Scott Wilson sat quietly in his favorite reading chair, contentedly scanning the latest issue of The Rand Economics Journal. Life was good for the newest addition to the UCLA Economics Department. Landing such a plush teaching job just three months after completing his doctoral studies was a dream come true. Scott knew that he'd be stuck teaching undergraduate Econ courses for the first few years. But he was only 24 years old and had lots of time to establish himself.
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The doorbell rang. Somewhat annoyed by the intrusion, Scott got up to see who could be calling at such a late... – he checked his watch which read 7:21PM – ...at this hour. He grumpily opened the door.
"Hello Professor Wilson! Would you like to donate to the Cheerleader's Uniform Fund?" The gorgeous tanned blonde standing on his welcome mat was all smiles. Her oversized red UCLA Cheerleading Squad t-shirt looked like a baggy dress - it almost covered her light blue shorts completely.
Scott instantly recognized the girl from his Econ 101 class. Although there were nearly two hundred students in his lectures, this stunning girl stood out like a diamond on black velvet. "Hello Holly. Shouldn't you be studying for tomorrow's economics exam?"
Holly Smith's bright smile grew even brighter. "I'm all studied up, Professor. 'Value, Utility and Price'. You know, this is my favorite topic so far. I'm gonna ace your test - without a doubt!" She winked.
"You certainly are confident." Scott chuckled. "By the way, please stop calling me Professor. I'm not in class. Doctor Wilson is fine."
"Sure Doctor Wilson" Holly replied non-seriously. "The cheerleader squad is raising money for new uniforms cause of all the budget cuts and stuff. Whaddaya say Doc? Got a few bucks to spare?"
Scott chuckled and considered quietly. He really didn't want to donate. But he couldn't bring himself to let her down. Holly seemed like such a sweet girl. Suddenly a great idea popped into his head.
"I'll make you a deal. Let's approach the question from an economics standpoint, using what you've learned in my class. If you convince me that there is Value in your proposal I'll accept your Price. I'll donate $100 to your fund."
"One Hundred Dollars!" Holly's face lit up. "Wow!" She looked at him quizzically. "So you wanna give me like a pre-test quiz or something?"
"Something like that." Scott ushered Holly into his living room and offered her a seat on the sofa. "It'll be fun." He sat down in his reading chair. "I'm actually curious to see how much of my lectures my students really take in. This could be helpful for both of us."
"I really did study, you know. This is gonna be easy money." the bubbly freshmen co-ed playfully replied. Holly leaned forward and gazed directly at her teacher. "Okay. Bring it on, Doc! I got your Utility function down!"
Scott laughed, loving Holly's vibrance and energy. "We'll see about that" he challenged the cheerleader. He grabbed his clipboard and made a note. "Let's start. Okay, why would I want to donate to your Cheerleader's Uniform Fund? Convince me that there's Value in it for me."
Holly sat back and thoughtfully pondered his challenge. "Well, Doctor Wilson, do you go to the football games?"
"No I don't, to be honest. I'm not much of a sports fan."
"Hmmmmm. Do you like to help out a worthy cause?" Holly countered.
"Well, yes. I make a pretty substantial donation to the Make A Wish foundation every year. I believe in helping out children and those in need."
"Well there you go. The cheerleading squad has a need! And you Value helping people in need!" Holly replied triumphantly.
"But I would derive much greater Utility from donating to an organization helping sick children than one inspiring football fans to cheer."
Holly frowned. "But the cheerleading program has Value, too! If it weren't for my cheerleading scholarship I wouldn't be in college. I wouldn't be in your class! It's really a good thing for people with big dreams but small piggy banks!"
Scott was sincerely moved by Holly's passion. "You know, I hadn't considered that. That's an excellent point." But he wasn't ready to concede quite yet. "Okay, I grant you that the cheerleading program may have more Value than I first thought."
Holly smiled as she sensed the first small crack in Scott's armor. Victory was in sight.
Scott instantly recognized his guest's competitive nature. He sensed Holly was expecting more of a challenge – and he didn't want to disappoint her.
"How about a compromise?" countered Scott. "If you donate $100, I will match your donation."
"Darn it, Doctor Wilson!" emoted an exasperated Holly. "That's not fair. I don't have that kind of money! All I have with me are the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet." Holly looked down, dejected. She was so close. "Maybe, I don't know your Utility function after all."
Scott smiled. "Don't give up yet, Holly. Continue with the exercise. How exactly does one calculate Value? I'm just trying to make a point. If you do well on this exercise I'll donate - I promise."
Holly perked up. "Okay. The thing is, you can't calculate Value, cause everyone's different. Everyone values stuff differently. You know? Like you taught us. That's why they came up with Utility – cause you can measure that and use it in equations and stuff. But Value is in the eye of the beholder."
"You mean it's subjective."
Scott sat back. "Very good." Holly continued to impress him. "But what has Value?"
"I'm not sure I understand."
"Think back to my class. Think about the building example."
Holly's face was blank.
