe I'll let you get a closer look tonight. Would you like that?" she asked with a chuckle.
I just stared out the window. I heard her pull her shirt off next. I was curious to know why she was undressing but was afraid to turn around. I didn't have to wait long for the answer though, as she pulled out Cathy's clothes and began putting them on. I waited until she finished dressing and had buckled on the high heels before turning to look.
Tatiana was now dressed as Cathy and was reaching into the duffel bag again. She pulled out a wig made in the same style and hair color as Cathy's. She put it on and then pulled out a mirror to make sure none of her own hair was peeking out.
"How do I look?" she asked, as she turned to face me.
Oh my gosh, she looks just like her, I thought. I think she could actually pass for the woman.
"I think it looks OK."
"OK? I think I look better than OK, if I do say so myself," she said. "In fact, I think this plan will work perfectly. Now we just need to make sure you do your part."
She had spoken without her usual Russian accent as well. I was very impressed.
"What do you need me to do?"
"We're going to be arriving at the SSI main corporate building in a few minutes. Brian and Steve should be working there. We need to confirm that and also find out exactly which part of the building they are in. I'll pretend to be Cathy Richardson and you can be yourself, Samantha Young. You will be my guest and I'll be escorting you at all times. That's the only way you'll be allowed into the building. Once inside, we'll make our way up to the computer applications center. Then you tell them that you need to speak with Brian as soon as possible. Tell them there is a family emergency and that you need to see him. If they ask any questions, tell them it's a private matter between you and Brian."
"What happens when I meet with Brian?"
"Tell him Cindy was injured in a serious car accident and is in the hospital dying. Tell him that you can't talk about any of the details here, and that you need him and Steve to come home as soon as possible."
"I can't lie to Brian, he's my husband."
She grabbed my chin and screamed in my face.
I started to cry again.
"Besides," she said, releasing me, "It isn't that far from the truth is it? Cindy IS in serious trouble and will die without his help."
I slowly nodded as the tears rolled down my face.
The rest of the trip was in silence. I thought about Brian and Cindy and the other girls. I needed Cindy's comfort right now. But she was a long way away. A few minutes later we entered the city where the SSI building was. Tatiana reached over and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
"You need to get a hold of yourself, girl."
"I'll be alright. Anyway, it might be more convincing if I am crying, don't you think?"
"Yes, I suppose that's true. But don't be looking at any people in the cars nearby. I don't want anybody getting suspicious when they see you bawling."
As soon as she said that, we encountered heavy traffic. Tatiana snaked her hand behind my back and down inside my skirt. She reached under my panties and grabbed the rope there. She pulled up on it, making the rope pull tighter into my ass and pussy.
"Uhhhh..." I gasped with discomfort.
She released some of the pressure but kept holding on to the rope.
"Keep your eyes forward at all times!"
I did as I was told.
We drove into the city's business center and eventually arrived at the SSI building. Ivan drove past the building and parked down the street a bit, along the curb. Sergei turned around to speak to us.
"Let's do this as quickly as possible. The more time you are in there the more likely your trick will be discovered. If anything goes wrong, contact me and get out of there as soon as possible. Use your cell phone only in an emergency."
Tatiana nodded. Then he looked directly at me.
"If I do not hear from Tatiana within 30 minutes I will be giving Igor a call. I shouldn't have to remind you of what will happen then."
I nodded. Tatiana unlocked my hand cuffs and put them and her gun on the seat as she opened the door and got out. She motioned for me to follow. I climbed out and joined her on the sidewalk. We both straightened our new clothes and proceeded to walk back to the SSI building. Tatiana attached Cathy's badge to the front of her blouse as she walked. Then she handed me a small purse.
"Your wallet and driver's license are inside.... Don't look at it now," she said as she looked around.
There were several people walking along the sidewalk, but no one was paying us any attention. I held the purse in my hand and walked along side of her towards the entrance. The building was very large, and had at least 20 floors. We approached the main entrance together and went in.
There were two uniformed male guards just inside, standing by a metal detector. The taller one eyed me suspiciously.
"May I see your identification, ladies?"
Tatiana showed him Cathy's license and nudged my arm. "Show him your driver's license dear."
I opened up the purse and removed my wallet. I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I pulled out the license and held it out to him. He took it from me and looked it over while the other guard examined Tatiana's license and scanned her badge. The scanner beeped and a green light appeared.
"She's clear," he said to the other one.
The guard looked at my license and then at Tatiana and then back to me.
"Why are you here Miss Young?"
"I..I.. came to see my husband Brian. He works here."
Tatiana stepped forward. "She's with me. I'll be her escort and see that she doesn't get lost."
The guard looked at her warily. For a moment I didn't think he would let us pass, but he finally stepped aside.
"OK, you ladies are clear. Please remove your shoes and empty your pockets. Place all your belongings in the bin here – cell phones, jewelry, everything. Then step through one at a time."
He motioned us towards the metal detector. I turned to Tatiana but she was already bent over, unbuckling her high heels. I did the same. We set our shoes in the plastic tub along with Tatiana's cell phone, watch, and my purse and wallet. I waited while Tatiana stepped through first. Then it was my turn.
I stepped through and immediately a buzzer sounded.
"Hold it!"
The guard stepped towards me and eyed me closely.
"Step around and come back through again."
I did so and again the alarm sounded. I was very nervous.
"Come here please," he said as he pulled out a wand. "Hold your arms straight out to the side and don't move."
I spread my arms and froze while he passed the wand all over my body. What will he say if he discovers the crotch rope? I thought to myself as I looked at Tatiana. For the first time, Tatiana seemed nervous. The guard waved the wand down the front of me. When he reached my abdomen it beeped. Oh god! He's going to find it. He waved it back across my pelvis more slowly and it beeped as it passed over the buttons on the skirt.
"It's just your buttons," he said as he continued on down my thighs and around to my back.
"OK your clear Ma'am. Sorry for the delay."
We took our belongings and put our shoes back on.
"Come on, let's go," Tatiana said anxiously.
She took my arm and hustled me down the hall towards the elevators. We entered the elevator and she pressed button 15. After the door closed I let out a huge sigh of relief.
"I was really scared back there," I said to her.
Tatiana smiled slightly, "You did fine. Keep it up."
I was so nervous that my body reminded me that I hadn't relieved myself in quite some time. I suddenly needed to pee very badly. I was about to mention it to Tatiana when the elevator stopped.
We were only at the 8th floor and a young man in a business suit stepped in. He was rather handsome and in his mid twenties and carried a briefcase. He smiled at me.
"Good day, ladies. I'm going up to 15."
I smiled back but remained silent as I indicated the button was already pressed for 15. The door closed and we started up again.
The young man turned to me, "I thought I knew almost everyone here but I don't think I've ever seen you before. I'm sure I would have remembered such a lovely young lady as yourself."
Great, now he's hitting on me.
"I don't work here, I'm just visiting," I said.
"Well, welcome to SSI. My name's Wayne. I would offer to show you around but I am about to meet 'Head Turner'... er... I mean Miss Turner to you."
He saw my confused look and decided to explain.
"Sorry, the guys here call her 'Head Turner' because she's quite a looker and because she's the boss, but I personally try to avoid her as much as possible. As hot as she may be, Miss Turner is a real nasty bitch when she's mad, which is almost every day. Sorry for my language."
I just smiled and bit my lip as I squeezed my thighs together. My bladder was about to burst and I needed to do something. An idea of how I could use this good-looking guy suddenly came to my head. I decided for the first time in my life I was going to try something bold.
"Well maybe you could help us find a restroom," I said looking at Tatiana, who was standing behind the man, out of sight.
Tatiana glared at me and shook her head no. I turned back to the young man.
"If I don't find a bathroom soon I'll wet my panties," I said matter-of-factly.
The young man was a bit surprised at my request, but was soon grinning. I knew his mind must have conjured up images of what that might look like. Tatiana, meanwhile, was signaling emphatically for me to shut up, but I ignored her.
"I can show you where the ladies room is," the man said. "It isn't that far out of my way."
"Thanks, Wayne, that would be most kind of you," I said as Tatiana fumed.
The elevator came to a stop on the 15th floor.
"Follow me, it's right this way," he said as he walked to his right.
Tatiana gripped my arm tightly and hissed into my ear as we followed. "You're gonna pay for this later!"
I whispered back to her, "It's all your fault you know. I haven't been to the bathroom all day and I need to go very badly. Besides, this stupid rope isn't helping the matter."
I was feeling very courageous with her, now that she couldn't retaliate in this public place.
"All right, but do it quick," she said looking at her watch.
"Here you go." The young man said as he stopped by a door marked LADIES.
"Thank you so much," I said and entered without waiting for a response.
Tatiana followed. She looked around to confirm no one else was present. Then she pulled me into the last stall with her and locked the door.
"I'm real close to telling Sergei to give a call back to the cabin. One more scene like that and I'll haul your ass out of here and have it whipped! Understand?"
I nodded as I realized how foolish I had just been. I needed to remember that Cindy and the girls were still hostages.
I pulled down my skirt and panties and patiently waited while Tatiana untied the crotch rope. I sat down and relieved myself. It felt so good to get that rope out of my vagina. I wanted to stay here for a few more minutes but Tatiana wasn't in the mood. She pulled me up as the automatic toilet flushed, loudly.
"Turn around." Tatiana commanded as she re-fastened the rope around my waist.
"Do you have to be so rough?" I complained.
"This is going to be tighter this time," she said as she pulled the rope into my cunt and tied it off again.
"Ohhhh," I moaned. "Gosh that hurts a bit."
"Oh come on, I know you like it. I can see how wet your panties are getting." She said as I pulled up my panties and skirt.
We came out of the stall and stopped dead in our tracks. There was a woman standing by the mirror with a stick of lipstick in one hand. She was frozen in shock as she stared at us with her mouth wide open. From her expression I knew she must have heard part of our conversation. I wanted to crawl into a corner and die.
"What on earth were you two doing in there?" The woman asked.
I stumbled for words, "We didn't uh... well, I mean she was just..."
Tatiana came to my rescue. "It's none of your damn business lady! Now go back to putting on your makeup and forget we were even here."
With that, she quickly hustled me toward the exit. The woman gave me a wink and a smirk as we passed by.
We left the restroom and Tatiana led me down the hall. She was heading toward a section located behind a set of double glass doors. The words 'Computer Applications Center' were printed across the front of them. We entered and stopped in front of the receptionist's desk. An older woman with glasses looked up as we approached. The sign on her desk identified her as Mrs. Conway.
"What brings you here?" she asked, as if surprised to be getting visitors.
Tatiana turned to me and nodded for me to respond.
I cleared my throat with a cough, "I am here to see Brian Young. I'm his wife."
Mrs. Conway scrutinized us closely. She noticed Tatiana's badge and my lack of one.
"May I see your identification?" she asked me quite sternly.
I pulled my license from my purse and showed it to her. The elderly woman looked it over carefully and then handed it back to me.
"Mrs. Young, you should know that your husband is not allowed to see any visitors while he is working. Why did you think to come here?"
I looked at Tatiana nervously. "I, um, need to see him right away. It's a family emergency and is very urgent."
The woman seemed a bit skeptical of my response. She looked at Tatiana's badge again.
I got scared and blurted out, "Please, I need to see him! My friend might die!" I started to cry.
When the woman saw me crying her expression suddenly changed to that of concern.
"I'm so sorry dear. Your husband just left here this morning. They transferred him to another facility."
Tatiana jumped in, "Maybe we could speak with his friend Steve Wilson then? He and Brian work together if I am not mistaken."
"Yes," I said. "His wife Cindy is my best friend and she might... she... um...."
I cried even louder. Some of it was real, but I faked some of it too.
Tatiana wrapped an arm around me as if to give me comfort. "She's having a hard time talking about it."
Mrs. Conway apologized. "Oh dear, I wish I could be more helpful, but Steve isn't here either. The two of them were transferred together, along with the rest of their team. Maybe Miss Turner knows where they were sent."
"Could we talk to Miss Turner and ask her?" Tatiana persisted.
"Oh, I don't know. Miss Turner is very busy."
I sobbed loudly at that news. "Oh what am I going to do?"
Mrs. Conway reached for her phone, "H-hold on dear. Don't cry. I'll see if I can get Miss Turner on the phone. Here, you can use my tissues while you wait." She handed me her box of tissues and dialed a number.
"Hello, Miss Turner?... I have Cathy Richardson and Brian Young's wife, Samantha here...I know you are very busy, but the matter is very urgent and it's kind of an emergency...Yes, I know...OK...I'll tell them. Thank you." She hung up.
"Miss Turner says she can only spare five minutes. She'll see you in her office. It's at the end of that hallway there on the right."
"Oh thank you so much," I said as I blew my nose into a Kleenex.
Tatiana and I walked down the hallway to meet Miss Turner. As we drew closer I could hear a woman's voice yelling from behind the door to which we were approaching. Suddenly the door opened and the young man from the elevator came out. The screaming voice belonged to a statuesque brunette wearing a sky blue skirt suit.
"And take this crap with you!" she yelled at him.
The female executive proceeded to fling the handful of papers she was holding at the young man. The loose documents scattered in every direction out into the hallway. Wayne immediately got down on his hands and knees and began gathering up his papers. The angry woman followed him into the hallway. Apparently she wasn't finished with him yet.
"I need your program's efficiency improved by 5%. I don't care if your team has to work all fucking night, because this has to be ready by 6am tomorrow morning, and I won't be here to cover your sorry ass this time. If I come back and Simmons tells me the program wasn't ready, you're FIRED!"
Then she suddenly realized she had an audience and turned to face us.
"Who the hell are you two?" she asked.
Her green eyes reminded me of Cindy's, but the similarities ended there, as this woman's eyes felt like lasers as she almost dared me to open my mouth.
"Um, the receptionist said we could talk to you," I said in a weak voice.
"Oh, yes, I forgot. This better not take long," she said as she turned her back to us, rudely, and returned to her office.
Tatiana followed her inside. I looked down at Wayne as he was just picking up the last of the papers. He looked at me and blushed as he stood up, embarrassed that I had witnessed his reprimand. He didn't say a word. I gave him a friendly smile before joining Tatiana and closed the door behind me.
Miss Turner's office was large and richly furnished. There were two high backed leather easy chairs in front of her desk, but the woman blocked our access to them as she turned to face us. Apparently, she wanted us to remain standing. I looked to Tatiana and she gave me a nod to go ahead.
"I, um, was wondering if I could see..." Just then the phone on her desk rang.
"Hold that thought," Miss Turner interrupted.
She turned her back and reached across her large desk to answer the phone. Her long, shapely legs, covered in sheer white pantyhose, stretched out in front of us. They started from a pair of black, five inch high heels and disappeared under a skirt that was much too short to be worn at the office, I thought. I glanced at Tatiana and noticed she was staring at the woman's behind.
"What is it now?" the woman said into the phone, straightening up, but still keeping her back to us.
There was a long pause while she listened to the caller.
Miss Turner turned to us and put her hand over the phone so the caller wouldn't hear.
"Are all guys fucking morons?" she asked without expecting an answer.
Then she spoke into the phone.
"Roger, look, I can't keep fixing all your problems. I don't have time to deal with this shit right now. I'm not even supposed to be working today, it's Sunday."
There was another long pause.
"Damn it, Roger! No! You can't do that! ...... Hold on!! I'm coming over... Just give me a few minutes to finish up something....... I have to baby-sit a couple of visitors first and then I'll be right down. JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL I GET THERE!!!"
She slammed the phone down and walked around to the other side of her desk.
"Gosh, what a fuck up he is," she said, and collapsed into her chair, suddenly seeming very tired.
She looked at the clock on the wall which read 5:40pm.
"Damn it, I was hoping to leave by six so I can start my vacation."
Then she turned her attention back to us.
"It was actually supposed to have begun on Friday. But, no, I am surrounded by jackasses that can't do anything without me. So here I am on a Sunday, working instead. Anyway, what was it you wanted again?"
"I...I... I... was w-w-wondering if I could see my husband, Brian Young?" I stammered. "I'm Samantha, his wife."
"He's not here," she said abruptly. "They transferred his team this morning."
Tatiana chimed in, "We were told that you could tell us where they sent him?"
Miss Turner didn't bother to acknowledge Tatiana's question though. Instead her eyes seemed to be transfixed on my bosom. I took a step back as she was making me feel uneasy.
Finally, she pulled her eyes away. "Let me make a phone call and I'll see what I can find out."
She picked up her phone and dialed.
"Frank?... Jennifer Turner here.... Listen, can you tell me where Brian Young's team was transferred to?.... I have his wife here in my office looking for him...OK...OK, yes I know... I see... And that came from Reynolds?... OK, I'll tell them."
She hung up and shook her head at me.
"Did he say where they went?" I asked hopefully.
"Yes, but I'm not allowed to tell you, it's top secret."
"What?" I cried.
"Your husband is working on a very important government project right now and they've moved him to a more secure location. You'll just have to wait until he's done."
I looked at Tatiana for help. What now? I thought.
Tatiana pleaded, "Look, this girl's been through a lot today and her friend is in serious trouble. Can't you just tell us where he is and then maybe we can go to see him?"
Miss Turner shook her head, "Listen! I said I can't tell you and that's that. Now you better leave before you really piss me off!" She was starting to get angry again.
Tatiana begged, "Her friend could die and she needs to talk to him before it's too late. It won't hurt anyone to just tell us where he is. Please."
I was surprised to hear Tatiana begging. It seemed as if she was getting desperate that her plan wasn't going to work. But Jennifer Turner wasn't changing her mind. She stood up and glared at Tatiana.
"I told you to get out! Now go!" She pointed at the door.
Tatiana appeared ready to jump across the desk at her. I watched her hands clench into fists, and for a moment I was afraid she would take a swing at the pretty executive. I had to do something before it got ugly.
"Maybe we should go," I said to Tatiana.
But Tatiana was persistent. "Why are you so mean? Can't you find it in your heart to help this poor girl?"
I could tell she was forcing herself not to sound angry, but she wasn't fooling Jennifer.
"That's it, you stupid bitch! GET OUT!" Jennifer screamed at her. "Get out of my fucking office, NOW or I'll call security!!!"
With that she picked up the phone. Tatiana took a step towards Jennifer and I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Come on, we don't want to cause any trouble."
Tatiana spun around and pushed me away.
"Don't touch m... sorry, you're right. We should go."
She turned back to Miss Turner. "We're sorry to bother you. We'll be going now."
Jennifer hung up the phone and sat back down in her chair. Her eyes followed Tatiana all the way to the door. I gently pulled Tatiana into the hallway with me and closed the door behind us. Tatiana shrugged me off and stormed away toward the elevator.
"Come on, let's get out of here," she said angrily as I trailed behind her.
I followed her past the receptionist's desk without responding to the goodbye Mrs. Conway gave us. We took the first elevator and headed down. Once inside, Tatiana let out a scream of rage and slammed her fist into the wall.
"Damn it! That FUCKING bitch is going to pay!!"
She didn't say another word to me the rest of the trip down. The door opened and she marched for the exit, expecting me to follow.
The guards waved to us as we passed by, but Tatiana ignored them. We left the building and headed across the parking lot. I struggled to keep up with her. She finally slowed her pace when we reached the middle of the lot. Then she stopped and pulled out her cell phone.
"Sergei...Come pick us up by the main entrance. We've got a problem. I'm changing our plans.... I'll explain when you get here."
She hung up and started walking again as we left through the front gate. Ivan pulled up from the right, on the other side of the street. He parked along the curb and waited while we crossed over. Aleksei opened the left rear door from inside for us and Tatiana waited for me to get in first before she entered. Aleksei was on my right now as we drove away.
Tatiana immediately began speaking rapidly in Russian to Sergei. She was very angry and seemed to spit out Jennifer's name when she came to that part of her story. I had no idea what they said but Tatiana seemed to be instructing them of a new plan. Ivan drove around to the back of the building and parked near the exit of the SSI employee parking garage.
Sergei turned around to address me, "You did a fine job. Our plans have changed so we need you to keep quiet and stay out of the way. If you promise not to speak I won't gag you. Aleksei, please handcuff her again."
I nodded agreement as I let Aleksei pull my hands together behind my back and cuff them. Tatiana took back my purse and removed Cathy's badge and the wig. Then we waited.
Thirty minutes went by, and Tatiana kept looking at her watch the whole time. She was growing more and more anxious with every passing minute. Aleksei was keeping his eye on the street and along the sidewalk. Finally a car exited the parking garage. Tatiana snapped to attention but then sighed.
"That's not her."
The car drove away. A few more cars left the garage, but every time the driver was not who they wanted. It wasn't until another fifteen minutes passed before their target finally emerged. A red convertible pulled out with Jennifer Turner behind the wheel.
"That's the bitch. Go after her!" Tatiana exclaimed.
Ivan pulled out and followed her down the street. Tatiana directed him to stay back a little as she traveled through town. We drove for quite some time and eventually left the city and the suburbs behind. All of the buildings had disappeared along the route, and all of the other cars. We were directly behind her now. Tatiana leaned forward to speak to Ivan.
"Ok, this is far enough. Hit her at the next stop."
From the middle of the back seat I had a clear view of the convertible in front of us. Miss Turner seemed oblivious to the fact that she was being followed. She had removed her suit jacket and was letting her hair fly loose in the wind, relaxing as she drove to escape the problems of her work. She came up to a red light and stopped. Ivan, however, did not stop. I screamed as Ivan intentionally drove his truck into the back of the small sports car. We weren't going fast enough to cause major damage to the vehicles, but the force of the impact threw me between the two front seats onto my face. The wind was knocked out of me and I banged my chin. I pulled myself up, gasping for air, and watched as Jennifer Turner got out of her car and approached the truck, screaming.
"You fucking asshole! Look what you did to my car! Why don't you watch where you're going?"
Tatiana and Aleksei pulled out their guns and rushed out at her. Tatiana reached her first.
"Shut the fuck up, and get in the truck!" She ordered as she shoved her pistol into Jennifer's face.
Jennifer's eyes went wide as she froze with fear. Tatiana wasted no time and grabbed the brunette by the hair and dragged her over to the truck, keeping the gun barrel pressed against her temple the whole time. She had left her door open and forced the pretty executive to climb in.
"Don't say a fucking word and get your ass in the truck, NOW!"
With that she shoved Miss Turner up and in and gave her a vicious swat on the behind during the process. Aleksei looked around to see if anyone was watching and then got into the convertible.
Jennifer was shoved in next to me, and Tatiana forced us all to slide over to make room for her as she squeezed in along side. She pulled the door shut and immediately the two vehicles pulled away. Aleksei was now driving Miss Turner's car.
Jennifer suddenly recognized who we were. "You're the two women that were just in my office. What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Shut the fuck up, bitch! I have a score to settle with you."
Tatiana's anger from the first meeting had never waned as she continued, "Put your face down into her lap! NOW!"
"Fuck you!" Jennifer spat.
Tatiana backhanded her across the cheek with her gun hand. Then she grabbed the stunned woman by the shoulders, turned her torso towards me, and shoved her face first into my thighs.
"Ow!!" Jennifer squealed and tried to get back up.
Tatiana leaned onto her back and used her superior position and weight as leverage to hold the vixen down. But Jennifer wasn't about to give up and started twisting and squirming with all her strength as she flailed her arms around. I grunted from the weight of them as the two women fought and struggled on top of me. With my hands cuffed behind my back I was helpless to do anything.
"Get off me!" Jennifer cried as she managed to hit Tatiana with an elbow to the ribs.
Tatiana grimaced with pain and then whacked the brunette on the back of the head with the butt of her gun. Jennifer slumped down in a heap, barely moving.
Tatiana put the gun down and rubbed her side. "Damn it! That really hurt!" she growled. "Give me some rope so I can tie this bitch up."
Sergei tossed a bundle of rope to her. Tatiana pulled out a knife and cut off a length of it. She grabbed the wrists of the moaning Jennifer and pulled them behind her back. She quickly tied them together and then cut another piece. She used that one around the woman's elbows and pulled them together until they touched. Jennifer groaned loudly as the pain seemed to be waking her up.
"Oww, that hurts!" she started complaining.
Tatiana finished cinching off the elbow ropes and then reached down and grabbed the pretty executive's legs. She tried to pull them up but Jennifer kicked them free. The woman had much more fight left in her and wasn't ready to give up. Tatiana cursed at her in Russian as she struggled to keep from getting a heel in the face.
"Sergei, could you give me a hand here?"
Sergei turned around to help. He pulled out his large knife and grabbed Jennifer's arm. Jennifer turned her face to him and almost caught the blade with her cheek. Sergei held his knife up to her neck.
"Don't move woman, or I will cut your pretty face!"
Jennifer stopped kicking but still resisted verbally.
"Leave me alone, you bastards. You'll pay for this when I get free."
Sergei chuckled, "Then we'll be certain to make sure you don't."
Tatiana, meanwhile, was tying Jennifer's ankles together. Once they were bound, good and tight, she used another piece of rope and tied it around Jennifer's thighs, just above the knees.
"Let me go, you asshole!" Jennifer continued to hurl insults at her female captor.
Tatiana ignored her and checked all the knots to make sure they were all very secure. The sexy executive was now her helpless prisoner. Tatiana pulled Miss Turner up. Jennifer's eyes were blazing fire and her mouth was spewing obscenities.
"It's time to shut you up!" Tatiana declared.
Right on cue, Sergei handed her one of the wads and Tatiana held it up to Jennifer's mouth.
"Open up bitch!"
"Fuck you!"
"I was hoping that would be your reaction. Now we can do this the hard way."
Tatiana grabbed the front of Jennifer's blouse and ripped it open, causing the buttons to go flying. Then her hand plunged inside the bound woman's bra and found her nipple. Tatiana gave it a vicious twist.
Jennifer's mouth opened in agony and was immediately stuffed with the cloth. Tatiana shoved it home and then clamped her left hand over Jennifer's mouth to hold it in. She turned Jennifer to face towards me and brought her right arm around the pretty executive's waist from behind. I watched Jennifer's chest thrust outward as Tatiana pulled the bound woman to her. Jennifer's eyes glared angrily as she struggled to twist away. But the poor girl was bound too tightly and Tatiana held her in a weak position. As Jennifer squirmed, her blouse fell wide open and slid down off her shoulders. Jennifer's ample breasts, framed by a sexy, light blue, satin and lace bra, jiggled in front of me. Jennifer's green eyes met mine briefly and her face flushed when she saw me staring at her exposed chest.
Tatiana whispered into Jennifer's ear, "What a fine catch you are. Now I'm glad we had to change our plans. Sergei, give me that roll of tape."
Sergei brought the roll of wide, white tape out and pulled a piece out to get it started for her. Tatiana, took the roll with her right hand, and then brought the loose end up to Jennifer's mouth. Jennifer squealed and renewed her struggling as she fought to keep from getting taped. Tatiana pulled Jennifer's head back and used her left hand to press the loose end to her prisoner's left cheek. Then she wrapped the tape over Jennifer's lips and all the way around her head. She passed it over her mouth a second time and again around her head. Jennifer's whimpering was muffled more and more with each pass. Tatiana wrapped it around a third time before she tore it off and pressed the loose end down. She used both hands to smooth it all down and seal it off completely.
Tatiana tossed the roll back to Sergei and sneered at her, "That's the way I like it. A nasty bitch like you needs her mouth stuffed and taped. No more noise from you."
Jennifer tried to complain but only a muffled grunt was heard.
"What's that? Got something to say bitch?" Tatiana snickered.
Jennifer just glared at her angrily. Tatiana looked down at the woman's chest.
"That's a nice pair of tits you got there girl, and a real sexy bra too."
Jennifer grunted and turned away from her.
"Come back here, I'm just getting started with you," Tatiana said, as she grabbed her prisoner.
Tatiana pulled Jennifer's back against her chest again as she hugged her with both arms from behind. Tatiana's tongue licked Jennifer's ear causing the bound woman to grunt angrily. But Tatiana continued, and kissed her neck and sucked on it noisily. Tatiana's right hand left Jennifer's waist and slowly made its way up her belly. Jennifer looked down and squealed with alarm as she watched Tatiana's hand approaching her breasts. Tatiana ran her hands across the bra and then up to her prisoner's breast bone. She caressed the swell of Jennifer's mounds gently as the bound woman groaned a complaint. Tatiana's probing fingers slipped beneath the satin and slowly squeezed her soft flesh.
"Mmmmm...so firm...so sexy...," Tatiana whispered. "Your body is so hot. I bet the men at the office just drool all over these titties, don't they? I have an idea how to make this even better."
Jennifer screeched helplessly and looked at Tatiana with a bit of worry. Tatiana pulled her hand out and let it travel to her prisoner's left shoulder. She grabbed the strap of Jennifer's bra and slid it down her arm as she nibbled on her earlobe. Then she did the same to the right strap. The Russian woman renewed the suckling of Jennifer's neck while her hand returned to the bound woman's breasts. Jennifer mewed helplessly as Tatiana pulled down her bra and exposed the hardening nipples and large tits. She gently pinched one tiny bud between her fingers causing her prisoner to inhale sharply. Jennifer glared at her angrily but couldn't prevent being fondled.
"Ooooh yesss...I love the feel of your tits! So lush and firm. You're in my hands now, dear. All mine. You don't like losing control do you?"
Tatiana looked into her prisoner's eyes and got a flash of hatred.
"You're a strong woman who likes being in control, aren't you?"
Tatiana stroked and fondled the helpless woman's soft orbs, making the nipples engorge fully from the attention. She kept massaging them as she continued her verbal torment of the young businesswoman.
"I saw you in your office... in command... making the men do as you wish... You probably enjoy being in control of men... making them bend to your will... your desires..."
Tatiana brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked on them briefly to moisten them. Then she looked at me to make sure I was watching her. I licked my lips nervously as I fidgeted against the rope between my legs. Tatiana stroked the pretty executive's breasts with her wet fingers. Jennifer closed her eyes and whimpered helplessly as Tatiana massaged and kneaded her tits. Jennifer's breathing started to quicken as her body began to respond to her captor's touch.
Tatiana whispered into Jennifer's ear as she tickled the woman's nipples with her fingertips, "I like to be in control too... I like to take control of women... of women who think they are in control... women who don't know what it's like to lose control... to be helpless... tied up... gagged... unable to complain... unable to resist... can't resist my touch... my desires... can't resist those feelings inside... burning inside of you... your desires...to be taken...and touched... and used..."
Tatiana continued to gently caress the bound woman's breasts and nipples until Jennifer's grunts turned into moans. Jennifer's eyes were half closed, as the woman lulled her head back, losing control of herself. Suddenly, she let out a moan of ecstasy and opened her eyes for just a moment and looked right at me.
"This turns you on doesn't it?" Tatiana asked.
"Doesn't it?" she repeated louder.
I looked up at Tatiana and realized she was asking me. I blushed and turned away. Tatiana laughed.
"I saw you staring, honey. Don't be embarrassed by what you feel. You like watching don't you?"
"No," I said and shook my head.
I was lying. Deep inside I knew she was right. There was something strangely erotic about watching the helpless woman respond to her touch, and the look on her face and in her eyes. Those green eyes. Cindy's eyes. I stared out the window and wished my friend were here. I needed her... badly.
Chapter 5 (added: 08/20/2009)
Aleksei steered Jennifer's convertible onto a ramp headed for the freeway. The large black pickup with the load of terrorists and captives followed close behind.
Sergei's voice came from the front seat, "I hate to spoil your fun back there, but we're about to get on the highway. You need to get her out of sight."
Tatiana frowned, "Aw, just when it was getting good too."
She released her grasp of Jennifer's tits and turned the woman to face her.
"All right bitch," she commanded. "Get on the floor!"
Jennifer refused to obey. She growled at Tatiana from beneath the tape gag and shook her head no. This angered the Russian woman, so she grabbed the rope around the businesswoman's knees and yanked her legs up onto her lap, thus turning Jennifer so her back was to me. Tatiana placed a hand on Jennifer's hip and, with a rude shove, dumped her onto the floor. Jennifer grunted loudly as she landed on her bottom and fell back against her bound arms, her bare tits bouncing freely. Tatiana then pushed her legs off so the topless woman was now completely on the floor of the back seat. With a smirk of triumph, Tatiana placed her high heels on Jennifer's nylon covered thighs and pressed down on them. Jennifer glared up at her over the tape wrapped around her mouth. My own feet got tangled up in Jennifer's hair, so Tatiana patted the seat next to her.
"Bring your feet up here dear," she said. "I have an idea."
Not wanting to disobey, I swung my legs up so my feet were beside her. She unbuckled my shoes and tossed them aside. Then she grinned evilly.
"Now I want you to use your toes and tickle her breasts."
I was about to ask why, but thought better of it, and decided not to question her strange request. I figured that following her commands was in my best interest so I placed my bare feet onto Jennifer's tits. The half naked woman immediately shot me a dirty look.
"Sorry," I said, as I gently ran my toes over her nipples.
Tatiana smacked me on the shoulder. "Quiet! I don't want to hear anything from you for the rest of the trip, unless you want to join her on the floor with a gag in your mouth. And don't stop massaging her titties unless I say so! Got it?"
I nodded and continued rubbing Jennifer's breasts with my feet. And so the remainder of the trip back was in silence, except for the occasional whimper or moan from Jennifer.
Night had fallen and it was getting late. Sergei made a cell phone call back to the cabin and told them we were on the way back and would be arriving just after 9PM. Tatiana pulled my head down to her lap, so I figured we were getting close. As expected, about fifteen minutes later I felt the truck turn onto the bumpy uphill path to the cabin and, shortly after that, we stopped.
"OK, here we are, home sweet home," she said as she let me up. "Everybody out."
Sergei exited first and opened the door for me. I was about to ask for my shoes but then I noticed Tatiana was stuffing them into the duffel bag. I guess I will be barefoot now, I thought. I glanced down at the bound Jennifer, who was still giving me an evil stare, just before leaving the truck. I felt guilty about what I had just done to her but I told myself that I wasn't given a choice. I climbed out and Sergei roughly pushed me towards the cabin. Aleksei parked the sports car and came over to help Tatiana pull Jennifer out of the truck. He picked up the bound executive and carried her in his arms while she mumbled complaints through her gag as his hand went up her skirt.
As we entered the cabin, the aroma of cooked food hit my nose. Anya was tending to some pots on the stove while the other men were putting plates on the table. I was immediately reminded how hungry I was, since I hadn't eaten all day. But Sergei marched me right past the table and over to the side wall on the left.
