- Author - Young and Hung
- Rating -
   [ 3.79 actual ]
- Site Rank - 777 of 2955
- Story Codes - consensual, chastity, machine, self-bondage, toys
- Post Date - 5/19/2009
Authors Note: I haven't written in a while, but I just had this fantasy the other night and I decided to write a story about it. Hope you enjoy it. As Always, leave comments about how you think it should end or just things that should happen.
There I was, standing in front of the combination of four weeks of planing and saving my hard earned cash. Sitting in front of me on my bed were several items; a pair of 10 inch vibrators with built in electric pads, handcuffs with a special wireless lock, a good amount of pink nylon rope and the special glue. It had cost me several hundred dollars but I knew it would be worth it. I had decided to set myself up in predicament bondage and only I could decide my fate.
You see, the glue acted much like your average lube only it was a little more special. This glue started off nice and slick removing the need for lube but after an hour, it began to get quite sticky and after an hour and a half, it was permanent, at least until you got the dissolving fluid. I decided that I would save up just enough to buy the glue, but would hold off on the dissolving fluid I didn't even check the price to give me a little suspense.
The two vibrators were also very special and it seemed like they were made for this. The electrical pads served two functions, not only were they there to torment, but they also absorbed heat created by my body and converted it into energy removing the need for batteries. Also, because of the tubes that were in them, I could still use the bathroom if they got stuck inside of me.
My plan was to set myself up in bondage with the vibrators already installed inside of me with the glue in a special pouch connected to both of them. I would then attach my bound arms to a weight suspended over a laser. If I allowed the weight to break the beam, it would activate a program built into the vibrators to shoot whatever was in the vibrators inside of me. Also, if the beam was broken, it would extend the locks on my handcuffs for another hour so that the glue would have time to set. This way, I would be in constant torment but if I let up, I would be without orgasm for a while.
I set to work getting my rig set up. I attached the handcuffs to the rope and put that through a pulley. On the other end of the pulley was a cinder block suspended just below the beam so it wouldn't get broken until i lifted it up and started the program. I then got out my other toys from my closet and set to work binding my tits so they got nice and big and tying a crotch rope to hold the vibrators in during my session. Then, I filled up the vibrators with the glue, now I only had about an hour before the glue began the hardening process.
This was the moment of truth, I locked my ankles into a spreader bar and inserted the vibrators inside of me. I then took about six feet of rope and began tying the crotch rope to seal the vibrators inside of me. The only thing left was to turn on the vibrators and lock my hands into the handcuffs behind my back. I pressed the space bar on my computer and it ran the torment program on the vibrators. Then i quickly put my hands behind my back and pulled the cinder block above the beam and there I was, stuck with my arms straining to keep the block above the beam and all the while the vibrators keeping me just on the edge of orgasm, but not allowing me to reach it.
About 30 minutes into the session, i was beginning to think that i couldn't hold on much longer and then it hit me. The most intense and powerful orgasm that I had ever had, it caused me to lurch forward and pull the brick up very quickly. On the way back down, I was so weak that I couldn't support the weight of the brick and it fell below the beam. I felt something squirt inside of my ass and pussy. I strained to try to get my hands out of the handcuffs and get the vibrators out of me but it was no use, I was stuck until the handcuffs were told to unlock.
I could feel the glue inside of me, it was very slippery and I wondered how much longer it would be until the glue started to harden. After about what I thought to be 20 minutes, I felt something tight in my pussy, almost like the vibrator was pulling the walls of my pussy to it. Then i started feeling the same sensation in my ass. After 10 minutes of this, I didn't know how much more I could take, it felt like my pussy was as tight as it could get but the glue just kept on tightening down.
Finally after an agonizing period of time, i felt my handcuffs click and fall of and I fell to the floor. I took off my ankle cuffs and then went to take a shower. I tried pulling the vibrator out of my pussy but it was held fast and wouldn't be coming out until the dissolving fluid was applied. The same was the case for my ass. I then got online to check and see how much the dissolving fluid was. I opened the site and my heart sank. The dissolving fluid costed ten times the amount of the glue. The site explained that while the glue was an accident that was the result of two bi-products being combined, that the fluid to dissolve it was not only extremely expensive to create, but also had taken hundreds of thousands of dollars to research. I figured it took me four weeks to get the glue in the first place, it would take me almost a year to get enough money to get the dissolving fluid.
I decided to go to bed and try to get some sleep and figure the rest out tomorrow. Just before I was about to drift to bed, I felt a shock in my pussy and the vibrators kicked in. They were programed to only tease and to NEVER allow for an orgasm. I could tell already it was going to be a LONG year.