Scott continued. "Okay, let me demonstrate. You say all you came in with are the clothes on your back. But is that really all you came in with?" He stood to get a cigar box from his desk and sat back down. He reached into the box and retrieved ten $10 bills and set them on his arm rest. "Here is $100. If you give me something of Value for this stack of bills, you will have your $100."
Holly was totally confused. "I don't understand at all." She grabbed her baggy shirt and pulled it toward Scott. "I could sell you my clothes? Is that what you mean?"
"Okay." Scott shrugged. "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it will work for the sake of this example. Suppose I offered you $10 per item" he said jokingly. "For the sake of argument, if you accepted that price would there still be any Value?"
At this point Holly was totally befuddled. "Huh? But what Value would my clothes have to you?" Holly stared forward blankly. Then suddenly a light came on. "Oh I get it! You would get Value by me not having my clothes!" She gave Scott a sly smile. "Okay, you have a deal!"
Scott's heart began beating rapidly as Holly began removing her clothes, one item at a time – although somehow he managed to retain his composure. She set her left sneaker in front of his chair and took a $10 bill. Her right sneaker was next, followed by her right sock and her left sock. There was now $40 on the sofa.
Scott attempted to garner the will to stop her. After all this was very inappropriate. But he could not muster the strength. He sat back in awe as the gorgeous co-ed methodically removed her clothes.
Holly's neatly folded oversized red shirt was the next item to hit the pile, followed by her blue shorts. She took two more tens. There was now $60 on the sofa.
Only Holly's white cotton bra and matching panties remained. She reached behind her back to undo the bra but hesitated.
"Well, you are a doctor. So I guess it's okay."
She removed her bra and stepped out of her panties. After folding them, she neatly set them on the pile and took two more $10 bills. The gorgeous nude co-ed sat back down on the sofa next to a stack of eight $10 bills.
Scott shifted in his seat attempting to hide the massive erection he was sporting in his pants – to the delight of Holly.
"There you go Doctor Wilson. That's all I've got. Will you match my eighty?" She crossed her legs, folded her arms under her large perfect breasts, and waited.
It took all the willpower Scott had to maintain his composure. Somehow he managed. This exercise wasn't quite going in the direction he had planned. But he still had a point to make and he was going to make it - however unconventional his approach would have to be.
Scott took a deep breath, looked down on his clipboard, and focused on teaching. "For this exercise you have to raise $100 before I can match it. Sorry Holly, but it's the rule. You'll see why in a minute."
Holly frowned.
"Here's a hint. Think about the building example, Holly."
Holly sat up straight and concentrated. "Well you said the building had Value because it was bought at a Price." Suddenly she got excited. "Oh yeah, but the owners were also able to sell the roof space to a cell phone company and the city paid them to allow them to put a subway tube under the building!" She looked at Scott proudly. "They really made a killing on that deal."
Scott beamed at Holly proudly. "Excellent!" She was getting it!
"So I have other Value!" Holly exclaimed proudly.
"Yes, you do. For example?" Scott probed.
Holly thought about it for a few seconds. "Hmmmmm. Value, Value, Value. You know my Dad always told me that I live in the greatest, freest country on earth and that I should value my freedom." Holly looked over expectantly. "Is that a good Value?"
"Very good. That certainly has Value." Scott lifted a $10 bill from the armrest. He sensed that they were both having fun and decided to up the ante. "Okay, I'll pay you $10 for your freedom."
"No way!" Holly said defiantly. "Lot's of great men gave their lives for my freedom. I could never give that up. It's precious!"
Scott laughed. "No. I don't mean forever. I'll just buy an hour of your freedom. For the sake of the exercise we're doing here."
"Just an hour?" Holly thought about it. "Well, okay. That's not so bad. You have a deal."
Scott stood up again, walked to his desk, and retrieved two sets of silver handcuffs from his desk drawer. He handed them to Holly. "One set is for your ankles and the other is for your wrists."
Holly bent forward and carefully secured one set of cuffs about her ankles, fastening them together. She locked the other cuff about her right wrist, put her arms behind her back, and locked the other bracelet around her left wrist, fastening them together.
Scott removed another $10 bill from the armrest and dropped it on Holly's stack. Holly smiled appreciatively as the bill softly landed in place.
"You're almost there. Only $10 to go."
Holly shrugged her shoulders, unconsciously thrusting her breasts forward toward Scott. He shifted again. She smiled.
"Okay. Think Value, Holly."
"Well, when I was growing up, my mom would never just give me an allowance. She always told me that if I wanted money that I had to find a need and fill it. Like I had to give her Value." Holly looked around. "But even if you had dirty dishes or dirty laundry," Holly turned sideways to flash her cuffed wrists, "I couldn't do them now anyways."
Scott lowered the zipper of his slacks and let out a sigh of relief as his massive erection sprung free out into the daylight. He slid forward to the end of his chair and spread his legs. Holding the last $10 bill in his hand, Scott offered his large throbbing dick to Holly.