There were several rings bolted to the wall, about waist high, that I hadn't noticed before. He found a padlock nearby and used it to lock the chain of my handcuffs to one of the rings. Then he retrieved the duffel bag and pulled out a ball gag. Damn it, not again, I thought. Sure enough, he brought the annoying ball of rubber over to me and held it up. I frowned and reluctantly opened my mouth. The ball was pushed in, forcing my mouth to open even wider. I gurgled with a bit of surprise, forgetting how large and hard it felt in my mouth, as it passed my teeth. He buckled the straps tightly and then left to join the others. I mouthed and struggled with the rubber as it took me a moment to get used to it again. Then I glanced over my shoulder and confirmed what I feared. My wrists were now securely locked to the wall behind me and I would not be able to get free without a key.
Tatiana approached with a knife. I whimpered in fear, not from getting slashed, but because I knew what the real purpose of the knife was going to be.
"Oh come on, honey. Did you really think I was going to let you keep your clothes?"
A few moments later, my blouse and skirt lie on the floor in shreds. I was left standing there in my underwear, the lingerie that belonged to Cindy, ivory colored, French, silk panties with lace, and a matching bra that was one cup size too small for me. My DD sized breasts bulged over the top of it provocatively and my nipples protruded from beneath the thin material. I squirmed with embarrassment as the woman eyed me lustfully and looked down at the front of my panties. The crotch rope I still wore was splitting my sex underneath them, and a wet spot had been forming there all day. Tatiana looked into my eyes and smiled as her hand touched the rope. She tugged on it gently and I whimpered softly.
"I think you really enjoy being tied up, don't you?" she grinned.
I grunted and shook my head, no.
"Oh? Then why are your panties so wet?"
I blushed slightly and looked down in shame.
She lifted my chin back up with her hand. "You have been a good girl today, Samantha. I think you deserve a reward. Would you like that?"
I didn't know how to answer, nor did I want to. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see her smirking face, but I could still feel her breath as her mouth drew closer. I turned my head sideways and whimpered helplessly as she kissed me on the cheek. Then I felt her hands on my body. One hand started rubbing my panties and the other was on my bra, kneading my tits through the silk. My breathing and heart rate accelerated and a moan escaped my gagged mouth before I could hold it back.
"I have something 'fun' in mind for you later. But for now I'll give you some freedom by taking this off."
She reached behind my back and cut the crotch rope with her knife. She slowly pulled the loose rope out from the front, allowing it to slide through my cunt on the way. I shuddered as it passed over my clit. Then she cut the loop around my waist and let it drop to the floor. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I was finally free of that annoying rope, and opened my eyes. There was a red line left behind on my skin around my belly and one going down into my panties.
Tatiana held my chin and kissed the ball between my teeth. Then she opened her mouth wide so that her lips could go around the ball and touch my own. She sucked on the rubber while kissing me at the same time. Her hands were in my hair, gripping it tightly to keep me from pulling away. She kissed me deeply, using the ball from the gag like a tongue that passed back and forth between our mouths. Her body pressed against me and I felt her breasts touching my own. Then she pulled away suddenly, leaving me gasping for air.
"I'll be back in a bit, darling. Don't go away."
She turned her back and walked away while a line of drool dribbled down my chest.
Aleksei entered, and carried Jennifer over to the wall opposite me. I saw that additional rings were bolted to that wall as well. The big man stood Jennifer up against one of them. Tatiana came over with a pair of hand cuffs and locked them to Jennifer's wrists and then padlocked her to the wall ring like they had done to me. Then she pulled out her knife and cut the ropes from the businesswoman's wrists and arms. She cut and tore the remains of Jennifer's blouse off of her too, and did the same to the woman's dangling bra. Jennifer mumbled insults at her through the tape but it was to no avail. Tatiana left the woman completely naked from the waist up.
"That's a marvelous set of knockers you have there. Do you mind if I enjoy them for a while?"
She mocked the gagged woman. "Oh, I'm sorry, you can't talk can you? That pretty tape gag over your mouth means you can't say no, doesn't it? I'll just help myself then," she said as she began massaging the bound woman's breasts.
She took one in each hand and slowly rubbed them until the nipples hardened. Then she leaned forward and kissed and suckled on the soft orbs. She nibbled at the tiny buds and licked them with her tongue. Jennifer grunted and squealed as she tried to pull away. I heard the clank of metal as her cuffed hands jerked against the ring behind her. She tossed her head back, squirming and moaning, as her bare breasts were licked and teased by Tatiana's eager tongue. The Russian blonde rose up and plastered a big kiss on her captive's taped lips. Then she took a step back.
"Stay right here sweetie, OK?" she said as she pinched one of Jennifer's nipples.
"NNNNNNN!!" Jennifer complained.
"I'll be back to play with you later. I need to go eat my dinner first," she said, as she left to take a seat at the table.
Jennifer and I stared at each other for a moment, she, topless, tape gagged, and bound at knees and ankles, and I ball gagged and bound in lingerie. She was glaring angrily at me for some reason. I couldn't figure out why - Maybe she was still upset about the events of the ride here, or the fact that my breasts were covered and hers were not. Or maybe the woman was just mad all the time. I don't know, but she could at least be happy that her gag didn't make her drool, I thought. I sighed and waited helplessly for whatever was next.
Our captors ate their meal without giving us a second thought. After they finished, they removed their dirty plates and brought out new ones - four to be exact. Then Igor, Boris, and Tatiana each picked up a knife and headed down the hallway to where I had last seen the others. A few minutes later I heard scuffling footsteps approaching. My heart leapt with joy when I saw Rachel, Sara, and Cindy emerge. They were alive and well! They were no longer gagged, and Cindy smiled when she saw that I had returned safely. Their hands were now cuffed in front of them and they shuffled forward in a line on feet that were no longer bound. The three of them were herded over to the table and told to sit down. Then Tatiana approached me with some keys. She unlocked me from the wall and then removed my hand cuffs and gag.
"It's time to eat," she said. "Put your hands out in front."
I did so, and my wrists were immediately re-cuffed. Tatiana then dragged me over to an open spot at the table and forced me to sit down next to Cindy. Anya went around next and put food on our plates and poured water into our cups.
"Thanks," I said only to be rewarded with a slap on my back.
"Shut up!" Tatiana ordered. "You have exactly ten minutes, so I advise you to spend the time eating and not talking."
The four of us wasted no time and immediately started to eat. We were so famished that we stuffed the food in as fast as we could. We had to use our hands though, as they gave us no utensils. Igor and Tatiana stood nearby to watch over us and make sure we didn't attempt an escape.
Cindy leaned towards me and whispered between mouthfuls, "Are you OK?"
"Yes," I whispered, taking another bite. "You?"
Cindy nodded. "We're fine," she said as she glanced nervously at Igor, who was watching us like a hawk. "We better talk later."
We went back to eating in silence. I looked over to Jennifer and noticed she was watching us closely. The Russians had left her locked to the wall, so apparently they had no plans to allow her to join us. Poor girl, I thought, she probably envies us, and the look in her eyes told me I was probably right.
After we finished, they made us clean up all the dirty dishes. They treated us like slaves, but I didn't see how resisting would help. We were getting a little more freedom to walk around now, so I wasn't about to complain. They made sure to gag us first and gave us all the same ball gags we wore the first time we had arrived here.
It was now very late, and I was still nervous about the 'fun' Tatiana was planning. I saw her pull Sergei aside and hold a private conversation with him, away from the others. I assumed they were talking about us because the two of them kept looking our way. The moment their little talk ended, she came over.
"OK ladies, you all did a fine job. I shall be taking you, one by one, to visit the ladies room. After that we have a little show planned."
A show? I thought. I wondered what she had in mind.
Tatiana and Igor came over and un-cuffed our wrists, but only so they could re-cuff them behind our backs. Then Tatiana escorted us one at a time to the restroom. She entered the tiny room with us and 'helped' us take down and then pull up our clothes as needed. Then, as we were brought out, Igor took us over to stand opposite of Jennifer, and locked our wrists to the rings in the wall. He squatted down and tied my ankles together with rope, and then did the same to the other girls. The four of us were all lined up across from the topless executive. Anya and all the men, except for Igor, took a seat on the couches. Igor joined Tatiana in the center of the room, near the oak table. The two of them whispered to one another for a moment. Then Tatiana approached us and pulled out her knife again. She addressed the audience on the sofas as if she were an announcer.
"Before we get started with our evening of activities, we need to make sure our main attractions, is...well...attractive."
She went over to Rachel, the first in line, and grabbed the top of her maid's uniform. She proceeded to rip the front of it wide open. Rachel squealed in dismay as her curvaceous figure was now boldly displayed. Tatiana used her knife to cut the uniform off, leaving the young, blonde-haired girl with just her white cotton panties and bra. Her breasts were a bit on the small side, but they stood out attractively in contrast to her slim, tanned body.
Sara was the next in line, and protested with loud grunting and squirming while Tatiana sliced her uniform away. The lingerie she wore underneath was rather sexy for a woman in her 30s. Her panties were a light blue, boy short style. They were very skimpy in the rear, as the cheeks of her ass stuck out provocatively. Her bra was white and frilly with ruffles all along the edges. Tatiana nodded her approval.
"I love your choice in underwear, dear. Did you pick it out just for me?"
She ran her finger along the ruffles, tickling her shapely captive. Sara shivered from her touch and let out a soft whimper. Tatiana's finger then traced a slow line down her captive's belly, from her bra to her panties, making Sara tremble nervously. Tatiana slipped her hand inside the woman's panties which caused a quick intake of breath and a soft moan. The helpless girl mewled into her gag as the probing fingers worked their magic on her delicate body for a minute or two. I watched as Sara's abdomen shuddered uncontrollably while her captor fondled her sex. Sara snorted through her nose and moaned loudly. Then Tatiana pulled away, leaving the poor woman panting around her ball gag, and approached Cindy.
The green eyed beauty eyed her anxiously. She shrank back as the Russian woman's knife made contact with her top, between her tits. The sharp blade slid underneath the material, and one hard pull, cut the laces that were holding the front of it together. Cindy's firm breasts sprang free as her top split open. The remaining shoulder strap was cut too and the shredded fabric fell to the ground. Tatiana reached for her prisoner's shorts next and slowly pulled them down her thighs. Then she used the knife to cut them off as well. Cindy grunted angrily at being stripped down to her pink satin panties. The men in the room immediately voiced their approval of the stunning beauty, now mostly naked before them. Cindy's face reddened from all the hoots and hollers but she held her head up proudly.
"Wow!" was all Tatiana could say at first, as she looked her captive up and down. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever layed eyes on."
She reached out her hand to pinch one of Cindy's nipples, hard. Cindy winced but didn't cry out, holding her composure. She met her captor, eye to eye, in defiance.
"Oh, you are a proud one aren't you? I bet you just love your body and what it does to the men... so hot and sexy... making the men go crazy with desire. You probably love to tease them too, don't you?"
Cindy's eyes narrowed but she didn't answer.
"Oh come on, I know you're type - running around in those slinky outfits with the short shorts, mini skirts, and low cut tops. You can't tell me I'm wrong. If it isn't true, then why weren't you wearing a bra?"
Cindy's face flushed at that remark.
"I think it's time to give you a taste of your own medicine. How would you like to be teased and turned on, and then ignored? What would you do if a woman made love to you? Hmm?"
Not waiting for an answer, the Russian woman stepped back and pulled her own shirt off. Cindy's eyes widened with surprise. We were all shocked, as none of us had expected her to do that. Tatiana proceeded to strip even further and removed her shoes and pants. She stood there in just her white bra and panties, watching her four captives' eyes as they wondered up and down over her athletic body. She stepped closer to Cindy and reached out a hand to caress my friend's cheek. She ran her finger slowly along the gag strap, outlining the entire length of it, from her captive's right cheek to the left cheek, and all around the ball between her lips.
"I just love how your lips caress that ball... the ball that fills your mouth... filling it so fully... so you can't speak... or complain... or resist..."
She reached under Cindy's hair by her ear and stroked her neck. Then she grabbed a handful of her captive's light brown hair and pulled Cindy's head back. Tatiana leaned forward and softly kissed her on the throat. Her tongue came out and licked her neck and along her cheek. Cindy shivered when she reached her ear, almost giggling. Tatiana nibbled at her ear and pushed her tongue inside it causing goose bumps to appear on the topless girl's skin. I heard the rattle of Cindy's handcuffs as she tried unsuccessfully to twist away.
Tatiana's hands were on Cindy's slim waist now, holding her by the hips. Tatiana slid her left hand behind the bound girl's back and grabbed a fistful of the pink satin on her captive's buttocks. She pulled the bound girl against herself, causing their panties to rub against each other. Then her right hand slowly worked its way up Cindy's belly. Tatiana brushed her fingertips over her captive's navel and tickled her skin, searching even higher, up, up, until she found the firm mounds. Cindy's tits swelled as she took in a large breath. The Russian blonde explored her captive's chest, massaging the soft orbs with both hands, kneading and squeezing them. I watched my friend bite into her gag, deeply, and close her eyes while groaning softly. Tatiana fondled her prisoner's breasts and continued to kiss Cindy's face.
"You love to have your breasts touched," she whispered. "So full and soft... so sexy... it feels so good to have them touched... and held... to be held by a woman."
Her hands did exactly that, gently cupping the large orbs with her fingers.
"Your will to resist is melting... melting under my hot lips. You want me to kiss you... and touch you... to touch your breasts... and make them tingle... it arouses you... arouses your nipples... making them grow harder... and harder... making them swell with desire... aching to be touched... you want me to touch them... to kiss them..."
Tatiana moved her mouth lower now, licking and kissing as she went. Down Cindy's neck and chest she traveled, until her lips were on her tits. She licked all around and over them at first, moistening the entire surface. Then I watched as the tip of her tongue slowly extended until it touched the tiny bud of Cindy's nipple. Cindy's upper body jerked back violently, as if shocked by electricity. Her breathing quickened as I watched my friend's breasts rise and fall in rapid succession. Tatiana slowly leaned her mouth in closer. Cindy backed up against the wall, whimpering as she stared down at her own quivering nipple, unable to keep it away from the invading tongue that tickled at it once again. Tatiana's lips surrounded the stiff bud and pulled it into her mouth as she sucked on it. Cindy's shoulders started shaking and her belly convulsing as she was helpless to stop it. The blonde woman sucked and licked on her breast, over and over, and did the same to the other one. Then she stood up and wrapped her left arm around Cindy's waist and pulled the helpless beauty closer again. Cindy struggled to keep her poise as the woman pushed a thigh between her legs and whispered in her ear.
"I can feel your pussy on my thigh now... through your panties... I can feel how warm and wet you are getting... your panties are so wet... wet with anticipation... you want me... and need me... to touch you..."
Cindy glanced at me briefly and then closed her eyes. I saw the look on her face and could tell she was having much difficulty in holding back her excitement. I was too. I could feel myself getting wet and tingly between my legs.
Tatiana's right hand plunged down inside of Cindy's panties and stroked her pussy. Cindy inhaled sharply and fought back a moan, her hands pulling against the iron ring uselessly, and her thighs squirming. She tried to pull away but the ropes and cuffs held her fast. There was no way to prevent what was happening to her. Tatiana's fingers found their way to the bound woman's clit and caressed it softly. Cindy threw her head back, her breasts heaving as the fingers began to massage her most sensitive spot. She clamped her teeth into the ball to keep from crying out.
"Oh yes... you are wet... wet with desire... you need my touch... the desire is growing inside of you... it feels so good... your pussy feels so good right now..."
Tatiana placed her left hand on Cindy's ass and pushed the bound girl forward, holding her against her right hand which was pressed into her cunt. She continued rubbing on Cindy's clitoris harder and harder while she whispered into her struggling captive's ear.
"You can't hold it back... you feel it building up inside of you... you feel it in your pussy... you can't resist it any longer... you need to let it out... you want to cry out... cry out for me!!"
The sound didn't come from Cindy... or Tatiana... It was me. I couldn't contain myself and had accidentally let it out. I was ashamed of myself and was glad to discover that no one else had heard my cry because they were all focusing on my friend.
Cindy was sweating now as she grimaced with the effort to hold herself back. She was trying desperately not to give in to this woman. But Tatiana's fingers were relentless on her clit, rubbing and stroking it under her panties, stimulating it, and forcing the sexual energy inside to come out. I could see Cindy's pelvis convulsing and throbbing against the woman's hand, faster and faster. Cindy couldn't hold it back any longer, she shuddered and snorted and cried out, all at once.
"Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhhhh... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
It started low and rose to a crescendo as Cindy was about to explode over the edge. But Tatiana suddenly pulled her hand out and stepped back.
"Not so fast young lady! I'm not letting you cum just yet."
Cindy groaned loudly with disappointment, despite herself, and thrust her pelvis out for more attention. She hadn't reached an orgasm yet, and wanted one, and needed one. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to rub herself but it was no use. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly as she panted and her loins trembled. The perspiration rolled down her face and chest as Tatiana smiled at her cruelly.
"My, you really got excited there didn't you honey?"
Cindy looked up at her tormentor, groaning in anguish. I watched my friend closely, as she slobbered around the ball gag, gasping and moaning. She looked at me through strands of sweat soaked hair. Her green eyes were pleading for release as the escaping climax slowly began to fade.
Tatiana chortled, "I think you almost enjoyed that as much as I did... Well, it's time to move on to the next event."
She spun around and headed for Jennifer.
She signaled Igor to join her, and the two of them unlocked Jennifer from the wall. Igor held the topless women's arms firmly while Tatiana removed the hand cuffs from her wrists. Keeping the woman's arms behind her back, Tatiana bent them at the elbow and brought each wrist up to the opposite elbow. She used some rope to tie them in that position and hold her arms folded behind her back. Then she took her knife and cut the ropes around the woman's ankles, but left her knees tied together. Igor brought over a longer piece of rope and wrapped it around Jennifer's arms and upper body. He passed it around and under her breasts two times and then looped it around and above her breasts twice before tying it off. The effect squeezed her tits from the top and bottom causing them to bulge forward a bit. Then Tatiana used a smaller piece of rope and cinched the loops together between her breasts. This squeezed Jennifer's tits even more and elicited a groan of complaint from the sexy captive.
"There we go, that looks much better," Tatiana said, satisfied with the effect. "OK honey, now it's time to make you talk."
Igor stood behind the woman and held her by the shoulders, tilting her back. Jennifer's bound breasts were thrust outward. Tatiana reached out with her hand and pinched and held onto one of the nipples.
"Mmmmmmm!!" Jennifer moaned.
"I'm going to remove your gag now and you're going to tell us where Brian and Steve's team were transferred to. I want to know which facility they're at, and the address, and how long they plan to stay there."
She grabbed an edge of the tape around Jennifer's face and pulled it up just enough so she could slide her knife underneath and cut it. Then she ripped it off rudely.
"Owmmmmm!!" Jennifer wailed. She spit the soaked cloth out from her mouth. "Fuck you! I'm not telling you anything."
"Oh, so you want me to get rough do you?" Tatiana asked.
"I don't care what you do to me, bitch, it won't make me talk. You can kiss my ass for all I care!"
"Oh is that so? Well, I just might take you up on that offer. But first, I think naughty bitches, who don't listen, need to be spanked."
"You wouldn't dare! I'm a grown woman, an executive with a government firm. You can't spank me."
"I can and I will. Igor, remove her skirt please."
Jennifer seemed worried all of a sudden as the bald-headed giant approached.
"Don't you dare touch me. You can't do this to me."
Igor reached around her waist and unfastened her mini skirt and let it drop to the floor. The pretty executive whimpered softly and her face reddened. Her shapely legs were long and sexy, covered with sheer white nylons that were held up by a garter belt that matched in color and style to her panties and the bra she had worn earlier. The entire ensemble was made of light blue satin and lace and was very provocative. I was surprised to see a woman of her position and demeanor wearing such a sexy outfit. Tatiana eyed her newly stripped captive up and down, pausing as she focused on the woman's panties.
"You are a naughty little slut aren't you? Wearing a thong under your work clothes, and over top of your garters no less."
Jennifer's face reddened deeply.
"Who were you wearing these for, hmm? The men in the office? " Tatiana paused in thought for a moment. "No, I think not. I saw how disgusted you were by them. You couldn't wait to get out of there. Where were you going in such a hurry? To see a lover? Another woman perhaps?"
Jennifer lowered her head, too embarrassed to look her captor in the eye.
"Aha, I thought so. I saw how you stared at Samantha back in your office. You're attracted to large breasts aren't you? I might get more pleasure out of this than I thought," Tatiana chuckled.
She walked over to the bound woman and grabbed the front of Jennifer's panties.
"Follow me," she said as she pulled Jennifer along by her thong.
Jennifer's knees were still bound together so she had to kind of waddle after her. The Russian blonde led her over to stand in front of the table.
"I'll give you one more chance before we start. Will you tell me where Brian and Steve are?"
"Go to hell!"
Tatiana nodded to Igor and he immediately pulled out two pieces of rope. He used them to attach each of Jennifer's ankles to one of the table legs. Her high heeled feet were now pulled awkwardly apart. Since her knees were still bound, she was forced to squat slightly and stick her bottom out. She had to lean against the table for balance. Then he pulled out a longer piece of rope. He grabbed the bound executive and tied one of the ends to the cinching rope between her breasts.
"What are you doing? Leave me alone," she complained.
Igor walked around to the far side of the table, holding on to the other end of the rope as he went. Then he gathered up the slack and threatened to pull the sexy captive forward.
"Stop it! You can't do this to me." Jennifer complained.
"Are you going to tell me what I want?" Tatiana asked.
"Then, Igor, you may proceed," she said nonchalantly.
Igor pulled on the rope and forced Jennifer to bend forward. He didn't stop pulling until Jennifer's bound breasts hit the table top. Then he tied it off and came back around to this side so he could get a better view of the poor girl.
And what a sight it was! Jennifer's shapely bottom was now sticking up in the air, at the edge of the table. Her trembling cheeks danced before my eyes, spilt by her thong down the middle, and framed on each side by the straps of her garters. Tatiana couldn't resist taking advantage of the girl's helpless position and patted the woman's behind.
"Don't you dare touch me!" Jennifer cried. "Or I'll... I'll..."
"Or you'll what?" Tatiana finished for her. "Exactly what do you plan to do from that position?"
The executive sputtered to say something threatening. "I'll... I'll... Just keep your fucking hands off of me!"
"I'll do whatever I please with you, my dear, because you can't do anything about it."
Tatiana hooked a finger under each of Jennifer's garters and pulled them back as far as the elastic would stretch, and then let go. They stung the girl's buttocks with a loud SNAP!
"Owwww!" wailed Jennifer.
"How do you feel now?... Miss Jennifer Turner?" Tatiana asked, continuing to chastise her victim. "Bent over the table with your ass thrusting out... so vulnerable... waiting to be spanked..."
"Please. Don't do it. You can't spank me." Jennifer's demands sounded more like begging now.
"Oh, you will be spanked. There is no question about that. The real question is - When will it begin? I could leave you tied up like this for a while if I wanted to, and leave your ass sticking out so we can all enjoy the view. Or maybe I'll let some of the men come and enjoy it a little more intimately. Would you like that instead?"
"Fuck you!"
Tatiana's hands explored the bound girl's bottom, rubbing and goosing it, causing her captive to squirm. Then she brought her hand back and paused with it held in mid air. Jennifer noticed the room had suddenly grown quiet, and turned her head back to see what was going on. She was just in time to see Tatiana's hand come down with a loud SMACK, right onto the middle of her bottom. The sound rang loudly through the room and Jennifer gasped as her breath suddenly left her. I saw her fingers and wrists flexing as she pulled against her bonds in an effort to get free. Tatiana paused again, waiting for the woman to catch her breath.
The second blow was as loud as the first. Again the oxygen left Jennifer's lungs with a grunt of pain. Tatiana didn't wait this time and spanked her again with her bare hand.
Jennifer's body went rigid and her feet pulled at the ropes uselessly. Her head shot backward violently as she arched her back.
"Please, stop!" she cried.
Tatiana hesitated and then lowered her hand. Jennifer was panting rapidly.
"Are you ready to talk?" Tatiana asked her.
Jennifer's ass was turning red as the blonde continued to spank it.
Tatiana stopped and walked to the side of the table. She grabbed Jennifer by the hair and lifted her head up. I saw streaks of tears on the businesswoman's face.
Tatiana snarled at her prisoner. "I will only stop when you promise to tell me what I want to know."
"You evil, fucking bitch! I hate you!" She shouted, and spat into Tatiana's face.
Tatiana was livid. She wiped the spittle away and marched over to the duffel bag. She gave Igor a command in Russian while she dug through the bag for something. Igor cut the rope holding Jennifer down and then untied it from between her breasts and let her stand up. Tatiana finally found what she wanted and approached the resistant captive.
"I've wasted enough time being nice to you. Now I'll show you how serious I am. These little boys will make you talk."
She held up two strange looking metal clips that were attached to each other by a chain. Jennifer's expression instantly changed to concern.
"Wh-wh-what are those for?" she asked nervously.
"These are called nipple clamps, and this particular design is specially made to pinch even tighter whenever you pull on the chain."
The Russian woman reached out her hand and hefted Jennifer's right breast. The nipple was already engorged from the ropes squeezing her tits. Tatiana brought one of the clips towards the sensitive bud. Jennifer yelped and would have pulled away but Igor came over and held her steady. The clamp bit down onto her nipple.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Jennifer gasped with shock and pain.
Then Tatiana took the left breast and attached the second clamp to Jennifer's other nipple.
"Gaaahhhhhh, ow that hurts! Take them off!" Jennifer squealed.
"Oh come on, I think you're over reacting. I've worn these before and they don't hurt that much... once you get used to them, that is," she chuckled.
Jennifer whimpered and bit her lip. She seemed unconvinced that this was something she would get used to.
"Are you ready to talk?" Tatiana asked while tugging slightly on the connecting chain.
Jennifer didn't answer. She was too focused on trying to withstand the pain coursing through her tits. Tatiana took her silence as a "no" and raised her hand.
Tatiana spanked her again as she stood there. The sharp blow caused Jennifer's tits to jiggle and the chain between the clamps to swing to and fro. The burning sensation this caused was much stronger than Jennifer expected and she gasped loudly.
"Stop, stop!" Jennifer begged louder.
"All right, I'll talk, I'll talk!"
"Stop, I'll tell you what you want!" Jennifer wailed.
"Please!" Jennifer was crying now.
Tatiana didn't seem to be listening as she continued to strike the defenseless girl's bottom. If anything, she was swinging harder now.
"Please," Jennifer pleaded and sobbed. "I said I would talk, please stop!"
It was Anya that finally put an end to it.
"Nyet, nyet!!" she yelled as she came from out of no where and grabbed Tatiana's right hand, just as she was about to strike the weeping executive again.
The interruption set off a burst of rage in Tatiana, and she whirled around and went after the red head like a wild animal.
"Don't touch me!" she screamed and threw a left hook at Anya.
The woman ducked the blow and grabbed Tatiana's wrist and tried to wrestle her down. But Tatiana was much stronger. She pulled her right hand free of the weaker girl's grasp and used it to grab a fistful of her comrade's long hair. Tatiana pulled while at the same time tripping Anya with her foot. Anya lost her balance and fell backward, flailing her arms wildly for something to grab onto. She accidently caught Tatiana's bra with her clawing fingers and used it to pull Tatiana to the ground with her. The bra clasp broke on the way down causing Tatiana's breasts to burst free. Tatiana landed on top of the red head with her tits engulfing Anya's face. The weaker girl struggled for leverage but was quickly pinned down on her back. Tatiana repositioned herself and sat down on Anya's chest. She straddled herself over her defeated foe with her panty covered crotch spread wide in front of the pinned girl's face.
Anya's arms were now caught underneath the blonde's legs and she couldn't defend herself. Tatiana pulled her useless bra off and used it like a whip to strike Anya across the face. She would have struck again but Sergei grabbed her wrist from behind and Igor took her other arm. The two of them pulled her off the defenseless woman. Anya crawled to her feet and rubbed at the welt on her cheek. The four of them began shouting and arguing in Russian as Igor dragged Tatiana, kicking and screaming, over to the sofa. The other men, who were sitting there, got up out of his way. Igor tossed the furious woman onto the vacated sofa and held her down while she cursed at her leader. Sergei came over to address his irate comrade. They argued back and forth for a minute or so, with Igor and Anya interjecting a comment or two. It took them several minutes before they managed to calm Tatiana down. Igor relaxed his grip and allowed her to stand up. She suddenly felt foolish, wearing just her panties, and went to retrieve her clothes.
As she was putting them back on, Anya came over to Sergei and whispered in his ear. He gave her a nod of approval, so she approached Jennifer, who was dumbfounded by everything that had just happened. The red head picked up a knife from the table, knelt down, and cut the cords around Jennifer's ankles. Then she stood up and gently turned her prisoner around. She began rubbing the topless women's shoulders as if she were giving her a massage. Her hands started at Jennifer's neck and then slowly worked their way down her arms and over to the bound breasts. Anya carefully grasped the nipple clamps with her fingers, but left them attached.
"Ooooh these must really hurt... your sensitive little buds... all red and sore... Shall I make them feel better?" she whispered seductively. "If you tell us where Brian and Steve are, I'll take these off for you."
Jennifer was all too happy to rid herself of the nasty clamps and would have done almost anything at this point to have them removed. So, without a second thought, she promptly told the flirty red head everything they wanted – the name and location of the building, the street address, and that Brian and Steve should be there until the end of the week.
"Oh thank you so much, darling... how sweet of you to help... I think you've earned yourself something special... would you like that?" she cooed.
Jennifer was still waiting for the clamps to come off, so she remained silent. She didn't want to delay anything by giving the wrong answer. Anya smiled at the buxom woman who was waiting so patiently for her to fulfill her promise. But Anya decided to have some fun of her own. She gripped the chain with her left hand and started jiggling it.
Jennifer whimpered. "Ohhhhh... please don't..."
"What's wrong? Does this hurt?" Anya asked with fake surprise.
"Yessss... pleassse... sssstop," Jennifer's words were slurring from the pain.
Anya looked to her leader, "May I have some fun with her?"
He smiled, "Of course you may, my love."
Tatiana complained, "But you promised this was my night with them."
She was reacting like a child who just had her favorite toy taken away. Her commander seemed rather annoyed by the interruption and gave her a stern look.
But Tatiana ignored him. "Will I at least get a turn when she is finished?"
"It's too late for that now," he said, angrily. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm still upset that you attacked Anya."
"Well she shouldn't have grabbed..."
"Enough!" Sergei interrupted with a wave of his hand. "Let's not get started on that again. Did you forget who is in command here?"
"No," Tatiana said, her temper softening.
"Anya may do as she pleases with them, for now. There should be some time for you in the morning. Our plans have changed." He continued in Russian and presumably began to share with them his idea.
Anya, meanwhile, was grinning triumphantly. She enjoyed hearing Tatiana get put back in her place and gave Tatiana a smug look as she circled around her prize, the bound executive.
"Igor, would you be so kind as to take my precious captive over to that chair and tie her down for me?"
Igor nodded.
"Thank you dear," Anya said as she ran her fingers gently over Jennifer's bare shoulders.
The big, bald-headed man dragged the protesting Jennifer over to one of the wooden chairs. He forced her to sit down on her sore bottom and proceeded to tie each ankle to a chair leg. Then he wrapped a cord around her waist and another around her chest, just above her breasts, and secured her to the back of the chair with them.
"Shall I gag her?" he asked Anya.
"No," she grinned, as she eyed the helpless brunette. "I want to do that myself."
Chapter 6 (added: 10/11/2009)
Anya approached the helpless brunette. Jennifer's arms were still tied, wrist to opposite elbow, behind her back and her bound tits were still adorned with the nipple clamps. The smirking red head eyed the chair tied beauty lustfully. She straddled herself over Jennifer's lap and sat down on her thighs.
"Get off me!" Jennifer complained. "What the hell is wrong with the women around here? Are you all fucking dykes?"
Anya made a sour face and slapped her hand over the cursing woman's mouth. "Tsk, tsk, what filthy language from such a pretty girl. Anya needs to keep you quiet," she said as she looked around. "Now what shall we put in that dirty mouth of yours?"
She spied the remains of Jennifer's satin bra on the floor nearby and snatched it up.
"Igor, could you hand Anya that knife over there, please?"
The big man retrieved the blade and gave it to her. She used it to cut and remove the elastic shoulder straps from the wireless bra and set them down on Jennifer's lap. Then she rolled the rest of it up into a ball. She took the wad of light blue satin and shoved it between the brunette's lips. Jennifer gurgled obscenities as the soft material invaded her mouth and surrounded her tongue. Anya picked up one of the loose shoulder straps, stretched it out, and pushed it between her prisoner's lips to hold the wad in place. Then she leaned forward so she could reach behind Jennifer's head to knot the ends. The helpless executive was treated to a face full of the red head's ample cleavage while her new gag was tied off. Anya repeated the process with the second strap so that Jennifer was now fully gagged with her own bra.
"Mmmppph gapphh thufff gah frmmph mmpph thmmmm!" The businesswoman grunted angrily into the mouthful of satin as Anya returned to her spot on Jennifer's lap.
"That sounds so much better. It's like music to Anya's ears!" she chuckled.
Jennifer just glared at the woman as she struggled against the ropes. Anya grinned as she watched the topless girl's breasts wiggling with every squirm.
"Well, let's see. What shall Anya do with you now?" she said, placing a finger to her lips as if in thought. "Hmmm, there are so many things Anya can think of, that she doesn't know which one to try first."
Anya brought her right hand up and gently touched the side of Jennifer's left breast. The pretty executive squealed as her captor's fingers tenderly stroked the soft flesh.
"Anya just loves to see your tits like this, all tied up and presented just for her."
She slowly ran her finger all over the bulging mound while Jennifer watched in dismay.
"Ooh, so soft and sensitive... and swollen. Look how the ropes make your nipples stiff without Anya even touching them... and look how those clamps are gripping them so firmly... making them red and excited... and hot," Anya cooed softly, as she brought her left hand up to wiggle one of the nipple clamps.
This caused the busty captive to whimper loudly. Jennifer mewled helplessly while the woman continued to fondle both of her sore tits. I watched the pretty executive's fingers flexing into fists behind her back as she pulled against her bonds.
"Anya is excited too... and hot."
