Part 1
Anna leaned forward and tried to reach the chain. She was naked, her wrists handcuffed behind her back, with short chain holding the cuffs into ring built into the cement wall of the cell. She was barely able to move into a crouch, one hand barely managing to grip the chain, but she pulled anyway hoping, desperately that it would somehow come loose.
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Jane sat across the cell, her hands bound to another wall. Jane had pulled her legs up to partially cover her pussy. Otherwise she simply sat on the concrete floor, too defeated to cry.
“C’mon, damn it!” Anna yelled. “We have to do something!” She pushed against the wall the cuffs biting hard into her wrists. The chain was short and connected to a ring set close to the floor, making it impossible to stand and difficult to gain leverage from her legs.
Jane didn’t reply.
Anna screamed as she pulled hard, the cuffs biting into her wrists. She pulled hard once, tried a second time and then slumped down, out of breath, her wrists throbbing. “We’ll get out of here. You can’t give up.”
Jane looked at her friends and said quietly, “We’re slaves.”
“Slaves? Fuck that! We haven’t done anything.” Anna leaned forward and took a deep breath ready to try the chain once more.
“I wouldn’t do that you stupid cunt.”
Anna looked up. Two men had entered the room. One wore some sort of uniform, like a cop, the second was in a suit. One of the cops, the one who’d spoken, stepped forward and opened the cell door.
“Let us go, fucker!” Anna screamed. She tried to spit, but her mouth was too dry.
“You want me to whip her, Mr. Laing?” the uniformed man asked the one in the suit.
“In a moment, Hank,” Laing answered. He was looking down an open folder, flipping through pages. Then he glanced up at the two women. Anna, 23, was almost 5”5, dark black hair, with decent breasts and soft, curvaceous body that didn’t show how often she worked out. Jane, 22, was shorter, 5’ 2” with long blonde hair and a petite figure.
“Damn fucking lucky to get these two,” Hank said.. “They practically drove into the truck.”
Anna tried to remember. They’d drugged her and the memories were scattered. She had been driving Jane home the night before and gotten lost. Jane was so scatterbrained during the best of times, and she hadn’t even mentioned the wrong turn until they’d gone a mile down the wrong road. Another wrong turn and they were on some county backwater. Anna had been going too fast and as they rounded a curve there truck was there, pulled partway off the side, jacked up with one rear tire pulled off. Anna had hit the brakes and they’d stopped. At first she was happy, these guys would tell her the way back to the highway. But it didn’t take long to see what cargo it carried.
After that the memories were fuzzy. The men had grabbed them. Anna had bit one, she was sure of that. She looked up from the cell and realized she’d bitten the uniformed bastard now looming over her. They’d done something too them, Anna could remember watching them grab Jane and press a small rectangular device against the blonde’s neck. Anna remembered the sudden shock of realizing the men were using a trank spray, exactly the sort used for unruly slaves. Then nothing made sense, Anna realized they had tranked her as well. She’d fallen down, someone picked her up. Had they put them in the truck?
“Their records are... interesting,” Laing said at last, dragging out the last word. He put the folder under his arm and stared at the two naked women. “I don’t see undo complications, they were driving so far off the main roads and so recklessly, well... the scenario practically writes itself.”
“I hope I get a bonus. I was the one who thought of it, you know, of taking them.”
Laing looked at the cop with disgust. “Bonus? Hank, your reckless driving could have lead to a loss of that entire shipment.”
“Oh. Yeah. Well, Robbie was there too. But, well, still, Mr. Laing, these two are good sluts.”
Anna wanted to yell, but she hesitated. When she had hit the brakes her lights had illuminated the interior of the truck. One of the men was fishing around for tools, but it was hard to miss the glimpse of the cargo inside. Slaves.
“Hey, we haven’t done anything!” Anna said, trying to sound reasonable. “I don’t know what’s going on, but, just let us go.”
Laing looked at Anna and smiled. “You and your friend have been convicted of reckless endangerment. Under the terms of the Alternative Sentencing Act you have agreed to exchange six months in jail for three weeks as sex slaves.”
“What? What? There wasn’t a trial. I didn’t sign anything. You can’t do this.”
“Actually you have signed something. Your friend as well.” Laing brought out the folder and held it up. “At least as far as the registration authorities are concerned. We’re generating trial transcripts right now. It’s all standard stuff really. The conviction order has been signed by the judge, or will be, depending on your point of view. The date on the order is next Tuesday. And then we have your slave contracts. They’re dated next Wednesday. This way we can save all the time and trouble of actually holding the trial.”
“No! No!” Anna yelled.
Jane shifted in her chains, tears on her face. She struggled to move to a kneeling position.
“Your friend knows,” Laing said, indicating Jane. “She was picked up on some trivial drug charge a few years ago and spent two months as a slave until her family bought her contract.”
“My family will do that,” Anna yelled, “Please, just contact them!”
“Shut up you fucking bitch!” Hank roared. He lifted the whip and snapped it hard, the leather tail cracking loudly in front of Anna’s face.
“Wait,” Laing ordered. “Take the blonde one off the wall ring. Give her to me and then you can deal with your new friend.”
Hank walked over, almost drooling, and unlocked the chain holding Jane near the wall. He pulled her up and pushed her towards Laing. Jane didn’t resist. She looked down at her feet and hesitated, unsure as to whether she should drop to her knees again. She mumbled something.
“I didn’t hear you, slave,” Laing said.
“I... I am here to serve you, Master,” Jane said, her voice cracking.
Laing opened his belt and loosened his pants and then sat down on a wooden chair. “Then serve me.”
“Yes, Master,” Jane said as she dropped to her knees. She shuffled forward, her wrists still cuffed behind her back, and leaned forward. She struggled to pull down the top of his underwear with her teeth, working her head back and forth until his erect cock was free. Jane didn’t pause, she opened her mouth and let his cock settle into her mouth and started rocking her head back and forth. She made sure to take it deep into her throat each time she pressed her face into him.
Hank turned to Anna and snapped the whip, cracking it again in front of her of face. Anna flinched, and tried to pull back, but there was nowhere to go.
“Fuck off you fat fucking asshole!” she yelled at Hank.
“Just keep talking slut,” Hank said with a laugh as cracked the whip again and again, slowly closing in, with expert skill, until the leather tail snapped across her shoulders.
Anna cried out and pulled her head down, trying desperately to shift out of the path of the whip. But the short chain from the cuffs to the wall did not leave any slack. The whip fell again and again, sharp stinging pain across the top of her back, and her twisting only resulting in the lash snapping over her thigh.
Laing watched all this, his hands in Jane’s hair, pushing the blonde’s head back and forth, guiding her open mouth faster over his cock. Jane struggled to hold her mouth in an ‘O’ making sure her teeth didn’t glide over his cock. The memories of her punishments during her previous, brief time as a sex slave, had never gone away, the fear of the whip causing her to tense slightly as the cock was pushed again and again deep into her throat.
“This one obeys,” Laing said as he fucked Jane’s mouth, his cock throbbing, ready for release. “Oh yes..... she’ll do well at auction.”
Hank reached down and took hold of Anna by the hair, yanking her up into a crouch, the pressure almost unbearable on her strained wrists.
“Are you going to obey, slut?” Hank yelled.
Anna just shrieked. Hank had twisted the whip around and pressed the handle against her mouth like a bit gag.
“Well slut, are you going to obey?”
Anna tried to squirm, her legs twisting over under her as she tried to scream. At last she struggled to nod, her body burning from the abuse.
“You’d better behave, slut... now hold this whip.” Hank released her hair, dropping her on her back to a sitting position.
Anna looked up, her face streaked with tears, holding the handle of the whip tightly in her mouth.
Laing watched the scene and then moaned, pulling Jane’s head close and holding it, her lips and tongue working his cock as she began to panic unable to breath. Laing felt the blonde begin to struggle. It was too much. Unable to hold out any longer, he shot his cum deep in her mouth, relenting, at last in letting her pull her face off his cock for a moment. Dribbles of cum fell from her lips as she struggled to swallow. She didn’t resist as he pulled her onto his cock again for a few more deep thrusts into her mouth. At last he pushed her back. Jane didn’t dare move from her kneel as he stood up and fixed his pants.
“Can I fuck this one?” Hank said, pointing to Anna.
“No. Not yet. You’ll have your fun, don’t worry.” Laing looked at his watch. “The original shipment had eight... these two will round off the second chain. They should be fitting them now. Send these slaves downstairs.”
“Yes, Mr. Laing,” Hank said, not entirely happy. He crouched down and unlocked the Anna’s chain from the wall. He yanked on it, pulling her to a standing position and then bending her over, her arms pulled back in a strappado. Anna struggled, but didn’t dare to release to whip in her mouth. Hank released his grip, just enough for her to walk, and pushed her over near Jane.
Jane stood and turned around at Laing’s command. He removed the short chain and the handcuffs, leaving her totally naked. Then turned and left.
“This way, sluts,” Hank said, pushing Anna while holding tightly to the chain connecting to her handcuffs. Anna tried to swear, but with the whip handle in her mouth only a muffled grunt emerged. Jane moved towards Hank and followed, her expression totally defeated. Hank lead the two women out a different door and down a short hallway. There was an elevator. Hank waited a moment for the doors to open and then pushed Anna inside. Jane, understanding, followed Anna inside. Hank, however, did not.
“I’ll fuck your ass later,” Hank snarled.
