- Author - Emma G
- Rating -
  [ 2.81 actual ]
- Site Rank - 737 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, f-self, consensual, chastity, humiliation, self-bondage, toys
- Post Date - 7/2/2009
my name is emma and im into bondage. i live with my best friend who has no idea of my wants or fantasys so i have problems when i want to do a little self bondage. luck had it that my roommate was leaving for the weekend to see her family so the time had come for me to get moving.
the Thursday before she was leaving i stopped at my local sex shop to procure some necessaries. i picked of a really nice ball gag with a full head harness, rope, tape, two pears of cuffs and a chasity belt that would fill both holes. i was never as exited i rushed home went straight into my bedroom and tryed on everything. the ball gag was nice and tight and locked at the back with a little padlock,the chasity belt was the same. i put them all into a box exept the chasity belt i left that on and put it under my bed for the time.
as soon as my room mate was gone i gathered all the keys up and put them into a mixing boal filled it to the top with water and put it into the freezer. then i went to my bedroom and set up my bed with chains at the top and bottom of the bed to secure me to it and waited. the keys took longer then i taught it would to freeze them so i left them over night.
saturday morning i got up early to have a big breakfast and check the keys. they were frozen solid so it was time to go. i striped down and put on my old school uniform which i saved because i love it so much. it consists of a gray skirt, light blue shirt, a striped tie and a gray v neck jumper. and as always i wore it buttoned up with a straught tie tight to my neck. i fasned the chasity belt on and locked it with a small padlock. i then put on knee high gray socks and a pair of strap on high heels.
now ready i got the boal and headed into my bed room. i put my new gag on and clicked the padlock at the back now i was gaged till the ice melted. l lay on the bed and taped my legs together and with another click i locked my bound legs to the end of the bed. it then lay back and locked the top of my gag to the bed. i got the two pears of cuffs and cuffed my hands behind my back and used the other pear to cuffs to lock my hands to the chasity belt and with that final click i was traped helpless to escape by restraints.
only an hour went by before i relised i made a few mistakes the first was the gag was getting really unconfrable i tryed everything to move it even a little bit but i couldnt. the other was i really needed to pee so i held it but there was only so long i could do that and it would be hard to do it with my chasity belt on so i tryed to escape. for what seemed hours i struggled with my bonds but i couldnt get out of anything. looking over at the boul i could tell i had a good long time left so i gave in and wet myself.
night came and with it darkness i found myself laying in my own pee droul all over my face and collar jaw killing me but still i had time to wait at least after i sleep i could unlock myself. i fell asleep easy enough from wearing myself out trying to break free.
sunday mornin i woke up to the phone ringing. for a second i paniced waking up bound but quickly remembered i did it myself. i turned to seee the boul with the keys and to my horror it was frozin solid. that night i left my bedroom window open and it froze during the night keeping the boul cool and from melting. panic didnt really set in till i heard my roommates voice coming from the answermachine saying that there was a change of plan she would be back around lunch.
the good news was i wasnt going to die but the bad newes was she wass going to come back and see me bound and gaged to my bed wearing my school uniform. i went stright for the boil trying to grap it but i accidentlly knocked it off the bed onto the ground. now i had no chance i started shouting through the gag which didnt work. pulling at the chains didnt move them an inch but i wasnt giving up. hours past and the only thing i got free was my pee.
and then i heard it the frount door opening and and the sound of my room mate coming in. i could hear her calling my name as she got closer to my room the sweet pouring off me with fear the door opened and right away she ran to me and tryed to get me free. and then it happened she stoped when she saw the boul on the floor and said did u do this to your self . i nodded and she broke out laughing. and why are you wearing your old school uniform. i was never as humilated in my life. hang on she took the boul and went down stairs with it.
when she came back up laughing she undid my gag. it was such a relief to get it off. but now i had to explain myself. i told her everything how it was a dream of mine and why i was wearing my old school uniform. when i was finnished she got up and started to leave shouting i demanded she relise me but she said i need to do shopping and u can just stay here till i get back and stop shouting or ill put this thing back on you or maybe you would like that. laughing she left and drove off. at least my gag was still off.
when she came back she took a bunch of pictures of me and hid the camera. now when i ask you to clean or even cook me a whole meal you will do it unless you want everyone at your collage and work to see them. i just nodded and she relised me from my chains. i went out to change and she told me to leave it on asking why she said it suits u. not wanting to risk her showing off the pictures i did as she said.
its now a week later and if anything at least its out in the open and my roommate is really enjoying ordering my around and making me wear my uniform which i kinda like. next time i might ask her to tie me up she just might do it.