She stood up then, and walked around behind Jennifer's field of vision. She signaled to Tatiana, who had been watching with envy.
"Come here," Anya said to her. "Anya wants to show you that she has no hard feelings towards you."
Her female comrade was a bit surprised, but came over to see what the red haired beauty wanted. Anya whispered at length into her ear. Tatiana was obviously pleased with what she heard because a huge smile quickly appeared on her lips. She approached Jennifer from behind and clapped both her hands over the bound girl's ears and tilted her head back roughly. Then she bent down and gave her a lengthy kiss on her gagged mouth.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Jennifer, Anya was slipping out of her shoes and pants. She pulled off her shirt as well and quietly tossed her clothes aside. All she wore underneath was a pair of skimpy, black, nylon panties. She tapped Tatiana on the shoulder to indicate she was ready. The Russian blonde reluctantly ended her kiss and stepped aside. Jennifer attempted to look back but Anya swiftly placed her hands over Jennifer's eyes and turned her head to the front before she noticed her wardrobe change. Then she knelt down behind the chair back and wrapped her arms around the topless executive's belly.
Jennifer whimpered and squirmed as the Russian woman's hands explored her body. Anya ran her hands along the woman's abdomen and then down her hips and thighs. She gently brushed her fingers over the surface of Jennifer's silky nylons for a moment or two. Her fingers traveled down along the inside of her captive's thighs and then slowly back up the outside. The brunette fidgeted in her chair as the fingers traced along her garter straps and up to the satin garter belt. They finally met in the middle below Jennifer's navel where they stopped while the red head slowly rose to her feet. The bound woman's eyes focused on the hands that hovered just above her panties, worried that they might go elsewhere.
Anya leaned her mouth towards Jennifer's left ear as her long hair draped over the topless woman's shoulder and brushed against her captive's bare breast. Jennifer squealed and turned her head sideways as a kiss was planted on her cheek.
"Mmmmm," Anya purred. "So delicious. Your skin is so soft and smooth. Anya loves kissing you. Do you like Anya? Do you want Anya to touch you?"
Jennifer responded with a yelp of alarm, as her attention was suddenly drawn downward to the fingers that had started moving again. The bound woman's whimpering intensified as Anya's fingers slowly slipped inside of Jennifer's panties.
"Anya loves to touch other women... to make women hot and moist. Is Anya turning you on?" She whispered to her prisoner.
The traveling fingers must have found a sensitive spot because the brunette's body suddenly stiffened and she let out a loud moan.
Anya's hand stroked her captive's sex for just a moment or two before she slid it back out again. Her other hand came down and together they grabbed the waistband of Jennifer's panties. The pretty executive squealed loudly as she feared her thong would be removed, even though it couldn't pass underneath her while she was still seated.
Anya whispered into Jennifer's ear, "Anya wants you to lift up so she can pull your panties down. Will you do that for Anya?"
Jennifer looked at her apprehensively and shook her head no. It wasn't quite the insolent response I was expecting from her. It appeared the bold and flirty red head was making Jennifer very uneasy and unsure of herself.
"Anya will arouse you some more and make you feel pleasure. Anya is very experienced and knows how to please a woman. Let Anya show you how good it feels to let go."
Her hands began stroking her captive's body again. She gingerly caressed Jennifer's sides, tickling her ribs and making the poor girl shiver. The hands came up and grabbed each of her bound breasts and squeezed them gently. Jennifer rolled her eyes back and groaned into her gag as the woman wiggled her bound tits. The nipple clamps began to swing and pull on her sensitive buds. Anya brought her fingers up to her mouth and licked the tips of them. Then her fingers returned to Jennifer's nipples. She gently rubbed the swollen buds with her moistened fingers. She massaged the sexy captive's breasts with great care and caused her prisoner to moan again and close her eyes. Anya grasped the chain with her left hand and held it as she slowly walked around to the front of her victim.
"Open your eyes and look at Anya. See how beautiful and exciting she is."
When Jennifer did that, she saw the stunning red head, nearly naked for the first time.
"HUUUHHHHMMMMMM!" she gasped with surprise, her eyes wide as saucers at the sight of the young girl's naked tits.
The pretty executive's own breasts began rising and falling rapidly as she suddenly became very agitated. She tugged at her bonds again with renewed effort. Anya noticed the look of fear in Jennifer's eyes.
"What are you so afraid of my dear? Anya doesn't bite. Does the sight of Anya's breasts excite you?"
She looked her captive in the eye while she massaged her own generous melons and licked her lips seductively. Jennifer squirmed in her seat, unable to take her eyes off the woman's impressive breasts. Her anxiety was steadily increasing and she swallowed nervously as Anya leaned in closer and closer. The topless businesswoman began panting with short quick breaths as Anya's large tits drew agonizingly close to her face. The red head tilted her head forward until their noses touched. She looked deeply into Jennifer's eyes.
"Anya wants you to lift up now," she said in a low sexy voice. Her hands went down to Jennifer's hips again. "Please don't make Anya disappointed."
Jennifer's cheeks flushed as she timidly lifted her bottom and shut her eyes. Her hips trembled and shook as Anya slowly peeled her thong down to the ropes around her knees. I couldn't believe my eyes. The once rude and defiant executive was now a quivering mound of butter that was melting from the touch and words of the sexy red head. She was totally enraptured by the sweet and voluptuous Anya.
"Mmmmmm, your pussy is so inviting," Anya said as she stared at the moist and trimmed thatch of pubic hair on her lovely captive.
She climbed back onto her prisoner's lap and wrapped her arms around Jennifer's head. She hugged the brunette by pulling her chest into the gagged woman's face.
"Ohhhh yesssss!" Anya was moaning herself now. "Rub your mouth over Anya's breasts. Kiss them and please Anya with your lips. Yesssss, that feels so good to Anya!"
I couldn't tell if Jennifer was actually kissing her breasts or not, but I certainly heard her muffled whimpers and moans from beneath Anya's bosom. The Russian woman stroked her captive's hair as she tossed her own head back moaning loudly.
She scooted herself back a bit then and pulled Jennifer's face up out of her tits. The brunette was gasping for air as she struggled with the satin filling her mouth. Perspiration was forming on her face and shoulders. Her eyes were slits as she seemed lost in a dream. Anya kissed her deeply on her gagged mouth as the executive groaned with no hope of pulling away.
After about a minute, the Russian woman finally broke off the kiss and allowed Jennifer a reprieve. I saw the same look in Jennifer's green eyes now that I had seen on Cindy just moments ago. The brunette was now a helpless, trembling leaf, caught in a web of desire. Her eyes were half closed, her hair was hanging down in her face, and her chest was covered with sweat.
Anya called to Tatiana in Russian and asked her to get something for her. I watched as the blonde went over and dug something out of the duffel bag. Tatiana returned with another pair of nipple clamps chained together.
"Hummmmm ummmmm!!" Jennifer shook her head and whimpered fearfully, pleading with her eyes.
"Relax sweetie, these aren't for you," Anya smiled, as she held out her hand for them.
But Tatiana pushed Anya's hand away and gave her comrade a wink.
"I have a better idea," she said, turning to Jennifer.
Anya seemed confused at first but allowed her partner to continue.
Tatiana held up one of the clamps, letting the other dangle by the chain, and waved it in Jennifer's face. The brunette looked really frightened now, and shook her head no again. Tatiana slowly lowered the clamp and allowed it to slide down between the topless women's breasts and behind the chain of the two clamps already attached. After the clamp dropped below the level of the horizontal chain, Tatiana grabbed it with her other hand. Jennifer stared at it wide eyed, as the blonde was now holding one clamp in each hand while the connecting chains remained entwined together. The realization of Tatiana's intent suddenly dawned on Anya and she grinned with approval.
"Anya likes," she said and leaned her chest forward until her breasts touched Jennifer's.
The helpless executive whimpered and watched in horrid fascination as Tatiana attached the new set of clamps to Anya's aroused nipples. Anya moaned with pleasure as she leaned back to allow the interlocked chains to pull taught on both girl's nipples. Jennifer screamed into her gag, unable to relieve any of the tension on her sore buds. One woman was moaning with pleasure and the other was writhing in pain from the same effect.
"Ohhhhh yesssss," Anya purred.
She looked down at herself and massaged her own breasts roughly. She tugged at the chain which caused it to pull and stretch both women's nipples again. Jennifer was frantically mewling at the woman to stop. Anya noticed the girl's plight and relaxed the tension a little.
"Your titties are more sensitive than Anya's," she teased the gagged woman. "You don't like when Anya pulls on them, do you?"
Jennifer shook her head weakly and chomped down on her gag as she winced.
"Anya understands; she will be nice now."
With that, the buxom red head reached forward and carefully grasped the clamps on Jennifer's tits. The brunette held her breath as Anya gently removed the clamps from her prisoner's breasts. As soon as they came off, Jennifer groaned with burning relief as the blood flowed once again through her aching nipples.
"Ooohhh, they look so sore. Anya will make them feel better," she said with enthusiasm.
Anya bent her head down so her lips could reach the bound woman's tits. She cupped each breast with her soft hands and lifted them one at a time to her mouth. She kissed each swollen bud gingerly and gave it a few licks with her tongue. Then she pulled one of them into her mouth and sucked on it, causing Jennifer to shudder. She kissed her captive over and over as her mouth slowly worked its way up Jennifer's chest to her throat. Anya slid her bottom forward and pressed her whole body against Jennifer. Their naked breasts squashed together as Anya kissed the struggling executive's gagged mouth. Tatiana stood by in amusement as she watched her partner's sexy embrace of the helpless, whimpering captive. Anya's tongue worked its way through the gagging into Jennifer's mouth while her fingers dug through her captive's dark hair. Jennifer's body tensed up at first but as the French kiss continued I saw her begin to relax. She moaned softly and seemed to be drawing some pleasure from the kiss as well. Anya fed off of her captive's response and pressed in even tighter and with more eagerness as she moaned huskily.
Up until now, Sergei's reaction to all of this was simple amusement. But as the passion began to stir between the prisoner and her captor his expression suddenly changed. He stood up with a frown on his face and took a step forward. Jennifer was no longer fighting the kiss and this seemed to be making Sergei jealous.
"Ahem!" He cleared his throat loudly. "It is getting late my dear. We have a lot to do tomorrow so we need to be getting everyone to bed."
Anya reluctantly broke off her kiss and lazily turned her head to face her leader.
"Can Anya bring this one to bed with us?" she asked. She pressed her face in to be cheek to cheek with Jennifer and began to pet the woman's face. "Anya likes this one."
"No, I don't think that is a good idea. We can't waste any time with distractions. I need your help getting these prisoners taken care of."
Anya pouted and pushed her lower lip out.
"You're no fun. Anya is unhappy."
But she obeyed her leader and stood up. She bent down and gave Jennifer one last kiss before retrieving her clothes. She removed the clamps from her breasts and then quickly donned her clothes. Sergei began issuing instructions in Russian as everyone moved into action. Tatiana and Anya worked on untying Jennifer from the chair while Igor and Aleksei came over to the four of us locked to the wall rings. Sergei stood in the middle, directing everyone, while the other men left the room. Rachel and Sara were unlocked first, and the two men easily lifted them up and carried them down the hall that led to our holding room. I saw the other men return from the side room dragging three mattresses behind them. They followed Igor and Aleksei down the hall. The sight of the mattresses gave me hope that we wouldn't have to sleep on the cold hard floor. Cindy and I looked at each as we waited our turn. I was concerned with how she was holding up after the ordeal she had just gone through. But her eyes sparkled with that old familiar glow and I knew she was fine. I really admired her courage and resolve.
Tatiana and Anya finally finished untying Jennifer from the chair. The two of them appeared to have put their differences behind them as they worked together on the woman. Anya cut off and removed Jennifer's panties, leaving her knees tied, and stuffed them into her pocket while Tatiana held their prisoner steady. Then Anya locked a set of leg cuffs onto the executive's ankles and tightened them up. Tatiana lifted Jennifer up by the shoulders while Anya grabbed the woman's legs. The two Russian women struggled a bit but they soon hauled the bound woman out.
Then Igor and Aleksei returned and headed for Cindy and me. They unlocked our wrists from the rings and then hoisted us up over their shoulders. I grunted from the rough handling and because I felt a hand on my bottom holding me steady. I watched the floor go by as they carried us back to our room. They dropped both Cindy and I down on the same mattress and laid us about a foot apart, face to face. I was on my left side and Cindy was on her right. Igor and Aleksei then found two sets of leg cuffs lying nearby and got to work on connecting them to our ankles. I looked around and saw Ivan, Nikolai, and Boris working on Rachel and Sara, while Tatiana and Anya were working on Jennifer. They replaced the ropes on our ankles with leg cuffs. The ropes on Jennifer's arms were also replaced by handcuffs on her wrists. Our gags were removed and taken away by the men as they all left the room, except for Ivan who hung back for some reason. Were they going to leave us ungagged for the night? I wondered hopefully. Anya left as well, leaving only Tatiana and Ivan to watch over us. Tatiana was kneeling on the same mattress that Jennifer was lying on and had a hand on her prisoner's hip.
"You better sleep well dear because tomorrow is a busy day for you and me."
"What the hell do you need to keep me here for? You got what you wanted, so why don't you jest let me go?" Jennifer asked.
"Oh, I have my reasons to keep you all tied up. I still want my revenge and, besides, I enjoy seeing you naked."
She ran her hands along Jennifer's garter belt and nylons, stroking her prisoner's long legs. Jennifer was about to complain but suddenly shut her mouth, deciding not to, this time. She had finally learned that resisting only made things worse. She bit her lower lip and turned her face down into the mattress as Tatiana flipped her over onto her stomach. The Russian blonde then pulled Jennifer's hands out of the way so she could fondle the woman's shapely bottom.
I looked over to see what Ivan was doing. The tall man had moved off to the corner and was watching from a distance now. He was paying particular attention to Jennifer, at the moment, as he held one hand against the front of his pants.
Then Anya returned with a handful of cloth strips. The red headed vixen sat down on the floor and began tying a large knot in the center of each of the cloths. Then she tossed one to Tatiana while she moved over to Rachel and Sara. Rats! So much for spending the night ungagged, I thought.
Tatiana grabbed Jennifer's hair and pulled her head up.
"Open wide, American whore!"
Tatiana twisted her fist in Jennifer's hair painfully, causing the woman's mouth to come open. The knotted cloth was immediately rammed inside.
"Uhhh... ahhhggg...mmmffffmmmppphhh!"
Tatiana pulled back on the ends and tied it off. Then she swatted the pretty executive on the bottom.
"Huuummpppphhh!" was Jennifer's muffled response.
"That's perfect. Now I won't have to hear any more bitching from you."
Meanwhile, Anya had just finished tying a gag into Rachel and Sara's mouths. She positioned the two lingerie clad women to be facing each other on their sides, about 12 inches apart. Then she pulled out a padlock from her pocket and locked it around the chain links connecting their ankle cuffs. The two maids now had their feet locked together. Then she came over to me.
She held up one of the gags, expecting me to open.
"Please," I said. "You don't have to do this. I promise not to make a sound."
Anya smiled, "Anya is sure you wouldn't, but you look so sexy with a gag in your mouth. Now open up for Anya."
I sighed and parted my lips. The knot was pushed in gently and then the ends were tied off behind my head. Then Anya's hands went to my shoulders and slid the straps of my bra down each arm. I gave a little squeak of surprise as she also unhooked the clasp in the back and bared my breasts by pulling down my bra. She pulled out a pocket knife and cut the rest of it away, leaving me with just my panties.
"Yes, Anya thinks you look very sexy."
My face flushed as I noticed Cindy staring at my large tits. Anya's fingers came around from behind and gently tweaked one of my nipples.
"Mmmmmmpppphhhh," I complained into my gag.
Cindy came to my defense, "Leave my friend alone!"
Tatiana suddenly appeared from behind her and yanked on my friend's hair, pulling her head back.
"Quiet, bitch!" Tatiana sneered. "She gets the same treatment as everyone else around here. Now give me a gag for this one."
She held out her hand to Anya but her comrade shook her head.
"Nyet. Remember what Sergei said? You get your turn tomorrow. Anya wants to gag this one."
Tatiana gave her a stern look for a moment but then relaxed.
"Fine." She lowered her hand and released her grasp of Cindy's hair. "I'll be expecting the same cooperation from you tomorrow then."
Hmmm, I thought. Maybe the two of them haven't put all of their differences behind them.
Anya took the last knotted cloth strip and pushed it into Cindy's mouth and tied it off. Then she pulled out another padlock and used it to lock our ankles together.
"What about that one?" Anya asked Tatiana, indicating the stripped and bound Jennifer, who had rolled onto her side to watch us. "How do we keep her from trying to leave?"
Tatiana smiled evilly, "Give me one of those locks. I have a great idea."
Anya fished another lock out of her pocket and handed it over.
"What do you have in mind?"
"Just watch," was all she said as she walked over to the struggling executive.
Jennifer gave her a quizzical grunt as the blonde approached. Tatiana knelt down and turned her prisoner back onto her belly again. Then she opened the lock up and hooked the chain of Jennifer's ankle cuffs with it.
"All right, office bitch, let's see how flexible you are."
Tatiana pulled up Jennifer's legs with one hand and pulled back Jennifer's wrists with the other. She joined her prisoner's wrists and ankles together and then closed the lock around both cuff chains. Jennifer groaned and struggled mightily, but it was no use. She was left in a rather strict hogtie that was impossible to get out of without a key. Tatiana pinched her captive's naked buttocks which elicited a yelp of pain from the woman.
"There. I don't think we'll need to worry about this one wondering around during the night."
The two Russian women stood up then, to survey their work. Rachel and Sara were handcuffed, gagged, and locked together at the ankles. Jennifer was gagged and hogtied, and Cindy and I were also gagged, handcuffed, and locked together at the ankles. None of us would be going anywhere without help.
"What do you think?" Tatiana asked her partner.
"Anya likes what she sees. What do you say Ivan?
"Ivan?" she repeated.
"Huh? Oh, yes, I like what I see too. You girls did a fine job. Mind if I stay and guard them for a while, just to make sure they don't try something?" he said, without taking his eyes off of us.
Tatiana came over and grabbed him by the arm.
"Come on, buster, let's go. You know they don't need any guarding."
"What if I promise not to touch them?"
Tatiana laughed. "Yeah right, like I believe that. Who do you think you're fooling?"
She practically had to drag him away as the three of them left the room. We were all alone now and nearly naked. I felt scared and looked to Cindy for help. I tried to ask her what she thought would happen.
"Wugg goo uuh phin wimm hammmphhemm mahmmarmmoh?"
Her eyes were shining with brightness and hope.
"Dohm wahmmee, weph me phime. Ahmm ggomma mohmemm uuh."
I couldn't understand what she was trying to say but, just the fact that she was with me, made me feel better. Cindy was so brave and strong. Then the lights went out and we were left in the dark. I heard their voices out in the main room for a while, but eventually they all retired to their rooms.
It was quiet now except for the rustle of cuffs and grunting coming from Jennifer. The executive's struggling grew louder and louder. I couldn't see what she was doing but it sounded like she was trying to flip over. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and then started up again with renewed vigor. Finally I heard a flop and a relieved gasp of breath as she rolled onto her side. I felt sorry for the poor woman, as she would probably have trouble falling asleep while bound at the knees and hogtied. Actually, I wasn't sure that I would be able to sleep either. Being tied up and away from home was very frightening.
Now that everything was quiet, I reflected on the day's events. I had been terrorized at gun point and abducted from my friend's home. I had been tied up, stripped nearly naked, and fondled. The terrorists had forced me to help them while threatening my friends and husband. And now I was left to await my fate at the hands of the evil Tatiana tomorrow. I shuddered at the thought of what she might do. I had already seen her strip and spank Jennifer, and molest Cindy with her hands. I could still remember the panting and the moaning from my friend as Tatiana's fingers ravished her body. I remembered, quite vividly, the look on Cindy's face as she pleaded to me with her eyes and how helpless she was to control her own body.
What if Tatiana did those things to me? I thought. I wouldn't be able to stop her.
She could touch me...
And fondle me...
And force me to...
I shuddered to finish the thought. And yet, I could also sense a small part of me was feeling a little bit aroused by the thoughts of what might happen. I remembered the whimpering and moaning of pleasure from Cindy, and how excited I became at the sight of it. What was wrong with me? Why did I react like that? Cindy was another female and my dear friend. I was happily married to Brian, so why was I feeling this way towards Cindy?
I thought about my friend now, only inches away from me. I couldn't see her, but I could hear the sound of her breathing. It reminded me of our trip in the van when I was pressed against her bosom. Visions of her naked breasts suddenly flooded my brain. And then I noticed something else - a fragrant aroma that was faint yet very powerful. The more I inhaled it the more aroused I felt. It seemed to be originating from Cindy. Her body had been stimulated almost to the point of orgasm, and it was still emanating her sexual arousal. Cindy shifted her hips slightly and the aroma grew suddenly stronger. Oh god, that smells so good, I thought. I had never smelled anything so intoxicating before. I wanted to reach out and touch her. I needed to feel her arms around me.
I shivered. I needed her warmth now too. The summer air had cooled off long ago and I was still only wearing my panties. Without a blanket, my body was starting to grow cold, especially my shoulders and chest.
"Ahm cohm," I mumbled to Cindy, glad to have an excuse to wiggle closer to her.
I inched myself forward until our breasts touched. My heart started pounding and I could feel the butterflies swirling inside of my belly, stronger than ever. I pushed my hips out slightly, seeking her warm body. I wanted Cindy to press herself against me but instead, she suddenly pulled away. I felt dejected and afraid that I had offended her.
"Waimm ma mimmumm," she mumbled and scooched herself back.
Cindy brought her knees up, pulling mine along with them. She was pushing me away now as she started wriggling in the dark. How could I be so stupid? I thought. She probably thinks I am a pervert or something. But Cindy was up to something, as she was twisting around a lot with her body. I couldn't see what she was doing. Her head came forward as she bent her body in half, bringing her knees up to her chin. Her hair brushed against my breasts momentarily as she brought her hands down to her feet. She lifted up her ankles and encouraged me to do the same. Then I felt her hands sliding under and behind my feet.
"Limm umm," she urged.
I lifted my legs and then my hip off of the mattress so she could slide her right arm underneath my legs. I felt her cuffed hands slide up the back of my thighs as we both straightened our legs again. When Cindy's hands brushed across the back of my panties I mumbled excitedly. She put her arms around me and gave me a hug.
"Mmmmmmmm," we moaned in unison as we snuggled together.
She squeezed me tightly, our breasts, thighs and panties pressing together. I felt so safe and warm with her holding me against her body. I sighed and nuzzled against her neck and cheek, breathing in more of her sweet aroma. My nipples were poking into hers, but I didn't care. I was so intoxicated with arousal that I temporarily forgot that I was being held against my will.
I almost forgot my husband too. Suddenly I felt guilty that I was enjoying this moment with another partner. I was ashamed at myself for betraying Brian, but I needed comfort right now and Cindy was providing that. Cindy pressed her gagged lips against my cheek as a kiss. She placed her hands on the back of my panties and gently squeezed my buttocks. I murmured approval and wiggled my bottom for more. She gave me a playful spank and then hugged me tightly again. I softly moaned into my friend's ear as I smiled contentedly behind my gag. I told myself that I could deal with my feelings for Brian later, after we get out of this mess. Cindy was making me feel secure right now and I didn't see anything wrong with that. She held me in her arms and stroked my hair until I drifted off to sleep.
I was abruptly awakened by a high pitched, muffled squeal. I lifted my head from Cindy's shoulder to try and see what was going on. It was the middle of the night but my eyes were still able to make out the form of a dark figure crouching beside Jennifer. The intruder's hands were on the bound woman's body. One hand was on her crotch while the other was covering her mouth.
"Shhhhh...." The unknown person hissed.
It sounded like a male's voice. The figure was determined to keep Jennifer quiet as his other hand went back to enjoying her flesh. The bound executive squirmed and thrashed violently as she struggled with her assailant. The other girls soon awoke and Cindy lifted her head in alarm.
"Whhmmphh gohmmim omm?" she mumbled.
A light went on out in the hallway somewhere. The intruder suddenly stood up and bolted for the exit. As the figure ran past me I got a brief glimpse of his face. It was Ivan. He ran out into the hallway where I heard Tatiana's sleepy voice confront him.
"Ivan? What are...?"
"TATIANA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Ivan interrupted her with a shout, loud enough to wake the entire cabin.
"Me?" Tatiana sounded confused.
More lights came on and I heard footfalls of people climbing out of bed.
"Couldn't wait until tomorrow could you?" Ivan asked very loudly. "It's a good thing I caught you before something happened."
Tatiana responded, "What are you talking about? You're the one who mmmmph..."
I heard a scuffle break out between the two.
"Hold still woman. You're in a lot of trouble now."
It sounded like Ivan had the upper hand.
"What is going on out here?" Sergei joined in. "Ivan, let her go. Will somebody please explain to me why I've been disturbed in the middle of the night?"
Ivan spoke first, "I heard a noise and came out to find Tatiana playing with the prisoners."
"That's a lie! It was him!" Tatiana screamed.
The two of them began arguing in Russian until Sergei brought it to a halt. He sounded angry as he reprimanded the two of them. He gave Tatiana a long lecture before sending them all back to bed. The entire event seemed rather odd. What was all that about? I thought. I shrugged and curled up with Cindy again and went back to sleep.
The next morning we were all awakened by the sound of voices. The terrorists had arisen and were gathering out in the main room. Cindy and I quickly separated from each other before we were discovered. I lifted up and allowed her to slide her hands back down under my legs and return them to being behind her back. I lay there quietly with my head down. I was too ashamed to look Cindy in the eye as I was still feeling embarrassed about snuggling up with her last night. I hope she thinks I only did it because I was cold, I thought. After a few minutes, I finally found the courage to look up at her, only to discover that she was staring at my tits. How long has she been looking at them? I wondered. Was the sight of my breasts turning her on? My nipples started to harden just thinking about it. Damn it, not now. I tried to think about something else, but it was too late. Cindy had already noticed my arousal and looked up at me. Our eyes met and we both blushed this time.
A few moments later Nikolai, Boris, and Igor entered the room. The three men unlocked our ankles from each other and, one by one, carried us to the rest room, where Anya waited to help us. After we were done there, the men carried us out to the main room. They set us down on the rug in the middle of the seating area and forced us to sit up. Tatiana came over to greet the five of us.
"Good morning ladies. I hope you're nice and rested now. We have a busy day planned for you."
She made no mention of the encounter last night between her and Ivan. I looked around for the tall man and saw him over in the kitchen area, helping Anya with breakfast.
Tatiana continued, "Since Brian and Steve have been moved, we had to change our plans a bit. The men will be leaving after breakfast to pick up something we need. They won't be gone very long, but we still should have enough time to have some fun. So just sit tight for now and stay out of trouble."
She bent down and gave my left nipple a little pinch between her fingers.
"I have a special plan for you my dear," she said, just before leaving.
Cindy and I looked at each other apprehensively as I worried about what might happen. The five of us sat their, cuffed at the ankles and wrists, and cleave gagged with knotted cloths. Rachel and Sara were wearing their bras and panties. Cindy and I wore only our panties, and Jennifer was naked except for her garter belt, thigh high pantyhose, and five inch heels. Well, actually, Jennifer still had her bra too but it was currently stuffed into her mouth. Jennifer was no longer locked in a hogtie, but she was still bound at the knees with rope.
It was pointless to struggle against the steel cuffs or move around, especially with the terrorists nearby, so we just waited patiently while they finished their breakfast. Then Sergei brought out the laptops and gathered his men around the table. He seemed to be going over some kind of plan. I couldn't see the screens from where I sat, nor could I understand Russian, so I had no idea what was going on. After the discussion, the men went about the cabin gathering up all their equipment and carrying the bags out to the vehicles. I noticed Aleksei putting his automatic rifle into one of the larger ones.
Tatiana spoke briefly to Anya and Igor while pointing in our general direction. Igor left for a moment before returning with some rope. The big man bent down and picked up Sara. He carried her over to the wall on the right side of the cabin where Jennifer had stood the day before. He removed her hand cuffs and used the rope to tie her wrists together in front of her. Then he pulled a chair over while gazing up at the ceiling. I looked up, and saw beams running parallel to the wall from one end of the room to the other. Igor stood up on the chair and grabbed Sara's wrists with one hand and a long piece of rope with the other. Sara stared at him and whimpered fearfully.
"Don't worry honey," Tatiana said to her. "This is just to keep you from getting into trouble."
Igor tied the long rope to her wrists and then proceeded to toss the other end of it over the nearest beam. Then he pulled it down and began hoisting Sara's wrists up above her head. Tatiana made sure that Sara's arms went behind her head when they were pulled straight. Sara was now stretched out and standing on her tip toes. Igor tied the rope off to the beam, far out of reach of Sara's hands. Then he got down and walked over to Rachel.
"Mmmphh hmmmph!" she whimpered loudly.
Rachel was terrified as she was scooped up, carried over, and forced to stand next to Sara. Igor and Tatiana removed her hand cuffs and tied her the same way as Sara, hoisting the young girl's arms up until she was standing tip toed along side of Sara. As Igor went to grab Jennifer, Anya used more rope to tie Sara's thighs together, just above her knees. Then she tied Rachel's legs together as well, while Tatiana and Igor strung Jennifer up.
Cindy and I looked at each other with fear, knowing that we were next. The rest of the men were leaving now and in a few moments we would be completely at the mercy of this terrifying woman. I watched Igor finish securing Jennifer and then he came over and grabbed Cindy. My heart sank as I watched my dear friend torn away from me. I was nearly hysterical as they pulled her arms up over her head, stretching out her body. Her beautiful tits thrust out provocatively as she hung there by her wrists. Then they tied her legs together at the knees, just like the others. Cindy looked at me with her green eyes and I started to cry when I saw her fear. Oh Cindy, I cried to myself.
Sergei came over and spoke with Anya and Tatiana while Igor left to gather up his bag and join the other men outside. Sergei spoke in Russian as he gave the two women one last set of instructions. They looked at their watches, Tatiana nodded, and then he left with the rest of the men. I heard multiple vehicle doors closing and then drive away. Tatiana and Anya turned to me, smiling triumphantly, as I quaked with fear.
"Now my darling little helper," Tatiana said to me with evil coolness. "I need you to do something for me."
The two of them dragged me over to lie in front of my friends. Tatiana forced me to stand up on my knees while Anya fetched some more rope.
"Ladies..." Tatiana addressed my friends in a loud voice. "I want to thank you all for coming today. It will be a pleasure to serve you," she chuckled, amused at her own little pun.
She continued, "You will notice that one of you is not wearing her panties." I couldn't help but take a glance at Jennifer's exposed pussy as she blushed slightly with embarrassment. "This problem will be rectified, I assure you. Anya, please prepare our assistant."
Assistant? I was worried now as I looked at my bound friends who trembled in front of me. Anya approached me with the rope and grabbed my cuffs behind me. I felt her tying the rope to the chain links on my wrists first and then on my ankles. When she finished, my cuffed ankles and wrists were now connected together by a twelve inch piece of rope. I looked up, nervously, at Tatiana as she spoke again with great mirth.
"My beautiful assistant, Samantha, will now demonstrate her skill and training by taking down your panties... using only her mouth!"
There was an immediate muffled chorus of alarm from the girls hanging before me.
"Hummm ummph," I shook my head violently, giving Tatiana and emphatic "No".
The evil blonde grinned with glee. "And as an added challenge..." she paused for effect, holding a finger to her lips as if in thought.
Anya looked at her comrade quizzically as Tatiana strolled over to that, oh so familiar, duffel bag.
"...she'll be wearing this special gag."
Tatiana reached in and pulled out a strange looking object. At first I thought it was another ball gag. But instead of a ball, this one had a rubber coated metal ring in the center, about an inch and a half in diameter.
"This gag will make sure our beautiful assistant doesn't cheat by using her teeth."
I gulped as the butterflies started again. Anya reached over and untied my gag. She pulled out the soaked cloth and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I grunted at her indignantly as she gave me a wink. Then Tatiana brought the ring gag around in front of my face. I took one look at it and clamped my mouth shut. There was no way I was going to let them put that in my mouth.
"Open up dear," Tatiana commanded from behind me.
"Mmmm ummm," I shook my head.
"OPEN UP!" she shouted.
I refused.
"Oh, so you want to play tough girl now?" Tatiana sneered. "Well let's see how tough you are when we use these on your friends."
I watched as she retrieved a handful of nipple clamps from that dreadful bag. Cindy and the other girls began mewling and squirming at the sight of them. I immediately regretted my decision to resist.
"Wait," I said. "I'll let you gag me, just leave my friends alone."
"Oh, changing your tune are you? Well, maybe I should do it anyway, because you obviously need to be reminded of who is in charge here."
She pulled out her knife and walked over to Rachel and Sara. She sliced away their bras as the two women squealed with terror.
"Stop, please!" I begged.
Tatiana looked at me as I started to cry.
"Please, don't hurt them. I'll do whatever you want. Please!" I pleaded with her.
Tatiana leaned over and set the clamps down on the table behind me. Then she squatted down in front of me and cupped my chin in her hands. She gently wiped away the tears and smiled as she looked in my eyes.
"You are so precious. You WILL do whatever I ask, won't you?"
I slowly nodded.
"Good girl."
She pulled my chin forward and pressed her lips against mine. She kissed me deeply as I held back the urge to resist her. I even allowed her to stick her tongue in my mouth despite how disgusted I felt. She broke it off and held up the ring gag again. I slowly parted my lips as she slipped the ring behind my teeth. The ring was rather large so I had to open my mouth as wide as I could to allow it to fit properly. Tatiana went around behind me and buckled it tight. I tried to talk and found the sounds I made embarrassing.
"Agghh oggg ggahg."
"How does that feel, honey?" Tatiana asked.
"Guuh geeg gergg," I slobbered.
"It looks like a good fit. Stick out your tongue."
I pushed my tongue through the ring causing some drool to form on my lips.
"Perfect! Now let's get started before we run out of time."
She stood up and waved a hand at my friends.
"Now dear, which one of these lovely ladies would you like to do first?"
I looked at her with trepidation and then turned my gaze to Cindy, Rachel, and Sara. The three of them were eyeing me apprehensively. Rachel was shaking her head at me and Sara was grunting and cringing. Cindy, however, was watching me closely, showing no reaction at all. I glanced briefly at her pink satin panties and swallowed nervously. Cindy gave me a slight nod as my nerves started to jitter. I looked at Tatiana and tilted my head towards Cindy.