As the doors closed and the elevator descended, Anna spat out the whip. Jane looked at her horrified and then fell to her knees, her hands behind her back, her eyes downcast.
“No, damn it, stand up!” Anna said, wincing as she pulled on her cuffs again. “Help me out of this.”
Jane shook her head and looked up, “We can’t. We’re slaves.”
“Fuck that!” Anna yelled, slamming herself against the elevator wall. As if on cue the doors opened.
The guards were both women, dressed in tight white blouses and skirts, with white boots. A variety of restraints hung from their belt.
“On your feet, slave!” One yelled to Jane. Jane immediately complied
The second guard didn’t bother to ask Anna to settle down. She stepped forward and slapped her. Hard. Anna shrieked and fell back. The guard caught her and pulled her up.
Both captives were pushed down another hallway. Jane hesitated as moans of pain were heard in a room at the far end, but one glance at the guard was all that was required for her to keep moving. Anna shifted back and forth, prompting another yell as she was pushed hard from behind. Anna caught herself before she tripped, and then kept going, in spurts towards the room.
Jane panicked and almost collapsed. Her guard pulled her to her feet and slammed her against the wall.
“Please no... please no.... please no...” Jane sobbed.
“Get moving, slave.” The guard said without any patience. She shoved Jane into the room.
Anna felt her legs going as she was pushed inside. The room was cramped and hot. There were two other guards, one was wearing a pair of heavy goggles and on stood over a heavy metal block, which she suddenly realized was a anvil. There were also three other captives. The naked slaves were dangling by their wrists from the ceilings. A cloth had been placed around their necks, and their hair was wet. One moaned loudly. None of the three paid much attention to Jane and Anna.
Anna’s guard pushed her to the front of the room. Soon two sets of hands were holding one side of her face down on the anvil. She struggled, or tried to, when she saw the curved metal band. A collar. The Anna stopped struggling, her face pressed down hard on the hard metal surface, when she saw as the guard with the goggles brought out a pair of tongs holding a bolt, glowing red hot. Anna watched in horror as the metal bolt was fitted to the flange. She felt the intense heat as the guard slammed a hammer down once, twice and then a third time, smashing the bolt, sealing the collar.
Without warning the two guards holding her down yanked her upright and pushed her to one side. They shoved her headfirst in a vat of water. The water around the bolt boiled as she struggled helplessly. Then, just as abruptly they pulled her up. She was pushed back against the wall where the other three slaves were held. A damp cloth was pressed around the metal collar as her hands were finally freed from the handcuffs. With a painful groan they twisted her around, pulling her hands up and snapping them into shackles attached to the ceiling. Anna could stand, barely, on her toes. Anna moaned in pain, her wrists throbbing, and realized she had been collared like a common slave.
The guards wasted no time in moving to Jane who stood trembling at the door.
“Oh please... no... no... please no....” Jane cried. She struggled, but it was totally hopeless. The petite blonde was soon pressed down on the heavy anvil, the collar around her neck. With three loud clangs of the hammer the collar was sealed. Jane was shoved headfirst into the water and then dragged over next to Anna. Jane was held up and her wrists snapped into the last pair of shackles, her feet unable to touch the floor.
And then the guards left, leaving the five women dangling from the ceiling like drying laundry. From shock or fatigue none talked, low moans came from Jane and the woman at the other end.
Anna felt herself falling in and out of consciousness. She had no idea how long it was when Laing appeared. This time he was with a pair of female guards. The guards moved from captive to captive and removed the still damp cloths placed around the collars.
“Very nice... very nice...” Laing said, slowly walking up past each one. His hand slid over their breasts in turn. “You are all slaves. I’m sure you have figured that out by now.”
Anna tried to turn around to follow the guards. They had four lengths of chain and twice as many heavy locks. Each collar had a ring on the front and the back, and the guard locked chains, front to back, front to back, stringing them together like a chain gang.
“And it is all very legal. You have each been convicted of some crime, whether you did it or not is of no concern. Your petitions to convert your sentences to a short stint of slavery will all be filed in a timely matter. Mmmm.... and of course there will be cause to extend those terms.” Laing paused to play with one of Jane’s nipples. “You are all slaves. You will always be slaves.”
The guards were now releasing the captives from their shackles, forcing them to stand. The chains connecting the collars were only a few feet long forcing the naked women to huddle next to each other. They rubbed their sore wrists and listened, eyes wide with fear.
“You are being designated Chain 16,” Laing continued. “Chain 16 will be trained as obedient sex slaves. If one of you disobeys, all of you will receive the punishment.” Laing ran his hand over Anna’s pussy. “Now... take these slaves to their cell. They can rest a few hours before training begins.”
Laing nodded to one of the guards who took out a smaller chain, a leash, and connected it to the front of Jane’s collar. The guard pulled, yanking Jane forward, which pulled Anna and then the woman behind her, until the five new slaves of Chain 16 were shuffling out into the corridor.
Part 2 - (added 05/27/2009)
The five women of Chain 16 did not sleep well. Pushed into a small window-less cell, one of several along a dark, stone-walled corridor, and with meter-long chains connecting their collars, there was nothing they could do but lie still and listen to the occasional shriek of pain from a woman in other in one of the other cells.
Anna lay still, trying to rest as best she could on the one of the scraps of fabric they had been given. Jane was to her right, at one end of the Chain. The small blonde woman was silent, not even crying, her eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling. That worried Anna as she saw Jane’s earlier panic at being given a collar become a numb acceptance.
“Don’t worry,” Anna whispered to Jane. “We’ll get out of here.”
The woman at the other end of the chain laughed.
Anna sat up, partially, resting on her elbows. The chains linking their collars wouldn’t allow them to sit or lay unless they all did it together. On Anna’s left was a young woman with reddish hair and large breasts, looking more stunned than anything else, and on her left was a woman with long dark hair who held her hands tightly wound around her, as if she could protect herself, her face stained with tears. And on her left, at the far end of the chain, the woman was still laughing.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Anna asked, trying not to speak too loudly, unsure of what the rules were about speaking at night.
“We’re not getting out of here and you know it,” replied the one at the end. She had light black skin and short black hair, moderately sized breasts and long legs. She was naked, chained by her collar as they all were, but seemed more bemused than anything else.
“Look, we can’t give up. They’ll have to bring up out at some point. We can get free, have the charges dropped,” Anna said, although her voice cracked at the end. She didn’t really believe it herself.
“Oh no, they have us and they will keep us,” the woman at the other end said. She had an accent, slightly Caribbean. “I’ve dealt with this type before. I know.”
Anna turned away and said, “So, we just lie back and be fucked?”
“My name is Nicole,” said the woman at the end. “And now I am a slave, just like you. I took my chances and, fuck, it didn’t work out. I had a good run though.”
Anna looked at her. The young redhead next to Anna was watching at Nicole as well.
“I’m Danica,” the redhead said. She indicated the one between her and Nicole. “Her name is Melissa.”
Melissa heard her name and sobbed.
“My friend over here,” Anna said, “Is Jane. I’m Anna.”
“Now we are Chain 16. So... I guess we can all be friends, right?” Nicole laughed.
There was silence for a few minutes. Then Nicole talked. She kept her voice low, there was very little emotion, as she told her story.
Nicole had been born on the island of Trinidad, north of Venezuela. She had just turned 26. Nicole spoke briefly of her childhood. She had done well in school, she said, despite a well earned reputation for hard partying. She had been on track for a nice college education in Europe or the United States when she took another path. After her parents died she spent her time in the clubs of Port-of-Spain, until she met a very rich, very hot guy who took her to Los Angeles. Nicole enjoyed being his consort, and didn’t really care how he got his money. But she wanted more, and by the time her boyfriend was killed at the orders of another drug lord, she had made some connections of her own.
“They are only supposed to make slaves of those found guilty of some crime,” Nicole said. “Well, I’m guilty.”
She had taken a job as a courier. A fast car with hidden compartments took her from the west coast to the east and back again, delivering large sums of money to be laundered. The advantages of having an attractive female driver were many, not the least of which was being able to avoid speeding tickets with a quick road side blow job.
Twice she had been caught by cops who then took her in despite the offers she made. Her car was checked and the thick wads of cash found and removed. Each time she had been arrested by local police and on both those occasions they decided not to report the details up the chain of command.
“The law is clear,” the first police chief had said. “You can spend the rest of your life in prison or you can select an alternative sentencing model and save the taxpayers a lot of money.”
Nicole had smiled at him. She had already stripped for him and the other three deputies, slowly and seductively taking off her short dress, letting it slip to the floor. She never wore a bra. Her hands had moved down over her breasts, squeezing them, presenting them to the men as she licked her lips, before moving he hands down her body to her panties and very slowly sliding them down.
“Oh, I want to help the taxpayers, officer,” she said, standing there, naked, with her light brown skin, and dark, erect nipples.
Of course there was no formal hearing, no official papers, and they kept her locked up at night in a small cell in a storage room away from the main holding cell. During the day she was allowed to wander the station, always naked, and always willing to slide her lips over an erect cock or to bend over a desk and let a hard shaft slam up into her wet pussy.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Nicole told the other women. “As these things go. None of those guys were totally repulsive and since they had never fucked black pussy before it didn’t take a hell of a lot of get them off. I fucked and sucked my way through two weeks. Then they let me go.”
