Part 1
Sandra was a girl who was full of life, never a dull moment but not always at 100 miles an hour. She could party with the best yes but she also liked to push the temperature up in the bedroom as well.
I first met Sandra when I booked a dental appointment. I was having some pain with a tooth so thought I would go and get a quick filling and that would be that. I got a late appointment due to a cancellation but when my name was called I went through to the surgery expecting Mr Wilson to be waiting but instead there was Sandra. She looked very sexy in her 'scrubs' like outfit and after she had introduced herself and her assistant Liz, I climbed into the chair for my examination. Sandra had short dark hair and ample breasts. She looked as though she visited the gym on a regular basis and as you would expect she had a take me to bed smile, with just perfect film star teeth.
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I made myself comfortable, as comfortable as you can get in a dental chair, and waited for the "open wide". The examination was thorough and seemed to only take a few minutes. By this time I was erect from Sandra's soft touch and what seemed like the deliberate rubbing of her left breast against my arm not to mention her sexy voice reciting the contents found in my mouth to Liz.
As it turned out I didn't need a filling just a repair to an existing one. "Brilliant" I said while thinking to myself this will not take long to sort out or cost too much.
Sandra told Liz to get herself off home as she could sort this out by herself and I was her last appointment anyway for the day so she would lock up when she was done. Liz hesitated but after a brief discussion just out of ear shot Liz grabbed her coat and left. Sandra told me to stay seated while she locked the door. I was looking forward to having Sandra work on me but I thought it a little strange she was in a hurry to have everyone else leave us alone. Maybe her boyfriend would be along in a short while to collect her or there were other work colleagues elsewhere in the building? Or maybe she was? – my thoughts were interrupted as he entered the room again and sat by the dental chair I was now more than comfortable in.
"Here's what I would like to do" she began and that was when everything became clear and I had a choice to make. Sandra said she would sort out my filling right there and then for no charge if I agreed to two conditions. Firstly, I had to take her out to her favourite restaurant later that evening and secondly, she would only do the procedure if I was bound to the chair.
I agreed as I was not a stranger to a little bondage and she looked as though, if I was up for it, she would take things further. After a little more casual chat for two or three minutes Sandra began to strap me down.
Sandra took a thick leather collar and placed it around my neck and then fed it through the chair back and securely fastened it. Next she did the same with more straps across my chest and waist. Knees and ankles followed and then she took two sets of handcuffs and placing one set per wrist took each one down and under the chair.
Realising I was totally erect and straining against my jeans Sandra commented that she could help with that, after all she said she needed to concentrate and that would be a distraction. She unzipped and brought my stiff member out so that it pointed up to the light. Taking one of her drills she placed it against my sack and carefully secured it with an elastic band with the bit pushing inward. She said if I was a good boy that would be the worst I would get from a drill on this occasion but if not she would press the floor panel that operates it. I figured this would hurt like hell so I just simply said "yes Miss"
The final touch was to place a ratcheted metal device into my mouth which forced it open so that she could work without any hindrance. My fate was complete, I was totally at her mercy and I had let this happen without really thinking it through, but it was too late I just needed to keep my nerve.
Thankfully all was ok and she was done in 15 minutes or so. Drill not needed but I seriously needed some relief. Sandra must have sensed this and after removing the mouth restraint she told me to rinse. I did so then she placed a more familiar ball gag into my mouth and left the room for a few minutes. Upon her return she asked me if I wished to be given relief – I nodded – she went down on me and gave me the most intense blow job I had ever had and when done she then said it was her turn to rinse. She did so and then that was when she explained the next part of her game.
She began to undo the straps and fastenings holding me to the chair but made no attempt to remove the gag or the 'cuffs. She then, without pausing explained what she wanted to do. "I want to get to know you better over the next two weeks and do things that any couple would do. I want then to take you as my guest to a party where you will be my slave for the weekend. But before we attend this party I will give you a letter which will list what I need you to be ready for at the party. You will not see the contents of this letter but you will need to find a female friend who you can pass it onto. This friend will then read the letter and take you through a 'dry run' of what will happen. If then you are still willing to attend with me and carry out your role willingly as my slave I will reward you in ways you can only imagine. If you are not willing, the next two weeks will be the only ones you will have with me, after then I will disappear from your life."