"I thought you might pick her," Tatiana said. "Well, I'm sure you're eager to get started, so go right ahead."
I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but a part of me DID want to begin with Cindy. Even still, the thought of putting my face in her panties was making me very anxious.
I walked on my knees over towards Cindy and looked up at her face one last time. She saw me hesitating and nodded again for me to go ahead.
"Wait a minute," Anya interrupted. "Can Anya do it too?"
Tatiana frowned at her, "I don't think that's a good idea. We don't have that much time to fool around. This is supposed to be my turn with them, remember?"
Anya pouted, "Aw, but Anya wanted to make it a game and race her."
Tatiana pondered that thought for a moment. Then her face suddenly broke into that evil grin of hers as she conjured up another one of her twisted ideas.
"Alright, if you want to make it a race then it needs to be fair. You'll have to be tied up just like her."
Anya seemed unsure about that and hesitated.
"Well?" Tatiana asked, seeming very eager to tie her comrade up.
Anya took one more look at the bound prisoners, topless and trembling, and suddenly made up her mind.
"OK, Anya agrees."
"Good," Tatiana smiled. "But I don't think we have any more hand cuffs left so I'll have to use rope instead."
She went over to the duffel bag and pulled out a bundle of white cotton cord. Anya placed her hands behind her back and allowed Tatiana to bind her wrists together. Then Tatiana went over to the bag again and pulled out another ring gag.
"We can't have you cheating either, so you'll have to be gagged too."
Anya complained, "That's not part of the agreement! Anya refuses to wear that!"
"On the contrary, you agreed to make this fair. So, if she is gagged, then you have to be also. Now open up dear."
Anya wasn't the least bit happy about it but opened her mouth anyway. Tatiana pushed the ring gag in and buckled it securely behind her friend's neck.
"Oh, and one more thing..." Tatiana snickered as she picked up her knife. "You need to be stripped too... down to your panties!"
The red head immediately began fussing and struggling to get loose. Tatiana grabbed her helpless friend's shirt with one hand and slashed at it with her blade. She ripped and tore it off her body leaving Anya completely naked from the waist up. The red haired woman tried to make a run for it, but was easily tackled by the stronger woman. Tatiana flipped her onto her back and sat down on her legs, holding her to the ground. Then she set her knife down and began unbuttoning Anya's pants. The pinned girl struggled at first but eventually gave in as she was hopelessly at her comrade's mercy. Tatiana slowly pulled Anya's pants down, revealing her black nylon panties. Then she tossed the pants aside and began tying Anya's ankles together with more rope. She rolled the younger girl onto her stomach and pulled her ankles up to her wrists and connected them together by a short rope. Then Tatiana helped Anya up to her knees.
"There we go. Now everything is completely fair," Tatiana said as she stood up.
She waved her hand at Rachel and Sara, "OK dear, which one would you like?"
Anya was furious about being tied up and stripped, and glared at her angrily.
"Come, come, we don't have much time. If you want to have some fun, then you need to be more cooperative, remember?"
Anya gave her an indignant grunt before slowly scooting over to kneel before Sara. The dark haired woman whimpered anxiously and tried to pull back. Anya turned to look at Tatiana.
"Very good, now we can get to the good part, if you know what I mean," she cackled.
She touched me on the shoulder.
"Are you ready darling?" she whispered in my ear.
I swallowed again and looked at Cindy's trembling pelvis. I could already smell her pussy starting to moisten underneath the thin material. Oh god, I don't think I can do this. I turned to Tatiana and shook my head.
"Relax, dear. I'm sure the two of you have seen each other naked before. Don't be shy. Who knows, you might even enjoy it."
Then she stood up and spoke louder to address all of us.
"OK here's the deal. The winner will be the first one to pull her partner's panties down all the way to her knees. The loser will then get to spend the rest of the morning alone with me."
I was horrified. I glanced over at Anya and saw her smiling confidently at me behind her gag. She pushed out her tongue and wiggled it all around, licking her ring gag with it as if she were warming up. I could tell she was thinking this would be an easy victory for her.
"On your mark...
"Get set...
Chapter 7 (added: 10/11/2009)
As soon as Tatiana said go, I heard a muffled scream from Sara. Looking next to me, I saw Anya with her face already diving into Sara's panties. The hanging girl was whimpering and squealing into her gag as she desperately tried to keep her pelvis away from Anya's dancing tongue. But she wasn't having much luck.
Suddenly I felt Tatiana's hand shove my head forward into Cindy's loins. I mumbled a protest as I found my nose buried in my friend's crotch.
"Come on dear. Don't let her beat you!" Tatiana urged me on with a cackle.
The aroma of Cindy's sex overwhelmed me as I struggled to breathe. I never knew the smell of a woman was this good. I suddenly found myself wondering what my friend might taste like. Stop it! I scolded myself. Don't think about that... just get this done and over with.
I lifted my head up and slowly pushed my tongue out to timidly scrape at the waistband of Cindy's panties. I was very awkward and clumsy, and after the first minute or so, all I had managed to do was to lick her hip and moisten the elastic waist band. The panties hadn't budged and I knew I was falling behind. I turned to see how Anya was doing and saw she already had Sara's lacy boy shorts half way down one hip. Anya was making quick work, but I noticed she did have one huge obstacle. Sara was constantly bucking and squirming which was making it quite a challenge for my opponent.
Cindy began grunting and urging me to work faster as she wiggled her hips in my face. I swallowed nervously and renewed my effort to win this humiliating competition. I pressed my mouth to Cindy's abdomen and pushed my tongue down inside the top of her panties while trying to ignore the emotions stirring up inside me. Using my tongue as a hook, I pushed my head down and successfully slid her underwear southward by her right hip. Then I did the same to the left side. Cindy's dark pubic hairs were now sticking out the top of her pink panties as they bunched up around her hips.
A loud squeal caused me to turn to my right again. Sara's naked bottom came towards me as she swung by her wrists. She had tried to jump and turn away from the unwanted tongue that had just managed to slide her panties below her buttocks. Anya smiled confidently at me as she leaned into Sara's exposed pussy for a free lick. I'm going to lose, I thought. I better hurry. Without even thinking, I quickly thrust my mouth and tongue at the front of Cindy's panties.
"Ohhhhh!" Cindy gasped, surprised at my sudden voracity as my mouth went right into her crotch.
I felt my lips press against the tiny hairs as I shoved my tongue down inside the wet nylon, pushing her panties down as I went. Cindy moaned loudly as my tongue brushed over her slit along the way.
"That's the way, dear. Dive right in!" Tatiana jeered from behind me.
Cindy's hips thrust out involuntarily, seeking my lips. I paused for a moment as I stared at her wet pussy, and then glanced up to look at Cindy's face. Her eyes were closed and her head was turned to the side as she panted with excitement, her lower body starting to tremble. She made soft little whimpering noises as she seemed to be begging me to keep licking. I was surprised to see how excited she was after I had barely touched her. I must really be turning her on, I thought. It was all I could do to refrain from licking her some more.
I tried not to think about how aroused I was, or how exhilarating Cindy's pussy smelled and tasted. I continued sliding her panties down with my tongue, one inch at a time, going from side to side. I still had to hurry, as Anya now had Sara's panties down to mid thigh, and, in a moment, she would win. I made one final and desperate surge. I pushed my face between Cindy's thighs and stuck my nose into the crotch of her panties. I took a deep breath and shoved downwards. The odor left behind by Cindy's cunt almost floored me as I used my nose to push her pink underwear all the way down to her knees.
"Gaaahhh!!" Anya groaned in protest at being defeated.
"How did you..." Tatiana was stunned as she stared at me with her mouth hanging open.
I crawled backwards on my knees, away from Cindy, and sat down on my heels. I felt strangely proud of myself as I eyed Cindy's exposed and quivering sex. Tatiana came around in front of me and squatted down again to meet me eye to eye.
"Well," she grinned. "It seems you are much more eager than I thought you'd be. I think Samantha likes the taste of women. What do you think, Anya?"
Anya ignored her and glared at me jealously.
"I think you enjoyed that game way too much. We'll just have to make the next one more challenging," Tatiana said, while standing up.
Suddenly, I noticed movement behind her. Cindy had lifted her cuffed feet off the floor and was starting to swing herself by her wrists as if testing something. I looked at her curiously. What on earth are you trying to do? Tatiana noticed I was looking past her and started to turn around.
That's when Cindy made her move. She pushed off the floor with both feet as if she were jumping backwards. Anya squealed emphatically, trying to warn her comrade, but it was too late. Cindy's body swung back against the wall and, just as Tatiana turned to face her, she came forward and thrust her legs out at the same time. Cindy caught Tatiana in the stomach with her heels and pushed as hard as she could.
"Ooof," Tatiana grunted with surprise as she was shoved backwards.
Her legs slammed into me and caused her to topple over as she tripped. Her upper body went sprawling, and I heard a loud THUD as her head crashed into the table edge behind me. I turned to find Tatiana lying motionless on the floor, just a few feet away. A trickle of blood was oozing from her temple, but she was still breathing.
The entire room was deathly silent for a few seconds as everyone froze in shock. I think even Cindy was surprised to see that our captor had been knocked unconscious. Then Cindy started mewling urgently at me. Anya screamed through her ring gag and immediately began moving towards her fallen comrade. The other girls started making all kinds of desperate noises at me as well. What is everyone so excited about? I thought.
Then it hit me. The key! Tatiana had the key to my cuffs. I suddenly realized I needed to find it before Anya did. I tried to hurry over to Tatiana on my knees, but in my haste, I lost my balance and fell down face first. My friends began urging me even louder as Anya was fast approaching, having no trouble walking along on her knees. She was about to pass me, when I rolled into her and knocked her over with my legs. She yelped as she fell onto her left side away from me. The two of us struggled to get to Tatiana ahead of the other. We must have made quite a sight as we wiggled along the floor, hogtied in just our panties. I pulled myself along like an inch worm and reached Tatiana first. I crawled up her body and rolled over so that my hands could start searching for the key. Anya was grunting furiously at me as she moved towards me. She looked like a ravenous wolf as the drool ran out of her ring gag and down onto her chest.
I pulled Tatiana's shirt up over her breasts and began searching with my hands, thankful that I knew where to start looking. I blindly felt around the outside of her bra just as Anya reached my ankles. I screamed at her to keep away as I tried to kick her. But that didn't work, as my feet were still connected to my wrists. I decided to just focus on finding the key. I pushed my fingers inside of Tatiana's bra and searched under her tits. The key had to be in here somewhere.
Anya was right next to me now. Somehow she managed to pull herself up to her knees again and then intentionally flopped down against me in an attempt to knock me off. I grunted as her shoulder hit my chest, but I managed to hang on and keep digging. I pulled Tatiana's bra off of her tits so that I could search the inside of it. Anya tried to head butt me, but I turned to the side and took it on the side of my head. Her mouth touched my ear and I cringed as she slobbered on it with an attempt to bite me, but the ring gag kept her from sinking her teeth into me.
I rolled to my left, back into Anya, and pushed her away with my hips, so my hands could move to the other side of Tatiana's bra. Anya's naked chest lunged into me as she was now pushing back too. She pressed her belly and hips against me, causing our breasts to mash together. We were both shoving at each other and grunting from the effort. For a moment I was distracted by the sexy and nearly naked body thrusting into me, but eventually my fingers felt something hard. I had found a hidden pocket along the inside of Tatiana's bra. Now I just needed to pull the key out without dropping it.
Then Anya tried a new tactic. She rolled over, away from me, and then pushed her back into me. I felt her hands on me, scratching and pinching my skin. I yelped as she squeezed my tits roughly while she continued to push herself backwards with her feet. I couldn't prevent her from climbing on top of me as I concentrated on getting the key out. Soon she was sitting on my stomach with her back to my face. She had pulled her hands and feet to the left, along the side of her hip. This gave her a little more freedom of movement with her limbs. I grunted at the weight of her as she bounced her bottom up and down on my stomach, trying to knock the air out of me. Her knees were drawn up, and she dug her toes into my panties while at the same time twisting my nipples with her hands.
"Ahhhhhhhgggggg!!" I screamed.
Then I finally had it. I held the key tightly in my fist while I tried to find a way of getting out from under her. Anya had a tight grip on one of my breasts that was quite painful. She was also trying to heel me in the crotch with her bound feet, but luckily for me she wasn't hitting very hard. I couldn't sit up, so I just twisted and rolled to my right with all my strength. I barely managed to squeeze out from under her. Anya's fingernails raked across my left breast as I flipped over. I think she drew blood because it sure hurt like hell. Anya tried to go after me, but I kept rolling and twisting, and crawled under the table ahead of her. She followed close behind as I headed for the other side. My plan was to get away from her long enough that I could fit the key into one of the locks.
Then I had an idea. Anya's head was trailing just a few inches behind me as I exited the other side of the table. So I stopped and turned so my hands could reach back to her. I grabbed her hair with my free hand and pulled hard. She screamed with rage as I forced the back of her head to the floor, twisting her body sideways. I kept a tight grip as I sat up and scooted along on my bottom. I maneuvered myself over towards a nearby chair, dragging her along behind me. She was bucking and screaming like a tiger as she tried to free herself from my grasp. Once I got next to the chair I worked on getting myself up onto my knees, while making sure not to let go of her. Then I used my head to nudge the chair and turn it so its back was towards Anya. With one swift move, I released her hair and then leaned into the chair and knocked it over on top of Anya. It smacked her in the face, causing her to howl in pain.
Now was my chance. I immediately positioned the key with my fingers and began trying to insert it into the keyhole of my ankle cuffs as I looked down over my shoulder. Anya screamed when she noticed what I was doing, but it was too late. With a flick of my wrist the ankle cuffs unlocked and my legs were free! I pulled my legs out and kicked Anya away before she could come after me again. I immediately climbed to my feet. My friends were mewling excitedly now as they watched me getting loose. I ran into the kitchen area, far away from the hogtied Anya. Now I had all the time I needed to unlock my wrists. A moment later and I was free. I removed the ring gag and dropped it onto the table. Anya groaned with dismay as she realized the role of captor and prisoner had just been reversed.
I walked over to her and rolled her onto her stomach so I could check the knots on her bonds. I pulled and yanked on them to tighten them all up while Anya tried to say something.
"Ahhhh yahhhh thahh wahh faa ahhh tha!"
"You really should try to stop talking," I said smugly. "It's making you drool."
She just turned to glare at me.
I heard a moan from Tatiana, signaling that she was starting to recover. I quickly grabbed the hand cuffs that used to be on me, and locked Tatiana's wrists behind her back with them. Then I put the leg cuffs on her ankles. Tatiana groaned a little more loudly as her eyes fluttered open.
"What the hell?"
Tatiana awoke to find her limbs cuffed, and her shirt and bra pulled up. She saw me standing over her, smiling.
"How did you get free?" she asked.
"You were knocked out when your head hit the table. Then I fought off Anya and found your key. The rest was easy."
Tatiana glared at Anya who was struggling helplessly on the floor now.
"You stupid bitch, how could you let her beat you? Now look what you've done!"
"Iii wahhah ahh haa, yooo aye eee uuhh!" Anya retorted angrily through her gag.
I went over to Cindy and unbuckled her ball gag and removed it from my friend's mouth. It was covered with her saliva, but I decided not to wipe it off. I came up behind Tatiana who was sitting up now.
"What the fuck are you doing with that?" Tatiana asked.
"I think I've heard enough of you, Russian bitch!" I yelled as I brought the gag around in front of her.
"Don't you dahhhh..."
With a vicious yank, I pulled the ball deep into Tatiana's mouth.
"Ahhhhfffff mmmmppphhh," Tatiana moaned as I buckled it as tight as I could possibly make it.
"I think you deserve a taste of your own medicine," I gloated, as she slobbered around the rubber ball between her teeth, now mixing her saliva with that of Cindy's.
Then I gave her a rude shove and pushed her over onto the floor causing her to grunt as she landed hard onto her shoulder.
I immediately set about releasing my friends, and Jennifer. I found the knife and cut them all loose, and unlocked the cuffs on their ankles, while each of them removed their own gag. Cindy gave me a big hug the moment she was free. She caught me by surprise with the strength of it as she squeezed my topless body against her own. I felt my nipples hardening again as our breasts touched.
"Oh Samantha, I could just kiss you!" she giggled and planted one directly on my lips as I blushed.
"Mmmmmm... s-s-stop, please," I said, pulling back, as the others were looking at us strangely.
Rachel and Sara then hugged me as well. Each one pressed their body into me with a show of thanks as I reddened some more at their nakedness. I looked at Jennifer, wondering if she would do the same. But she was too busy looking for something to cover herself up with.
She found her mini skirt lying on the floor, where it had been left from the day before, and put it back on. Her blouse had been shredded so she covered her chest with one arm and reached out her other hand to me.
"Give me the key to the cuffs. I want to take her clothes," she said, tilting her head at Tatiana.
"Hey," Sara exclaimed. "What about us? We all need clothes too."
"That's not my problem. I saw her first," Jennifer said indignantly. "I just want her shirt. You can have those ugly pants and boots. Now give me the key!"
"We don't have time to argue," Rachel seemed anxious. "They could be back at any minute. Let's just grab what clothes we can find and get out of here."
Cindy took the key from me and gave Jennifer an annoyed look as she approached Tatiana. "Help me take her clothes off. Then we can decide who gets what."
Tatiana began whimpering and grunting as the five of us set about uncuffing and stripping her. We removed her shirt, pants, boots, and underwear, and left her completely naked. Then Cindy locked her wrists behind her back again, while the rest of us went after Anya. We untied her and then stripped her completely naked too. Rachel and Sara held Anya steady while I cuffed her wrists behind her back. Then we pushed her down to the floor where I watched over her while the others divvied up the clothes. Jennifer took the shirt she wanted, while Rachel and Sara took the two pairs of pants and boots. Rachel discovered Jennifer's sliced satin thong in the pocket of what used to be Anya's pants.
"Hey, I think these are yours," she said, holding them out to Jennifer.
Jennifer waved her hand at them and snorted.
"I don't want those anymore. But I will take these," she said, while bending down to pick up Anya's black panties.
She put her feet in them and pulled them up her legs and under her skirt.
"Whatever." Rachel shrugged, and tossed the ruined thong aside.
Cindy dragged Tatiana over to a chair and forced her to sit. She made sure her prisoner's arms went over and around the back of it. Then she wrapped another cord around Tatiana's waist and the chair and tied her down.
"Somebody should keep an eye out to watch for them to come back," Cindy announced. "I remember Tatiana saying they won't be gone very long."
Rachel seemed worried. "We should just leave now then. I don't want to get caught again."
"I agree," said Sara. "I think we should go."
Cindy nodded. "Alright, but I want to do something with these two first. Samantha, go to the front window and let me know if you see anything."
I walked towards the front door and looked out the window next to it. Jennifer's car was the only vehicle parked outside.
"Hey, your car is still here!" I said to Jennifer.
"It is?"
She ran out the front door before I could stop her.
"Wait, where are you going? Don't leave without us!" I called after her.
Jennifer ignored me and bolted for her car. She opened the door and jumped in.
"FUCK!!" she yelled, seconds later, and frantically started searching the car.
After a minute of fruitless hunting, she got out and slammed the door shut. She stomped back to the cabin wearing a sour face.
"Damn it! Those bastards took my keys!" she announced to everyone.
Then Sara made her own discovery while pulling on Tatiana's pants.
"I found a cell phone!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Let's use it to call the police!"
She flipped it open and turned it on.
"Crap! It needs a pass code to unlock it. Do you think we can make Tatiana tell us what it is?" Sara asked Cindy.
"Maybe, but it will probably take too long. She doesn't appear to be very cooperative," Cindy replied, as Tatiana smirked at her angrily.
"Let's just go on foot," Rachel said. "I really don't want to stay here any longer."
"Anyone who wants to leave, go ahead," Cindy said, as she picked up some more rope, a set of leg cuffs, and Jennifer's old thong. She walked over to where Tatiana was seated. "I'll catch up in a minute."
Rachel grabbed Sara's arm and the two of them headed for the door, wearing the camouflage pants and boots. Each of them had also tied a strip of Jennifer's silk blouse around their chests as a make-shift bandeau style bra.
"We're leaving," Sara announced.
"Don't follow the driveway and stay away from the road until you get far away," Cindy suggested.
"Why?" Jennifer asked. "That's the only way to know where you're going."
"I think it's too risky. What if the terrorists come back and see you?" Cindy said.
"I'll take my chances," Jennifer declared and headed out.
Sara turned to Rachel. "We better take Cindy's advice. Let's go through the woods."
Rachel nodded and the two of them left together.
Cindy looked at me, expecting me to follow them. I wanted so much to get the hell out of there, but I didn't want to leave my friend either.
"I'll stay with you," I smiled at her. "But let's not take too long, OK?"
Cindy nodded. "Give me some help with these two then. I want to humiliate them just like they did to us."
"What do you have in mind?"
Cindy held up Jennifer's satin thong and grinned. "Unbuckle her gag. I have a present for her."
I stifled a laugh as I removed Tatiana's ball gag.
The Russian blonde took one look at the balled up thong in Cindy's hand and launched into a tirade.
"Keep that fucking thing away from me! Don't you dare put tha....mmmmMMMMPPPHH!"
Cindy silenced the enraged woman with the wad of satin as she crammed Jennifer's panties into the struggling woman's mouth. This set off another burst of anger as the woman thrashed about violently in her bonds.
I let Tatiana mumble into her tasty thong for a while, but then decided one gag wasn't enough, so I shoved the rubber ball in too and buckled it tight. Tatiana's face turned dark red as she grunted furiously at me, her cheeks bulging over the leather straps.
"You better not get yourself too worked up there," I gloated. "I wouldn't want you to choke on those panties!"
That just made her grunt louder and struggle harder as she shot daggers at me with her eyes.
"Bring Anya over here," Cindy said as she locked the leg cuffs onto Tatiana's ankles.
Cindy tied a rope to Tatiana's ankle cuffs and then pulled her captive's feet back under the chair and up towards her hands. She tied the other end of the rope to Tatiana's wrists, leaving no slack. Tatiana's wrists and ankles were now connected together, behind and under her, with her feet off the floor. Tatiana squirmed in her chair and soon realized how helpless she was. Without the use of her feet, she had no leverage to try and move the chair. She grunted vehemently at Cindy as my friend gave her a pat on the cheek.
"Aww, is the Russian whore upset, all tied up and naked? Don't worry, I have a friend to keep you company while you sit here and wait to be freed," she said, as I finished dragging Anya over.
"Grab her shoulders and help me set her up on Tatiana's lap," Cindy instructed.
Together, we lifted Anya up and sat her down on her comrade's thighs, facing the seated woman. Cindy spread Anya's legs apart so that she was forced to straddle Tatiana. Then Cindy cuffed Anya's ankles together behind Tatiana's back leaving her thighs wrapped around her partner's hips. Cindy pushed Anya's body forward and pressed the two naked women into each other, causing them to whimper and moan angrily. Cindy held them together tightly while I tied more rope around their bodies to permanently unite their intimate cuddle. Tatiana's chin became sandwiched between her buxom friend's breasts. She was unable to turn her head sideways with the two of them melded together so firmly. Even more worrisome to her was the fact that she could barely breathe with her face buried as it was. As a final touch, Cindy connected Anya's wrists and ankles together beneath the chair with a length of rope.
"There, that should keep them busy for a while. What do you think?" Cindy asked me.
"It looks perfect, what a great idea," I grinned.
It felt good to finally get the upper hand on these two. I couldn't resist adding my own little jibe.
"I wouldn't struggle too much ladies, unless you like to turn each other on," I laughed, remembering the phrase Tatiana had used earlier.
The two Russian women moaned into their gags as they writhed helplessly.
"Come on," Cindy said. "Let's see if we can find some more clothes."
We quickly searched the entire cabin but found nothing else to wear, so we decided to make our own outfits. We pulled off the bed sheet we found in one of the rooms and used a knife to cut it up. We fashioned a pair of short skirts from it and tied them around our waists. Then we used two more strips of the sheet and tied that over our breasts like a strapless bra. We looked like a pair of Amazon savages but it was better than going out in just our panties.
We also looked for anything that may have been left behind to indicate what the terrorists were planning. But they must have taken everything with them because we found nothing - no laptops, no guns, no documents or photos or any other equipment or materials. There was nothing left for us to do but make a run for it and hope we could contact the authorities.
We waved good bye to our lovely captives as we headed out the door. The two of them uttered angry grunts as they struggled together. I couldn't help but feel amused about the predicament we left them in. I'm sure they would have a nice time trying to explain themselves to their leader when he found them naked and tied up on top of each other.
It was the middle of a bright, summer morning as we stepped outside. It felt good to be able to walk around freely. I took a moment to scrutinize the wooded scenery all around us. In the distance, I noticed a cloud of dust moving behind the trees near the dirt roadway. It was approaching at a very fast speed.
"What's that?" I asked.
Cindy turned to see what I was pointing at.
"Run!! They're coming back!"
I ran into the woods as fast as I could.
"I think Rachel and Sara went this way," I shouted.
"Then I think we should go a different way," Cindy yelled, as she ran off in an angle to the direction I was going.
"Why?" I asked as I turned to follow her.
"We should split up from them. It will make it more difficult for the Russians to find all of us."
I looked back worriedly. "You don't think they'll catch us do you?"
"Not if I can help it."
She led me up the side of a wooded hill. It was tough going in our bare feet but the threat of getting captured again spurred me to move faster. Once we reached the top we paused to catch our breath. Cindy pulled me down low to duck behind some dense foliage. She signaled me to be quiet as she crept over to the edge, and looked back down towards the cabin.
"I was right, they did come back," she whispered.
I heard shouting but was unable to make out what they were saying.
"They've got Jennifer already!" Cindy hissed.
"Oh Cindy, what are we going to do? I don't want to get caught again." I started to cry.
"Come on, follow me," she said and ran off again.
I chased after her but stopped for a moment to take a quick look back. I saw Igor carrying a bound Jennifer in his arms, while the other men were running around. Then Aleksei looked up in my direction. I quickly ducked down as I heard him yell out. My heart started racing as I backed away, cursing that I had just blown our getaway. I scrambled to catch up to Cindy who was already half-way down the other side of the hill.
"Run faster Cindy, I think they saw me!" I cried.
We ran as fast as we possibly could for as long as we could. Cindy kept zigzagging in different directions as she tried to make it difficult for them to follow us. She even ran a short distance through a small stream in an effort to hide our trail. After about 20 minutes of non-stop running, and only more trees in sight, I finally begged Cindy to stop.
"Cindy...heh...heh...heh..." I gasped, all out of breath. "Stop...heh...heh... I need to rest..."
She was exhausted and breathing hard too. She stopped by a boulder and sat down on it to catch her breath.
"I think we're safe for a while. There's no way they could possibly follow us," she said confidently.
"I guess not, that was quite a path you took there, what with all those turns and stuff. They probably gave up long ago."
I looked back at the way we came and listened for any sounds of pursuit. Hearing nothing but the birds and the insects, I collapsed onto a nearby log to rest my weary legs. I looked up at my friend. Her breasts were rising and falling rapidly as she wiped the perspiration from her brow. She reached up with both hands to pull her wet hair back and out of her face. My eyes were immediately drawn to the thin white strip of cloth she wore over her chest. It was soaked with sweat as it clung to her curves. I could easily see the outline of her breasts and nipples through the now semi-transparent material. I noticed Cindy's eyes were staring at my own wet top.
"I never thought I'd see the day when you would wear something so sexy," she said with a sly smile.
I looked down at myself, and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of my large tits plastered by the sweaty bed sheet.
"Well it beats running around topless I suppose. I've already spent enough time having everyone see my naked breasts."
Cindy and I looked at each other for a moment. I wondered what she was thinking about and was about to say something when she suddenly jumped to her feet and turned to go.
"Well, that's enough rest, we should keep going," she said.
I stood up and gently grabbed her arm just as she was about to walk away.
"Cindy ..." I paused for a moment as she turned to look at me.
Her gorgeous green eyes locked onto my own. I stood there swimming in them for what seemed like eternity, until I built up enough courage. Suddenly I couldn't hold myself back any longer and leaned forward to kiss her. It only lasted a few seconds but it was the best kiss I ever had. Cindy wrapped her arms around me and softly stroked my hair. I hugged her tightly and started to cry as a flood of emotions overwhelmed me at that very moment. She patted my back and whispered encouragement in my ear.
"Oh honey, don't cry."
"Sorry," I sniffled into her shoulder. "I'm really scared right now and I'm just glad you're here with me. Please don't ever leave me."
She held me in her arms and rocked me gently from side to side, soothing my feelings.
"Shhh, it's OK now. I'm not going anywhere. We're in this together and I promise to stay with you forever."
I looked into her face and smiled. I never felt happier as we kissed again, deeply.
Then she pulled away. "We really should get going," she said. "We need to find a safe place before it's too late."
I nodded and gave her hand a squeeze. We trotted off again. Cindy led the way at a much slower pace this time as we jogged along. We kept a sharp eye and ear out for any signs of trouble. But an hour or so later we encountered nothing and stopped to rest again.
"I can't believe we haven't come to a road or anything yet," I said. "Where are we?"
"I don't know. We'll need to find something soon though. I'm getting really thirsty and I'm sure you are too."
I nodded. I was starting to feel a bit dizzy from all this heat. Even though most of the time the trees shielded us from the sun, I knew it wouldn't matter if we died of thirst or heat exhaustion. We decided to press on.
The sun was directly overhead when Cindy suddenly halted a third time. I came up along side of her and stood there looking as she pointed ahead. Through the trees in front of us, about 100 yards away, I could see the side of another cabin.
"Do you think it's safe to approach?" I asked her.
"Probably, but we should be careful just in case. Follow me quietly and don't make any sudden moves."
She walked ahead while I fell in behind her. We made our way closer and saw that the cabin sat at the end of a dirt lane that disappeared into the trees beyond. There were no vehicles parked nearby, so I assumed it was unoccupied. Attached to the right side of the cabin was a large deck that extended partially out over a swimming pond.
As we walked a bit further, we came to the edge of a small clearing that surrounded the cabin and gave us a clear view of it. We stopped just short of the clearing and decided to scope things out from here. In the middle of the deck was a large wooden table with an umbrella coming out of the center of it. Attached to the umbrella was a length of clothesline that ran out, and was tied to, an over-hanging branch from a nearby tree. There were several swimsuits and towels pinned to the line that were hanging out to dry. I counted two pairs of men's trunks and a bikini. Next to the table was a pair of lounge chairs. One of which was currently occupied!
The person in the chair appeared to be a young, dark haired woman stretched out sunning herself. She was wearing sunglasses and a red bikini. Then another young woman suddenly appeared from the left through an unseen door. She was very tall and athletic and sported a dark tan. Her beautiful, long blond hair hung to the middle of her back. She was wearing sunglasses, a light blue tank top, and a white, three tiered, ruffled, mini-skirt. The skirt was snug at her waist and hips but flared out loosely around her shapely and muscular thighs. She carried two cans of beer and handed one to the sunbathing girl, who obviously was not asleep as she reached out her hand to take it. Both women looked to be in their early 20s.
"Well, they don't look like Russian terrorists to me. Shall we ask them for help?" I whispered to Cindy.
She was silent for a few moments as she watched the two women closely.
"Maybe, let's see if there is anybody else with them first."
We watched them for a few more minutes. The tall blonde sat down in the other lounge chair. She took a sip of her beer and then set it down on the table. She kicked off her flip flops and pushed them over to rest along side another pair already sitting in front of the table. Then the woman reached up and pulled off her shirt. She also removed her strapless bra, revealing a voluptuous chest with no tan lines. I gasped slightly as I watched her run her hands over her breasts, examining herself and brushing off any lint or dirt. Then she pulled her skirt up to her waist to expose her thighs all the way to her crotch. Even from this distance I could clearly see a yellow triangle of panty beneath the bunched up skirt. Then she laid back and settled herself along side her friend to enjoy the sun.
Cindy's hand on my shoulder broke my thoughts. "Well, they don't appear to pose any threat to us," she chuckled. "Shall we go?"
"I'd hate to catch them off guard like that. But we do need help, and I don't want to wait around any longer."
"Then let's do it. We'll run out and pretend we are still being chased, OK?"
I nodded and then we both darted forward.
The two ladies weren't paying much attention, because they didn't notice us approaching until Cindy finally called out.
"Help, please help! They're after us!"
The two women jumped to their feet and threw off their sunglasses. The blonde let out a startled yelp and snatched up her clothing to cover herself. The girls looked at each other with surprise at the sight of us running towards them. Cindy continued yelling as she ran up the stairs onto the deck.
"Oh thank God we found somebody! They kidnapped us and were holding us against our will! You have to help us, please!"
The brunette still appeared confused. "Hold on, slow down there. What are you talking about?"
I came up the stairs and joined Cindy.
"Boy am I glad to see you," I said, while the blonde girl quickly dressed herself.
Cindy tried to explain. "Some men broke into my house yesterday and grabbed us. They drove us out here and kept us locked up in a cabin in the woods. They tied us up and stripped off our clothes too."
"Where's their cabin?" asked the blonde worriedly.
"It's way back through the woods," Cindy replied. "It's pretty far away, I think, because we've been running for hours."
"It was awful," I added. "They threatened to kill us. Luckily we managed to get away. But I think they may be chasing us."
The two girls suddenly became very concerned. The blonde took a quick look into the woods and then waved us inside.
"Come on, let's get out of sight," she said.
We followed her inside while the brunette locked the door behind us.
Cindy gave the brunette a hug. "Thank you, so much for helping us. My name is Cindy and this is my friend Samantha."
"My name is Megan," said the petite brunette.
"And I'm Angela," said the blonde with the athletic build.
"Are they still after you?" Megan asked worriedly.
"We're not sure," Cindy said. "They were at first, but we've been running for so long that we must have lost them."
"Do you have a phone?" I asked hopefully.
Megan responded, "I have a cell phone, but it doesn't get a signal out here. We're miles away from town."
"How did you get out here then? I didn't see a car," Cindy wondered.
Angela replied, "My boyfriend Ted drove us all out in his truck. The four of us are on a camping trip."
"Four of you?" I questioned.