She’d been given her car back, but not the drug money. No matter, that was a part of doing business. She went right back to driving across the country in her sports car moving vast sums from one coast to the other, fucking random highway cops and making up for her financial losses very quickly.
The second time she was arrested was on a long stretch of highway outside a moderately sized town in Arizona or New Mexico, she wasn’t sure. They made her the same offer, prison or sex, and she gave them the same answer. She knew there would be more this time, at least two dozen men had seen her naked, and all would be allowed privileges.
“Those bastards were so anal they had me fucking on some kind of schedule,” Nicole said with more than a trace of bitterness.
This time she had been kept in one of the main cells of the town's jail. Other women passed in and out of the jail, some of them for a few days, others for only a few hours. All of them were young and attractive which made Nicole apprehensive. This was not some bunch of small town cops out for a quick fuck, these people were dealing with sex slaves.
Nicole’s day was tightly regimented. Up at 6 AM and give a half-hour to shower and clean and have something for breakfast. At 6:30 she was driven from the jail to the town hall, always with her hands and feet in shackles. By 6:45 she was taken to a small room and the shackles removed. The driver then had a few minutes to play with her, but by 7 she was on her back serving her first customer. Some of the men were cops, others lawyers or court workers. She would fuck four or five, one after another, and then be given another half hour to clean up and each lunch before being sent back to the room.
“That wasn’t so bad. Some were disgusting, but there were a couple I would have fucked back in LA.” Nicole laughed as she told her story. “Two of the women always came in at 3:30. They took turns. I guess they liked to watch. After dinner. Well. That was different.”
At 5 PM, on the dot, she was taken back to the jail and given time to eat and get ready. She didn’t like what happened each evening. They took her to one of the larger holding cells and tied her wrists together, hanging a thin rope to the ceiling. Other ropes around her ankles were attached to rings in the floor, pulling her legs apart. She was given a large red ball gag and made to wait, knowing that the ones would use her next liked to see a woman struggle in pain.
One man liked to flog her, he snapped off a dozen strokes every day, hard across her ass. She had squirmed and struggled, at first playing it up and hoping to get him off, but soon writhing from genuine pain. He would have flogged her more, he said, or used a whip, lashing her over and over, but the orders were to not damage her body too much. He lashed her for her daily dozen and then always took the narrow handle, dripped a few drops of lube on the end and then shoved it up into her cunt, letting it slowly twist around and around.
Another man liked ice. He would bring in buckets of it. He never spoke to her, simple put on gloves and took ice cubes and pressed them against her. He especially like to do that to her nipples. The cold ice quickly turned into an intense burning sensation. Nicole had struggled and pleaded as best she could, but, the gag was very large. He would relent before causing damage, and then let the ice glide over her body, always ending around her ass, with water flowing down her ass crack and legs until he pushed in hard, shoving a sliver of melting cold ice up her ass. She begged every time, but it only made it worse. The ice man only came to use her every few days, but that was more than enough.
Yet another like glass dildoes, which wasn’t as bad. He would slide them into her cunt, up and down, over and over as he watched her, being careful never to touch her clit. She didn't want to react, but every time she became desperate, it felt good, and she wanted to get free so she could rub her clit. That never happened, of course, she remained tied. She tried to fake an orgasm, hoping to end this frustrating use of her pussy, but he was never fooled. He slid the glass shaft in and out until she came hard.
And there was a woman, a female cop with deep green eyes, who would walk into the cell and take off her own clothes. She would snap tight clover clamps to Nicole’s dark nipples, each with small gold chains connected to a second set. The women would snap those to her own nipples and step back, stretching the chains, forcing the clamps even tighter. Nicole always tried to scream, but the cop, who had to be suffering just as much, would just shift her hips, gyrating, enjoying the mutual pain.
Every third day two men came in who only spoke Russian. They had always started by releasing her ankles, slapping her ass and yelling some warning she didn’t understand. It hardly mattered as they always left her wrists bound to the rope from the ceiling. One of the pair would then move behind and take hold of her, lifting her up, and letting his cock impale her ass. The second would step in front and fuck her pussy. They double fucked her, jabbering away in Russian, forcing her to hold tightly to the chains above her. The two Russians took their time, it seemed to be a contest to them who could last longer, and one different days they would switch position. When they were through with her, Nicole was left to dangle until a deputy came in and her ankles were tied once more.
The evening shift went on until after midnight. Then they took her down and back to her cell, giving her a few hours of sleep before morning roll call.
That went on for two weeks.
“I thought they were going to keep me, the assholes, they never told me anything,” Nicole said to Anna and the others. “Then it changed.”
One morning they just let her sleep late. Nicole didn’t notice until she woke up and it was almost 11 and she was still in her cell. They was given more time to wash and eat, after they finally came for her, taking her to city hall. She was naked but not in shackles when they took her upstairs and lead her into a nicely furnished, elegant room. The sign on the door said that this was the magistrate. She’d never seen him before.
The magistrate looked her over briefly and said, “You’ve been given high marks by the staff. They have enjoyed your stay here.”
“Um, sure... can I go now? I’d like my clothes back. I want my car back too.”
The magistrate laughed. “I want you to stick around for the next session first. Is that something you’ll do for me?”
She nodded. He wasn’t really asking her.
A cop had lead her into an empty courtroom and to the magistrate’s high desk. She followed his instructions and crawled under and waited. Twenty minutes later she could hear people coming into the courtroom and at last the magistrate himself entered and sat down. He let one leg press against her, but otherwise ignored her for almost an hour. Nicole wasn’t sure what to do, so she just waited, crouched down on her knees under his desk.
Then he pressed his legs hard against her, and it was clear what he wanted. His cock was poking up against his judicial robe. She opened it, slightly, making sure that as seen from the courtroom nothing would be noticed. Nicole saw his throbbing cock and kissed along the head, letting her tongue make his shaft wet before moving her head up and opening her mouth wide. His cock slid in and deep as she began to bob her head. She was soon making small gagging sounds, it was impossible not to, but he didn’t have her stop. Instead, he spoke to lawyers, and was clearly listening to whatever was going on in the court room. All while she sucked his cock. Nicole had pressed herself close, letting her hands cup his balls until, at last, he came and hot seed was flowing down her throat. She had lapped it all up and barely noticed as he banged his gavel.
That happened again, a half hour later, and then an hour after that. Finally Nicole had realized there was a connection, that each time his cock rose to be sucked he was presiding over a case involving a young woman. The third time the woman yelled, pleading, begging, as the magistrate pronounced her guilty of something and sentenced her to three years as a sex slave. The woman then wailed loudly, and the magistrate increased that to four years and then to five years.
As Nicole spoke, Melissa, chained to her right, cried even more.
“I thought that was it, sucking off that judge and then I was out of there.” Nicole said, looking down at Melissa with no emotion.
They had waited until the courtroom was empty before bringing Nicole out. Dried cum was down her chin and over the top of her dark breasts, but no one had done anything to clean her. They slapped handcuffs on her, keeping her arms behind her back, and took her to the magistrate’s office, where the judge was talking to another man.
“It was Laing, the same fucker who had us collared,” Nicole said.
Nicole had realized at once who he was. She could just tell by the way Laing leaned against a book case and looked her over, evaluating and pricing her. The magistrate had made a joke, but Nicole wasn’t listening, she squirmed and tried to run. Two guards, women, dressed in white leather, grabbed her and held her tight. Their outfit was one used in slave training facilities, including the one they were now in.
“I want 20%,” the magistrate had said to Laing. “I’ll accept nothing less.”
“I can offer a bonus, right now, of $25,000, and 15% of her final sale price.”
The magistrate had looked at Nicole, he frowned and then smiled. “Make it 30 grand and we have a deal.”
“Sold,” Laing had said, shaking his hand.
“And that was it.” Nicole said. “They put me in a van and brought me here. That was yesterday. Now I am a slave forever.” She looked over at Anna. “Just like you are and just like your little blonde friend.”
Anna didn’t reply. She dropped to her back, watching the ceiling, waiting for the training to begin.
Part 3 (added: 06/02/2009)
The two guards, both women, came for Chain 16 a few hours later. The five naked women had been expecting it, fearing it, but there was nothing they could do. All meekly stood up as ordered. One of the guards snapped a leash to Jane’s collar and pulled. She followed along, the chain from her collar yanking Anna forward, her chain pulling Danica and then Melissa and, at the other end, Nicole. The five slaves, chained collar to collar, were taken down a corridor to an small open room. They were lined against one end, under bright lights, and ordered to stand with their hands behind their backs.
Laing was there, dressed in an expensive suit. He leaned back against the wall and flipped through an open manila folder.
“Hello ladies,” he said with a smirk. “I hope you’re all getting to know each other.”
“Yes, Master,” Jane mumbled softly.
“Excellent, Jane,” Laing stepped over to her and ran his hand down the petite blonde’s cheek. “You know the ones who owned you a year or so ago were fools to let you go.”
“Yes, Master,” Jane said quietly, her cheeks burning red. She kept her hands behind her back and looked down.
Laing stepped back in front of them all, his eye shifting back and forth across their naked, exposed bodies. “I see you have started to talk. We encourage that sort of bonding. No pun intended.” Laing laughed. “It is important that you know the other members of your Chain. Remember, a mistake made by one means punishment for all. Is that clear, slaves?”
“Yes, Master” the five women mumbled with different degrees of enthusiasm.
“Now, let’s see,” he looked at his folder for a moment, “Jane, you are 22. Young, but not quite the youngest here.”