Without another word or a moment of hesitation Sandra released me from all of my bonds. After another quick rinse I said I was surprised at all that she had said but I was ready to trust her. She smiled grabbed her coat and gave me directions to a restaurant she wanted to eat at. We both left and had a great meal, along with way too much wine. The taxi only needed to drop us at one place that night and we enjoyed more sex before drifting off to sleep.
The next two weeks were filled with all we could fit in including awesome sex – like I had never had before – like I wanted to have forever...
Part 2 (added: 07/15/2009)
I spent every available moment with Sandra during the two weeks after my 'filling'! It was at times very intense but also incredibly sensual.
As she promised we did all the things normal couples do and for the most part what happened in the bedroom was spontaneous with only the occasional use of bondage. What surprised me after that day in the treatment room was that she also liked to be bound on occasion. I was happy to oblige although I kind of made it up as I went along unlike Sandra's more methodical approach.
One afternoon I received a text from Sandra basically telling me that I was to meet her at her flat later that evening and, using any of her 'toys' as she called them, tie her up in any fashion I wished but if I wasn't thorough enough and she escaped she would return the favour and she guaranteed I wouldn't get out until she decided to give me my freedom. The text ended with an 'ummmh xxx', I took this to mean she was getting turned on!
I arrived at her flat bang on time and she answered the door to reveal her beautiful naked body, her eyes looking at me with lust and wearing a ball gag that she had forced way into her mouth before securing the strap at the back of her head having the slight effect of making her hair look like it was in a loose ponytail.
I closed the door behind me and without any hesitation took her hand and led her off into her 'play' room. This was the room that we had spent most of our time in to date. It had lots of toys and soft furnishings as well as one of the most comfortable beds you are likely to lay on. I had commented after our first night together that it was like one of those kids play areas, like 'soft play' for adults. Sandra had found this to be 'cute' as she had put it and had had a little sign made that said 'Soft Play – you need to be taller than this mark to enter!'
Obviously I was more than a little curious as to find out about the up and coming party and what could possibly be within the content of 'the letter'. Sandra was having none of it and would only smile sweetly and dismiss my probing questions, my trying to catch her off guard. All I could get was "keep an open mind" and "if you want to change your mind?" remarks which although were just meant to wind me up really frustrated the hell out of me.
After getting the text earlier I thought this would be my chance to get some information!
I looked around Soft Play for the items I thought would hold her in place for her 'interrogation'. Sandra just stood there passively watching my mental struggle as to what would be best. Suddenly from out of nowhere I was pushed forward toward the wall and before I could gather my thoughts I had been handcuffed from behind.
"Come on Sandra give me a chance" I said as I turned to look at her only to see Liz (remember Liz the dental assistant?) stood between me and Sandra.
"Shut up and listen to me and I will explain what is going to happen tonight" Liz said.
She continued "Sandra is mostly a dominant person but as you know she occasionally likes to mix things up a bit. Tonight I will play with her and you will watch and learn then in the future when you get your chance you will be better prepared to show her a good time. Sandra fed you a line earlier to allow me to catch you off guard"
I was then chained with my cuffed hands above my head. A spreader bar was placed between my ankles and secured. Then I too was gagged and also fitted with a posture collar so that I could only look where Liz wanted me to.
Liz then expertly bound Sandra. She left the gag in place and with copious amounts of rope began to remove Sandra's freedom. Her ankles were bound. Her legs were bound above her knees. Her thighs were bound and then a rope was taken up between her butt cheeks and secured at the back of her collar which I didn't even remember her wearing when I first saw her at the door. Liz bound her wrists and elbows very tightly behind her and Sandra winced slightly as she came to terms with her predicament. Then a rope was wrapped around Sandra's waist, fed between her legs and back up to her elbows. Liz struggled a little with this as she had done a very good job tying Sandra's legs and there wasn't much give, but she got there in the end and achieved her goal of fitting a seriously tight crotch tie.
Sandra was then attached to a pulley hanging from the beam which went the length of the Soft Play ceiling. Then she was raised up onto her tip toes effectively by her elbows. Sandra again protested a little but Liz ignored her. At this point I was just watching in awe of this demonstration forgetting about the 'slight' discomfort my bonds were causing me. Liz then said she needed a drink so she would leave the both of us to get used to our respective situations. I wanted to say something but I knew it would be futile and all I would get out would have been a 'mmpphhh'.