"Carl's my boyfriend," Megan added. "He's with us too. We like to double date a lot and this cabin belongs to him. He bought it from his uncle a few years ago and we go up here every summer to hang out for a couple of weeks. He and Ted took the truck back into town to pick up more beer and food and some gas for the generator. They left a short while ago."
"How soon do you expect them back," I asked. "I'd like to get to the police as soon as possible."
Angela replied, "I don't know, probably about an hour I guess. It's takes at least twenty minutes to reach town by driving."
I looked at Cindy nervously. She knew I wouldn't feel completely safe until we were back at home, so she flashed Angela a despondent look with her big green eyes.
Angela smiled warmly at her, "Why don't you girls stay here with us until they get back? Then we can all ride into town together and notify the police."
Cindy seemed agreeable to that offer as she turned to me.
"We should be safe for a little while at least," she reasoned. "It will take them days to find this place. We could use a rest anyway."
"I can probably find something more decent for you girls to wear too," Angela said while gazing at our ragged and sweaty outfits.
Cindy laughed and tugged on my arm. "Come on. Let's get out of these bed sheets."
"OK," I sighed.
I had to admit the thought of staying here did sound rather appealing. I could certainly use a change of clothes, and I was very hungry and thirsty too.
Angela turned to her friend, "Megan, why don't you bring them some food and something to drink while I find clothes for them?"
"Sure thing," she said, and headed for the kitchen.
Angela led us down a hallway to her bedroom. Inside was a dresser, a queen-sized bed, and a bench, on top of which was a pair of suitcases. She opened one of them up and started digging. Then she paused to think for a moment.
"Maybe you want to wash up first? We have a working shower. It's run by a generator that provides our electricity and pumps the water."
She showed us to a door that led to a small bathroom.
"Oh, a shower sounds great!" I said, jumping at the opportunity to clean up.
"You can go first," Cindy said, looking at the small shower stall. "I don't think there is enough room in there for two people at the same time."
Angela stared at us oddly, and I gave Cindy a look of displeasure. Gee thanks for making me feel embarrassed, I thought. Cindy saw my expression and quickly tried to clarify.
"I mean... uh... the stall is really tiny and uh..."
"Just stop," I said to her.
I turned to Angela. "We're not lesbians or anything like that. We're married."
"Oh, OK," she said slowly.
"To men," I added quickly.
She resumed searching through the suitcase and pulled out two t-shirts and two pairs of shorts. Then she paused and looked at my make-shift skirt and bra.
"Um, do you need underwear too?"
I blushed. "Uh... yeah, I guess."
She dug around and pulled out two items.
"Do you prefer a thong or bikini panties?" she asked while holding up one of each.
Oh gosh, how do I get asked these questions? I thought.
Cindy kindly interjected, "I'll take the thong."
Angela tossed it to her and gave me the other pair. Then she looked at my chest again.
"I don't think I have a bra large enough to... um... I mean... I don't have one in your size."
Now it was her turn to stutter.
She continued, "Um, do you want to try going without one, maybe?"
She saw my horrified expression, and quickly offered this, "Or...I think Megan has a tube top or something that you can borrow. Would that work?"
"That would be fine," I said, hoping this was the last of the personal questions.
Angela left to go find Megan so Cindy and I began to undress. We tossed the torn up sheets we had worn into the trash can. Cindy sat down on the bed in just her panties and watched as I pulled my own pair down and off my legs. I noticed she was staring at my crotch so I balled up my panties and threw them at her. She yelped with surprise as I hit her in the face.
"Hey! What was that for?" she asked.
"They belong to you don't they? And besides, you should keep your eyes to yourself, young lady." I grinned playfully, as I quickly ducked into the bathroom and shut the door.
A few minutes later, Cindy and I emerged from the bedroom, showered and dressed in clean clothes. Megan had given me a white tube top made of a soft elastic-like cotton material. It was clearly meant to emphasize the breasts so I decided to put the t-shirt on over top of it, despite Cindy's teasing that I was being silly. I was also wearing the tight, black, cotton shorts Angela had given me. They had a picture of a volleyball printed on one butt cheek that I wasn't too thrilled about. Angela said they were part of her old uniform from when she had played in college. The sandals I had borrowed from Megan fit a bit tightly but it was much better than running around bare foot.
Cindy looked good in her new attire, but then she always did, no matter what she wore. She was wearing Angela's sandals, and her low rise, cut-off, denim shorts, and a light gray t-shirt that hugged her firm breasts nicely. Her eyes seemed to sparkle more now that her face and hair were washed. Megan had also changed out of her bikini and into a white t-shirt and light gray hot shorts.
The girls served us a nice meal while we waited for their boyfriends to return. They all chatted amiably but I spent the whole time staring out the window nervously. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were still in trouble. About thirty minutes later we heard a truck drive up and park.
"I think the boys just returned," Megan said.
Angela jumped up and looked out the window.
"Yup, that's their truck. Let's go," she said turning to us. "You girls will be safe now."
We all arose and followed her towards the entrance. Suddenly, the front door burst open and a young man came stumbling in and fell to the floor, blood trickling from his nose. His hands were bound behind his back with duct tape and his mouth was covered by another gray strip as well. He appeared to have been beaten to near unconsciousness as he was barely moving and was badly bruised.
"Ted!" Angela screamed and ran to kneel at his side.
Then it was my turn to scream, as Aleksei stepped into the room and pointed his machine gun at us.
"Freeze!" he shouted.
I couldn't move even if I had wanted to because I was so petrified with terror. Cindy's face turned ashen as she threw her hands up in the air. Megan and Angela screamed hysterically. The big man moved a few steps forward, away from the entrance. Ivan entered pushing another young man ahead of him. This man was also gagged with duct tape and had his hands taped behind his back. He wasn't in as bad of shape as the other guy and was able to stand on his own.
"Oh Carl!" Megan cried as she stepped forward.
"Shut up woman," Aleksei commanded, waving his rifle to keep her back.
Then he suddenly recognized Cindy and me.
"Ivan, look who we find. Boss will be happy now."
Ivan smiled and then shoved Carl face first into the floor at Megan's feet. He holstered his pistol as Carl climbed back up to his knees.
"It sure was a great idea to grab these boys and force them to lead us here," he said. "Who would have thought that our runaway captives would be waiting here for us? I'll notify Sergei."
He pulled out his cell phone and flipped it open.
"Damn it, no signal. Watch them while I go use the two way radio."
He went out to the truck while Aleksei remained to guard us. I peered out the window and saw Ivan retrieve a two way radio from inside the truck. He conversed with someone for a few minutes before returning.
He came back in and spoke to Aleksei. "Sergei says to hold them here until he arrives."
Aleksei nodded and stepped forward.
"You!" he said, while kicking Carl in the ribs. "Lay down on floor and not move."
Carl did as he was told while Megan hovered over him crying. She knelt down beside her boyfriend and looked up at the two Russian men.
"Leave him alone. Can't you see he's hurt? We haven't done anything to you."
Ivan smiled at the girl.
"Relax," he said. "No one will get hurt if you do as you are told."
He waved his hand at us. "I want all of you lovely ladies to sit down on that couch. And don't get up unless I tell you to."
Cindy and I quickly took a seat while keeping our hands up. However, Angela and Megan didn't want to move as they clung to their fallen boyfriends.
"Move woman!" Aleksei shouted at Angela as he hauled her to her feet and gave her a shove towards the couch.
"Please don't hurt them," Angela cried, fearing the worse for her man.
"Shut up and sit down!" commanded Ivan.
Angela and Megan slowly took a seat next to me as the four of us squeezed together. Then Ivan and Aleksei began talking to each other in Russian. They conversed for several minutes. Ivan seemed to be conveying some kind of plan to Aleksei who nodded often.
"OK, here's the deal," Ivan turned back to us. "As long as everyone cooperates, we won't need to shoot anybody. Now, don't move. I'll be right back." He went back out to the truck again.
Aleksei had an angry and determined expression on his face as he pointed his rifle in our direction. Ivan returned moments later with a near empty roll of duct tape in his hand. He then used the remaining tape on the roll to blindfold the two young men and bind their ankles together. Ivan stood up and issued a command that infuriated the men on the floor.
"OK, ladies, it's time to lose the tops. Take 'em off and toss them over to me."
Angela gasped, "What? Why do you need our shirts?"
Ivan looked annoyed at her as he started to draw his pistol. Meanwhile, Aleksei gave Ted and Carl a kick in the side to silence their emphatic complaining.
I quickly blurted out, "Please, just do what he says! We don't want to make them angry."
I pulled my t-shirt off and tossed it over.
"Now there's a bright girl. You should listen to the smart one, Blondie," said Ivan.
Cindy pulled her shirt off too and dropped it onto the floor. Ivan whistled at the sight of Cindy's impressive breasts, lifted and held in a lacy, pink and white, shelf style, brassiere.
"That's real nice," he said, then turned to Megan and Angela.
"You new girls better get a move on! We ain't got all day here. Do you need some more encouragement?"
Angela immediately shook her head and pulled her top off and tossed it aside. She was now reduced to her strapless bra made of yellow satin, with lace trim.
Megan still hadn't budged. She seemed very reluctant to take her shirt off for some reason. Ivan took a threatening step towards her, which finally prompted the girl into action. With trembling hands, she unwillingly peeled off her tank top.
Oh my! The girl isn't wearing a bra. I thought. No wonder she was so hesitant.
Megan's embarrassment showed on her face and neck and all the way down to her perky little breasts. She threw her arms over them and bent down to her lap to hide herself.
"Sit up!" Ivan demanded. "All of you! And put your hands behind your head. Now!"
The four of us sat up and slowly complied with his loathsome demand. We were now forced to display our chests to both of them. Only Cindy dared to look up.
"Hmmm, something needs to be fixed here," Ivan said to me.
I looked up just as his hands came forward and started pawing at my tube top. I squealed loudly as he yanked it upward. The soft material slid over my breasts and nipples as he pulled it up and over my face. He gathered up my flailing wrists with one hand and wrenched my arms skyward while continuing to slide my top up. I felt my large tits jiggle freely when they popped out the bottom of it. He pulled it past my head and up my arms and off. Megan regarded me with a knowing look as I sat there half naked.
"There, that looks much better. Now, what else can we do with the four of you?"
Chapter 8 (added: 11/14/2009)
Ivan surveyed the four shirtless women, hands held behind their heads, cowering before him on the couch. He smiled and turned to his partner.
"Aleksei, have you ever seen such a beautiful sight?" He chuckled. "Sergei says we need to keep a close eye on them. I don't think that'll be a problem, do you?"
Aleksei's fierce expression didn't change as he just shrugged his shoulders. Carl and Ted, however, couldn't stand listening to the women being treated like personal playthings any longer. They both attempted to be heroic by throwing every effort into getting loose and began to thrash around violently, but all they managed to do was annoy Ivan.
"Damn it! I've had enough of this shit. Aleksei, get these men out of here."
The big man handed his rifle to Ivan and grabbed Carl by the legs. With evidence of pleasure showing on his face, he dragged Carl across the floor and over to the door that led to the cellar. He opened it up and, without any warning, shoved the bound and helpless man down the wooden steps. Carl's muffled screams mixed with thumping noises as he rolled to the bottom. Megan shrieked hysterically and charged at Aleksei.
"You bastard! You're going to kill him!"
Aleksei easily fended off her weak blows and wrapped her up in a bear hug, crushing her arms to her side. He lifted the topless girl off the ground and carried her back over to the couch while she kicked at his shins uselessly with her flip-flop covered feet. He dropped the petite brunette down next to me and yelled at her.
"Shut up woman! Man not die yet! But will if do that again!"
Megan started to cry. Then Aleksei grabbed Ted by the ankles and began dragging him over as well. Angela stood up to plead with him.
"Don't hurt him, please!"
Aleksei paused at the top of the stairs to look back at her. He showed absolutely no compassion at all as he proceeded to send her boyfriend tumbling with a shove of his foot. Ted's fall ended with a loud thud and a howl of pain. Angela was enraged as she clenched her fists and fought to keep herself from lunging at him.
"Why are you men so cruel? We haven't done anything to you," she said.
"Sit down!" Ivan commanded while waving the gun at her.
Angela slowly returned to her seat and put her hands up. Ivan walked over and reached out to touch her cheek. But the angry girl jerked her head back and slapped his hand away as she glared at him. Ivan roughly grabbed her wrist with one hand and her chin with the other. He forced her to look up at him.
"Listen, Blondie. I think I've been pretty nice so far. I could've just as easily told Aleksei to shoot them. So try and be a little more cooperative and we'll all get along just fine."
He released her with a shove and bent down to scoop up our shirts. He pulled out his belt knife and began slicing them up. Aleksei returned and picked up his rifle to resume guarding us. Angela watched curiously as Ivan cut all of our tops into long strips.
"You know, I paid good money for those shirts," Angela said. "Why do you have to cut them all up?"
"My but you're a nosy one, aren't you darling? You'll be finding out soon enough what these are for," he chuckled.
I had a pretty good idea of what their purpose was but it didn't prevent me from trembling anyway. Somehow being alone with these two men was far more terrifying to me than any time with Tatiana or Anya. Aleksei, the heartless monster, hovered over us like a hawk, just waiting for a mouse to move so he could swoop in and bite its head off. And then there was Ivan. He hadn't done much so far, but something about all his grinning and chuckling was very unnerving. It was like he knew something was going to happen that we didn't, and I had the sinking feeling we were about to find out what it was.
Ivan finished cutting up the last of the shirts and then put his knife away. He collected all the pieces and set them on the end table, next to the couch.
"OK, Miss Nosy, you can be first. Stand up!" he ordered Angela.
The tall blonde slowly rose to her feet as a worried look came across her face.
"What are you going to do to me?" she asked innocently.
"Just turn around and put your hands behind your back!" he commanded.
The girl's earlier anger was now replaced with fear. Her shoulders started shaking as she turned away from him and reluctantly placed her hands against her bottom. Ivan took one of the strips he had made and wrapped it around her wrists very tightly to join them. Then he cinched it through the middle to tighten it even more. Not finished with her, he grabbed each of Angela's elbows and pulled them together. He tied another cloth strip around them and forced the girl's shoulders back. Angela whimpered as her chest thrust forward from the strain.
"Ow! Please, it's too tight," she whined.
"It is? Let me check," Ivan said with mock sympathy.
He reached around her, from behind, and ran his hands all over her bulging tits and fondled them through her bra.
"Everything feels pretty good to me," he chuckled. "But I can loosen this up if it makes you feel any better."
At that, he unhooked her strapless bra and let it drop to the floor. Angela let out a yelp of surprise as her lovely tits danced freely. Then he pushed her back down to the couch again.
"Next!" he shouted, as he grabbed Megan by the arm.
She let out a scream as he pulled her up and spun her around.
"You better be quiet little girl, or I'll stuff your mouth so full you won't be able to breathe!"
Megan nodded weakly and choked back a sob. The poor girl had tears running down her face.
"Now, give me your hands!"
She did so and was immediately rewarded by having them tied together. Ivan used more cloth strips and tied up her elbows the same way as her friend. The young brunette's nipples were standing at attention as her arms were tied back. She appeared to be much younger than I had originally thought, as her breasts weren't quite fully developed yet. I suspected she hadn't even reached her 20th birthday. Ivan gave her a pat on her firm bottom.
"OK, cutie, you can sit down now."
Megan sat.
"Your turn gorgeous," he said to Cindy. "Come here."
Cindy climbed to her feet and turned around, holding her chin up proudly. She placed her hands behind her without hesitation.
"You can't wait to be tied up can you?"
"Screw you," Cindy told him bravely.
Ivan grabbed her chin angrily, and twisted her head towards him.
"Watch it gorgeous! I've got something I'd love to stick in that pretty mouth if you want to keep being sassy."
He tied up her elbows and wrists and spun her around to face him. Then Ivan reached for her shorts. Cindy screamed and tried to flee, but he grabbed the waistband with his left hand and held her in place. His right hand unsnapped the shorts and pulled down her zipper, exposing her pink and white thong.
"Get your dirty paws off of me!" she shrieked and tried to knee him in the groin.
But he was able to deflect the blow before it found its target. He yanked her denim shorts down her legs and pulled them from her feet. Then he snaked an arm around her waist and tried to kiss her, but Cindy turned her face away with a squeal.
"Stop it! Don't touch me you bastard!"
Ivan laughed as he pulled her against himself, and pressed his mouth forward. Cindy twisted her head and shoulders sideways, first one direction, and then the other, as Ivan kept trying to find her lips with his own. Cindy's squirming only served to turn him on more. He gripped her jaw tightly and kissed her sloppily while ignoring the kicks at his legs.
"I love a girl with some spunk to her. I'm gonna enjoy breaking you in," he said, as he gave her a swat on the ass before pushing her down to the couch. He reached out a hand to fondle her breasts.
"Just leave me alone," Cindy blurted out, but she was unable to pull away as he mauled her soft melons.
Ivan laughed at her continued resistance as he placed his left hand on her shoulder. Then he grabbed the front of her bra with his right hand and yanked as hard as he could. The flimsy material was no match for his strength and ripped away with a loud snap of breaking hooks and straps. Cindy gasped as her tits suddenly burst free. Ivan tossed the useless garment over his shoulder and looked down at her wickedly, letting out a whistle.
"Damn! That's a fine pair of titties!"
Cindy looked down, her face turning a deep shade of crimson in humiliation. Then he turned his unwanted attention over to me.
"And finally we have Big Tits here," he said as he hauled me to my feet.
I stood there and waited for him to tie my hands behind my back like the others. But instead, he grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands forward. Bewildered, I watched as he tied my wrists together in front of me.
Ivan turned to Aleksei. "Well, it'll probably take Sergei a little while to get here. So let's see if we can arrange some entertainment while we wait."
He walked across the room to where a big easy chair sat and dragged it over. He positioned it to face directly opposite the couch and forced me to sit in it.
"Wait here," he said to me, and then turned to Aleksei. "Watch them closely for a minute. I'm going to have a look around." And then he left the room.
We all sat patiently as we listened to the sounds of Ivan searching the cabin. He went through all the rooms and even went out onto the deck for a moment. It was hard to remain calm with Angela's and Megan's terrified eyes staring across at me. The poor girls had no idea what was in store for them, and, now that I thought about it, I really didn't either.
Ivan finally returned about ten minutes later with his hands full of stuff. I watched with fearful curiosity as he set down some rope, an elastic bandage roll, some clothespins, and a pair of tan colored, thigh high nylons.
"Looks like one of you girls likes to wear colorful underwear," he said, as he also held up a fistful of bright colored panties.
Megan lowered her head and began to blush, which made me think they belonged to her.
"I found these in someone's dirty laundry pile. They sure will make nice gags, don't you think, ladies?"
Ivan started laughing when he saw the expressions on all our faces. Even Aleksei showed a smirk. I swallowed nervously at the thought of having someone else's panties in my mouth.
Ivan placed the panties aside. "But first, I need everyone barefoot."
He waved his hand to me, indicating that I should approach. "Come and give them some help dear."
I removed my sandals first and then headed over to help Cindy with hers. Meanwhile, Angela and Megan kicked off their flip-flops and pushed them away. Then Ivan grabbed Angela and Megan and yanked them to their feet. He stood one to his left and the other to his right as he gripped their arms tightly.
"Big Tits, come over here and take their panties off," he said to me.
"Hey!" Angela exclaimed in protest. "You don't..."
"SHUT UP!!" Ivan silenced her with a shake of her arm. "Not a word from either of you!"
I reluctantly approached the pair of topless girls. They both looked at me with worry, and shook their heads no. A lump formed in my throat as I timidly reached under Angela's skirt. She started to tremble as I felt around for the waistband. Finding it, I gently slid her yellow satin panties down her thighs as she shut her eyes and whimpered softly. I pulled them down to her ankles and knelt at her feet. I waited as she slowly lifted each foot, one at a time, to help me remove them.
"Good girl, but you're not done yet. Cutie here wants to go pantyless too," Ivan said, as he forced Megan to take a step forward.
The young girl's eyes flooded with tears as I reached for her shorts.
"Please, don't," she whispered.
I felt terrible for doing this to her, but I had no choice. I quickly pulled her shorts and panties down together as her entire body shook from her sobbing. Again I waited for help, but Megan's legs remained frozen in place. I had to grab her ankles and forcefully raise her feet up so I could pull her clothing off. Then I separated her gray shorts from the red panties and made a move to put the shorts back on her, but Ivan stopped me.
"That won't be necessary. She won't need those anymore," he said, and took the shorts from me and tossed them away.
"Now for your next task, I want you to take the panties and stuff a pair into each of their mouths."
"Please," I begged, "don't make me do that to them."
He back handed me across the cheek. "Do it!"
I slowly pulled out Megan's red panties and stood up to hold them before her lips.
"Hold on there," Ivan smirked, "give her the yellow pair instead."
Megan, Angela, and I all looked at each other wide-eyed as we realized the implications of what he just said. I gulped and reluctantly pulled out Angela's yellow panties and offered them to Megan. She immediately shook her head in refusal, which angered Ivan. He grabbed Megan's hair from behind roughly.
"Open up, you little bitch!" he roared and wrenched her head back.
The petite brunette bleated helplessly and opened her mouth. I stepped forward and quickly shoved the balled up satin into her mouth before my guilt got the better of me.
Ivan gave Megan's head a firm rattle. "Bite down and hold them in! I don't want to see any part beyond your lips."
He released her then and pointed to Angela. "She gets the red pair."
I looked at Angela as I wadded up Megan's bikini panties in my hand. The tall blonde opened her mouth in cooperation and allowed me to insert her friend's panties. Once the last bit of red nylon was inside, she closed her mouth on them and tried to make the best of it.
Ivan smiled. "Thank you, Big Tits. You can sit down for the moment." I took a seat next to Cindy on the couch.
Ivan retrieved another red pair of panties from his collection and pulled out his knife again. He proceeded to cut and remove the entire crotch part from it, thus reducing the panties to just a circular band of fabric. Then he cut the band in one place, leaving a single long strip of red nylon. The purpose of all this became clear when he crammed the separated crotch piece into Angela's mouth and then parted her lips with the longer strip. He pulled back the ends and tied them together behind her head. Ivan left the whimpering girl in a cleave gag made entirely of panties.
Then the man selected a bright purple colored pair of panties from the pile and cut them up the same way. He took the removed crotch piece and forced that into Megan's mouth and then created a cleave gag out of the waistband part of the panties. Megan and Angela were left to chew on each other's panties and the crotch part of a second pair. I could see the two girls were quite humiliated by all of this, but I also thought they looked rather sexy with the bands of bright colored nylon between their lips.
Ivan picked up the roll of elastic bandage and began blindfolding the two girls with it. He wrapped several turns of it over their eyes and around their heads before tying it off. Then he pushed Megan off to the side.
"Hold still for a minute, Cutie, while I work on your friend here. Don't move," he said. The blindfolded, gagged, and naked brunette mewled softly as she stood there trembling.
Ivan marched Angela over to stand in front of the easy chair. He removed her skirt and then left the naked girl on her own for a second while he retrieved the pair of thigh high nylons. He selected one piece of it and wrapped that around her waist. He pulled it very tightly, causing it to crease her skin deeply above her hip bones. He tied it off in front, just below her belly button, leaving one end to be about eighteen inches long. He guided that piece down through her sex and ran it between her legs, causing Angela to moan with concern. He pulled it up between her ass cheeks in back, tucked the end under the part encircling her waist, and then tied it to her wrists. The long-legged blonde was now wearing a crotch rope made of tan nylon hose.
This troubled the ex-volleyball player greatly. She gasped and moaned repeatedly as she bent and twisted her torso in an effort to release the pressure on her clit, but her struggling wasn't doing any good. In fact, it was having quite the opposite effect, and was stimulating her pussy. When she turned towards me, I noticed that the part of nylon running through her sex was a darker color than the rest, indicating her arousal.
She wasn't the only one becoming aroused though. The memories of wearing my crotch rope came rushing back to me and I felt my own panties beginning to dampen from those thoughts. I fidgeted and rubbed my thighs together as I watched Angela's gyrations before me. It was a squeal from Megan that finally pulled my attention away.
I turned to see that the young brunette had just been fashioned with her own crotch rope of tan nylon and had suddenly become quite vocal. Ivan left her panting and wiggling as the soft, yet scratchy, nylon hose rubbed across her clit as well. A tiny moan escaped my lips at the sight of the two naked and bound girls.
There was more to come, however. Ivan grabbed the bundle of rope from the table and unsheathed his knife. He went back over to Angela and forced her to sit in the softly cushioned chair. He spoke to Aleksei in Russian, apparently to ask for his help. The muscular man set his rifle down and came over to hold the sexy blonde in place while his comrade got to work. Ivan pulled out a length of rope and cut a piece off that was about four feet long. He tied one end of it around Angela's right ankle. The blindfolded blonde couldn't see what they were doing but her frantic whimpering sounds indicated she was extremely worried. Then Ivan lifted Angela's tied leg up and over the right arm of the easy chair. He spread that leg wide to her right as he held the rope and walked around behind the chair, pulling her ankle back and to the side. Meanwhile, Aleksei grabbed Angela's left ankle and lifted that one over the other arm of the chair. He pulled that leg wide to her left and brought it back behind towards Ivan. This action was particularly disturbing to the blindfolded girl. She became hysterical as both of her thighs were spread extremely wide and stretched impossibly taught. The two men connected her ankles together behind the chair with the short rope and then came around to admire their work. Angela was pleading and shrieking into her panty gag as her roped crotch was fully exposed to everyone in the room. Her shapely and well tanned thighs had been spread and pulled so far apart that I could see her groin muscles protruding on either side of her quivering pussy. It was almost impossible for me to pull my eyes away.
Aleksei returned to pick up his rifle that had lain unguarded. The rifle! I groaned at my stupidity when I realized I had just missed a chance to escape. I could have grabbed the rifle while they were busy with Angela. But instead I was foolishly sitting here, lusting for a bound stranger's snatch. Samantha, I said to myself, snap out of it. You've got to stop thinking about all these naked women and remember you're still a prisoner.
Then I heard a moan emerging from Cindy and glanced over at my friend. Her eyes were half closed and her breathing was shallow and rapid. Was she becoming aroused too? I thought. I looked down at her panties and discovered that she did indeed have a wet spot on them. She was just as turned on as I was!
Meanwhile, Megan had no idea what was going on, but the frightful sounds of her whimpering friend were causing her to worry. She began to sob and plead through her purple gag while she waited helplessly for her fate.
"Don't worry, Cutie," Ivan laughed. "I haven't forgotten about you. Your turn is coming up right now."
He walked over to the brunette and picked up two cloth strips from the table. Then he forced Megan down to the floor in front of Angela and crossed the brunette's ankles. He used one of the cloth strips to bind them together tightly and then rolled her onto her stomach. He pulled her ankles up behind her to meet her wrists and used the other cloth strip to bind her into a tight hogtie. After he finished, he gave her bare bottom a little spank and a pinch before standing up. Megan whimpered and struggled helplessly on the wooden floor while Ivan gathered up some more rope.
He gazed up at the ceiling of exposed beams and made a slight adjustment to the position of Angela's chair. Then he ran a long piece of rope across one of them and let the ends dangle downward. He positioned one end to hang directly in front of Angela. The blindfolded blonde could only whimper curiously as she felt him attaching that hanging end to the front of her crotch rope. The other end dropped down onto Megan's back who was writhing around on the floor. Ivan knelt down alongside of Megan and flipped her over onto her back. Her bound arms and legs were now trapped beneath her bottom. She groaned in humiliation as she felt her pelvis thrust upward to meet the rope descending from the beams. Ivan took that rope and ran it under the nylon hose splitting her pussy. He gently pulled on it to take in the slack between the two girls. Neither girl was aware that the rope ran between their two crotches. He continued taking up the slack until the rope was taught. Both girls began to whimper as they felt a slight pull on their pussies. Ivan grinned and tugged some more. Megan's bottom was lifted off of her legs and arms, and Angela's pelvis was pulled forward and upward as her buttocks lost contact with the seat cushion. Then, and only then, did Ivan tie the rope off to Megan's crotch rope.
"Go ahead and struggle all you want, ladies," Ivan said to the blindfolded girls. "I'm sure you can free yourselves eventually," he chortled, knowing what the effect would be, should either choose to do so.
The bound and blindfolded girls moaned and pleaded as the rope pulled tightly on the tan hose buried between their legs. Angela, with her legs splayed so widely, was having a particularly difficult challenge of keeping her composure as the soft material rubbed continuously over her sensitive clit. And as each girl struggled, she unknowingly pulled against her partner's crotch. I had to stifle another moan as my own arousal level went up a step higher while watching their erotic plight. My panties were now thoroughly soaked underneath my shorts.
Then Ivan spun around to face Cindy and me. My stomach knotted up as he grinned at us wickedly. He seized my arm and pulled me up.
"Take off your shorts!" he said to me.
"But...," I stopped mid-sentence when he glared at me.
Shamefully, I lowered my shorts, and cringed as my sodden, pale blue, bikini panties came into view.
"Ah, someone's actually enjoying this I see." I shook my head no, but I don't think it changed his opinion.
"Take the panties off too."
I did as I was told and soon stood before him naked, while clutching my underwear in my bound hands.
Ivan smirked evilly, "Now sit down and put them in your friend's mouth!"
Cindy and I both gasped.
"Come on you two, don't be shy," he chuckled.
I glanced at Cindy who was trying to give me a reassuring smile as I sat along side her again. Oh my gosh, how embarrassing, I thought to myself as I raised my soiled panties to my best friend's mouth. Cindy closed her eyes and daintily parted her lips. My hand was shaking as I gently stuffed the soft material behind her teeth and against her tongue. Cindy's cute little nose wrinkled up and I wondered if she had suddenly tasted how wet the panties were.
"All the way in, dear," Ivan said, as I hesitated.
I sighed and poked and prodded them until they disappeared under her lips.
"Now it's your turn, Big Tits. Take your friend's panties off and put them in your own mouth."
I knew that was coming next, but when he said it my heart started racing anyway. I gingerly reached over and hooked my fingers into the waistband of Cindy's thong. She lifted herself up and allowed me to slide it down her legs. The fragrance of her aroused sex hit my nose as I uncovered her pussy for the second time today. The aroma of it was so exhilarating that it didn't bother me at all when I put her wet thong into my mouth where I could taste it.
The sound of Ivan's knife ripping into nylon startled me. I looked over and watched, horrified, as he was cutting the crotch out of two more pairs of panties he had retrieved from the table. One pair was a shimmering light green color and the other was hot pink. I whimpered as I remembered where they were going to end up. As expected, Ivan took the pink crotch piece and began rudely stuffing it into Cindy's mouth. She glared at him but wisely chose not to resist as he then tied the band of pink nylon between her lips and knotted it behind her head. I watched my friend biting and chewing at the invading wisp of underwear as she tried to mouth it into a more comfortable position for herself. When Ivan finished knotting it, he grabbed Cindy by the hair and forced her to look up at him.
"Wow, that gag makes you look so fucking hot," the tall man exclaimed.
Cindy mewled softly into the pink colored cleave gag as she looked at me meekly with those lovely green eyes of hers. I had to admit that Ivan was right. Cindy never looked sexier as she did now, mouthing the hot pink panties and struggling naked in front of me.
Ivan's hand suddenly appeared in front of my face with the crotch part of the light green panties. I reluctantly opened my mouth, just far enough for him to shove it in. I groaned a protest as the additional material was pressed into my tongue. Then Ivan moved around behind me and pulled the other cut-up part of Megan's panties between my lips and secured the strip tightly behind my neck. As I worked the large ball of panties around in my mouth as best I could, I couldn't help but look down at Megan's roped form on the floor in front of me. Her thrusting pelvis was beckoning to me as she blindly struggled against the rope and nylon hose pulling at her pussy. Suddenly I recognized a new flavor in my mouth and moaned.
Our ordeal was just beginning though. Ivan left the room again and went into the kitchen area. I heard the brief sound of chairs scraping on the floor. He returned with two wooden chairs and placed them face to face about five feet apart next to Angela. He was grinning again as he looked at Cindy and I, deep in thought. He finally seemed to reach some kind of decision and signaled to Cindy.
"Come here gorgeous and take a seat right here," he said as he placed his hand on the chair next to Angela and facing towards me.
Cindy glanced nervously at me and then walked over to sit in the indicated chair. But as she was about to sit down Ivan lifted her arms up and guided them over and behind the back of the chair. Cindy mewled worriedly as he forced her to sit down with her arms behind the chair back. He used more rope then to tie her arms to the back of the chair, and ran another piece around her waist and locked her down even more. All of this caused Cindy's impressive chest to thrust out invitingly towards me. But her humiliation wasn't at an end.
"Spread your legs!" he commanded her. "More...more...Now pull your feet all the way back."
I watched as Cindy opened her legs and positioned her thighs, as directed, around the sides of her seat. She placed her ankles as far back as she possibly could. When Cindy glanced down towards her exposed pussy, I noticed her tiny patch of pubic hair was glistening with moisture. Then her eyes met mine and caught me staring. We both blushed.
Ivan marched over with another piece of rope and used it to tie Cindy's ankles together behind her and then fastened them to her wrists. This forced her hips forward a bit as her knees went down, and to the side, and her feet went up behind her. Cindy grunted angrily at him to show she wasn't happy.
"Oh relax, gorgeous. You'll be just fine. That might seem a bit uncomfortable, but as soon as I get your friend ready, I'll give you something to take your mind off of that." He laughed at his own little joke and then turned to me.
"All right Big Tits, your chair is waiting," he indicated with a motion like a game show model would use when revealing a prize.
Nervously, I climbed to my feet and walked over to sit across from Cindy. Ivan lifted my arms up over my head and then bent my arms back and pulled my hands down behind my head. He used another length of rope to secure my wrists to the top of the chair back. Then, curiously, he used two cloth strips and tied them around each leg, just above my knees, but didn't fasten them to anything else. They just circled my knees like a bracelet. What the hell was that for? I wondered.
"Now, bend your knees and put your feet up on the seat."
"Huhmmm ummm," I moaned with alarm and shook my head.
That made him angry of course. He grabbed each of my ankles and forcefully raised them himself. He bent my knees and forced my heels to touch my buttocks.
"Owwmmmmm," I groaned at the rough handling.