“Yes, Master,” Jane said quietly, standing at the far left. Jane was 5’ 2” with a petite body, perky breasts, and long blonde hair. Her pussy had been smooth when she had been brought into the facility, and they had been keeping it that way. Jane was breathing hard, but staying very still, looking down at the floor.
“Anna,” Laing said as he moved to Jane’s left. “You’re 23. Not much older than your little blonde friend. You are quite intelligent, a trait that has gotten up into trouble before. I suggest you use that brain to adjust your attitude”
“Yes, Master,” Anna said, barely concealing the contempt in her voice. Anna was 5’ 5” with modest breasts and a curvaceous figure, although she was by no means fat. She had a single dark on her pussy.
Laing moved to Anna’s left. “Danica. Your best qualities are your extremely interesting breasts. Oh yes, very interesting. You are also the youngest, did you know that? Only 19 and already a sex slave.”
Danica nodded and struggled to say, “Yes, Master.” Danica was an inch shorter than Anna, with medium length red hair and very large natural breasts. Like Jane, her pussy was smooth. Danica’s eyes were wide with fear, and she barely lifted her head, but she still tried to force a tiny smile for the man who controlled her fate.
“Melissa,” Laing said, moving to Danica’s left. “You’re 23, only a month older than Anna. The interesting thing about you is the fact that you have spent years around sex slaves and yet, you seemed so surprised when a collar was bolted around your neck. Why is that?”
“I, um, I don’t know, please, I don’t know, Master” Melissa said, her voice cracking, tears flowing down her cheeks. Melissa was 5’ 5” with long dark hair and plentiful breasts, though she was not as amply endowed as Danica. Her pussy was a triangular patch. Melissa looked up at Laing and around the room, desperate for the whole situation to just vanish in a puff of smoke and be revealed as some dark, terrible dream.
“And the very lovely Nicole,” Laing said, moving to Melissa’s left, to the woman at the end of the Chain. Laing moved his hands along her breasts, slowly touching her as his fingers curved in towards her nipples. “You finally ran out of luck, slave. I see from the the field reports that you are a fuck toy of the highest caliber. I look forward to using you."
“Thank you, Master,” Nicole said, trying hard to speak with no emotion.
“You knew the risks you were taking and still you kept driving too fast and in a car that was an obvious target.” Laing leaned in and stage whispered, “I think that deep down you wanted to be enslaved.”
She shook her head. “No... no, Master.”
Nicole was 5’ 7”, with light black skin from her mixed race heritage. Her breasts were just the right size for her curves and long legs. Her pussy hair had been trimmed into a small heart, a pattern that the facility groomers were maintaining. Nicole looked up casually, trying to show no reaction, but not quite succeeding. She was as terrified as the others.
Laing idly ran his hand over Nicole's body for a moment and then stepped back to the center of the room. He motioned to one of the guards who turned on lights for the rest of the room. There were five small metal stands, each with a vertical component and horizontal attachment, not unlike a microphone stand, except they were much lower to the ground. And, instead of a microphone each held an 8” rubber cock, thick and detailed. Small mats were placed in front of each setup.
“You all know how to suck cock. This exercise is to train you to obey. You will each kneel in front of one machine and you will suck. These are more than mere fake dicks, slaves, each one includes a variety of sensors to measure how deep you shove them into your mouth and how well you suck. It’s an expensive setup, but well worth it for slaves as valuable as you.”
Laing nodded again. The guards pulled the five women forward and pushed them to their knees. Their arms were yanked in front of them and placed in shackles connected to the base of each machine. The five slaves looked ahead at the rubber cocks lying close to their mouths.
“Now, if you fail to suck well enough then a little alarm will go off. When that happens each of you will be given one lash across the back. Remember that, a mistake by one means punishment for all. All you need to do is to suck well for half an hour and then it’s back to your cell for the rest of the afternoon. So, that sounds very easy, now doesn't it?” Laing paused. “Oh. One more detail. If any one of you removes your mouth from the cock without explicit permission then timer gets reset. Now... begin.”
The slaves hesitated and then put their mouths against the rubber cocks. Jane pushed the cock deep in her mouth and began to bob back and forth, while the others were more tentative, only taking in the tips. Four buzzers sounded, one in each of their machines.
“You can do better than that, sluts. Not get to work. I want you to suck!” Laing yelled. “Four lashes each.”
The women, all of them, pressed the cocks deeper into their mouths, moving back and forth. Melissa began to gag almost at once, and struggled to keep it in her mouth. One of the guard stepped behind Nicole with a heavy flogger. She swung hard and let it slash across the black woman’s back. Nicole flinched but kept the cock in her mouth. The flogger snapped across her back again and again, causing Nicole to squeal with pain. But she didn’t let the cock move from her mouth.
Melissa began to panic as the guard moved behind her. She hesitated and the buzzer of her machine went off.
“Finish the four and then give them another,” Laing said.
The guard swung the flogger around and lets the heavy tails slash across Melissa’s back. She screamed, her mouth filled with the rubber cock, as she struggled to keep sucking. Melissa tried to contort her body away, but it was impossible, and the second and third and then fourth lashes spread fire throughout her body.
Danica tried to keep her eyes on the guard, her panic rising as the fourth lash fell on Melissa. She tried to suck with more force, her large breasts swaying back and forth as she worked the machine. The guard waited a few seconds before lashing the young slave. Danica began to plead as she waited, her voice muffled by the cock in her mouth. The first lash of the flogger snapped across her back, causing her to wince. Her mouth opened to scream and she almost let the cock slip out. Instead the buzzer in front of her sounded.
“Finish the four and then give them two.”
Danica tried to suck faster, her eyes closed as she waited for the second lash. It burned across her back, and was quickly followed by a third and fourth.
Anna kept her eyes opened and looked straight ahead, trying to think of nothing, trying to ignore the large fake cock in her mouth and the guard who was stepping behind her. She felt her heart stop for a moment and then felt the heavy tails as they snapped across her back. The pain blurred her vision but she kept sucking. There was nothing else she could do but endure. The second and third lashes seemed easier, but the fourth burned like acid across her skin. Anna kept trying to look straight ahead as she sucked.
Jane’s eyes were wide with fear and resignation. She barely flinched as the flogger snapped across her back the first and second time. Then she sobbed, but never wavering in her sucking. The flogger snapped across her back again, with pain slashing through her body. The fourth lash burned and shook, but when it was over she relaxed, sucking even harder, with more force, knowing that this would allow them all to rest.
The guard lashed Jane again, the surprise was worse than the pain. She had expected more lashes, but the guard would first go back and start at the other end, right? Jane cried out and arched her back, the rubber cock slipping out of her mouth. The buzzer in front of her machine went off, and a second alarm activated as well.
“Oh. You were doing so well, slaves.” Laing walked over. “Keep sucking. Reset the clock. That will be two more lashes for Jane and three for the others. Continue.”
Jane tried to glance over to Anna, mortified at her error, but Anna simply sucked without pause. Farther down, though, Melissa cried loudly, her voice muffled by the rubber cock. Jane slipped her mouth back over the machine and tried to tense her body. The guard brought the flogger down twice in rapid succession, the pain merging into one burning ache.
Anna was next with three more lashes, then Danica, Melissa and Nicole. Before the guard reached the end, Melissa had panicked and hesitated, setting off a buzzer but keeping her mouth on the cock. Another lash was give to each.
Tears were streaming down each of their cheeks, a mixture of fear and raw pain, as the five continued to suck, sliding their heads back and forth, their lips around the shaft, their tongues sliding up under. Laing walked around and watched, commenting from time to time on their bodies. It was obvious his own flesh-and-blood cock was rock hard under his pants. He circled them twice as the minutes wore on, until he stopped behind Danica. Laing crouched down and leaned over, his hands reaching around to grip on Danica’s swinging breasts as she bobbed her head back and forth. The young woman began to panic but continued to suck.
“I like these tits, slave. You’re going to do quite well at auction.” He gripped harder on her soft flesh, his fingers pressing in, cupping the ends of her breasts tightly as he leaned in against her.
Suddenly he stood up. He reached forward and snapped a switch on the cock machine in front of Danica.
“The rest of you keep sucking. Guards, cut this slut out of the chain.”
They nodded and moved to Danica, quickly releasing the locks that held chains from her collar to Melissa on one side and Anna on the other. They pulled Danica from the machine and to her. The others kept sucking as Laing dragged Danica by the hair and pushed her against a desk, forcing her to bend over.
“You’re one fuckable slut,” Laing said as he unzipped his pants.
“Thank you, Master,” Danica mumbled. Her breasts were pressed against the top of the desk as she held her hands out in front of her to grip the edge. She kept her ass up and spread her legs as Laing pressed his hand against her pussy. He played with her folds, squeezing her delicate flesh and then slid two fingers into her cunt. He moved them back and forth quickly causing Danica’s body to react. Her cunt become slippery. Laing pulled his hand back and spanked the young slave’s ass, hard. Danica cried out at the sudden pain.
Melissa, tears flowing, was startled at the noise. She hesitated and the buzzer in front of her machine went off. Anna growled and swore, or tried to, and the buzzer in front of her unit went off.
“Very good. Two lashes. Start with the blonde slut. I like her.” Laing said as he placed his cock against Danica’s pussy. “That’s just the right kind of music for fucking a slave, isn’t that right Danica?”