"Oh my, Doctor Wilson. I do believe I see a need I can fill!"
Nude, cuffed hand and foot, the well balanced cheerleader stood up and hopped toward Scott. Scott thought he was going to lose it right there as he watched the gorgeous blonde co-ed's perfect breasts bounce up and down in time with her hops.
Once Holly was close to the chair she cautiously knelt down before him doing her best not to tip over. When she was safely planted, Holly bent forward and teased the head of his dick with her tongue before kissing his shaft. "You know, Doctor Wilson. I think got your Utility function down after all" she said before taking him fully into her mouth.
Scott leaned back as Holly expertly gave him far more Value than the $10 Price warranted. She sucked and licked his cock with passion - that same passion she just naturally exuded. Scott gasped with pleasure as his load exploded into Holly's eager mouth.
Holly smiled as a very satisfied Scott collapsed back into his reading chair. After finding his bearings he retrieved the last $10 bill from the arm rest.
"Woo Hoo!" screamed Holly as the final bill dropped onto her stack.
Scott leaned forward and kissed Holly on the forehead. "That was fantastic!" He got up, pulled up his zipper, and walked toward the kitchen. The kneeling cheerleader peered around to watch Scott pull a bottle of water from the fridge. He opened the bottle and held it to her lips.
"Thanks, Doc" Holly said as she washed down Scott's other donation with a swig of cool water.
Scott opened his cigar box once again and placed a $100 bill on top of Holly's stack of tens. "And as I promised, there is my matching donation." Then he fell back into his reading chair and closed his eyes. What in the world had he just done?
The bound girl leaned back and carefully balanced her bare bottom over her bound feet. Holly carefully stood up, turned, and fell back into Scott's lap just as he opened his eyes. The surprised teacher caught Holly and tenderly held the helpless nude girl in his arms. Holly turned her head and kissed Scott on the cheek. "I have a secret I want to tell you" she said. "You're the first and only person I've asked for donations so far. It's cause I've had a crush on you since your first lecture."
Scott smiled as he felt a warmth toward this special girl fill his body. He wasn't sure what to say so he just decided to kiss her. As they passionately kissed Scott ran his free hand over Holly's firm breasts and down between her legs. Holly moaned loudly when Scott's finger entered her moist pussy.
"Looks like you have a need, too." He massaged Holly's clit to her delight. "And I still have about a half hour of your freedom left" he said happily.
Holly winked, "Better get your money's worth" she said, and giggled.
He lifted her up and stood her up before his dinner table. Once there he uncuffed her ankles. He had Holly bend forward and spread her legs so her chest was resting comfortably on the table and her feet were straddling the table's legs. After getting a third set of handcuffs from his desk, he cuffed Holly's ankles to the table's legs.
The sight of Holly bent forward, nude, with her hands cuffed behind her back, her legs spread wide, so vulnerable and helpless, so available and willing – Scott was hard again instantly. Holly squealed with pleasure as he entered her pussy from behind. Her moans increased in intensity as Scott enthusiastically fucked her. They came simultaneously – Holly's scream of pleasure shook the walls.
"Sorry about that" whispered the panting Holly as she wound down. "I can be noisy."
Scott laughed and lovingly rubbed her bottom. "Well, you are a cheerleader. Next time I'll bring out the ball gag."
For some reason unbeknownst to Scott, Holly would not allow him to remove her handcuffs, even though her hour was finished. When she got to the sofa she sat down and extended her legs. Scott happily accommodated his guest and recuffed her ankles together. Not wanting to waste a good set of cuffs, he had Holly lay on her belly and used the third set to connect her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs, effectively hogtying her.
Despite Holly's bondage, or probably because of it, Scott and Holly had great time. They discussed economics and politics and life. As the hogtied nude girl lay on her side, Scott played with her very accessible, ticklish and sensitive body to his heart's desire. Holly writhed helplessly as Scott teased her breasts with a feather. She moaned loudly as Scott's tongue and fingers skillfully brought her to two more very pleasing orgasms - this time with ball gag in place.
As the evening progressed, the two soon came to realize that they were made for each other, though neither said a word about it.
"I better be going" said Holly as the time approached midnight. "After all, I still have that exam tomorrow morning."
Scott removed Holly's handcuffs. She turned to pick up the stack of tens and the hundred on the arm rest of the sofa. When she turned back, Scott handed Holly her clothes.
"Don't forget these."
"Oh no" she said as she waved the bills back and forth. "Those are yours now. You paid for them fair and square." She pulled the large red t-shirt out of the stack. "I will take this, though. You owe me for all the extra freedom you took from me." She pulled the shirt over her head. Scott was visibly saddened to see Holly's perfect body covered once again. "Don't worry Doctor Wilson. You'll be buying it back before you know it."
"Please don't call me Doctor Wilson. Call me Scott."
Scott and Holly kissed goodnight. Their parting kiss seemed to last forever. But finally it ended.
"See you soon, Scott" said the barefoot cheerleader as she happily bounded out the door.