He whipped out more rope and tied each of my ankles to my thighs in what they call a frog tie. The position itself wasn't physically painful but it sure made me feel exposed as my legs seemed to spread on their own accord. Cindy was watching me very closely now.
Ivan retrieved two more cloth strips and circled them around each of my elbows and made a bracelet-like ring around them as well. Then he began cutting off two more short lengths of rope. Suddenly, the purpose of the bands of cloth on my knees and elbows dawned on me and I couldn't help but put up a fuss.
"Nnnnn, peeth dohnnn, peeth," I pleaded, into the panties packing my mouth.
But Ivan ignored me and took the piece of rope and pushed one end of it under the band around my knee and the other end under the band around my elbow. Then he pulled on the two ends.
"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn," I groaned hysterically as my right knee was jerked back and out wide to meet my elbow.
He didn't stop pulling until my elbow and knee touched. Then he tied it off. I leaned to the right in an effort to keep my modesty and relieve some of the pressure on my elbow and knee. But I knew this was about to end, as he was now threading the other short rope into the bands around my left elbow and knee. Again he pulled on the loose ends.
I wailed into my panty gag as my thighs were spread widely, and my left knee was attached to my left elbow. It wasn't very painful but it was extremely embarrassing as my tits and pussy were completely exposed and aimed directly toward Cindy. Ivan stepped between us and patted our taught thighs.
"Very nice, ladies! I hope the two of you enjoy your view."
Then he walked out of my field of vision. I watched Cindy following him with her eyes and a moment later she suddenly became very agitated. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers and she started shrieking into her gag and shaking her head. I heard Ivan come up and stand directly behind me, but I was unable to see what he was doing. Cindy was grunting into her gag so energetically that I was very much worried. What was she so concerned about?
Ivan came around between us, with his back towards me, and blocking my view of Cindy. Whatever he was carrying in his hands was making my friend very anxious. He bent down and did something to Cindy's chest. A muffled squeal erupted from my bound friend.
"Aaaaeeeeehhhhh!!" The sound sent bolts of fear through me.
Then Ivan turned around and revealed to me what he was holding. A pair of clothespins! Oh my god, he wouldn't dare! I thought. My whimpering became very loud and I jerked my arms and legs in a desperate attempt to protect myself, but it was useless. The snickering man attached the wooden clasps onto my erect nipples.
"Guuuhhhhhhnnnn!!" I bit down hard into the panties and howled into my gag.
It felt like electricity had been injected into my buds and through my tits. The signal seemed to travel right to my pussy. I inhaled deeply through my nose and held my breath as the initial shot of pain slowly subsided to a dull throb. As Ivan moved away, I looked across at Cindy and saw her staring down at her own clamped breasts, bouncing up and down, as she fought to regain control of her breathing. My own breaths were short and quick, as the clothespins seemed to be sucking all the oxygen out of me. The pain was almost gone now, but I could feel my nipples throbbing under the tight grip of the wooden clasps.
Suddenly, I felt my chair sliding forward. Ivan had moved around behind me and was pushing my chair towards Cindy's. Our chairs collided with a startling jolt causing both our tits to bounce wildly. Cindy and I were now close enough for our clothespins to touch should we move in the slightest. We couldn't help but inspect each other's predicament as we flushed with embarrassment at the proximity of our naked bodies.
"Now all we have to do is wait," Ivan said as he plopped himself down on the couch. He laid down on his back and kicked his feet up to enjoy a moment to relax.
I sure wished I could, but with my legs spread and my nipples clamped, relaxation was impossible. Cindy and I stared at each other helplessly as we were left to endure this ordeal together. I noticed her eyes kept glancing down at my enflamed buds. I wondered what she was thinking as she mouthed the pink panty gag and fidgeted in her seat. That little wiggle caused our clothespins to touch briefly and I moaned softly from the tingling sensation this caused in my nipples. I could feel my pussy getting a little excited by this too and I groaned with frustration at the inability to hide my nakedness from my friend's gaze. I sure hoped the wait wouldn't be too much longer.
Ivan got up a few minutes later. "I'm going to go check on the men," he said to Aleksei.
Aleksei nodded and pulled a chair up to the front window. He sat down on it and trained his eye out the window while Ivan headed for the cellar. I watched the big man for several minutes and he never once looked over. I turned my attention back to Cindy. Her eyes had followed mine and she had a questioning look on her face. She was probably wondering if I was considering something now that we weren't being watched. I tested my wrist bonds and found them tight as ever. If I couldn't get my hands free, then there was certainly no way I could loosen any of the other ropes that circled my elbows, knees, and thighs. Cindy didn't appear to have any hope of freeing herself either. So I glanced over to Angela and Megan. I couldn't see Megan down on the floor now but I sure heard her whimpers as she continued to squirm against the crotch rope and hogtie. Angela on the other hand, was clearly in view of me. So far I had avoided focusing even a tiny glance on her lithe and bound form, but I did now, to see if she could possibly get loose.
My eyes were treated to the full effect of her current state. She was whimpering and moaning helplessly while concentrating every effort on holding herself perfectly still. She was trying to keep the nylon hose from rubbing over her clit, but I could see it wasn't working. Her hips and thighs had tired from the effort of holding herself up to relieve some of the pressure, and her weight was beginning to sag against the course material between her legs. And, to make matters worse, as Megan struggled at her feet, there would be a periodic pull on Angela's pussy. Each time that happened, Angela would moan loudly and begin to pant rapidly. She would shake her head back and forth violently and grunt into her gag. It appeared to me that she was fighting to hold back an orgasm. Even now, I could see some of her wetness running down to her buttocks. She looked so erotic and hot to me, as I squirmed helplessly in my chair.
Then Aleksei suddenly jumped to his feet.
"Ivan!" He called out to his partner. "Ivan, boss is here!"
He walked over to the door leading down and called again. "Ivan!"
Ivan came running up the stairs, just as I heard the sounds of car doors opening and closing outside. A moment later, Sergei, the Russian leader, walked in the door, and was followed by the other men and Anya. Only Tatiana and Igor were missing.
Sergei smiled as his gaze gathered in the erotic scene of naked and bound women before him. Anya put a hand to her mouth and gasped at the sight.
"What did you do to them?" she asked.
Ivan smiled, "Nothing, I just made sure they wouldn't get away."
"Get away?" Sergei chuckled. "Looks a little bit overboard, if you ask me."
"Well me and Aleksei were getting bored so I added a few twists. They haven't been harmed, or touched for that matter."
"How did you manage to discover these two were here?" Sergei said as he came over and fondled Cindy and I.
Ivan smiled proudly. "Well that was just my luck I suppose. We were in town keeping our ears open like you said. To see if anyone had seen any runaways. We wasn't having much luck, but then we met these two guys and overheard them talking about a cabin they had out here. It was in the general direction of the path the girls took (pointing at Cindy and I) so we decided to check it out. We grabbed the men and forced them to lead us here. We never expected to actually find them waiting for us."
"Where are these two guys?" Sergei asked.
"Aleksei threw them in the basement. They're tied up real good, I just checked. They're pretty banged up though, but I think they'll live. What should we do now?"
"Well, we can't find the other two, and we're running out of time. Let me think a second."
Sergei stood there in thought for a moment or so, and looked over the captives again. Finally he began issuing orders in Russian and everyone broke into action. Nikolai, Boris, and Anya set about releasing Cindy and I. Nikolai untied my elbows, knees, and thighs, and then untied me from the chair. Cindy was also untied from her chair and the two of us were pulled to our feet. The clothespins remained attached for the moment as Anya grabbed my bound hands and pulled me along behind her. She led me over to the couch and told me to sit. Boris guided Cindy over to sit alongside of me with her arms still bound behind her. Anya held my wrists with one hand and stretched out the other to cup one of my breasts.
"Ooo...How do your nipples feel, honey? Are they sore?" she asked me.
I slowly nodded. Anya's thumb flicked at the clothespin on my left breast. I winced with pain as my pinched bud was twisted slightly.
"My, they ARE tender aren't they? Anya will help them not hurt so much," she said.
Her fingers gently squeezed both clothespins and released the pressure. I was expecting immediate relief, but the moment the clothespins were removed, a flash of pain surged through each nipple. I groaned as the blood returned to my crushed buds. Then Anya removed the clothespins from Cindy's breasts as well. Anya knelt down in front of my friend and put her lips around Cindy's throbbing nubs. Cindy tilted her head back and closed her eyes with a moan as Anya's tongue washed over her tits. Anya licked both of Cindy's areola and massaged them with her lips and tongue for a minute or so. Then she crawled over to kneel in front of me.
My sore nipples immediately sprung to attention and I felt a tingle down below. The hot looking red head slowly brought her lips towards my chest. I sank into the couch as far back as I could while I gasped with apprehension. Oh my, please don't, I thought to myself. I brought my hands up to block her, but she easily pushed them aside. Actually, I didn't really put up much resistance, and now her mouth went straight to my bosom. I gasped through the panty gag as I felt her hot tongue swirling over my tits. Her soft hands were on me as well, caressing my neck and shoulders, and then traveling downward. She was kissing and suckling on one breast while her hand was massaging the other. I moaned uncontrollably and closed my eyes, as I was quickly immersed in a rippling wave of pleasure. Oh god, her lips and tongue feel so good!
Then the kissing and licking suddenly ended. I opened my eyes and saw Anya rising to her feet.
"Do your tits feel better now?" she asked.
Oh my god, yes, I wanted to say, but instead I just sat there quietly panting. She smiled at me and then walked away to get some rope. She returned with Ivan and several lengths of white cotton cord. The red head knelt down and crossed and bound my ankles, and did the same to Cindy's. Meanwhile, Ivan untied my wrists and then retied them behind my back. He also tied my elbows together to match Cindy's bondage. Then Anya produced two ball gags while Ivan untied the panties that were holding the stuffing in our mouths. Anya giggled at the sight of us spitting out the soiled and sodden underwear into our laps. She took one of the ball gags and rammed it between Cindy's lips as Ivan did the same with the other one to me. They buckled them tightly, leaving us once again helplessly bound and gagged. Then Ivan forced me to lie down on the couch with my arms underneath me, and laid Cindy face down on top of me. Her ball gag was now buried between my naked breasts. She tried to raise her mouth above them but she couldn't bend her neck far enough to clear my large tits. She grunted into her ball gag with the strain and frustration as she wiggled on top of me. All I could do was whimper helplessly as some of her drool dripped down onto my tits, making my nipples stiffen.
Behind me, I heard the sounds of an argument. I turned to see Aleksei and Sergei talking in Russian. They seemed to be discussing the fate of the other girls. Eventually Sergei's decision won out and Aleksei grunted unhappily and stormed off. Sergei waved a hand towards us and Boris and Nikolai immediately arrived to lift Cindy up. They carried her whimpering form outside to the waiting vehicles. Then Ivan and Sergei picked me up and headed out to their van while Anya followed. They dumped Cindy and me into the back of it, and Anya climbed in to sit alongside of us. The rest of the men sat in the front. The doors were closed and we drove off, so I could only assume they left the others behind.
Anya had brought with her the rest of the coil of white cotton rope and a knife. She was grinning at the two of us while she cut off several lengths of it. Then she lifted up my head and shoulders and turned me around to face Cindy's feet. She flipped me onto my belly and lifted my ankles up. She pulled my feet back to touch my buttocks and then tied my wrists to my ankles and put me in a hogtie. Then she did the same to Cindy. She rolled us onto our sides so that we were facing each other. That's when I really started getting anxious. I was now facing Cindy's groin, which was only a few feet away. Then I felt Anya's hands on the back of my thighs and between my shoulder blades. She began to slide me forward towards my friend. I squealed with alarm as my face was shoved into Cindy's crotch! I bucked and squirmed in an attempt to pull back as I also felt Cindy's ball gag now tickling at my pubic hairs. Cindy was whimpering emphatically into my loins and writhing helplessly.
"Hold on you two," Anya giggled. "Anya sees you're getting excited but let her finish tying you up before you start enjoying each other."
"Hmmmph!" I grunted at her angrily. I certainly wasn't enjoying this. Well, that wasn't entirely true. The more I struggled, the more turned on I was getting from the closeness of Cindy's naked body.
Now Anya was chuckling as she ran some rope around and under our bodies at the waist. She pressed us together and then tied the rope as tight as she could. Our bellies were now in permanent contact. Then I felt another piece of rope being pushed under my hip and under Cindy's neck. Oh my gosh, no! I screamed into my ball gag as she pulled my friend's face tightly into my crotch and tied it off. Cindy's ball gag was now wedged against my pussy. Her hot breath was warming me in ways I had never imagined. I soon felt myself getting very wet between my legs and knew it was impossible for my friend not to notice. I groaned with shame as I felt Cindy mumbling and whimpering for air but only getting the smell of my arousal.
Then a line was wrapped under and around my neck and Cindy's hips. Anya pulled that tight and I mewled helplessly as my nose plunged between my friend's legs and my ball gag pressed into her cunt. I almost feinted from the aroma of Cindy's sex and how exciting she smelled. I tried to move my mouth a little and was immediately treated to the taste of my friend's wetness on my ball gag. Oh my god! I decided I better remain perfectly still.
"There we go. Now the two of you can have as much fun as you want." Anya giggled.
She patted our bottoms and laughed. "Maybe Anya should see if either of you are ticklish."
Suddenly I felt her hand on my ribs where she started to tickle me with her fingers. I clenched my teeth tightly around the ball gag and tried to refrain from laughing. But the mischievous woman wouldn't stop and soon I was giggling uncontrollably into Cindy's pussy, making it wetter and wetter. Then her hand left to go tickle Cindy. Almost immediately, I felt my friend's ball gag vibrating against my clit as bursts of laughter emerged from her lips. I felt a wave of pleasure forming deep inside me which I knew was a sign of a building orgasm. Please, no! Not here, and not now! I could never live with myself were I to climax against my best friend's face. I concentrated as hard as I could to hold it back.
Thankfully, Anya decided her fun with us was over, and ceased the tickling. She moved away to join the others, and left us on our own. However, we still weren't able to relax, as now we had to deal with the bouncing of the van. The road we were traveling on was nothing more than a dirt and gravel path through the woods. The vehicle lurched and jolted as it bumped along the uneven lane. Cindy and I were tossed about and forced to grind into each other every five seconds or so. The ride did eventually smooth out some, but it was very brief. Soon after, the van turned onto yet another bumpy road and the bouncing and grinding began all over again.
By the time the van finally came to a halt, I was very much in an aroused state. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever envisioned myself getting so turned on by another woman. But I certainly was now, and I was positive that Cindy was too, by the taste of my slick ball gag.
I heard the doors open and the sounds of bodies exiting the vehicle. The rear door was opened and I felt hands on the ropes holding Cindy and I together. We were untied from each other and pulled towards the back of the van. I squinted into the bright sun at first but quickly identified our surroundings. We were back at the cabin we had hoped to abandon. Sergei's angered face greeted me as he forced the two of us to sit up with our bound ankles hanging over the edge.
"I am deeply disappointed in the two of you for trying to escape. Anya told me exactly what happened and she has demanded I grant her some payback. I think I will fulfill her request."
I felt very foolish and ashamed as I sat there, completely naked, while he spoke to me. Not only that, but my body was still sexually charged from the ride here and now drool was beginning to spill from my lips too. However, the Russian leader didn't seem to notice any of that. He used his knife to cut the ropes off our ankles, elbows, and wrists. Our ball gags remained in place as he continued to talk.
"The delay you have caused to our plans is unacceptable. And now we face the very real possibility that your friends may have been able to alert the authorities. We need to move quickly."
He grabbed Cindy and me by the arm and roughly pulled us to our feet. Then he shoved us toward the cabin.
"Get inside, and be quick about it!"
He gave each of us a vicious swat across our bare bottom for encouragement. Cindy yelped loudly and jumped forward. I followed behind her as fast as I could while staring at the red hand print appearing on her left buttock. My own tushy was stinging painfully and probably bore a similar mark. Nikolai and Boris hustled us back toward that dreadful place.
Upon entering, we were lead down the same hallway as before, but this time they herded us into the first bedroom on the left. A disturbing sight filled my eyes the moment we entered the dimly lit room. Igor was busy applying the final knots to a bound and completely naked Tatiana. But it was the way she was tied up that scared me. The Russian blonde was perched upon the raised metal railing that ran between the two posts at the foot of the bed. She had been forced to straddle it, with the bar pressing into her sex. Her legs had been bent backwards to her buttocks and her ankles were tied to the same railing upon which she sat. Below the railing, her knees had been pulled down and joined together with more rope that was also anchored to the corner bed post in front of her. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, her arms had been pulled behind her and secured at the wrists and elbows. Igor was just now pulling her wrists up to the ceiling beam above her. As her arms and hands were raised behind her, Tatiana was forced to lean more and more forward to alleviate the stress on her shoulders. She grunted angrily into the duct tape covering her mouth. It sounded like it was also packed full underneath. She didn't sound particularly pleased that her weight was now mostly supported by her pussy.
Seeing her like that was quite a shock. I could only assume she was being punished for letting us get away. Why else would they have tied up one of their own?
Then I noticed another bound figure on the bed near her. It was Jennifer. The pretty executive was also buck naked, and was now tied in a sitting position with her back to the railing that ran between the posts at the front end of the bed. Her wrists were fastened together, up and behind her head, and each ankle had been pulled out wide to each side and attached to the corner post.
"Get down on your knees!" Sergei commanded as he shoved us into the room.
Cindy and I slowly dropped to our knees and knelt there, side by side. The Russian leader then addressed the two of us.
"I am turning you over to Anya and Igor now. But don't expect them to treat you very nicely after what you have done," he spat.
Anya suddenly strolled into the room wearing nothing but a mischievous smile. She was carrying a bundle of white cotton rope and a knife, both of which she now tossed to Igor. Then she came over to Sergei and embraced him seductively while kissing him deeply on the mouth. She raised one leg and wrapped it around his waist and pushed his back against the wall. Sergei's left hand was in her hair while the other circled her waist and pulled her close. The two of them remained lip locked for almost a full minute. When Anya started to grind her hips against him, Sergei pushed her away.
"Later my dear," he said to her.
Anya pouted. "But Anya needs you now," she said while rubbing herself with her fingers.
"You're going to have to wait until we get back and the mission is over."
Anya was very angry as Sergei turned his back on her and marched from the room. She stomped her foot down and let out a "humph" sound of frustration. But her expression quickly changed when she saw the two of us naked and kneeling on the floor.
She smiled and walked over to stand before us. She said something to Igor in Russian and he handed her two pieces of rope.
"Give Anya your wrists, both of you!" She commanded.
Cindy and I presented our wrists up to her. Anya crossed and tied each pair of trembling wrists together with the white cord.
"Now put your hands behind your head and grab a handful of hair. And don't let go until Anya says so!"
We did as instructed and waited anxiously for whatever was next. She turned to Igor and spoke to him at length in Russian. Igor eventually nodded and then smiled at us evilly. Cindy and I looked at each other worriedly and began to whimper behind our ball gags. Drool was spilling from both of our mouths now and I couldn't hold it in. I felt a drop fall onto my chest. Instinctively I lowered my hands to wipe it off, but Anya quickly snatched my wrist.
"Anya didn't say you could let go, bitch!" she said while yanking my hands back up.
I returned my hands to my hair and groaned with dismay and humiliation at the feeling of helplessness as more drool continued to fall. I glanced over at Cindy and noticed her tits were slick and well coated too.
"Anya is very angry with you two American bitches! You will pay for what you did to her. Igor, help Anya tie them up."
Chapter 9 (added: 01/25/2010)
Anya circled around to stand behind my back, out of my field of vision. I didn't dare to move for fear of getting even harsher treatment than what we were probably about to receive. Cindy whimpered along side of me as more of her drool ran down onto one of her breasts from the ball gag in her mouth. Her sounds of anxiety were very disconcerting to me, as I relied on my friend for strength. Without her stability, I was now a victim to my own fears as I watched Anya cutting up the rope into various lengths. Then I sensed Anya kneeling down behind me. Her face suddenly appeared at my right shoulder, between Cindy and me. She threw an arm around each of our necks and pulled the three of us together, cheek to cheek, like we were best friends.
"Anya's going to have so much fun with you two," she said. "Now, listen carefully. Keep your hands out of the way while Anya is tying up your tits, or Anya will find some of those nipple clamps she has lying around. Got it?" She grabbed our chins and forced us to nod our heads in agreement.
"Good girls. Anya is glad we are all in agreement."
Igor handed her two long pieces of rope. Anya wrapped one of the white cords around my chest, looping it three times just above my breasts. Then she passed it around three times just under my breasts and knotted the ends. The tightness of the bands made it slightly difficult to breathe, but, even worse, it squeezed my large tits into distorted ovals. My nipples quickly became engorged from the tight grip. A sideways glance indicated my friend was now getting the same treatment to her breasts. I watched as Anya passed the rope over and around Cindy's voluptuous body, compressing her breasts and making them bulge outward as well. Satisfied, the Russian woman rose to her feet behind me.
Suddenly, I felt Anya's fist in my hair.
"Get up bitch!" She yelled as she yanked me to my feet. "Come over here!"
She dragged me to the head of the bed and forced me to sit down on the floor, facing Jennifer's back.
"Stay put!" was all she said, as she went back to get Cindy.
Cindy was hauled to her feet by the same manner and brought over to join me. The red-headed Russian woman made us sit back to back. Then she turned to Igor and held out her hand for more rope. That request was easy for the bald man to honor, as he gleefully supplied his female comrade with several more segments of the white cotton fiber.
Anya knelt down along side of us and tied one piece around each of our waists. Then she chose two more lengths that were only about eighteen inches long. She pushed one pair of ends between our backs with her hands. I felt her tying one of the ends at the small of my back, connecting it to the part encircling my waist. Then she did the same with the other piece and fastened it to the cord around Cindy. Her hands continued manipulating the rope in some fashion as I felt her tugging on my waist rope behind me and feeding a line through it. Feelings of dread loomed up inside of me at what she was doing. Suddenly, I felt a sharp whack on my hip from her bare hand. She struck Cindy as well.
"Lift up you two."
Cindy and I struggled to obey but found it quite difficult, as we kept knocking each other back to the floor. Another slap to the side of our buttocks didn't really help.
"Come on! Quickly!"
The two of us whimpered and protested at her impatience while squirming around. It took us a few tries, but we finally managed to work together by pushing against one another's back. We only raised ourselves a few inches, but it was all the room Anya needed to pull the two loose ends of the ropes underneath and out to the front of each of us.
The fact that there was now a rope lying between my legs indicated that I would be getting very intimate with it soon. I pleaded to Anya with my eyes while whimpering loudly. Can't I get one break?
She gave me a wicked grin. "Yes honey, Anya knows how much you enjoy having something in your pussy."
She guided it through the lips of my cunt and tucked it under the cord at my belly button and began taking in the slack. That's when I discovered that the opposite end was connected to Cindy's waist rope at her back and not my own as I had suspected. When Anya pulled the rope tight, Cindy grunted as her back was pulled against mine. The ruthless red head proceeded to tie the end off and rewarded me with a very strict crotch rope. It was much more unyielding than any I had worn before, because this one was connected to Cindy. I could now feel a tug on my pussy any time either of us moved. But Anya still wasn't finished.
She walked around behind me to work on my friend's ropes and moments later I felt the other rope pulling at my back. This was immediately followed by squeals of anxiety and concern coming from Cindy. I could only assume the other end now passed through her sex as well. Both of us were groaning and whimpering at the constant stimulation we now felt on our clits. The resulting pleasure this caused me forced a tiny moan from my lips.
Then Anya returned to stand at my feet. "Give Anya your hands," she said to me.
I held out my wrists to her, as before, and watched as she attached another piece of rope to them. She took the other end of that rope and pulled my hands up, and then behind my head. As she walked around behind me again, my wrists were pulled all the way back to descend in front of Cindy's face. This forced me to arch my back slightly, and made my chest thrust outward against the tight bands that squeezed them. The strain this caused to my bound breasts was rather troublesome. I grunted and groaned at the uncomfortable and embarrassing position, but soon found that my friend was fussing even louder than me. I heard her whimpering intensely as I felt my wrists being tied to her rope "bra".
"There, that takes care of the one."
I could now feel the softness of Cindy's curves against my fingers and the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed in and out.
Anya grabbed more rope and said to Cindy, "Anya needs your hands now, honey."
I couldn't see what was going on behind me, but I imagined Anya was now tying the rope to Cindy's wrists as she had done with mine. A moment later I felt Cindy's arms being raised over my head and around the outside of my elbows. My friend's bound hands came down past my face as Anya moved around to stand in front of me again. She pulled Cindy's wrists down between my breasts causing my friend to groan with discomfort. I could feel Cindy's back arching and the rope through my sex wedging itself a little bit deeper against my sensitive clit. I fidgeted uncomfortably from the unexpected stimulation. Oh my, this is not good, I thought.
But things were getting much worse by the second. Anya was now busy attaching the rope that dangled from Cindy's wrist bonds to the bands that circled my chest. The cord was wrapped around both the top and bottom loops, so when Anya cinched it tightly and knotted it off, my poor breasts were squeezed even more.
"Ahhhmmmmppph!" I couldn't help but mumble a complaint, as my tits felt the tight grip of the rope.
Now I had two things to worry about, a rope that was constantly rubbing over my clit and my bound and aching breasts. I looked down at Cindy's hands as she tested the tightness of her wrist bindings. She was twisting her hands this way and that, and I could feel her fingers inadvertently brushing against the sides of my large tits. My nipples began to swell from the touch and I whimpered with humiliation at becoming aroused. A surge of sexual excitement was already building inside of me, despite my frightening situation. But, just when I thought Anya was done, the nasty woman revealed she had even more hideous plans.
Igor and Anya gathered up more of the white cotton rope and knelt down on my left. Igor grabbed my left knee and forced it up near my shoulder. He was doing the same with Cindy's leg and I soon found my thigh pressed against hers. Anya immediately began lashing our legs together, right at the knee. I fussed and complained at this uncomfortable and humiliating position, but the two of them kept right on going until they finished. They tied our ankles to our thighs, and left us like that, with one leg drawn up and off the floor. Then they moved around to the right side and repeated the process to our other leg. Cindy and I were left in a frog tie with both of our knees tied to each other and our hands tied to the other's breasts. Now, with my thighs pulled apart so widely, my cunt was straining against the rope cutting it in half. I couldn't think of anything but the rope through my pussy that was driving me crazy.
I tried to remain calm but Cindy was getting awfully wiggly behind me. She was mewling pretty loudly into her ball gag and would occasionally bump her head against me. But what really bothered me the most was the fact that her hands just wouldn't keep still. They kept pulling and tugging inadvertently on the ropes squeezing my breasts and made my large globes bounce up and down. And just as bad was the feel of the rope tugging at my pussy. Every time Cindy squirmed or moved her hips, the cord would pull tighter against my throbbing clit and send a tremor of pleasure through my loins. Oh my God, Cindy! Why won't you sit still? I wanted to scream at her but when I opened my mouth, more drool ran down between my tits heading straight for Cindy's hands. Good grief! I don't think I can take much more of this.
Then things actually got worse. Anya had been watching me closely the whole time and she noticed what was happening to me. An evil look of lust and desire appeared on her face and she knelt down in front of me.
"Mmmmmm, it looks like Anya's little pet is enjoying herself."
She reached out a hand and began to fondle one of my tits. Instinctively, I tried to bring my hands down to knock her away, only to pull hard on Cindy's breasts. I heard my friend let out a loud moan of anguish. Sorry dear. I apologized to her in my head. But now I couldn't defend myself and had to helplessly sit there as Anya ran her fingers all over my quivering breasts.
"Yesssss, Anya can see that you like the touch of a woman. You are enjoying this, No?"
She was looking right into my eyes as she gently rolled one of my nipples around between her finger and thumb. Oh my gosh! She tweaked the other one too, doing them both at the same time. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Her soft touch sent ripples of pleasure through my erect buds.
"Mmmmmmmpppphhh!" I rolled my eyes back and moaned loudly as I received yet another tug on my cunt.
Suddenly I felt something wet on my left nipple. I opened my eyes again to see Anya's tongue licking at it. Oh my God! I couldn't stand it, and inhaled loudly, holding my breath for a moment. Her tongue was relentless, as it flicked at my tiny bud, over and over.
I exhaled with a loud gasp, whimpering and snorting through my nose at the intense feeling of ecstasy coursing through my body. Her tongue felt so good to me and my breasts began to tremble and vibrate with a hunger for more. I turned my face to the side and buried it under my arm, as I tried to hide it from Anya. I didn't want her to see how much I was enjoying this. But it didn't matter, because my chest was already convulsing from her touch. There was no hiding the fact that I was highly aroused and excited.
Cindy tried to help me by clawing at Anya's face and hair with her hands. But Anya was too quick and avoided her blind efforts easily. She pulled her head back and resumed fondling me with her fingers, away from Cindy's grasp. Her hands were gentle, yet firm, as she massaged my large tits until I was moaning loudly. Then her hand traveled southward. I whimpered anxiously as she began to play with the rope splitting my sex. She was smiling at me, almost giggling with glee, as I squirmed from her touch. I was straining and pulling on Cindy's legs with my own as I tried to avoid Anya's intruding fingers.
Unwanted sensations of heat and desire were starting to build up inside of me from the attention she was now giving my pussy. I concentrated really hard to hold them off, because I was determined not to orgasm at the hands of this woman. But she was making it impossibly hard for me. She tugged on the crotch rope and smirked at the sounds this action elicited from the two of us.
"Ohhhmmmm!" I moaned again deeply.
It felt so good having her pull at the rope through my cunt, but I still fought to resist it. I shut my eyes tight, forced my breathing to slow down and tried to relax. But a squeal of delight from Cindy, followed by a sharp pull at my breasts and pussy, caused another ripple of pleasure to erupt from within me. Spasms and loud moaning gushed out with more passion than I wanted to show.
"Uhhhhhnnnngggggghh!" I snorted.
I felt some drool gurgling out past my ball gag and running down to my breasts again. Oh my God! I tried to plead with Anya but it didn't come out quite right.
"Ohmmmmah Gahhhff, pweeeeef stoff, pweeef!"
My chest was heaving now as I gasped uncontrollably, grunting in unison with each tug of the rope on my clit.
"Guhhhh.... Uhhhhh... Ohhhhh.... Guhhhhhh!"
I screamed, half with pleasure, and half in frustration at the inability to keep my composure as I felt the unwanted orgasm quickly approaching. My thighs were trembling as they pulled at the ropes, wanting to close. But I couldn't do anything to prevent what was happening to me. Oh my God! Here it comes...
"Anya!" Sergei's voice boomed out, bringing an abrupt halt to the action. "We're leaving now. I need Igor with me."
I opened my eyes and saw Anya jump to her feet.
"Aww, but Anya needs his help for just one more second."
Sergei looked annoyed at her. "Hurry up! We've wasted enough time as it is."
It was hard for me to focus on what they were saying as I was struggling to reach the orgasm that was so desperately near. My body was sexually charged up, and was quivering and shaking all over at being brought so close to a climax. I had never felt this way before as my pussy was still yearning for fulfillment. I had this incredible urge to grind myself into the rope and tried to do so now. But I was bound so tightly that I couldn't, and groaned with sexual frustration.
Anya hopped up onto the bed and knelt in front of Jennifer. She inched herself forward until her pussy was directly in front of the bound executive's face. This caused the naked businesswoman to become very agitated.
"W-W-What the hell are you doing?" Jennifer asked anxiously.
Anya caressed the bound woman's cheek and smiled. "Anya's been longing to be pleasured by her sexy little pet. It's what you've wanted to do for some time now, yes?"
Jennifer swallowed nervously. "N-n-no. What makes you think that?"
"Anya sees the way you've been looking at her. You like Anya's hot body, don't you?"
Jennifer's eyes were locked onto the young woman's shaved cunt, wiggling just a few inches away. She was too mesmerized by it to reply. Anya said something to Igor in Russian and he retrieved a ring gag and handed it to her. She stretched it out with both hands and brought it down to Jennifer's lips.
"Anya wants you to open up for me." She whispered softly to her captive.
The pretty executive looked up at her and slowly parted her lips. The ring was slipped inside her mouth, and wedged behind her teeth. Then Anya wrapped the straps around her prisoner's head and joined the ends together. While she was buckling it, she pulled Jennifer's face forward to meet her thrusting pelvis. Muffled whimpering noises were heard as the once arrogant office administrator was reduced to a slobbering sex toy.
Anya noticed Sergei was glaring at her impatiently. She fixed her spiteful eyes upon her boyfriend while eagerly clutching her victim's head to her groin. Her face was filled with lust as she forced Jennifer's mouth against her pussy. She was still staring at Sergei and it appeared as if she were intentionally trying to annoy him. Then she turned to Igor and spoke briefly with him in her native tongue. Igor came forward and tied the Russian woman's ankles together behind her. Anya placed her hands behind her back and allowed Igor to bind them together as well. Apparently she had directed him to bind and gag her because he pulled out another ball gag next and buckled that into her mouth too.
The red head tossed her head back and moaned as she thrust herself at Jennifer's lips and eager tongue. This action enraged the Russian leader and he yelled something at her. Anya ignored him and moaned even louder as Jennifer began licking furiously. That, apparently, was too much for Sergei to handle. He rushed forward and back handed his girlfriend across the face.
A bullet came smashing through the window and struck Sergei in the shoulder. He was thrown backward by the impact and landed on the floor. Chaos and shouting erupted throughout the cabin. I heard more gunfire coming from outside and the shout of someone through a bull horn.
"This is the FBI! Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!"
But the Russians showed no intention of complying. Sergei began yelling out orders in Russian as he jumped to his feet while clutching his wound. He and Igor then ran from the room, leaving us behind to scream helplessly. The sound of machine gun fire echoed throughout the cabin followed by the roar of the truck engine. Then two figures, dressed all in black, came hurtling through the broken window, one after the other. They somersaulted and sprang to their feet holding machine guns at the ready. Their uniforms marked the two men as FBI agents. I heard the truck pulling away at high speed as more gunfire sounded from out front.
"They're getting away!" The taller of the two men shouted. "After them!"
He signaled to the other agent who quickly dashed through the doorway. I could hear a lot of shouting and footsteps as, presumably, more agents swarmed into the building. The radio at the man's belt suddenly crackled with life as a distraught voice came through the speaker.
"Agent Jeb, they've got a truck! We can't catch them on foot! What'll we do now, sir?"