“Yes.... yes, Master,” Danica said, bracing herself on the desk.
Laing slid his cock slowly into her as the first lash fell on Jane. He pressed his cock in deep and began to fuck as the guard lashed Jane a second time and then brought a fast backswing down on Anna. Laing pounded Danica as Anna flinched and the guard slowly walked to Melissa. Melissa shrieked, causing her buzzer to sound once more. Laing laughed and pounded Danica with more force, pushing her against the heavy desk. The guard lashed Melissa twice, as she tried to melt away and keep sucking on the machine, but she slipped once more and the buzzer sounded again.
“Four to the lovely Nicole,” Laing said as his hips slapped hard against Danica’s ass. “Oh shit, oh yes, this pussy feels good.”
The flogger swung down on Nicole again and again in rapid succession, the four lashes melting into one long dagger of pain. But Nicole kept her mouth on the machine, sucking, forcing her head back and forth. And then the other guard threw water on her. It was warm and would have felt good except for the iodine that had been mixed into it. Nicole’s body twisted as the liquid burned across her back. Her head arched back as she screamed and the cock slipped out her mouth. Anna heard the alarm and yelled, causing her own buzzer to go off.
Laing laughed, still pounding Danica hard. He slapped her ass and fucked her harder, and his cock was deep inside her as he came.
“You’re one fuckable slut, slave.” He said, still moving his cock back and forth slowly inside her.
“Thank you... Master,” Danica said weakly.
Laing slapped her ass and stepped back, pulling up his pants.
“Put this one back in the chain. Restart the clock. They deserve two lashes but, because I am such a very nice guy, I will waive those.” Laing walked back over to looked at the four kneeling women as Danica was dragged back over, pushed down, and the chains reattached to her collar. “Get your mouths back on those cocks, slaves, before I change my mind!”
The five women complied, their bodies covered with sweat, their backs raw and striped. The guards threw the disinfectant and water on the others, causing them to squirm and scream. But they kept their mouths on the rubber cocks, sucking and working them.
The training continued for almost an hour before they were allowed to pull their painfully strained mouths from the machines. Their entire bodies ached, the pain on their backs causing them to groan and cry out as they were forced to their feet.
The five slaves of Chain 16 were lead back to their cell.
Part 4 (added: 06/14/2009)
The five women were cleaned and fed and then taken back to their cell. They sat with their backs against the wall, the chains connecting their collars forcing them to move together. They didn't speak, at first, their mouths sore from the machine. Despite the dull ache in their backs, they rested prone, looking up at the bleak ceiling.
"You'll do fucking better or Laing won't be the only one after your sorry ass," Anna said to Melissa, after a few moments of silence.
"I'm..." Melissa couldn't answer. She just looked down and held her arms tight around her breasts.
Danica, chained between them, tried to shift back farther, without success.
"Oh leave her alone," Nicole snapped. The black woman was on Melissa's left, at one end of Chain 16.
"It doesn't matter," said Jane from the opposite end of the Chain. "They'll torture us no matter what."
"We're going to get out here," Anna said, defiantly. "Our friends and family are looking for us. The charges against us are bogus, they'll get lawyers, and get us out." Anna glared at Nicole. "Most of us."
Nicole caught that last reference, anger welling up. But she forced a smile. "If the rest of you can regain your freedom, I would be happy. I'd be happier if I got out, though."
Anna looked away and then nodded grimly. "Okay, we can't fight. I'm sorry Melissa. But, just try harder."
Melissa nodded. "She's right. Jane is. They'll always have excuses to torture us. I've seen it before."
"Have you been enslaved before?" Danica asked.
"No. But, I've seen slaves. I used to work..." Melissa looked down for a moment and then at Nicole. "You said you were sucking off a judge and you hear someone scream in the courtroom."
Nicole nodded.
"That was me. I wasn't a slave. I worked for an importer. I should have known what they really wanted me for."
Nicole said, "I've met those people, the dealers and traders, they're a fucking hard bunch. I can't really see you in with them. Well, other than being a slave."
"I was in the office, usually, it was like a regular office. I mean, there were more slaves than most, but every big company had slaves at work these days. It would have been weird if they didn't have slaves around."
The others listened to Melissa as she told her story.
Melissa had been born to a well to do family, with a live-in slave maid. There never seemed to be anything unusual or strange about that, most families in her neighborhood had a slave for light cleaning and heavy sex. Not everything was out in the open, though, and it was only after her 20th birthday that she was told about a park in a nearby wooded retreat where slaves were displayed on weekends in the summer. Melissa could remember going to the slave park on a lazy June afternoon, having a nice picnic lunch with her college boyfriend, and watching Pony Girl cart races and then the whipping of the losers. He had been a nice guy, and always made sure to take a Pony Girl behind a tent if he wanted to fuck her, unlike other men who would take a slave in front of their wives and girlfriends. That was so rude.
Anna laughed as Melissa told that. But she quickly apologized, still stifling a smirk, and told Melissa to keep talking.
Melissa had been an adequate student, and, she admitted, it was mainly her family connections that got her accepted into law school. Her plan was to specialize in international slave contract law, a growing field with the spread of Alternative Sentencing laws across the globe. It had been suggested, however, somewhat strongly, that she spend a few months as an intern at a slave importer before attending to gain some real world experience. Her family connections helped again, and she was given an internship as an assistant clerking agent for Cove & Langston, a large firm specializing in the import and export of sex slaves. Melissa has found herself an apartment in LA. The work itself was tedious, but not that difficult.
The office environment had not much different from any other big company. Slaves were used to get coffee and snacks, which they were required to hold while kneeling next to the one they were serving, but they were forbidden to do even the most menial office work. That wasn't out of kindness, but to make sure the work was being done despite the presence of naked women kneeling in alcoves waiting to be called. It was one thing to use a slave for a quick blow job, but if they started doing PowerPoint presentations their focus on serving the sexual needs of their owners would suffer. Straight out fucking had also been forbidden during business hours, although that was relaxed during lunch. Oral sex, however, was encouraged. That was one of the main reasons so many slaves were available at Cove & Langston; spending the morning reviewing cases files, including reports on sexual behavior, with detailed statements, ample photographs and explicit videos invariable led to more than a few distracting erections. A few moments spent letting a slave suck was needed or else no one would get any work done.
Melissa had been given a cubical with her back to one of the walls lined with small slave alcoves. Each of the alcoves had room for one slave to kneel comfortably or two to be tightly restrained in less comfort. Generally half the alcoves had been empty at any given time as their occupants were taken to make coffee or to open their mouths for a cock or to lick a wet pussy. The constant beeping of the call buttons, as well as the occasional muffle of a struggling, restrained woman in a ball gag was distracting but Melissa had managed to do her job of double checking standard import certifications and sales documents.
Melissa's department was larger than she had expected; 30 men and 15 women spread across one floor of a down town building with two dozen sex slaves. Most of the slaves were Japanese, although there were also women who had been imported from Korea, China and the Philippines.
One slave in particular was stored in an alcove almost directly behind Melissa's desk. That one was easily visible in the reflection on Melissa's computer screen, and sometimes she would spend ten or fifteen minutes pretending to work but really watching the slave. That slave was used almost daily, but was not the most popular of the dozen slaves permanently assigned to the department, so she was often kneeling in her alcove. Melissa had otherwise ignored the slaves for the first two weeks, more out of habit than anything else, but then, one afternoon, she turned her chair around and looked at the women behind her.
"Come here slave," Melissa had ordered.
"Yes, Mistress," the slave replied as she stood up. She had walked a few steps and then dropped to her knees. The slave was small, only five feet tall, and slender, but with a body Melissa had found very attractive. The slave was Vietnamese, with long dark black hair and a smoothly shaved pussy.
"What is your name?"
"Holly, Mistress."
That wasn't her birth name, of course, the import company had changed it and Cove & Langston had not seen any reason to change it back. Melissa had never bothered to check to see what her birth name was. She liked the name Holly. She had found, though, that the slave had been working the floor for only a few weeks, having arrived just a few days before Melissa began work.
"It sounds like your little slut handled being slave a lot better than you," Anna sneered as Melissa told that part of the story. Melissa nodded, and continued.
At first Melissa had just used Holly to go for coffee. The slave would return and kneel, holding the cup in the air. A few of the men liked to keep the slaves in that pose, forcing them to hold the cup for hours, but Melissa was not cruel. She wouldn't stop in the middle of an e-mail to her friends, of course, but usually with five or ten minutes she would take the coffee from the slave and set it on her desk. Because she had always been taught to be polite, Melissa made sure to say "good slave" before ordering Holly back to her alcove.
Ten days later a major contract was in the works and the department head, Reynolds, had ordered a meeting with the sales leads. Fifteen men and five women went into the conference room, bringing six slaves. Melissa was also told to come to the meeting and she sat on a chair against the wall.
"This is an important client," Reynolds had said, eventually, after spending time bantering and joking with the senior staff. "Castleton Training Supply is going to need a lot of stock for their demonstrations. They estimate as many as a dozen slaves could be rendered unfit for high-level service after a major trade show. If this contract goes through we'll be the exclusive seller of demo slaves, and have first option on the remainders. Janet and Robert have done an excellent job at lining up potential customers for the damaged slaves."
"What exactly does their trainer do?" someone had asked. "Or can't you tell us."