After what seemed an eternity Liz returned and see looked us both over like two trapped animals. She said that she would like to give me a blowjob but she had better consult Sandra about that first. She went to Sandra and started to get her excited with a vibrator, Sandra wriggled and squirmed for her orgasm but Liz was intent on teasing her and making her work for her reward. Just when to me it seemed Liz would not let Sandra go all the way she ask her " if I let you have this orgasm, can I have your permission to suck on your new slave's cock and thereby satisfying you both at my leisure?"
"Are you sure?"
"Ok, then enjoy your relief"
The resulting orgasm was nearly as exciting to watch as it was for Sandra to experience. She clearly enjoyed coming as she strained against the ropes that were binding her and then continued to twitch and moan after the event until she flopped and dangled trying to regain some composure.
It was my turn next. Liz slowly unbuttoned my jeans and released my cock. I could feel the coolness of the air surround it and my balls but I was very very hard and aching to come. Liz wasted no time and it wasn't very long before she had skilfully brought me to orgasm taking all of my juices for her own pleasure.
I was left as I was as Liz began to slowly untie Sandra who by now was losing the fight to balance between toes and elbows and did look very uncomfortable. Both girls left the room after a few minutes and I was trying to piece together what was happening. Did Sandra want to share me around to fulfil her fantasies? Did I care? There was too much going on and what about this party and the letter? I needed some answers and I hoped that they had been coming that night.
They didn't...
Anyway as our two weeks together drew to a close some of the pieces of what was too come, began to be put in place. Over a meal Sandra finally started to reveal more details. First she wanted to make sure we were still on the same page of this book by reminding me of what I had agreed to while strapped to her dental chair. "So" she began "do you still want to accompany me to this party as my slave?"
"And you are happy to choose a female friend to take you through a dry run"
"Ok well I'll explain what I want you to do and then you can take your letter". Sandra picked up her handbag and from it pulled an envelope that had been sealed shut. The front was blank and that was that, just a plain white envelope.
"Have you decided who will help you prepare for this?" she asked.
"Yes, a girl from a place I previously worked at had always hinted about her love of bondage, so I got in touch with her and she has agreed to help"
"Excellent what is her name?"
"Vicky, nice name" came the reply, "write it on the envelope"
I wrote the name Vicky on the front of the envelope, it was as though my fate was sealed. Sandra then began to explain what should happen over the next few days.
Sandra explained that she was going on a short trip to do with work the following morning, Friday, and would be back early Sunday morning. While she was away I would do my 'dry run' with Vicky as planned then we would attend the party Sunday evening into the early hours of Monday morning but I needed to listen to some other instructions that were very important also.
Sandra explained "you are going to this party as my slave and as such from this point on I want you to follow my instructions carefully. If you don't I will cancel all of our plans and as I said before you won't see me again. This is very important to me and I am putting my trust in you to keep up with your side of the arrangements. Not only will you be my slave but you will be my 'female' slave".
"I don't understand, what do you mean?" I said.
"As far as the other guests are concerned you are to be treated as a girl and as such you will need to get prepared. I will help you with this tonight when we get back to my place and from that point on until after the party you will be to all intent and purpose 'female'. The letter also covers this and I will have your house keys and the clothes you are wearing now so that you can only wear the clothes that fit you from my wardrobe, taking me to the airport on route to see Vicky will be your first time out in the public eye so the better we get you prepared the less obvious and embarrassed you will be".
"Are you being serious?" was my astonished reply.
"Yes and you're going to love it, were both going to have a great time!"
The drive home was full of my questions and for the most part Sandra's logical answers but I couldn't help but worry that I was in over my head. I thought I could pull it off and that we would enjoy ourselves but, well, what if I blew it and she left me – disaster.
Once back at the flat Sandra set about my 'sex change' and the end result after shaving, make up and false breasts (kept in place with some kind of medical adhesive so that I could go bra less!) I was ready. To be honest I didn't look too bad. My image of men who cross dress is that they all look like old ladies but I was wearing great clothes and we both thought that I was pretty convincing. Sandra reminded me that in some kinkier clothes and bondage I would be the real deal and she was very excited about our plans.
My clothes were locked away along with my wallet and house keys and that was that – I was to be a woman for the next few days. I was given a satin night dress to wear and we went to bed. Before settling down to sleep I was handcuffed and after a hood was put on my head, gagged.