A deep voice followed, "This is agent Jeb. Attention all units down on Forest Road. I need vehicle support at my position. Send someone to pick up my team and then form a roadblock at the end of the lane heading up the side of the mountain. The gangsters are coming your way now!"
The man listened for a moment and then slowly began to take in the scene of the room around him.
"Good Lord!" he exclaimed in surprise.
He reached for his radio and fumbled with the controls.
"Agent Jeb, I th-th-think you better come s-s-see this," he stammered. "This is agent Mark. There's a room full of naked and bound women back here."
Within seconds, the doorway was crammed with gawking FBI agents. Distant gunfire and more shouting from outside drew some of the men away, but most of them remained behind. Suddenly they stepped aside to make a path for a tall, muscular man bellowing out orders.
"All right, all right. What's going on back here? Why the hell is everyone standing around? We've got lawbreakers trying to make a geta...WHOA!"
The man's sentence was cut off in shock as his eyes bulged at the sight of us. His face reddened with embarrassment as he attempted to hide his eyes and that of his men.
"Let's go men, move out! Nothing to see here."
He was motioning to his men to exit the room as he spoke into his radio transceiver, "Agent Laura and Diane, please come to the middle room on the north side of the cabin. I need your help with something."
Agent Mark was still in the room, his gaze had never left Cindy and me. He came over and reached down to untie me, and then hesitated. I felt so embarrassed as my spread thighs were the center of his attention. He seemed unsure of what to do with me.
"Don't touch them, Mark. Leave that to the girls. I want you outside with the rest of the men to catch those crooks."
"Yes sir, agent Jeb." He reluctantly moved off and left to join the others. Just after he was gone, two female FBI agents entered, a blonde who appeared to be about 30 and a slightly younger woman with auburn hair.
The blonde gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God! What happened?"
"Diane, you and Laura untie these women and find them some clothes."
"Yes sir, agent Jeb!" said the two women.
Then another urgent call came in over Jeb's radio.
"Agent Jeb, the truck turned off before reaching the roadblock. They took another path heading south through the ravine. I'm sending the chopper to follow them now. The cars should be arriving at any moment to pick you up."
Agent Jeb looked very unhappy at that news. He thought for a moment and then spoke into his radio. "This is agent Jeb. I'm leaving agent Diane and Laura with the victims here and taking the rest of my team to go after those goons. Agent Charles, you and your team circle the ravine and try to head them off on the other side. And for God's sake don't let them get away!"
I heard the sound of some vehicles arriving outside. Jeb turned to Diane and Laura.
"I'll leave one of the cars for you. Contact me by radio if you need anything else. Now go help those young ladies."
"Yes sir," Diane said. "We'll take good care of them."
Jeb left the room, and I heard him shouting out more orders as he took the rest of his men outside. Laura and Diane then approached us.
"Oh you poor things," exclaimed Laura, the younger of the two. "We'll have you free in just a minute."
Diane, the blonde, approached Tatiana, who was mewling loudly into her gag as if in distress. "Oh my! Look what they did to this one, Laura. Help me get her loose."
I groaned with dismay as I watched the two of them working together to free Tatiana. Even worse, was the fact that neither of them were paying any attention to Anya, who was frantically working at freeing her wrists. I screamed with alarm when I saw her slipping her hands out through the loops that Igor hadn't made particularly tight.
"Hhheppphhh!! Theeff feffin looff! Hhehhhff!" But my frantic pleas were ignored.
"Just a minute," the younger one called over her shoulder without looking up. "As soon as we get this one untied we'll help you next."
I continued mewling and grunting as loudly as possible, desperately trying to get the attention of the two FBI women. Anya had her hands free now and removed her gag. She was working quickly to untie her feet and would be loose in just a second. Jennifer joined me in my muffled cries of warning.
"Ahhhhh hahhh hehh aahhhh ehhh hahhhuuuh!"
Diane and Laura lifted the freed Tatiana from the rail and ungagged her.
"Thank you so much officers," she said in her best English dialect.
"Hhhepphhh, theef rife behinnoo!" I tried to warn them as Anya was off the bed now and rapidly approaching from behind.
Laura finally started to turn around, "What's all the fuss... Hey!"
Anya had slipped the woman's gun from its holster and was now pointing it at the stunned agent's face.
"Hands up, both of you!" Anya commanded.
Diane tried to pull her weapon, but she didn't realize Tatiana was her enemy as well. The blonde Russian woman pounced on her and wrestled the agent's gun away just as she made a grab for it.
"Not so fast honey," Tatiana cackled triumphantly, holding the gun now. "Aw, don't look so surprised. You see, we're both part of the gang too."
Diane, thinking quickly, tried to scream as loud as she could. "HELLLL...oof!"
It was abruptly cut off by a punch to the stomach from the still very naked, Tatiana.
"Shut the hell up, bitch. You too Miss.... Agent Laura." She read from the ID badge clipped to the auburn girl's bullet proof vest. "The next sound either of you make will be your last!"
She emphasized that order by pressing the muzzle of the pistol against Diane's cheek. The two Russian women listened for any signs that they were heard. But the only thing we detected was the sound of the men driving away.
Tatiana smiled. An evil grin appearing as the two female agents quaked with fear.
"Well, it seems any chance of help for you two just drove away. I think we have time for some fun now," Tatiana snickered.
Her expression grew suddenly cold. "Both of you strip!"
Laura backed up a few steps and opened her mouth to complain, but quickly thought better of it when Anya aimed the gun at her nose.
"Anya wants to see you naked too. Now hurry up."
The two trembling agents looked at each other with alarm. Neither of them appeared very eager to start.
"If you don't take your clothes off right now, I'll do it for you! And, I should warn you, my hands have a tendency to wander." Tatiana chuckled.
The two female agents had heard enough and started removing their vests.
"Anya, go take a look outside and make sure we're alone."
The naked red head nodded and then hurried off to investigate. Meanwhile, agent Diane and agent Laura tossed their bullet proof vests off to the side and bent down to remove their boots. Anya returned just as they finished.
"There is a car outside, but Anya sees nobody around. They must have all left."
"Excellent! It looks like we have time to make a clean getaway now." She waved the gun at the two agents. "Let's go ladies! Get those uniforms off too. I want to see some skin."
With bright red faces, the two FBI women slowly unbuttoned their shirts and took them off. Diane was wearing a white, lacy bra underneath, which held her large tits in a marvelous fashion. The younger girl had slightly smaller breasts, but they looked magnificent in the sheer, black nylon bra she wore which was highlighted with pink ribbon-like seems and a cute pink bow in the center.
"Toss your shirts over here!" Tatiana commanded.
Diane looked at her partner as if to pass her a signal or something and then threw her shirt right at Tatiana's face. Laura took the cue and did the same to Anya. Then they both made a run for it while their captors were temporarily blinded.
"Damn it!" Tatiana cursed after throwing the garment aside. "After them!"
Anya didn't need to be told as she was already dashing out the doorway in chase. Tatiana was right on her heels. A moment later I heard a gunshot and some yelling. Then it sounded like a struggle commenced and a few minutes later, the four women returned.
The two FBI agents came back completely topless, with their hands pulled behind their backs. As Tatiana and Anya herded them back towards the bed at gunpoint, I noticed the agent's bras had been used to bind their wrists together. Tatiana stood them in front of the bed and kept her gun aimed at their backs. The two captives glanced nervously at the naked and bound Jennifer, just to their right. The sight of which troubled them greatly.
"That was very stupid of you to try to escape. That bit of foolishness is going to cost you two big time. Anya, take their pants off."
"With pleasure!" She said.
The buxom red head was all smiles now as she went over to Diane, reached around from behind, and removed the belt from its loops. She tossed that and the agent's two-way radio to Tatiana. Then she unfastened Diane's pants. The blond agent groaned in dismay as her slacks were pulled down her legs, revealing a white lace thong that matched her bra and a shapely and very naked bottom. Anya lifted the woman's feet and pulled the garment completely off.
Tatiana sneered from behind her, "Agent Diane, do all the FBI women wear thongs, or are you just a naughty girl?" She laughed loudly as the stripped woman's face turned beet red.
Tatiana took the pants from her comrade and put them on. Meanwhile, Anya sauntered up to Laura and put her arms around her from behind. Her hands went right to the topless agent's chest where they gently cupped each firm melon.
"Please don't," Laura gasped weakly.
Tatiana stepped closer and pushed her gun into the woman's long, auburn hair until it touched her scalp.
"I believe you were told to shut your mouth. Since you are obviously having difficulty following directions, we'll have to find a nice gag for you. I have just the thing in mind," she said while looking at Laura's partner. "Anya, you may proceed."
Tatiana stepped back again and watched with great satisfaction as her sexy comrade fondled the poor captive. Anya massaged both of Laura's tits while kissing the woman on the back of the neck. Laura closed her eyes and shuddered as her left nipple was gently being tweaked. Anya's right hand slowly slid down the agent's trembling abdomen and stomach, tickling her skin along the way. Then she carefully unbuckled the woman's belt and gradually pulled it out of the loops. It dropped to the floor with a loud clunk from the two-way radio. The auburn haired agent let out a startled gasp at the sound.
Anya's hand returned to the woman's waist and casually traveled over her body. The roaming hand caressed Laura's belly and briefly slipped inside the waistband of her pants for a second to tease the girl. This made the female agent whimper and suddenly stiffen with apprehension.
"Mmmmm, Anya likes this one, so young and soft."
She nibbled at the girl's neck causing goose bumps to break out and the bound girl's hands to begin writhing at the small of her back. Anya's left hand continued to fondle Laura's breast while her other was busy releasing the agent's pants. The slacks were very tight around the woman's hips and didn't slide down when they were opened. The girl's zipper was pulled down and Anya slipped her right hand inside to touch her captive's panties.
Laura inhaled with a quick gasp and I saw her nipples suddenly harden. She stifled a tiny moan as Anya's hand plunged between her legs, shoving her pants down along the way. They slipped to her thighs, exposing the young girl's skimpy, black nylon panties. The front and back panels were only held together at the hip by a pink ribbon, tied in a bow. Anya was hugging her tightly with her left arm wrapped around her from behind and gripping her prisoner's right tit. The other hand methodically rubbed at Laura's crotch. She was kissing the FBI agent on the right shoulder while stroking the young girl's pussy through her now wet panties. Laura bit her lip and closed her eyes in an attempt to endure the woman's caresses. Her hips began to fidget and gyrate in an effort to pull away, but Anya increased the stimulation by pushing her fingers in deeper. The auburn haired agent suddenly snorted out a loud moan of desire.
The girl's perky tits were rising up and down rapidly as her breathing quickened and turned into passionate panting. Laura inadvertently lifted her leg up for a second and dropped it back down. Her pants suddenly slid to her knees, showing everyone that she was wearing black, lace top, thigh high stockings.
"Whoa," Tatiana seemed surprised at this. "It looks like we found a hot little tramp hiding beneath the disguise of an FBI agent."
Laura whimpered softly as the fingers found another sensitive spot, "Ohhhh..."
Anya cupped the girl's crotch tightly and wrapped her right leg around the girl. She lifted her foot up and forced it between Laura's thighs to push down on her captive's pants. While still groping the poor girl, her bare foot shoved the agent's pants down to her ankles.
Anya whispered into her prisoner's ear, "Step out of your pants my dear."
The auburn haired agent gasped slightly and suppressed the urge to complain. Her feet remained planted to the floor, so the Russian woman became a little more forceful. She pinched the girl's nipple while pulling the front of Laura's panties up into her sex.
"Step out of your pants, now!"
The expression on the young girl's face contorted with painful pleasure, and she lifted her feet up so that Anya could remove her pants with her foot. Anya kicked them out of the way and returned her attention to the unwilling captive. Her left hand went to the back of her captive's head and grabbed a handful of brown hair. She jerked back on it and pulled Laura's head back abruptly, causing the girl to cry out.
Anya pulled harder, bending the girl slightly backwards, so she could lean in and kiss her on the lips. Her right hand made its way to the young girl's crotch again. Laura began squealing wildly under Anya's lips as she felt the hand slip inside her panties. She tried to twist away but Anya kept a tight grip on her hair. The agent's whimpering and mewling grew even louder as Anya inserted her fingers inside the girl's sex while kissing her even more passionately.
Diane had been patiently standing alongside the two of them, watching, and couldn't keep quiet any longer.
"Leave the poor girl alone!" she suddenly blurted out.
Tatiana immediately slapped her across the cheek. "Shut the fuck up, bitch!"
"You know what?" she continued, "I've heard enough complaining from the two of you. Take your panties off, right now!" She rammed her gun into the blonde's temple for emphasis.
Diane whimpered with fright and reluctantly nodded. Tatiana stepped back but held the pistol aimed at her head.
"Hurry up cunt, get them off!"
The blonde agent wanted to comply but, with her hands bound behind her, it proved to be quite difficult. She wriggled and squirmed as she slowly worked her panties off her hips. Her natural blonde pubic hair came into view as she finally managed to push her panties down to her thighs. Then she stopped.
"I said off, slut! Not just down around your legs." Tatiana snickered.
Diane looked at her with chagrin and started to say something, but changed her mind with a noticeable sigh. She bent her knees and twisted around to get her hands to reach her panties. She struggled mightily to push them down as far as she could. Once they reached a certain point of her thighs though, she could no longer touch them with her fingers. She paused momentarily to consider her options. Then, after reaching some kind of decision, Diane began moving her knees forward and back in an effort to coax the tight panties to fall down. She started very slowly at first to preserve her dignity, but when that failed to work, she increased her effort into a ridiculous waddling fashion that made Tatiana laugh. We watched the red-faced blonde dancing provocatively until her thong eventually dropped to her ankles. Then she stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor in front of her.
"Good girl," Tatiana smirked.
Meanwhile, Laura was getting a full groping and French kiss from the now very horny red head. Anya's fingers were buried inside the struggling girl's pussy and working her victim into a sexual frenzy. Laura was panting heavily and sweating while her body was being played with. Then Anya suddenly broke off the kiss and pulled her fingers out. She yanked her captive up by the hair and clapped her other hand over the girl's mouth. Laura almost swooned from the strong odor of her own arousal that was covering Anya's fingers, right under her nose.
Tatiana bent down and picked up Diane's lace thong from the floor and then grabbed Diane's arm. She spun the girl around and pulled the naked blonde's back against her chest. Tatiana wrapped her up in her arms and then turned the girl to face her partner. She brought her hand up, the one holding the thong, and pressed her fingers over her captive's lips in a hand gag. The lacy panties were now pressed against Diane's nose. Anya twisted Laura around too so that the two agents were now facing each other while being held from behind by the two Russian women.
The two FBI women moaned behind their hand gags while they were forced to watch one another getting fondled. Anya and Tatiana kept one hand on their prisoner's mouths while using their other hand to stroke each girl's sex. Laura whimpered loudly when she felt Anya pulling her panties down, right in front of her friend's gaze. Diane's eyes stared at the auburn haired girl's smoothly shaved cunt and watched curiously as her younger partner was getting finger-fucked by another woman. But her eyes suddenly went wide as saucers as she felt Tatiana's fingers penetrating her own sex, causing her to gasp through the hand gripping her face. The FBI women writhed and squirmed helplessly on the invading fingers as the Russian ladies toyed with the two of them.
After a few moments, Tatiana spoke to her comrade, "It's probably time we get them gagged and tied up."
"Awwwwww," Anya pouted a bit. "But Anya supposes you are right. The others could be coming back soon."
She ceased exploring her captive's nether regions and held out her hand to her partner. Tatiana tossed Diane's thong to her. When Laura realized what was about to happen she started mumbling a protest, but it certainly didn't stop Anya. She balled up the white thong into a wad and raised it to her captive's lips.
"Open up my dear."
"Mmm mmm," Laura murmured in the negative.
"Come on honey. Don't make Anya have to hurt you." But the girl refused to give in.
"Fine, be that way."
Anya threw the panties onto the bed and then grabbed Laura's hair with both hands. She dragged the young woman over to the bed and forced her down to her knees. Then she shoved the gasping agent face first into the panties. Laura's naked bottom was now pointing up in the air while Anya continued to hold the girl down with fistfuls of her brown tresses.
"Put them in your mouth. Now!!" she ordered.
Laura's eyes started to tear up with the humiliation. Her face was turned towards me and I could tell she really didn't want to do it. Then Anya brought her hand down and spanked the girl across the bottom with a loud slap. The effect was instantaneous. Laura gasped with shock and pain, and began to sob. The second blow crushed her resolve.
"Please stop," she pleaded and immediately opened her mouth and bit down on her friend's thong and held it between her teeth.
Anya pulled her up and then stuffed it all the way into her mouth. She spun the girl around and forced her to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Don't move. And you better not spit those panties out while Anya is gone either."
Anya left the room then, only to return moments later with some tape. She tore off a strip and slapped it across the girl's lips to seal her mouth shut. Then she picked up some rope and began tying an end around Laura's ankle. She pulled her stocking clad leg out and attached it to one of the wooden feet of the bed. Then she did the same to the other leg, leaving both limbs spread very widely. Laura looked worried now as her embarrassment and fear began to grow. She watched helplessly as Anya climbed onto the bed and fastened a length of rope to her wrists and pulled her arms straight back to the opposite edge of the bed. The Russian woman then tied the end off after forcing Laura to lean slightly backwards.
Meanwhile, Tatiana was busy bringing her own captive very close to an orgasm. Diane was gasping and moaning into the hand on her mouth, completely powerless to stop her feelings of ecstasy. But the Russian blonde could sense when the woman was about to climax and pulled her hand away before it was reached. Then she urged her prisoner forward with a sharp whack to the buttocks.
"Mmmmmppphh!!!" Diane exclaimed.
"Get over in front of your friend there. It's time the two of you got more acquainted, if you weren't already."
Tatiana marched Diane over to stand in front of Laura and then forced her down to her knees between her partner's thighs.
"Get me a ball gag for this one," she said to Anya.
The red head left the room again for a moment while Tatiana maintained a strong hold on a whimpering Diane. I could see the worry in Diane's eyes above the hand covering her mouth as she helplessly awaited her fate. Anya returned with a big pink ball gag and held it ready while her comrade removed her hand from her prisoner's mouth. Anya immediately shoved the pink ball between Diane's teeth and strapped it on tight.
Diane mouthed the hard rubber and made strange gurgling noises as she tried to speak.
"Yoo baffwahds wineffa geff away wiff iff!"
Tatiana laughed. "On the contrary my dear. We will easily get away with this. You see, no one knows about us yet. They're all too busy following that truck. So as soon as I finish getting some revenge, Anya and I will slip away before they realize what happened."
She looked at Anya then. "Help me pull her hands up to the ceiling beam."
The two Russian ladies worked together to run a line from Diane's wrists up to a beam over head. Anya stood on the bed by Laura to reach it. She tossed the rope over the beam and then began hoisting Diane's wrists up in the air behind her. The blonde FBI agent was whimpering loudly as she was forced to lean more and more forward, her face getting closer and closer to her partner's exposed cunt with each pull. And, as Anya was tying the rope off to the beam, Tatiana was binding Diane's ankles and knees together. Then, to ensure she wouldn't be able to scoot herself backward, Tatiana decided to pull the woman's ankles up and attach them to her wrists by a short line.
Diane mewled uncontrollably as her gagged lips drooled all over Laura's pussy, just an inch below her mouth. The younger agent whimpered too, as she fidgeted and squirmed against her bonds, wishing there was a way to avoid it. Tatiana and Anya smiled at their cleverness.
"Mmmmmmm, isn't that just delightful! I think those two will remember this moment for a long time," Tatiana cackled. "Now we just need to settle the score with these two!" She was looking right at Cindy and me. Oh God, please no! I whimpered inwardly.
Anya was grinning too. "Yes, Anya thinks it's about time we show them how serious it is to cross us. Shall Anya bring out our surprise now?"
Tatiana chortled. "Oh yes! I'm sure they're anxious to see what we picked out for them."
Anya left the room. Surprise? What was she talking about? I didn't like the sound of this at all and I was suddenly feeling very scared.
Chapter 10 (added: 05/21/2010)
Anya returned just a minute later. Cindy and I screamed when we saw what she was carrying. She had two sets of nipple clamps with connecting chains, and two strap-on devices, the likes of which I'd never seen. They looked like some kind of butterfly-shaped, battery powered, rubber or silicone things with wireless, remote control boxes. Seeing that they were motorized in some fashion really made me worried.
Anya laughed when she saw our faces and whispered something to Tatiana who laughed too. They were obviously laughing at us, but Cindy and I were not amused. We whimpered and mewled into our ball gags as we helplessly waited to see what they were going to do with them. They talked quietly in Russian, and seemed to be discussing how best to administer our fate. Finally, after reaching some kind of agreement, Tatiana picked up a pistol and pointed it right at me. I screamed in terror, thinking she was going to shoot us.
"The two of you have ruined all of our plans, and for that I should kill you. But I am not that heartless." She walked towards me until she was standing directly over me. Using the tip of the gun, she raised my chin so I was looking directly into her face.
"I like you," she said, while looking down at me. "You are such a sweet and innocent young girl and have been very helpful for the most part. However, remember that little stunt you pulled, using Anya's panties to gag me with? Well, let's just say that paybacks are a bitch," she sneered.
With sudden forcefulness, she reached down and grabbed my hair with one hand and pressed the muzzle of the gun against my cheek with the other. "And, I don't care if it is wiser to get the hell out of here, because I'd rather stay and take all the time I need to put you two in your place and make sure you suffer."
She released me and waved a hand to Anya. "Go ahead and cut them loose now."
Anya nodded. She picked up a knife and cut all the ropes from us, except the ones around our breasts. We were allowed to stand and stretch our sore limbs but the ball gags remained strapped in our mouths. I was quite surprised, and relieved, to have my hands and legs freed and to be rid of the crotch rope. But I feared our relief was to be short lived.
Tatiana gathered up all the pieces of rope and then picked out a few certain length ones.
She smiled at us, "Now, I want both of you over here, on the floor again, kneeling face to face." She indicated a spot just behind Diane's wiggling rear end.
Cindy and I looked at each other. Being gagged, we had no way to communicate, save with our eyes or facial expressions. For a brief moment I considered bolting for the door, as I figured this was now my last opportunity for escape. But I wasn't that brave. I slowly walked over to Tatiana and dropped to my knees in submission. Cindy followed and we turned to face each other as instructed.
"Put your hands together behind your backs," Tatiana ordered.
You should have made a run for it Samantha, now it's too late, I said to myself as I placed my trembling hands behind me and watched as Cindy did the same. We both sat down onto our heels as Tatiana came around and tied our wrists together very tightly.
"Now, get closer together until your knees touch," she ordered.
Cindy and I scooted forward until our kneecaps bumped into each other. The touch of Cindy's skin to my own, and the proximity of her naked body, sent a shot of adrenalin through me. I looked at my friend anxiously as the butterflies swirled again in my tummy.
"Get up on your knees and hold still!"
Cindy and I tried to rise up, but we were so close to each other that we bumped our bodies together. I fell back down onto my heels again with a grunt, but Cindy managed to remain upright. My second attempt had the same result after my tits bounced off of hers. Tatiana grew impatient. She roughly grabbed me by the arm and yanked me upright. She put a hand on each of our backs and slammed Cindy and I together. I let out a squeal as our breasts were squashed flat against each other, and our ball gags kissed. We both grunted and tilted our heads back to avoid the humiliating mouth contact.
I could now feel Cindy's thighs wriggling against my own and her pubic hairs tickling my pelvis. Oh my gosh, the warmth of her pussy was such a turn on. She squirmed around with her hips a bit, and inadvertently smeared some of her wetness onto my skin.
"Mmmmmmmm," Tatiana murmured. "Aren't you two just the hottest looking pair ever?"
While the woman held us firmly together, Anya came over and began tying one of my knees to Cindy's knee. Cindy and I looked down and began whimpering as we realized they were going to tie us together like this. Anya knotted the rope tight with a jerk and I felt the cotton strands dig into my tendons. Then Anya went around to the other side and did the same thing to our other knee.
Tatiana continued holding us up as Anya moved around behind me again, out of my field of vision. Her hands grabbed at my ankles and I let out a yelp of surprise. I wanted to kick out at her, but with my knees tied down to Cindy, I couldn't. She crossed my ankles and then wrapped another piece of the cotton rope around them several times and knotted it off tightly.
I began trembling from the humiliation I felt as all the remaining dignity I still had was quickly disappearing. Then the tears started to fall. Cindy looked at me with sympathy. She mumbled something to me but I couldn't make out what it was. She was trying to comfort me, I knew. I could see it in her eyes. Those green eyes that made me feel so safe and secure. I rested my head on her shoulder and started to sob. At least we are together, I thought.
Then Tatiana let go of me. I screamed in alarm as I fell backwards unexpectedly. Anya grabbed my shoulders and gently lowered me down to my heels again. Cindy's belly button was directly at eye level now, and her naked pussy was just below that, wavering only inches from my face as she struggled to maintain her balance. For some reason I became instantly fascinated by the way she had trimmed her pubic hair and the shape and folds of her sex. Her tiny clit was swollen and pulsing with arousal, and her slit, warm and inviting. The moisture on it was glistening like soft candlelight, drawing me in. I was now staring at the most delicate and beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Suddenly, I realized what I was doing. I snapped my head to the side and blushed shamefully at the thoughts going through my head. Damn it, Samantha, I scolded myself. What the hell are you thinking? You ought to be ashamed of yourself for drooling over your best friend. And yet, I couldn't shake the incredible feeling of excitement and desire that was overwhelming me at that very moment.
Then I felt a tug at my bound ankles. I looked back as best I could and saw that Anya was fastening another piece of rope to them. She attached this rope to the ones binding my wrists. It was tied off so that the distance between my wrists and ankles was only about twelve inches. I turned back to face Cindy and saw that Tatiana was doing the same to her. She crossed and tied Cindy's ankles and then attached a rope from her ankles to her wrists just like mine.
Then I felt another rope snaking behind my back and around my belly. Anya wrapped it around me like a belt and then pulled it tightly into my abdomen just above my hips. The rope dug into my skin and made me grunt as it was knotted off behind my back. Cindy was getting an identical rope belt. I knew the direction things were now heading and protested through my gag, but only garbled mumbling sounds and drool came out.
Tatiana looked at me and laughed, "Don't worry sweet pet. When I get our little toy on you it will make you feel so good you'll forget all about those ropes. Trust me."
"Mmmmph... nnnggggh... uuuhhhnn..." I murmured anxiously.
I had never used sex toys of any kind before. After all, they were for desperate, horny girls that didn't have husbands. I had no idea what one actually felt like, and the thought of what she just said was making me fidget nervously. I had to admit though, that it did sound a bit intriguing too, but when I saw her bring one of those butterfly shaped devices over to me, I screamed loudly.
"NNNNNNNPPPHHH!!! MMMMMPPPHHH!!!" Suddenly, I had no desire to try it out, and got quite noisy. "NNNNUUUHHHHH!!!"
But she ignored my complaints and opened up one set of the thing's straps. The bands were wrapped around my hips and then fastened together behind my back. I squirmed uncomfortably as the silicone butterfly dangled against the front of my sex, tickling it. I looked at Tatiana, whimpering and pleading for her to stop.
She grinned at me, "I know, I know, it makes your pussy wet doesn't it?"
I pulled against my bonds and wished I could get away, but the ropes gave me no chance of escape. My hands and fingers writhed helplessly behind me as Tatiana took the remaining straps of the butterfly and pushed them down between my thighs. She moved around behind me and pulled the loose ends all the way through my legs and fastened them onto the first set of straps. I mewled helplessly into my gag as her hand reached around to touch my crotch and adjust its position. She placed the thing directly over the cleft of my pussy, with the short protruding piece centered between the lips of my opening, and the knobby tip pressing against my clitoris. The pleasure this caused was instantaneous.
"Mmmmmmmmmm!" I bit down hard on the rubber ball and closed my eyes.
My clit slowly became erect from the pressure and I could feel my pussy moistening with the anticipation of being penetrated. Then I heard a deep moan from Cindy.
I opened my eyes and saw my friend's face filled with bliss. She was staring down at the butterfly that was strapped onto her own crotch. Anya's hands were behind her tightening up the straps. Cindy moaned again and wriggled her hips. The butterfly was forced deeper and deeper into her pussy as Anya pulled from behind. Cindy suddenly threw her head back and moaned even louder.
Then I felt pressure against my own pussy. Tatiana was now adjusting the straps behind me, and I howled in alarm when I felt the thing slowly sliding its way inside me.
"Ohhhhhhhh mahhhhhh gofffff!!!"
Oh my God! I squealed as it entered my pussy. The increased pressure on my sensitive little clit made me gasp with pleasure. OH MY GOD! My eyes bulged with surprise, as I was completely shocked at how good the thing felt inside my hot slit.
I gave my hips a firm wiggle to dislodge it, but the straps held it in place. Crap! I can't get this off of me. I knew I was in trouble from the intense and very erotic feel of this thing between my legs. All of this was so new to me, and I had to admit, it felt wonderful. The knobby tip focused the pressure directly on the center of my clitoris. My chest was heaving, as oxygen suddenly seemed so difficult to get a hold of. Cindy was moaning loudly too and I knew exactly why. Our pussies were stuffed with the hard silicone and our clits were feeling the pleasant stimulation. It wouldn't take much more to make me climax. Damn it! I can't let them do this to me. I don't want to orgasm like this. I shut my eyes tight and forced my breathing to slow down.
Once I had regained control and my respiration had returned to normal, I slowly opened my eyes. I looked across at Cindy and watched her struggling with her own feelings and emotions. She was moaning and shaking her head from side to side. Fight it Cindy! Don't give in!
"Fife fif Findee! Dohm giffin!" I opened my mouth to encourage her, but only more drool and gargled sounds came out.
She didn't understand me, but I don't think it mattered. She had her eyes closed and was concentrating really hard. It took almost a full minute, but eventually the rise and fall of her breasts slowed and she stopped moaning. Then she slowly opened her eyes again to the sound of Tatiana's clapping hands.
"I applaud your efforts to keep your composure," she commended. "Now let's see how well you do with this."
At that, she approached us with even more rope. I mumbled another incoherent complaint to her.
"Pweaf doan goo at. Pweaf, no maw rofes."
Tatiana acted as if she hadn't heard me, and proceeded to feed half of it under the rope belt I wore at the small of my back. Then she doubled the line by folding it over. She pushed her hand down between my thighs in front to reach for the pair of ends. I moaned, as her wrist rubbed over the butterfly, causing it to wiggle inside my sex. She grabbed the two strands of the rope and pulled them out through the front. I could feel the cords slipping in between my buttocks. She jerked hard on it, causing me to grunt as the ropes wedged into my ass. I squirmed uncomfortably but it was no use. I was going to have to endure this whether I wanted to or not.
I murmured to Tatiana to take it easy as she took the loose ends and fed them under the rope by my belly button, but she ignored that too. She guided the lines with her hand as she pulled them tight, so that they ran right over the butterfly on my crotch!
"Ohhhhhhhh!" I moaned, when she pulled hard on them to force the butterfly in even deeper.
"Lift them up for me," she said to her partner.
Anya raised Cindy and me up again. She pushed us together by rudely gripping our ass cheeks, but made sure to allow Tatiana just enough room to complete her task between us. Tatiana took the loose ends in her hand and fed them down behind Cindy's rope belt in front. Now it was Cindy's turn to whimper and squeal. Tatiana ran the pair of lines over Cindy's butterfly and then down between her legs. She went around behind and pulled the ropes through to the back. As she took in the slack, I could feel the ropes pulling on my own pussy as well. Anya pushed our hips together until our butterflies touched, so her partner could tighten it up even more.
Then I suddenly noticed my feet were no longer contacting the floor. The rope between my wrists and ankles was too short. I let out a tiny yelp of alarm when I realized I couldn't put my feet down unless I leaned way back. Tatiana gave our crotch rope a few more tugs until she was satisfied that it would keep our pussies glued together. Then she tied it off to the back of Cindy's rope belt.
Anya let go of us. Two squeals of frightened surprise echoed in the room. Cindy and I struggled for balance as our pussies and butterflies rubbed together. We leaned our shoulders back and arched our spines so we could put our feet down onto the floor for stability. The position this left us in was very humiliating. Our groins were thrust out against each other and our tits were pointing up in the air.
Oh gosh, this is awful, I thought. My back is aching already.
"Mmmmmm, how lovely that you both decided to offer your tits up to Anya," the young red head purred.
She giggled with excitement and pulled out the nipple clamps. She held up one pair of them, and repeatedly opened and closed the metal jaws, smiling with delight at the reaction this caused from us. I couldn't stop myself and screamed in terror.
"Nnnnnnnnnnn!" Oh God, please no!
Even Cindy couldn't contain her fear, and cried out around her ball gag while shaking her head from side to side.
Anya brought that first set over to me while Tatiana cupped my breasts in her hands and massaged my nipples. I whimpered hysterically, as my nipples betrayed me and grew erect before my eyes, extending out toward Anya to give her an easy target. She licked her lips as she grinned at my vulnerable position. I closed my eyes and held my breath, expecting the bite of metal at any moment.
When Anya's soft hands touched my breasts, my upper body jerked spasmodically. My shoulders were shaking terribly and made my tits jiggle. I couldn't help it, as I had never been so scared in my life. Anya attached the little clamps to each of my nipples and let go of the chain. The weight of the metal gave a sharp downward pull to my sore buds and I cried out loudly through my gag as I winced and groaned from the pain. My arms hurt as I pulled at the ropes binding my hands to my feet behind me. I wanted to bring them up to my aching breasts.
My nipples were on fire as I stared down at them. The clamps were squeezing them flat and they hurt terribly, even though it had only been a few seconds. My eyes watered as I gasped for air. I didn't think I could endure this much longer. But something else was happening that gave me quite a shock. The intense sensations in my nipples quickly traveled down through my abdomen and straight to my pussy. A pleasurable shudder went through me as I felt myself getting strangely aroused from the jolts of pain.
Then I saw Anya kneading and massaging my friend's breasts. Cindy was already squealing because she had witnessed what happened to me. But Anya was having fun and decided to draw things out a bit more. She cupped Cindy's breasts in her delicate hands.
Cindy whimpered and closed her eyes as Anya fondled them and rubbed the nipples with her thumbs. "Uhmmmm... mmmmohhhmm..."