Reynolds had pointed to one of the doors. They opened and a cylindrical shaped cage was rolled into the conference room. The bottom half-meter was sealed metal and connected to a hand-held control pad. The walls were glass, with thin chains hanging from the sealed metal top.
Reynolds had then looked at Melissa. "We need a slut to test this one."
Melissa had not read anything into that but a simple request. "Would you like me to get a slave, Mr. Reynolds."
He'd smiled and nodded. Immediately outside of the conference room was a slave who had been bound into a hogtie early that morning and left against the wall. Melissa didn't want to take the time to release the slave, and, she had a better idea. Holly was still in her alcove. The Vietnamese slave had nodded when Melissa spoke to her, and followed without any hesitation.
Melissa sat down as Reynolds walked over and grabbed Holly by the hair. The cylindrical cage wall was now open, one half of the glass rotated around. Reynolds pushed the slave towards it and she obeyed, climbing inside.
Holly looked terrified but nodded and complied when Reynolds ordered her to lift her hands up. The thin chains twisted around and found her wrists, snapping shut. There was some discussion of the sophisticated tracking lasers and servo motors used in the system, supposedly capable of subduing even the most uncooperative sex slave. Melissa had trouble following the technical details, she just watched Holly as she was lifted off her feet and suspended inside the cylinder, and the glass wall rotated around to seal her in.
Reynolds had worked the controls, although there were a few glitches typical of any demonstration. A pair of metal probes appeared from both the top and bottom of the cylinder. They twisted and bent and small, flat leads at the end of each came into contact with Holly's body. The slave had screamed, although all that was heard in the conference room was a faint muffle. The people around the table were all impressed the quality of the sound dampening system as the probes inside the cage shifted around and pressed against one spot on the slaves body, then moved to touch another and then another. Holly struggled and screamed, begging and pleading as the others watched and discussed the contract.
Melissa had never considered herself a lesbian, although she had played with the maids a few times while home on break from college. But everyone did that, and she knew that a few times having her pussy licked, or, for that matter inspecting a slave cunt with her own tongue, didn't make her a lezzy.
But Melissa had just watched Holly squirm and writhe, her eyes unable to move away from the small, thin body of the Vietnamese slave. Breasts, thighs, ass and pussy; all came to the attention of the sharp electric shocks as Reynolds adjusted the controls. Melissa tore her gaze away long enough to see that the five other slaves who had been brought into the room were at work under the table. Clearly those four men and one woman were equally stimulated by Holly's plight, Melissa had realized, but they were at least getting some relief.
"If this system always monitors their heart rate and all that," someone had asked. "How does it damage them? It looks like a slut could stay in there for hours without damage."
"At this level, yes," Reynolds had said. "They are higher settings. At the tradeshows they also bring along the branding module and the water torture extension, both of which are still engineering prototypes, so the company didn't send us one. But, those can cause enough damage to knock a slave down a few tiers in quality. This model here is just for a quick look, so I encourage all the sales people, and anyone else interested to bring in a slave and test it. We have it for two days."
The meeting went on for a half hour longer, as Holly struggled inside the cylindrical cage at the front of the room. When it was over Reynolds had quickly turned off the machine and pulled the slave out, then asked Melissa to take her.
Holly was shaking, her teeth chattering and her eyes wide with fear and panic. She obeyed, but seemed to have trouble walking. Melissa did not order her into her alcove, though. She had told the slave to kneel under her desk.
"Please..." Holly had said, her face now streaked with tears. But she quickly nodded and added, "Yes, Mistress."
Melissa paused as she told her story, "I didn't even think..." she said to the others of Chain 16. "I didn't care what she thought, she was just... just a slave."
"It's a bit late to learn that lesson," Anna snapped.
"It doesn't matter," Jane said, on Anna's right. "They would have taken you anyway, no matter what you did. No matter what any of us did."
Melissa quietly continued to talk. She told of how she had lifted her legs up and slid her panties down. She had been wearing a short skirt, of course, every woman in company wore an outfit like that. She'd just sat back in her chair, the skirt hiked up and her ass on the edge, and waited. Holly had been well trained. Even though she was still shaking from the torture cylinder she knew what to do. The slave had leaned forward, her tongue out, searching for pussy.
Melissa had closed her eyes, resting her hands on the Holly's head, letting the slave work at her cunt, licking and sucking on her clit. Melissa had moved her head slowly from side to side as the pleasure grew within her and she began to moan. With a start she suddenly realized where she was, in the middle of an office, and tried kept her purrs of pleasure at a lower volume as Holly had licked her to orgasm. And then again. And again. Melissa then dismissed the slave and went back to work.
"I used her every other day, or more," Melissa said, looking from Nichole to Danica and Anna and Jane. "I liked it. I thought she liked it too. I was always nice to her, I told her she was a 'good slave' and only had her whipped twice. I even told her... I... I told her that I would try to buy her when my internship was up. I thought she would be happy to hear that, but..." Melissa's voice cracked. "She didn't do anything except say 'yes, mistress'." Melissa sobbed.
"You didn't think," Nicole said said. "I've seen that before, people falling for slaves. It never worked out. In the end a slave is a slave. Now I am. Fuck."
"I was always nice to Holly!"
Anna snorted, Danica and Jane laughed.
"That bastard, Reynolds?" Nicole said. "He knew what he doing. He knew how to handle slaves, it sounds like, a lot more than you did. Probably gave her rewards, little ones, and then fucked and flogged her. Your little sweetheart had a case of Stockholm Syndrome."
"It doesn't matter now," Anna said.
"It didn't matter then," Melissa said, as she wiped her face.
Two weeks after the demo Reynolds had called her into his office. It had been a professional meeting, without any chit chat. He had asked how she was doing and listened carefully as Melissa talked about her work making sure standard clauses in slave sale contracts were correct. There was quite a variety depending on the specifics of what the seller specified for the slave's training and physical features, disclosure of any medical issues, and, for the more expensive pleasure slaves, details on the buyback period if the buyer was dissatisfied.
"The lawyers and clerks do check these," Reynolds had told her. "But a fresh set of eyes doesn't hurt."
Then he had sent her back to her desk. The next day he wanted to speak to her again, Melissa had gone into his office, not concerned about anything other than hoping he would write her a nice recommendation.
"Melissa, stand over there, please. Very good. Now take off your clothes."
Melissa had walked to the designated spot. She hesitated, but, it wasn't as if others in the office had never seen her pussy and ass, a number of people had walked past her cubicle while she had been using Holly. Melissa had just nodded and taken off her clothes. She turned around slowly as he directed.
"This firm is very successful," Reynolds had said, as he sat back, looking at her as she stood naked, her arms at her sides. "Our tax liability is quite large, we of course, make every opportunity to reduce the companies burden and maximize our profit."
"Yes, Mr. Reynolds. I understand." Melissa had said, having no idea why she needed to be naked to listen to this.
"Cove & Langston is committed to finding the best tax reduction opportunities. Legally, of course." Reynolds hadn't waited for a response. He sat up and picked up his phone. "Send him in."
The door opened and a man wearing a very expensive suit walked in. He was holding a leash and yanked, dragging Holly inside before he closed the door. Holly stumbled, but caught herself and then went to her knees.
"Melissa, this is Samuel Laing, of the South West Regional Slave Training Authority." Reynolds had said as he stood up. He'd walked around the desk, brushing his hand through Holly's hair. The slave looked up and him, and Melissa felt a stab of jealousy when she saw her cracking a thin smile.
"Hello, Mr. Laing," Melissa said, now extremely self-conscious about her nakedness.
"I didn't want him to think I was a slave," Melissa said, as she told her story. Then she stifled a laugh. "Of course, I had already been sold."
"I wanted to be the one to tell you, Melissa," Reynolds had said. "Your favorite slave Holly is being given over to him, the cost being measured against our local, regional and federal tax burden."
His eyes, as well as Laing's had shifted down along Melissa's body, much more blatantly than before. Melissa had felt self-conscious, but she was more upset about Holly being sold than anything else.
"I have seen how well you do with her," Laing had said.
"Thank you. I'm not sure I understand."
"Replays from the security cameras," Reynolds then added. "Mr. Laing has made Cove & Langston a generous offer if he can have such a well matched pair of sex slaves."
"What?" Melissa had still not comprehended what he was saying.
"We are selling you and Holly to him, as a set. I want to express my gratitude, from the management and board of directors of Cove & Langston, for your assistance in reducing our tax burden for this financial year."
Melissa had just looked at them, her mouth open in total incomprehension. Neither said anything more. Reynolds reached down and caressed Holly's breasts, but, like Laing, he kept his eyes on Melissa.
"You can't! You can't sell me!" Melissa had said, over and over. "I haven't done anything! This isn't right! This isn't legal."
"Oh, don't worry your pretty ass over that," Laing had said.
"The 3rd Regional Court?" Reynolds then asked as he pulled Holly to her feet and unsnapped the leash on her collar.
"Yes. The Magistrate is dedicated to the principles behind the Alternative Sentencing Act. But, still, I trust you have some documentation we can present to the court?"
"Indeed. It turns out that pretty Melissa here has been altering slave contracts. Why? We can't be sure, perhaps she is being bribed by some outside contractor."
"I only did what you told me!"
"They tricked you, hun," Nicole said to Melissa in the cell.
"Yes." Melissa looked at the dark beauty chained to her left. "I think so. I don't know. I just wrote suggestions for changes based on what they told me!"
"The moment you set foot in their office they were going to take you, I've seen these people operate. Fuck, my ex-boyfriend used to do that all time."