I slept reasonably well and after breakfast I was given full use of all available underwear and clothes to choose from. I decided to wear a white blouse, pencil skirt and black shoes with a small but 'big enough' if you know what I mean heels. Sandra again sorted out my makeup and suggested some fashion specs she had to finish the look. After choosing a shoulder length blonde wig I looked the part in a 'secretary' sort of look.
We drove to the airport and I watched Sandra disappear into departures as I pulled away and headed for my rendezvous with Vicky.
As I drove along and accepted what was happening I relaxed and realised that I would be ok, I was getting used to having boobs and shaved legs and it was reasonably pleasurable. I had a bigger concern however, what would Vicky make of this? Sandra's last instruction was to put the letter and a set of handcuffs into my handbag and when Vicky answered the door give her the letter, explain what was going on and then wait for instructions once the letter had been opened and read. I was to obey Vicky at all times.
I pulled onto Vicky's drive and after picking up my bag and the bottle of wine I knew she would enjoy I got out locked the car and without another thought rang the doorbell. This was it, no turning back now. Vicky answered the door and at first looked confused, I said hello and she just, surprisingly, invited me in. I told her about all of Sandra's plans and she said fine give me the letter and let's get on with it.
I passed her the letter and the handcuffs along with the key. She took them and began reading. The main letter had clearly been typed on a PC and looked at first glance to be about one side of A4 long. Just inside the envelope there was a hand written note that she read first. After reading it she simply took my bag, led me over to the corner of her living room, turned me to face the wall and then handcuffed me behind my back. She got close to my ear and whispered "stand here while I read the letter that will determine your fate, Sandra requested you do so".
"Ok" seemed the right answer.
"YES MISS is what you meant to say, your training starts here".
"Yes Miss" I quietly repeated.
After a few minutes and a number of giggles from Vicky she came closer and from behind began to run her hands over my body and in doing so grabbed my breasts as if she was beginning foreplay with another woman. Then she stepped away.
"I'm going to read the letter to you now and then we will begin" she said.
The letter read as follows:
Thank you for agreeing to help with this little project. I really do appreciate you giving up your time. I will one day in the near future repay you; we can get together some time for a drink if you like?
You now have here my 'slave' and I would like you to train her for me before we attend a very special party organised by some very influential people I work with. I must make a good impression and I am entrusting this girls training to you so please pull out all of the stops and go for it, you have my full permission to expand upon my ideas where you feel appropriate.
By now you will have also seen the other note I included for you and she should be now handcuffed and facing the wall in a place of your choosing. Leave her there while you digest my instructions and then, as I know she is desperate to know what I have written you, read it back to her as after all she is now fully committed and has no choice but to obey you as I have instructed.
During the party she will be bound for long periods of time so it is essential that from now on she is kept in some sort of bondage preferably even when going to the bathroom, just as much as possible. Through the night I wish her to be restrained and her senses taken away by use of a hood etc. She needs to learn to act, walk, stand and function as a girl and also learn to apply her own makeup.
She needs to be named and whatever name you choose will be the one I use from now on. She must get used to being bound and having her free will taken away. I have sent you a case of clothing and a box of 'toys' just in case you do not have these items on hand to use, they are in the boot of the car.
Please bring her to the airport on Sunday to collect me from my flight and I will see you home. You can also fill me in on progress and I can introduce myself to you.
Oh one last thing, this little girl seems to have a bulge in the front of her knickers, see what you can do about that for me and as her pussy is at the back please feel free to get it more shall we say 'usable', again vibrators and plugs etc are in the car for your use.
So thanks again and enjoy my new slave she is all yours – for now!
Yours truly,
I struggled to take it all in but I was about to embark on a training regime that would see me bound for hours on end and be taken from behind on a whim to get me ready for a party which obviously was along similar lines – what had I let myself ion for? Was Sandra worth it? I knew she was but I just wanted to stop everything and go home. My options however were limited, I couldn't get free and even if I did I couldn't go home so my best option was to reason with Vicky and hope she would think it was also ridiculous and let me go. We could break open the wine and half a laugh about it all then do some catching up.
With that I was turned around and a very excited looking Vicky said "let us begin, I have been waiting years for this opportunity!"