Anya continued caressing them while whispering in her captive's ear. "You have the most beautiful and perfect tits. Anya just loves squeezing a girl's nipples. You like this, don't you?"
Cindy didn't look like she was able to answer. She had a look of repulsive anguish and intense pleasure on her face as Anya pawed at her breasts. I could tell she wanted to pull away but couldn't. She was bound just as tight as I was and helplessly had to endure the molestation.
Eventually Anya tired of this, and picked up the other set of nipple clamps. But she didn't just simply attach them onto Cindy's breasts, like she had done to me. To our horror, she had Tatiana push our chests closer together so she could run the new chain through mine! Then she attached the clamps on Cindy's nipples making my friend jerk in pain and shock.
"AHHHHH... OWWWWMMM... EEEEE!!!!" she screamed.
Actually, we were both screaming now. Our nipples were clamped and the extremely short chains between them were interlocked. We were now forced to hold our breasts close together to keep from pulling on them, which would make the clamps even tighter. But that was impossible. We wobbled unsteadily as we perched on our knees. Neither of us could put our feet onto the floor now because we had to stay so close together. I squealed when Cindy leaned back to gain her balance. She yanked me forward by my nipples and I came dangerously close to falling against her and knocking us both down. But somehow she managed to spread our knees apart and kept us from toppling over. Then she pushed her body forward into mine so that I could regain my balance.
Cindy and I looked at each other as we tried to work in unison to hold our bodies still. We rocked back and forth for a little while until we finally gained some equilibrium by leaning our chests together.
All this struggling was making the butterfly wiggle between my legs. That, and the fact that my breasts were now engulfed with Cindy's, was turning me on. My pussy was clenching at the part inside of me, trying to pull it in deeper. Cindy and I were breathing hard and both of us were starting to drool a lot now. The tops of my breasts were already coated with moisture and some if it was now falling onto Cindy's. I felt extremely humiliated to be so helpless as to be drooling onto my best friend.
"Well I see you two are just dripping with excitement. But the best is yet to come." Tatiana chuckled as she brought our attention to the remote controls she now held in her hand.
I had forgotten all about them. Cindy shook her head "No" and whimpered as Tatiana looked at her with a huge grin on her face. She switched the motor on. Cindy jumped and squealed as the butterfly on her crotch suddenly sprang to life. She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut tight. I was startled too because I could feel the vibrations through the rope in my own crotch.
"MMMMMMMMM!!!! Mmmmph... uhmmm... ahhhhmm" we moaned together.
Then Tatiana flipped the switch on the other control box. Despite the fact that I had been prepared, the sudden vibrations caused me to jump as well. The thing began to stimulate my clit and pussy and made me gasp in surprise. I couldn't believe how incredible that little buzz felt on me, especially while feeling so repulsed by the whole idea. I tried not to moan but the warmth in my pussy was growing so rapidly that it just slipped out on its own.
"Ohmmmmmph!!!" I snorted.
Dear God, make it stop! I tried really hard to keep from losing control and closed my eyes tight. I had to, because the look of euphoria on Cindy's face and the sounds she was making now were driving me crazy with desire. Sweat began to form on my brow as I gritted my teeth against the ball gag in concentration. After a short struggle, I finally felt like I was able to regain some control. I opened my eyes again when I heard Tatiana speaking.
"Well I hope you enjoy your new toys. We'll be leaving you two alone now. Well, not completely alone, because you're other friends are still here too."
She motioned to Jennifer and the two FBI women who were still in the same place they were before. I had been so distracted by my own predicament that I had forgotten all about them.
Tatiana began stroking my hair, "Try not to hold back too long dear. I wouldn't want you to miss this golden opportunity to have some fun with your friend. She's quite a hottie you know."
I looked over at Cindy. Yes, I already know that, I thought.
I could tell by the look in my friend's eyes that she was trying to fight it too, but was having a much harder time of it than me. Her face was grimaced in a mixture of concentration, pain, and ecstasy and her eyes were half shut. Her groin was quivering spasmodically at the vibrations running through her pussy. I could feel her pelvis turning and twisting against me as the vibrator buzzed away at her. She tried to slow her breathing down and had almost succeeded, when she suddenly tossed her head back and let out a loud moan.
"Ohhhhhhhmmmmm.... Guuuhhhh..."
Her hips began thrusting against me, as she started up again.
"Mmm... mmm... uhhh... uhhh...mmm..." she moaned with each thrust.
"I don't think this one is going to last very long," laughed Tatiana as she patted Cindy's bottom. "Well, ta-ta girls!"
She dropped the control boxes onto the bed next to Laura, and headed for the exit, with Anya on her heels. I groaned for them to come back.
"Nnnnooooooohhhhmm," I cried in despair as they disappeared out the doorway. As much as I hated them, I knew they were the only ones who could possibly free us. A few minutes later I heard a vehicle drive away. We were all alone now.
Cindy had stopped squirming again, but her breathing was still very rapid. I could see her tits rising and falling as she panted through her nose. Her body started shaking now as she fought the orgasm rising inside of her. Then with a loud moan of intense pleasure she began grinding at me yet again.
"Uhhhmmmmmm... mmm... uhhh... uhhh...mmm..."
Dear lord, Cindy, stop! You're going to make me cum! The buzzing was relentless, and I could feel the fire growing inside of me, much stronger than before. Cindy's gyrations were only adding more fuel to it. My nipples were being pulled every time she threw her head back, which was quite often. But even worse, her hips were pumping against me constantly. I gasped and moaned as our vibrators slammed together in rhythm, driving it deeper into my pussy. Now my own hips began to thrust back, almost on their own. I was losing myself to this tiny little sex toy.
"Uhhhhmmmm.... ahhhhhh... uhhhhh... mmmmm..." I moaned.
Damn it, Samantha, what are you doing? I grunted in consternation and forced my hips to stop. A glance over to the two FBI women gave me a reminder of the harsh treatment they had just received. I made myself get angry with the Russians who had done that to them, and used that anger to refocus myself. I won't give in, I won't give in, I kept saying to myself, over and over.
Meanwhile, Cindy had her own battle. I could tell she was trying to fight it, but it appeared that she was losing. As soon as she managed to stop herself for a moment, another surge of excitement would cause her to cry out again and then her pussy would start grinding some more. She stopped and started like this about five more times, with each one getting more and more difficult to control.
The look on Cindy's face was getting to me. A mischievous grin appeared behind her ball gag that seemed to be inviting me to let go and enjoy this with her. She looked right at me and started thrusting... intentionally! I suddenly moaned without even realizing it. Oh God, Cindy, please! I can't! I... oh my God... OH MY GOD! My pelvis was churning against Cindy as I moaned in ecstasy. Ohhh... my pussy... Ohhhhhhhhh! I never felt such pleasure before, not even from Brian. A ripple of intense desire passed through my body. I wanted Cindy. I wanted her so badly. I wanted her to fuck me right now until I passed out. I wanted to... curse myself for giving in. What is wrong with me?
But a new surge of pleasure forced its way up from inside of me and I had to gasp. It emerged with a flow of juices as I thrust my hips into Cindy, rubbing our crotches together harder and harder. For the moment, I couldn't stop myself.
It had been several minutes since the Russian women had left us with our toys, and by now, Cindy had given up trying to resist. Her thrusts became increasingly more desperate as she rammed into me. She was working with the vibrator now, as her passion grew hotter and hotter. I could see waves of pleasure were coursing through her body. Pure delight was etched on her face as she screamed in my ear. Our ball gags were so big that I thought they would have done a better job of stifling us. But she was so noisy, that everyone in the room could hear her. Cindy had lost all control of herself to the little vibrating butterfly wedged into her pussy.
"Ohhhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Uhhhhhh.... Ohhhhhh!!!"
She was thrusting her whole body against me, and was trying to finish the job the vibrator had started, as if I were her sex toy also. Our butterflies banged together with each thrust of Cindy's pelvis and our ball gags were kissing. I screamed from the pain of my clamped nipples and from the pleasure erupting from my pussy.
She was pushing so hard now that I lost my balance and fell backwards, causing the chain between our breasts to pull tight. The weight of my body yanked Cindy forward by her nipples.
"Eeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!" We both screamed.
Somehow, I managed to stop our fall by grabbing my bound ankles with my hands. I held us up like this for a moment, but Cindy's body was now leaning on top of me, and she was heavy. My arms hurt from trying to maintain this awkward position, so after just a few moments, I couldn't take it any longer and fell down onto my back. My hands and feet were now trapped underneath me as I lay back in my hogtied position. My head and shoulders hit the floor as my back arched over my bound feet and hands, with my hair pooling out around me. I could see Cindy's bound feet waving straight up in the air, still tied to her wrists.
But Cindy never stopped her pumping. In fact, it was even easier for her now. She bobbed up and down on me with her face nestled on my shoulder. Our breasts were squashed together, and the clamps and chains poked into my skin from the weight of her body. Pain and pleasure were running through all my erogenous zones and driving me crazy.
I stared up at the ceiling and listened to the sounds of my best friend moaning and screaming in my ear as she fucked me, almost like she was raping me. That's just how I felt. I was helplessly bound against my will while she thrashed about uncontrollably on top of me. She obviously didn't care at all anymore as she pounded away to reach her orgasm. Her moans and screams were so loud they made my ears ring.
Oh my God, Cindy! Please stop! You're going to make me cum! Please! I can't hold it back any more! Please!
My clit was throbbing and buzzing with pleasures I never knew were possible. Contractions were now starting deep inside my pussy and they were quickly getting stronger. Oh my God, I'm going to cum! I held my breath and tried to hold it.
But Cindy wasn't holding anything back. She was getting even more energetic and forceful now, completely lost with the heat of the moment.
"Ohhh... uhhhh..." she snorted with each thrust.
Oh my God!
"Ohhh... ohhh... uhhh..."
Oh Cindy! Please, don't!
Ohhhhhh, please!
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" She was about to explode.
Oh, my pussy! Oh Cindy! Oh yes!
Cindy erupted in the wildest, loudest scream I ever heard, as she shuddered violently and climaxed on top of me.
The look on her face, and in her eyes, suggested she had just experienced the greatest pleasure of her life.
Oh Cindy! Oh my God yessss! Here it comes!
I was still trying to fight it, but it was impossible now. My chest and pelvis began to shake and vibrate with the effort to hold it back.
Oh my God! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum! Yes, yes, yesssssss!
An enormous surge of pleasure erupted from within my pussy and forced its way through my defenses like a tidal wave. It was too strong for me to resist anymore and I let it go with a loud scream of delight, and I climaxed like never before.
Oh Cindy!! Oh my God!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!! Oh my God!! I'm cumming!!!!!
I couldn't believe how incredibly wonderful and amazing it felt. Spasm after spasm, rocked my pussy with tremendous intensity. The convulsions got even stronger as the vibrator continued to buzz away on my clit, and Cindy was still riding along with her own orgasm and grinding against me.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh Cindy!! Oh my God!! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
I was completely blown away by the strength of it. My pussy was shuddering on its own now, clenching and pulling at the vibrator that was relentlessly buzzing away against it. It seemed like it would never end. I kept moaning and screaming as my entire body shook violently.
Cindy lifted her head and looked at me, surprised at how loud I was getting. Then she started giggling behind her ball gag. She gasped and moaned too, as she rode out the final waves of her own orgasm. She kept on churning her pussy into me until she was done.
But I was far from done. My pussy continued to spasm and convulse as my orgasm continued on like a runaway freight train. I was sweating and panting so hard now I couldn't stop. Not that I wanted to. I felt absolutely fantastic. This was the most amazing and wonderful pleasure I'd ever felt and I loved it! I was thrusting my hips at my friend, wanting her to continue grinding back. I couldn't believe how much I wanted and needed her right now. Oh Cindy, I need you! Please, don't stop! Please!
The other girls were looking at me in wonder, but I didn't care. Nothing was going to stop me from enjoying this moment. The Russians were the last thing on my mind right now. It was just Cindy and I, and our hot bodies and pussies rubbing together.
Cindy slowly stopped moving. She was completely spent and was just laying on top of me panting and trying to catch her breath. My own chest was heaving too, and the contractions inside of me were just starting to end. I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes. I felt the last waves of pleasure washing over me and I moaned contentedly. Wow! That was awesome! My entire body felt like it was glowing with energy. I was totally exhausted and couldn't move at all now. Cindy and I lay perfectly still, nuzzling with each other. The only noise being the sound of our breathing and the buzz of the vibrators on our pussies.
Then it suddenly dawned on me. The vibrators! Even though Cindy and I had both stopped cumming and were relaxing now, the vibrators weren't going to quit. They would keep on stimulating our pussies the longer we lay here. I could feel my pussy getting worked up again already. Damn it, Cindy, we need to get loose. Now!
I opened my eyes and tried to talk to her.
"Finthee! Geff uff! We haffa geff woof. Finthee! Pweaf!"
Cindy just murmured quietly and wiggled her hips a bit. A tiny tremor of pleasure passed through my pussy. Mmmmmm.
"Finthee!! Geff uff!! Finthee!!" I was getting anxious now.
I nudged her cheek with mine and shrugged my shoulders in an effort to get her to look up. I tried to push her and roll over on our side towards the bed where the controls were. Cindy moaned a little bit louder and finally raised her head to look at me. She tried to speak.
"Waff wong?"
Drool dripped from her gagged lips and fell onto our tits. My nipples suddenly swelled under the bite of the clamps and I moaned softly from the feel of it.
"We haffa geff ouwwa here Finthee. Hepp me geff ofa fu fa bed."
"Hmmphh?" she seemed confused.
"Fa bed!" I repeated louder. "Ofa fu fa bed!"
Gosh, she doesn't understand anything I am saying. The drool was falling freely now and soaking my tits, as I tried to get words out so Cindy could understand what I wanted to do.
"Tha confwols aw ofa onfa bed! Hep me gef fu fa bed!" I spoke slowly and kept nodding my head towards the bed until finally a look of comprehension appeared in her eyes.
The vibrator was persistent and I was still in a very aroused state. Another moan escaped my lips. If we didn't hurry I knew I would be cumming again shortly. Cindy closed her eyes and moaned too. Her hips slowly started moving as she also tried to flip us over to the side. She rocked back and forth on top of me from side to side, trying to build up momentum to turn us over. Ohhhhh! That little rocking motion was putting pressure directly on my pussy and tits again and I was quickly struggling to remain focused on trying to get out of this mess. I tried to help by thrusting and pushing with my hips and shoulders. Finally we managed to roll to the side.
"Owwwwmmmmpphh!" I squealed.
Oh my poor breasts! The short chains between our tits stretched tight and yanked mercilessly at our nipples. The sensation of that was driving me insane with both pleasure and pain. Oh my God! Please Cindy, we need to hurry. My pussy was beginning to spasm again.
Cindy's green eyes looked at me expectantly, wondering what I had in mind. She was still grinning and giggled as she wiggled her hips against me playfully. I grunted at this and shook my head angrily. Stop it Cindy, we need to focus on getting free!
"Finthee! Fwop! We haffa geff fwee!"
I tilted my head towards the bed in a jerking motion to signal to her where the controls were.
"Hep me gef fu fa bed," I mumbled to her.
She nodded in agreement and then suddenly whimpered softly. Her pussy pressed forward into mine again as the buzzing continued. She closed her eyes and pushed her body closer.
"Mmmmmmmm," I moaned too.
Oh God Cindy, you are so hot, but we really need to get these to stop. I rolled over, into and on top of her. Cindy squealed with delight at this and opened her eyes to look up at me. She probably thinks I want to ride her now, I thought. But I continued rolling and flipped us over to the side again. I bumped into Diane, who had turned away from her partner's pussy and was watching us now. She looked down at me and urged me on with a few grunts.
Now, how to get up without ripping our nipples off... I thought, as a tremor of pleasure surged through me. ...and before I cum again.
I looked around, how am I going to get the controls from the bed? I thought. Diane and Laura were watching me intently, curious to see what I planned to do. Once again I tried to communicate with Cindy.
"Finthee, leff twy tu sif uf togevva."
"Sif uf togevva." I jerked my head. "Sif uf!"
She nodded understanding. We struggled around for a few minutes, grunting and squealing from the pull on our nipples and the pleasures in our pussies, as we tried to get back up to our knees. Sweat was pouring out, as our hot bodies writhed together helplessly and the vibrators continued to work their magic on our most sensitive areas. I couldn't concentrate at all, as waves of pleasure ran through my pussy and kept getting stronger. I was beginning to lose Cindy's cooperation as well. Her vibrator was driving her wild and I knew she was about to have another orgasm by the look of it. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning and grinding her hips again. I soon realized there was no way we would be able to get back up to our knees while connected together and with the vibrators running.
Suddenly I felt incredible passion and desire flooding through me again, and moaned around my ball gag. I didn't try to hold anything back this time, as the feeling was so wonderful. Cindy and I wriggled against each other happily, moaning in unison.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Uhhhh, uhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!"
I bucked and squirmed and pressed myself against my friend as hard as I could. Oh Cindy, oh yes, yes, oh my God yes! I'm cumming again Cindy, I'm cumming again!
"Ahhhhhhhheeeeeeee... ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" My whole body shook with the strength of it, and I almost started laughing at how good it felt. I had never orgasmed twice in a row before and I was absolutely stunned from the feeling of doing so. What have I been missing my whole life? I thought.
The pleasure lasted for a minute or so, but it was quickly followed by the irritating buzz of the vibrators. I couldn't settle down. My pussy and clit were starting to get sore now and I was getting frantic. I whimpered and pleaded for someone's help, and looked up at Diane and Laura. Please, help us get out of this!
Diane quickly understood what was wrong and pointed to the control box with a nod of her head. I couldn't see it from where I was on the floor, and I doubted she could reach it either. Diane turned to look at Laura and opened her mouth to talk. She gurgled out words around her ball gag and drooled onto Laura's spread thighs.
"Lauwa, gan yu weaf fa contwolfs?"
Laura glanced down at the remote control units sitting beside her.
"Ah thing fo, yeff."
She tried to lift her bottom from the bed and scoot to her left as best she could. She had her right foot off the floor and held that leg stretched out completely straight, straining against the rope holding it to the bedpost. I watched her bouncing up and down on the bed, her tits jiggling as she struggled to lift her left thigh over and behind, what I assumed were the remote controls. I couldn't tell if it was working or not. But on her fourth attempt she must have succeeded, because she stopped her bouncing and was suddenly very excited.
Now she was trying to push them with her thigh. She bounced and scooted forward in an effort to knock them off the bed with her leg. Finally I saw them fall and I heard two clunks as they hit the hard wood floor behind Cindy. Freedom from the vibrators was now within our reach!
I tried to lift my head up to locate them visually, but stopped when my nipples painfully reminded me I was still attached to Cindy. We still needed to work together to retrieve them. Cindy already knew what my plan was, and the two of us started wiggling and squirming along the floor.
Oh my goodness! Every time we squirmed like this, it caused our vibes and crotch ropes to wiggle around on our pussies. I could feel another orgasm rising by the time we had moved just one foot. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Cindy hurry! Turn it off, turn it off! Please! I could see that one of the remotes was just a few inches from her fingers. But Cindy wasn't trying to grab it. She was a bit preoccupied.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!" she squealed, as her third orgasm hit her.
Her whole body suddenly started shivering violently, from head to toe. She was convulsing and screaming and laughing, all at the same time. Cindy! Please! Turn it off. I'm about to cum!
"Huuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!" I let out a helpless snort.
A powerful convulsion suddenly wracked my body.
"Ohhhhhhh, Fintheeeeeeeee, I wuv youuuuuuu! Oh, oh, oh, oh yeffffffffff!" I suddenly cried aloud.
Love her? What am I saying? I can't be in love with my best friend... can I?
More spasms emerged, forcing my hips to act on their own, grinding and thrusting at my friend beside me with the heat of passion.
"Ohhhhhhh maaaa Goff, yefffffffff!" I do love you Cindy, I do, I do.
The vibrator was driving me wild and forced yet another orgasm from me. I had never felt such intense feelings of pleasure and just let it all out with a scream of delight.
My head was spinning, my nipples throbbing, my pussy shuddering and convulsing for the third time in 20 minutes. I knew at that moment I was forever changed. The pleasures I was now feeling, from being tied up with my friend and forced to cum against her, completely blew me away. I could never go back to my normal sex life. I HAD to feel this again, I just had to. Oh my God, I was so in love with Cindy and the helplessness I was now feeling. I collapsed against her, wheezing and gasping for air, totally exhausted and spent. My hair was plastered to my face from sweating so much. I nuzzled against Cindy's cheek and she murmured her approval, wiggling herself a little bit closer, pushing her pussy into mine.
Oh Cindy, I love you with all my heart!
I lay there, unmoving, just swimming in the depths of a blissful orgasm. I could stay like this forever, tied up with my best friend, our pussies shuddering contentedly. I wanted to fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.
Then Cindy started wiggling, a lot. I murmured excitedly, eyes closed, as I felt her hot body rubbing my own. Mmmmmmmmmm, I felt so happy, so lost in love. Then she started moving her body away from me, and I groaned with disappointment. I wanted to make love to her, to feel her body respond to me with passion and desire, just as I wanted to respond to her, so I wriggled after her. My pussy was tingling again as the vibrator continued to run, increasing its speed and power now. Somehow it was going faster!
Hmmmphhh? Faster? What is going on?
I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. The buzzing on my crotch grew louder as the vibrator kicked into high gear.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I squealed helplessly, my pussy rapidly surging with excitement at the stronger stimulation.
How? What was making the vibrator go faster? I looked around the room, thinking Tatiana had come back. Giggling and laughter brought my attention back to the real culprit. Cindy! She must have managed to get her hands on my remote control and was now using it to her own satisfaction. She was smirking at me behind her ball gag and was giggling playfully. She turned the speed back down to low, only to turn it up faster again, seconds later.
"Mmmmmmmmm!" I moaned at the new sensations this change in speed was bringing.
She turned it to low again, then to high. Back and forth she went, slow, fast, slow, fast. She was making the thing throb and pulse against my hot slit in a steady rhythm.
Stop! Stop! Ohhhhhhhh God Cindy, pleassssssse sssstop!! My clit was quivering and spasming and driving me insane. I was going to cum again if this kept up. Then it suddenly shut off completely. I exhaled a huge sigh of relief and gasped for air, my tits heaving. I gave Cindy an annoyed look. You naughty girl! We're supposed to be getting loose and all you have time for is playing! Cindy ignored my glare and switched my butterfly back on, just for a second, and gave my pussy another blast of vibrations. Startled, I jerked back and tugged at our nipples inadvertently. A surge of excitement ran through my pussy at the combination of pain and stimulation, causing me to moan softly. Gosh, that felt so good.
Cindy giggled some more and turned my vibe back on again. She's enjoying this! I opened my mouth to complain, but it was difficult to form coherent words with the vibrator running and my mouth gagged so fully.
"Finthee fwop iffff... Ohhhmmmphhh, pweaf! Mmmmmppphh, pweaf fwommmmmm!"
Cindy, however, had no plans of stopping. She had just found the world's greatest form of amusement, teasing her best friend to orgasm. And she was doing one heck of a job of it. She kept turning the thing on and off, on and off, repeatedly. I was trying to plead with her to stop, but every time I opened my mouth I would drool helplessly onto my tits. Within moments my pussy was buzzing with so much pleasure that I was unable to think straight. I had succumbed to the sexual pleasure and allowed it to overwhelm and control me.
Never had I desired anyone or anything so strongly, as I did now. I wanted nothing more than for Cindy to bring me to another orgasm. I wanted her and needed her so badly. I begged and moaned for her to grant me just one more. God how I craved it! Please Cindy! I need you! Yes, that's it, turn it on! Faster, faster, yes, just like that, ooh yeah! Oh my God, yessssss!
"OHHHHH!!! Fintheeeeeeee!!!! Yeffffffff!!!"
I moaned loud and hard with a deep husky growl. Oh my God!! I couldn't stand it and collapsed against my friend, helpless to do anything but grunt and groan. I was getting louder and louder as my orgasm drew closer and closer.
"Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhhhh... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Then, just as I was about to cum, she shut it off again. Nooooooo! Please, Cindy, keep going! I was right at the brink of a massive climax and she had stopped just when I needed it the most.
"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! Pweef Finthee!! Pweef!! I need tu cummmmm! Ohhhhhhhh pweeeeeeeff!"
I begged and pleaded with her as she smirked at me so evilly. God, how I yearned for her. I was a helpless wreck, shuddering and trembling with arousal from head to toe, unable to bring myself to the orgasm I so desperately craved. Please, Cindy, turn it back on and let me cum! Please!
I was bucking my hips and grinding my pussy into her like a wild animal in heat. Thrusting and shoving my pelvis forward with enough force that I knocked her over. I followed too and climbed right on top of her. Now I was riding her like a cowgirl, like she had done to me just minutes before. My ass was wiggling around in circles as I drove my pussy into the vibrator and crotch rope. I never needed an orgasm like I did now.
"Uhh... uhh... ohhh... ohhhhhhhhhh!!"
Harder and harder I slammed my pussy into her. Cindy was moaning now and responding with thrusts of her own. Finally, she switched the vibrator back on and let it run at full speed.
"OOOOHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and climaxed with the force of an earthquake.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed again, as loud as the first time. My pussy and uterus were convulsing and contracting with such intensity I almost passed out. It was unbelievable!
My screaming rang throughout the cabin as my orgasm engulfed my body and flooded my senses. I was completely oblivious to my surroundings and never heard the sound of the front door being slammed open. I had just uttered another scream of passion when I heard Agent Jeb's shout.
"Hurry men, it sounds like the girl's are in trouble!"
Now I heard the noise of booted feet running until Jeb and his men appeared in the doorway.
"Oh my God!" someone exclaimed.
I looked up and found all the eyes of the FBI men staring at me as I lay on top of Cindy, grinding against her with my fourth and strongest orgasm. Oh Noooooo!!!!! My face turned beat red with embarrassment.
I immediately hid my face into Cindy's shoulder, kicking myself for acting so slutty. Samantha, you idiot! How can you behave like this, humping yourself like a wanton whore? But when another tremor of pleasure passed through my pussy, I knew I couldn't wait do this again.
Jeb and his men rushed forward, and began untying us. Some of the knots they had to cut loose, but eventually the five of us ladies were all freed.
We were very relieved when Jeb instructed some of his men to take off their uniform shirts and give them to us for cover. I still felt ashamed though, and couldn't bring myself to look up at any of them, even when I said thank you. Diane and Laura were equally embarrassed. Not only were they feeling guilty at having allowed Tatiana and Anya to escape, but their colleagues had now seen them completely naked. I'm sure their lives would never be quite the same again.
Jeb radioed for additional help and requested they bring more clothes for us. He also sent out an update.
"Attention all agents, two of the Russian kidnapper's have escaped in an FBI vehicle, car number 267. They are both female. The blonde is about six feet tall, with a muscular build, and has crew cut style hair. She goes by the name of Tatiana. The other, younger woman is named Anya, and is about 5'6" with shoulder length red hair."
He looked at Diane and Laura for a second, and continued. "They were last seen wearing the uniforms of Agent Diane and Laura. They are both armed and dangerous and need to be found at all costs."
"S-s-sorry boss, we shouldn't have let them escape," Diane apologized.
Jeb's expression softened. "It's OK ladies, you were taken by surprise. I shouldn't have assumed they were prisoners like the others and paid more attention to the description we were given by the two maids."
Maids? My ears perked up at that.
"Excuse me Agent Jeb, but did you say it was two maids that tipped you off?" I asked, hopeful that Rachel and Sara had made it.
"Why yes it was. I believe they're your employees," he said to Cindy. "They escaped through the woods, and called us from the police station. It took us a while to find this place but I am glad you are all safe now."
"Thank you Agent Jeb." Cindy stepped forward and gave him a big hug.
As she threw her arms around him, the uniform shirt she was wearing rose up her buttocks and I found myself staring at her cute and very naked ass.
"Where are they now?" Cindy asked. "I need to tell them that we are OK."
Jeb answered. "I can take you to them. They are back at our office being interviewed for information to help us catch the Russians. We have the men in custody but the two women seemed to have escaped. I'd like to ask you girls some questions as well, maybe you can help too."
Jennifer, who had been listening nearby, came over, looking very upset.
"What do you mean the women escaped? How can you let those two bitches get away? I've been tied up, humiliated, and sexually abused by that fucking red head, and now you're telling me she's still free? What the hell are your men doing out there?"
"Hey, calm down lady." Jeb seemed annoyed by her attitude. "We're doing the best that we can Miss."
"Well your best isn't good enough. I want that cunt's head on a plate for what she did to me."
She suddenly broke down into tears and collapsed onto the bed sobbing, her face buried in her hands. For the first time, I saw a softer side to the woman and immediately felt compassion. I sat down next to her and tried to console her.
"It's all right, Jennifer," I said, as I placed an arm around her shoulder. "I'm sure the FBI will catch them."
Jennifer lifted her tear-streaked face up to see who it was beside her. When she discovered it was me, she jumped to her feet and shoved my arm away, and then started screaming at Jeb.
"It's all her fault!" she pointed at me. "She fucking helped them catch me. I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for this stupid bitch!"
Cindy was outraged by this and slapped Jennifer across the face.
"Don't you dare call her that! Or I'll put my fist through your teeth!"
Jennifer was livid. She shrieked and threw a punch at Cindy, who ducked under it. Cindy rushed forward and slammed into Jennifer and the two women went down in a heap, screaming and clawing at each other. Curses were flying and fists of hair were being pulled, but my attention was focused on the naked bottoms and spread thighs that appeared as they grappled and rolled around on the floor.
"Ladies, ladies!" Jeb was yelling at them to stop.
He was bending over them, trying to find a way to separate the two hellcats but was finding it impossible to get in between them. With no other choice, he grabbed each woman by the hair and pulled them apart. Jennifer and Cindy were glaring at each other and breathing hard as they slowly climbed to their feet. Cindy's shirt had come open during the struggle and I could see her tits heaving.
"Did you see what she did to me?" Jennifer snapped at Jeb. "I want her arrested for assault!"
"Hey, hold on there." Jeb tried to regain some control of things. "Relax! I know you're all under a lot of stress here, but you need to calm down and let us handle this. You're both safe now, so why don't you let us take you home?"
"Good idea," Jennifer snarled. "Get me the hell away from these two."
"Yes, it would be nice to leave these awful memories behind," I said glaring straight at Jennifer.
(A short while, and a change of clothes later, we were back at the FBI office)
Jennifer gave her statement and was then given a ride home. I was glad to see the woman leave, but part of me was also very sad because we had never resolved our differences.
Cindy and I were reunited with Sara and Rachel. They shared their story of escape with us and how they had ran for hours through the woods until they finally came upon a town. Then they found their way to the police station and had them notify the FBI. The FBI determined the path and general direction they had come from and followed it back to the cabin.
It was also revealed that Cathy Richardson and her niece Kelly had been rescued. Kelly's boyfriend had come to the house that same night, looking for her after she had failed to show up for their date. The two ladies were found very hungry and anxious to relieve themselves, but otherwise uninjured.
(As for us, our story wasn't quite finished yet.)
"Can I get a hold of my husband somehow?" I asked Agent Jeb. "I would like to see him."
"Actually, he is already on his way here. We contacted him a short while ago and told him what happened, so he insisted on coming over as soon as possible. He should be arriving any minute."
Any minute? I was suddenly very anxious. I had hoped to have more time to think of something to say to him. How can I tell Brian about Cindy? And what will he think when he finds out all the details of what happened to me? I wasn't so sure I was ready to see him yet, and looked at Cindy worriedly.
She must have known what I was thinking. "Honey, don't worry. He'll just be happy to know that you are safe."
Steve and Brian did arrive together a few minutes later. They greeted us with hugs and kisses and a big bouquet of flowers for Cindy and me. They were so happy to finally see us, after having been away so long, and especially after hearing about the ordeal that we had gone through. Jeb let us use a small conference room so we could talk privately. Cindy and I then began to share what happened, about our capture, and some of the things they had made us do. I started crying when I was describing some of the more intimate and difficult moments.
Brian tried to be helpful, and held me in his arms and patted my head softly in an effort to comfort me. "It's OK dear. I still love you and we still have each other."
But that wasn't why I was crying. Something had changed inside of me and I couldn't bring myself to tell Brian what that change was. I looked over his shoulder as I hugged him and saw Cindy standing there. She was looking back at me with those lovely green eyes of hers, the eyes that were always filled with compassion and love, and now they sparkled with sexual desire too. My pussy began to tingle as I remembered what had happened between us, at the very moment we were rescued.
A knock at the door interrupted our reunion.
"I've got a phone call here for Samantha, it's your mother." It was Jeb.
My mom? How did she find out? I thought, as I left to go take the call.
Jeb directed me to the lobby where an agent handed me the phone. I took it, and slowly raised it to my lips, feeling confused.
The voice on the other end sent a cold chill through my spine. "Hello my darling. Did you miss me?"
"What's wrong?" Jeb asked, seeing my face turn ashen.
The voice on the line continued. "I hope you and your friend had a good time together. It's a shame I wasn't able to stay and watch all the fun. Tell me dear, how many times did you cum?"
The phone slipped from my stunned fingers and dropped to the floor. My knees were suddenly very weak and I collapsed into a nearby chair. Jeb came rushing over and scooped up the phone.
"Hello? Who is this? Hello? Hello? Damn it, they hung up!" He slammed the phone down and turned to me. "Who was that?"
I was too shocked to answer, so he gently shook my arm to gain my attention.
"Who was that?" he repeated.
"T-t-tatiana," I said weakly.
"Trace that call!" He yelled to one of his men standing nearby. "And somebody get her a glass of water!" He knelt down and held my hand gently as I started to cry.
I was scared. No, I was terrified. Somehow I knew that Tatiana and Anya had managed to get themselves away safely. The FBI wasn't going to catch them. The two of them were free to return for me, any time they wished. I needed Cindy. She could help me through this.
No sooner had I thought about her than she came running out to me. Brian was right on her heels too as they both wanted to know what had happened. But Cindy was the one I ran to meet. I threw my arms around her and hugged her dearly. I didn't want to ever let go of her. I cried into her shoulder as she squeezed me and held me close.
"Oh Cindy, I need you!"
She gently patted my bottom and I giggled with delight and clung to her a bit tighter. My tears had stopped, now that my girlfriend was holding me.
"I love you Cindy. I really do," I whispered in her ear.
"I love you too, Samantha, I always have."