"Even Holly lied. I thought she liked me," Melissa said quietly as she continued.
Reynolds had taken out a harness gag and two pairs of cuffs. He handed them to Holly and ordered her to subdue Melissa. The Vietnamese slave had nodded, smiling broadly, the first time Melissa had ever seen her with that expression. Holly was smaller than Melissa, but she had charged full force, knocking her down and pulling her arms behind her back. Melissa had been in shock, she had never been in a physical fight in her life, and tried to resist without much effect. Holly snapped one set of cuffs to her wrists, then pulled her arms tight, snapping a second pair, with a 20 centimeter chain, just above each elbow.
The reality of what was happening had hit Melissa like a brick wall. All the years of being around beautiful female slaves, never expecting, in her wildest imagination, that such a thing would ever happen to her. Those slaves were all serious criminals, they had all been tried in court and found guilty of these crimes. Melissa had never wondered if the charges had been faked, even after hearing countless men joke about that very topic over and over.
Holly had sat on Melissa's back, pinning her down, and then pulled hard on her hair. She shoved the ball gag into her mouth, pulling the straps back and snapping them shut. The strap around her chin was especially tight, pressing her jaw against the ball gag. Holly had then stood up, pulling Melissa to her feet by her hair.
"Very good," Laing said, looking at Holly. "That one could become a guard. She's small but tough."
"That's up to you. You have full ownership rights now, as per the agreement we signed. Now, if you will excuse me, Mr. Laing, I need to go to a meeting. I am sure you will enjoy these new slaves."
There was an eyebolt connected to the ball gag, and Laing had walked out and causally attached the leash to it as he talked with Reynolds. Laing then tested it with a yank, pulling Melissa forward, causing her to stumble and almost trip. She wasn't used to walking with her arms pained restrained behind her.
"They took me to a van and we went someplace, Arizona maybe, it was a long trip and I was blindfolded," Melissa said to Nicole. "They took me to that court you were in. I could tell the judge was being sucked. I think everyone knew. They didn't care, some lawyer talked about all the shit they made up. Then they, did something, I can't remember what it's called. I didn't even get a lawyer! I thought that would save me. And everything they said was a lie!"
"Yeah, I heard you," Nicole said. "That bastard's cock just got harder when he was listening to you scream."
"It's an Emergency Tribunal," Anna added. "I didn't even get that much, thanks to that asshole, Laing. Not that it really matters. They say those are only for the most dangerous criminals but everyone knows they're just kangaroo courts to enslave women and pretend it's all legal."
"I didn't know!" Melissa protested.
"Where's Holly?" Danica asked.
"Holly?" Melissa looked at the young, large breasted slave chained to her immediate right. "Laing took her. He said I needed training, and they brought me here and put on this... collar. But, Holly. I don't know. I don't know what happened to her!"
"I do."
The five women looked outside their cell, as they heard the voice. Walking into view from the shadows was a guard, dressed in white leather, a skirt and tight blouse with knee high white boots. The guard was very short, with long dark hair, and Asian features. She held a shock baton.
"Holly!" Melissa cried out with surprise and happiness.
Holly sneered, looking down at Melissa and the four other women, all naked and lying back in their cell, their collars connected with meter long steel chains.
"You're going to lick my cunt, you stupid slut, and then I'm going to shock your tits and have you lick my ass clean," Holly said to Melissa, her voice dripping with contempt and anger.
"Oh.... but, I... Yes, Mistress," Melissa said, quietly, as Holly opened the cell door.
Part 5 (added: 06/30/2009)
Melissa was brought back to Chain 16 an hour later. Holly had taken Melissa from her place between Danica and Nicole, and dragged her out of the cell. The other women could only watch silently as Melissa begged her former slave not to hurt her. Holly barely even spoke to Melissa, slapping her twice to quiet her. When the hour was up and Melissa was returned, her legs were shaking and red marks covered her ass and thighs.
Two other guards followed Holly. Like the Vietnamese woman they were dressed in white leather, with short skirts and boots. One of them ordered the four other slaves of Chain 16 to stand as Holly dragged Melissa back to her place and reattached the chains from her collar to Danica and Nicole. Holly patted Melissa on the ass and left as one of the guards snapped a leash on Jane's called. She pulled hard. Jane followed along, with Anna and Danica, Melissa and Nicole following, all attached, collar to collar, by chains.
The naked slaves were taken through the maze of hallways until they reached a larger room. Two other sets of five women were already lined up along a white tape placed on the floor. Jane shuffled over next to one, and the rest of Chain 16 followed. There were four guards in the room with them, all women dressed in white leather. Standing in the back was a man. For once it was not Laing.
"Ah, shit," Anna muttered.
Hank stepped forward and ignored the other fourteen naked slaves and looked right at Anna.
"Glad to see you remember me, bitch." Hank slurred his words. He was obviously drunk.
Anna could hardly forget. This was the man who had dragged her from her car, sedated her, bound her and pushed her into the truck with its cargo of slaves. It had been dumb luck that she had gotten lost that night, and Anna couldn't help feeling resentful towards Jane. Anna had been taking her home and the petite blonde had been no help along the back roads.
Hank walked up to Anna and shoved his hand in her face, two fingers pressed into her mouth. He leaned in and said, "You going to bite me again, you fucking slut? You just try it." Hank's breath was tinged with alcohol.
Anna tried not to wretch. She had no regrets about biting Hank on that night. It had happened just a few days earlier. It seemed so long ago. Anna knew there would come a time when she would suffer, and suffer hard, for that act of defiance.
Anna nodded and mumbled, "No master." She sucked on his fingers.
"It's recreation time, slut. My recreation time, and we're going to have fun."
Hank pulled his hand out of her mouth. He walked down to the first set of five chained women.
"Chain 14. You're going to the studio. You're going to have your picture taken, one by one and in groups. I expect you'll all have smiles on and tits out, right?"
"Yes, Master," the five women said in unison.
"This is for your sales catalog. You're all going on the block in a few days. Now get these slaves the fuck out of here."
One of the guard, snapped a leash on the slave at one end of Chain 14 and they were taken from the room.
Hank had picked up a clipboard. He looked at a few pages and then walked down along the five women of Chain 15. He reached out and grabbed the nipple of a brunette with large, natural breasts.
"Oww, please, Master," she shrieked.
"You've been slowing down your chain, Brianna. You going to start learning how to behave?"
"Yes, yes, Master."
"Take these sluts out," Hank ordered. "Have this bitch bound and leave her in a room with the other four."
Brianna shrieked as Chain 15 was lead away.
Hank walked down Chain 16. He stood between Anna and Jane, reaching down and slapping one hand between Jane's legs and the other between Anna's. He squeezed both hands, pressing hard on their cunts.
"You thought I'd forgotten about you, didn't you sluts?" He roared. "But I remember. I've been saving my hard earned vacation time for this. I have recreational privileges and I'm choosing Chain 16 as my toy." He stepped back and barked at the two remaining guards. "Get these sluts to the rec room!"
The guards dragged the five women down a hall into another room larger than most in the complex. Scattered along the sides of the room were ropes and long metal chains hanging from the ceilings and walls, racks of whips and floggers and crops, spanking benches and a St. Andrews cross, as well as a heavy bed in the middle. The four bed posts each held a pair of chains and shackles.
The guards unsnapped and removed the chains linking the collars of the naked women. They snapped at their asses with the small electric prods they carried on their belts. With short yelps, the five slaves huddled near the middle the bed in the middle of the room as the guards stepped back by the door.
Hank walked in, teetering slightly and with a wide grin of expectation. "You do as I say and I'll certify you compliant with this rec period. You don't do as I say and I'll see to it that you all spend the next twelve hours as targets for whipping practices. Is that clear sluts?"
"Yes, Master," they all said.
Melissa began to sob, slowly she was coming out of the trance that she had been in after her experiences with Holly. Anna took a deep breath, and looked at the others, knowing, as they did, that Hank was going to take out his frustrations on them because of her.
Hank pulled off his shirt, he was a large man, and not muscular. The sight was less than appealing.
"On the bed, slut," He ordered as she pointed at Anna. "Lie back, arms out and legs wide."
Anna was shaking more than she wanted to, but she did as she was told. She slipped on top of the thin blanket which had been put over the mattress and pushed her hands and legs out into a spread eagle. She tried to prepare herself for the coming pain, expecting to be chained down and whipped. There was no point in resisting, that would only make it worse for all of them.
"You and you," Frank now pointed at Nicole and Melissa. "Get on the bed, on each side, kneel down and spread you legs. Shimmy over so that fucking slut can reach out and grab those hot cunts."
Melissa hesitated, but Nicole pushed her along. Melissa fell to her knees on one side of the bed as Nicole did the same on the other. Both women spread their legs, put their arms behind their back and wiggled into position. Anna looked at both briefly, as they moved closer to her outstretched hands. The she reached up and put her left hand against Melissa's pussy and her right up against Nicole's.
"I want to see fingers in cunts, slut!" Hank roared.
Anna took a deep breath and then pressed one finger of each hand up into Melissa and Nicole, she moved her hands up and down mechanically, letting the fingers slip and slide. Neither woman was wet, and even though Anna tried to minimize her motions, they cringed at the intrusion into their bodies. But, understanding that they had to obey, neither protested or moved from their kneeling position.
Hank walked up behind Jane. He yanked the petite blonde back, hard, his hand on her breasts, pulling in hard. "I want you to kneel on her face. I want to see her tongue in your cunt."
"Yes, Master," Jane said, quietly, as he pushed her forward. She crawled onto the bed and moved up over Anna. She looked down, feeling very sorry, and then shifted so that her pussy was over Anna's mouth. Anna closed her eyes but opened her mouth and pushed he tongue up, holding it there against her friend's slit, hoping that would be enough.
"You're a fucking hot one," Hank said to Danica, the last of Chain 16 still standing in front of the bed.
"Thank you, Master," the young, ample breasted woman replied fearfully.
Hank had his pants down, his cock was primed, fully erect. He glared at Danica who knew what to do. She knelt down, slowly placing her mouth over the tip of his cock. Hank grabbed her head and pushed her in deeper, holding her face close to him, making it hard for her to breath. Danica struggled to keep her hands from leaping up to push him away, she tried to calm herself and breath, as best she could, through her nose.
"I want those sluts flogged!" Hank roared.
The guards stepped forward. They each took one of the heavy floggers and moved to both sides of the bed.
"Hands on heads, both of you," the first guard yelled.
Nicole complied at once, Melissa followed suit as tears slid down her cheeks. The first guard swung hard, the tails of her flogger cutting across the back of Nicole. The dark, Trinidadian beauty cried out and struggled to stay in position. The second guard's flogger burned across Melissa's back a moment later. Melissa yelled, more in panic than pain, and had to put her hand down to keep from falling forward. She quickly regained her balance and brought her hands back to her head.
The guards then swung together, the floggers landing on the backs of the two kneeling slaves. Jane, who held her cunt over Anna's mouth, looked back and forth, her eyes wide with fear. Melissa and Nicole grunted with each blow, and after the fourth lash Melissa looked ready to fall over. Then the guards paused and stood back.
Hank was looking flushed, as Danica continued to suck, moving her head back and forth, her cheeked pulled in as she worked on his cock. He could barely say anything and just pointed towards the blonde Jane.
The guards looked at each other and smiles. The two women leans over the bed. Jane looked back, on each side, the panic rising. One swung the flogger against Jane. The blonde slave yelped and fell forward, and even before she could get back into position the second added a lash. Back and forth the guards alternated until Jane had taken a brutal four lashes from each.
"Please... ahhh... oww.... please, Mistress," Jane shouted as the last lash hit. She was holding herself in position, barely, and twice had fallen forward onto Anna's face. Jane instantly regretted her outburst, but to her surprise the guards stopped.
Anna kept moving her tongue against Jane's cunt, trying hard to kept in contact as Jane struggled and writhed under the flogging. The guards could easily check to make sure she wasn't faking it, so she leaned forward and lathered herself on her friend's pussy as loudly and openly as possible. She kept her hands moving, up and down, although her muscles were starting to protest. Melissa and Nicole were now wet, their bodies responding to the intrusion of Anna's fingers despite their terror and shame at being used for this display.
On the floor in front of the bed, Danica kept her mouth open and worked to make sure her teeth did not slide against Hank's cock. Other than that, Danica didn't resist, letting him move her head back and forth as he fucked her mouth. Hank was losing himself in Danica's mouth, he was breathing rapidly, his face redder. He began to sway as he moaned.
The guards walked next to each other and whispered. They looked at Hank and then casually walked over to a rack and put their floggers away. Hank didn't notice.
The first guard suddenly unbuttoned her white top and pulled it off, the second guard laughed and did the same. The two bare breasted women slide down to the bottom of the bed and ran their hands along Anna's thighs.
Anna shifted, pulling her legs up instinctively, and then forcing herself to relax, as she felt the cold hands of the two guards moving closer to her pussy. Anna concentrated on all of her tasks, she redoubled her efforts with her hands, pushing two fingers up and down into the wet cunts of Melissa and Nicole, and she moved her tongue less noisily and with better aim along Jane's slit. The blonde held herself above Anna's head and was clearly reacting more and more strongly to the feeling of tongue on her pussy.
The first guard sat up and reached over to play with Nicole's breasts. The second guard laughed and reached for her own, squeezing and pressing them and leaning over as if she were going to have Melissa suck on them. Melissa looked in horror as the topless guard came closer. Nicole had put her hands behind her back, but Melissa didn't dare move them from her head.
The first guard tweaked Nicole's nipples and then let go. The guard moved down on her hands and knees and began to kiss along Anna's upper thigh, moving closer towards her cunt. Anna shook and braced herself. She had had more than her share of men down there with tongues and dildoes, fingers and cocks, but never a woman. The first guard shifted herself so that she was between Anna's legs. She ran her hands up both of Anna's thighs and then leaned in, pressing her lips to Anna's mound, then slipping down and probing her cunt with a hot tongue.
The second guard had climbed off the bed and taken off her skirt and thin panties. Other than her boots she was naked. The guard leaned against Melissa, pulling her hands down from her head and forcing her to reach back. The second guard shifted herself, but refused to let Melissa move away from Anna's fingers, and pushed Melissa's hands into her own cunt.
Hank noticed none of this. He finally grunted and moaned louder as his cock burst inside Danica. The young slave flinched, but kept her mouth tightly over his shaft as she tasted the hot cum in her mouth,
"Not so fast, slut, you're going suck me dry," Hank said, holding Danica's head tightly. He pushed and pulled her head back and forth, as the slurping noise got louder and dribbles of cum flowed out of the young slave's mouth, forming white, sticky lines between their bodies.
"Ah fucking shit," Hank said happily. He pushed Danica away and then staggered backwards. He looked for a chair, but didn't seem to realize that he had not taken his pants off. He dropped down with a loud smack and landed against the padded surface of a bondage rack. Leaning against it, he slumped and was soon snoring.
Danica wiped her mouth and looked around. She wasn't sure what to do. The first guard was lying between Anna's legs. Melissa and Nicole were kneeling over Anna's outstretched hands, moving their bodies to make sure Anna was able to slip and slide fingers up into each of them. Jane was moving her hips faster, feeling Anna's tongue in her cunt as she knelt over Anna's face.
Danica cringed as the the second guard as she pushed herself away from Melissa and walked towards her. The guard stepped in front of Danica and pressed her back, forcing her to arch her back and put her hands behind her to keep from falling down. The guard placed her pussy into Danica's mouth and ordered her to lick.
Danica began to move her tongue back and forth, her eyes looking up, in fear, as the guard held herself in position.
Jane began to moan and then the second guard began to moan. Danica could feel as the guard's body began to quiver with pleasure. Danica pushed her face into the guards cunt, licking and licking, trying to push the guard to orgasm quickly, and more importantly, hoping to do anything to avoid punishment.
Jane, her body being tormented by Anna's tongue, began to moan louder.
"Oh, god, oh god," Jane began to chant, in a low voice.
Anna looked up at Jane in shock as she began to arch her back, and put her hands on her own breasts as her pussy was stimulated more. Jane shuddered into a small orgasm and then looked down, as if by way of apology, but not moving out of position, not because she had been told to allow this as much as because of the great pleasure she felt.
Anna felt herself reacting as the first guard moved along her pussy, licking and sucking, probing her, and then sliding her tongue around and around her clit. She was enjoying the feeling, to some extent, but it was impossible to escape the humiliation of being naked and forced to service Melissa and Nicole and Jane. Anna wasn't sure how to respond to Jane's enjoyment of her attentions, but she didn't dare stop licking.
In the background the drunken Hank was snoring.
The second guard shrieked out in pleasure and then pushed Danica away. She tapped her finger on the young slave's face before walking back to her clothes and quickly got dressed. The first guard rolled back, and wiped her mouth, smiling broadly, then slipped off the bed as well and put on her top.
Both guards leaned and giggled, acting for a moment like twenty year old women out on the town than sex slaves who were cruel enough to act as guards for other slaves. They were clearly giggling about Hank and then left.
Other than Hank, who hardly mattered, the five slaves of Chain 16 were alone in the room.
Danica lay curled on the floor, not daring to move. The other four women were unsure what to do and continued as they had been ordered. Then, at last, after a few minutes Nicole, shifted from her position and moved off the bed. Suddenly Nicole dropped her own hand to her clit and rubbed, fast and efficiently, bringing herself a sudden relief.
Jane moved off Anna and then, slowly, Melissa did as well. Anna sat up, breathing hard. She knew she was lucky that Hank had collapsed. The next time she saw him she was not going to be as fortunate. Hank had promised her a whipping and a fuck, and eventually he was going to want to collect.
Danica moved to the bed, she sat next to the others, all of them frightened as they looked at each other, unsure of what to do. None of them, not even Anna, made any move for the door. They were deep inside the training facility and even if they could somehow manage to get to the surface, find clothes and a vehicle and then slip past the main gate, they would be listed as escaped slaves and tracked by law enforcement and bounty hunters.
"He said I would like being a fuck toy," Danica said, speaking louder than a whisper to be heard over Hank's snoring.
"Don't listen to that fucking bastard," Nicole said, indicating Hank. "They always tell shit like that."
"I mean. My boyfriend." Danica looked up, slowly, and brushed some of her red hair from her face. "He was the one who told me I wanted to be a slave."
"They like to tell us we want this," Jane said, barely audible over the snoring.
"Is that how you ended up here?" Anna asked, after a pause.
Danica looked at each of the other women as they sat on the bed and then nodded. She began to tell her story.